Becoming a Dad

Junior Quest

Heechul entered the hospital running like he never had before. He almost crashed with the elevator gates, a nurse scolded him but he didn't care. He was in a hurry. 


Heechul's heart stopped when he found his babysitter crying in the waiting room of pediatrics. 


"T-Teuk? " Heechul couldn't speak properly. He felt his heart blocking his throat. 


"D-d-dong--h-hae... he was feeling unwell so I brought him but... his condition was too bad... I didn't realized before ... I'm so sorry! So sorry!" Leeteuk cried loudly 


"It's ok, it's ok, it wasn't your fault... Where is my... my boy?" Heechul's world was breaking apart 


"I faked your signature" Leeteuk wiped his tears away 


"Cool. That's why we are friends. Now, the kid?" 


"They won't let me see him. Apparently the surgery its over but... they still won't let me see him" Leeteuk closed his eyes. He feared the worst.


A doctor called for the kid's guardian. Heechul widened his eyes and dragged Leeteuk with him. He relaxed when the doctor smiled to him.


"Everything is going to be ok. He is a good boy" 


"Thanks, thank you, thank you so much!! " Heechul started tearing 


Leeteuk cried again. He was so thankful that everything went well. 


"Your kid is going to be fine. He just need some rest. We removed the hernia he had since it became dangerous for him" The doctor explained 


"You mean the hernia he was born with right? I... I thought it would disappear when he grew up... I.." Heechul sighed. His head was aching. 


"Usually that kind of hernia would disappear but in this case the hernia turned dangerous for the boy before closing itself. Don't worry, your boy will recover from this quickly and he will be jumping on the bed again in a few days" 


"Oh no, that's not going to happen. I don't let them do that" Heechul relaxed a bit 


"You should go inside. He probably wants to see his daddy as soon as he wakes up" 


Leeteuk widened his eyes. He heard the D word and Heechul only nodded. 


"He called you--" 


"I know. But right now you are his 'uncle' remember?" Heechul giggled


"Oh right " Leeteuk had forgot. He was the one that signed for the surgery.  


"So, it doesn't matter. I'm really thankful towards you" Heechul smiled to Leeteuk with that sweet smile he barely used to other people than his nephews 


"I hope he is ok" Leeteuk worried since Donghae was still sleeping


"Uhm? Daddy?" Donghae started to woke up. Heechul felt guilty since the boy may had listened that his daddy was there when it wasn't. 


"I'm here for you. You are going to be ok" Heechul Donghae's head 


Heechul knew that the next few days it would be hell as he had a just out of surgery boy now. He didn't care. He was so scared before... 


"Ukwee" Donghae yawned. The boy smiled sweetly when seeing Heechul but his smiled faded after trying to move. The kid cried when he realized it hurt to move. 


Heechul's prediction couldn't be more accurate. The next days it was any parent's nightmare. Donghae, as any other ill kid, got fussy and it seemed to be irritated all the time. Heechul seriously didn't know what was worse: if it was when Donghae was still in the hospital and he had to sleep there or when he returned to the mansion but the kid still had to rest. 


"C'mon, give me a break" Heechul felt like crying when he heard Donghae crying again. It had been a week since he got the surgery and the kid couldn't wait to start playing hard like before. 


"No! No!! No!" Donghae kicked the bed when his uncle tried to console him 


"I know it's hard, buddy. I know you want to play with your brothers but you need to rest--" 


"No sweep!" Donghae cried. The boy was tired of sleeping. He was bored. 


"No sleep, I get it" Heechul sighed. He was so tired... taking care of a fussy toddler was never easy. 


"Uncle~" another cute voice called for him 


"Ah... Sungmin" Heechul couldn't avoid smiling. His cute kid was dancing around with that funny look he had when ... 


"uhm? That's a funny dance~ are you dancing because you are happy ?" Heechul tried to carry the boy but instead Sungmin just tried to drag him to another place 


"What's going on? Hey, we can't leave your brother here alone" 


"Brother?" Sungmin repeated cutely 


"Good!! Now you can say two words!" Heechul praised 


Sungmin started pulling Heechul's shirt again. 


"What could you want...? What do you need?" Heechul tried to think. Sungmin wasn't stubborn at all so insisting non stop wasn't normal. 


"Uncle..." Sungmin pouted anxiously 


Heechul gave up. He was sure he had seen that behavior before but he couldn't guess what the boy wanted. He just carried Donghae and let Sungmin drag him along to the place he wanted. 


"Bathroom?... Oh, wanna use potty?" Heechul hurried. He now understood it. 


