Grape twins

Junior Quest

Kyuhyun woke up abruptly. He was too young to know how to curse properly. But in his mind, he did. After all, there were better ways of waking up than wetting yourself. He couldn’t go back to sleep as he was really uncomfortable: not only he was wet, but also felt ashamed and guilty from the accident. 

Being potty trained for almost a year, he forgot how bad it felt to have a wet diaper. For a moment, he thought about going to his parents room and asking for a change. He discarded the idea feeling too ashamed to admit his accident. 

Mornings were busy for the family. It was the triplets first day of kindergarten and the adults woke up earlier to make sure everything was ready. The triplets who barely slept at night being excited, were still energetic as always. 

Kyuhyun found himself struggling to say the truth as everyone seemed busy. He didn’t want to interrupt their morning to say “hey, I peed myself. Again” . It’s not like he wanted to confess the accident… but he had to. His skin was starting to itch and he knew it wasn’t good. His pride had been so hurt lately… he wondered if he still had some dignity left.. 

“Kyu Kyu! You are awake!” - Heeyeon greeted him first - “Did you sleep well?”

He nodded and faked a smile. He didn’t want to worry her. He would ask nicely for a change and he was su—-

“MOMMY TODAY WE GO TO KINDER!” - Donghae was jumping around her

“MOMMY! MOMMY! HELP ME WEAR MY NEW UNIFORM!”  - Eunhyuk did a happy dance 

“Mama! Please do my hair today!” - Sungmin was holding the hairdryer- “Pleaaaaaaaaase” 

“Me too! Me too!” - Donghae raised his hand - “Brush my hair and make it cool!”

Kyuhyun sulked. Nope. She was out of reach for the moment. Either he tried later or searched for another adult. 

Ah, his uncle was free. He wouldn’t say a thing about his accident, right? 

“SURPRISEEEE!” - Kangin was going to kill Leeteuk of a heart attack one of these days - “How do I look?”

“Oh honey” - Leeteuk was still coughing after choking with his coffee - “You look amazing” 

“Uncle, watch this” - Siwon was showing Leeteuk his new watch - “starting today I’m a first grader. Dad gifted it to me for getting into elementary school” 

Kyuhyun sighed. He was sad Leeteuk wasn’t going to help him either and he was a bit envious of Siwon’s watch. 

“Kyuuuuunniiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee” - Heechul was tickling him - “Good morning, baby! What are you doing up so early? You don’t have daycare today!”

Kyuhyun flinched when Heechul tried to tickle him again. He wasn’t in the mood for that. He needed to confess right away in order to get a change. He was gathering courage when Yesung stormed in the kitchen. 

“Do you think I look well?” - Yesung was looking for approval- “It’s my first time having this type of uniform” 

“You look awesome! So cool!” - Heechul was beyond pleased - “Did you do the tie yourself?”

“Just like you taught me” 

“Ohhhhhhh” - Leeteuk found cute the scene - “Yesung is such a big boy! You already won against me… Im such a mess doing those” 

“Fun fact: Heeyeon is the best doing those” - Heechul shared - “She is really good at it”

“Well, I work with clothes” - Heeyeon blushed due to the sudden praising - “It’s normal” 

“Let’s wear aprons today” - Heechul was handing them to the kids - “We don’t want your uniforms to get dirty”

“So, starting tomorrow it won’t matter” - Kangin teased 

“No, starting tomorrow you will dress yourselves AFTER breakfast”

Everyone laughed. Even Kyuhyun found it funny. 
His smile faded away when Leeteuk sat him on a chair. He thought he could have breakfast with them. It’s not that Kyuhyun didn’t want to join… it was just he was uncomfortable and refused to say so. 

“Kyunnie, are you ok?” - Heechul asked him - “You are too quiet” 

“I think he is still half asleep” - Leeteuk giggled - “He looks lost” 

“Baby, are you still sleepy?” 

Heeyeon held him. She playfully patted his . Kyuhyun “cursed” again. He got caught. He definitely got caught. He looked at her and gulped down anxiously. 

“Oh, I think he is cold” - Heeyeon rubbed his chest - “Let’s go look quickly for a sweater” 

Kyuhyun got surprised when Heeyeon took him to the principal bedroom and locked the door. She then fixed a towel on the bed and went to the toilet to look for something. Kyuhyun’s face almost fell off from shame when he recognized the diaper. 

“I know that since you are only wet I could change you standing up” - Heeyeon told him as she placed him on the towel - “But is faster this way”

Kyuhyun wouldn’t dare to speak. He blushed even more when Heeyeon checked his pants looking for wet spots. 

“When did you wet yourself?” - Heeyeon asked him calmly - “did it happen when you were asleep?”

Kyuhyun nodded shyly. He hated to admit he was probably the family’s next bed wetter. His sheets got changed often when he wasn’t using diapers. 

“Heeyeon, is everything alright?” - Heechul was knocking the door 

“Yeah, just wait a minute” - She unlocked the door - “We are fine. It was just for privacy” 

“Ohhhh” - Heechul sniffed around - “It doesn’t smell”

“Silly, it was just a pee” - Heeyeon chuckled - “Right, Kyunnie?”

“Oh my, the bed got saved” - Heechul knew what possibly happened- “Thanks for your work and sacrifice, diaper” 

Kyuhyun didn’t find the joke funny. He wasn’t good getting teased about it. It’s not like he didn’t try hard. Those stupid accidents kept happening and every single time it did, he felt worse. He could control his bladder during day hours but at nights… it wasn’t his fault he slept so deeply he barely woke up. So, teasing him wouldn’t change his wetting pattern. It only made him upset.

“He is upset” - Heechul felt guilty - “Kyu, I’m sorry for teasing you… Dada is sorry, ok?”

Kyuhyun wouldn’t look at him. He rejected the hug and walked out by himself. 

“He is truly upset” - Heechul remarked - “Was he in a bad mood? I don’t think my teasing went ‘that’ far” 

“Maybe” - Heeyeon sulked - “But he got hurt. Are we missing something?”

Yeah, they were. The adults had been pretty understanding when it came to Kyuhyun’s condition. They wouldn’t scold him and tried to be calm about anything the boy did accident or not. Kyuhyun got pampered a lot during the past few weeks but it didn’t change the fact he was upset about being back to diapers. 

