Safe and insecure

Junior Quest

“Oh cmon! Tell me!” - Heechul was following his brother all around - “CMOOOOON!”

“You are noisy” - Gunhee laughed - “If you keep talking that loud, I will have to ask you to wait at the office” 


“I don’t wanna go to my office!” - Heechul protested - “Tell me how many brats—“ 


“Two” - Gunhee did the number with his hand - “but if Hani learns it was me who told you, I’m getting in troubles. So please don’t go around telling everyone we are expecting twins” 


“Twins~” - Heechul’s eyes grew bigger - “You guys are going to have twins~” 


“ ‘We’ are going to have twins. They are going to be ‘our’ twins” - Gunhee smiled as he pinched Heechul’s cheeks- “They’re also yours” 


Heechul blushed. He couldn’t be happier. 


“Twins” - he repeated - “What about the names?” 


“I’m not telling you” 


“Oh cmon! Please! Am I expecting a daughter?” - Heechul grew excited 


“Who knows” 



[a few months later] 


“Thanks for coming” - A tired Gunhee opened the door - “I’m so sorry for calling you this late but this is an SOS” 


“Did you run out of diapers?” - Heechul teased - “I brought a milk can and a pack of diapers” 


“Thanks but... that’s not the problem” - Gunhee sighed - “Dont get scared, ok?” 


“S-sure?” - Heechul doubted as he entered the mansion - “Where are the kids?”


“Upstairs” - Gunhee asked him to be quiet - “Sleeping. Hani is with them so don’t worry”


“Then why you called me?” - Heechul tilted his head 


“The Babies” - Gunhee sighed - “I cant put them to sleep. You see, when one of them cries... the other just wakes up and cries too. We are exhausted, Heechul. We wondered if you could look after them for a few hours” 


“Well, I have always been a night owl” - Heechul smiled - “I could take care of them for the night. They are going to have fun with uncle Hee” 


“Fine. I will give them to you” - Gunhee relaxed - “Please be patient. They are still young and they can’t be... unbearable” 


“Pffft. I took care of the triplets” - Heechul teased - “They can’t be that bad~ right?”


Gunhee only made a painful expression. The adult came back with two little babies that fussed non stop. 


“Come with uncle!” - Heechul loved the babies - “We are going to have fun together!” 





“KIM RYEOWOOK!” - Heechul kept shouting under the rain - “RYEOWOOK!”


Heechul felt his heart ached more than ever. He was anxious. He could feel his boy. He knew the boy was close but he couldn’t find him. 


“It’s going to be difficult with all this fog” - A police officer commented - “Also, it doesn’t help it’s starting to rain. Rain will wash away any track of the toddler and dogs won’t be able to find him...” 


“Stop complaining and help me look for the boy” - Heechul hissed - “It’s been two hours! A toddler shouldn’t be alone more than a couple of minutes!” 


“We are doing all we can, Mr Kim” - Another officer apologized- “But I’m afraid that is a hard task. Finding a toddler in the middle of the night with this weather...” 


“Maybe next time, daddy should learn how to lock the door” - The first officer twisted his lips - “I’m not buying that crap of gifted toddler unlocking and opening a door” 


“He is my boy” - Heechul cried - “He is the cutest toddler you have ever seen. He has red cheeks and soft hair... his eyes are filled with curiosity. He just got his molars and learned how to count til twenty...” 


“We are going to find him” - The police officer sighed - “Maybe you should go back home and wait. I promise we will take him to you as soon—“ 


“No...” - Heechul shook his head - “I need to find him” 



Ryeowook was shivering. He was wet and cold thanks to the rain. He was hiding in a little cave he found. Everything was dark and the sound of thunder scared him. He was starting to regret his choice. 


“Dada?” - Ryeowook cried a bit. He wanted Heechul to find him. He wanted to go back to his dad - “Dada Whewe you?”


There was no reply. Ryeowook just sobbed.



“Did you find him?” - Leeteuk asked as soon as Heechul crossed the door - “Is he alright?” 


“I cant find him” - Heechul was crying - “Teuk, I cant find him! It’s like if he had disappeared! I lost my boy!”


For a long time, all they did was cry. Leeteuk was hugging a crying Heechul when he noticed they weren’t alone. 


“Is he... really lost?” - Kangin had teary eyes - “are they going to find him?”


“Sweetheart Go back to bed” - Leeteuk urged - “Go get some sleep. Let the adults handle this” 


“Well you obviously can’t” - Yesung said in a bad mood - “It’s been FOUR HOURS. My little brother had been missing for FOUR HOURS!”


“Honey I understand you are upset” - Leeteuk tried - “But right now, this won’t help anyone” 


“It was my fault” - Siwon cried - “I should had been playing with him” 


“It’s also my fault” - Yesung cried too - “He wanted to play with us but we rejected him” 


“And now we are not going to see him again!” - Kangin cried the most - “I’m so sorry Wook! I’m so sorry!”


“Wookie?” - Kyuhyun was still waiting next to the window at the living room - “twin?”


“Not yet, sweetie” - Heechul did his best to control his emotions next to the young boy - “I promise I’m going to find him, ok?”


“Kay” - Kyuhyun puffed his cheeks - “Pwease huwy” 


“Yeah” - Heechul tried to fake an smile - “Ryeowook must be playing with the rain” 



Ryeowook sneezed. He was way too cold. He was too afraid to go out of his little hideout. He could heard dogs barking. He was so scared. 


“Dada...” - Ryeowook had lost almost all of his strength calling for his dad  - “Dada... Pwease... Wookie iz Sowy...” 


Ryeowook was falling asleep when he heard footsteps approaching. His heart was beating fast. 


“Dada?” - Ryeowook tried getting up - “Dada Wookie hewe!”


“Who are you?” - A man approached the young kid - “What are you doing here all by yourself? Are you alone?”


Ryeowook froze. A stranger. Heechul always told him to not go near people he didn’t know. He was told to not go with them no matter what. 


“Wookie ztays hewe” - Ryeowook bit his finger as he refused the passerby’s help - “Waiting dada” 


“But it’s raining” - the man insisted - “Cmon. I will take you to the police station... I’m sure daddy must be really worried”


“Ung...” - Ryeowook thought for a minute. His options weren’t that good anyway - “Kay” 


“Good. Let’s hold hands “


Ryeowook did as instructed. He followed the man and hoped for the best. 



