Happy family

Junior Quest

Heechul wondered when the time he didn’t get a call from school would come. He actually started doubting it would come. 

“Mr Kim” - the psychologist was giving him that look - “Kangin—“

“Cmon, it can’t be that bad” - Heechul complained even before the woman began explaining - “I swear he is a sweet innocent boy—“

“He brought a to share and tell” - The woman explained - “and he explained to his classmates what was that used for” 

“Hell no” - Heechul left out a curse without thinking twice - “I didn’t teach him that”
“And then, when evaluated here at the consult…” - The psychologist gave him a folder - “We asked him to write essays about something he had learned during the last week”

“Ok…” - Heechul could feel something was coming and the wasn’t the only thing to worry about. 

“He gave a very graphic description of you putting something inside his brother’s butthole” - The psychologist looked at him suspiciously - “So, as you may understand… We take very seriously things like that”

“I don’t—-“ - Heechul started reading the essay as fast as he could - “This is a misunderstanding. He wrote about a suppository. One of my three years old suffer from severe constipation and I tried to ‘help’ him” 

“Then, we also have Siwon’s” - The psychologist gave him more papers - “He wrote some worrying things about your relationship… according to him, you live with two partners and haven’t married any of them. He described the relationship almost as a polyamorous one” 

“That’s another misunderstanding” - Heechul shook it off - “Leeteuk is my brother”

The psychologist gave him a bad look. 

“And there is nothing going on between us!”

“He says you call him ‘your wife’ “ 

“It’s complicated” - Heechul was red from embarrassment- “But I swear there is nothing weird going on in our house” 

Heechul came back from the meeting still laughing. After the misunderstanding was cleared, he found it funny. According to the teachers, he must be some sort of ert. The only thing that troubled him, was the fast Kangin managed to find a . He would have to hid those better. They had already hid Heeyeon’s female products as she wasn’t using them at the moment. They did so after the triplets played with pads. 

The triplets were having a hard time as the graduation day approached. They didn’t want to part ways and separate from their classmates. They would also miss the teachers and the staff. They were almost family…

They got even sadder after learning no one else was going to their new school. They wouldn’t meet the kids at their new school until the next scholar year and that made them nervous. 

Siwon was pretty much the same. He was graduating kindergarten and unlike most of his classmates that would go together to the elementary school… he was going to attend another one. He already had a hard time adjusting to that school after leaving daycare… and now, he had to leave again. 

Kangin was happy he was going to get rid of the school. Teachers were too strict and he had met the principal more than he wanted. Also, what was wrong the psychologist? It was just a . She probably had seen one before… Yet, there were things he was going to miss. Mostly his baseball team and some of his classmates. 

Yesung haven’t really thought about it. After the initial shock that came when Heechul announced they would change schools… he got mentally ready to forget about the clubs he had joined, his friends, his teachers and more. Then, he decided he would enjoy until the last day together and cry later. It didn’t make sense to start crying before time. 

And so, the mood was a little down in the usually noisy house. Heechul had left for the paediatrician with  Kyuhyun and Yesung, and Leeteuk was babysitting the others while Heeyeon had to work . 

“I don’t want to say goodbye to my friends” - Donghae was crying out loud - “Please, uncle!”

“Honey… I would help you if I could” - Leeteuk pouted - “I guess we can still go to play dates and so” 

“It won’t be the same…” - Eunhyuk cried too - “I already miss them”

Leeteuk had a hard time when Sungmin and Siwon started crying too. Ryeowook and Henry were the only remaining calm. 

“Henwy daywayyyy” - Henry chirped excited. Since potty training was going very well, he was more likely to start daycare in a few weeks - “Henwy happpppppyyyyyy”

Ryeowook was relaxed. His situation would be pretty much the same. Same teachers, same classmates. The only difference was the classroom and the activities he got access to. 

“Speaking of which… Ryeowook” - Leeteuk was sure there was another tantrum incoming- “Have you decided which activities you will take next year? Kyunnie said—-“

“No swimming” - Ryeowook was firm about his decision. No one was going to get him inside that pee filled pool if he could avoid it - “No pool”

“Fine… but you do know you have to choose a physical activity class you can join” - Leeteuk sighed. This always ended the same way - “Daycare rules state that—“

“Wookie no like spowtz “ - Ryeowook refused again 

“What about dancing?” - Leeteuk tried - “You like music so—“


“Cmon, Wook” - Leeteuk sulked - “Just think about something. We need to sign you up for next year… and if you take long, you will end attending whichever class haven’t filled yet” 

There was it. The tantrum. Leeteuk took a deep breath and saw how the boy started rolling around the floor.

“So, all normal?” - Heechul was pleased. The doctor explained every single detail about the doubts he had 

“Yes, all that is normal” - the doctor gave a smile to the boy trying to use the stethoscope on his penguin plush - “He will need to keep taking the medication for a long time but overall, it will be like if nothing ever happened” 

“How long will it take for him to… Uhm, ‘clean’ completely?”

“Could be a few days, could be another week” - the man smiled again as the toddler tried to inspect the penguin’s throat now - “but I wouldn’t worry too much. He seems fine”

“Doc! Kyu is goin’ zwimm ‘gain” - Kyuhyun interrupted the adults to say what was on his mind - “pool!”

“Ohhh, are you going to attend swimming lessons?” - The doctor followed 

“He can… right? I forgot to ask about that” - Heechul worried 

“Oh, it’s actually a good thing. We encourage boys to do some exercise”

“Well, my twins are pretty lazy on that aspect” - Heechul admitted the truth - “Ryeowook is not very good at sports and is having a hard time since he has to take a physical activity next year” 

“Kyu will pway water!” 

“Kyunnie wants to have swimming lessons” - Heechul smiled - “the triplets also took that class. They loved it. They not only learn to swim but also did some gymnastics in the water”

“That’s pretty good for boys his age” - The doctor was pleased - “It’s a pity Ryeowook doesn’t want to join” 

“Wookie hatez pool” - Kyuhyun sighed sadly - “Kyu wanna zwim with Wookie…”

Heechul returned to find the house really quiet. Turns out, most of his kids were asleep.