Sungmin's cute reaction after he peed made Heechul laugh. He found everything about his kids really amazing and unique. Sungmin was too cute for being a boy, Kangin was a complete rascal, Kyuhyun a very funny baby. All of them had different faces, different reactions... 


"Feels nice right? I know Leeteuk says I shouldn't praise you like this but you are such a good boy! Awww you are so happy!" Heechul chirped as Sungmin reaction to his praise was more cute actions 


Heechul was so immersed seeing Sungmin that he had forgotten he was carrying Donghae until the kid kicked him with anger. 


"Dowwww'!!" Donghae tried to reach the floor with his short legs 


"Down? Wanna go down? You can't run, your tummy will hurt if you do it" Heechul warned 


As soon as Donghae's feet touched the floor the boy tried to run. He got caught by his babysitter. 


"Nooooo!! Dow'!! Go dowwww!" Donghae fought on Leeteuk's arms 


"He is being fussy today uhm?" Leeteuk giggled 


"Sometimes I feel like I want to return him to the hospital" Heechul teased 


Sungmin made a sad expression. He seemed about to cry. 


"Ow Ow, it was a joke! I won't send him back, I promise" Heechul hurried to calm the frightened boy 


"They missed Hae so much... they had a hard time before" Leeteuk felt Sungmin's worries of being separated again 


"It's been hard for all of us, but it has to be this way. I feel like I haven't seen my other kids in a while" Heechul observed the cute kid pressing his face to his uncle's chest 


"Donghae takes too much of your time because sick kids tend to get clingy and fussy. It's normal" Leeteuk rocked the unhappy boy he was holding. He giggled seeing that the boy's pain killers were making him sleepy again. 


"Last night when I put them to bed I heard Eunhyuk wanting to have a surgery so I would pay him attention. That kid is seriously too observant for being so young" Heechul teased 


"All of Siwonnie's classmates learned to say 'inguinal hernia'. I bet he told the whole daycare his brother had a surgery" Leeteuk laughed 


Sungmin was busy trying to pull out a button from Heechul's shirt. He seemed fascinated by the round thing. 


"You know, maybe you should take some spare time to play with the others while I take care of Donghae. Don't worry he is falling asleep so he won't notice you are not here" Leeteuk winked 


"Can I take one of your helpers with me?" Heechul asked playfully 


"Sure" Leeteuk rolled his eyes. He and Heechul became closer after the incident. Now they even teased each other like if they were family. 


"I will take the kids to the park" Heechul informed while getting ready. Sungmin was still trying to figure a way of taking off Heechul's button. He got upset when his uncle placed him inside the stroller next to Eunhyuk. 


"Just for a moment, Minnie" Heechul kissed the cute kid to make him happy. It worked. 


"Pawk! Pawk!" Ryeowook clapped excited as he got inside the stroller with his plushie 


"Mine" Kyuhyun pulled the toy from the other side 


"Nuuuuh! Mine!" Ryeowook fought back 


"Here is yours Kyunnie" Heechul gave another doll to the younger twin before the fight turned bad 


"Mine!" Kyuhyun hugged the cute doll 


Ryeowook started his thumb again. Fight was over. Peace returned. 


"You boys seriously need to stop fighting over everything" Heechul laughed. The triplets competed against each other and so did the twins. If he was paying too much attention to one of them, the other will get annoyed. Heechul found cute that childish behavior but more than once, he had troubles because of it. 


"Wee wee" Eunhyuk squirmed on his seat right after Heechul opened the mansion's door. 


"Ok..." Heechul returned. He got inside again and took Eunhyuk to the toilet. He sat him again on the stroller but minutes later when heading to the park the toddlers were asking for the potty again. Leeteuk had already warned him that as they made progress, the kids turned more afraid of wetting themselves. 


"Just wait a little, uncle will take you to the toilet as soon as it's possible" 


"Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!" Sungmin cried while trying to take off the belt of the stroller 


Eunhyuk just cried. The boy was too angry because Heechul wouldn't unfasten his belt. 


"Almost there" Heechul was getting nervous. He didnt care if the kids wet their diapers but the boys seemed to be frustrated just with the thought of wetting themselves. He didn't want to ruin their short trip to the park. 


Heechul heard Ryeowook and Kyuhyun crying when he left them with his helper. He was running at full speed holding two crying toddlers that were desperate to pee. 


"Ok, here we are, here here, here" Heechul's heart beat fast. He didn't expect too much adrenaline just for someone's else pee. He locked the restroom's door and hurried to pull down his children pants. He almost cursed out loud when none of the boys peed more than two droplets. 


"That's all? I can't believe it" Heechul tried to laugh out of frustration. At least his boys seemed pleased for 'peeing' in the potty. 


