On the move

Junior Quest

“If you have ever wondered how a serial killer looks like, I’m afraid you haven’t met my sister in law. It is often said that women get extremely upset during their period but that’s nothing compared to pregnancy. Not to mention what happens after pregnancy... 

It seems like a common belief that women are cute when holding a newborn but reality is way far away from that...” 


Heechul closed his diary and exhaled carefully. His left cheek still ached from that slap. Maybe showing up at Mina’s place wasn’t the best idea. Maybe he was supposed to skip that house for a while until she returned to her normal self... her normal self would appreciate a good joke instead of reacting that way. 


“I brought you some ice” - Leeteuk was clearly dissatisfied with the results of their last visit - “My my... Your face is still red” 


“Cant believe she hit me” - Heechul checked the red spot using a mirror - “It was a JOKE” 


“You were making fun of his daughter” 


“She is my niece! I would never hurt her!” - Heechul scoffed - “Plus! It wasnt mean or something!” 


“Saying to a mother that her newborn daughter is weird sure is a good joke” - Leeteuk frowned - “Not to mention you gifted her a black cat plush and a broom for kids” 


“Well, I wasn’t joking when I said that kid was weird” 


“HEECHUL” - Leeteuk scolded - “are you listening to yourself? How can you say something so mean about your own niece?!” 


“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to be mean” - Heechul sighed - “I just said that her expression looked odd” 


“And you thought Mina would like to hear that after her daughter had to stay in a incubator” - Leeteuk bit his lips - Don’t you realize she was still hurt by it? It’s been hard for them lately! Couldn’t you just say something nice?” 


“Why is she so pissed about? It was my car the one that took her to the hospital. It was me who took care of her children during birth” - Heechul shook his head - “And I love them. I have done a lot for them and yet my beloved sister in law won’t take a comment” 


“Heechul, listen” - Leeteuk tried to remain calm - “I think it would be good for everyone if you... Ehm... didn’t show up at their place in a while” 


“What?” - Heechul widened his eyes - “But my precious Momo...” 


“Your precious Momo is in good hands” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “You already have a lot to work on. You have nine beautiful kids, cute pets and a whole company that needs you... Why would you add another one to the list? Just forget about them for a few days, ok? I’m sure they just need time” 


“Cant believe you are also siding with them” - Heechul pulled his hair - “I already got lectured by mom, dad, and Shindong who obviously sided with his wife and kicked me out of the house” 


“Don’t call him like that” - Leeteuk folded his arms - “You know Donghee—“


“I will call my brother the way I want” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “And I will see my niece as much as I want!” 




“Thanks God” - Leeteuk thanked for the kids for being kids - “Heechul needs this” 


“Why are you so upset, Marlin?” - Heechul teased - “Did Nemo die?” 


“YES!” - Donghae cried scared 


Heechul wanted to bury himself deep. Maybe Leeteuk was right and he needed to stop making such jokes. 


“But... he cannot die” - Heechul got confused for a moment - “R-right?” 


“It won’t float!” - Donghae’s tears said it all - “It sank!” 


“Thats... weird” - Heechul inspected the little toy in his open hand - “I think something got stuck on... Oh! It’s fine now!” 


Donghae squeaked out of joy when his new fish toy started working again. His fish bowl was back to life thanks to his dad. 


“Boy, this bowl is so filthy” - Heechul wasn’t amused - “How come a plastic fish Can dirty this place like that? I’m guessing YOU are the one to blame” 


“Ugh, no” - Donghae shook his head - “I take good care of Nemo” 


“Sure you do” - Heechul sighed 


“I even bath him” - Donghae shared proudly 


Heechul found funny how Donghae would take the toy to the tub with him. Yeah, for a four years old it was totally rational to ‘bath’ a fish. He was actually worried his kid was too innocent for his age. And innocent was the word he used to avoid using the negative ones. 