“What did you do? Did you drug them?”

“No” - Leeteuk seemed stressed - “It’s just that crying consume a lot of energy”
“Ukweee” - Kyuhyun hugged his uncle - “Doc examined Kyu’s wewi!”

“They are both doing fine…” - Heechul pointed at Yesung - “and he does have an infection. He needs antibiotics and this spray” 

“Cool. How is Kyu’s treatment going?” 

“Very well” - Heechul looked around and turned down his voice - “He said it was completely normal… you know about…’that’ “ 

“Oh, that’s nice” - Leeteuk made sure the kid wasn’t listening to him - “Did you show him?”

“Yeah, I thought he would be grossed out but he seemed pretty calm about it” - Heechul blushed - “Well, it’s not the first time I send him a picture of a dirty diaper…”

“And I bet you are not the only worried parent that had done so” - Leeteuk sighed - “So, we can relax…” 

It had been exactly one week since Kyuhyun got admitted to the hospital. The adults started to worry when the bowel movements of the kid changed radically. Not only they were frequent, but also, they didn’t make sense at all for them. They didn’t find any logic as the toddler could have up to three different bowel movements in the same day. Some looked like if he was still constipated and some like if he was “too loose”. 
However, Kyuhyun did seemed to be feeling better. He wouldn’t cry that much and was always full of energy. He also had a big appetite. 
So, apparently, there was nothing to worry about. 

“Our boys don’t want to change schools” - Leeteuk told the parent as he changed clothes - “and Ryeowook still cries whenever I ask about the activities”

“Ryeowook will end entering the class that has less children” - Heechul teased - “If he haven’t decided by the end of the week… it will be hard to sign him up for anything”

“I know but what are we going to do?” - Leeteuk was flustered - “He doesn’t like sports and I kind of understand how he feels. He is not good at them! And he has gotten hurt before!”

“Yeah well” - Heechul sighed - “To the pool with Kyu, then. That way they would be together and he will learn to swim. That’s pretty useful”

“He HATES the pool” - Leeteuk stated - “He will cry and refuse and —“

“The first couple weeks” - Heechul brushed it off - “Donghae also refused to go inside at the beginning and he is basically a mermaid now”

“Yeah, but Ryeowook is hot tempered” - Leeteuk feared for the consequences- “You don’t know what he is capable of”

“I have been living in the same house, Teuk” - Heechul scoffed - “I KNOW what he is capable of” 

“No, no” - Leeteuk shook his head scared - “You are fine because Ryeowook loves you the most and won’t do anything to you”

“Are you afraid of a three years old?”

“Yes” - Leeteuk wasn’t going to lie - “He is… smart. Pretty smart” 

“He spent the whole night sulking because he didn’t get Nidoran” - Heechul giggled - “Toddlers are so funny” 

“Fine… you will handle Ryeowook’s problem” - Leeteuk wasn’t going to keep arguing as Heechul wouldn’t listen to him - “What about the others?”

“Triplets graduation is in two days” - Heechul looked at the calendar - “Siwonnie’s is next week… and we also have the dance festival that weekend”

“And Sungmin’s recital is same day as Siwon’s graduation by the afternoon”

“If he doesn’t freak out at the last second, yeah” - Heechul teased 

“He won’t” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “Stop hoping for that” 

“I don’t want to sit and listen to a bunch out of tune kids” - Heechul covered his ears - “You didn’t attend rehearsal. You have no idea”

“You will sit there and give him the biggest smile ever” - Leeteuk warned him - “I swear to you Heechul, that if any of the kids go through a hard time because you weren’t cheerful enough…”

“You sound like mom” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “She called to ‘warn’ me about it” 

“Heeyeon is also very excited” - Leeteuk smiled softly - “She even went as far to do their clothes” 

“She is a fashion designer” - Heechul sighed - “It can’t be helped”

“Still, she took a lot of time doing that for them when there was no need” - Leeteuk gave Heechul a soft look - “She is a really good mom” 

“You are a good mom, too” - Heechul held hands with him 

“See? That’s why the kids think weird things” - Leeteuk laughed - “people are going to get the wrong picture” 

“Let’s them talk” - Heechul pouted - “I love you both” 

Next morning, it was a sea of tears. The kids got up like usual, had breakfast, wore their uniforms… and that’s when chaos started. Heechul insisted on taking pictures. Eunhyuk asked him why and he said it was their last day wearing the daycare uniform. Of course, the kids were reminded of their imminent departure and cried a river. 

“Why are you like this?” - Heeyeon scolded Heechul as she held Sungmin - “They are pretty upset now” 

“They even tried sabotaging themselves” - Leeteuk sighed - “This week the kids misbehaved on purpose at daycare since they thought they could ‘fail’ and ‘re do’ the scholar year” 

“Really? What did they do now?” - Heeyeon worried as Sungmin coughed from so much crying - “I swear I left make up out of their reach” 

“Oh no” - Leeteuk did a funny face - “They had better ideas: they drew on the walls, broke their pencils, peed in the plant inside classroom… you know, boys” 

“Why would you do that?” - Heeyeon asked Sungmin - “Don’t you want to graduate? You were excited not long ago” 

“I want to” - Sungmin finally spoke - “But I don’t wanna go to new school without my friends!”

“We made many good friends…” - Eunhyuk cried loudly - “And we are going to miss them” 

“And the teachers” - Donghae added - “and our classroom…” 

“Ohh… but kindergarten is also cool” - Heeyeon tried - “Daddy didn’t show the pictures?” 


“Your new school is even prettier” - Heeyeon searched online - “see? Classrooms are so cute”

“I like it” - Sungmin admitted 

“Is that our kinder uniform?” - Eunhyuk got interest seeing pictures of kids wearing a uniform - “We are going to wear that?” 

