A very long day

Junior Quest

Leeteuk lost track of the time Heeyeon was out of the room. Heechul had either fallen asleep or passed away the very moment she was out there. He knew that it haven’t been that long… but it felt like an eternity not having anyone to talk to. Night had been already long… 

“My baby!” - Mrs Ahn was the first one to greet her - “My my! Maybe I should start saying ‘ my babies’ instead!” 

“What? Oh” - Heeyeon blushed realizing everyone stared at her belly - “Does it show?” 

“It looks like my lovely granddaughter is growing just fine” - Mr Ahn hugged her - “Heeyeonie… Daddy is so happy for you” 

“Thanks” - Heeyeon was a little embarrassed. She hurried to greet her in laws as well - “Mrs Kim, Mr Kim. Thanks for coming too” 

“Whenever you want, sweetie” - Mrs Kim also hugged her tightly - “I know Heechul tends to be a troublemaker” 

“This one wasn’t his fault” - Heeyeon did a sad face - “and whatever it was, I believe Heechul paid the highest price” 

“Sure he did” - Mr Kim worried - “Our Heechul tends to have a weak health” 

“Because he doesn’t take care of himself” - Mrs Kim snapped - “That boy has been reckless since he was born! Such a stubborn boy! I ask him to take care of himself and is always the same!”

“Aww, is Heechullie going to be alright?” - Mrs Ahn was deeply concerned - “Heeyeon, you should take care of him better… Men aren’t like us. They always need someone making sure they are fine” 

“Can’t disagree” - Mr Ahn nodded - “If it wasn’t for your mom… I probably would live in the hospital” 

“Where is the cute kid?” - Mrs Ahn looked around 

“Which one? We have nine of those” - Heeyeon  


“Mom, that’s not— He is upstairs with Heechul” - Heeyeon found funny her mom referred to Leeteuk as a kid - “Not doing well either” 

“My poor boy” - Mrs Kim held her chest - “I can’t believe he got dragged into whatever Heechul caused this time” 

“Why do you insist on blaming him?” - Mr Kim chuckled - “Heechul is not a bad guy. He is our cute son too” 

“Because I know him” - Mrs Kim rolled her eyes - “I’m not saying he wanted this… but I’m pretty much sure it is his fault” 

Heeyeon smiled awkwardly. Having her parents and in laws in the same room was fun but also difficult. She felt like a child under observation.
She was back at her thoughts worrying if they should be spending so much time on introductions… Leeteuk and Heechul were a time bomb and she was sure most of the kids would wake up in no time. 

“Heeyeon is a fine elegant lady” - Mrs Kim was praising her - “I’m pretty much sure she has been teaching the kids how to behave properly” 

“Grandma! Nana!” - Kyuhyun ran at full speed to meet them - “ and Grandpa and… Popz?”

He wasn’t sure of the last one. So far, it was the only one he haven’t met before in real life. Only by FaceTime and pictures. 

“Is that Kyuhyun?!” - Mr Ahn was shocked - “He is so big now!” 

Kyuhyun blushed shyly. He then shook his head like waking himself from a dream and started talking. 

“Loo! Mama taught Kyu!” 

Heeyeon almost died from embarrassment when she noticed the boy wasn’t wearing pants. Why on earth did her incredibly shy toddler decide to go no pants when his four grandparents were there?! And even worse, he pointed at his underwear and said ‘Mama taught me’. 

“Oh, did she teach you how to take off your pants?” - Mrs Ahn found the kid so cute - “Aren’t you cold?” 

“I taught him how to take care of himself, actually” - Heeyeon was so red from embarrassment- “I believe he is saying he changed himself into clean underwear…” 

“Kyu no wet t’day!” - Kyuhyun announced happily - “special undies we’ dwy!” 

“They were? Oh, baby! That’s so good!” - Heeyeon couldn’t avoid changing her voice to her ‘mom’ way of speaking when Kyuhyun looked at her asking for praise - “But it would have been ok either way! I’m just happy you are happy!”

“Mama wuvz Kyu the most” - Kyuhyun said cheekily as he hugged her - “She MINE” 

“Oh my! He must be hitting that stage!” - Mrs Kim laughed - “I remember when Heechul used to be like that!”

“Yeah… he would get SO upset whenever I kissed you” - Mr Kim chuckled - “Mom was ‘everything’ back then”

“Sometimes I miss it” 

“Gamma! Gappa!” 

Ryeowook ran excited. He froze when he saw the Ahn couple and went to hide behind Heeyeon. He started lurking from behind her legs. He played coy and asked Heeyeon to kneel down so he could whisper in her ear. 

“Mama, hewp Wookie” - Ryeowook asked softly - “Hewp me intwoduce myseff”

Despite the whole situation, Heeyeon found incredibly hilarious that Kim Ryeowook, the sassiest toddler she had ever met… was being actually SHY. 

“Did you and your brother exchange personalities at night?” - she teased - “Mom, Dad… This beautiful boy here is Ryeowookkie” 

“Nize to meet uuuuu” - Ryeowook bowed politely and stretched their hands - “I’m Wookie!” 

“Hiiii! We have talked on the phone, right?” - Mrs Ahn was happy to finally get to see him again - “Do you remember me?”

“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded shyly. He did remember her. But unlike his twin, he didn’t have the luck to be babysat by her recently… so it was their first physical encounter. 

“Wookie! You are so big now!” - Mr Ahn was very impressed by how the toddler spoke - “I still remember when you started talking! It feels like yesterday when you and your brother were learning to walk!” 

“Oh, they were so but so cute!” - Mrs Ahn recalled - “they would use their tiny hands to hung on anything that helped them keep balance!”

The twins were now happy but shy. They did bubbly sounds and hid behind Heeyeon with cheeky smiles. 

“I should go back there” - Heeyeon worried for Leeteuk and Heechul- “I know they are both grownups but…”

“I will go” - Mrs Kim offered - “They are my boys. Boys are better with their mom” 

She winked at her in complicity. Heeyeon got the hint as the triplets ran to her asking for spoiling. They barely reacted to the fact they weren’t alone. 

“Hi Grandma” - Sungmin greeted everyone - “Hi Grandpa, Hi Nana, Hi Pops!”

“Minnie!” - Mr Ahn high fived the triplets - “how are you guys doing?”

“Not well” - Donghae sulked with his new husky voice - “My throat hurts…” 

“Of course it does” - Heeyeon felt sorry - “After all what happened last night, we should be thankful you still have a throat” 

“Nana, are you mommy’s mom?” - Eunhyuk asked full of curiosity 

“Yeah, do we look alike?” - Mrs Ahn smiled sweetly 

“Yup” - Eunhyuk nodded - “You are pretty too” 

Mrs Ahn blushed. She didn’t expect receiving such a compliment from a four years old. 

“Mommy, today we can’t miss school” - Donghae insisted - “Soccer team is having a… a… I forgot the name” 

“A trial” - Heeyeon recalled - “But baby, you are sick… you can’t go to school today” 

“But mommy… the soccer team” - Donghae sighed - “Hae wants to be in the soccer team…” 

“He doesn’t need to go through it” - Mr Ahn shrank shoulders - “I already told the kids they can get in the team they want” 

“But Pops~ we do want to audition” - Yesung was already wearing his uniform - “Besides, I didn’t get sick” 

“Neither did I” - Kangin was also dressed - “We have breakfast and we go to school” 

“YOU want to go to school?” - Heeyeon was somehow suspicious. Kangin and school didn’t fit in the same sentence unless it came with troubles - “Why?”

“Because I want to get in the baseball team” - Kangin rolled his eyes - “And yeah, I know Pops said we didn’t have to take the trial but… I guess I want to do it because it’s unfair if I don’t” 

“I’m also going to school” - Siwon was fixing his tie with skill - “I don’t want to ruin my attendance record” 

“But baby…” - Heeyeon found it so hard to go against them. The boys were so stubborn - “what If you get sick there?”

“Teacher takes us to the infirmary” - Kangin said calmly - “It’s not big deal” 

“Yeah, mom” - Siwon puffed his cheeks - “No big deal!”

“I don’t think this is a good idea” - Heeyeon was totally against it 

“I could take them” - Mr Ahn raised his hand - “I mean… I came to check on you but I still have to go there and work. The principal can’t really skip class” 

“Dad” - Heeyeon warned him - “What if they get sick? Seriously? Are you going to take care of them?” 

“Why not? Don’t you trust me?” 


“If you are going to school, you need to eat breakfast first” - Mrs Ahn called from the kitchen - “Heeyeonie, you should check on the other boy. We will keep an eye on the ones here” 

“Fine” - Heeyeon glanced at the kids - “This is not over yet, ok? I still haven’t decided” 

“Nana, Wookie hewps you cook” - Ryeowook was skilled when it came to cooking 

Kyuhyun was also trying to help. They were so happy to be useful. 

Upstairs, the battle of the century was taking place. 

“Because I said NO” - Heechul grunted annoyed as his mom insisted - “Mom! Don’t! I’m !” 

“I know that’s a lie” - Mrs Kim entered the restroom - “but even if you were… You are my son. There is nothing I haven’t seen” 

“Now I want to throw up again” - Heechul shivered next to the toilet bowl - “Seriously, I don’t need your help to—-“

“Sounds like they are having fun” - Mr Kim was helping Leeteuk get dressed - “I think this one is too warm for this temperature” 

“I don’t…” - Leeteuk felt cold - “I’m actually cold…”

“I think you guys are almost dehydrated” - Mr Kim worried - “Have you drink anything?”