“We got a call from the station” - An officer told Heechul - “One neighbour found him and took it there” 


“OH MY” - Heechul jumped quickly - “LETS GO LETS GO!”


“Mr Kim, there is something else you should know” - One officer did a weird expression - “We are not giving the kid back to you until we are done with some questions”


“What?!” - Heechul almost die - “Please! My boy must be so scared and—“


“We need to follow the protocol” - The officers said in chorus 



Ryeowook didn’t understand at all what was going on. The people at the station had told him they would call his dad but changed their attitude towards him after they helped him change into dry clothes. Then, they decided to take him to another place he didn’t know. He wondered if his dad would be able to find him if he wasn’t at the police station anymore. 


“Dada...” - Ryeowook was exhausted and the officers kept taking him everywhere - “Pwease... Wookie scawed...”


“There is no need to be scared, boy” - the officers ruffled the boy’s hair - “No one will hurt you again” 


“Ah?” - Ryeowook tilted his head. He was so tired he didn’t protest when a doctor examined him. He yawned several times before finally falling asleep. 



“I have told you several times that he is my son” - Heechul was tired. He had spent the whole night answering questions about Ryeowook and his family - “I know the papers say he is my nephew but in any case, I’m still his legal guardian and his closest relative” 


“We would like proceed to further investigation” - the police’s high rank officer started - “We believe this boy ran away from home for a reason”


“He is two” - Heechul bit his lips - “You told me that if I answered all your questions I could take him home” 



“Dada” - Ryeowook woke up violently. He forgot about last night’s adventure and was now disoriented - “DADA?”


“He woke up” - Ryeowook could hear some voices discussing - “Lets go get him” 


“Hi there!” - A woman approached Ryeowook- “Lets See who woke up~~~” 


Ryeowook flinched when the woman tried to hold him. He didn’t know her so he had no motives to go with her. He was still half asleep and therefore couldn’t think with clarity. 


“Dada?!” - Ryeowook tried calling his dad. Nothing. - “DADAAAA!”


“Shhh~ Daddy is not here, little one” - The woman finally got to hold him - “But dont worry, we will take good care of you. No One is going to hurt you~” 


Ryeowook never felt so scared in his whole life. He was wearing clothes that he haven’t seen before and much to his disgust, he had been diapered when he was asleep. 


“You are staying with us until daddy comes to get you” - The woman explained - “But dont worry! We are going to have fun!”



“What do you mean with social services?!” - Heechul raged - “HE IS MYYYY BOY. MYYYYYY SON. MYYYYY BABY. He is not an orphan! ”


“Social services also takes care of kids that were abused by—“





Ryeowook didn’t eat anything that the weird people offered. He had no appetite. He was missing his home, his family... he wanted to hug Heechul so badly. He wanted to apologize for going outside. He didn’t care if his family ignored him again, he just wanted to go home. 


The boy was still sulking when he realized that soon or later he would need to speak again. It was that or facing the fact he would have to relieve himself using the diaper they put on him. 


“Excuze me” - Ryeowook approached one of the women in charge - “Wookie wanna pee” 


“Oh~ are you potty trained?” - The woman smiled to him - “come with me~ let’s go let’s go!”


Ryeowook was feeling better now that he learned that the people there was actually nice to him. They would help him with everything he needed. Ryeowook even got a banana when he told them he liked those. 


“Whats your name again?” - a nice lady was now making some questions 


“Wookie” - Ryeowook smiled a bit as he chewed a few pieces of cheese - “Kim Wyeowookie”


“Ah~ what a good name” - The lady smiled  sweetly- “How old are you?”




“Two? Wow” - the lady kept making funny faces for him - “Do you live with daddy, Ryeowook?”




“Tell me About daddy” - The lady started - “Is he nice to you?”


“UNG! Dada sweeps wi’ Wookie! Hewps bath and and and go potty!” - Ryeowook started talking non stop - “Wookie pwayz wi’ dada! Wookie lovez dada!”


“Does he hurt you?” 


“Uh?” - Ryeowook got confused. What kind of question was that? His dad would never hurt him...


“Ryeowook, did daddy hurt you?”


“Nuh” - Ryeowook was serious now - “No Huwtz Wookie. Dada good”


“Did someone else hurt you?” - The lady tried again 


“Nuh?” - Ryeowook didn’t understand why the lady asked him such questions 


“Could you explain me how did you get hurt there?” - The lady pointed at Ryeowook’s crotch area 


“Uh... Potty baaaaaaam!” - Ryeowook tried doing the action with his hands - “Wonnie hewped Wookie‘n baaaaaam!” 


“Who is ‘Wonnie’ ?” 


“Bwothew” - Ryeowook bit his finger 



“You do realize how stupid you sound, right?” - Heechul was having a headache- “Siwon is just FOUR. FOOOOOOOOUR. Are you telling me his four years old brother ‘abused’ him? Try again, cmon”


“We didn’t know he was talking about a four years old” - The officers scratched their head - “Anyway, we decided to corroborate the story with his medical record and you are right... I guess we own you an apologize”


“Just one?” - Heechul folded his arms - “after eight hours here I demand a handwritten apology letter for calling me a pe—“


“We still have to wait for the judge to determine whether the boy is going back home today or not” 


“What do you mean? I already proved you I’m his dad and I didn’t abuse him” 


“Yeah, but they are trying to decide if you are suited for the job” - The officers did a sad expression - “Losing a two years old like that it’s considered too irresponsible. Not locking the door—” 




The officers exchanged looks like if they thought Heechul was crazy. 



Ryeowook was busy planning. He didn’t want to stay there. He heard from one of the women that Heechul was at the police station. He wanted to see his dad so badly. 

The little boy took his belongings, put on his shoes and walked away when the caregivers were busy. 


He unlocked the baby fences easily and went through the principal gate without troubles as he was small and flexible. Funny thing was that thanks to his short height, security camera didnt record him when going out. The toddler thought he had won when a police officer caught him wandering around the street. 


“What is this toddler doing alone?” - The officer was concerned as the boy was completely alone in a busy street - “He is wearing social service clothes...?” 