“It’s cute” - Donghae liked it too - “and we get a bow” 

“We are going to wear a shirt like daddy!” - Sungmin was pleased - “And short pants!”

“Yeah, and look at the long socks” - Heeyeon pointed at the picture - “You will wear ‘big kids uniform’. No padded pants and velcro shoes” 

“And we are not having a plain t shirt” - Eunhyuk smiled - “We are going to look cool” 

“And watch those backpacks” - Heechul was also helping - “You see those? We are going to buy them this weekend. I will let you choose the color and so” 

“For real?!” - Donghae was shocked - “are we buying big boys backpacks?!”

“And notebooks and other supplies” - Leeteuk nodded - “Kindergarten is a big step”

The triplets arrived at daycare with a big smile on their faces. Now, even if they were still sad about leaving… they were also pretty excited for the new adventures. 

Siwon got happier after learning first graders shared free periods with second and fourth graders… meaning he would see his older brothers everyday. Kangin wasn’t excited about that. In fact, he had forgotten about it and now feared for his reputation. He didn’t want the others kids to see him hanging out with Siwon. He and Yesung had a deal and wouldn’t interact during free periods unless it was an emergency. 

The kids got even more excited about the new scholar year when their aunt and cousins paid a visit and reminded them they would attend the same school. The triplets anxiety levels almost went to zero after learning they would be classmates with Zhoumi. The cousins were pretty excited to share classroom. 

“But kindergarten has two classrooms” - Leeteuk whispered to Heeyeon- “I hope they end together…”

“Oh Teuk… did you forget who owns the school?” - Heeyeon winked - “That’s already fixed” 

“That’s right! Your dad!” - Leeteuk sighed in relief- “We don’t have to worry about the boys being separated”

Finally, the so called day came. The triplets graduated from daycare. It was a cute cheerful event. Sungmin gave the speech. The boys looked incredibly cute wearing their own personalized graduation robes. The adults took so many pictures it was hard to decided which one to send to the family. Their enjoyed until the last minute. 

It was time to say goodbye to an era. Heechul even cried remembering the first day he finally took them to the place and all the adventures they lived there. His heart rejoiced and ached at the same time. His boys were getting bigger at an amazing speed. Sometimes he wished he could just freeze the moment or rewind. When did they get so big?. It didn’t help that since the three adults attended the event, they needed someone to babysit Henry… and since they didn’t want to let the boy with Heeyeon’s mom (thinking he was too hard to handle) and Heechul parents were busy… he ended attending daycare with the twins. 

Heechul thought Henry wouldn’t like the idea.. but against his predictions… the boy waved goodbye to them like nothing and got inside the classroom without protesting. Leeteuk got deeply emotional about it. He was used to spend the morning chasing after Henry… and now… he wouldn’t. Next week he and Heeyeon would have to babysit six kids due to daycare’s vacations… but after that break, they would be left alone.

The adults had a heavy heart as they also said goodbye to the others parents. They had gotten closer those years and were basically as much friends as their children were. They agreed to playdates and hoped to see each other at the parks since they lived in the same zone. 

“Babies!” - Heeyeon greeted the younger members of the family. Being the only emotionally stable at the moment… she was the one picking them up - “How did it go?”

The twins seemed exhausted. Henry was in a good mood. 

“They are such big brothers” - a teacher explained - “They spent the whole day chasing after Henry! They helped him with everything”

“Henwy fun!” - Henry had fun. He loved daycare - “ a’in! a’in!” 

“Again?” - Heeyeon found him funny - “In a few days you will be coming everyday”

She saw the panic in the twins face.

“But you will attend a different class since you are younger” - Heeyeon rushed to clarify. The twins relaxed - “You will wear the uniform and play with friends” 

“YAYYYY!” - Henry was excited. No more boring days at the mansion while Leeteuk scolded him for being loud 

“My heart hurts” - Leeteuk held his chest 

“Are you dyyyyyyyiiiiiiing?” - Donghae asked him carefully - “Heart attack?”

“No, honey” - Leeteuk laughed - “I’m not dying” 

Weekend was nice. Heechul took the older boys to buy their new supplies. The younger trio stayed at home making sure Leeteuk and Heeyeon wouldn’t forget why they needed daycare. 

“PIANOOOOO” - Ryeowook was hitting another tantrum - “WOOKIE WANNA PWAY PIANO!”

“No” - Leeteuk said calmly - “Cry all you want but until dad comes back… no one is getting close to the piano. Try anything and I will give you a slap” 

Ryeowook gasped and covered his . He knew Leeteuk was serious about it. The man haven’t forgotten about the incident with the lid and Kyuhyun’s broken finger. Leeteuk felt guilty. He wondered if Ryeowook was feeling well… the boy was hitting tantrums more often. 

Heeyeon managed to put Henry to sleep. The toddler fell asleep on her while she read to him. She tried sneaking out without making a noise. If he woke up, there was no way she would get a moment of peace. 

She left out a calm sigh when closing the door. Henry was taking a nap and that meant one toddler less to think about for a few minutes. She took the baby monitor with her in case he woke up. 

Heechul arrived with the kids. Heeyeon was going to greet him with a kiss but he refused. 

“Oh, trust me” - Heechul shook his head - “You don’t want to come close. I’m sweaty” 

“No big deal” - Heeyeon felt a little bad as Heechul rejected the kiss - “Cmon, give me a kiss”

“Later” - Heechul shook his head - “I’m feeling sticky and… eww. I need a shower” 

“Fine” - Heeyeon knew Heechul was like that - “Go shower then”

“Did you buy my special soap ?” - Heechul asked - “My skin gets—-“

“Irritated,I know” - Heeyeon smiled - “I left it on the bed. Make sure of taking it inside with you” 

“You are the best” - Heechul . He made it look like they were going to kiss and held back at the last minute 

“You are not” - Heeyeon pouted annoyed

Kyuhyun wasn’t sure of what to say.


