Bet on the seashell

Junior Quest

“No coffee?” - Heechul protested when Heeyeon placed a cup with what he supposed was tea - “I don’t see the difference. Why can’t I have coffee?” 

“If you can’t see the difference between them, then why you bother ?” - Heeyeon wasn’t going to allow Heechul go around sabotaging the diet after so much work - “Would you rather have water?” 

“You are not very nice to me” - Heechul sulked - “It’s been six days! I’m fine!” 

“But the doctor said you needed a full week of strict diet” - Heeyeon pointed at the paper on the fridge door - “And I’m following the instructions” 

“You are so mean!” 

“She has been very nice to you considering your manners” - Leeteuk gave him a warning look - “yesterday you hit a tantrum for food” 

“Because I’m hungry!” - Heechul whined 

“No, you are not” - Heeyeon shook her head - “You just want to have unhealthy snacks. But you are not starving” 

“I asked her for a snack and you know what she got me?” - Heechul was trying to get Leeteuk on his side - “CRACKERS! Plain crackers! Without cheese, jam or jelly! Just plainly boring crackers!” 


“SO? I’m not a parrot!” - Heechul folded his arms - “I demand real food” 

“Well, Mr ‘Real food’ “ - Heeyeon served him a plate - “Here is your ‘real toast’ and your ‘real scrambled eggs’. You can’t eat ‘real cheese’ or ‘real butter’ yet, so, If I caught you adding those… you will have a ‘real problem’ “ 

“I do admit she has sense of humour” - Heechul  giggled a bit - “And she is a great cook despite the plain dishes”

“Thank you” - Heeyeon rolled her eyes as Leeteuk chuckled - “Don’t eat too fast and chew well” 

“Good morning uncle!” - Yesung was up - “Good morning mom! Cherry!” 

“You are not going to say hi to me?” - Heechul was trying the tea

“No, I don’t say hi to cheaters”

Heechul spat the tea. The younger boys laughed.

“Sorry! Sorry!” - Heechul cleaned after himself - “but Yesung! We talked about it! It wasn’t our intention—“

“I don’t care about your intentions” - Yesung said annoyed - “I know you probably had good ones”

“Probably?” - Leeteuk remarked

“But you didn’t tell us about your legal marriage” - Yesung sulked - “I mean, we deserved to know… we are family, aren’t we? And it does affect us… “ 

All kids looked at them with big puppy eyes.

“I know, buddy. I’m so sorry” - Heechul pouted - “It wasn’t our intention. For real. We just kind of forgot” 

“Mama forgot too” - Sungmin took a sip of his watered juice - “She is not even wearing her ring” 

“Did he get you a cheap one?” - Kangin asked her with a tone in his voice showing judgement - “He is rich but he has bad taste. He didn’t do it on purpose” 

“It’s pretty” - Heeyeon reassured - “I loved it” 

“Then why you don’t wear it?” - Siwon asked softly - “I would like you to see you use it”

“Yeah… me too” - Heechul folded his arms - “Unless you don’t want to wear it” 

“I do! I want to do it!” - Heeyeon wet her lips - “Its just… it doesn’t feel right—“

“She hates it” - Donghae shook his head and stopped eating 

“No, baby… I don’t” - Heeyeon sulked - “I just don’t want something bad happening to it” 

“Why would something bad happen to it?” - Siwon grew curious- “Are you afraid of losing it?” 

“Something like that?” - Heeyeon wanted the conversation to stop - “would you like some extra toasts?”

“Ohhhh!” - Kangin grimaced - “I know it. You don’t want to wear it because it could get ruined thanks to us” 

“Honey…” - Leeteuk warned him 

“Thanks to us? Thanks to THEM” - Yesung scoffed as he glanced the younger boys - “Let’s be honest. The triplets are a handful, the twins are too curious and Henry is a troublemaker”

“It’s right… mommy shouldn’t wear her ring since it could get dirty” - Eunhyuk rolled his eyes - “Diaper changes are gross” 

“It’s all Kyuhyun and Henry fault” - Donghae chuckled - “We don’t wear diapers” 

“Kyu iz no weawin diapey!” - Kyuhyun growled - “I go potty!” 