“We have tried…” - Leeteuk got nauseous just remembering - “But… we… I mean, whenever we drink something…” 

“I get it” 

“Thank you for coming” - Leeteuk was really thankful over the fact they showed up to help despite being really busy - “I truly appreciate it” 

“Heechul is not doing well” - Mrs Kim sounded concerned - “at this rate he will pass out” 

“Mom is exaggerating things again” - Heechul was holding his chest. His husky and tired voice were a sign his mother wasn’t lying.

“Is she?” - Mr Kim give him a reproving look - “You look terrible, son. I do think you will lose consciousness anytime” 

“Is your heart… ok…?” - Leeteuk couldn’t stop worrying since Heechul had a hand on his chest - “Does it hurt?” 

“Not the heart, I think” - Heechul sulked - “but the chest itself… I have been throwing up the whole night so, I think I stranded something” 

“Heechul listen to me for once” - Mrs Kim was serious - “I know you don’t want to leave this place because you worry about them… but you and Leeteuk need to get fluids in order to get better. I promise you, that nothing will happen to Heeyeon and the kids while you are gone. I will make sure of it” 

“Still… I…” - Heechul had to sit. His legs were giving away and his head spinning - “Do we call an ambulance…? I can’t drive like this…” 

“I will drive you there” - Mr Kim offered - “And I will stay with you the whole time. You and Leeteuk are our precious boys. We are more than glad to help you” 

“Thanks daddy” - Heechul said sweetly - “And thanks to you too, mom” 

“You must be reaaaaaally sick” - Mrs Kim kissed him and then kissed Leeteuk- “See you later my sweet boys. Please keep me posted” 

“Oh my poor boys!” - Mrs Ahn was hugging them both - “You are so sick… Go ahead. I will take care of things here! You have nothing to worry about! The kids and Heeyeon are in good hands!” 

“Thank you all… I really appreciate the help” - Heechul tried to bow but his stomach cramped - “I will thank you properly later…” 

“Dada!” - Ryeowook wasn’t happy knowing Heechul was sick and needed a doctor - “Dun’ go…”

“Mama go wi’ Dada?” - Kyuhyun asked scared - “Wospital”

“Not this time, baby” - Heeyeon pouted - “I need to take care of you and your siblings. Grandpa will make sure Daddy and Uncle are fine” 

Kyuhyun offered his penguin plush to Leeteuk. 

“For me? You want Mr Wewi to ride the car?” - Leeteuk was really weak but he still wanted to please the kid - “or do you think he needs a doctor?”

“Helps Ukwee” - Kyuhyun explained as he demonstrated how he usually hugged his plush - “Like this” 

“Thats so lovely, honey” - Leeteuk tried - “But I think your penguin will be safer here” 

“Dad, uncle…. you better hurry up” - Kangin was genuinely concerned - “You look like ” 

“When I get back, I’m going to wash your mouth with soap” - Leeteuk warned the boy - “Those words, Kangin… Those words…” 

“Get well better soon!” - Siwon waved goodbye to the adults 

Heeyeon had a hard time with Sungmin and Eunhyuk. Sungmin was definitely feeling unwell and was scared from what happened last night. The usually fully independent boy was clingy to the point he refused to leave her side. Eunhyuk was just in a bad mood. He was sleep deprived and highly annoyed. 

It wasn’t a surprise for her when some of the boys struggled with breakfast. Henry was so quiet it was scary… The usually chirpy loud toddler resourced to signs as he wanted to avoid talking. His throat probably hurt too, Heeyeon realized. 

“Mom, I don’t wanna eat” - Eunhyuk pushed his plate away - “Please” 

“I’m not hungry” - Donghae also refused - “But I want to go to my soccer dial” 

“Trial” - Heeyeon corrected softly - “It’s ok, if you don’t feel like eating” 

“And we can leave the table?” - Eunhyuk asked almost begging - “Can we?”

“Sure, baby” - Heeyeon pitied the boys. She wasn’t going to force a child to eat when normal… she definitely wasn’t going to do so if they were sick - “Just make sure you don’t play rough” 

Sungmin took a deep breath. The boy kept moving his food from one side to another. He would grab a toast and then put it back to the plate unable to give it a bite. 

“You don’t need to force yourself” - Heeyeon noticed the strange behaviour and decided to take the plate from the boy - “Go play with your siblings. It’s ok” 

“Mama… I…” - Sungmin was too sad - “It’s disrespectful for Nana. Not polite” 

Heeyeon glanced at her mom asking for help. 

“Oh no, sweetie” - Mrs Ahn couldn’t believe her four years old grandson thought he would offend her if he didn’t eat what she cooked - “You don’t have to eat if you don’t want to” 

“Thanks” - Sungmin hugged her tightly- “I’m so sorry, Nana” 

“It’s ok, we eat for you too” - Kangin was having seconds - “It’s a pity you are not hungry today” 

“Yeah, mom and uncle are good at cooking but…” - Yesung was enjoying as well - “This is awesome” 

“This is the tastiest bread I have ever had” - Siwon munched so happily - “It’s so soft and spongy!”

“I bet ‘Nana’ did it herself” - Mrs Kim smiled to the now shy old lady - “She is really good at baking” 

“Indeed” — Mr Ahn nodded - “She insisted on baking some before coming” 

“I… I couldn’t go back to sleep after Heechul’s call” - Mrs Ahn shrank shoulders - “I mean, he sounded really bad and we worried” 

“Oh, so he called you” - Mrs Kim tilted her head - “I’m so sorry my bratty son disturbed your peace… There was no need to bother you” 

“That’s…” - Mrs Ahn and her husband exchanged looks - “We actually loved receiving the call… You see, Heeyeon barely call us if she needs anything. We talk often on the phone and she comes to our place…”

“But she doesn’t ask for help” - Mr Ahn pouted - “And we know that we are not the boys ‘grandparents’… but Hani was like a our own daughter, so, we think of the kids like our own grandsons even before Heeyeon started being ‘their mom’ “ 

“I know we have been distancing since…” - Mrs Ahn couldn’t dare to say it - “But we are family too. And we are glad to help whenever we can” 

“We would like to be back in their lives” - Mr Ahn looked at the boys - “Your lives”

“Mom, Dad” - Heeyeon felt a bit sorry for them - “You are always welcome here! and you have been helping us a lot too. You helped the boys get into that awesome school and Heechul always tells me how much you helped him. Mom, you also babysat for us before and…”

“We… could do more” - Mrs Ahn shrank shoulders - “Just saying… that if you need someone to babysit…” 

“Or if you need someone to take the kids to their class” - Mr Ahn offered 

“Same goes for us” - Mrs Kim smiled sweetly - “I know we have been busy helping Donghee and his family, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have time for you” 

“Well… Uhm” - Heeyeon was overwhelmed with so much attention - “You don’t need to come when we are struggling— I mean, you can come pay a visit anytime you want. You don’t need an excuse to come…” 

“So, you are inviting us over whenever we want” - Mrs Ahn tried - “Like, for example… if I come here every other morning to say ‘hi’, you wouldn’t be mad, right?”

“Or coming over after school” - Mr Ahn gave her a smirk - “Bringing your boys back from extra activities” 


Heeyeon somehow fell for it. She got played. The grandparents just wanted confirmation they could be there whenever they wanted. She didn’t have a problem with that… but she couldn’t believe she didn’t see it coming. 

“My husband and I would also love coming here regularly” - Mrs Kim gave Heeyeon a hug embrace- “You are like a daughter to us too” 

“I really appreciate it” - Heeyeon blushed - “I’m sure Heechul and the kids will also love having you around” 

Heechul sneezed. Mr Kim tried cleaning his nose with a handkerchief but Heechul flinched. 

“Relax, boy” - Mr Kim was a little hurt by the man’s reaction - “How many times have I done this for you? I’m not trying to hurt you…” 

“Sorry…” - Heechul sighed - “I’m just tired” 

“And you” - Mr Kim made sure of helping Leeteuk rest his head on him - “I don’t mind it if you fall asleep like this. You don’t look well” 


It’s been around two years since Leeteuk got to meet Heechul and his family… and almost a year since his adoption. Time went by quickly and they seemed like a real family most of the time but… when it came to things like that, he felt shy to depend on ‘his parents’. He wasn’t raised by them and they adopted him when he was a full grownup. He was really thankful for it, but sometimes he felt sorry not being able to behave more like ‘their son’. 

The Kim couple thought of Leeteuk like their own. It didn’t matter they haven’t raised him either. They loved him like a son to the whole extent of the word. For them, he was indeed Heechul and Donghee sibling. 

“My poor son” - Mr Kim was patting Leeteuk’s shoulder - “You are still shivering… should I see if they can lend us a blanket?” 

Leeteuk was too weak to say ‘no, thanks’… and also, he was feeling pretty cold. He could tell his blood pressure probably dropped due to fluid loss. 

Thankfully, their turn came and they were taken to the examination room. It was unclear who was doing worse. Both men were really weak. They weren’t surprised when the doctor said they would need to be a few hours or maybe a full day under observation. 