“Donghae is so stupid” - Kangin laughed - “I bet he was feeding him again” 


“He thinks that if he takes good care of that plastic fish, it will become a real one” - Yesung also enjoyed making fun of what they called ‘the stupid triplet’ - “He even told that to the twins. I really hope it doesn’t interfere with their cognitive development” 


“I really hope it doesn’t interfere with their cognitive development” - Heechul mimicked as he used a folder to hit both boys’s heads - “Cmon boys! You were exactly the same at his age” 


“Uh no” - Kangin smiled in a silly way - “We didn’t believe in fairy tales” 


Heechul had to do his best for not spilling the truth about the toothfairy and Santa Claus. And the Easter bunny. However, he could tell by Yesung’s eyes the kid wanted that. Lately, Heechul had realized one of the cons of sending his young boy to an older class... Yesung was interacting with older kids that, of course, would make fun of ‘Baby’ related stuff. Skipping a year seemed like nothing but truth was that Heechul was worried about the fact Yesung started to try behaving older than his own age only to fix in his group. 


“I don’t think the tooth fairy is real” - Yesung said sadly - “I think it’s just a tale adults tell kids” 


“It’s not—- Of course the tooth fairy is real” - Heechul cleared his throat. His boy wouldn’t lose his innocence that fast - “It leaves money behind, right?” 


“But it doesn’t explain why she leaves different stuff in every house!” - Yesung complained - “I don’t think magical creatures care about the parents’s socioeconomic status! How can you explain that our ‘toothfairy’ seems to be rich compared to others?” 


“She follows a strict policy for that” - Heechul’s mind raced. The only way he could beat his smart brat was using complicate stuff he wouldn’t understand - “Legal basis are written under the ancient magical world’s constitution” 


“What?” - Yesung was now confused 


“Yeah! The magical constitution!” - Heechul tried again - “It was made during the fairy congress that took place centuries ago. Santa is the actual president. Easter bunny accused him of buying votes by gifting all elves—“


“enough” - Yesung stopped him - “I don’t believe you. If that exists, where can I read a copy of it, Uh?” 


“You cant” - Heechul wasn’t giving up - “Because you are not a magical creature, duh” 


“Woah” - Kangin was under Heechul’s spell - “I didn’t know it was so complicated” 


“Trust me, magical world is so complicated” - Heechul nodded - “We are lucky to be born as non magical creatures. Fairy school is so hard” 


Yesung rolled his eyes. He said nothing but walked to his room in silence. Kangin went to play with Batman now in a very a good mood. 


“Nice one” - Leeteuk clapped his hands - “I’m starting to believe too” 


“Shut up” - Heechul blushed - “This is your fault” 


“My fault? Why? Who is the one that curses every single time he steps in one of Kangin’s traps?” - Leeteuk widened his eyes - “Maybe the toothfairy should follow a special language code considering she works with kids!” 


“It was your fault I let Yesung skip that year” - Heechul lamented - “And now my baby is growing too fast” 


“I understand your concern... but Maybe you are just giving too much importance to it” - Leeteuk giggled - “All kids realize that the toothfairy is fairytale at some point. Maturing is part of a healthy develop—“


“Shhhhh!” - Heechul was annoyed by the idea - “I want Yesung to keep his innocence as much as possible! What if he stops believing in Santa? Or the Easter bunny? Then those wouldn’t have sense for him and he would be sad!” 


“Or Maybe he would just enjoy the play but knowing the truth behind it” - Leeteuk chuckled - “I also want them to keep believing for as long as possible but... I’m afraid we can’t stop them from growing” 


“HE IS EIGHT” - Heechul was in despair- “Please don’t take my Christmas away!” 


“Sometimes I wonder who is the elder child of this house” - Leeteuk sighed - “I will give you a hint. It starts with ‘H’ “ 


“PLEASE HELP HAE AGAIN!” - Donghae was running to his dad again - “NEMO IS GOING TO DIE!” 


“Honey, your fish CANT die” - Leeteuk worried Donghae was stressing too much - “It’s made of plastic” 


“And we just found out plastic melts” - Heechul returned with a frightened look - “Donghae... why did you microwave it?” 


“He did WHAT” - Leeteuk almost fainted - “Honey! That’s dangerous!” 


“I wanted to dry it...” - Donghae cried - “I didn’t know it would die” 


“I’m afraid I can’t save him” - Heechul wouldn’t even let the kid near the melted plastic toy. He feared it was toxic or something - “I will get you another... and you are grounded. You shouldn’t touch stuff we don’t let you play with” 


“Uhum” - Donghae pouted and went away full of sadness. His fish toy was dead. 