“Most of the time” - Sungmin nodded 

“Most of the time, he says” - Kangin laughed - “Sungmin is the worst of us and he pretends being cute” 

“I am cute” - Sungmin agreed on that one - “But I’m not even close to being the meanest sibling” 

“And Henry is going back to his super cool underwear” - Leeteuk tried directing his attention to the youngest toddler - “Right, cutie?”

Henry shrank shoulders. It wasn’t up to him at all. He had been in diapers due to accidents happening often as he had an upset stomach because of the food poisoning and then the treatment for it. He didn’t mind going back to underwear… but he couldn’t promise being accident free. He had never could done so even under normal circumstances… 

“I don’t know about underwear, but he is going back to ‘D’ today” - Heechul exchanged looks with Heeyeon - “and he will stay there”

“We will see” - Heeyeon glared at him 

Heechul and Leeteuk took the older boys to school. Heeyeon was supposed to take the younger trio to daycare… and of course, Henry fussed over when he recognized the route. 

They have tried to go back to daycare twice… and both times Heeyeon ended taking Henry back home. The kid would fuss and cry and even bite if needed. Today was Monday once again… meaning there was a full week ahead of them. It was weird. She didn’t get why Henry behave like that considering he loved that place. 

“NUUUUUUH!” - Henry was screeching to the top of his lungs - “NO GO DAYWAWE!” 

“Why not?” - Heeyeon was trying to drag him along as the twins walked to their classroom - “Henry, why don’t you want to stay?”

“Mummy!!!” - that was it. Henry’s secret power unlocked: being clingy and needy. Heeyeon couldn’t say ‘no’ to that little face covered in tears. Not when he called for her like his life depended on it. 

“Oh no no no no” - Heechul complained the very moment Heeyeon returned holding Henry - “AHN HEEYEON”

“Kim Heechul” - she pouted - “I just can’t. It’s too hurtful for me” 

“For you, yeah” - Heechul took the boy from her - “Let’s go” 

“Are you serious?” - Heeyeon couldn’t believe it as Heechul pointed at the car - “But he is not ready…” 

“He will be fine” - Heechul insisted - “Besides, he needs to go back at some point” 

“No! No no no!” - Henry protested when Heechul sat him on the special seat 

“Are you sure of this?” - Leeteuk glanced at the boy - “He doesn’t look happy” 

“And he is not going to be” - Heechul shrank shoulders - “but he NEEEDS to go back there” 

“I really don’t mind babysitting him all morning, I swear” - Heeyeon was about to cry - “Please, Heechul” 

“You two need to cut the non existent umbilical cord” - Heechul was firm - “it’s normal for kids to be clingy after such a bad experience… of course he doesn’t want to separate from you now” 

“Yeah… but… do we need to do it today?” - Heeyeon seemed desperate- “Like, hey, you can take him tomo—“


“Ok” - Heeyeon pouted and looked at Henry - “I tried” 

The toddler puffed his cheeks annoyed. He kicked an awful tantrum all the way to daycare screeching and yelling words no one could understand. Once there, he resumed his usual crying begging for forgiveness while Heechul carried him inside the classroom. 

“He is not going to drop him and run to the exit, is he?” - Heeyeon worried - “We wouldn’t do that… right?”

Leeteuk just smiled awkwardly. Somehow he could tell that was Heechul’s plan.

“Ok, all done!” - Heechul was running towards them - “Now let’s go! Let’s go!” 


“GOOOO!” - Heechul pulled Heeyeon to the parking lot while they heard Henry’s crying 

“He is going to be so mad…” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “what the hell is wrong with you?”

“Ow, that mouth! You usually don’t talk like that!” - Heechul pretended being shocked- “He is a toddler. Their job is to manipulate us. Heeyeon is way too easy to manipulate” 

“That’s not true” - Heeyeon was offended - “I don’t fall for it” 

“Sure you do” - Heechul drove amused - “Can you explain how the kids always get what they want when you are around?” 


“Like sleeping in our bed, staying awake twenty minutes more, eating only what they like…” - Heechul started listing a few things - “Watching only the tv shows THEY like, playing the games they like…” 

“They are happy kids” - Heeyeon smiled pleased - “no?” 