Leeteuk found the kid staring at the toilet while frowning. 

“What did the toilet do to you now?” - Leeteuk worried - “Is your tummy hurting again?”

Kyuhyun shook his head in a bad mood. 

“Aren’t you hungry? You didn’t have breakfast” - Leeteuk held him without asking twice - “Would you like a smoothie?” 

Smoothies and milkshake were now very important in his diet. He found those easy to ‘eat’ since he only had to ‘drink’ them using a straw. Those were life saviours when he wasn’t in the mood for chewing or eating properly

“No” - He said when Leeteuk was about to pour water - “Milk” 

“Do you want a milkshake?” - Leeteuk was nice to him - “Ok, which kind of milkshake?”

“ ‘nana” - Kyuhyun said softly. He was in a bad mood but he was still polite - “Pwease”

“Here you go” - Leeteuk gave him a safe glass with a straw - “I hope you like it” 

“Thank you, Ukwee” - Kyuhyun finally smiled. 

However, Kyuhyun couldn’t have peace. Henry ran to the table and knocked down his glass when he was just halfway there. He got dirty and the adults had to change his clothes. 

“Kyunnie, are you ok?” - Leeteuk worried the kid had a terrible face - “Do you want me to make you another one? I really don’t mind. It was an accident… Henry didn’t do it on purpose, you know?”

Kyuhyun shook his head. He refused his uncle offering and decided he would go back to sleep.  He passed by his twin and ignored him. At least no one would bother him in his bed. 

Heechul arrived at the new school. Since the kids were all new there… he had to take them one by one to their classes. He met all the teachers. And… he crossed paths with Mina. 

“Hey, I know this girl” - Heechul teased as he held Momo - “I think I have seen this cute kid before” 


“She remembers” - Mina laughed - “How are you Heechul? OH MY GOODNESSS! Look at you!”

The triplets went shy. 

“Did mom help you with your uniforms?” 

“How you know that?” - Donghae asked amused - “are you a witch too?”

“Because your dad would never get this uniform right” - Mina teased - “and what’s that about another witch?”

“Dad says grandma is a witch” - Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow. He was shocked Mina didn’t know - “She has powers” 

“Lovely” - Mina nodded - “The teachers are going to love them” 

“Yeah, about that” - Heechul gathered his boys close - “don’t go around sharing weird facts about us, ok? People get the wrong picture all time” 

“Can we talk about our siblings?” - Sungmin asked cutely - “Today is our first day! People are going to ask about our family!”

“Sure, but don’t go around exposing secrets” - Heechul warned them 

“Likeeeeeeee…” - Eunhyuk wanted to know 

“Like for example, don’t mention Kyunnie’s problem” - Heechul pouted. He was still sad for what happened in the morning - “That is something that should stay only back home” 

“Anyway, boys” - Mina kissed them - “Please take care of my Mimi”

“Oh, we should get going” - Heechul rushed the kids - “we don’t want to be late your first day!”

Back at the mansion, Kyuhyun woke up from his nap thanks to a screeching sound. Ryeowook. His twin. Lately, Ryeowook was always in a terribly mood. 

Why was he in such a bad mood? Did his food get wasted too? Did he wet the bed too? Did someone …? Kyuhyun needed to find out. He went downstairs to find a very familiar scene. Ryeowook was having the tantrum of the century. His twin was calm but when he exploded… it was clear he was Heechul’s son.

“NOOOOOO!” - Ryeowook stomped his feet loudly- “NO ZWIMM! YOU CWAZY! YOU MEAN!”

“Don’t talk to me like that” - Heechul warned him gently - “I know you are mad but watch your mouth. I’m still your dad, after all” 

Ryeowook was so upset he even threw a marker to Heechul. It was unusual he would get so angry. The parent just sighed annoyed and asked him to take it back. 

“Don’t threw things” - Heechul scolded - “It’s rude and someone could get hurt” 

“WAAAAAAAAAAH!” - Ryeowook was screaming out of anger - “NOOOOOO!”

“There is no point being this noisy” - Heechul sighed - “We need to talk. Go walk and come back when you have calmed down”

“Nuh! Nuh! Nuh!” - Ryeowook whimpered on the floor - “Dada! Dada!” 

“You are upset. You have all rights to be” - Heechul cooed - “Do you want me to hold you?”

Ryeowook cried. Heechul took that as a hint to do so. He held Ryeowook with love and wandered around the living room. 

Kyuhyun was unhappy with the whole thing. He could tell Ryeowook was really really upset and he had no clue what was going on. He looked at Leeteuk like asking for help. 

“He just found out Heechul signed him for the pool at daycare” - Leeteuk explained - “Kyu, since your brother hates water… please take care of him” 

Oh ho. It wasn’t that bad. Kyuhyun liked it. Was he finally going to do something better than Ryeowook? Was he finally going to be the ‘older’ twin?. He was better than his twin at sports. It was just he was lazy as well. But swimming was his thing. He would ace the thing and Ryeowook would be so scared of the pool he would behave like the baby brother and look for confort. 

He was still trapped in his fantasy when Heechul called for him. It was his time to shine. He went downstairs wearing a silly smile Ryeowook spotted right away. The shortest twin wasn’t happy with him either… but Kyuhyun was totally unaware of that. 

“Kyu, can you promise Ryeowook you will help him at the pool?” - Heechul was sure twin love would save the day 

“Yeah! Kyu big bwo!” 

“Yeah, Kyu—“

“Kyu BABY” - Ryeowook hissed still on Heechul’s arms - “BAAAAAAAAABYYYYY”

“KYU NO BABY!” - Kyuhyun pointed at his brother - “WOOKIE BABY. WOOKIE ‘BUAH-BUAH’ WI DADA!”

Ryeowook got red from embarrassment. Yes, he had cried on Heechul’s arms. But he wasn’t going to admit being a bigger baby than Kyuhyun. He definitely was not. Not specially when…

“Kyu weaws diapeeeeys!” - Ryeowook said cheekily- “Liwe babies! Kyu baby!” 

“Hey” - Heechul covered Ryeowook’s mouth - “Stop it” 

“I- uh” 

Kyuhyun was left without words. He felt he was in troubles when his eyes filled with tears. He wanted to cry. He was going to cry. Ryeowook was going to win the fight… but again, his pride was so hurt he wouldn’t let that happen. 