“Man, I’m worried” - Heechul sighed - “Donghae is not as smart as he should be” 


“You mean he is ‘innocent’ “ - Leeteuk disliked the idea of Heechul calling one of his sons stupid - “Some kids take longer to—“ 


“Do you think microwaving a toy made of plastic is being smart?” - Heechul interrupted - “Dont you also find weird he ‘feeds’ a plastic toy with actual food? The twins are—“ 


“Dont do that. Don’t compare them” - Leeteuk urged - “All kids are different. You know that” 


“That doesn’t mean I don’t worry” - Heechul folded his arms - “Maybe you are right and I do have something to worry about. Momo can wait” 


“Momo?” - Ryeowook’s eyes sparkled - “Whewe?” 


“She is not here, Wook” - Heechul raised an eyebrow when he noticed the dark aura surrounding his younger sons - “What’s going on?” 


“Ah~ you see... I think they are jealous” - Leeteuk scratched his head as Kyuhyun and Henry stared at Heechul- “They have been being like this since Momo was born” 


“Awww! How cute!” - Heechul tried lifting Henry only to get kicked - “Maybe not” 


“I thought Kyuhyun’s possessiveness towards you was over but... He seems to be on guard as well” 


“Kyunnie doesn’t get jealous of Henry anymore” - Heechul gulped down - “Not at all. However, Momo is not his sister” 


“Henry is the youngest one... he is not used to being ‘older’ “ - Leeteuk found worrisome how Henry would even rip away Momo’s pictures - “Yet, he needs a psychiatrist” 


“Kyuhyun was like that too” - Heechul didn’t give too much importance to it - “Remember? When Henry came home?” 




“Wookie wanna hug baby too” - Ryeowook was holding the new framed pictured in which Hangeng was holding his sister - “Bi’ bowthew!” 


“Yeah, big brother” - Heechul thought Ryeowook was talking about Momo... until the kid tried to lift Henry and failed miserably- “Henry is too fat for you doing so” 


“Ugh... Wookie can’t” - Ryeowook sulked- “Hewy heavy” 


“He is almost your size, boy” - Heechul wasn’t exaggerating. Henry was kinda tall for his age... and Ryeowook was short. Plus, their age difference wasn’t that big - “you won’t lift him easily” 


“Wookie wanna baby zist’ too!” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks - “Pweaze” 


“Keep dreaming” - Heechul scoffed - “Dad won’t have any other child. It’s enough with you. You guys drive me crazy all time” 


“Twue” - Ryeowook agreed - “Wookie hugz Momo” 


“That’s such a wonderful idea!” 


“You are NOT going back to Mina’s house” - Leeteuk pulled Heechul’s ear - “You already have enough problems” 


“Unkwee! Kyu cute too!” - Kyuhyun was putting a ribbon on his head - “See?” 


“You are so lovely, honey” - Leeteuk took the ribbon - “But you don’t need that to look cute. You are already cute without it” 


Kyuhyun’s eyes sparkled. Ryeowook tried on the ribbon as well. He thought he looked prettier. 



Leeteuk thought Heechul would try something stupid so he could go back to Donghee’s house and play with the new baby. Actually, he KNEW Heechul would try something like that. Therefore, the babysitter prepared beforehand. 


“I think is a wonderful idea” - Leeteuk replied automatically. He wasn’t paying to Heechul’s ranting. Again. - “You do what you consider the best” 


“Yup! This time you are going to looooove it” 


A few hours later, Leeteuk realized his mistake. Heechul’s mind was something else. 


“But I didn’t do it on purpose” - Heechul whined as they got in the car - “Donghae is such a baby” 


“Such a baby? How could you think that separating him from his brothers was a good idea? Where in this world, is that a good idea?!” 


“In my head?” 


“Why arent you driving?” 


“You haven’t put on your seatbelt yet...” 


Leeteuk did it with so much violence Heechul wondered who would win in a fight: Teuk or his sister in law. Both were fierce when their children got involved. 


“Teuk, wait” - Heechul locked the doors before Leeteuk could go out - “We need to talk” 


“Of course we need to talk but not now” - Leeteuk sighed - “Heechul, Donghae needs us now. We will discuss it later” 


“No... it cant wait. Because, if you go there and tell him that I am changing my mind... you will be giving him fake hopes” - Heechul bit his lips - “I’m not changing my mind. I took a decision I think is right” 


“Seriously? Why?” - Leeteuk wasn’t in the mood - “Are you sure this is not a trick to make me busy so you can go play with the baby?” 


