Help arrives! Someone save Heechul!

Junior Quest

"NOOO PLEASE DON’T GOO! WAITTTT!!" Heechul was begging the scared babysitter that ran away while he chased after her.

"She is gone" Siwon commented

"She was stupid" Kangin rolled his eyes annoyed by the fuss his uncle was making

"Uncle are you ok?" Yesung worried

"The sunlight..." Heechul said dreamy. He couldn't remember the last time he went out of the big mansion he owned

"Unkwee" a toddler climbed his back

Heechul's peaceful moment admiring the sunlight lasted one second. He heard the two younger kids crying in the living room.

"Coming! Don't cry... uncle... will... die..." Heechul was tired. He couldn't describe how hard the last month had been to him. He lost his brother, his sister in law and he didn't have time to recover properly.

"Oh... someone pooped... again" Heechul carried the first baby he saw and smelled his .

"He smells!" Siwon complained pointing at the other baby

"Of course, both of them pooped at the same time... why not? Why having 24 hours available would you poop at the same time?" Heechul started changing Kyuhyun's diaper with difficulties since the boy squirmed around

"Ewwww" Kangin and Siwon kept complaining about the dirty diaper

"Poop!" Eunhyuk pointed at the soiled diaper

"Yes, poop" Heechul replied still busy with task.

"Pee pee?" Donghae asked

"Maybe, I don't really know if he peed or not"

The toddlers giggled. They found amazing everything that had to do with the babies. Heechul thought it was cute but sometimes their curiosity ended in more work to the uncle.

"Now, Ryeokkie" Heechul placed the taller of the twins on the floor and held the other. Kyuhyun started to cry.

"Don't be jealous I just gave you attention!" Heechul started ing Ryeowook's bodysuit

"Kyu! Stop crying! You are making Wookie cry!"

Ryeowook was now crying too. He was irritated since he heard his twin crying.

"Cmon stop cry-- what the hell? " Heechul got shocked when he realized the diaper leaked. His hand was now covered with a soft yellowish thing that he intuited was poop.

" ... how come you barely eat and poop like this?" Heechul cleaned his hands with wet wipes and carried the baby to the restroom where he could listen to the other one crying loudly.

"All done... uncle is going to die, Wookie” Heechul returned to the living room where Kyuhyun was wailing on the floor

"Is everything alright?" An old woman asked

"Ah, Mrs. Jung... yes, yes everything is alright... he is just fine" Heechul replied while carrying both twins at the same time

"Really? I thought I heard a young boy cursing out loud" Mrs. Jung smiles widely

"Mrs. Jung! Uncle was saying bad words again!" Yesung accused

"You traitor! Are you changing sides now?" Heechul scoffed

"He said the 'S' word again" Siwon provided a little more of information

"I like when he says the one with 'F' " Kangin giggled

Heechul blushed. The kids had learned a lot of bad words thanks to him.

"Oh oh oh" Heechul had to place Kyuhyun down again when Ryeowook started crying. Kyuhyun started crying too despite being held by the old lady.

" This kid is really attached to you" the old lady laughed since Kyuhyun kept crying and stretching his arms to the busy uncle

"This one too... poor kid he looks in pain again" Heechul tried to console the crying baby he was holding

"He is fussy because he is feeling bad. All kids are like that" the old lady explained

" I know... but it still breaks my heart to see him like this"

"By the way, today is Thursday right? Didn't you forget something?" The old lady smiled

"Thursday, thursday, thurs--- !! Kids c’mon! We are going to be late!" Heechul hurried when he remembered that something called school existed.

"The F word!" Kangin chirped happily

"Where is my pencil? " Siwon asked

"I don't know. Go to the car" Heechul rushed the three boys that attended school still holding Ryeowook

"Are you going to take that one with you?" The old lady asked

"Mrs. Jung sorry... I know it’s not your work but... can you please look after those four while I am not here? I won't take more than two hours. I will take those to the school and this one to the hospital" Heechul explained

"Sure. The triplets love me" the old lady smiled at the three toddlers drawing on the floor

"Ukweeeeeee!!" Kyuhyun cried when he saw Heechul going out

The triplets cried too when they saw their brothers leaving.