They were given a room. Heechul understood that the doctors weren’t going to risk them going back home without making sure the episode was over and what caused it. 

“S-sorry” - Leeteuk kept apologizing as he threw up in one of the sickness basin provided by the nurses - “I’m really sorry” 

“Why are you sorry for?” - Heechul teased from the other bed - “At least you used that thing. It was me who did it all over the floor. Honestly, if Heeyeon ever wanted to divorce, I think is a good reason” 

“You can’t divorce…” - Leeteuk chuckled a bit despite feeling horrible- “You are not married” 


“Are you?” - Leeteuk and Mr Kim looked at Heechul- “since when?”

“We didn’t have a ‘wedding’ but legally speaking… we got married almost a month ago” - Heechul explained as he tried to sit up - “When Kyuhyun wasn’t doing that well… Heeyeon worried she wouldn’t be able to stay with him in case he needed to be in the hospital” 

“If we make it out of this one… I’m killing you” - Leeteuk grunted from the pain in his bowels

“Not If your mom does it first” - Mr Kim was helping Leeteuk to get comfortable in the bed - “oh, and the kids and the Ahns “ 

“Who cares” - Heechul rejoiced a bit - “she is my beautiful… wife…” 

“MOM YOU ARE MEAN!” - Donghae kept hitting an awful tantrum after Heeyeon refused to let him go to school - “HAE NEEDS TO GO THERE!”

“First, don’t yell at me” - Heeyeon warned him - “Second, I already told you: you are sick and you need to rest” 

“I’m fine now!” - Donghae cleared his throat- “It’s just my voice is weird, that’s it!” 

“Your voice is different because your throat is hurt” - Heeyeon tried to check the boy - “And your throat got hurt from throwing up so much” 

“It’s nothing” - Donghae rejected her hands - “I’m fine” 

“You don’t get to decide that” - Heeyeon scoffed - “Just don’t give us troubles, ok? Be nice” 

“Fine, but I will practice soccer here” - Donghae folded his arms - “I will play here!” 

Heeyeon rolled her eyes. She knew Donghae was sick and she should be more patient than ever… but she was running low of patience after a hard night and the fact she was worried about Leeteuk and her silly loved one. 

“I want mama” - Kyuhyun refused to use the toilet with any of the grandmothers - “Mama, mama, mama” 

“But ‘mama’ is kind of busy right now” - Mrs Ahn tried - “We are friends, aren’t we? I can help you—“

“Kyu wants mama!” - Kyuhyun shook his head 

“Boys are funny yet troublesome when they hit this stage” - Mrs Kim bit her lips - “To think there was a time Heechul was the same and then a few years later he pretended not knowing me at school” 

“I don’t recall Heeyeon being like this” - Mrs Ahn giggled - “She was a ‘daddy’s girl’ but… To this extend…” 

“I think boys are funnier on that aspect” - Mrs Kim teased - “I don’t know that much about girls… I didn’t have any” 

“MAMAAAAA!” - Kyuhyun was now desperate as he knew he was close to an accident - “KYU WANNA POOP!” 

“I’m here, I’m here” - Heeyeon was holding Henry - “Go, hurry up. Didn’t you say you wanted to go potty?”

“No Henwy” - Kyuhyun pointed at his little brother - “Just Kyu n Mama” 

Heeyeon tried to give Henry to Mrs Kim. The boy loved her… maybe considering she was the person who saw him all time during his firsts months of life…

“Henry, Cmon” - Heeyeon’s heart broke when the kid refused to let go of her shirt - “I will be back in no time, ok?” 

That was it. Henry finally cried. He haven’t done a noise since he woke up but that was too much to handle. Exhausted and without thinking that much, Heeyeon’s instinct was to hold Henry again and start consoling him. 

She worried the boy shouldn’t be crying considering his condition. He wasn’t that healthy at the moment. 

“That’s it… that’s it” - Heeyeon managed to calm the youngest boy in no time - “My sweet little Henry” 

“Mama” - Henry grabbed her hair in a lovely way. He wasn’t pulling it or doing it painfully. It was more like a possessively way of doing it - “Mama mine” 

“Mama” - Kyuhyun urged her by pulling her shirt - “Potty. Pwease” 

Henry got stuck to her tightly. Heeyeon sighed.
At the end, she sat down at the restroom with the youngest kid while her other demanding toddler doing his ‘endless’ business. 

If that had happened any other day… she wouldn’t have minded waiting the whole morning inside there. But she heard crying from downstairs and even if the two grandmas were looking after the triplets and Ryeowook… she felt the need to check on them. 

“Are you done yet?” 

“Nuh, Kyunnie wanna poop” - Kyuhyun insisted he still needed to poop even after going once - “Tummy weird” 

“Let’s try again later” - Heeyeon helped Kyuhyun go down - “Do you want to wear a pull up just in case?” 

Again, usually… she wouldn’t have minded if the boy had an accident and wouldn’t have suggested what she knew was offensive for the boy. But then, that morning she had no time to waste and her mind was focused on something else.

“Kay” - Kyuhyun wasn’t that stubborn. He could tell his mom was truly busy and couldn’t be next to him all time… meaning, he was more likely to give troubles in case he had an accident. 

Ryeowook was also pretty smart. He understood it wasn’t a good day to misbehave and watched tv calmly without making a fuss. 
Sungmin and Eunhyuk were the same. They were too tired for being naughty and they were both good at reading the mood. They also knew it was better to stay calm. 

Donghae wasn’t that good reading the room. In a bad mood after such a night and then Heeyeon refusing to let him go to the school… he kicked the ball too hard… the ball bounced back and hit him in the face. 

“UHUUUUU!” - Donghae cried nonstop as his mouth and nose hurt 

“Let me see… oh baby” - Mrs Kim was cleaning him with a wet towel - “I think you bit your lip…” 

“UHUUUUU!” - Donghae couldn’t even express how bad he felt - “D-daddy!” 

“I found it” - Mrs Ahn came back holding an ice pack - “Oh my cute boy…” 

Donghae cried annoyed mostly because he knew it had been his own fault. He was being reckless and ended hurting himself. He missed his Dad and his uncle. He also felt bad for his twins. He missed school… and he was upset since he couldn’t play soccer with his future teammates. 

“Hae!” - Heeyeon placed Henry down and ran to aid the boy - “what happened? Are you ok?”

Donghae cried harder. He finally let all his feelings out when Heeyeon hugged him. He had a weakness for hugs. 

“M-mommy!” - he wailed - “H-Hae is s-sorry!” 

“Don’t cry that much” - Heeyeon wiped his tears away - “You are going to hurt your throat even more” 

“Ok” - Donghae calmed down really quickly. He was indeed in a better mood after crying a bit and letting out his frustration - “Mommy, Hae wants a new toothbrush” 

“Yeah, you need one” - Heeyeon finished cleaning his face and held the ice pack for him - “Do you want to help mommy look for it? We can use the computer to shop online” 

Heeyeon blessed the soul that made possible online shopping. It was funny since it wasn’t invented to distract children… but it was pretty useful for that purpose.

“I want this” - Donghae pointed at a soccer ball - “Please mommy, please” 

“Don’t you have a soccer ball already?” - Heeyeon teased as she added it to the shopping basket- “What’s wrong with the one you have?” 

“Nothing” - Donghae admitted - “But this one is different… has a different design” 

“Fine, you each get to pick just one toy” - Heeyeon made sure all kids could see the screen - “Toothbrushes and things like that doesn’t count. I’m buying those anyway”

“Whewe wewis?” - Kyuhyun asked softly - “Can’t see em”

“You need to write ‘Wewi’ on the searching bar…” - Eunhyuk did it for him - “no results?”

“Cuz ‘wewi’ is not a real word” - Sungmin laughed - “PENGUIN” 

“Oh” - Eunhyuk thought for a moment. He just deleted the search and wrote a ‘P’ - “How do you spell that?”

“P - E - N … No, it’s ‘G’ not ‘W’ !” - Sungmin was having fun - “let me do it!” 

“Uh oh” - Kyuhyun farted - “Mommy, Kyu needs toilet!” 

Heeyeon wasn’t taken aback for the fact Kyuhyun would demand her to accompany him each time he wanted to poop that morning. She clearly understood it was normal for boys to get incredibly clingy when feeling sick. What she didn’t get at all… was why Kyuhyun experiencing loose stools instead of vomits. She didn’t complain, tho. 

“That’s it~ My baby did it again” - Heeyeon praised Kyuhyun. She knew that it was specially hard to reach a toilet with an upset stomach - “Is your tummy hurting?” 

“Mmmm Nuh” - Kyuhyun seemed fine - “wanna sing the tadpole song” 

“Do you want to sing?” - Heeyeon found it so amusing and relieving. If Kyuhyun was in the mood for singing… then he was definitely fine - “Alright, sing it for me, please” 

“Change my mind” - Kyuhyun was laughing in a good mood - “Gonna sing spider song”

“Spider song? That’s new, isn’t it?” - Heeyeon pretended being shocked - “When did you learn that?” 

“Fwiday! At daycawe!” - Ryeowook joined them - “Wookie pwactize too!”

“For real? You both learned a new song about an spider?” 