“Isn’t social services one street away?” - The other one worried - “Do you think they forgot to lock the door?”



“What do you mean with ‘found’ him?” - Heechul could hear the officers discussing- “Alone?! In a busy street?!”


“EHEM” - Heechul cleared his throat - “You were saying...? Where is my boy?”


“We are so sorry mr Kim” - the officers finally seemed to understand the situation- “They are bringing him here. You can take him home” 


“Thanks” - Heechul sighed. 


Ryeowook was feeling better after he learned the police officers decided to take him to the police station. The boy was happy as he got to ride the police car. 



“Is there something we can do?” - the officers feared retaliation now that Heechul was proven full innocence


“Yeah, actually... my boy lost his stuffed friend not long ago” - Heechul was joking - “You could help us find it. It’s a bee~ he lost it in a bus— MY BABY!”


“DADA!” - Ryeowook ran to his dad as soon as he spotted him - “DADADADADADADADADADA!”


Heechul felt like if he could suffocate the boy just hugging him. He kissed him so many times that he lost track of the time until one officer pointed out he should take a sit. 


Ryeowook never felt so guilty in his life. Heechul looked... terrible. He seemed so ill the boy feared for his dad. 


“I’m never going to let you alone again!” - Heechul kept telling the boy - “Oh my God, Ryeowook! I was so scared!”


“Sowy” - Ryeowook cried. He didn’t want to hurt Heechul. He just wanted to have some fun... nothing else. 




“Where are our babies?” - Hani was shaking her husband all she could - “Wake up! Our babies are gone!”


“Ah? Oh... they were under Heechul’s supervision” - Gunhee was still half asleep- “He must have taken them somewhere”


“Do you think Heechul can handle twins all by himself?” - Hani asked softly 


“You are right” - Gunhee stood up quickly - “He cant”


Gunhee started getting desperate when he couldn’t find his brother nor the babies. He got even more desperate when he realized his brother’s phone was still home yet he wasn’t. 


“Where did he go?” - Gunhee worried - “One of day of these, I’m going to kill him” 



“Where were you?!” - Both parents were shouting to the young adult that just came back pushing the stroller 


“Heechul If you are planning to take the kids out at least leave a note or take your phone with you!” - Gunhee scolded - “We were really worried!”


“Sorry, sorry. I took them to the hospital for a check up~ nothing else” - Heechul smiled 


“To the hospital? Why?” - Hani grew suspicious- “What happened?”


“Nothing!” - Heechul was acting normal - “I just wanted to make sure they were fine! That’s it ~” 


“Ugh... if you say so...” - Gunhee sighed - “Go take some rest. I will take care of the boys~” 


“N-no! I want to do it myself!” - Heechul refused to let go of the twins - “They just fell asleep, I will place them in the crib!”


As soon as he locked the door of the twins’s room, Heechul started crying. He placed both twins inside the crib and prayed for everything to be alright. He didn’t know how to explain it to the parents. 


“Oh Ryeowook... what are we going to do?” - Heechul asked the sleeping baby in the crib - “let’s not tell mommy about what happened today ok?” 




“He won’t stop hugging him” - Leeteuk informed the grandparents - “They are both fine. Heechul says he will turn into a kangaroo so he can carry Ryeowook in his belly but he had always been crazy”


“He watched too much tv” - The old lady teased - “I’m glad Ryeowook is fine. I just worry about the psychology of all of this. Heechul is probably suffering... be careful” 


“Yeah you better be” - the old man agreed - “Heechul doesn’t have the best mental health and this kind of situations can cause him a breakdown” 


“I will take it into account” - Leeteuk nodded - “for the moment I think I will just enjoy the fact Ryeowook returned safe” 


“My baby” - Heechul was still holding Ryeowook- “My precious baby”


“I can smell trouble” - Yesung whispered to Kangin - “He is going nuts” 


“Ryeowook seems to be enjoying it” - Kangin raised his eyebrows - “Maybe he got what he wanted” 



Indeed, he did. Heechul’s attention on Ryeowook was bigger than any other time the boy could remember. Leeteuk started worrying when he realized none of them wanted to be apart of the other for more than a few seconds. That included of course, the fact that now Heechul would take boy with him even when he needed to use the toilet; action that Leeteuk found rather disturbing. 


“He doesn’t need to watch you do ‘that’ ” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “He can stay here while you are ‘busy’ “ 


“I’m just going to poop” - Heechul didn’t like how Leeteuk made it sound - “No big deal! He is used to it!”


“Poor boy” - Leeteuk lamented - “You are going to kill him” 


“Fine” - Heechul admitted defeat - “I will go as fast as I can”


“Oh no, please take your time” - Leeteuk worried - “If you get hemorrhoids you would be even more troubling than now”


“Got it” - Heechul nodded 


Ryeowook started crying as soon as he realized Heechul wasn’t around. About 0.2 seconds after the parent left. Leeteuk had a hard time convincing Ryeowook to focus on something else. At the end, the boy ended sitting next to the restroom’s door waiting for his dad to come out. 


“All done!” - Heechul carried the sad toddler - “I’m back~”


“Dada no go ‘way!” - Ryeowook hugged his dad tightly- “Mine!”


“My cutie bagel~” - Heechul was in heaved baby talking Ryeowook. Leeteuk twisted his lips. 


“You know you are not supposed to treat him like a baby” - Leeteuk scolded- “Don’t give him the wrong idea. I don’t want our brilliant boy to have a regression because of this”


“Blah blah blah” - Heechul was holding Ryeowook tightly- “Dont listen to him~ No one can’t stop daddy from spoiling baby~”


Leeteuk took a deep sigh. Obviously, this would have consequences. 




“BUT YOU SAID YOU WOULD GO” - Yesung was Having a hard time trying to understand why his uncle had changed his mind - “Why Aren’t you coming? Are you mad at us?”


“N-no!” - Heechul got hurt by the accusations- “I love you and I am not mad at you! It’s just... Ryeowook got a cold”


“Yeah I know” - Yesung sighed - “I heard him coughing. Still, that doesn’t mean anything”


“Yeah it does” - Heechul folded his arms - “I cant go out of the house if Ryeowook is feeling sick”


“I can take care of him” - Leeteuk offered - “It’s my j— He is my beloved nephew and I would love spending some time with him”


“B-but” - Heechul was nervous - “He is my boy”


“Yesung is also your boy, isn’t he?” 