“I NO LIKE WOOKIE!” - Kyuhyun shouted at him with anger 

“I ‘don’t’ like Wookie” - Heechul corrected much to Leeteuk’s annoyance - “What?”

“Don’t add fuel to the fire” - Leeteuk pulled his ear

Ryeowook’s heart shattered in pieces. He couldn’t believe Kyuhyun would say something so horrible to him. Instead of losing the argument or just cry… he retaliated.

“WOOKIE DUN LIWE KYU” - Ryeowook stuck his tongue out at him - “WOOKIE NO LIWE BABIES” 

“Wowowow” - Heechul decided to meddle - “Cmon boys. You love each other. Let’s apologize, kiss and hug…?”

“HMPHM” - both toddlers were prideful. They wouldn’t just apologize. They both folded their arms and waited for the other to do so. 

It didn’t happen. They would just stare at each other with teary eyes. They were both resisting the urge to cry. 

“Hey” - Heechul called the boys attention when they tried to walk away - “I’m serious. Apologize to each other. NOW”

“Wookie sowy u need diapeys” - Ryeowook gave him a naughty smile - “BA-BY” 

Ok, Kyuhyun never thought he would do so. It was the anger of the moment. He regretted it right away after punching Ryeowook. 

“HEY” - Heechul separated the boys when Ryeowook pulled Kyuhyun’s hair and dragged him to the floor - “DONT FIGHT!”

“Hey hey hey!”

Leeteuk was also trying to prevent they hurt themselves. Both of them managed to pull hairs and scratch each other. Heechul held Ryeowook and Leeteuk held Kyuhyun. They exchanged worried looks as both boys seemed ready to keep going. 

Heeyeon returned with Henry from speech therapy and found the house suspiciously quiet. 

“What’s going on here?” - She worried when she saw Heechul and Leeteuk drinking before even midday - “what did I miss?”

“The twins are grounded” - Heechul sighed - “and they had a fight”


“More than ‘oh’ “ - Heechul drank a shot - “more like ‘’ “ 

Leeteuk drank too. He wasn’t going to correct Heechul this time… because he was right. 

The triplets were having a good time meeting their new classmates. It was finally their turn to Introduce themselves to them and the teachers. 
They did well… until it was time to share stories. 

“Oh, we can’t share those” - Eunhyuk told the teacher - “What happens in the house, stays there”

“Yeah” - Sungmin agreed - “We have many ‘secrets’ Dad says we can’t tell”

“We have a dirty one” - Donghae said cockily- “but we are not allowed to speak about it…”

“Do you have any pets?” - the teacher tried to help

“We have two birds, a turtle and a raccoon” - Eunhyuk answered first 

“Oh, a raccoon? That’s very interesting”

“It’s sort of like a trash panda” - Donghae shrank shoulders - “We feed him cat food”

“That’s so lovely” - The teacher was clapping hands - “Nice to meet you, boys”

The triplets smiled pleased. They felt very welcomed at their new school. Until they started facing “technical” difficulties. 

“Pssst! Pssst!” - Eunhyuk was trying to call his twins attention - “Minnie, Hae!”

“Hyukkie, teacher is going to scold us” - Sungmin whispered softly - “It’s rude to talk when someone else is introducing—“

“But I need to pee” 

“Then go!” - Donghae shrank shoulders - “Oh, wait… where is the toilet?”

“I don’t know!” - Eunhyuk was in an urge - “I don’t remember!”

Kids were kids. During the whole tour, the triplets and Zhoumi talked while the teachers showed them the school. Meaning they barely paid attention to anything. They just knew were the park was. 

“Psssst! Mimi!” - Donghae was now calling Zhoumi’s attention - “Do you know where—“

“Hey there” - The teacher approached them. He had tried to stop them a couple times but the kids didn’t notice him - “Is everything alright?” 

“Uhhhhhh…” - Eunhyuk looked at his siblings for help - “I… Uhm…”

“Do you want to share something with the class?” - the teacher wasn’t being mean. He was just trying to get the boy to participate - “Eunhyuk?”

Eunhyuk got nervous. For little kids, having a teacher pay sudden attention like that… it could be a good motive for anxiety. 

“Are you ok?” - The teacher didn’t understand why Eunhyuk wouldn’t answer him right away - “Hyukkie? Is something wrong?”

“I… Uhm” - Eunhyuk got the chills when he felt his pants wetting wet 

“He is peeing himself!” - a kid pointed at him 

“Hyukkie wet his pants!”

“He went pee!”

“Hey, hey” - The teacher was trying to stop them - “We don’t make fun of friends like that. It could happen to anyone” 

All kids were looking and pointing at him. Some even laughed. Eunhyuk felt terrible. 

“Eunhyukkie, can you come with me please?” - The teacher was offering him a hand - “Dont worry about anything, ok?”

“I…” - Eunhyuk was anxious - “I d-d…”

“HAE GOES TOO” - Donghae jumped on his brother 

“Can we go too?” - Sungmin raised his hand like asking a question in class - “We feel better when we are together”

“Sure” - the teacher was kind to them - “Let’s go”

The universe was definitely against him that day. Kyuhyun couldn’t believe his body wouldn’t give him not even five minutes of peace. The twins were grounded on their chairs facing the wall. They were at their room. Ryeowook’s chair was next to his bed and Kyuhyun was sitting next to his. Usually, they would turn around and fool even when being grounded. Today, Ryeowook wouldn’t stop facing the wall. Kyuhyun got nervous and his stomach got upset. Without warning and way to prevent it, he had an accident. 

Ryeowook finally turned to look at him when the boy stood up quickly and did a sound. Kyuhyun glanced at him and turned deep red. Was Ryeowook going to say anything? He couldn’t take it. If he did, he would end crying. Then… it wouldn’t be that bad right? Maybe that way he and Ryeowook would put an end to the silly fight. 

Against his predictions, Ryeowook just left out a tired sigh and went out of the room. Kyuhyun was hurt. He felt even worse than before. He thought maybe Ryeowook was done with him having accidents. 