“Itzy biwy spiwey went up the waterzpou’ ~ “ - The twins started excited - “Dow came the wain…” 

“And washed the spider out” - Heeyeon tried as the boys went silent 

“We fowgot” - Ryeowook chuckled 

“We should practice more” - Kyuhyun chuckled amused 

“M’ too” - Henry tapped Heeyeon’s pants and made sure she looked at him - “Mama”

He did the sign for ‘look ’ and then pointed at him. Heeyeon got the message: ‘watch me’. 

“Twinwe twinwe wiwe zta’ “ - Henry was singing its own version of ‘twinkle twinkle little star’ - “Huw I wonwe wha u a’ “ 

Considering it was hard to sing at the moment, Heeyeon found impressive Henry sang all the song. The boy got so happy when everyone praised him. 

“Looks like we got another singer!” - Mrs Kim was so happy - “Henry sings so well!” 

“And he dances too” - Heeyeon looked in her phone - “See this one. I have many of those but he is just so cute” 

“I have seen this one” - Mrs Ahn giggled - “You sent us this one before… Your dad even cried. He said he looked just like you when you were a baby” 

“Did I dance like this?” - Heeyeon found it funny - “Does that mean Henry takes after me?”

“We also take after mommy” - Eunhyuk was jealous by the previous statement- “We also dance” 

“And we are pretty” - Sungmin added 

“We have soft hair like mommy” - Donghae was proud of his hair - “We really take after mommy” 

“Come to think of it, Donghae really looks like Hani and us ” - Mrs Ahn didnt think twice before speaking facts - “And Hyukkie reminds me of the Park—“

“And Minnie?” - Sungmin was sure of the answer but he wanted to get confirmation 

“Minnie really looks like his daddy” - Mrs Kim smiled in a sweet way - “You take after our side of the family” 

“Wookie too” - Ryeowook said confidently- “ like Dada” 

“Sure” - Mrs Kim laughed at how the boys were so competitive towards that - “But I must say that you are his mini version mostly because of the character!”

“Dada and Wookie are vewy alike” - Ryeowook stated proudly 

Kyuhyun didn’t like this game. He could tell he didn’t take after his mom’s side of the family and he barely shared traits with his dad. At least, not those a three years old could easily recognize. So, he was a bit upset over it. The triplets and Henry were good at dancing like their mom and Ryeowook and Siwon inherited the drawing abilities from Heechul. 

“Huh? Are you ok?” - Heeyeon worried when a defeated Kyuhyun leaned on her - “Is your tummy hurting?” 

“What did mommy dance to?” - Eunhyuk was asking his grandma- “When she was little like us, what music did she like?”

“Mmmm she would re act the dances she saw in the movies” - Mrs Ahn recalled - “She loved watching princesses movies and the ones with dolls” 

“What dolls?” 

Heeyeon could tell by the tone, Donghae was highly annoyed by the fact she liked those. 


“Eck” - Donghae did a face - “those are for girls!” 

“Sure, but Heeyeon is a girl” - Mrs Ahn laughed - “She loves pink and dolls” 

“And so will Cherry” - Mrs Kim teased 

“But she will play soccer too” - Donghae was still in denial- “Not just tea parties. Scoring goals together” 

“I’m your sure your cute little sister will like to see you play” - Heeyeon tried preventing a possible tantrum - “She will be your biggest fan” 

“A cheerleader!” - Eunhyuk clapped his hands  - “With the pompoms!” 

“No, she won’t be a cheerleader” - Donghae was serious about it - “She will play too” 

“Why do you need her to play with?” - Eunhyuk was having a wrestling match with Sungmin on the floor - “You have us” 

“But you don’t like soccer!” 

“True” - Sungmin was winning the match - “But you already have eight brothers… Yesung says that statistically, it’s impossible there is only ‘one’ of us good at something” 

“I don’t get it” - Donghae frowned 

“Hyukkie likes soccer but is not good at it… and I don’t like it and at it” - Sungmin finally won. Eunhyuk was chuckling as the older twin sat on him - “Yesung likes soccer too” 

“And so does Kangin but they won’t play with me!” - Donghae complained - “And Siwon is not good at it! So, all I have left…” 

Donghae glanced at the twins and Henry. He sighed and gave them a sad look. He loved them… but at least when it came to sports, he was sure it was a waste of time trying. 

“So, my only hope left is Cherry” - Donghae hugged Heeyeon and leaned on her belly - “Please Cherry… Play with me when you are born” 

“Oh!” - Heeyeon smiled widely when she felt a big kick - “It looks like she does want to play!” 

“Nice! That’s it Cherry!” - Donghae cheered - “Practice those kicks!” 

At the hospital, Leeteuk and Heechul had regained some color but they were still too weak to be left alone. Heechul was napping again. Leeteuk worried his brother was actually passing out every other time but their Dad seemed calm about it. 

“It has always been like this” - He explained - “Heechul is usually unstoppable… so, when he gets sick, his body needs lots of rest and he ends falling asleep for hours” 

“He barely slept last night” - Leeteuk was feeling better but he was still dizzy - “The kids got sick and he feared Heeyeon would get too stressed about it” 

“What about you?” - Mr Kim placed a hand on his forehead - “Maybe I’m wrong… but to me, you look weaker than him. You even have a fever” 

“I will survive” - Leeteuk felt shy about their dad paying too much attention to him - “I have gone through worse” 

“I know you have” - Mr Kim fixed the blanket for Leeteuk- “But Thats not the point” 

“I kinda feel guilty for taking your time” - Leeteuk confessed - “I would be lying if I didn’t admit that having you here makes me feels better” 

“Isn’t that nice?” - Mr Kim Leeteuk’s hair - “Thats what being family means” 

“I think I’m an attention seeker” - Leeteuk blurted out - “It’s not normal a grownup like me, to get so clingy and needy” 

“Or maybe… you feel that way because you didn’t have the attention you needed and learned to go through life without help or asking others for it” 

“That’s not entirely true… but it’s not a lie either” - Leeteuk sulked - “I guess that even if I was always surrounded by people… I felt alone”

“Well, I’m not going anywhere until you are ready to go back home” - Mr Kim gave him a sweet smile - “I can’t change the past—“

Their sweet bonding moment got interrupted when Heechul did a weird sound and woke up coughing. 

“Oh no no no” - Mr Kim rushed to held a basin for him - “Here, Cmon. It’s ok” 

Heechul felt awful. He couldn’t remember getting so sick in years. Not even when he got measles or the stomach flu the kids brought home… This one felt like if he was going to die. He was sure he wasn’t… but it felt like that. 

“Try breathing deep…” 

Leeteuk pitied Heechul. Yeah, Leeteuk had a slight fever and his body ached a lot… but Heechul was having a hard time as he tried retching without anything coming out. It was truly uncomfortable for him.

“We are giving him an antiemetic drug” - A doctor was asking a nurse to pass Heechul another med by IV - “A stronger one” 

Leeteuk was scared. Not only Heechul was doing terrible but he feared the kids or Heeyeon would go the same way. If it was something they ate during their family outing… it didn’t make sense not all kids were sick. Also, Heeyeon… she was pregnant… it was dangerous for her and the baby catching something so upsetting.

“If I die…” - Heechul was being dramatic again - “Please make sure either Yesung , Siwon or Kyuhyun inherit the company. Kangin or any of the triplets would lead us to bankrupt” 

“Sungmin is pretty clever” - Leeteuk raised an eyebrow 

“He is too naive for business” - Heechul shook his head - “Kid is smart but he is too sweet for this world. He would get tricked easily” 

“I’m not sure of that” - Leeteuk was happy Heechul could talk a bit 

“You know who is really smart?” - Heechul suddenly went soft - “ Kyuhyunnie” 

“Yeah, and Ryeowook is brilliant” - Leeteuk nodded - “He outsmarts us most of the time” 

“Yeah, I know… but I always knew that” - Heechul had that look. The one he had whenever he was truly proud of the kids - “I feel bad towards Kyuhyun. I’m always asking to grow up when he is just a baby”

“I don’t think is like that…” 

“Even if we don’t want to… I feel like we compare them too much” - Heechul admitted - “Not intentionally… but, we forced Kyunnie to grow up so he could catch up with Ryeowookkie” 

Leeteuk got a little sad thinking that. Heechul had a point. How many times have they asked Kyuhyun to do things he didn’t want since Ryeowook was already doing them? 

“I was the one that took him to daycare when I was done with his behaviour” - Leeteuk recalled - “and I was also the one that suggested potty training him… and now I realize he probably wasn’t ready at all” 

“Kyunnie is really smart for his age. He learned to take care of himself very well considering he just turned three a month ago. He is also good at maths and talking… he memorizes lots of songs…” 

“Sounds like someone is a proud dad” - Mr Kim teased 

“I am” - Heechul smiled - “I’m lucky all my kids are wonderful” 

“I’m also lucky” - Mr Kim patted their heads with difficulty as the beds were separated from each other - “Now you need to rest. Try to get some sleep” 

“I already had some” - Heechul complained - “And I don’t want to go back to sleep… I…” 

“It’s ok, I will be right here” - Mr Kim reassured- “You guys are safe” 

Leeteuk felt warm. He did feel safe thanks to his dad’s words. He also was happy to see Heechul recovered a bit thanks to the last medication. 

