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Junior Quest

“It’s a pimple” 

“I’m telling you, that is not—“

“IT IS A PIMPLE! IM GETTING ACNE!” - Yesung freaked out after seen his face on the mirror - “I DONT WANT TO HAVE ACNE!” 

“It looks like a bug bite to me” - Heechul yawned - “But go ahead. Have some drama” 

Heechul wasn’t going to keep having arguments with Yesung when most of the time, the boy realized himself his own mistakes. 

“Heechul, I’m leaving” - Leeteuk announced - “Please do take care. If you think you can not handle it, feel free to ask for help” 

“Have a nice study session” - Heechul tried to say while Henry pulled his cheek - “We are going to have fun as well” 

“Dad, have you seen my— Nevermind! I found it!” - Kangin interrupted 

“Dad, if Uncle Teuk is going out…” - Siwon sulked - “How are we doing our homework?” 

“Daddy is going to help you” - Leeteuk forced an smile - “Right?” 

“Sure! Homework! I got this!” - Heechul was optimistic- “Boys! Cmon’ Let’s do our homework now!” 

“I’m being serious” - Leeteuk whispered - “If it is too much, just wait until I—“ 

“Nuh Uh Uh!” - Heechul imitated Henry’s way of speaking - “Enjoy your free time away from this place! Don’t even think about it! I promise homework will be done by the time you come back!” 

“I’m coming back before dinner” - Leeteuk sighed - “It’s going… It’s going to take the whole day” 

“I know” - Heechul nodded - “You already said so” 

“Like five times” - Yesung added - “Why are you feeling guilty? Are you cheating on us?” 

“Yesung!” - Heechul scolded the boy - “Your uncle is just worried because he is leaving me in charge!” 

“And we all remember what happened last time~ “- Kangin sang making the triplets laugh 

“Bye Dada!” - The twins were fully dressed and holding their backpacks. They both walked full of confidence towards the door but Heechul stopped them. 

“Where are you going?” 

“Mmm… Uncle?” - Kyuhyun tried as he pointed at Leeteuk 

“Yeah!” - Ryeowook bounced 

“That’s a no” - Heechul tilted his head - “He is going to study… he can’t babysit you while studying” 

“Why no’ ?” - Ryeowook pouted 

“We are good” - Kyuhyun sighed 
“Sorry boys” - Leeteuk hugged them tightly - “But dad is right, and I need to do this… alone” 

“Alone?” - Ryeowook gasped. Kyuhyun and him held hands. The twins hated that word. 

Leeteuk was about to leave when the twins chased after him. Apparently, this time they only wanted to give Leeteuk something they considered a lucky charm: an acorn they have found in the park the other day. 


“Good luck!” - the kids waved goodbye 

The family seemed like one of those from the American movies involving several children. It didn’t take long for them to break the illusion as Leeteuk’s silhouette started to disappear. 

“Alright brats” - Heechul gathered them in the living room - “Here is the deal. Be nice and do your homework and I will recompense your efforts. Be mean and naughty and I will ground you until you leave for college” 

“Koo!” - Henry clapped his hands  

“Yeah, it is cool” - Kangin agreed 

“Seems fair to me” - Yesung smiled as he fixed his glasses - “We don’t want Uncle Teuk to think we can’t manage without him” 

Leeteuk sneezed. Heechul was sure speaking ill of Him. He had no proof but zero doubts. Sadly, he was wrong. And he felt like so, but for a different reason. The past few days he had been lying to Heechul about his whereabouts. Yes, he was indeed leaving to study but he wasn’t going to the library to meet classmates as he had told them. Actually, he barely interacted with his classmates. Most of them were considerably younger than him and would behave more immature than some of his nephews. 

“Hey there” - Heeyeon was eating a peach in a non girly way - “I thought you would chicken out” 

Leeteuk raised an eyebrow. Heeyeon was wearing what it looked like a nightdress that barely covered her knees. In fact, it didn’t. Her hair was tied in a bum like style. 

“Seems like you just woke up” - Leeteuk commented 

“You are rude” - She laughed while closing the door - “Mina and her tribe are out. They went to do groceries and so” 

“Heechul often skip those” - Leeteuk giggled - “He barely goes grocery shopping with all of them. He prefers ordering online and if we run out of something, we just take out a few kids” 

“Mina has just four” - Heeyeon twisted her lips - “Heechul has eight— no, Wait… Henry is number nine” 

“Number nine” - Leeteuk teased - “Is that how you call them? Do you call Yesung ‘number 1’ ?” 