“What baby? I have no time to think about Momo. I just thought that Donghae tends to rely too much on us. Including his siblings” 


“Well, his a kid...” - Leeteuk started to get Heechul’s point of view - “and he cant do anything alone... even if he is four...” 


“He needs to become a little more independent” - Heechul nodded - “and I think that school is a good place for learning so. It’s just that he has twins and is always surrounded by us so... we never gave him the chance to grow up” 


“Sounds reasonable” - Leeteuk folded his arms - “But is still cruel” 


“If you worry I’m being unfair, I also separated Eunhyuk and Sungmin—“ 


“YOU DID WHAT?” - Leeteuk couldn’t take it anymore. He unlocked the door by himself and went out at the speed of light 


Leeteuk’s heart broke when he spotted Sungmin playing with a bunch of kids. The boy seemed to be just fine. At the other side, Eunhyuk chatted merrily with a friend. Donghae sat alone in the swing. 


“Uncle” - Donghae’s eyes sparkled - “are we going home now?” 


“Honey, Whats wrong?” - Leeteuk faked ignorance- “why are you here all by yourself?” 


“I don’t know” - Donghae shrank his shoulders - “I was told to play here while I waited for you. Today wasn’t a good day” 


“Can I know why?” 


“Dad changed our classrooms” - Donghae pouted - “He said we needed time for ourselves and that since we were always together... We didn’t know how to be in... I forgot the word” 


“Do you think he is right?” 


“Maybe” - Donghae was clueless - “Do you think I’m stupid?” 


“Oh honey no!” - Leeteuk worried 


“Does dad think I’m stupid?” 


This time Donghae’s voice cracked. 


“I don’t” - Heechul replied sadly - “I think you just need a push” 


“I do...” - Donghae wiped his tears himself - “I don’t know how to do it myself. Can you push me?” 




“The swing” - Leeteuk whispered - “He is referring to the swing” 


“Dont you know how to do it yourself? You are already big enough for it. Your feet reach the ground, right?” - Heechul pushed the kid just a bit - “Try keeping it like this” 


Leeteuk took a deep breath when the swing stopped moving and Donghae looked at them for help. He hated to admit so, but maybe Donghae needed to experience the world by himself. 


“Daddy! Daddy! Play with me too!” - Eunhyuk ran to his dad - “Wait for me down the slide!” 


“Sure” - Heechul smiled - “Dont try anything dangerous” 


“But...” - Donghae got nervous - “Daddy come back!” 


“In a minute!” 


“He is gone...” - Donghae was about to cry - “Why is everyone being mean to me?” 


“You are just dramatic” - Sungmin giggled - “We are together ALL time. Being away from each other for a few hours won’t kill us~” 


“You mean, it won’t kill YOU” - Leeteuk twisted his lips. He was half amused by the kid’s sassy attitude- “How come my sweet Sungmin says such a thing?” 




Leeteuk couldn’t hold it anymore and laughed. Sungmin was totally ok. The kid was even funnier than ever. Donghae kept sulking at home. His twins, otherwise, were cheerful. 


“ ... and and then, Sarang danced with me” - Eunhyuk blushed 


“Who is Sarang?” - Sungmin asked happily - “Is she cute?” 


“She is from my new class, and yes, she is very cute” - Eunhyuk nodded - “what about you?” 


“I made a lot of friends” - Sungmin smiled proudly- “We competed racing against each other and I won twice” 


“Can you come back to OUR class?” - Donghae asked sadly - “Please?” 


The kids smile faded. They exchanged worried looks. Leeteuk knew it. 


“Donghae, it seems that your twins liked the change” - Leeteuk explained - “They adjusted very well” 


“WHY?” - Donghae whined - “YOU ARE BEING MEAN TOO!” 


“What? Hey! I didn’t say— Oh God” - Leeteuk sighed when the kid slammed his door upstairs - “we need a psychologist” 


“Or an exorcist” - Heechul was carrying Henry in a odd way - “Henry is acting wilder. Yeah, I also thought it wasn’t possible” 


“He is just jealous of Momo” - Leeteuk shook his head and held the grumpy toddler - “Donghae is in a bad mood” 


“Papa!” - Sungmin was sitting on a big bouncing ball - “Can Minnie have his own room?” 