“Is this witchcraft?” - Eunhyuk asked his grandma - “It looks like witchcraft” 

Mrs Kim stopped in her tracks to laugh. She was cooking… but of course, she making soup was definitely witchcraft since Heechul told the boys she was a ‘witch’. 

“I’m making a potion” - She decided to follow - “It helps sick kids to recover sooner” 

“Awesome” - Eunhyuk fell for it - “Like in Zelda ?” 

“Sure” - Mrs Kim wasn’t really sure about what was the boy talking about - “Do you want to help grandma?” 

“Mom says I’m banned from the kitchen” - Eunhyuk shrank shoulders - “She haven’t forgave us at all after the Mac and cheese incident” 

“What happened?” 

“It was… uhm… blue?”

“Fair enough” - Mrs Kim could picture the mess - “So, maybe… you can help me setting the table and cleaning the living room” 

“I can do that” - Eunhyuk nodded as he left the kitchen 

“Oh, I will help you too” - Mrs Ahn arrived - “Heeyeon managed to put to sleep the three younger boys” 

“Guess we only have to keep an eye on the triplets then” - Mrs Kim smiled pleased 

“Grandma, Hyukkie says you are doing sorcery” - Sungmin accused 

“Witchcraft” - Mrs Kim pointed at the soup and Mrs Ahn laughed - “It’s a health potion” 

“I want to help you” - Sungmin pushed a chair in her direction - “Can I?” 

“Of course, sweetie” - Mrs Kim agreed - “But you are not adding anything to the pot without permission” 

“I’m not going to turn it blue” - Sungmin knew what his grandma meant 

“Grandmaaaaaaaa, Nanaaaaaaaa” - Donghae was already in the kitchen ready to cause chaos with his soccer ball - “Play with me!”

“Not now dearie” - Mrs Ahn booped his nose - “We are cooking lunch right now” 

“Right” - Donghae sulked - “Guess… I will play alone…” 

“Or you can stay here and help me” - Mrs Ahn offered - “I’m making porridge and applesauce” 

It’s not that Donghae was passionate about cooking… and he definitely remembered being banned from the kitchen after a few messes… but, he was bored and he didn’t want to play alone. Eunhyuk was working hard putting the toys away and setting the table and Sungmin was helping their other grandma. Heeyeon was out of reach at the moment… his only option was his ‘Nana’. 

Against his predictions, cooking was nice. He actually liked it. Stirring the pots and adding things was kinda funny. He also got to ‘cut’ apple pieces under supervision. It was better than when he cooked before… maybe because this time the person in charge was fully dedicated to him. Same happened to Sungmin as Mrs Kim taught the boy from scratch. 

Heeyeon was still tired from last night and the long morning… but she was glad the boys were doing better. Her dad sent her many pictures and videos of the older boys having fun at school. Henry and the twins were napping next to her… and she could hear the laughs of the kids having fun downstairs with their grandmas. 

Yet, there was something bugging her. How did they get sick? That whole narrative of ‘something we ate on Sunday’ didn’t make sense at all to her. They all went to the same place and shared most of the plates… and those that weren’t shared didn’t align with the people that got sick. Whatever caused this situation was something only Heechul, Leeteuk, Henry and the triplets ate.  

It was weird considering they shared meals. So, Heeyeon realized it must have been a snack or something they had while being out. It couldn’t be from school or daycare since not all kids were sick and the triplets classroom was in kindergarten and Henry’s one at daycare. 

She then recalled Henry had speech therapy yesterday at the afternoon since now the boy attended daycare in the mornings. Leeteuk took him… and Heechul was their ride since he also had to look for the triplets at dance school. They were exactly the ones that got sick… what did they have? What kind of snack did Heechul—- why was she blaming Heechul already? She didn’t know whose idea was to eat whatever they ate… 

(But Heechul’s sin is indeed gluttony… I bet it was him who suggested something) 

Heeyeon sighed. If her assumptions were right… good thing was that anyone else was getting sick. 

Kyuhyun brought her back from her thoughts as he woke up saying he needed the toilet in an urgency. Heeyeon offered the potty they kept for emergencies at night time but Kyuhyun rejected it and expressed his discontent with the idea.

“Potty just for pee ‘mengencies “ - Kyuhyun reminded her as he grabbed his - “No poop there!” 

“Oh, you want to poop” - Heeyeon rushed to take him to the toilet - “Sorry, thanks for holding up well~ my big boy likes to use the toilet now” 

“Yup” - Kyuhyun was pleased with his mom acknowledging his big efforts to keep his underwear clean - “Kyunnie no diapey. Toilet” 

(But my theory is back to square one. Kyuhyun having three bowel movements in a morning.. it’s weird) 

“Gonna take diz off” - Kyuhyun expressed his desire to get rid of the pull up he was wearing - “Bye bye diapey” 

“Actually… let’s keep it on for the day” - Heeyeon feared an accident - “Can you endure it for mommy?” 

“Kay…?” - Kyuhyun was confused but again, he wasn’t going to give her troubles - “Play to’ethew?”

“Sure baby, but quietly since your brothers are sleeping” - Heeyeon kissed him - “What are we going to play?” 

“How on earth did we get the same ty bacteria?” - Heechul was cursing out loud as the test results were out and doctors shared their initial diagnosis- “It says we are most likely going to have salmonella. AGAIN” 

“What I find weird is that we don’t consume raw eggs or uncooked poultry” - Leeteuk sighed - “And we haven’t been in touch with Donnie…”

“It doesn’t make sense. It can’t be the turtle because if that were the case… Yesung would have been the first one” - Heechul whined - “WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO US?!”

“Guess the doctor will tell us” - Mr Kim shrank shoulders - “I bet there are other sources of that friend of yours” 

“It’s not a friend but an undesirable guest” - Heechul said bitterly - “Also, that’s not what annoys me the most…” 

“Mr Kim and Mr Kim” - a nurse was there just as Heechul feared - “We are going to need s—-“

“ samples” - Heechul held his head between his knees - “So gross and disgusting” 

“Thank you… we will let you know” - Leeteuk was kindly accepting the specimen cups - “Heechul, don’t be dramatic. You have taken the ones from the kids before” 

“Yeah, but…” - Heechul blushed - “It was THEIR poop” 

“Do you want me to help you?” - Mr Kim teased - “I’m your dad” 

“There is NO way I’m taking a in the hospital and collecting a stool sample” - Heechul pointed  at Leeteuk- “It will be enough just with one, right?” 

“I have no problems taking the sample but…” - Leeteuk sighed - “If you get to ‘use’ the toilet first… don’t waste time and take the sample. The sooner they know what is wrong with us… the sooner we will be back home helping Heeyeon” 

The doctor came to check on them. Heechul used the chance to ask for other causes and the possible sources of it. After a long discussion… they found the culprit. 

“B-but fruit is s-supposed to be a healthy snack” - Heechul was having a hard time processing the information - “Did we mess up like that? For real?!” 

“Was the fruit cut when you bought it?” - the doctor pitied the young adults - “It could have gotten contaminated and then since you don’t cook it… You got food poisoning” 

“I can’t believe we got sick over an stupid fruit salad” - Heechul was muffling himself against the pillow - “I’m never eating fruits again. A hot dog would have never done this to me!”

“actually…” - the doctor started 

“No! No!” - Heechul urged him - “Dont ruin hot dogs for me” 

“We shared the snack with children” - Leeteuk informed - “They also got sick… should we bring them here?” 

“Well, if they are well hydrated and the symptoms aren’t that bad… I think a call to their paediatrician would be enough” 

“Thanks” - Leeteuk was polite to the doctor as Heechul kept being dramatic 

Leeteuk was writing a text to Heeyeon when he decided it would be better to just call her. It was an excuse to talk to her… he couldn’t deny he missed her already. 


“Teuk! You are alive! How are you doing?” 

Heechul jumped out of the bed and got into Leeteuk’s one much to Mr Kim amusement. 

“Better…” - Leeteuk tried not to laugh while Heechul looked at him dumbfounded and pointed at himself - “Listen, uhm… Apparently, we got a bacteria from a fruit salad… we shared one yesterday after the kids came out of their dance practice” 


“Yeah, uhm… how are they doing? They said that if the boys weren’t doing that bad, a call to their doctor would be enough” 

“Is that so? Then, I guess I should give him a call as soon as possible… the kids are doing fine. You don’t need to worry! Everything is under control!” 

“Nice, I—“ - Leeteuk saw Heechul pouting 

“I will end the call, ok? I need to contact their doctor” - Heeyeon announced - “Bye Teukie! Get well soon!”

“Hee—“ - Leeteuk didn’t get to say it - “The call ended…” 

Mr Kim laughed out loud when Heechul went back to his bed and burrowed himself under the blankets. 

“Sorry” - Leeteuk understood it - “But hey, the kids are doing fine! Those are good news, right?”

“She didn’t ask about me” - Heechul said with a sorrowful voice - “she didn’t…” 

Heeyeon contacted the paediatrician really quick. Unsurprisingly, the affected boys needed treatment to prevent things get out of control. She hated the idea but it was safer that way. So, she asked her dad to buy the meds before coming back home. 

Mr Ahn didn’t mind doing a stop at the pharmacy. He went in with his sweaty but happy grandsons. The three older boys were so cheerful after having a good day at school. 
They kept talking non stop. 