“Very funny, I do know their names” - Heeyeon smiled softly as she rummaged in the kitchen - “Alright, let’s start” 

“I thought we were going to study” - Leeteuk joked - “You seem like if we were going to watch a movie” 

“Why you said so?” - Heeyeon sipped from her sparkling straw cup. She was holding several packages of junk food on the other hand - “You can’t study without food. Everyone knows that” 

Leeteuk just nodded. He still didn’t get the idea of eating gummy bears, potato chips and pop corn. Heeyeon, otherwise, seemed eager to start opening the packages one after another. 

Heechul was shocked at the mess in the table.

“Teachers that send art projects to preschoolers should go to hell” - Heechul left out after another bottle of glue ended in the floor 

“Daddy!” - Siwon scolded him - “God is watching us!”

Heechul agreed. He would keep the curses to himself. Siwon could be very annoying when it was about going to heaven. He once cried when Heechul said he doubted he could go there. 

“I found glitter!” - Eunhyuk came back holding a huge packet of glitter 

“Why would you need glitter?” - Heechul wanted to cry - “You are making… whatever you are making” 

“Because everything is better with glitter, Papa” - Sungmin said it like it was obvious - “This project is going to be sparkling!” 

“Ok, I guess Sungmin is doing planets and aliens”
- Yesung pointed at the table - “but what are those?” 

“I have no idea” - Heechul whispered to the boy - “I’m afraid to ask” 

“Mine… It’s a pirate ship” - Donghae replied - “I’m going to be a pirate when I grow up. That’s how I will marry a mermaid and be friends of all fish” 

“That’s doesn’t look like a ship” - Kangin was terrified - “To be honest, you would be lucky if it looked like a raft” 

Donghae stared at his art project and sighed. 

“It ” - The kid admitted 

“No, no… You just need a little help” - Heechul was sure Donghae haven’t inherited his abilities at all - “We are all different! We have all different strengths!” 

“But I’m not good in anything that have to do with school” - Donghae didn’t care about it - “I don’t know how I will survive kindergarten” 

“You will!” - Heechul tried to cheer him up - “Look at Siwon! One year ago, he was all tears about leaving daycare!” 

“I still wish I haven’t left” - Siwon retorted 

“But kindergarten is so hard!” - Donghae worried - “It’s like a real school!” 

“Buddy, it is a real school” - Heechul face palmed himself - “And so is daycare” 

“No, it’s not” - Eunhyuk shook his head - “All we do in daycare is play! All you do in school is study!” 

Heechul found extremely worrying the fact the triplets were so unexpectedly upset about leaving daycare. Only a few months until they were finally in kindergarten. Heechul was excited, the kids were not. 

“You guys are always so brave!” - Heechul encouraged them - “I’m pretty sure you will have fun in kindergarten as well!” 

“All our friends are leaving, aren’t they?” - Sungmin’s question made Heechul turn pale - “That’s why we leaving as well” 

Eunhyuk and Donghae started crying. Sungmin kept glueing some aliens to his project. Heechul was now a little upset himself. He haven’t thought of it that much. He knew the kids would have to adapt to a new environment but he never bothered thinking that they would lose touch with their precious friends. The triplets were really popular in daycare, they were friends with almost everyone there. Heechul and Leeteuk were close to their parents as well. They chit chatted when waiting for the kids and even scheduled play dates for them. 

Heechul tried to not freak out but then he recalled something else: the twins were moving classes too. After all, they would be three very soon and they would change to the other class that involved kids from three to four years old. Henry would be two but was he ready for daycare? He doubted so. Heechul felt stress coming from everywhere. 

“I’m so tired” - Leeteuk couldn’t focus anymore - “I didn’t remember studying was so… exhausting. Now I know what Kangin feels everyday” 

“Don’t tell him” - Heeyeon teased as she took another chip - “We can take a break if you want” 

“That would be nice” - Leeteuk was pleased to hear so - “Mina and Donghee, did they—“ 

“Nope. I don’t know when are they coming back” - Heeyeon rushed to reply - “And yes, they took all the kids and all their … ‘stuff’ . Diapers, baby wipes, milk… Mina’s bag was so big” 

“You do realize all that ‘stuff’ is needed when going out with a baby, right?” 