Ryeowook’s day wasn’t better. He started the morning watching his twin in a bad mood only for him to go back to sleep by himself. Then, his dad confessed to him he had signed him for swimming lessons. He hated the pool, he hated swimming, he hated having to change into a swim suit. And it wasn’t just that day. His life had been difficult ever since they turned three. The triplets fought, Kyuhyun got sick, Siwon got mad at them and made sure they knew… Then, his older brothers started attending a new super school while they had to stay in daycare…with Henry. He couldn’t get into music school for his age. His piano lessons were going slower than he would like since their ‘teacher’ was also their super busy dad. 

Ryeowook wasn’t that mad now. He was actually feeling upset because he couldn’t believe himself. He blamed himself for the episode and every single word he said to Kyuhyun, now hurt him twice. He was cruel bringing up the diaper thing. He knew Kyuhyun was having a hard time because of that and still… he used it against him. That made him a terrible twin and brother. And a terrible son too. He could tell Heechul was deeply hurt when he saw them fighting like that. 

The shortest twin didn’t leave the room because he was bothered by Kyuhyun’s accident. He did so because Kyu felt so bad about it he thought he would cry. 

“What are you doing here?” - Heechul caught him wandering in the hall - “there was a whole minute left in the chair” 

“Wookie wanna pee” - he lied with skill - “Go toilet” 

“Oh, it’s ok” - Heechul wasn’t going to protest if it was like that - “Go pee and then we talk. I will go talk to Kyu first” 

Ryeowook nodded. He rolled his eyes as soon as Heechul was out of sight. If he was going to meet Kyu, then he should let them more ‘time’ to fix some issues first. Ryeowook sighed. He would have to lock himself in the restroom for at least twenty minutes. 

Heechul found Kyuhyun sobbing silently. The boy knew that unlike his previous accident, this one was imposible to hide. His dad probably knew it from the entrance. 

“Did you make a poo?” - Heechul asked him in a sweet way - “Can I check your diaper?”

Kyuhyun nodded. He was too upset to talk. 
Heechul suspected something wasn’t normal and checked the diaper before starting the change. Kyuhyun felt worse when he heard that reproving sound Heechul did when he didn’t like something. 

“Kyunnie, does something hurt?”

“Uh?” - Kyuhyun tilted his head - “no?”

“Your tummy?” - Heechul rubbed it a bit - “Did it hurt before?” 

“Nuh” - Kyuhyun was being honest. He felt nothing. 

“Let’s go to the bathroom” - Heechul instructed - “Let me hold you, ok? Don’t move” 

Heechul was worried. Kyuhyun’s bowel movements were changing. The doctor warned him it could happen since the boy was on high doses of stool softeners and laxatives. Apparently, he would need to keep those meds to make sure he got rid of the whole ‘blockage’ but of course, it would have side effects. 

Kyuhyun wasn’t feeling sick. He was just sulking because his usually cheerful Dad was quieter than ever and Ryeowook was still mad at him. Was he mad at him for the diaper? For having an accident while being grounded? Or he was just upset about the fight?

“Oh, you are here” - Leeteuk found Heechul washing Kyuhyun in the bathtub - “are you giving him a half bath?”

“No, I’m only washing his ” - Heechul sighed- “It didn’t feel right to just wipe him.” 

“Is his stomach upset?” - Leeteuk got concerned - “Should we call the doctor?”

“No, it’s ok” - Heechul kissed Kyuhyun- “I think he is fine but he got a little shocked, right baby?”

“Dada no angwy?” - Kyuhyun asked carefully 

“About what? The diaper? Nope” - Heechul was trying the water temperature to rinse - “About your fight with Wook? A little upset, I’m afraid”

“Mmmm” - Heeyeon did a face when she entered the twins room 

“Wookie no fart” - Ryeowook defended himself quickly - “Kyu pooped” 

“I didn’t say anything about that” - Heeyeon gave him another face - “It’s just that I can’t believe you actually fought with Kyuhyun” 

“Kyu hit Wookie” - Ryeowook sulked 

“Didn’t you provoke him first?” - Heeyeon sat on Ryeowook’s bed - “Come. We need to talk”

“Wookie no fault!” - Ryeowook complained with teary eyes. He felt unfair receiving a scolding while his twin was probably being spoiled at other room 

“I’m not saying it was your fault” - Heeyeon gestured him to sit - “cmon, come here”

Ryeowook did as told. He prepared for the big scolding. 

“Ryeowook, are you upset?” - Heeyeon’s question caught him off guard - “You Can tell me the truth” 

Heeyeon still remembered Sungmin’s confession: the boy admitted getting jealous of his siblings when receiving attention. It was true that being one of the youngest Ryeowook received lots of attention… but Kyuhyun got sick recently and was still recovering… meaning he got a lot of special cares and spoiling. She knew she was the first one that would focus a lot on the tall twin. And diapers changes became a moment of bonding for them. Maybe Ryeowook felt left out. 

“Wookie upset” - Ryeowook sighed. There was no point in lying - “Dun wanna pool. Dun wanna daycare, dun wanna Kyu zic”

“I understand Kyu and pool ones…” - Heeyeon squinted her eyes - “but whats wrong with daycare?”

“Wookie wanna go to cool schoo too” - Ryeowook pouted - “And muzik schoo too” 

“Ryeowookkie is still a little young for that” - Heeyeon did a cute sign with her hand - “You just need to wait a little longer” 

“Kay…” - Ryeowook twisted his lips. 

“About Kyunnie… your brother got a hard time and is recovering little by little” - Heeyeon explained carefully - “He is doing very well. I bet he is feeling better now. And the diap—“

“Wookie no cares” - Ryeowook cut her quickly - “Kyunnie iz my twin ainway” 

“Kyunnie is your twin anyway?” - Heeyeon found the boy extremely cute - “then why did you attack him like that? You called him a baby and claimed it was because he wore diapers” 

Ryeowook left out a big frustrated sigh. It wasn’t his intention. He didn’t mean that. Well, maybe he did when angry but he regretted it right away. 

“Was in bad mood” - Ryeowook confessed - “A miswake” 

“A mistake? Fine… but you still have to apologize and explain that to Kyu” 

“Ugh, no” 

“Why not?” 