Touché. Heechul hated to admit it but he had promised the kids he would take them to Kangin’s soccer match so they could cheer for him. It didn’t make sense to stay home when only Ryeowook was feeling sick. 


“He fell asleep” - Heechul worried Ryeowook would wake up any moment - “I will be going. Please call me if anything happens”


“Sure” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “Ryeowook and I will have a good time together. Enjoy the match~ Good luck Kangin!”


“YEAH!” - Kangin did a thump up - “I’m gonna be a champion!”


“You already are~” - Leeteuk said as he waved goodbye to all the family. He was about to turn back when he almost crashed with the toddler.


“Dada?” - Ryeowook asked as he hugged his blanket- “Bye Bye?”


“He is coming back, don’t worry” - Leeteuk Carried the sad boy - “You and I will have fun while they are away”


“Nuh...” - Ryeowook was at the verge of tears - “Dada...” 


“You can’t go out~ you are a little sick right now” - Leeteuk kissed the boy - “You got a cold”


“Wookie zick” - Ryeowook lamented - “No out...?”


“Yeah, Exactly” - Leeteuk ruffled the boy’s hair - “But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. I will play with you all you want!”


“Ung” - Ryeowook was still sad over the fact Heechul wasn’t around. Not to mention his twin wasn’t with him either. 


He was playing with Leeteuk when he heard the door bell rang and thought Heechul was back. 


“DADA?” - Ryeowook was pushing a chair to reach the door’s handle much to Leeteuk’s disgust 


“Hey Hey Hey!” - Leeteuk scolded - “You are not supposed to get near the door! Didn’t you learn the lesson?”


“Dada!” - Ryeowook was jumping excited as Leeteuk opened the door 


“Oh, good morning” - Leeteuk greeted the men in uniform 


Ryeowook froze. Not they again, he thought. He ran to hide behind the couch while Leeteuk invited them to come inside. 


“Is Mr Kim here?” - The officer asked 


“He went out” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “I’m sorry. I don’t know how long—“ 


“NO TAWE UKWEE ‘WAY!” - Ryeowook blurted out as soon as one of the officers placed a hand on Leeteuk’s shoulder 


“Whats wrong with you?” - Leeteuk found embarrassing how the boy would frown at the officers - “They are the police. Please behave, ok?”


“HPMH!” - Ryeowook stomped his feet - “GO ‘WAY!”


“This little boy doesn’t like us, Uh?” - One of them commented - “Isn’t he the one that got lost?”


“Yeah, he is” - The other one laughed - “Hi buddy! Do you remember me? We met yesterday after you ran away from social services” 


Ryeowook hid behind Leeteuk. The babysitter twisted his lips but said nothing. 


“Wookie no goin’ back. Thwank you” - Ryeowook burrowed his face - “Pwease no tawe Wookie” 


“Oh~ we came here today because we have good news to share” - The officers found funny how Ryeowook thought they would take him back to social services - “We found this little friend after some search and we wanted to know if it was the bee you were looking for”


“BEE” - Ryeowook recognized his doll right away - “WOOKIE’S BEE”


Leeteuk found hilarious how Ryeowook’s attitude changed dramatically. He even hugged the officers several times and offered them cookies. After the police left, Leeteuk found the boy hugging his bee tightly. 


“I don’t want to ruin your happiness, but ‘bee’ probably needs a ‘bath’ “ - Leeteuk tried to take the plush - “Cmon, Wook. Don’t make it harder” 


“Bee iz Wookie’s Baby” - Ryeowook was patting the bee the same way Heechul did with him - “Mine”


“Sure” - Leeteuk thought Ryeowook was just Speaking nonsense again - “I’m gonna wash it”


“NO!” - Ryeowook protested the very moment Leeteuk tried to take it from him - “MINE!”


Leeteuk was sure he would regret it. He took a deep sigh and nodded. 


“Alright” - Leeteuk tried his best - “Bee is your baby right? Do you want bee to get sick?”


Ryeowook shook his head. 


“Then Bee should take a bath” - Leeteuk explained - “Since you have a cold, I will do it for you” 


“Wookie hewps Too” - Ryeowook followed Leeteuk to the laundry room - “Bath bee”


Leeteuk found cute how Ryeowook washed his bee diligently. The boy would scrub the plush carefully just like he taught him. The funniest part of it was that Ryeowook ended receiving a bath while washing his stuffed friend. Only difference was that the poor bee had to dry hanging and Ryeowook could dry just using a towel. 


“Bee too” - Ryeowook was trying to convince Leeteuk to use a towel to wrap the bee 


“Uhm... bee doesn’t need that” - Leeteuk scratched his head. Toddlers were so funny sometimes. 


“No cowd” - Ryeowook insisted until the babysitter wrapped the bee using a towel - “Thankz~”



Heechul returned from the game with a cheerful Kangin showing off his medal. The kids seemed to have been happy as they kept being loud and energetic. 


“They are all in a good mood” - Heechul smiled - “Kangin’s team won and it was such a pretty game. No one got hurt~”


“Cool! Are you guys hungry?” - Leeteuk thought the kids would like an snack before lunch 


“Ehmmmm” - the triplets looked at Leeteuk with guilty eyes - “No?”


“No? That’s weird” - Leeteuk already suspected it - “Did you eat something else?”


“No!” - Eunhyuk rushed to reply 


“No? Then why do you have ketchup in your cheeks?” - Leeteuk cleaned the Boy’s face while he laughed - “Daddy bought a you a hot dog, didn’t he?”


“Ung...” - The Silly trio admitted defeat. They couldn’t lie to Teuk. 


“Where is Ryeowook? Kyuhyun keeps running around in circles” - Heechul found funny how Kyuhyun was desperate to find his twin - “Is he still sleeping?”


“Actually, he just went to sleep” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “He woke up a few seconds after you left and had been playing with me all morning. He started feeling drowsy after the bath” 


“Oh~ you already bathed him” - Heechul pouted. He wanted to bath with Ryeowook - “I wanted to spoil him and give him a warm bubble bath myself”


“Yeah well, it couldn’t wait” - Leeteuk giggled - “The police came. They found Ryeowook’s bee and the boy refused to let me wash it. He worked hard”


“He already found him” - Heechul chuckled seeing Kyuhyun’s annoyed face - “What happened? Why are you in such a bad mood?”