Leeteuk actually laughed. It had been a long time since he had gotten peed on during a diaper change. Kyuhyun wouldn’t wet the diapers unless he had an accident… meaning his bladder wasn’t empty by the time of the change. Then, maybe it was the baby powder or the fact he got cold.. but he sneezed. 

He was taking the boy to the nearest restroom as he knew the kid needed to take a leak. Even though the door wasn’t locked ,Heechul was inside ready to undress. 

“Oh, sorry” - Leeteuk apologized - “It will be quick. He needs to pee” 

“Cool, but… why are you wet?” - Heechul knew the answer right away when Kyuhyun looked down - “Seriously?”

“No big deal” - Leeteuk shrank shoulders 

“Why don’t you shower first?” - Heechul offered - “I think you need it more than I do” 

“Oh, I can shower at the other bathroom” - Leeteuk was fine either way - “Or—“

“Nah, use this one. I will bath the triplets in the other” - Heechul sighed - “Let’s wash hands and leave uncle alone ok? Also, peeing on him it’s a big ‘no’ ”

Kyuhyun nodded. 

“My towel—“

“Use this one” 

“That’s your favorite”

“Yeah, but is clean” - Heechul sounded upset - “I just took it out from the dryer” 

“I was not saying it because of that” - Leeteuk sighed - “I just thought you would like to have it” 

“Meh, I will just use other” 

Heeyeon went to their bedroom looking for something. She was about to get out when she realized the soap on the bed. 

“Aish, I told you to be careful” - Heeyeon sighed as she took the soap with her. Taking into account the shower was on and the towel was hanging on the door… Heechul was probably in there, she thought. 

“Babe, you forgot—“

They both turned deep red. Heeyeon closed the curtain quickly. Leeteuk was still trying to recover from the shock when Heeyeon opened it up again and stared at him. He was covering himself not understanding what was going on.
She was looking at him. DOWN THERE. Leeteuk wondered why would Heeyeon stare at him like that. She looked at him in the eyes. 

“Oh ” - Heeyeon seemed to have come back to herself - “Sorry! I just… Nevermind. I will lock the door, ok?”

“Hey, I can’t find the soap” - Heechul was half in their room - “Babe?”

“Did you know Leeteuk has a birthmark on his tight?” - Heeyeon pointed at the place - “Right here?” 

“No…” - Heechul was trying not to laugh - “But I’m curious about how you know that”

“It doesn’t matter!” - Heeyeon hissed - “Here is the soap” 

Leeteuk wanted to pretend that never happened. Yet, his brain would send him vivid memories of the event. He couldn’t take the scene out of his mind. It wasn’t that bad Heeyeon saw him … after all, living in the same house and having many children, they both had seen each other in ways you usually wouldnt see a friend. Also, it didn’t help that Heechul was her boyfriend. Leeteuk wished his brother would keep to himself some details. 

Heeyeon couldn’t get the image out of her head but for a different reason. Leeteuk had a birthmark on his tight… almost exactly as she and Hani. She knew she got it from her mom and so did Hani. It ran in the family. Then… Leeteuk had it. And it wasn’t a secret he did look like them. It was just she always thought it was coincidence. 

What if it wasn’t? Also, she jokingly thought that if she ever had to confront someone about a half sibling, it would be her dad… but the birthmark was on her mother’s side. For men it was easy to have children without anyone noticing… but a woman would be pregnant and would have to deliver the baby somehow. So… how can you hide the existence of a baby? 

[Years ago]

“Mommy, why do Hani and I look alike?” - A young Heeyeon asked her mother 

“Because you are cousins ” - Her mom replied with a smile - “and mommy and auntie looked the same”

“What happened to auntie?” - Heeyeon was sad since her mother lost her sister - “She died when I was a baby, right?”

“She died before you turned two” - Mrs Ahn was in sorrow - “She was… Uhm, sick” 
“How did she get sick?” - Heeyeon wouldn’t just stop. She worried the same could happen to her mom. 

“She got pretty sad… ” - Mrs Ahn trailed off - “But Heeyeonie, that’s not something you should think about, ok? Hani will get sad if she listens to you” 

“Hani lost her mom” - Heeyeon said with a pouting face - “and now uncle is sick too” 

“Yeah… that’s right” - Mrs Ahn bit her lips - “Uncle is very sick, Heeyeon. He is probably going to die soon” 

The young kid was in despair. She looked at her mom in sorrow. 

“We need to be strong for Hani, ok?” - Mrs Ahn kneeled down next to her daughter - “once it happens, she will live with us… all time. You need to be nice to her and fill her life with love. You are her only hope”

“How?” - Heeyeon sulked - “Hani lost her mom and now will lose her dad. I’m not that special” 

“Hani loves you more than anything else in the world” - Mrs Ahn hugged her daughter - “and so do I” 


“Heeyeon?” - Heechul was in front of her still drying his hair with a towel - “are you alright?”

“Oh, didn’t see you” - Heeyeon woke up from her daydreaming - “Did you have fun with the kids?”

Heechul twisted his lips. He then rolled his eyes and started drying his hair again. 

“At least we managed to buy the supplies” 

“At least?” - Heeyeon laughed at Heechul’s face - “What did they do to you?”

“Siwon said something about hanging out with his brothers during free periods and Kangin went nuts” - Heechul sighed - “He learned nothing from the other day… He was so upset when Siwon mistreated the twins but he won’t realize he is the same towards him”

“Siwon really admires his big brothers”

“Yeah, although I don’t know if he should” - Heechul widened his eyes - “What Can he learn from Kangin? Nothing good, If you ask me”

“Kangin is very sweet too. He has been helping Batman and his family. He also takes care of the plants and —-“

“I’m not saying he is not sweet” - Heechul sat on the bed - “I’m saying he is a rascal and I am surprised Siwon turned out the way he did considering they are very close in age”

“Well, it’s almost lunch time” - Heeyeon looked at her watch - “We should get ready” 

“Can’t we just order food?” - Heechul stretched on the bed - “Please?”