Heechul took Siwon to the daycare and then went to the elementary school to drop Yesung. At least the kindergarten was next to the elementary school.

"Mr. Kim, can I speak to you for a moment?" One of Kangin's room teacher asked

"Now? I'm busy today..."

"You are busy all the time" the teacher pointed out

"Right. Is something wrong with the boy?" Heechul sat for a moment. He felt the whole world falling on his shoulders and it wasn't 9am yet.

"Kangin had been exhibiting wrong behaviors. He gets into fights, throw toys to his classmates, interrupts classes, doesn’t do his homework"

Heechul thought the teacher was next to finishing but instead she listed at least twenty more wrong behaviors.

"... and he knows a lot of bad words. Mr. Kim are you paying attention?" She half scolded him when Heechul dozed off for a moment

"Sorry, it's been a month since I slept properly" Heechul yawned.

"Mr. Kim, as a parent you may--"

"I'm not his father" Heechul replied coldly

"I understand I didn't want to... I'm so sorry for your lost"

"Me too" Heechul bowed and exited the preschool carrying Ryeowook

He was fastening Ryeowook's seat belt when he felt the baby's hand his hair carefully.

"Thanks. You are always here for me, buddy" Heechul kissed the baby

"Jeez... are you serious?" Heechul picked Siwon's water bottle from the car seat.

"Let's go back to the daycare, buddy" Heechul went inside his seat and started driving back to the daycare to deliver the water bottle.

Heechul successfully delivered the water bottle to the boy. He was getting back to his car when Ryeowook threw his plush to the floor.

"Ryeowookieeee..." Heechul exhaled loudly. A stranger lifted the toy.

"Here you go. What a cute baby you are" the stranger with tied hair gave the plush to the baby

"Thanks... he likes throwing that thing everywhere" Heechul smiled

"He must be around thirteen to fifteen months old. He is cute and a little small to his age"

Heechul widened his eyes. How could this stranger know Ryeowook's age just looking at him?

"You work here. That's why you know about kids" Heechul understood it quickly

"Actually, I wanted to work here but I didn't get the job. Apparently parents prefer women to be room teachers. It doesn't matter, I will find somethi---"

"Work for me. I will hire you as a full day babysitter for a week like a trial. I have eight kids and I really need help" Heechul was straightforward when it came to his request

"Ok" the boy that should be around his age agreed

"Didn't you hear? Full time... eight kids..." Heechul thought that the boy that seemed all relaxed didn't hear him well

"Yes, I did. It's ok" the boy smiled while taking Ryeowook from Heechul's arms. At first, the baby whined a bit but didn't cry.

"His tummy is bloated, his nose is runny and I bet he has a rash you don't know how to cure"

"Are you an encyclopedia? How come you know all about kids?!" Heechul was really shocked

"This kid may be allergic to complete milk. You should try giving him soy milk... that's why he doesn't grow up that fast and he is fussy sometimes. I bet he also burps loudly and has runny stools"

"Soy milk? I have been feeding him the normal one for over a month!! It's my fault! I thought that the special can was bad or something! I tried it and it tasted like !" Heechul explained in a rush

"It tastes salty compared to normal milk but some kids can't tolerate normal milk at first. Specially those born before time"

"Crap, you are amazing" Heechul admired

"No, you are. I saw you when you arrived with three more kids and how you returned to give your kid a water bottle he forgot. You are good Dad"

"I'm not their 'Dad' ... " Heechul sighed while Ryeowook started his sleeve

"It's ok even if you are not their dad. But the kids are still young and probably will think about you like a father instead of an uncle" the mysterious boy said

"Ehhh... do you think so? Now I'm scared... I don't know anything about kids" Heechul pouted a bit. Ryeowook found his uncle's expression funny and laughed; Heechul couldn't avoid playing with the kid.