“Wookie sweepin “ - Kyuhyun grunted - “No fun”


“Why you don’t play with Henry?” - Heechul pointed at the boy that was already drooling all over the playpen - “He is your little brother, you know”


Kyuhyun did such a poker face Leeteuk bursted in laughter. Apparently, Kyuhyun couldn’t care less about the fact Henry and him were related. 


“I’m taking that as a no?” - Heechul worried Kyuhyun often refused to play with Henry - “Henry loves you a lot!”


“Uhum” - Kyuhyun just nodded. He knew Henry was always chasing after him but he couldn’t care less about it. He saw Henry as a competition for his caregivers’s attention. Also, Henry took his place as the baby brother and he didn’t like it at all. Even if he had lived with Henry for a few months, jealously still was a thing. 


“Gyu~ gyu~ “ - Henry was wobbling in his direction - “gyu~ gyuuuuuuu~ Ewy~”


Heechul often worried Henry wasn’t as talkative as the twins used to be at that age. Henry skills were good overall, but speech was delayed. The boy still communicated by weird sounds and just learned a couple of words that were mostly names. 


“I remember when Ryeowook and Kyuhyun were that age” - Heechul commented - “they started to repeat my words in their own way. I thought it was annoying but now I fear because Henry is not doing the same” 


“All boys are different” - Leeteuk found cute how Siwon was now taking care of the baby- “Yesung once told me Ryeowook took a lot of time for saying his first word”




“WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH ‘BUMPED HIS HEAD’ ?!” - Hani raged as she rocked one of the babies - “THATS WHY YOU TOOK THEM TO THE HOSPITAL! OH KIM HEECHUL!”


“It was an accident!” - Heechul was scared to death - “I was changing their diapers and and... and I swear I don’t know how it happened but Ryeowook moved and I ended catching him on air and—“


“Heechul, Cmon Buddy” - Gunhee shook his head - “You dont need to lie. It’s ok if you had an accident and the baby fell”


“N-no! I’m telling you the truth!” - Heechul felt overwhelmed- “Ryeowook moved by himself!”


“He is a baby” - both parents said softly - “You were probably tired and imagined things” 



Heechul was reading a magazine while watching over the baby in his crib. He was still sulking as Hani and Gunhee wouldn’t believe him. 


“Don’t cry” - Heechul put down his magazine - “I’m right— oh~ you did it again!”


Ryeowook was looking at him with big eyes. 


“You learned how to roll all by yourself~” - Heechul lifted the now happy baby - “You learned to turn around all by yourself!”


Ryeowook giggled. He loved it when Heechul carried him. 


“It’s alright~ even if they don’t believe us, I still saw it” - Heechul kissed the baby - “You are just so smart!”



“I’m telling you he knows how to crawl” 


“Heechul, havent you realized that every single time you babysit Ryeowook you go insane?” - Gunhee found it funny - “He doesn’t know how to crawl. Seriously, stop making a fuss about your imagination”


“I swear I saw him!” - Heechul pointed at the baby that played next to his twin - “You didn’t believe me when I told you he had learned to sit and to roll by himself and then BAAAM” 


“You are just crazy” - Gunhee scoffed - “Ryeowook is a normal baby”


“He is—“ 


“Uh oh” - Gunhee approached the now crying twins - “Kyunnie threw up~ Don’t worry, daddy will clean you up~ . Heechul can you look after Ryeowook? Maybe he will learn how to speak while I am away” 


“Very funny” - Heechul mimicked his brother’s face and then carried the baby - “I swear they will eat their words once you get accepted in Harvard”




“yes, Da— What the hell?” - Heechul blinked several times - “I could swear you just talked”


Ryeowook only did bubbling sounds as he stretched his arms towards Heechul. 


“So? Did he learn how to speak?” - Gunhee teased as he came back holding a clean Kyuhyun- “What did he say?”


“N-nothing” - Heechul was still staring at the baby - “Would you mind if I go home? I’m tired” 




“His first word... he said it when he was still really young” - Heechul recalled - “I just thought I probably misheard it. I used to babysit the twins when they were really young and... Ryeowook had always been ‘weird’. I just thought I was seeing things that didn’t exist” 


“Ryeowook is a clever boy” - Leeteuk liked it whenever Heechul recalled things from the past - “It makes sense his development wasn’t like most of the kids” 


“Yeah...” - Heechul bit his lips - “Now that I think about it... Ryeowook and I had been really close since he was born. Maybe he just showed that side of him to me”




“Don’t move” - Heechul was taking several pictures using his phone - “Mom is not going to believe us, so, I need to take evidence” 


“Dada~ Dadaaaaaa~ dadaaaa~”


“If you keep calling me ‘dada’ I won’t be able to show them this video” - Heechul hissed - “I’m your uncle. UNCLE”


“Ukwee” - the little baby bounced a bit 


“Thats it” - Heechul nodded - “Mom is going to get crazy when she learns you now know how to stand and take a few steps” 


Ryeowook let go of the couch’s edge and took a few steps away until he reached a surprised Heechul. 


“YOU WALKED!” - Heechul lifted the boy like if he was some kind of treasure - “OH MY GOD YOU TOOK YOUR FIRST STEPS! DADDY IS SO PROUD OF YOU!”




“Oh~ he was so cute!” - Leeteuk was watching the video over and over again - “What did your brother say about it?”


“I... I never showed it to him” - Heechul took a deep breath - “I... I called myself ‘daddy’ without even realizing it. I felt so ashamed that I hid the video from them. I didn’t want them to believe I was teaching that to the kids while they weren’t around”


“Oh” - Leeteuk pitied it - “I’m sure they wouldn’t have cared. It’s a lovely video”


“WHO DAT” - Kyuhyun seemed amused as he pointed to the chubby baby on screen - “ME” 


“Yeah, that’s you” - Heechul smiled a bit - “You were so small back then”


“KYU ZMALL” - Kyuhyun found it funny - “WOOKIE BABY”


Leeteuk ended having to search for the albums as Kyuhyun wouldn’t stop demanding more pictures of him being a baby. He returned and found Heechul watching old videos surrounded by the boys. 