“Cuz… Kyu huwtz Wookie too. He awowize fwist” 

“Ryeowook…” - Heeyeon tried using a gentle tone - “Kyuhyun is already having a hard time…”

“Wookie too hard time” - Ryeowook pouted annoyed. 

There were a few seconds of silence. Heeyeon wasn’t sure if she should keep trying to convince the boy. 

“Mama” - Ryeowook leaned on her - “Wookie upset. Hug, Pwease” 

“Are you feeling clingy now?” - Heeyeon found funny Ryeowook was asking for a hug like that - “Do you want to be spoiled?”

“Ung” - Ryeowook let her hold him like a baby - “liwe diz” 

Heeyeon giggled. Ryeowook could be so silly. He was upset but he would ask directly for what he wanted. She thought Yesung, Siwon and Sungmin could learn a bit from him. 

Kyuhyun was having an internal crisis. His dad and uncle gave him a mild scolding for yelling rude things to Ryeowook and made him promise he would apologize and offer his support for the pool thing. He was ok with that, but he wasn’t sure how would he apologize to Ryeowook after such a mess. More importantly, he feared his twin wouldn’t forgive him. His heart couldn’t take that. 

He kept pacing around the living room. He was fidgety and the adults had mistook it for potty needs more than once. It wasn’t that. He was just afraid to face Ryeowook. But why was his brother taking so long? Why wasn’t him coming down?

Heeyeon was singing a soft lullaby to a sleepy Ryeowook. The toddler tried to ‘sing’ too but would doze off for seconds. Heeyeon found it hilarious. 

“Is he asleep?” - Heechul whispered from the door - “can I come in?”

“I think he was tired” - Heeyeon whispered as well - “He said he was in a bad mood. That he was upset and wanted me to spoil him. Do you think he is jealous since we pay too much attention to Kyu now? ”

“Probably” - Heechul kissed the sleeping boy as he took him on arms - “I know the pool thing is overwhelming for him… but I honestly think is the best for them. I want Ryeowook to learn how to swim” 

“ but he is scared” - Heeyeon pouted - “What if you take them to the pool and practice a little? Maybe he will feel safer that way” 

“Well, we could try again” - Heechul nodded - “It’s been months since I took the boys to the pool… and we could use the morning since the others are at school” 

“We can try setting the detachable pool we have” - Heeyeon proposed - “that way we won’t need to go out” 

“Sounds even better” 

Heechul was at the school waiting for the kindergarteners when someone tapped his shoulder. 

“Oh, Donghee” - Heechul didn’t expect seeing his brother there - “Hi?”

“What a bad reaction” - Donghee mocked - “Aren’t you excited our boys are in kindergarten?”

“I’m scared actually” - Heechul sighed - “The triplets are unpredictable”

“Mimi was so excited he barely slept!” - Donghee was cheerful - “And he is such an angel. All my boys are so good school! Mina is a strict mother so they study a lot and…”

Heechul disconnected from reality. It’s not like he didn’t want to listen about his nephews but right now, his mind focused on what would happen once the door opened. What if the triplets hated school? 

“Daddy” - Zhoumi was the first to go out - “Where is mommy?”

Donghee sighed. Zhoumi was a mommy boy. Of course he was going to say something like that. 

“I missed you too, Buddy” - Donghee pretended he wasn’t hurt - “Did you say hi to your uncle?”

“Hyukkie wet his pants today” - Zhoumi whispered to Heechul- “Everyone made fun of him” 

Cool, Heechul thought. What’s better than having a traumatic experience on your first day of kindergarten?

“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” - the triplets ran to him. 

Heechul couldn’t believe those were the same kids he left earlier that morning. Their hair, the muddy untied shoes, the uneven socks, the wrinkled uniform… if someone had told him his boys just survived the apocalypse he would have believed it. 

“School is awesome! Teacher is nice! And we have many friends! And—“ 

Well, at least they were happy. He noticed Eunhyuk was wearing his gymnastics shorts and no socks. He wasn’t sure if he should comment it before they reached home. 

“Hyukkie wet himself” - Donghae accused - “He peed his pants and made a puddle in the classroom” 

Oh even better. It happened IN the classroom. 

“Teacher helped me” - Eunhyuk was cheerful anyway - “He was kind”

“That’s so cool” - Heechul felt bad for the boy - “Tomorrow will be a better day” 

The others weren’t that different. Kangin’s uniform was torn apart and Heechul wondered if Heeyeon would die or kill him first. It was clear he played hard. Yesung was already pestering him about what clubs to joins and other things he wasn’t paying attention to. Siwon was too quiet. 

“Siwonnie, did you like your first day in elementary school?”

“Well, it was so so “ - Siwon sighed - “I will tell you once we get home…” 

Heechul raised an eyebrow. Why would Siwon wait until they were home? 

At lunch, the boys kept taking nonstop about their new school including teachers, classmates and classrooms. The twins were pretty immersed in the stories. Henry was making a mess with his food not caring at all about that ‘school’. 

“Oh, and I made a girlfriend” - Sungmin said out of nowhere- “her name is Sunny” 

Heechul spat his cola. He choked and Leeteuk started hitting his back like he did with the kids. 

“A girlfriend? You mean a girl that is a friend or…” - Heeyeon found it amusing 

“No, no” - Sungmin smiled - “We kissed” 

“You did… WHAT” - Heechul was horrified - “DID YOU KISS A GIRL?”

“She kissed me first” - Sungmin explained calmly - “when teacher wasn’t looking” 

Kangin took out his super hero wallet and searched for cash. He handed it to a very happy Yesung. 

“I told you he would be the first one to get a girlfriend” - Yesung giggled 

“Unbelievable” - Heechul covered his mouth in awe - “my innocent boy got a kiss on his first kindergarten day” 

“But Papa, this is not Minnie’s first kiss” - Sungmin said confidently- “I kissed many friends at daycare too”

Heechul panicked after finding out his boy not only kissed with girls. There were a couple of boys too on that list. 

“I made friends” - Eunhyuk shrank shoulders - “They are twins… but they are not like Ryeowook and Kyuhyun. They look the same!”