“Me too! Me too!” - Eunhyuk raised his hand - “Hyukkie’s room” 


“No” - Heechul said amused - “Wait a few years” 


“Whyyyyyyy?” - The kids whined 


“Whats wrong with them?” - Leeteuk was shocked - “You brainwashed them” 


“No, I didn’t—“ 


“Speaking of brainwashing” - Yesung was holding a folder that was heavier than some of his siblings - “Santa doesn’t exist and I have proof of it” 


“Sweetheart, don’t you see we already have a lot to worry about? Not now” - Leeteuk tried to push the kid away - “Maybe later” 


“SANTA IS NOT REAL?!” - Kangin stormed downstairs- “DAD! SAY SOMETHING!” 


“Yes! Victory!” - Siwon felt relieved - “Thanks God” 


“Santa is real. All of them are” - Heechul took Yesung’s folder - “and you... please stop being such a grinch” 


“That one doesn’t exist either” - Yesung replied sassily - “Parents make up stories to make children listen to them” 


“I don’t—- Are you calling me liar?” - Heechul decided he would go the other Way - “You need to think about your actions, young man. I’m your father” 


“I once read in a book that when someone uses authority like that is because they know they are wrong and want to cover up” - Yesung raised his eyebrows - “Have you ever heard of argumentum ad verecundiam?” 


“What’s that?” 


“Latin” - Heechul did a disgusted face - “I should revoke you that membership. You are spending too much time at the library” 


“You would be the first parent to do so” - Yesung smirked - “But go ahead. Knowledge is power. Just because I can’t go to the library anymore doesn’t mean I won’t search for other sources of information” 




“So, is Santa real or not?” - Kangin was serious - “Who do I write my letter to?” 


“Toothfairy is not real?” - Siwon was happy just thinking about it. 


“Of course they are all real” - Heechul smiled - “Your brother is just hitting puberty too fast” 



“What a day” - Leeteuk was preparing for sleep when he heard someone knocking his door - “Now What...” 


“Uncle, can I sleep with you?” - Donghae was holding his Nemo plush and a blanket- “please?” 


“Are you feeling sick?” 


“N-no— Yes!” 


“Don’t lie to me. There is no need for it” - Leeteuk frowned - “You can sleep here tonight” 


“Thank you” 


“Why did you come here? Did your dad say something about sleeping in his bed?” 


“No. It’s just that I’m mad at him” - Donghae puffed his cheeks - “He started this” 


“Fair enough” - Leeteuk yawned - “But he is doing this because he loves you” 


“His love with kill me” - Donghae muttered as he hugged a pillow - “I don’t like being by myself. I want my brothers back!” 


“Let’s make a deal” - Leeteuk sat - “I’m the daycare’s owner, remember? I’m more powerful than dad when it comes to daycare matters. The principal will listen to me first”


“I listen” - Donghae pouted 


“If you prove us you can survive without your brothers... then I will convince the principal to get those two back in your classroom” 


“Cool” - Donghae covered his face - “But I cant do that!” 


“You have a week” - Leeteuk said softly - “after a week, our deal expires” 


“What? But uncle...” - Donghae whined 


“Thats your opportunity. Take it or leave it” 


“I’m taking it” - Donghae sulked - “But you have to help me” 


“Sure” - Leeteuk kissed the boy - “I’m always helping you” 


“Are you my helping fairy?” 




“Like Cinderella?”


“Fairy godmother” - Leeteuk chuckled 


“She doesn’t exist either!” - Yesung shouted from the hall 


“GO TO YOUR BEDROOM, YESUNG” - Heechul raged from the other room 


“Gosh, he is driving us crazy” - Leeteuk did a funny face that made Donghae laugh - “Goodnight, Hae” 


“Goodnight, uncle” 



The week went like hell with the kids trying to prove themselves. Donghae was a disaster by himself. The other two triplets started getting way ahead of their brother in terms of learning. Apparently, Donghae was the one that stopped them from doing so. Leeteuk didnt want to recognize it, yet their teachers wouldn’t stop mention it every single day. Heechul and Yesung’s relation was worsening after each discussion and none of them seemed about to stop. 