“Of course” - The girl just smiled confidently - “Lucky for me, Heechul’s little clones aren’t that young” 

“Well, there are more things that you need to have around when going out with kids” - Leeteuk found cute Heeyeon could be so clueless - “Not only milk and diapers” 

“I know” - The girl insisted - “Water, snacks, juice, band aids and… wipes” 

“There are a lot more than that” - Leeteuk giggled - “But sort of. You have thought of that” 

“Don’t be so condescendingly annoying” - Heeyeon folded her arms - “I may lack knowledge when it comes to babies but I’m a woman myself! I’m always carrying extra stuff in my hand bag!” 

“It’s not like men can go out without anything” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I may not always carry a bag but I do bring with me useful stuff in my pockets” 

“Oh really?” - Heeyeon took a sip in a provocative way - “leaving your wallet and keys out, what else can fit in those precious pockets?” 

“Ehm… paper tissues, some candy… I don’t know” 

“See?  That’s the problem! You guys are so easy minded” - Heeyeon rolled her eyes - “I always have tissues, band aids, make up, wipes, toilet paper, pads, an emergency sewing kit, pills, a little perfume and more” 

“Whoah” - Leeteuk laughed - “I have to admit it. Maybe you got a point” 

“Being a woman ” - Heeyeon sighed - “You have mood swings, you have cravings, you bleed… and everyone expects you to bake cookies and smile. I blame the tv for it” 

“Alright, I’m starting to feel relieved over the fact Heechul has no daughters” - Leeteuk teased - “We are having a hard time with Yesung so I can’t picture how much we would suffer with a girl” 

“Raising a girl without a mother is incredibly hard” - Heeyeon agreed - “Hani’s dad had a hard time” 

“I guess I never bothering asking before but I heard you and her were raised as siblings” 

“I’m going to be honest, I have no memories of my aunt” - Heeyeon pouted- “She passed away when I was still too little. I heard from some friends and relatives that she used to be a nice woman but one day she changed radically. Since then, she struggled to take care of Hani and my mom would help her. They were really close… they were sisters after all” 

“Sounds like a sad story” 

“When she died, my uncle… Hani’s dad, he had a hard time raising a daughter. Also, I think he blamed himself for my aunt’s death. Losing her was too much for him so when he fell ill, we all knew he wouldn’t fight back” 

“Ouch” - Leeteuk was now feeling sad - “I didn’t know Hani’s parents had such a hard life… Heechul always said Hani was a strong woman. Now I know why” 

“Hani was my older sister” - Heeyeon agreed - “My parents took care of her ever since my aunt changed and then they became their legal tutors when my uncle passed away” 

Leeteuk thought he wouldn’t listen to anything else but then Heeyeon continued. 

“There is something that I have never understood at all” - Heeyeon confessed - “I believe there is more to the story but I was left out of it because I was too young at the time. However, I once asked Hani about her mom but she… she just said digging on her past wouldn’t change facts. I don’t know what it was, but she took it to her grave” 

“All families have secrets” - Leeteuk shrank shoulders - “Some of us don’t even know where we came from” 

“Does it matter?” - Heeyeon smiled sweetly- “I would have wished you got adopted earlier but… now you have a nice family. Maybe waiting was the best” 

“By the way, you said Hani was like a sister to you” - Leeteuk joked - “And I know from a good source you even went as far as telling your parents she was their favourite” 

“That boyfriend of mine” - Heeyeon pretended she was shocked - “Why does he keep nagging me about it? I was a kid back then!” 

Leeteuk laughed. Heeyeon shook her head. 

“But my parents did love Hani as their own” - Heeyeon’s eyes turned watery - “As a result, they saw Gunhee as their in-law and the kids as their own grandchildren. Sadly, ever since the accident, my parents haven’t been able to recover. We do send them pictures of the kids but… they are still having a hard time accepting the truth” 

“They don’t know you want to marry, do they?” 

“They don’t even know why Heechul and I ‘broke up’” - Heeyeon cried - “I couldn’t tell them. I know is unfair to keep secrets like that but… It would only make them suffer” 

“It’s alright…” - Leeteuk wanted to cry as well. They had been spending a lot of time together. The most he met Heeyeon, the most he liked her. Not in a romantic way. She was a good friend and a possible sister in law. They would probably live together if the opportunity ever came. He just felt incredibly attached to her. He didn’t know if it was because the kids did resembled her as well thanks to their mom but he had a soft spot for Heeyeon. 