"See? Babies often play like that with their care takers. Since the boy looks comfortable in your arms that means he likes you"

"I guess so. Ah! What's your name?" Heechul remembered that he still didn't know the stranger's name


"That's a weird one" Heechul giggled. Ryeowook was making bubbles with his saliva, he got annoyed when Heechul cleaned his mouth with a cloth.

"When can I start?" Leeteuk asked finding funny the baby's reaction.

"As soon as possible. If you want, you can come with me now and meet four more to see if you still think they are cute. My brother had one set of triplets and one set of twins... and they are not that separated in age" Heechul explained as he cleaned the baby's face again. Ryeowook was now his plush.

"I would love it!" Leeteuk smiled widely.

And so, Heechul returned to the mansion with a new babysitter and a whining baby that got angry when he pulled a wet plush out of his mouth.

Heechul was expecting the normal reaction people had when they looked at the big house they lived in. However, his new friend seemed to be more interested about the baby he was holding.

"It's weird..." Leeteuk murmured

"Uhm? Did you say something?"

"That baby... he knows how to walk right?" Leeteuk asked while they walked to the main door

"I don't know if you can call it ‘walk’ “Heechul demonstrated placing the boy on the floor once inside the mansion

Ryeowook stood and stretched his arms to Heechul. He whined when Heechul sat on the couch not making any effort to look at the baby.

"He is mad at me because I'm not carrying him" Heechul whispered to the babysitter

Ryeowook sat on the floor defeated. He stretched his arms to their direction and called.

"Ukweee" Ryeowook called cutely

"That's me. They can't barely speak and 'uncle' is still difficult for them" Heechul smiled

"Ukweeeeee! Ukweeeeeeeee~!" Ryeowook tried again

Heechul turned his face away.

"If I don't see him, he will come" Heechul said to Leeteuk

Against Heechul's prediction Ryeowook didn't move. He started calling another name.

"Wookieeee! Wookieeee!!!" The baby cried

"That's him, right? Why is he calling himself?" Leeteuk laughed

"He does that a lot. I think he learned from the triplets that like to speak in third person... I bet they do that because people confuse them" Heechul explained

Ryeowook gave up after a while and crawled to the couch with a sad face. He stood and held the edge of the cushions to help him balance; bad luck he grabbed a small cushion that couldn't take his weight. Lucky for him, Heechul held him before he fell.

Ryeowook cried scared. He only stopped when his uncle placed him on his lap.

"Spoiled kid" Heechul teased the baby

"Ung!" Ryeowook replied with character

Both adults laughed. The laughs stopped when a small toddler still half sleep appeared at the living room.

"That's why it was quiet here! It's nap time!" Heechul realized

"This must be one of the triplets" Leeteuk commented approaching the kid that went to sit next to Heechul.

"This friend here is Donghae. Donghae, go and say 'hi' to the new babysitter" Heechul ruffled the toddler's hair

Donghae cried when he saw Ryeowook sitting on Heechul's lap. Ryeowook was cheerful until Heechul switched the kids to console Donghae. When a third kid around Donghae's age appeared and cried too, Leeteuk became aware of the problem.

"And that one is Eunhyuk!" Heechul exclaimed worrying that Leeteuk may not hear him because of the noise

"Unkweeeee! Unkweeeee!" The kids cried

(What the... they are all a bit clingy... they also get jealous when their uncle holds another kid uhm? Now I know why Heechul is having a hard time) Leeteuk thought

When the old lady entered the room holding a baby crying that seemed to be around Ryeowook's age, Leeteuk couldn't help but laugh. Heechul now looked like an octopus with four kids hanging on his clothes.

"They are all incredibly attached to their uncle” Mrs. Jung laughed

"Poor boy, I can't imagine being in his situation" Leeteuk couldn't avoid laughing too

"Stop pulling my shirt! You all get time to play with me so don't cry!!" Heechul climbed the couch in a attempt to escape

"They are all good boys. Mr. Kim included too" Mrs. Jung whispered to Leeteuk

"I can tell you never get bored with this family" Leeteuk rushed to help Heechul with the crying kids.


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it