“Duzday!” - Ryeowook clapped his hands 


“Thursday!” - Leeteuk was also excited. One more day and that horrible week as over. At least when it came to school 


“Tomo’wow Momo houze!” - Ryeowook bounced - “Baby Pway!”


“What? Oh honey, I forgot. No, you won’t go to Momo’s house” - Leeteuk shook his head without energy - “I know I promised so, but I’m drained” 


“Tomowow” - Ryeowook insisted - “Momo’s houze” 


“We will see” - Leeteuk wanted to avoid a tantrum at least until it became unavoidable- “Lets make homework” 


“Wookie haz no home wow!” - Ryeowook jumped excited - “Zchoo” 


“You did at school? Whoaaaah” - Leeteuk faked surprise. Lately, it was very common Ryeowook managed to do his homework at school. He was so smart that teachers had a hard time finding new stuff for him - “Kyunnie haven’t done it yet, so don’t distract him” 


“Wookie teachz Kyu” - Ryeowook touched his chest - “Bi’ bowthew” 


“Why not?” - Leeteuk said sarcastically- “Hey~ Why don’t you go to play with that wonderful castle Dad got you?” 


“Uh Nuh” - Ryeowook shook his head - “LEGO” 


“Good. Go play with your LEGO” 


“Wookie no have one” - Ryeowook pouted 


“Well played” - Heechul praised - “He got you” 


“But you have blocks” - Leeteuk tried to get rid of the boy again - “You can build with those” 


“Wookie wan’z LEGO” 


“You are not having those until you are at least seven” - Leeteuk showed him the number with his hands - “You understand me?” 


Ryeowook started crying. 


“He does” - Heechul laughed - “Cmon, Teuk. We already let him own a puzzle for big kids” 


“Difference is that Henry won’t swallow a piece that big” - Leeteuk sighed - “LEGO has so many tiny pieces... Why do you think toddlers play with blocks?” 


“If I’m not getting him a LEGO, then you are taking him to Mina’s place” - Heechul his finger as he read - “You can say ‘No’ so many times and expect he behaves during weekend” 


“How are things going with Yesung?” 


“How is Donghae doing?” 


“This is not a competition of who is being hated the most” - Leeteuk bit his lips as Kyuhyun glued a frog incorrectly- “Honey, that doesn’t go there” 


“Now doez” - Kyuhyun said amused by his own mistake - “Funny” 


“No, it’s not funny. Now we need to begin all over again” - Leeteuk shook his head - “You have to do it again” 




“Because you are wrong” - Leeteuk tried - “Teacher will scold you if you don’t do it properly” 


Kyuhyun gasped. He looked terrified. 


“Alright, she won’t scold you. But is not nice to not make homework properly - Leeteuk tickled the boy - “Let’s do it right, ok?” 


“UNG!” - Kyuhyun got a new set - “Froggie pond” 


“THATS IT! So smart!” - Leeteuk kissed the boy - “at least someone listens to me” 


Kyuhyun rejoiced. He felt happy when Leeteuk praised him. 


“I listen to you too” - Heechul complained - “Its you the one who doesn’t listen back. Making a deal with my son behind my back? Seriously?” 


“He needs help” 


“What he needs is us to take a few steps back” - Heechul covered his face - “At this rate Donghae won’t be able to graduate from kinder” 


Ryeowook jumped on his dad. The kid usually did so when he thought Heechul was sad. 


“Are you doing to do the same to them?” - Leeteuk asked provocative 




“To those two” - Leeteuk pointed at the kids that now cuddled in Heechul’s arms - “Are you going to take Ryeowookkie away from Kyunnie so he grows faster?” 


“It worked before” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “Also, It depends. I didn’t do it only for Donghae, you know” 


Leeteuk tilted his head and smiled sweetly. The twins had decided to take a nap in Heechul’s arms. 


“I was told Sungmin was less talkative when his twins were around” - Heechul smiled shyly- “I asked my psychologist friend about it, and she said some kids often developed their personality better if they were away from relatives and caregivers. It’s just that they have always been together so... They didn’t get that chance before” 


“We barely noticed any change at home but their teachers...” - Leeteuk left out a sight and smiled - “They Cant stop talking about it” 


“I’m just giving them space to be whoever they want to be” - Heechul smiled back - “Dont worry. I bet those two will ask me for going back to their class after a week of fun” 


“I hope so” - Leeteuk giggled - “Donghae doesn’t seem to be making any progress. I never realized he was so dependent” 


“Relying in someone else is cool, but you should be able to live by yourself” - Heechul stretched - “That’s my advice” 


“It’s a good advice” 



Friday. Everything exploded. 