“The triplets graduated kindergarten yesterday and you said you would take them out to eat”

“I hate myself” - Heechul covered his face with a pillow - “Why would I promise that?”

“Remember to not make a fuss If one of the boys refuses to eat” - Heeyeon kissed him - “I don’t want to fight. It’s supposed to be a cute family outing”

“Heeyeon, our family outings are always chaotic” - Heechul was about to cry from stress 

“I don’t want to go out” - Yesung whined when Heechul asked them to get ready - “I’m tired, I want to stay home” 

“Hey, is a fun family outing!” - Heechul - “What could possibly turn wrong?”

Yesung chuckled a bit. 

“Still, I don’t feel like going out” - Yesung sighed - “I feel weird” 

“Do you have a fever again?” - Heechul took his temperature quickly - “It doesn’t look like” 

Yesung caught a virus last week, and sadly, his tonsils got infected. He was taking antibiotics and using a spray for the pain in his throat. Heechul wanted him to join despite knowing the boy was probably tired. He didn’t want him to miss precious memories.

“Do I have to go?” - Yesung asked again 

“Well, I suppose if you don’t want to come then we should call someone to stay with you” — Heechul scratched his head - “Who should we call first? Grandma? Auntie?” 

“Nevermind, I will go out” - Yesung sulked - “I want to be with you” 

Strangely, for Heechul… Yesung sounded kind of clingy. It wasn’t usual. Most of the time the boy wouldn’t care about being ‘away’ from him. Today, it had been the complete opposite. He would follow him everywhere. 

“Are you sure?” - Heechul was once again taking his temperature - “If you don’t want to come, we can ask someone” 

Yesung shook his head. 

Things got messy during the ride. Heechul was driving when Yesung suddenly shouted he was feeling unwell and wanted him to stop the car. 
As soon as they pulled over, Yesung went down and threw up at the side of the road. 

“Is your tummy hurting?” - Donghae worried - “Daddy, Yeye is sick!”

“It’s ok, it’s ok” - Heechul kept patting Yesung’s back as he was retching - “Take it easy” 

“Mama is calling” - Sungmin unbuckled his belt and managed to get to the front seat - “Hi, mama” 

“Baby, where are you?” - Heeyeon found funny Sungmin answered the phone - “Where is your dad?” 

Heeyeon suspected something was wrong since they had arrived first. Leeteuk and her often took longer considering they left  later since they took the younger boys with them. 

“Papa is busy with Yeye” - Sungmin informed calmly - “He got sick” 

“Sick how?” - Heeyeon put him on the speaker as Leeteuk got concerned as well - “Is he alright?” 

“Yeye! Mommy wants to know if you are fine!” - Eunhyuk shouted from behind 

“I don’t think he can talk” - Kangin sighed - “He is very dizzy right now” 

“Heeyeon?” - Heechul retrieved the phone and sent the cute triplet back to his seat - “We are going back home… Yesung is not feeling well” 

“See you there” - Heeyeon ended the call. 

“Go home?” - The twins didn’t get it when Leeteuk put them back in the car 

“Yesung is not feeling well” - Leeteuk explained - “Sorry boys, we will come other day” 

“Henwy hungwyyy” - Henry sulked 

“I will feed you something once we get home, ok?” - Leeteuk felt bad for the little boy. He asked for food as soon as they left and now he had to wait a little longer - “I’m sorry” 

“Yesung, are we doing fine?” - Heechul asked as he looked at the pale boy by the mirror - “If you feel dizzy again let me know…” 

“I’m sorry for the mess” - Yesung said softly - “I should have stayed home. I ruined the outing”

“Don’t be harsh on yourself” - Heechul felt guilty since he was the one that convinced him to go out - “And let me know if you are feeling sick” 

Yesung was a pretty calm child. Even though he was feeling awful, there he was keeping everything under control. Being the oldest, he was used to not being the attention centre. Therefore, he found embarrassing getting attention for things like that. He wasn’t even nine years old… and he definitely needed his parents as any other child his age. It was just his pride wouldn’t let him act like a boy and he preferred to be fully independent. 

“Oh my Yesung” - Heeyeon was hugging him - “How are you? What happened?”

“His stomach is upset” - Heechul was also checking on him - “must be the antibiotics” 

“I’m fine” - Yesung tried to get away from them - “I’m sorry for the outing” 

“We can go eat out some other day” - Leeteuk was also paying attention to him - “Right? It won’t be fun without you” 

“I will order food” - Heechul went to look for his phone when he heard Ryeowook crying about being hungry - “You don’t feel bad. These things happens!” 

“I don’t feel like eating” - Yesung told the adults- “I want to clean and then go to bed” 

“Sounds reasonable” - Heeyeon pouted - “But I’m not sure you should shower alone… your temperature is rising again” 

“I don’t need help” - Yesung was stubborn - “I can do it myself” 

Heeyeon wasn’t taking a no for answer. She followed the boy to the bathroom much to his annoyance. 

“I love you, but this is too much to handle” - Yesung refused to undress around her - “I’m not a baby”

“I changed your diapers” - Heeyeon chuckled - “More than once” 

“I’m almost nine!” - Yesung protested - “I don’t… Uhm… Just no” 


“A swim suit?” - Yesung sighed annoyed - “seriously?”

“That way I won’t ‘look’ at anything you don’t want me to see” - Heeyeon was filling the bathtub - “Once this is done, I will turn to the other side and you will undress and get in” 

Yesung did as instructed. He kept trying to hug the bubbles in a try to cover his body most possible. He was shy at first… but then, when Heeyeon started pouring water on his head… 

He felt so good. He haven’t felt like that on ages. He had showered with Heechul for fun… but it was like that: fun. Heeyeon felt different, she felt like his mom. She would wash his hair so tenderly, he already felt better. He got truly relaxed during the bath. He wasn’t going to let Heeyeon do all the job but ended doing so since he didn’t want it to stop. 