“Aren’t they cute?” - Mr Ahn was really proud of them - “They are all so handsome and well behaved” 

Mr Ahn was having the time of his life with the boys. And the kids seemed fond of him too. 
He received many hugs despite the fact they were the older boys. 

“Pops!” - Kangin was showing his sweet side even if he was usually a naughty boy - “Let’s play again after lunch! I’m going to teach how to play videogames!” 

“I would love so” - Mr Ahn smiled pleased 

“For real?!” - Yesung also interested - “You would play with us?” 

“I’m getting better at games now” - Siwon told him - “but I can let you win” 

Heeyeon was relieved after the kids were back home. Even if they were more likely not getting sick, she still worried. She decided to start treatment for the sick boys after lunch since meds and empty stomach didn’t end well most of the time. 

Lunch was a lot happier than breakfast. Kids were in a better mood and since they were feeling better… they actually ate something. The older boys helped the grandparents clearing the table. Heeyeon was busy measuring the right amount of meds for each boy… she feared mixing it up since Henry was supposed to take less than his older brothers… Triplets were easy because they pretty much weighed the same. 

She was doubting if she should give it to Kyuhyun or not. According to the doctor, if the poop was “normal” there was no reason to worry about. She decided to wait a bit more not feeling well feeding more meds to the boy. 

“Oh dear lord” 

Heeyeon was holding Henry like a bomb while the kids went crazy running around and covering their noses. 

“Poo~” - Henry was in a good mood

Heeyeon was actually struggling with that diaper. She knew she couldn’t ask a recently potty trained boy to not have accidents when being sick… but she somehow wished Henry did the next one in the toilet. 

“All done” - Heeyeon was sweating - “I think we are going to need more wipes but we are ok” 

“Yay!” - Henry chirped amused - “Cwean Bu’d!”

“Yeah, your is clean now” - Heeyeon kissed him in a loving way - “And even if you did a gross and very yucky thing… you seem fine” 

“Yayyyyy!” - Henry danced around - “Hewy! Hewy! Hewy!” 

“Oh, no” - Heeyeon spotted Kyuhyun lurking behind the door - “Be careful. What do we always say? No fingers here, remember?”

Heechul feared the kids would get their hands trapped by a door. Heeyeon realized it was a real fear and started feeling the same way whenever she caught them putting fingers between doors and walls. Leeteuk also scolded the boys if they slammed doors for the same reason. 

“Sowy” - Kyuhyun hid his hands behind his back - “Mama, Kyu… uhm…” 

“What’s wrong? Do you need to go potty again?” - Heeyeon asked half concerned. She felt a bit better when Kyuhyun shook his head… but happiness only lasted a few seconds - “You already did it?” 

“Uhum” - Kyuhyun nodded shyly - “Kyu pooped…” 

“Where?” - it was a silly question… but still… 

“Diaper” - Kyuhyun sighed sadly - “Came out…” 

“It’s ok. No big deal” - Heeyeon tried sounding as cheerful as always in a try to hide her fear - “We just clean and change into a new one, right?” 
Then, she realized something. She wouldn’t have known Kyuhyun had a dirty diaper if the kid haven’t confessed so. Yet, Henry’s one was like a nuclear bomb. She knew Kyuhyun hated that and she apologized before hand but she had to make sure.

“No zniff mama” - Kyuhyun pouted a bit annoyed when Heeyeon sniffed his - “Kyu big boy!” 

“Sure baby… it’s just…” - Heeyeon was confused. She was checking the diaper before the change - “I need to make sure” 

(Poop is normal…? Completely normal! What the hell is going on here?! Kyunnie doesn’t look ‘sick’ but why is he pooping that much today?)

“Oh, we are having a diaper change” - Heeyeon flinched a bit when Mrs Kim showed up next to her - “He—“

“Nuh! Grandma Please no look!” - Kyuhyun was shy about receiving a diaper change in front of her - “Pwease” 

“He is truly Heechul’s son, Huh” - Mrs Kim teased - “It’s ok, Kyunnie. Grandma won’t look” 

“Actually… I do want a second opinion” - Heeyeon bit her lips - “I know I’m asking too much but, you are mother too. You know how dirty diapers looks like” 

“My honest opinion on this one? I think I have seen bunnies do bigger poopies” - Mrs Kim joked and Kyuhyun giggled - “It’s a very tiny accident” 

“But because today is the fourth time he goes number two” - Heeyeon explained - “I don’t know if—-“ 

Heeyeon finally broke down. Everything was so hard. She was scared. Really, scared. Not because Kyuhyun could be sick…. But the whole situation. She was truly concerned about Leeteuk and… Heechul. She missed him the most. Her usually “don’t worry about anything” lovey dovey was pretty weak the last time she saw him. And she couldn’t be there for him. 

“I’m a bad mother and bad wife” - Heeyeon cried - “Heechul probably ate that stupid salad because he was hungry…” 

“Dearie, Heechul is always hungry” - Mrs Kim admired Heeyeon kept doing the diaper change despite crying - “It’s not your fault” 

“But I was the one that asked him to try healthier snacks” - Heeyeon sobbed - “And now he is sick and the kids are sick too… and Leeteuk! “

“Mama, no cwy” - Kyuhyun was anxious - “Kyu no sick, dun worry!”

“We don’t know that” - Heeyeon finished the change and helped Kyuhyun put back his pants - “I’m so bad at this that I don’t know if you are fine or not” 

“I’m fine” 

“But how do you explain so much poops today?” - Heeyeon was about to lose it even more - “It doesn’t make sense… and I’m afraid of not taking the correct decision on time because I don’t know what’s going on” 

“Let’s start by calming down” - Mrs Kim gestured her to sit - “The most important thing is that Kyuhyun looks good” 

“I’m fine…” - Kyuhyun repeated softly - “Mama, Kyu iz fine” 

“He doesn’t really look like a sick child” - Mrs Kim agreed - “Look at him! He is doing well!”

Heeyeon just sniffed a bit. Kyuhyun tried to cheer her up doing silly faces. She half smiled at some point and Kyuhyun got incredibly happy. 

“Mama, how ya call a fawe noowe?” - Kyuhyun joked around - “An inpastaaaaa!”

Heeyeon actually laughed this time. That stupid joke… she knew it from long ago. She never expected Kyuhyun to bring it up. 

“I actually taught your dad that one” - Heeyeon wiped her tears - “after Yesung was born… I… Uhm, daddy didn’t know how to joke without being rude” 

“Sounds like my son” - Mrs Kim agreed 

“He used many bad words and said things that weren’t good for children ears” - Heeyeon explained - “But he has a huge sense of humour and he was sad he couldn’t joke with Yesung and the other future babies” 

Kyuhyun listened to her with full attention. 

“So, I gifted him a silly book with the best jokes for children” - Heeyeon smiled pleased as she remembered the old times - “and he was so happy. He spent the whole week reading out loud the jokes and practicing with me” 

Kyuhyun chuckled. He then hugged Heeyeon tightly. 

“I wuv you mama” - Kyuhyun snuggled - “Pwease no cwy. Kyu iz fine. I tell’in’ u twue”

“I know you will always tell me the truth” - Heeyeon kissed him - “You are such a good boy” 

“Yeah! Very good boy!” - Kyuhyun listed a few things he did that made him a good boy - “… no fiwing Henwy, no fiwing Wookie, no messin food, tawin meds…” 

“Speaking of meds… should we treat him too?” - Heeyeon asked Mrs Kim - “What do you say? I was advised to not do so unless he showed symptoms but I really can’t tell…” 

“I would wait” 

“There are so many things I still don’t know…” - Heeyeon sighed - “This morning I was getting his usual meds but Leeteuk said that we should wait to see if the boy was sick first” 

“His usual meds…?” - Mrs Kim got an idea - “the treatment he follows for his constipation problems?” 

“Yeah, laxatives and—-“ - Heeyeon got it too - “But it doesn’t make sense. I didn’t give them to you, did I?” 

Kyuhyun tilted his head. 

“Kyu, did you take your meds today?” - Heeyeon could feel it. She got the chills when the kid nodded - “Why…? I mean, how…?” 

“Kyu iz a good boy” - Kyuhyun wasn’t sure of the question. Everyone always told him he should take his meds! - “Tawe meds evewyday!” 

“The bottle is out of their reach” - Heeyeon was following Mrs Kim all way to the kitchen - “so, I’m not sure— where is it? It should be here” 

“Maybe you forgot it with all the chaos and—-“

“No. I’m sure I put it back here” - Heeyeon insisted - “We don’t leave meds where children can take them… I’m very strict with it. Heechul is too. Leeteuk is even worse than us… there is no way—-“ 

She froze. Yeah, there was actually a way Kyuhyun got the bottle in his hands. 


Boy when it came to all sports but one. There was an exception. She had noticed it earlier but never said anything because it wasn’t a skill that should worry them that much… unless, Ryeowook was starting to do things like getting meds for his twin. The kid was very good at climbing. 

“Wookie, did you take this from the kitchen?” - Heeyeon was doing her best to remain calm 

“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded - “Kyu medz!” 

“That’s right this is Kyuhyun’s, right? Why did you take it?”