“It’s like watching clones” - Donghae widened his eyes - “It’s weird” 

“It’s not” - Heeyeon laughed - “Nana and her sister were identical twins too” 

“They were?” - Leeteuk asked. He didn’t know that - “That’s why Hani and you looked so alike then”

“Could be” - Heeyeon smiled - “but our dads were very different…” 

“Oh” - Kangin remembered- “I met the principal” 

“WHAT” - Heechul panicked - “ALREADY?”

“This must be some sort of record” - Leeteuk sighed - “What did you do now?”


“Well, uhm” - Yesung cleared his throat - “We all met the principal today…” 

“He wanted to see us” - Siwon explained - “since he is mommy’s daddy he is our grandpa too. We are family” 

“Also, he basically raised our other mom too” - Kangin shrank shoulders - “We have met before. Pops is fun” 

“Pops?” - Leeteuk thought for a moment - “Is that how you call him?”

“Yeah, I guess they are Pops and Nana” - Heechul scratched his head - “So, how is he?”

“How you think?” - Yesung widened his eyes - “He made us drink tea with him”
“I don’t complain, we skipped some classes” - Kangin was happy - “And he said I could join any sport team I wanted without an audition”

“He has many pictures of mom” - Siwon looked at Heeyeon- “MANY pictures” 

“I knew this would happen” - Heeyeon burrowed her face - “I’m so done” 

“Siwon, you said earlier that something happened at school” - Heechul remembered - “And you said you would tell me once we got home” 

“A kid bullied me today” - Siwon left out 


“Kibum” - Siwon sighed - “and he is our cousin” 

“Kibum?” - Heechul was confused - “Wait, Donghee’s Kibum?”

“Uhum” - Siwon pouted - “He is mean”

“Well, it doesn’t surprise me” - Yesung scoffed - “Hangeng always says Kibum is weird”

“But bullied you…? How…?”

“He would make sharp comments and jokes about me” - Siwon sulked - “and I didn’t like those. Everyone started making fun of me” 

“Ugh” - Kyuhyun interrupted the talk asking to get down of his chair in a hurry. He went to his mom and asked for help. 

Heeyeon was having a hard time with Heechul’s awkward questions about his son’s last dirty diaper. He wanted details she considered rather gross and disturbing. 

“Next time, I will record a video” - she teased

“That’s pretty clever “ - Heechul wasn’t joking - “if you have at least took a picture…”

“It was normal” - Heeyeon pinched his cheek really hard - “I know how a normal poop looks like, Heechul” 

“Would you describe it as ‘mashed potatoes’ or ‘corn—“

“Heechul, I just ate!” - Heeyeon was flustered - “Leave me alone”

“Kyu, did you see your poop?- Heechul changed tactics and was now trying to get a declaration from the boy - “Can you describe it?”

Kyuhyun got embarrassed and hid behind Leeteuk. The tired uncle just pinched Heechul really hard when he started asking questions again. 

“This is not for fun!” - Heechul protested - “I really need to know! See? I keep a diary of his bowel movements now!”

“I knew you were weird but this…” - Leeteuk gave him a reproving look - “Why would you do something like this?”

“Because the paediatrician asked me to do so” - Heechul was highly annoyed his friends didn’t understand his concern- “See? He even gave us a chart to classify it better!”

“Gross” - Heeyeon shook her head but decided to put an end to the episode - “This one, maybe”

“Really?” - Heechul eyes sparkled as he took note - “Ok, that’s helpful. Thanks Heeyeonie. You are the best” 

Heeyeon got shocked when Heechul kissed her passionately. She was left in awe while his busy boyfriend ran upstairs to prevent Kangin and Siwon got into a sword fight using their new geometry sets. Leeteuk glanced at her in a funny way. She blushed as she got caught. 

“Nothing is ier than a woman that can use a chart to classify a dirty diaper” - Heeyeon - “who needs a romantic date when you can have this?” 

The twins didn’t solve their differences. They went to sleep that night still upset. The adults decided to give them time as they were not attacking each other. They were just awkward now. 

Leeteuk was helping Heeyeon to set the kiddy pool. They decided to start with an easier one since it wasn’t deep or hard to set. The kids would love it anyway. Henry was inpatient already waiting ‘inside’ despite being empty. 

“It’s going to take some time, Henry” - Leeteuk found cute the toddler with a grumpy face - “You Can play around while we set it”

The kids were all wearing swim suits and their special waterproof long sleeves shirts to prevent a sun burn. Heechul took very seriously their skin care and made them promise they wouldn’t play outside for so long without sunscreen and some measures. 

Heeyeon was filling the pool when she heard Leeteuk warning Ryeowook. 

“Put your pants up” - Leeteuk sounded like negotiating with a terrorist - “Wookie, put your pants up”

“Wookie was no wearing pants” 

“Put your swim suit back” - Leeteuk instructed -“Don’t dare doing that” 

“Mama! Mama! Loo at Wookie!” - Ryeowook called for Heeyeon’s attention

“Why are you pulling down your— oh” 

“Ryeowook!” - Leeteuk scolded when the boy peed in the grass. The kid did it on purpose knowing that his uncle hated that behaviour. 

“Whoopsss” - Ryeowook smirked - “Bad boy! Guezz Wook iz gwonded now. No pool… how zad”

“You come back here” - Leeteuk held the boy against his will - “We will rinse before going inside but you are definitely going inside” 

“Wookie will pee inzide pool too!” - the boy threatened 

“You know something?” - Leeteuk scoffed - “Henry is going to do that anyway, so” 

Ryeowook did a disgusted face. He kicked his soul out trying to get out of the pool while Leeteuk would just put him inside again. Kyuhyun and Henry were having fun. 

At the end, Leeteuk had to take Ryeowook out when the kid went quiet and started to sob scared. He was angry but he wouldn’t torture a boy just for that. It was clear Ryeowook was still struggling with the pool. He wasn’t going to force him anymore. 

“Uncle is sorry” - Leeteuk apologized as Ryeowook kept crying silently - “I was mean to you, ok? I shouldn’t have forced you to do something you didn’t want” 

Ryeowook hugged him. He was upset but he still loved Leeteuk anyway. He even gave him a kiss. Leeteuk kissed him back too. He was feeling guilty for the boy’s tears. 

“Wookie, uncle is very very sorry for making you sad” - Leeteuk made sure the kid knew his feelings mattered- “Is there a way I can help you feel better?”