“Now we rinse and is all done” - Heeyeon saw how the boy gave her a soft look - “It wasn’t that bad, was it?” 

“I actually enjoyed it” - Yesung confessed - “If felt… nice”

“How are we doing?” - Heechul knocked on his room - “Hey, buddy. How you feeling?”

“I’m good” - Yesung was still looking at Heeyeon dreamily as she searched for socks - “really good” 

“Oh no no no” - Heechul made a funny sound - “I know that look. She is MY girlfriend”

“She is MY mom” - Yesung stuck out his tongue 

“Are you feeling better?” - Heechul was drying his hair playfully - “Heeyeon has a master degree in spoiling kids” 

“Sure, she does” - Yesung blushed - “But it makes you feel better” 

“I found these” - Heeyeon was holding up a couple socks - “Give me a foot” 

“He knows how to put his socks on” - Heechul mocked her 

“He knows how to put his socks on” - Heeyeon mimicked his voice - “Don’t worry Yesung, daddy is just jealous since you have my attention”

“Food arrived!” - Leeteuk shouted from downstairs 

“Go eat” - Heechul told her - “I will stay with him” 

“Ummm no” - Yesung shook his head - “I’m feeling way better, so I can sit with you” 

“Don’t push yourself” - Heechul worried 

“What did you order?” - Heeyeon was brushing Yesung’s hair 

“Italian food”

“Whoaaah” - Heeyeon couldn’t hide she was happy - “I love it” 

“I know”

“NO NO NO NO” - they heard Leeteuk struggling - “Don’t touch that!”

“PASTAAAA!” - the twins were shouting in a good mood 

“We should hurry and help Teuk” - Heeyeon did a funny gesture and Heechul carried the boy - “Let’s go!”

“What are you doing?” - Yesung laughed hysterically as Heechul carried him downstairs and ran making ‘super hero’ noises - “I’m not a baby, put me down!” 

He said so. But he loved it. He was laughing despite feeling bad earlier. 

“Me too! Me too!” - Ryeowook was now running towards Heechul asking to be hold - “Hewo! Hewo!” 

“Do the superman pose” - Heechul held the boy by his tummy and made him ‘fly’ - “Ryeowook is flyinggggg!”

“Hey, stop” - Leeteuk was chuckling as Heechul insisted on sabotaging him while he served the plates - “If you keep doing it, there won’t be any for you” 

Heechul acted like if he just received an arrow. The kids laughed. Leeteuk just turned five seconds and Henry was already covered in sauce. 

“Henry…” - Leeteuk giggled - “is it tasty?”

“Yum yum!” - Henry chirped 

“Oh, this one is special” - Heechul was searching for one dish - “This is for Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun. I asked the place to make sure it wouldn’t have any trace of parsley or anything green”

“Such a nice daddy” - Heeyeon smiled pleased - “Thank you” 

“Thank youuuuu” - Eunhyuk was eating happily 

Heechul melted seeing his boys enjoy a meal so cheerfully despite it wasn’t their original plan. He then got trapped in an old memory. 

[Years ago, when Heechul already worked with Gunhee] 

“It was a mess” - Heechul sighed - “I don’t understand why you want me to go eat with you again” 

“I know it was a chaos and you don’t like those kind of meetings… but the boys had so much fun” 

“They barely ate” - Heechul sighed - “and they ruined the table” 

“But we had fun. It was the best meal we have had” 

“The best? It wasn’t even close to being perfect!” - Heechul scoffed - “It was chaos and it was a MESS” 

“Kids don’t need it to be perfect” - Gunhee ruffled his hair - “They won’t remember if the tablecloth was wet or not aligned. They will remember how they felt… and they were happy”

“Oh, Gunhee that’s so cheesy” - Heechul joked - “Have you thought about writing a book?”

“One day, you will remember this and agree with me” 

“Sit and wait” - Heechul teased- “Because there is no way I’m saying a messy kiddy table is better than going to a fancy restaurant with my girlfriend” 

[back to the present] 

“No!” - Heeyeon squealed as spaghetti landed on her hair - “Awww Henry!”

“Not niceeeee” - Heechul made a funny voice and helped Heeyeon clean - “Bad boys!”

The twins chuckled and attempted to eat Heechul’s food.

“Hey! That’s mine!” 

“Whoops” - Donghae hit his glass by accident - “Sorry!”

“I think we will have to burn the tablecloth after we are done” - Heechul laughed as Kyuhyun let his pasta fell on it too 

“I don’t know” - Heeyeon inspected the damage - “I have seen worse”

“You have?” - Leeteuk laughed - “I’m not sure how many cycles is the washing machine going to need”  

“At least more than two” - Heechul teased - “Hey, Yesung! What do you—- Yesung?”

The boy was crying. Being in such a chaotic state no one noticed at first. Now, all eyes were on him. 

“Baby, what’s wrong?” - Heeyeon was already next to him - “Are you feeling unwell again?”

“N-no” - Yesung smiled a bit - “It’s nothing. These are happy tears… I’m emotional, that’s all” 

Heeyeon kissed him. Leeteuk and Heechul went to hug him as well. Then, all his brothers did. 

“N-nooo” - Yesung was half laughing, half crying - “I just took a bath! Get off! I’m going to get dirty!” 

After a happy lunch, the family went to the living room and Heechul proclaimed it a movie day. Which meant they would watch movies together. Having nine boys it was clear they would watch movies suited for kids. Kangin grunted when the younger ones chose Frozen. 

“But that’s for girls!” - Kangin protested - “And Sungmin and Donghae won’t shut up during the movie!”