“I didn’t know you had these” - Yesung was so happy - “I love them!”


“Me too!” - Kangin pointed at the screen - “is that Siwon?! Oh my God! He was so small! 


“He is still small” - Heechul pouted - “You are all my babies”


Leeteuk thought everything was over. He really thought Heechul was just fine. As soon as the weekend ended and the kids were back to school, Leeteuk grew suspicious.


“Why aren’t you going to work?” - Leeteuk wondered why was Heechul staying in home taking into account he had no apparent reason to skip work - “Today is Monday”


“I know” - Heechul smiled - “It’s just that today ‘they’ come to fix something”


“Who?” - Leeteuk scratched his head. He wasn’t really paying attention to Heechul as Henry started fussing - “Aish~ I think he wants to take a stroll~”


“Maybe you should take him to the park” - Heechul agreed - “I’m sure it’s getting noisy here~” 


“Uh... if you say so” - Leeteuk didn’t understand at all what Heechul meant. He thought that he probably had hired some repairmen to fix something in the mansion. It never crossed his mind Heechul was actually that crazy. 




“TURN IT OFF!” - Leeteuk was covering Henry’s ears trying to protect the boy - “HEECHUL! ITS TOO LOUD!”


“Yeah yeah~ sorry~” - Heechul was holding a new controller- “Next time, you should actually deactivate the alarm before going inside, silly~” 


“How was I supposed to know that?!” - Leeteuk wasn’t shouting because he wanted but because the alarm’s sound left him half deaf - “I don’t recall we had an alarm like that!”


“Didn’t I tell you ? I hired a security company” - Heechul pointed at the walls - “They even installed security cameras”


“You have to be kidding me...?” - Leeteuk placed Henry in the playpen and noticed there were tons of cams in that area - “Is this for the kids?”


“Yep” - Heechul seemed proud of his doing - “I realized Ryeowook or any other of the kids would be safer this way”


“A-Alright” - Leeteuk felt so insecure with all those cameras moving around - “But are all of these necessary?”


“No blind spots” - Heechul smiled again - “That brat wont run away again in his entire life”


“I understand your concern” - Leeteuk inspected the alarms set next to the door - “But Ryeowook is a toddler,  not your prisoner” 


“I will think about it” - Heechul swayed his head. 



“UWAAAAAA!” - Kyuhyun was just terrified by the cameras - “DADA! HEWP!”


“INTRUDER INTRUDER INTRUDER!” - Robin had learned a new word - “INTRUDER INTRUDER!”


“Who left the cage open?” - Leeteuk rushed to try catching the free bird that flew around the mansion - “Heechul, I need your help!”


“Robin~!” - Sungmin was pleased as the bird walked around the table - “Hi~”


“Hi~” - the bird was ripping apart some paper sheets 


“What a mess” - Leeteuk lamented as the bird flew away again - “ROBIN COME BACK HERE!” 


“He no likes you” - Eunhyuk teased - “Robin pooped” 


Donghae laughed. Leeteuk was so done with the triplets’s  joke of setting free the bird whenever they wanted. 


“UWAAAAA!” - Kyuhyun was still running around the living room trying to avoid the cameras - “UKWEE!”


“No! NO NO NO!” - Leeteuk worried as the bird started pecking one of the cameras - “Robin stop! I’m sure those are expensive!”


“Oh oh” - Siwon did a funny face as soon as the bird managed to damage one cable - “It got ruined” 


“Hey! What did you do now, brats?” - Heechul stormed inside the living room - “One of the cameras lost connection!”


“Robin did it!” - the young kids accused


“Come here, Robin” - Heechul sighed. He couldn’t punish a bird - “Lets go back to your cage, ok?”


The bird was now whistling a cheerful song on Heechul’s arm. Leeteuk still found amazing how Robin only listened to Heechul. 


“DADA!” - Kyuhyun climbed Heechul as soon as the parent came back to check on the camera - “HUG ME” 


“Why are you so scared? These are not monsters”


“Do you think that we can record the tooth fairy with those?” - Kangin asked his brother - “Maybe if we ask dad for help...”


“This is madness” - Yesung rolled his eyes - “Uncle is losing his mind. Why would he install those? I can’t even pee in peace now”


“I don’t think your uncle has gone that—“ - Leeteuk found Yesung was right. There were cameras in the restroom as well - “Oh boy”


“What a ert” - Kangin teased - “So he also spies you when showering?”


Leeteuk haven’t thought of that. He wasn’t that concerned about Heechul being a ert, but still, it didn’t feel right having cameras inside a place where people would like privacy. 



“But What If Ryeowook locks himself in the restroom?” - Heechul defended his crazy idea - “Those are necessary as well! I promise I won’t watch you pee and will delete all those videos after a day”


“That’s stupid” - Leeteuk was deep red thanks to Heechul  - “Please... at least the ones in the bathroom?”


“Fine” - Heechul admitted defeat - “I guess it’s unfair towards the girls that work here”


Leeteuk did a disgusted face. He haven’t thought of it before... and now that he did, he realized Heechul was crazier than he expected. He could get in troubles for things like that. 


The third day with cameras, Leeteuk found the kids playing in the bathroom. 


“Why are you here?”


“Don’t be stupid, Teuk” - Yesung folded his arms - “Uncle is spying us 24/7 ! This is the only place where we can play without... you know”


“I feel observed all the time” - Kangin sighed - “I don’t think this is right”


“It’s quite annoying” - Siwon puffed his cheeks - “We can’t hide”


“I think you are right” - Leeteuk sighed - “One thing is taking precautions...but this is another level”


“Please talk to him?” - Yesung urged - “I’m sure he is just worried because of what happened to Ryeowook but this is not the way to solve it”


“Yeah, I will try” - Leeteuk scratched his head 



“Absolutely not!” - Heechul folded his arms - “You don’t understand—“


“I do understand” - Leeteuk cut him quickly- “Dont you dare to say I don’t. I love the child as well and I worried a lot when he went missing”


“Sorry” - Heechul seemed to be really sorry - “I’m really sorry, Teuk. I guess I didn’t take into account your feelings. You are right, you also love the boys and care for them”


“Exactly” - Leeteuk smiled - “That’s why you should listen to me~ I also want the best for them and I think that all this craziness with the security cameras are just making them uncomfortable”


“Uhm” - Heechul sulked - “I just want to make sure they are fine”


“There are other ways of taking care of the ones you love” - Leeteuk ruffled Heechul’s hair - “You were doing just fine”


“I did so well that I lost one of my boys for a few hours” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “Please help me. I feel... lost? My kids keep growing up and...”