“Wookie wanna piano” - Ryeowook tried - “Pwease?”

“Ok, I can supervise you” - Leeteuk waved to Heeyeon and pointed at the sad boy - “Let’s go” 

Leeteuk felt a little guilty leaving Heeyeon alone with two toddlers in a kiddy pool. Yet, Ryeowook needed attention. It was unfair to not give him any after such a horrible experience. 

“Ukwee watch diz” - Ryeowook was showing his piano skills to a surprised Leeteuk- “See?”

“Wow, you are good at this” - Leeteuk praised him - “Which song are you going to play now?”

“Twinkwe Twinkwe” - Ryeowook started playing.

Ryeowook would play a bunch of short songs with skill. It was incredibly he could remember so much, Leeteuk thought. 

“Are you feeling better now?” - Leeteuk asked after Ryeowook gave him a silly smile - “are you happy?”

Ryeowook nodded playfully. He even giggled. He then turned serious. 

“What’s wrong?” 

“Why Wookie haz to pway pool?” - Ryeowook asked annoyed - “ ‘m no good zwim” 

“Your dad wants you to learn how to swim because is safer that way” - Leeteuk explained carefully - “No one is saying you will have to do it on your first try… We know is hard and that you need lots of help” 

“Iz Scawy” 

“I know” - Leeteuk made sure of leaving clear they understood that - “But lucky for you… you won’t be alone. Kyunnie is going to be there—“

Leeteuk got shocked when Ryeowook hit the piano keys with his face. What a dramatic toddler. 

“Just go back to usual” - Leeteuk wanted to laugh. Maybe Ryeowook wasn’t as dramatic as Donghae or Eunhyuk but he was definitely Heechul’s son - “Apologize to each other and go back to being the lovely twins you are” 

“Ugh, but Kyu iz zad” - Ryeowook sighed deeply - “Wookie was vewy mean”

“Oh, so you admit it” 

Ryeowook glared at him. Leeteuk flinched. The boy was scarier than his siblings. 

“Wookie dun wanna apowowize” - Ryeowook folded his arms and frowned - “Kyu mean too” 

“Yeah, that’s right. He was mean to you too” - Leeteuk found hard trying to make Ryeowook understand- “But you know? I bet he feels the same. He must be upset too” 

“I know” 

“You do? Then why won’t you stop this madness?” - Leeteuk raised both eyebrows. Ryeowook did a face he recognized right away - “Is there other reason why you got mad at Kyu?” 

Ryeowook didn’t answer. He tried looking away. 

“Heeyeon is right, huh” - Leeteuk smiled a bit - “You are jealous” 

“Wookie no wealouz!” - Ryeowook shook his head - “No wanna diapeys!”

“We know you don’t want diapers” - Leeteuk laughed - “But you still got jealous. Wook, it’s ok to feel that way. We have been paying too much attention to Kyu because he was feeling bad… I’m sorry you felt this way” 

“Wookie no wealouz of Kyu” - Ryeowook left out coldly 

It took Leeteuk a while to process the information. At first, he thought Ryeowook was still lying to him and denying the accusation. But then, it clicked. 

“Your tantrum wasn’t for getting OUR attention” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe the manipulative brat - “You were targeting KYU” 

Ryeowook smirked naughtily. 

“And it worked” - Leeteuk felt bad for Kyu - “You got his attention. That’s what you wanted”

“Kyu gonna feel sowy and pway lotz with Wook” - Ryeowook chanted in an evil way - “Kyu MINE” 

Leeteuk didn’t know what was worse. The fact Ryeowook would be so possessive towards his brother or the fact he managed to manipulate him like that to get the attention he wanted. 

“Wook, that’s mean” - Leeteuk tried - “Kyunnie really thinks you are mad at him” 

“Wookie iz”

“Yeah, but not for the reason he thinks” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure if he could handle the situation by himself - “you shouldn’t play with others feelings like that” 

“No pwaying” - Ryeowook inspected his nails in a idly way - “Wookie serious”

Leeteuk couldn’t believe they were so clueless. They thought Ryeowook was jealous of the attention Kyuhyun was receiving. After all, It was true he now spent a lot of time with the adults. Ryeowook got upset with the new interactions… but not because he wanted the adults for himself. He wanted KYUHYUN. 

Heechul couldn’t believe it. Now after confessing the rooting of his bad mood… Ryeowook wouldn’t stop listing things that made him upset during the past month. 

He complained he couldn’t go to the hospital with Kyu, that he couldn’t stay home with him when he didn’t attend daycare, that he would go away from him when going to the doctor… and more. He even confessed he was so upset over the fact Kyuhyun didn’t want to sleep with him in the same bed. And that Kyuhyun would also stop playing with him and run away out of nowhere. 

“He does that when he is going to poop” - Heechul wanted to laugh so badly. Ryeowook’s possessiveness was in some superior level - “And he doesn’t want to sleep in your bed because he has accidents sometimes”

“WOOKIE NO CARE!” - Ryeowook was terribly upset - “WOOKIE WUVZ KYU!”

“Honey, Kyuhyun loves you too” - Leeteuk was having a hard time not laughing - “He just tries to be polite towards you… “

“Not many people will endure sharing a bed with a bedwetter” - Heechul explained still holding his laugh - “and most people find upsetting poop smell and so. Kyuhyun is just saving you those hardships”

Heechul ended going out of the room to laugh a bit. Ryeowook wasn’t mad about the diapers because he considered them gross. He was mad because it took them away from his twin. Toddlers could be so silly. 

Ryeowook wasn’t pleased knowing the adults found it rather funny. He knew they were laughing. He was in a bad mood and no one was taking him seriously. He was overwhelmed… so he started crying. 

“Aww baby” - Heeyeon tried holding him - “It’s ok, it’s ok. We will figure out something” 

“I no widdin’…” - Ryeowook sobbed uncontrollably- “ ‘m upset…” 

“We know” - Heechul took him - “We are going to help you out… but you need to be nice to Kyu. No fighting” 

“Kay…” - Ryeowook hiccuped between tears 

During lunch, Leeteuk made sure the twins sat together. Kyuhyun was still walking on eggshells and tiptoeing around his twin thinking Ryeowook’s bad mood was for the fight they had the other day. He would eventually glance at him and then go back to his food. It was awkward since Ryeowook wouldn’t say a word. 