“They are just so cute” - Heeyeon observed how the boys knew all songs and sang along - “They are having fun” 

“It’s not only them” - Leeteuk found funny Heechul was also immersed in the movie - “He loves it” 

“Awww now I get why Heechul wanted the baby to be called ‘Anna’ “ - Heeyeon pouted - “She is so cute” 

“He said you were like her when young” - Leeteuk teased 

“And Hani was Elsa? Yeah, right” - Heeyeon scoffed - “No way” 

“Yesung fell asleep” - Kangin complained - “I knew this would happen!”

“Let him sleep, he is tired” - Heeyeon took the boy to her side and let him rest on her - “Poor baby is sick” 

“Don’t call Yesung a baby” - Siwon said cheekily - “He is a big boy. He is the older brother”

“Awww, but older brothers are babies too” - Heeyeon kissed the sleeping kid - “For mom, dad and uncle, all of you are our babies” 

Leeteuk was cuddling with the triplets. The boys were fully immersed in the story. They would act like if they have never watched the movie despite watching it almost every week. 

The twins were falling asleep on Heechul. The boys would fight drowsiness but they were so relaxed they ended going to dreamland anyway. Henry, however, was too excited to sleep. The boy would give little jumps of joy. He loved movies with musical numbers. 

By the end of the movie, Heeyeon and Henry were the only ones remaining. Even Heechul and Leeteuk were fast asleep. 

“Did you like the movie, baby?” - Heeyeon found funny Henry kept trying to dance to the songs around the living room - “You did~”

“Mama, ‘gain’ gain’ “ - Henry wanted to keep dancing. He ‘sang’ a bit of the song he wanted to Heeyeon so she could play it again. 

“What’s that sound?” - Yesung asked still leaning on her 

“Henry is singing let it go” - Heeyeon giggled- “He is so cute” 

“No, it goes like ‘tum, tum’ “ - Yesung was rubbing his eyes - “It comes from… You?”

“Ah, that” - Heeyeon placed a hand on Yesung’s head - “Maybe you are hearing my belly” 

“Your tummy doesn’t sound like a normal one” - Yesung chuckled - “It even—-“ 

Yesung got up really quick. He glanced at Heeyeon and then went back to put his ear on her belly. He was shocked. 


“Yeah, baby” - Heeyeon was happy - “She moves a lot at times like this. I guess she also likes music”

“But you are not 27 weeks yet” - Yesung said softly - “She won’t hear things from outside until she is at least 27 weeks old, right?”

“Were you reading my books again?” - Heeyeon giggled - “but I really don’t know when is normal to start hearing”

“At least someone reads them” - Heechul mumbled still half asleep - “Yesung is right. According to books, babies can hear outside noises when they are around 27 weeks… but based on my experience and some googling, sometimes they do it earlier”

“She moved a lot now!” - Yesung chirped - “but… the song is not… on?”

Another movement. Yesung rejoiced. 

“I don’t know if she can hear you yet or not” - Heeyeon rubbed her belly - “But she definitely feels you. It’s the same whenever Heechul or your siblings sleep next to me. She starts moving a lot” 

“She already love us” - Heechul smiled pleased with his eyes closed - “It was the same for you” 

“Me?” - Yesung couldn’t believe his dad would talk about him at a time like that - “Was I like Cherry?” 

“All of you” - Heechul finally opened his eyes to look at Yesung - “But since you were the first… I got really shocked when Hani told me you liked my voice” 

“I remember Hani was so frustrated because the triplets wouldn’t stop moving” - Heeyeon recalled - “Then, we went to babysit for you and Siwon while Gunhee took Kangin to the doctor… and Heechul and I were so but so tired!”

“I started reading for you and Siwon in a try to make you sleep” - Heechul continued - “I thought it wasn’t working because you kept jumping on the bed… but Hani asked me to keep going” 

“She said the triplets were really quiet” - Heeyeon explained - “She said they loved Heechul’s voice the most and would stop kicking when he talked” 

“Did I fall asleep?” - Yesung smirked - “At that time… did I fall sleep?” 

“No, you kept jumping on the bed until you fell and hit your head” - Heeyeon sighed - “I got so scared… I was about to run to the ER but Hani said you were ok” 

“At the end we did go to the ER” - Heechul laughed - “But because Heeyeon got so stressed she fainted” 

“You fainted?” - Yesung found it funny- “Just because I fell?”

“Just because? I was worried” - Heeyeon sulked - “and I wasn’t a mom yet… so, I saw kids so weak and fragile” 

“She even refused to hold the triplets when they were born” - Heechul whispered 

“Cuz they were so small!” - Heeyeon pouted - “I was afraid I could hurt them!”

“But now she won’t stop cuddling with them” - Heechul said softly - “She has come a long way” 

“You too, Mr” - Heeyeon laughed- “Yesung, did you know daddy got reaaaaaaally sick the first time he changed a diaper?”

“I didn’t” - Heechul was suddenly shy - “I wasn’t feeling well that day” 

“He threw up” - Heeyeon laughed again - “And then Gunhee came and got mad at him” 

“Hani was an angel” - Heechul was also laughing - “She helped me clean despite being really tired” 

“I got mad at Gunhee” - Heeyeon recalled - “Heechul has always hated ‘dirty’ stuff. So, he was pretty sensitive to smells and yucky things” 

“Yeah, that’s right” - Heechul confessed - “I wasn’t different from the twins. I didn’t like getting my hands dirty” 

“But then our Yesung was born and he had to change” - Heeyeon smiled sweetly - “He was very brave. He tried everything even if it almost kill him the first time” 

“Heeyeon wasn’t better, uh” - Heechul pointed at her - “She once cried because you ruined her dress” 

“Did I?” - Yesung was shy - “Did I ruin your dress?”