“It’s alright” - Leeteuk pinched Heechul’s cheeks - “I’m here for you”


Heechul jumped on his friend. Leeteuk often made him feel safe. It was something he had lost when his beloved brother died. 


“DADA” - Kyuhyun was pulling Heechul’s shirt - “Kyu Too! Hug!”


“Sure” - Heechul lifted the boy - “Give me a kiss” 


“Muah!” - Kyuhyun giggled after doing so 


“I will call the security company” - Heechul smiled - “They dont deserve this. They are cute lovely boys! Right Kyuhyun?”


“Ung~” - Kyuhyun chuckled - “Love love love!” 


“I love you so much, my bagel” - Heechul hugged the boy tightly 



Leeteuk thought everything was over until Heechul returned from work with a box full of colourful watches. 


“What are you up to now?” - Leeteuk feared the answer - “What are those?”


“For the kids” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “Watches”


“COOL!” - Kangin already had one - “Can I keep this one?!”






“I want the black one” - Yesung was trying it on - “How does it look?”


“Cool” - Heechul felt warm seeing his boy smiling to him - “Do you like it?”


“I like it” - Yesung nodded 


“ME TOO! ME TOO!” - the triplets were searching for the colours they liked - “THIS”


“Ah! This one isn’t for kids” - Heechul took aside a little box - “This one is Teuk’s”


“B-but” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe it - “I still have the one you gave me for Christmas! And I really love it and—-” 


“I will explain it to you later” - Heechul winked - “Ryeowook, Kyuhyun! You guys come here too!”


“WOW” - Ryeowook loved that his new watch displayed little animals when minutes passed by - “DOWPHI!”


“Yeah, a dolphin” - Heechul hugged the pleased boy - “Ryeowookkie, listen. This watch is my gift for you~ so please don’t lose it ok?”


“Kay~” - Ryeowook nodded


Kyuhyun was beyond happy. His new watch had a Mickey Mouse sticker. The boy would never take it off if not needed. 


“GPS?” - Leeteuk tilted his head as he tried the new watch - “Are you kidding?”


“No, I’m not” - Heechul smirked - “This way is less invasive and it gives them safe freedom. I will even allow Yesung to go play outside if he promises he won’t go out of the neighbourhood”


“you can track him as long as he is wearing the watch” - Leeteuk understood - “That means you will know if he is in troubles”


“Yeah” - Heechul seemed confident - “Also, that way I will be ok with the boys going to school. I won’t have to worry because I will know if they run away anytime”


“As long as they are wearing the watch” - Leeteuk repeated - “Have you considered what could happen if they learn how to use the watch against you?”


“Bull” - Heechul did a funny sound - “This will solve all my worries. Period”




“Stop ruining my victory!” - Heechul complained 


“If you say so” - Leeteuk took a deep sigh. Heechul often underestimated the kids... and they were his sons. Nothing that came from Kim Heechul could be normal, Leeteuk thought. 



“What is uncle doing on the roof?” - Yesung pointed up - “He is chasing after Batman, isn’t he?”


“Oh God” - Leeteuk felt his blood pressure dropped - “Whats wrong with him?”


“Uncle have you seen my watch?” - Kangin asked from behind - “I’m pretty much sure I had it by the time I went to feed batman”


“Jesus Christ” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes. The raccoon was playing with Kangin’s watch and Heechul was chasing after him thinking one of his kids had managed to reach the roof.



“I told you it would backfire” - Leeteuk was helping Heechul to wash - “It’s your own fault so don’t go around spreading your bad mood” 


“I hate it” - Heechul puffed his cheeks annoyed - “Everything is going wrong for me! I should have stayed with the cameras! “


“Those were stupid” 


“At least I would have ended chasing a raccoon!” 


“Where did Ryeowook took it from?” - Leeteuk asked out of the blue 


“Uh?” - Heechul didn’t understand the sudden change of the conversation- “I got lost, sorry”


“He is brilliant” - Leeteuk continued - “I always felt relieved thinking that he had taken that from you. I used to believe he wouldn’t be able to outsmart you until he was at least ten. Now, I’m starting to worry”


“Shut up, Teuk” - Heechul sighed - “I used to believe the same but... truth is, he is smarter than me and therefore I know this was just a taste of what he can do. I have been worrying that next time, we won’t have the same luck. Maybe next time, he won’t come back home”


Leeteul froze. Heechul had been having those horrible thoughts since Ryeowook returned. Now that he was thinking about it, he understood the crazy measures the parent took as he tried to protect his children. 


“I... I was thinking about teaching the kids your phone number and sewing a tag with our address and...” - Leeteuk shook his head - “The watches are actually a good idea. We just need to make sure the raccoon doesn’t get it again”


“The tag is a very good idea” - Heechul nodded - “Its better than a tattoo”


“You won’t tattoo your children” - Leeteuk smacked Heechul’s head - “Gosh, how could you think about that?”


Heechul just laughed. At least having a discussion with Leeteuk always helped him to release his stress. 


“The tag... you need to sew it to something they will always have” - Heechul bit his lips 


“I was thinking to sew it to their sweaters and—“


“Nah, they can take it off”


“Way are you...?”



“This feels so wrong” - Yesung raised his eyebrows as he inspected the new tag - “Next time the police officers come, I will tell them about it”


“Don’t be stupid” - Heechul frowned - “They could take you away from me”


“It doesn’t matter” - Kangin giggled - “If we ever get lost, all we need is to take off our pants!”