“You are so good to me” - Heeyeon wiped away her tears - “I’m so jealous Heechul’s family spotted you first. My parents always wanted a boy so they would have adopted you for sure” 

“What are you saying? We are family anyway” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “Also, since you get jealous easily, I bet you wouldn’t have liked me” 

“Jerk” - Heeyeon hit him playfully - “I always wanted a big brother. That’s why I loved Gunhee too” 

“A little sister won’t hurt” - Leeteuk teased - “I think I like you” 

Heeyeon blushed deeply. Her heart beating faster and that overwhelming feeling. 

“Enough talking” - She managed to say - “We still have a lot to cover for your next test” 

“You are so strict” - Leeteuk pouted 


“Earth to dad” - Yesung knocked on Heechul’s head - “You are lost in your thoughts” 

“Ah, sorry” 

“You were supposed to hear Siwon’s presentation about… ehm… what was it again?” 

“Sunflowers” - Siwon hissed - “I’m doing it about sunflowers!” 

“Ok great” - Heechul tried to focus - “Why sunflowers?” 

“Because… I like them!” 

“Ok” - Heechul nodded - “Sunflowers” 

Heechul couldn’t avoid yawning a few times. He loved his kids but parenthood was hard when it came to listening to the boys homework. 

“Papa, I’m dizzy” - Sungmin interrupted - “My head is spinning fast” 

“What?” - Heechul worried when the kid lost balance and dropped on the floor like if his strength was suddenly gone - “What did you do?” 

“N-nothing” - Sungmin sat as he inspected his legs - “I just stood up” 

“He is telling the truth” - Kangin was also worried - “He was sitting and then got dizzy as soon as he got up” 

Heechul wanted to believe it was nothing but… Sungmin didn’t seem to be fine at all. 

“Are you still feeling dizzy?” 

“No” - Sungmin held his chest - “But my heart is crazy” 

Heechul took a moment and placed a hand on the boy’s chest. The heart was beating fast like if the kid had run a marathon. 

“Are you scared, Minnie?” - Donghae held his brother’s hand - “Don’t worry… I’m here” 

“I’m here too” - Eunhyuk kneeled down next to them - “Are you ok?” 

“I’m not scared…” - Sungmin sighed - “But I’m tired” 

“Are we going to the hospital?” - Yesung asked softly - “This is not good, right?” 

“Shall we?” - Heechul bit his lips. Yes, he wanted to make sure the boy was fine but… Taking all children to the hospital didn’t seem like a good idea 

“We should call grandma” - Siwon gave Heechul the phone - “Or uncle” 

Heechul felt guilty. Asking Leeteuk for help after bluffing they would be fine without him didn’t seem like the best option. His parents were out of question as well. 

“Papa, I’m fine” - Sungmin insisted - “I’m not feeling sick” 

Heechul took another glimpse. The kid was shaking. There was no fear in his voice but he felt like jelly. 

“Minnie this is  no good” - Donghae shook his head - “You are so cold” 

“He feels like if he was just in the freezer” - Kangin added 

“What’s the opposite of fever?” - Yesung scratched his head - “Maybe we can google it” 

“I don’t feel sick” - Sungmin sighed - “I can wait” 

“Wait for what?” - Heechul was still reviewing his options 

“Wait until someone else can take me to the hospital” 

Sungmin didn’t have bad intentions when he said so. Heechul, on the other hand, maybe feeling responsible for the boy’s words, was totally affected. 

“What? Are you saying I’m not good enough to do that?” 

“He didn’t say that” - Kangin shook his head 

“Dad, you are overreacting” - Yesung warned - “He just wants you to calm down” 

“I can wait” - Sungmin agreed

Every single time the boy said so, Heechul got even more upset. 

“You know what?” - Heechul searched for his keys - “we are going to the hospital. All of us” 

Yesung exchanged looks with Kangin. The older ones were smart enough to understand that Heechul’s decision wasn’t exactly a clever one. 

“You know, I’m actually surprised” - Heeyeon commented - “I thought Heechul couldn’t survive a few hours without his babysitter” 

“Oh, he has gotten better” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “He is still a little reckless but he learns fast and since his love for the kids is greater than anything else… He does his best everyday” 

“Aww, can’t wait for the day you say something similar about me” - Heeyeon teased - “Can you imagine me as a mother of nine? “ 

“Do I have to answer?” 

Heeyeon was about to say something when she got a text. 