“It was a nice dress and I had worked hard on it” - she explained calmly - “I was supposed to meet Heechul here at your place. Hani was feeding you and you decided to threw your baby food at me…” 

“When Gunhee and I arrived, Heeyeon and you were crying” - Heechul had a good time remembering that - “Hani was in a bad mood. She was upset since Heeyeon got angry at you” 

“And then I got mad at Heechul for laughing” - Heeyeon did a funny sound - “At the end we didn’t date that night. I was so mad I went straight home” 

“Were you that upset over a ruined dress?” - Leeteuk had been listening to the story all time - “For real?”

“Nah, she got upset because I kept making fun of her” - Heechul admitted - “what can I say? We were young and foolish” 

“Right now Gunhee and Hani must be laughing in heaven” - Heeyeon chuckled 

“You think so? I think they would be proud” - Heechul stretched - “We are really good at this now!”

“Dadaaaaaa” - Henry called him - “Henwy poooooo!” 

“Was he wearing a diaper?” - Heechul turned to Heeyeon who laughed hysterically 

“No” - Leeteuk laughed as well - “We were at home so…” 

“It can’t be” - Heechul did a disgusted face - “Whyyyyyy?” 


“And he is calling for you” - Heeyeon kicked him - “It’s your turn. Go and show me how much you have improved” 

After Heechul left with the boy, Leeteuk and Heeyeon starting laughing again. 

“What’s so funny?” - Yesung was already laughing even if he didn’t know what was that about - “why you laugh?”

“Heechul is having a hard time right now” - both adults said in chorus 

Siwon’s graduation day came. Heechul made sure the boy (and everyone) noticed his presence at the event. He will clap, whistle and shout loudly whenever his boy’s name got mentioned. By the end of the act, Siwon was feeling a little bit embarrassed. Leeteuk smacked Heechul’s head once asking him to behave. Heeyeon recorded the whole event. 

Siwon was so happy. Not only the three adults attended his graduation but they did it by themselves. His younger siblings stayed home with grandparents. Mrs Kim understood Heechul when he asked her for help saying he didn’t want anyone else to take the spotlight on Siwon’s day. 

However, at the afternoon, the whole family went to show his support for the little musician having his first recital. Heechul tried to leave as soon as the boy’s turn was over but Heeyeon made him sit through the whole act claiming it was rude for the other families to leave before all kids were done. Sungmin looked so happy on stage. Leeteuk kept a huge smile on his face despite agreeing with Heechul on the fact most kids were terribly out of tune. His less favorite moment was when the younger kids sang together. It was a torture for everyone ears. He was so desperate to get out he wished Kyuhyun or Henry would have an accident and he could leave using them as a excuse. It didn’t happen. 

Things were going well for the crazy family. The triplets graduated daycare, Siwon graduated kindergarten, Yesung’s infection was finally over, Sungmin’s concert was a success… now, all was left for the week was to survive to the triplets dance presentation. 

They had a little moment of panic when Donghae got stage fright seeing so many people reunited. However, being three, the triplets overcame the fear together. They danced smoothly and received praises from everyone. Award ceremony was about to start. The kids were supposed to receive a small medal for their hard work and participation… but the triplets were nowhere to be found. 

Heechul worried as the teachers seemed clueless as well. 

“They are not there” - Heeyeon panicked - “Where are they? Did they get lost?”

“Heechul, you should go check” - Leeteuk pushed him - “Go find them and make sure they are fine” 

Heechul went to the waiting room and found his ‘non favorite’  teacher talking to the triplets. Donghae was sobbing uncontrollably. 

“it’s ok! Accidents happen to the best of us!” - the teacher was cheerful as always - “Dont cry, Hae. It’s ok to be upset but don’t let this ruin your day! You all did awesome on stage!” 

“I-I p-peed my pants” - Donghae cried - “I wanna go home… I don’t wanna stay here” 

“I know… but hey, what if we change into clean pants and wash our face… and then receive that amazing medal on stage?” - The teacher patted his back - “You should be proud of yourself! You did very well!”

“D-did I?” 

“You did! Donghae rocks! He is the best!” - The teacher gave him a fist bump - “I’m so proud of you!” 

Donghae blushed. He stopped crying and smiled a bit. 

“I wanna go on stage and receive my medal” 

“You do? Donghae, you are so cool” 

Heechul walked to them slowly. Donghae got happy when he spotted him. 

“Daddy!” - Donghae looked at him with a decisive face - “Hae wet his pants… but he wants to go on stage again!”

“Come here” - Heechul hugged the boy while muttering ‘thank you’ to the teacher - “Mom brought spare clothes in case something like this happened” 

“Award ceremony is still ten minutes away” - The teacher glanced at the clock - “But I guess we can buy some time in case you need more” 

Heechul finally returned to his seat. Leeteuk and Heeyeon looked at him asking for answers. 

“You know… maybe Mr Egghead isn’t that bad after all” - Heechul smiled - “He is strict and stubborn… but he is also good with the kids” 

“Oh! There they are!” - Leeteuk cheered for the boys - “Look how cute!” 

“Is Hae wearing different pants?” - Heeyeon noticed - “awww, did he had an accident? I hope he is not feeling down…” 

“He handled it like a champ” - Heechul was proud - “He is all grown up… my kids are so big now” 

Heechul was emotional once again. His babies were growing up fast. He wished he could freeze the moment. He truly did.

(Dear brother and sister in law… we are all doing fine. I hope you are watching us from heaven. We are doing a great job with the kids and they are growing up just well. Right now everything is perfect) 

“Oh no no no no” - Heeyeon was in a hurry going out of the crowd holding Kyuhyun- “don’t do that here!” 

“Henry come back here!” - Leeteuk chased after the boy who ran away - “HENRY!”

“Don’t touch me! Dad, Kangin pinched me!” 

“No, I didn’t!”

“Shut up, you are so noisy!” - Yesung complained - “My head hurts!”

“Dada, Wookie wet!” - Ryeowook managed to empty a water bottle on himself 

(Well, as perfect as it can be having children ) 


Author comments 

The kids have grown so much~ ^-^
This chapter is about family dynamics and love. 
Next one will focus mostly on the twins. 

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it