“I can’t believe we are going to wear our address in our butts” - Yesung scoffed - “This is sure in the top ten crazy stuff you have done”


“Sewing an special tag to your underwear is the less I can do” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “You should thank Teuk. Other ideas were way worse than this”


“Bee too” - Ryeowook was trying to convince Leeteuk to give his bee one tag - “No lozt”


“That’s actually a good idea” - Leeteuk smiled - “I will sew a little tag to your friend so people return it when you lose it. I will sew one to Kiki and Kyu’s penguin as well”


“Wewis” - Kyuhyun was holding his big collection of penguin plushes - “Please”


“Sure...” - Leeteuk sighed. Those would be a lot of work.


“Here” - Heechul handed the babysitter what it looked like stickers - “These will save the work of sewing”


“Thanks” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “You see kids? This way we won’t lose anything we love”


Kyuhyun inspected the printed tags for a while and took one. He then walked to the playpen and stuck it on Henry’s . 


“No loze Hewy” - Kyuhyun giggled - “Baby zafe”


Heechul had his mouth wide open. Did Kyuhyun just try to protect Henry? Maybe he didn’t dislike Henry after all. 

A few minutes later, Kyuhyun had managed to wrap his twin using just stickers. 


“DADA BUAAAAH!” - Ryeowook found painful having so many stickers attached - “HEWWWWP” 


“It is bad that I think is actually a good idea?” - Heechul whispered to Leeteuk - “I’m starting to consider leaving him like that”


“I’m going to search the hair dryer” - Leeteuk seemed shocked - “Ryeowook is going to lose his eyebrows if we remove the stickers using force”


“He is getting his first hair removal” - Heechul teased 





“I swear your brother knows how to drive me crazy” - Hani was laughing as she got inside the bed - “I cant believe he is an adult”


“Neither do I” - Gunhee seemed to be daydreaming - “I still remember when he was a little boy. Being the older sibling has its advantages, you know? One of them is remembering your brother as a baby”


“I asked your mom for advice” - Hani confessed - “Ryeowook is just...”


“Like him” - Gunhee smiled - “I find amusing how all of them turned out so much like him”


“I’m actually thankful for that” - Hani giggled - “They are super cute”


“It must be weird for him” 




“Heechul” - Hani bit her lips - “After all, the babies are his” 


“Yeah... I wonder how feels about it” - Gunhee yawned - “Sometimes I worry he is bottling up his emotions”


“I’m pretty much sure I caught him crying today” - Hani sighed - “He is the type of parent that gets touched easily. Kyuhyun kissed him a lot and he went all emotional”


“I just hope he knows we understand the kids need him as much as he needs them” - Gunhee rolled over - “I love Heechul as my own kid”


“I do feel like raising him” - Hani chuckled - “Today he just tried to eat a whole package of cookies”


“I believe our Yesung has more self control than my lovely brother” - Gunhee teased 





“Do you have a minute?” - Yesung was crawling on Heechul’s bed - “I promise I will be quick” 


“There is no need to be ‘quick’ “ - Heechul smiled as he fixed the twins’s blanket - “They already fell asleep. Henry is also sleeping~ That means you have my full attention”


“Good” - Yesung blushed - “I just wanted to ask you for something. Please promise me you won’t laugh ok?”


“Sure” - Heechul laid on his side - “Do you have a girlfriend?”


“No!” - Yesung turned deep red - “I— I just... in a few days it’s parents days and... last year I just decided to skip it” 


“Uhum” - Heechul closed his eyes. 


“And and And... I just wanted to ask you if you were ok... ehm...” - Yesung did a long pause - “Please come to the school’s festival as our dad!” 


There was no response. 


“Uncle?” - Yesung tilted his head. Heechul snored. The young kid was angry.


“Fine. Let’s pretend I said nothing” - Yesung sulked as he walked away 


Leeteuk did a big effort for not saying a word while the boy went out of the room. He had listened it all. Of course he would tell Heechul about it. 


“You are such a baby” - Leeteuk sighed as he covered Heechul with a blanket- “Falling asleep like that~ you were probably exhausted~” 




“EHHHHH?” - Heechul had his mouth full of bread - “PARENTS DAY?”


“Shh! You are going to wake them up!” - Leeteuk hissed - “Yes! Parents day. It’s important for them so please refrain from making a stupid comment” 


“O-ok” - Heechul nodded - “What am I supposed to do? I have never celebrated one of those... like a parent. Last year I was too hurt to do something like that”


“But this year it’s different. Most of them acknowledge you as their dad and that means they are expecting you to take that role” 


“Sure!” - Heechul seemed nervous - “I will do my best! I promise I won’t let them down!”


“That’s nice” - Leeteuk smiled pleased


“Teuk” - Heechul seemed confused- “Just one question: daycare is also having an event right?”


“I guess so?” - Leeteuk scratched his head. He haven’t thought of that 


“How can I go to both of them at the same time?” - Heechul was pale - “I have to be in two places at the same time, isn’t it? School and daycare...” 


“Oh boy” - Leeteuk realized Heechul was right - “What are we going to do?”


“What if I let them down?” - Heechul pouted - “I don’t want any of them to feel less loved!”




Next chapter


Heechul will have to take a decision regarding what event to attend. 

Kids fight for his attention. 

Leeteuk gets in the middle of the love war. 


Author notes: 




Yesung is the oldest son of Heechul. He is shy and sweet but that doesn’t stop him from being a sassy boy. He is good at studying and recently developed a like for basketball. His hobbies often include building legos, reading and teasing Leeteuk. He has a good relationship with all his family. When it comes to siblings, he is kinda biased towards the twins and consider Kangin his best friend. He gets jealous easily. 





He is the third triplet. Even if he was born just a few minutes apart, he behaves like the youngest when with his twins. He is a sweet child that loves all of his siblings. He respects and admire his dad. His favourite older brother is Siwon. He loves everything related to the sea and ocean. He finds Ryeowook cute but is scared of Kyuhyun. 





Heechul’s last son. Being the youngest of the family, Henry is used to survive to his siblings. He fights a lot with Kyuhyun. Curiously, Kyuhyun is also his favourite brother. Compared to his siblings, he lacks speech skills and therefore can’t communicate properly. He spends most of the time playing around and being spoiled by Leeteuk. 


Author comments: 


Hi there! Did you miss me? ^^ Have a great day/week~ Hoping to update again this weekend! <3 Please comment Who are your favourite characters and why! ;)

See ya! 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it