"Tell uncle if you need to go again~" Heechul tried to convince himself potty training was always hell but he needed to endure it so he could get rid of diapers. 


"Ung~~" both toddlers chirped 


"Such good kids" Heechul praised 


Even if he had to return to the restroom at least ten times more, Heechul enjoyed the time with the kids at the park. They only returned after the sky turned cloudy and it felt like it was about to rain. 


"Oh oh!" Eunhyuk pointed at the dark sky 


"Oh oh! It's going to rain!" Heechul played along. The two older kids walked holding hands with him while the uncle pushed the twins's stroller. 


Ryeowook cried when he heard the wind. Heechul was about to console him when he noticed that the baby stopped crying... he was holding hands with Kyuhyun. 


"Twin mine" Kyuhyun frowned when Eunhyuk tried to hold Ryeowook's hand too 


"My twin" Heechul corrected 


"Mine" Kyuhyun glared at the two triplets 


"Minnie is mine!" Eunhyuk rushed to hug his confused brother 


"Brother~" Sungmin said pleased 


Heechul laughed. Apparently, the kids fought a lot but still they were always wanting to be with each other. He felt grateful towards that. 


"It's really nice to have brothers right?" 


"Just Minnie and Hae" Eunhyuk replied 


"Uhm? Don't you like your baby brothers?" 


"Smell like poop" Eunhyuk made a disgusted face 


Ryeowook pouted sadly. Kyuhyun didn't like the comment. 


"Till last week you also pooped your diaper" Heechul teased 


"Nuh uh" Eunhyuk denied all the accusations 


Sungmin laughed. He was in a good mood. Eunhyuk hid behind Heechul when he heard the thunder that came after seeing a flash. The twins started crying again. 


"Oh, it's going to rain, we need to hurry" Heechul felt that it was safer to secure the other kids on their strollers too. Eunhyuk complained a bit at first but he was too scared to keep fighting. 


With the help of his assistant, Heechul returned to the mansion without bigger troubles. He knew Donghae had woken up as he heard Leeteuk trying to calm down an angry kid. 


"Shhh shh, he will be back soon~~" Leeteuk chanted 


Donghae cried loudly. He was annoyed. 


"Here here" Heechul stretched his arms to the fussy toddler


"D-dadd--y!!" Donghae cried louder as he got hold by Heechul


"Uncle is here, uncle is here" Heechul repeated over and over again 


"Daddy" Donghae sobbed 


"Daddy?" Leeteuk was confused. At first he thought Donghae would just shout random names but now somehow... he felt it wasn't just like that. 


"Daddy, daddy, daddy" Donghae smiled sweetly with watery eyes. He had cried a lot since he woke up and noticed Heechul wasn't around. 


"I'm not 'daddy' " Heechul said sadly 


Donghae ignored his uncle's comment. He kept hugging and calling him Daddy. 


"Dada?" Ryeowook asked cutely from the floor 


"Dadaaa!!" Kyuhyun stretched his short arms to Heechul 


"What's going on? You guys know that I'm not 'daddy' " Heechul smiled half pleased and yet sad 


Leeteuk shook his head. He understood that Donghae had been acting weird because of the surgery he had not long ago but now the twins... were they imitating their brother? 


"Uncle can't carry all of you at the same time~ " Leeteuk tried to help Heechul with the four kids grabbing his legs 


"They are little cicadas " Heechul walked slowly to bed knowing that the children won't accept being apart from him again 


"Here. Let's sit here" Heechul sat on the big bed of the principal room. As he expected the kids tried to climb and lay next to him. Leeteuk had to help them since their short legs wouldn't be enough to climb. 


"All done. Peace" Heechul laid back with his eyes closed. He felt several children leaning on him. He only opened one eye to see his beloved kids enjoying the fact they were with him. 


"They are really attached to you" Leeteuk smiled pleased 


"Shhhhh, I'm hoping for them to fall asleep" Heechul whispered 


"Mine~" Kyuhyun cuddled 


"Bagel~" Ryeowook his thumb getting to sleep 


"My angels" Heechul said softly as he their hairs 


"Bagels~" Eunhyuk repeated cutely. He liked more the twins's version. 


Leeteuk observed in silence until he saw the last kid falling asleep. Heechul managed to get out without waking up the children. He felt like a ninja. 


"Crap" Heechul hissed seeing that Sungmin wasn't asleep. He thought the kid was already sleeping but he was now walking on his direction. 


"Let's have a nap before your noisy brothers come back ok?" Leeteuk tried 


Sungmin pointed at the confused Heechul. He didn't have to react when Sungmin suddenly ran and hugged him tightly. 