“Yes… but you need to know when to stop” - Heechul laughed - “If not, they will eat you alive. Trust me, I was the same. Ryeowook did all he wanted with me and I wouldn’t stop him” 

“Oh, I remember… wait, that still happens” - Leeteuk teased - “Heechul has no morals to complain about you spoiling the kids” 

“Ha ha” - Heeyeon stuck her tongue out to Heechul - “It’s your fault too” 

“But I don’t let them skip school just because they are clingy” - Heechul glanced at the mirror and saw Leeteuk counting with his fingers - “What are you doing?”

“Trying to remember all the times they actually skipped school because they didn’t want to go or they were feeling clingy” - Leeteuk thought for a moment - “but I think I would need your hands and Heeyeon’s to reach the number” 

“Well, leaving that aside…” - Heechul opened the mansion’s door to Heeyeon - “We need to talk” 

“Am I in troubles?” - Heeyeon did a funny face 

“No, baby. It’s about our honeymoon” 

“Honeymoon?” - Heeyeon laughed - “for real?” 

Heechul showed her what it looked like hotel reservations and two plane tickets. Two. 

“I know” - Heechul smiled - “You don’t know what to say” 

“No, I do know” - Heeyeon nodded unamused- “you are crazy” 

Heechul seemed disappointed and hurt. He tried covering up with a fake smile but he was clearly hurt. 

“We are going to the beach” - Heechul insisted - “Don’t you like it?” 

“Just the two of us?” - Heeyeon sighed - “Baby, what about the kids?” 

“Leeteuk is going to take care of them” - Heechul shrank shoulders - “and I’m not that stupid. I asked our parents for help… the four of them agreed and said it was a great idea. Actually, Leeteuk also said it was a good idea”

Heeyeon turned to Leeteuk who defended himself putting his hands up. 

“You are ok with this craziness?” - Heeyeon inquired - “Why?” 

“Because… I do think you deserve to rest” - Leeteuk couldn’t even look at her - “You have been overworking yourself these past few days and… well, you won’t really rest if you stay here with the kids” 

“That’s silly!” 

“Heeyeon, please grant me this one” - Heechul pouted - “Cmon… it’s going to be fun! Like before… when we were young and were starting to date—-“

“We are still young” - Heeyeon got upset when Heechul mentioned it like if they weren’t - “And that was before we had nine kids” 

“Exactly! Cmon, baby” - Heechul did his best to look cute - “It’s only three days” 

“Only three days, he says” - Heeyeon was shaking her head - “Nope. Definitely, no” 

“Don’t you love me anymore?” - Heechul used the biggest puppy eyes Heeyeon had ever seen 

“I hate you” - Heeyeon was sulking as she packed her stuff - “Three days and no more” 

“I told you she was going to fall for it” - Heechul was telling Leeteuk as he helped them pack - “She always does” 

“You are an ” - Heeyeon said bitterly - “Do we really have to go?” 

“Think it this way: three days without having to cook or clean…” - Heechul pictured it - “and sleeping just the two of us in a cozy bed…” 

“Do we get a room with ocean view?” - Heeyeon asked softly - “And they have cocktails?” 


“Can I choose your clothes for this adventure?” - Heeyeon raised an eyebrow - “Like deciding what you wear and how you do it” 

“Why?” - Heechul wasn’t against it. He was just curious 

“Because your fashion sense is kinda weird and I want you to look like a model out of a fashion magazine” - Heeyeon grabbed his face - “If we are going to pretend being a rich couple forgetting  responsibilities we must do it right” 

“Pretend?” - Heechul teased as Heeyeon hit his shoulder - “Ouch!” 

“If we are leaving for three days we are doing it under my conditions” - Heeyeon warned him - “First, we will tell the truth to the kids. No lying about our whereabouts or why we left. We won’t hide it from them” 

“Fine” - Heechul agreed 

“Second, we will both answer the phone as soon as it makes the tiniest sound” - Heeyeon was serious - “And Leeteuk and our parents will keep us updated about anything. If Sungmin broke a nail, I want to know it” 

“Why would— fine” - Heechul nodded - “I actually understand. I feel the same way” 

The adults stayed in silence for a minute. Heechul then made a face like saying ‘that’s it?’ And Heeyeon shrank shoulders. 

“I thought you would give us a big list of conditions” - Heechul was surprised - “But ok…”

“Why are there suitcases in your room?” - Kangin came running from upstairs - “Did you fight? Are you going to separate?” 