“Uhmmm” - Ryeowook scratched his head - “Kyu wanned his medz. Wookie hewped him ge’ em” 

“Kyu, did you take this?” - Heeyeon asked the tall twin carefully - “Tell me the truth, please” 

Kyuhyun nodded. He wasn’t as cheerful as before. He could tell they had messed up. He was starting to understand they could be in troubles. 

“Ok, you two… let’s sit here” - Heeyeon made them sit on the bed. The boys started whimpering as soon as they sat. 

“Mama, we Sowy” - Ryeowook apologized first - “We no bad boyz” 

“Kyu medz evewyday” - Kyuhyun was also nervous - “No bad, mommy, no bad” 

“Shhh, shhhh” - Heeyeon comforted them carefully. She didn’t want them to be upset. She needed to set limits but she didn’t want to be ‘scary’ for the kids - “I’m not angry… I’m going to scold you a bit and that’s it, ok?” 

The twins agreed reluctantly between tears. They didn’t want to get scolded. They were good boys! They didn’t mean causing troubles… 
Yet, what they did was dangerous. Taking meds without supervision could end really bad and they were lucky Kyuhyun didn’t get sick from it. 
It was just that toddlers didn’t understand that at all… in their heads, medication was equal to ‘feel better’ or ‘getting rid of sickness’. They had no clue about toxicity or things like that. 

“You boys should never take meds without an adult” - Heeyeon explained to them - “It could be dangerous and you could get sick” 

The twins remained quiet looking at her with big sulky eyes like asking for her to stop. 

“Do we agree?” - Heeyeon needed to make sure they got it - “Boys, please… do answer me” 

“Yeah…” - the twins tried looking down 

“Look at me” 

The twins did as commanded. They kept trying to get away with pouting and big teary eyes but Heeyeon was firm. This time they needed to get taught for their own safety. 

“Also, taking things from us without permission is not allowed and is quite rude” - Heeyeon scolded - “So, please… don’t take things from the shelves or cupboards without asking first” 

“Uhum…” - Ryeowook knew that one was on him. He climbed there and took the bottle for Kyuhyun without thinking twice. The simple thought of hurting his twin by accident made him sick. How couldn’t he know that? He should have asked an adult… why didn’t he do that in the first place?” 

“You have to promise me you will never do this again” - Heeyeon was serious but she kept their heads so they knew she wasn’t mad - “Can you promise me that?” 

The twins nodded. 

“Say ‘yes, I promise’ “ - Heeyeon insisted - “Cmon, you have to say it” 

“Yes, I pwomize” 

“Good boys” 

The twins cried harder. They felt awful knowing they caused troubles. They were a little upset to discover it haven’t ended yet. 

“Now, I need you to be really honest and tell me how much of this Kyunnie took” - Heeyeon showed them the bottle - “Did you measure it somehow or just took a sip from it?” 

“Uhm… we uze baby cup…” - Ryeowook pointed at the medicine cup that came with the bottle - “Liwe this?” 

Heeyeon could picture the boys filled the cup almost to the top… meaning Kyuhyun took almost twice the dose he needed. It wasn’t dangerous at all. She at least could relax a bit… Kyuhyun took doses similar to that one when he had that horrendous episode a while ago. Of course, not being constipated now, a dose like that was more likely going to cause loose stools or diarrhea… but nothing she couldn’t handle. 

“Fine, I don’t think anything wrong will happen… but again, you are not allowed to do this by yourselves” - Heeyeon showed them the bottle - “Not this, not any other meds” 

“Yeah…” - The twins felt guilty.

“What do you mean by tomorrow?” - Leeteuk asked carefully when the doctor refused to let them go back home that day - “W-we are not doing that bad…” 

“Because you are receiving everything by IV” - The doctor pointed at the needles - “If you go back home, you won’t be able to receive meds or fluids like that. We need you to have oral tolerance” 

“Meaning…?” - Leeteuk sighed. His head hurt. He didn’t want to think 

“That you can’t throw up after taking anything” - Mr Kim explained - “I actually feel better knowing you will stay here… if you go back there without being half recovered, well” 

“We are going to give her troubles…” - Leeteuk was sad. He wanted to go back home so badly… and there was Heechul being extremely quiet - “Heechul, are you alright?”

Heechul didn’t bother replying with his voice. He just lifted a thump up without looking at them. He kept burrowing himself inside the blankets. 

“Dad, maybe you should go back home… You haven’t eaten properly” - Leeteuk didn’t want the old man to get sick or something - “Please, we are going to be fine” 

“I will go back there and rest for a while” - Mr Kim agreed - “Are you boys going to be ok?”


Mr Kim returned home. He brought news about their condition… and saw the very moment Heeyeon’s face enlightened when seeing Heechul was doing better. He found silly Heechul was worried she didn’t care about him… his son was definitely a lost cause. 

“Well” - Mrs Kim was ready to go out - “I will go and spend the night in the hospital. I need to make sure Heechul doesn’t try anything stupid” 

“I really appreciate it” - Heeyeon hugged her - “Thank you for taking care of them… and us” 


“We were thinking… that we should stay the night here” - Mrs Ahn offered - “we thought that since you would be yourself… You wouldn’t sleep well” 

“I can stay too” - Mr Kim nodded - “You use the guest room. I will use Leeteuk’s since he is not here” 

Heeyeon didn’t even agree on that. They took decisions by themselves… but she was so thankful. She feared being left alone in the big mansion with the kids. She truly appreciated the whole family was really devoted to help them. 

But even with so much help around and being incredibly exhausted… she couldn’t sleep. She was restless. Turning from one side to another in the big bed…

(This bed is too big for being alone…)

She wasn’t used to sleep alone. Not anymore. She always cuddled with Heechul or the kids. Why today? Of all days, how could it be no kid needed their mom today? 

She was about to lose hope when she felt a little boy crawling in her bed. She was happy. 

“M-mama?” - she heard Ryeowook calling 

“Whats wrong baby?” - Heeyeon pulled the boy to her side - “did you have a nightmare?”

“N-Nuh” - Ryeowook snuggled - “But I’m scared!” 

“You are? Aw. Poor you… you can sleep here with me” - Heeyeon fixed pillows for the boy - “See? We can hold hand—“

“Mama, Kyu too” - Kyuhyun was crawling on the bed with his penguin plush - “Scared” 


If Heeyeon usually melted for the boys, tonight… she couldn’t thank enough the fact she wasn’t sleeping alone. She was even happier when the triplets also invaded her bed. She knew that if Henry wasn’t sleeping in his crib next to them, he would have probably done so too. 

Mrs Ahn found cute how Heeyeon slept in such a cramped bed. She was surrounded by many kids. Not being Heechul with them, the older kids used the chance to fit in there too. Even the really independent Yesung was there. 

“Heechul, try getting some sleep” - Mrs Kim scolded when she caught Heechul awake again - “You need to rest” 

“Why are you awake?” - Heechul teased - “Do witches never sleep?” 

“Today is a full moon, so…” - Mrs Kim played along 

Heechul finally chuckled. 

“I miss them” - Heechul pouted - “I know it’s silly because it haven’t been 24 hours since I last saw them… but I miss them” 

“They miss you too” 

“I married Heeyeon” - Heechul confessed - “We… uhm, did it in secret when Kyunnie was not doing well. She feared she wouldn’t be—“

“I know and I understand” - Mrs Kim his hair - “You don’t need to give me excuses. It doesn’t matter what we think… this is between you and Heeyeon” 

“Yeah, that’s the problem” - Heechul sulked - “I didn’t want it to be like that. I mean… I wanted to marry her but… when I told her she didn’t need to marry me for being legally a guardian of the kids… she insisted” 

“And you are sad she did?” 

“She didn’t care we didn’t have a wedding ceremony” - Heechul sounded flustered - “Mom, I—- Heeyeon deserves better. She just married a man that got food poisoned from eating a bad fruit salad” 

“Does this IV include truth serum?” - Mrs Kim joked a bit - “Heechul, why are you so sad about it? Don’t you love each other? Doesn’t Heeyeon love the children?” 

“You once told me this wasn’t the life I wanted but the one I got”

“And if you remember what came after… you told me you haven’t been happier in your entire life” - Mrs Kim gave him a kiss - “Don’t you think it’s the same for her?” 

“Can you do me a favor?” - Heechul looked at her with pleading eyes - “Can you sleep here with me?” 

“Now, I think you have a fever” - Mrs Kim shook her head - “I could fit there but…” 

Heechul stretched a hand towards her. He was definitely feeling needy as he was sick. Mrs Kim went inside the blankets next to her silly son. She didn’t mind sleeping next to him, but she found funny Heechul would ask for it. She really wanted to about it… but the poor man had been through a lot already. She would save it for later. 

“See how cute” - Heechul was in a better mood in the morning. He was showing Leeteuk a picture Mrs Ahn sent him - “Heeyeon is surrounded by all of them… Those brat… even when I said to not give her troubles…”

“She doesn’t look troubled” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “In fact, she looks happy” 

“Oh, sleeping with your children is such a blessing” - Mrs Kim hugged them - “All moms love doing so… even if your baby isn’t a baby anymore” 

“I don’t know what’s wrong with you today” - Heechul was genuinely confused - “But I’m glad you look happy” 

“You really don’t remember?” - Mrs Kim chuckled 

“Remember what?” 