"I love you" Heechul pronounced every word in a funny way. The psychologist asked him once to do it in order to make the toddler speak and repeat words. 


"I love you~" Sungmin copied 


Leeteuk and Heechul exchanged proud looks but the next word that came out from Sungmin's mouth made their smiles fade. 




Heechul didn't know what to say. Sungmin barely spoke and now that he did... he just wanted him to shut up. He didn't know how to feel. 


"Papa!" Sungmin repeated happily while hugging Heechul's legs. His head only reached his uncle's waist with effort. 


"Sungmin? Ehm... he is your 'uncle' unnnnn cleeeeee~ remember? Uncle. Not 'papa' ... " Leeteuk held the kid up so he could have a better look at his uncle 


"Papa..." Sungmin shook his head and whined pointing at Heechul 


"He is going to cry" Heechul worried as he gestured Leeteuk to go out of the room. He didn't want to wake up the others.


"Minnie..." Leeteuk sighed when the kid whined loudly. He seemed to be struggling to get out of Leeteuk's arms. 


"Put him down, he is annoyed" Heechul said calmly. He cared more about the kid than avoiding a misunderstanding. 


Leeteuk did as instructed. Sungmin ran to the couch and returned holding a small storybook. 


"Papa!" Sungmin pointed at the picture of a rooster next to a nest 


"Yeah, that's a 'rooster' little chicks' 'papa' . We read that not long ago right?" Leeteuk taught the boy the farm animals but he never imagined Sungmin would use it against them that way 


Sungmin nodded. Then he pointed at Heechul again. 


"Minnie's papa" 


Heechul went pale. He tried to pretend and convince himself that the kids just confused the words but it seemed it was different. They really thought of him like their dad. He knew that eventually the younger ones wouldn't understand the difference since he was raising them and they would barely remember their parents but... Sungmin seemed to sure about it. He must had been missing something. 


"Nungggg!!" Sungmin whined when Leeteuk corrected him again


"Teuk" Heechul finally spoke 


Leeteuk and the short boy turned to see Heechul. 


"He is not wrong. I always call them my angels, my bagels... and I take care of them all the time. It's normal he thinks I'm his daddy. I just remembered I used to call him 'little chick' because of a yellow bodysuit he had" Heechul seemed relaxed. He spoke calmly and smiled to the boy. 


Sungmin asked to be carried again. Heechul agreed. 


"My papa" Sungmin cuddled on Heechul's arms 


"You used to be a chick but now with those teeth of yours, you look like a little bunny" Heechul teased 


Leeteuk wasnt convinced at all. He knew Heechul was probably right when he said that kids at that age were really interested about 'dads' and 'moms' since all storybooks, cartoons and people, had parents. Even if it hadn't been now, when they started daycare they would know that usually the person that cared about them was either 'mom' or 'dad'. 


Leeteuk observed the cute toddler. He was happy. Sungmin was happy. He was smiling and giggling in a good mood. Heechul was also in a good mood. 


Leeteuk still remembered when Heechul got upset when people confused him with the children's dad. 


(Maybe he just needed time to adjust to the idea of being called 'daddy') Leeteuk smiled sweetly 


"'Papa' is way easier than 'uncle' right? " Heechul joked 


"Ung~~" Sungmin agreed softly. He was getting sleepy since Heechul was pacing back and forth with him. 


"Need help?" Leeteuk whispered knowing that Heechul needed to work but couldn't with a sleeping toddler on arms 


"Yeah... you see that folder over there? Open it and help me sign all of the sheets inside" 


"Very funny. I was asking about the toddler" 


"I'm being serious. You already know how to fake my signature so what's the big deal? " Heechul giggled 


"I really prefer helping you to babysit the kids instead of sitting the whole day doing your homework. It's seems boring" 


"Sure. It's more fun to be peed on several times per day" Heechul teased 


"We are working on that" Leeteuk laughed 


Heechul made an amused expression and gave the sleeping boy to Leeteuk. 


"At this rate, kids will start calling you 'mama' " Heechul joked 


"What's the big deal? We are already married remember? " Leeteuk teased remembering how Heechul got angry at the old ladies that once mistook them as a gay couple


"At least I get to be the man" Heechul replied amused before going back to work. He was going to start signing tons of paper sheets when he realized his shirt was missing a button. 


"How weird" Heechul didn't care and kept going 


Leeteuk finished putting Sungmin to bed when he noticed the strange way the toddler had his fist. He opened it carefully only to see that the kid was holding a button. 


"I wonder if your daddy would like to know you took his button away" Leeteuk smiled and removed the tiny round thing from the toddler's hand not realizing he just referred to Heechul as the kid's 'daddy'. 



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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it