“No!” - Both of them replied annoyed 

“I get it” - Siwon seemed sad - “Uncle Teuk is leaving us… I knew this would happen!” 

“I’m not going anywhere” - Leeteuk found amusing Siwon was so sure about it - “what makes you think I would ever leave this house?” 

“Because you will want to marry and start your own family…?” 

“I don’t think so” - Leeteuk glanced at Henry who just emptied a full cereal box on the floor - “Any other reason?” 

“Sit down boys” - Heechul gathered the whole noisy family - “Mom and I have something to tell you” 

“Can you get pregnant while being pregnant?” - Eunhyuk whispered to Yesung - “are we getting another sibling?” 

“I hope this one is a boy” - Donghae chirped 

“No… Cherry is on the way…” - Heeyeon found funny kids thought like that - “So, no more pregnancy news until she is born” 

“Did you finally choose her name?” - Siwon crossed his fingers - “Please!”

“No… We uh, haven’t thought of that for a while” - Heechul was losing his patience - “We have been kinda busy last month so..”

“Yeah, marrying in secret and so” - Yesung said saltily - “Keeping secrets from us and more” 

“This why we need to talk now” - Heechul gave him a bad look - “Mom and I… will have a honeymoon” 

“Ok” - Kangin nodded - “Cool” 

Donghae raised his hand. 

“Yes, Donghae?” 

“What’s a honeymoon?” - Donghae asked cutely - “Do you eat it?” 

“No… it’s like a celebration after a couple gets married” - Heechul tried - “Usually both of them go in a trip together to enjoy themselves”

“Eww” - Yesung gave him a disgusted look 

“I think is romantic” - Siwon seemed happy - “Where are you going?” 

“To the beach…?” - Heeyeon shrank shoulders 

“Awesome! Are you going to surf?” - Kangin asked full of curiosity- “windsurf maybe? Oh no no! What about snorkeling?” 

“I don’t think those are suited for me” - Heeyeon pointed at her belly - “or your sister” 

“Mama, if you go to the beach and walk around the sand…” - Sungmin was tilting his head cutely - “can you bring us seashells?” 

“Those are so cool!” - Eunhyuk agreed 

“I want a big one to listen to the sea!” - Donghae did the action using his hands 

“That’s silly, when you do that you don’t listen to the sea, what you hear its your own—“- Yesung got pinched really hard by Heechul- “hey!” 

“Awww, baby! Of course! We will find you a really big one!” - Heeyeon promised - “but you need to promise in exchange you will be nice to Teuk and your grandparents!” 

“I’m a good boy!”  - Donghae nodded - “It’s going to be easy” 

“I don’t need big ones” - Eunhyuk was thinking - “I want several smalls ones to make accessories” 

“Well, I’m still mad at you” - Yesung glared at Heechul - “but even so, I wish you have fun. Please take lots of pictures and have a great time. Also, if you drink any cocktail please bring me the cute little umbrellas” 

“Sure!” - Heeyeon was getting adjusted to the idea of leaving and having fun without the kids. They seemed pretty receptive and excited for them - “I’m going to miss you so much” 

Nighttime was a nightmare. Heeyeon didn’t know why but putting the twins to bed was being impossible. They would ask for water, food, potty, reading stories, playing… whenever she tried to leave their side, they would start all over again. Taking longer than two hours, Heechul came and accused them of being clingy on purpose. 

“We no kwinwy” - Ryeowook pouted sadly - “Just scawed” 

“Dada, Kyu no wanna sleep ton’ igh” - Kyuhyun hid behind his penguin plush - “No sleep… Pwease” 

“Would you feel safer sleeping with us?” - Heeyeon tried - “Yeah?” 

“Yup” - the twins agreed 

“So? What are you waiting for?” - Heechul couldn’t avoid giggling as the boys stayed in their beds dumbfounded- “What’s wrong?” 

“Hold me Pwease!” - Ryeowook stretched his arms toward him 

“Me too” - Kyuhyun did the same - “Pwease”

“Brats” - Heechul held them both - “Spoiled bagels”

He could tell they got heavier during the short trip to the principal bedroom. He sighed amused when he realized the boys were already fast asleep by the time he put them in the bed. 