“Ah~ You got saved” - Heeyeon twisted her lips - “Mina says they are coming back in a few minutes” 

“Oh, that means I have to leave” - Leeteuk started clearing the table - “We don’t want the kids to go and tell Heechul they saw me here” 

“Well, soon or later he will know” - Heeyeon said playfully - “Playing this hide and seek game is ridiculous when both of us aren’t doing something wrong. Yet, I get it. I also don’t want him to know at all” 

“You are so difficult” - Leeteuk smiled again - “Thank you for today. It helped me a lot” 

“Well, remember to text me once you get home” - Heeyeon teased - “If something happens to you, Heechul is not forgiving Me” 

“We live two streets apart” - Leeteuk found it funny - “What could possibly happen?” 

Heeyeon didn’t answer. Leeteuk realized she was hiding something. 

“Is there something I need to know?” 

“Have you ever had this feeling of something being odd?” - Heeyeon asked carefully - “Like you get this sixth sense about something but you realize is just you being irrational” 


“There is a man that had been wandering around and… and I just can’t help but feel distressed when I see him close to the kids” - Heeyeon twisted her lips - “I already told Mina and she said she would tell the kids to stay away from him” 

“I guess I will tell Heechul the same” - Leeteuk got concerned - “We let the older boys to wander around and ride their bikes” 

“Maybe it’s just me being crazy” - Heeyeon sulked - “There is no proof that man is a menace… you know? Just forget I told you so” 

“If you ever feel in danger” - Leeteuk held her hand - “You can always give us a call. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a ‘proof’ “ 

“Thank you” 

Leeteuk couldn’t take it off of his mind. Heeyeon wasn’t a crazy girl that would accuse anyone of something like that for fun. Was she really overthinking? What if she was right? What kind of danger that man supposed to the kids?. It wasn’t the first time he thought of that. Having nine kids to take care of, Leeteuk often found adults could be the biggest harm available.

“How do you spell that?” - Kangin whispered to Yesung 


“Kids” - Heechul hissed - “Please” 

“Low blood pressure” - Yesung used his phone 

“I still don’t know what it means” - Kangin sulked 

“It means your brother’s blood wasn’t flowing how it should” - The doctor found cute how the kids tried to understand it so bad 

“IS HE GOING DIE?” - Donghae was paler than the patient 

“No, I’m not” - Sungmin giggled - “I’m fine!” 

“You are not the one who decides so!” - Eunhyuk folded his arm - “If the doctor says you are sick, then YOU ARE SICK!” 

“No! No sick!” - the twins protested 

“Sungmin is fine” - The doctor smiled a bit - “But I do recommend going through further checkup anyway” 

“What do you mean he is fine? It says it could be a life threatening condition!” - Kangin took Yesung’s phone in a violent way - “See?! It says it could be dangerous!” 

“And it also could be just orthostatic” 

“That’s another word I don’t know!” - Kangin was beyond frustrated- “Dad! Do something!” 


“I can’t believe he kicked us outside!” - Kangin kept ranting 

“You were way too disrespectful” - Yesung sighed 

“Can we go home?” - Siwon pouted - “I don’t like being in hospitals” 

The kids stopped talking as soon his dad appeared in front of them holding their little brother. 

“We are going home” - Heechul smiled softly- “Can you guys hold hands with the others?” 

“Uhm… sure” - Yesung was the first to answer even though he also found odd the way Heechul behaved 

“Dad, are you ok?” - Kangin couldn’t avoid it when they were half way. He wanted to keep his mouth shut until they reached home, but Heechul being so unusually quiet didn’t feel quite right 

“Yeah!” - Heechul smiled. Again, it was awkward. 

“You don’t have to smile if you don’t feel like so” - Donghae pouted - “We are not stupid” 

“Thank you, I guess” - Heechul giggled - “But it’s not like I am faking the smile” 

“You are not?” - Eunhyuk accused him using his expressive eyes - “It does look like so” 

“Nah” - Heechul placed a sleeping Henry in his stroller - “it’s just… I’m touched, I guess” 

“Touched by what?” - Siwon asked with a trembling voice - “Do I need to start praying…?” 

“I mean, I’m touched like I’m really moved” - Heechul ruffled the boy’s hair - “I… uhm… you guys fight a lot. And won’t stop bickering when we are all in the same room… even during our daily trip to school! You will pull your hair because someone else took your game…” 

The twins blushed as they exchanged looks. 

“You tease each other so much” - Heechul nodded - “so, Sometimes I forget how much you love each other… and when I saw you today worrying over Minnie… I… I felt like if we have raised you correctly” 

Yesung got the chills. He didn’t know why exactly but he felt every single word his dad said was filled with too many emotions. 

“I’m proud of you, guys” 

Kangin blushed. His dad complimented him. Well, all of them, but still. 