“I’m sorry! I know I said I would take you to your cousin’s house but I really can’t!” 


“UWAAAAAA!” - Ryeowook kept crying loudly 


“Unkwee... lied?” - Kyuhyun found it amusing - “Bad bad~” 


Kyuhyun didn’t care about the baby. He couldn’t care less about the visit. He got a bit sad since his twin was upset. 


“Uncle, do you have a minute?” - Yesung was pulling Leeteuk’s sleeve 


It was either hearing Ryeowook cry or listen to Yesung’s complains. None of them was appealing but if he had to choose...


“Lets go” - Leeteuk went to Yesung’s room - “Whats the matter? Did dad finally go mad? I told you he didn’t like—“ 


“The toothfairy is not real” - Yesung said scared - “I lost a tooth yesterday and said nothing and and and... Today no one took the tooth and left money” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk prepared for it - “How you—“ 


“I wish the toothfairy was real” - Yesung squeaked - “I wish Santa and the Easter bunny were real too. I thought I would be happier if I knew the truth but now I don’t want to know it” 


“Honey, they are real” - Leeteuk reassured- “It’s just that I heard that when you doubt about their existence... they just don’t come” 


“So... if I start believing again, They will come ?” - Yesung relaxed - “for real?” 


“Yeah” - Leeteuk smiled - “Your dad is going to be really happy” 


“Why does he care that much?” 


“Can you keep a secret?” - Leeteuk asked in a low voice 




“Your dad met Santa once. Since then, he works for them” 


Yesung’s eyes sparkled. The boy seemed about to explode from happiness. 



“There you are. Yesung, whatever you were telling your uncle—“ 


“Hi Dad! I love you!” - Yesung hugged a confused Heechul- “See ya later!” 


“What did you do now? Did you make a secret deal with him too?” - Heechul scratched his head - “Teuk, I swear—“ 


“He thinks you are Santa’s helper. Good news: he believes again” - Leeteuk giggled - “Also, the toothfairy needs to come this night” 


“Whoah” - Heechul was happy. Even if he didn’t understand what happened at all - “By the way, I don’t know it you noticed it but Mrs Jung haven’t been working for us this past week” 


“Yeah, I know. Did you gave her vacations?” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “I hope she enjoyed them” 


“Not actually” - Heechul sighed - “I sent her to Mina’s place” 




“I thought about what you said and I think you were right. She needs time... for herself. I know how much time kids take from you so...” 


“That’s sweet” 


“Yeah, Mrs Jung agreed quickly. She loves Donghee a lot too” 


“Won’t you regret it later? I mean, you were so used to having someone to rely on...” - Leeteuk smiled softly 


“What are you talking about? I still have you. I rely on you the most” - Heechul smirked - “and now that you mention it~ It was due today” 





“So” - Heechul sat in front of the four years old - “What you have to say?” 


“I found a solution” - Donghae gulped down - “I think that we can keep sharing our classroom but can have different activities” 




“Like Hyukkie having dancing lessons and Minnie having swimming” - Donghae explained - “That way we all get what we want” 


“Sounds fair enough” - Heechul smiled pleased - “Did you discuss it with your twins?” 


“Uhum” - Donghae nodded - “they said it was ok” 


“Good” - Heechul stretched his hand - “We have a deal” 


Donghae blushed softly and smiled. 


“Now go tell the good news to your siblings” 


“My my~ Donghae didn’t change at all” - Leeteuk sighed softly- “But you couldn’t keep it that way, Uh?” 


“What are you talking about? He grew up a lot. He found a solution to a complicated problem all by himself” - Heechul was proud - “He came confidently without tears. No begging...” 


“You are right. I should give him some credit” 


“I was thinking in taking the kids to the amusement park tomorrow” - Heechul said softly- “I think they earned it. It was a though week” 


“Sure it was” 


“Would you come with me?” - Heechul offered a hand to his friend 


“To the end of the world, if needed” 


“Yesung come see! Dad finally proposed to him!” - Kangin was holding a camera - “I took the picture! I took it!” 