“They are so cute” - Heeyeon kissed them - “They are little angels” 

“They were making up excuses to delay bedtime but they were exhausted” - Heechul cuddled with them - “they are scared” 

“I know” - Heeyeon sulked - “It’s not too late yet. We can cancel our—“

“Nope. Goodnight”

Next morning was really hard for the woman. Saying goodbye to the kids hurt her in so many levels she couldn’t even explain it with words. She refused to cry in front of them because she knew it would worsen the situation. It didn’t help Ryeowook and Kyuhyun cried like if they were never going to see her again.

“Kyunnie Cmon” - Leeteuk called the boy again - “It’s time. We are going to be late” 

“Nuh Nuh!” - Kyuhyun sobbed uncontrollably as he was pulled away from Heeyeon- “Mama!” 

“It’s ok baby” - Heeyeon reassured - “Dad and I are only going to the beach for three days” 

“No bye bye” - Kyuhyun was crying loudly - “Kyu no doin bye bye!” 

“Ryeowook is saying ‘bye bye’ “ - Heechul pointed at the shortest twin covered in tears that somehow managed to wave at them - “See? We hug and kiss goodbye and that’s it. For the next three days… we talk on FaceTime and—-“

“Dadaaaaa!” - Kyuhyun leaned on him feeling defeated - “Mama, mama! Dada, mama!” 

“Cmon” - Heechul carried the crying boys outside - “Say bye bye to mommy one last time” 

“B-bye” - Ryeowook was the only one that managed to talk 

Heeyeon kissed them one last time and went inside holding back the tears. This was hell. She didn’t want to separate from them. Henry was so clueless! Just that morning he told her he would play with her after daycare…

After dropping the kids to school and daycare, Heechul and Leeteuk came back. Leeteuk drove them to the airport and they got the chance of saying goodbye to each other. 

Heeyeon was still devastated by the scene in the morning but Heechul played strong from her. He was equally hurt… yet, he didn’t want to ruin the fun. 

“Giddy up!” - Heechul teased as he booped her nose - “Cmon Heeyeonie. Look at me” 

“Are they ever going to forgive us?” 

“They will be so happy when we are back that they will be real angels the next few days” 

“I miss them” - Heeyeon leaned on Heechul- “I miss their cute little heads and that baby smell” 

“You like dirty diapers?” - Heechul joked 

She punched him playfully. 

“Our kids don’t smell like poop” - Heeyeon chuckled - “they have that sweet and calming scent…” 

“Mmmm pretty much sure it’s their shampoo” - Heechul kept joking to lift the mood - “You know which shampoo I like how it smells? The lice killer one! I don’t know why but it’s amazing!”

“I know” - Heeyeon giggled - “that shampoo smells like a freshly baked orange cake. It’s weird” 

“Maybe we should use it often” - Heechul teased - “It smells good and also kills lice. It’s a win win” 

“I’m not sure if using that shampoo regularly would be good for their scalp” - Heeyeon finally smiled - “but I bet is better than weird home remedies” 


“Hani always told me how her mom put mayonnaise on her head to ‘suffocate’ the lice” - Heeyeon laughed - “Apparently a friend told her that it was a good way to kill them” 

“Sounds gross” - Heechul laughed too - “Mom was very radical. The first time Gunhee got lice from daycare, dad says she gave him a buzz cut!” 

“For real? Poor Gunhee!”

“There are pictures at home! Gunhee couldn’t remember it properly but he was so angry when he found out!”

The couple had a great time chatting. They couldn’t remember the last time they have talked for so long without interruptions. Before they could even realize, they were checking in at the hotel. 

“Whoahhhh” - Heeyeon was like a little child running around their room - “It’s pretty! Baby, look at the view! Whoaaaah!”

“Turn around” - Heechul was holding his phone - “nice! I love your face” 

“Are you taking pictures of my reaction?” 

“Of everything” - Heechul giggled - “Yesung asked for it, remember?” 

“Look at the bed! It has these cute swans made of towels! And chocolate on the pillows! And rose petals!” - Heeyeon was already taking pictures too  - “Oh, you didn’t have to go that far” 

“I did” - Heechul gestured as the bed - “I owe you a lot. A lot of missing promises, explanations, time… everything” 

“No, you dont” - Heeyeon kissed him - “and you are a wonderful husband” 

“And a good kisser” 

“We will see” 

Lunchtime came.Mrs Kim went to pick the boys from school and Leeteuk the younger ones from daycare. They did it that way since Heechul’s big van was challenging for an inexperienced driver like the former babysitter. 