Ryeowook pulled Heechul’s sleeve and gestured him to bend over so he could whisper something into his ear. 

Heechul’s eyes grew big. The little boy was still blushing. 

“What did he say?” 
“You should tell them” - Heechul encouraged - “Cmon, I’m sure they also want to hear it” 

“Wookie— Nuh… I…” - The boy corrected himself - “I’m happy we are family” 

“Im also thankful for that!” - Donghae stamped a kiss on his brother in a violent way - “I LOOOOOVEEEEE YOU” 

“Me too” - Kangin admitted as he scratched his cheek - “I guess” 

The boys kept chatting happily until they reached home and everyone went back to their usual routine. 
Heechul didn’t notice there were eyes on him.

“Taking a stroll?” - Leeteuk asked - “Now I know why you wouldn’t pick up your phone” 

“Were you calling?” - Heechul asked automatically- “Wait, how long…? Have you been here since we came back?” 

“You are distracted” - Leeteuk smiled a bit - “I have been following you since you put Henry in his crib” 

“Damn” - Heechul chuckled - “I think I need new glasses” 

“And new ears” - Leeteuk pulled them - “Didn’t I ask you to call me if anything happened? I know you guys went to the hospital” 

“Sungmin is fine, thanks for your concerns” - Heechul rubbed his painful ear - “He is gonna need a blood test because he may have anemia. It wouldn’t be rare coming from him. Yet, this was the first time I saw him so pale… so I worried” 


“The doctor… he said it could be something else triggered an increased response of his body and since he is anemic, he didn’t react properly” 

“What kind of trigger?” - Leeteuk was lost 

“I think… he got upset because we were talking about future changes… like school” - Heechul bit his lips - “The other two cried but he… He seemed to be just fine” 


“I heard some kids can get sick when they get stressed and don’t know how to express it” - Heechul sighed - “Like adults” 

“That’s awful” - Leeteuk sighed - “Sungmin should know he can express himself as he pleases” 

“It’s not like we have told him otherwise” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “I often forget Sungmin is the same age as his twins. I think that unintentionally, he feels like he should be the strongest one to protect the other two”

“I barely know anything about siblings” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “But I think that is normal when it comes to older siblings” 

“I blame Gunhee. I bet that idiot did teach him to be like that” 

“Oh, so now we blame people that are gone” - Leeteuk widened his eyes 

“Hani too. She was Miss Perfect when it came to… mostly everything. Of course the kids would inherit some of those traits…” - Heechul sighed again - “She was a very good old sis’ too. Not only to Heeyeon but me” 

“That’s sweet” 

“I miss them” - Heechul sulked - “Today the kids were wonderful and I just… died inside Because I wanted to share it with them. But then, I remembered that I wasn’t alone and that I could share it with you and felt better” 

“Whoah, you actually said something nice to me” - Leeteuk teased - “You must be really tired” 

“I love you” - Heechul scoffed - “And I always say nice things to you and about you” 

“Really? Last time I checked Robin didn’t know how to say anything nice” 

“It’s a bird” 

“That learns what hears” - Leeteuk pinched Heechul’s cheek - “Swine” 

“But I say it full of love” - Heechul played fool - “Anyway I will try to change that and make sure you do feel appreciated” 

“I never said I didn’t” - Leeteuk smiled - “I’m really thankful for this family” 

“OH MY GOD DAD!” - Yesung ran wearing his pajama - “YOU WERE RIGHT! ITS NOT ACNE!!” 

“See, I told—?” 

“CODE RED, CODE RED!” - Kangin shouted over the hall - “WE HAVE LICE!” 

“Are you still thankful or you just changed your mind?” - Heechul asked in a low voice 

“I already signed for this” - Leeteuk shrank his shoulders - “I will get the shampoo, you get the kids” 

“Dada! It ‘ticklez’ !” - Kyuhyun complained 

“Oh baby, it itches” - Heechul agreed - “let’s go kill those bastards” 

“Kill bastardzzzzz!” - Ryeowook jumped excited 

“Alright, I guess Teuk has a point when it comes to what I say ” - Heechul bit his lips - “Robin is not the only one learning bad stuff” 

“Kill em’! Kill em!” - The boys chanted around the bathtub 

“Get in line, this is going to take a while” - Leeteuk instructed 

“It’s not our first time, mom” - Kangin laughed. 

Heechul had heard plenty times how the boys called Leeteuk ‘mom’ for fun, but that night, it felt different. 

“He does looks like Hani” - Heechul felt nostalgic

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it