“Wait a sec” - Leeteuk searched in his phone - “See? I took this one—“

“IS THAT ME AND MOM SLEEPING IN THE SAME BED?” - Heechul freaked out - “WHY?”

“Uh, honey. It was you who asked for it” - Mrs Kim giggled - “You were so talkative last night… I believe it was a fever and you were half asleep at the time”

“Did I really ask—- Nevermind… did I say something else?” - Heechul worried 

“Not really” - Mrs Kim lied - “But, uhm… going back to the pic Mrs Ahn sent… I do think Heeyeon is happy” 

After proving they could tolerate eating by having breakfast, Leeteuk and Heechul were finally discharged. They got home by the time the kids were already at school. 

“You are back!” - Heeyeon hugged Heechul tightly - “Oh my, oh my! You are back!” 

Heechul blushed as Heeyeon wouldn’t stop kissing him. 

“I missed you so much! For real! I can’t live without you… don’t ever get sick like this again, please” - She was still snuggling with him - “You are too quiet… are you still feeling sick?!”

“N-no, I mean, not that I’m back to normal” - Heechul chuckled a bit - “But I didn’t expect you to give me such a warm welcome” 

“Why not? You are my lovely husband” - Heeyeon - “And I’m your cute wife” 

“You just called yourself ‘cute’ “ - Heechul teased raising his eyebrow - “Teuk, did you hear her?”

“Yeah, I did” - Leeteuk was surrounded by a dark dangerous aura - “I REALLY DID” 

“Ouch! Ouch! What are you doing?! Mom! Look at him! He is pinching me!” - Heechul whined as Leeteuk pinched his cheek really hard - “What’s wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong WITH YOU” - Leeteuk corrected as he released the cheek - “You marry and don’t tell me?”

“Uh? Oh yeah… It was under non pleasant circumstances” - Heechul shook his head - “Under normal ones, of course we would have told you. You would have been my best man! I swear!”

“I won’t forgive you” - Leeteuk sulked - “at least not that easily” 

“What about her? She didn’t tell you either” 

“She is fine” 

“WHAT” - Heechul couldn’t believe his ears - “You are mad at ME but not HER? It was HER idea” 

“She is cute. You are not. Get over it” 

“Mom! Do something! Teukie is being mean!” - Heechul whined again while Mrs Kim greeted her husband - “Dad! You too!” 

“He is right” - the parents sided with Leeteuk- “How could you marry without telling anyone? Just wait until the kids learn about it” 

“Unless… they don’t” - Heechul giggled anxiously- “Right? Like why would we tell them we are already married?” 

“You are married?!” - Sungmin covered his mouth in shock 

Eunhyuk frowned and Donghae started crying. 

“Why aren’t they at school?” - Heechul tried ignoring the fact he just messed up again - “It’s already time for them to be at school” 

“Because… I didn’t feel safe sending them back considering they just started a new treatment” - Heeyeon shrank shoulders - “So, the triplets and Henry are home” 

“Where is Henry?” - Leeteuk grew concerned noticing the youngest boy wasn’t around - “Did he run away?” 

“No, he must be busy driving my mom crazy” - Heeyeon giggled - “Come with me. He is going to be so happy uncle is back” 

“What’s wrong with you two?” - Heechul turned to the triplets that kept staring at him in a bad mood. Eunhyuk frowning and Donghae crying 

“Y-you didn’t invite H-Hae t-to your w-wedding” - Donghae hiccuped 

“Because there was no wedding!” - Heechul was flustered 

Sungmin gasped, Eunhyuk rolled his eyes and Donghae stopped crying… only to start again.

“Why are you crying now?!”

“B-because t-there was n-no w-wedding!” - Donghae was running to his dramatic corner in the couch 

“So bad” - Sungmin pouted - “I wanted to see Mama wearing a fancy dress and full make up” 

“If there was no wedding, then, there wasn’t a wedding dance” - Eunhyuk folded his arms - “I’m truly disappointed, daddy” 

“You too? Aren’t you glad mom can’t actually run away from us now?” - Heechul tried 

“Oh, she can” - Sungmin widened his eyes - “She could ask for divorce” 

“What the—-“ - Heechul turned pale - “No…
She wouldn’t… would she?” 

“Did you eat cake?” - Sungmin squinted his eyes at him accusingly 

“Fine, I know it ! No wedding dress, no wedding cake, no wedding dance… because there was no actual wedding!” - Heechul leaned on the couch - “But it’s not too late! We still could have a wedding ceremony… right? Also, at least there was a ring” 

“Does mommy not wear her ring because she wants a divorce?” - Donghae’s weird question caught Heechul off guard - “Hae haven’t seen her wear her ring” 

“I haven’t” - Sungmin replied as soon as Heechul eyes looked at him - “Maybe she just doesn’t like it…?” 

“Dad, if you and mom divorce can we stay with her?” - Eunhyuk asked - “And how does it work? Do we get twice of everything?” 

Heechul knew it was silly. Heeyeon loved him. She truly did! So, why was he doubting himself? Of course she was happy with him. Them. 
He just needed to make sure of keeping her happy—

“I swear I will practice how to hide it from him” - Heeyeon was telling Leeteuk- “I don’t want him to get hurt” 

(Come again? What is she hiding? The fact she isn’t happy? She doesn’t like me that much anymore…) 

Heechul gulped down. He peeked from the living room and Heeyeon spotted him. 

“Ah! Baby! Right on time!” - Heeyeon clapped her hands - “I was thinking we need a bigger bed” 

(For distancing from me?!) 

“Would you marry me?” - Heechul was so random Heeyeon was confused - “I mean having an actual wedding ceremony… like this weekend?” 

“No” - Heeyeon chuckled - “Are you insane?” 

Heechul felt like crying. 

“Weddings are so much work” - Heeyeon held his hands - “So, it’s not easy planning one. And you were sick not long ago! Why would we have it now? Save it for later” 

“Two months?” 

Heeyeon shook her head amused.

“Three months?” 

“That’s even worse” 

Heechul let himself fall on a chair. Leeteuk chuckled. His brother was so dramatic. 

“She is pregnant, dummy” - Leeteuk helped - “around that time she would be either giving birth or with a huge belly” 

“Oh” - Heechul blushed - “that’s right” 

“Besides, I don’t need a huge ceremony” - Heeyeon kissed him softly - “I’m happy with how things have turned out. If we ever get to have a proper wedding, I would like to plan it carefully. Maybe after Cherry learns how to walk so she can be a flower girl” 

“Big ceremony or not, I’m certain of something” - Heechul was in a better mood - “NO FRUIT SNACKS” 


“Silly?! Fruits almost KILLED ME” - Heechul was back to his normal self - “Hey, Heeyeon! Dont laugh! I’m serious about it!” 

“Right, right” - Heeyeon kept laughing non stop 

“You know something?” - Heechul wasn’t going to stop any sooner - “next time I’m buying a burger” 

“Ohhh, what happened with the hot dog?” - Leeteuk teased - “Did you get scared about what the doctor said?”

“Shut up” - Heechul complained in a whiny way - “Stop ruining food for me” 

“Speaking of food… Teuk gave me the diet you were asked to follow” - Heeyeon was happy - “I can do it. It’s not complica—-“

“Give me that” - Heechul snatched the papers and read fast - “WHAT THE ! WE CANT EAT ANYTHING! THIS IS BULL! ” 

“Lower your voice” - Leeteuk hissed - “Kids could hear you and repeat those ugly words” 

“lOwEr YoUr VoIce” - Heechul mimicked him in a strange way - “UgLy WoRds blah blah blah” 

“Why are you like this?” - Leeteuk was a bit upset as Heechul made fun of him - “you are being rude to me” 

“You are being rude to me” - Heechul mimicked again 

“Stop copying me” 

“Stop copying me” 

“Heechul, please” 

“Heechul, please” 

“Oh Cmon, grow up” 

“Oh cmon, grow up” 

Leeteuk arched his eyebrows. Heechul was definitely having fun teasing him. 



“Starting today I won’t have snacks” - Leeteuk tried 

“For real? Just give them to me” - Heechul chuckled 

“He is so annoying” - Leeteuk gave up 

“But honeeeeeey he is your brother and he loves youuuuu” - Heeyeon imitated how Leeteuk always tried to stop any fight between the boys 

“Is this how having siblings feels like?” - Leeteuk pointed at Heechul- “I owe the kids an apology” 


Author comments 

Hi there ! Did you miss me? I did~ 
I hope you are doing well and enjoying your holidays 

Author notes 

About the Bacteria 

It seems like I’m very fond of it, but honestly, I just chose one that it won’t represent a big danger to the boys or Heeyeon. (And also is highly common) 

Salmonella can be found in reptiles digestive tract… so, pet turtles and birds (that come from the dinosaurs and share some traits with reptiles) do have it like a normal thing. Meaning, you should be extra careful when playing with reptiles or eating poultry (chicken, eggs…). 

It’s also very common to get it from fruits and raw vegetables. How? Because those can get contaminated during harvest, transportation or when cut. 

Other bacteria that could cause food poisoning include: Listeria, Campylobacter, Shigella, S. aureus… 

About what Heechul heard 

When Heeyeon says she needs to “hide it better” she is talking about Kyuhyun’s med. 

And when she says they need a bigger bed… she is thinking about the kids sleeping with them. 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it