After finishing their meal, they were took to the living room as usual. Just that this time, Heechul gave them a set of blocks and encouraged them to play together. Kyuhyun wasn’t sure if it was a good idea but Ryeowook wasn’t being mean to him… so… they played together even if it was in complete silence. 

Heechul sighed when Kyuhyun said he had to poop and Ryeowook got upset. The tallest twin misunderstood it and thought his twin found him disgusting. 

“Kyunnie, uhm… I don’t know how to tell you this” - Heechul was waiting for Kyuhyun to finish his business- “But Ryeowook doesn’t like it when you go away from him. Even if you are going to poop”

Kyuhyun was still squatting down but gave him a weird confused look. 

“Yeah, I know” - Heechul didn’t get it either - “I tried to explain him you wanted to be polite and gave him a full talk about privacy but…” 

Kyuhyun stood up and tried to go outside. 

“are you done? We need to change first” - Heechul sighed- “Hey”

“No” - Kyuhyun went out and came back holding hands with Ryeowook

“What on…?”

“Kyu wanna poop, Kay?”- Kyuhyun explained to Ryeowook with a very red face - “No pwaying now but can stay” 

Ryeowook nodded in agreement. Heechul laughed a bit when Kyuhyun went back to taking care of his business and Ryeowook just stared at him quietly. 

“Done” - Kyuhyun announced shyly 

Heechul glanced at the shortest twin. 

“I’m going to change your brother” - he warned - “Don’t you want to go outside? we discussed this before”

Ryeowook pouted. 

“Wookie can stay” - Kyuhyun was blushing. He seemed a bit embarrassed of the idea. 

“If you are both ok with this…”

The twins said they were fine with it. The parent was not. Heechul thought this behaviour was everything but normal. He understood Ryeowook was a very curious child and sometimes didn’t have boundaries… but still, he ended taking the boys for a psychological evaluation. 

The results confirmed his suspect: Insecure attachment once again. Ryeowook once had it with him… now he directed it at his twin. Ryeowook was suffering from separation anxiety. It was just that being older now, he hid it better. It wasn’t ‘possessiveness’ or ‘jealousy’. It was fear. Ryeowook feared losing his twin. And apparently, it all started the very moment Kyuhyun got sick and they worsened it by taking his twin to the hospital without him. 

“So, what’s the plan?” - Heechul was worried - “Do we wait until it gets better or we do therapy?” 

“I think he will be fine” - The psychologist pointed at the two boys playing together- “Just don’t take his brother away from him without asking first and make sure of explaining why you do so in case you need to separate them”

“Kyunnie” - Ryeowook was making sure Kyuhyun faced him - “Wookie is sowy”

“I’m sorry too” - Kyuhyun smiled a bit - “Kyu likes Wookie the most” 

“You wewe right” - Ryeowook sighed - “Wookie iz baby. No wanna be ‘way from Kyu”

“No baby” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “We twins” 

Kyuhyun hugged him. Ryeowook was in heaven. They missed each other badly. Now that the misunderstandings were cleared, they would go back to normal. 

That night, Heechul put them to bed like always… but then Ryeowook got in Kyuhyun’s bed. Kyuhyun hugged him pleased.

“Are you going to sleep like that?” - Heechul found them so cute - “Together?”

“We are twins” - Kyuhyun started 

“Iz bettew diz way” - Ryeowook continued 

“Alright, well… goodnight” - Heechul turned off the lights - “Call any of us if something happens”

The kids woke up thanks to the fuzz their older brothers did. Ryeowook wanted to stay in bed but Kyuhyun wouldn’t stop moving trying to get out. 

“Kyu… no move” - Ryeowook complained - “Sweep. No daycawe ” 

“Kyu had awkcident” - Kyuhyun confessed in a low voice - “Wet” 

Ryeowook pulled down Kyuhyun’s pants and inspected the diaper. Kyuhyun wasn’t sure of what was going on until Ryeowook ripped the tapes and took the wet diaper away. He then went quickly to the closet and brought back a clean diaper. 

“Diz easy” - he said - “Goes liwe diz”

Kyuhyun liked it. Ryeowook took care of his problem easily.

“Now we sweep mowe” - Ryeowook yawned as he covered themselves with the blanket 

Kyuhyun was happy. His twin was definitely something else. 

“Ryeowook changed your diaper?” - Heeyeon found cute Kyuhyun was so happy about it - “Its nice to have a twin like him, uh?”

“Wookie good job” - Heechul praised with double intentions- “Do you want daddy to teach you how to change—- ”

“NO” - Leeteuk and Heeyeon opposed right away and covered Heechul’s mouth. 

That was definitely a terrible idea. 


Author comments: 

Hi there <3 thank you for the comments! You make my day ^^ And yeah, we are going to find out about Teuk past in no time. 

Author notes:

Twins personalities and traits 


Ryeowook is a very bright child. He can be considered a genius and displays his intelligence in different ways. He takes the lead when it comes to cognitive development. He just turned three but can read very well and has a big vocable for being so young. However, he doesn’t like exercising and hates getting dirty. 
And even though he is pretty mature for his age… he doesn’t stop being a toddler. 

If you go back to the first New Year’s Eve chapter, Heechul was told Ryeowook had separation anxieties and had signs of insecure attachment. The shortest twin was the one who cried the most whenever he got separated from his dad. 

In terms of health, Ryeowook has worse eyesight than his twin, but overall, he is in better shape. 


Compared to other kids his age, Kyuhyun is actually mature and pretty smart as well. It’s just that at home he gets compared to Ryeowook, who is a ‘genius’. He feels like the “baby” since he is not as independent as his twin, but truth to be told he is just three years old and his behaviour is completely normal. He also tends to dismiss his own achievements feeling he is way behind his twin. However, he also learned how to read and is not bad with numbers. 

Kyuhyun is a very sweet boy. He worries a lot about others and always put their feelings before his own. He is specially sensitive when it’s about Ryeowook… to the point he is willing to endure anything for his twin. Being such a polite and caring child, he feels sorry to give troubles to his caregivers even if those are things he can’t control. 

Compared to his twin, he gets sick easily and takes long time recovering. 

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it