“Wait for me, my dear” - Heechul tried to keep his smile on- “I need to destroy any evidence of our engagement” 


“But honey, how are we supposed to forget such a glorious moment?” - Leeteuk teased - “what do you say Ryeowook? Would you hold the rings for us?” 


“Whadda wrin’ ?” - Ryeowook asked cutely 


“Just say yes” - Heechul whispered to the boy 


“Yes!” - Ryeowook chirped


“Who is marrying who?” - Siwon asked confused - “Are you finally having a wedding?” 


“What do you mean by ‘finally’ ?” - Heechul struggled to retrieve the poor camera Kangin was holding - “I don’t know what kind of weird fantasy your uncle has but I’m not marrying him” 


“It should be Teuk the one complaining” - Yesung chuckled - “Marrying Dad must be reaaaaaaaally hard” 


“If you married our dad... you wouldn’t be our uncle anymore...? You would be like our mom?” - Donghae’s questions were hard to answer - “Or Maybe it would be like having another dad? I have a friend with two dads” 


“Yeah, but they are gay” - Kangin said before Heechul could correct his son 


“Whats a gay?” - Eunhyuk asked amused 


“Mhmm... a boy that like other boys” - Heechul wasn’t sure of what to say - “Would you like marshmallows? I think I have a full bag of—“ 


“I think I’m gay” - Donghae finally left out. Heechul choked with a marshmallow. 


“Papa, you need to chew slowwwwwwwly” - Sungmin scolded - “Be careful when eating” 


“Be cawefuww!” - Ryeowook scolded him too 


“I will die from a sugar rush today” - Heechul stuffed a few soft candy in his mouth - “We zuffvived”


“Hey uncle” - Yesung was waiting for his candy share while Leeteuk helped the younger kids - “Wanna know what other magical creature is real?” 


“Sure” - Leeteuk wasn’t really paying attention. He was making sure all bowls had the same quantity as he didn’t want fights - “which one?” 


“Dad’s wife” - Yesung joked 


“Very funny” - Leeteuk didn’t laugh at all. He was concentrating on the task in hand 


“Of course is real” - Eunhyuk nodded - “The pumpkin fairy came to our daycare” 


Leeteuk didn’t realize how hard was he holding the bowl until it broke. 


“Uncle are you ok?” - Siwon worried 


“Is that blood?!” - Donghae was already running in circles - “DADDY! CALL



“I’m fine” - Leeteuk was washing the cut he got - “it doesn’t hurt that much” 


“Do you want a band aid?” - Yesung asked carefully. The eight years old somehow understood their jokes caused the situation 


“Whoooow! That’s a bad cut!” - Heechul was back to the kitchen. Kyuhyun was running behind - “If it’s too deep you will need stitches” 


“Did you know the ‘pumpkin fairy’ went to the boys daycare?” 


“We should probably leave” - Yesung carried the twins against their will - “Lets go play in a safe place” 


“Unkweee...” - Kyuhyun his own finger. It hurt him only imagining the pain Leeteuk experienced 


“Did you know?” - Leeteuk repeated the question 


“She didn’t ‘go’ to their daycare. I took her there” - Heechul corrected - “Also, you have nothing to worry about. I got rejected again” 


“Ouch” - Leeteuk didn’t have words for that 


“Yeah well... Life goes on” - Heechul tried to smile - “at least I have you” 




“And like you said, I have tons of things to worry about” - Heechul shook his head - “I hope he is not allergic to those” 


“He is not. I double checked the package” - Leeteuk decided it was best not to make it worse. He would let it pass. 


“Teuk... werent marshmallows white?” 


“Yeah, why?” 


“I think Henry ate a sponge” - Heechul was pale as a ghost 


“No way” - Leeteuk took a deep breathe- “Kyu, honey... Could it be you left your homework on the floor?”




“He didn’t eat a sponge. Im guessing that was Kyunnie’s homework ... Fun foam?” 


“I’m calling his doctor... and the exorcist” 





“Hi there! Merry Christmas! It’s almost new year and I haven’t stopped here for a while x___x I had been busy busy busy. But I hope I can update a lot more in this new year <3 


My best wishes for you and your loved ones. 


I missed you all (T—T)


PS: I know this update is way... weird? It doesn’t seem to make sense at all but I promise next one will <3

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it