“Did you have fun today?” - Leeteuk was helping the boys with their backpacks - “You are so quiet” 

“Dada? Mama?” - Kyuhyun asked carefully 

“They arrived at the hotel” - Leeteuk told them - “They sent pictures of the room. Do you want to see them?”


Ryeowook did a cute bubbly sound when he spotted his parents in the pictures. He even hugged Leeteuk’s hand and phone. 

“We can call them after lunch” - Leeteuk proposed - “That way you can tell them about your day and they will tell you about theirs”

Kyuhyun smiled widely. He nodded in agreement and started singing. It was a good sign. 

“Miiiiiiiineeeeee” - Henry was decided to cause troubles - “Gwive me, iz!” 

“No! No! Bad Henwy!” - Ryeowook protested in his seat when the younger brother took the phone by force - “UKWEE!”

“Henwy, no” - Kyuhyun scolded from the other side - “Give ba’ !” 

“Nuh” - Henry wanted to see the pictures too - “Mine” 

Of course, being too young to understand how a smartphone worked, he got frustrated when the screen turned dark and stopped showing him the pictures. 

“Oh! Scween bwoked!” - Ryeowook chirped 

“I-it B-broke?” - Leeteuk asked scared as he drove 

“Not bwoken” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “Blowked” 

“Blocked” - Leeteuk relaxed - “I see” 

Henry was in a bad mood. His little fingers tapped the screen all over and even if he pressed the buttons at the side, it would only illuminate but wouldn’t unlock. Unlike the twins (who learned how to unlock phones much to Heechul’s disgust) Henry was naive. 

“Give it back” - Kyuhyun finally retrieved the phone once Leeteuk parked the car - “Like this” 

The youngest toddler got upset. Why did the phone worked well with his siblings and not with him? It was annoying. He hated it. 


Henry snatched it back quickly in a try to take a look at it before it went black again. He failed as he pressed a button a locked the phone. The twins laughed amused. The youngest toddler unleashed his wrath by throwing the phone against the hard ground once he was out of the car. 

“No!” - Leeteuk screamed out of fear. The phone was clearly damaged - “Henry!” 

Leeteuk was upset… but even so, he wasn’t going to get mad at Henry. He shouldn’t have let them have the phone like that. Henry was a toddler and accidents happened… this was one of those, but still, temper tantrums were unavoidable for his age. 

“We don’t throw things away” - Leeteuk showed the toddler the now broken phone - “Ok? See what happened… it’s broken now” 

“What’s wrong with your team?” - Mrs Kim teased as she spotted three gloomy boys - “Did you ground them?”

“No… they kinda grounded themselves” - Leeteuk found cute the younger boys were all sitting facing the wall - “they were playing and…”

“Owww” - Mrs Kim did a sound when Leeteuk showed him the damage - “It doesn’t work, does it?”


“Well, uhm… I suppose you will need a new one” - Mrs Kim bit her lips - “I don’t know that much about these stuff but I believe you can save the data from it if you do it correctly” 

“Well, since Heechul is not here… I will take it to a store” - Leeteuk shrank shoulders - “I’m not good at that stuff either”

Suddenly, the younger trio ran upstairs. The adults were puzzled until they returned holding their piggy banks.

“Ukwee” - Ryeowook was serious - “Mowey”

“Our fault” - Kyuhyun nodded as he offered his pig to Leeteuk- “Pwease”

Henry held his up high for Leeteuk to take. He felt terribly guilty for what happened. It wasn’t his intention. 

“That’s so sweet, but I don’t need it” - Leeteuk hugged them - “You Can keep your money, boys. I’m really touched, I swear. But there is no need to use yours” 

They gave him a sad look. 

“Uncle, you are a boy too” - Donghae was suddenly behind him making weird connections - “Because boys have willies. And you have one like me and Daddy”

“Oh, right” - Mrs Kim warned the clueless man - “He was sort of depressed but refused to talk about it with me. He said it was a ‘men problem’ “ 

Leeteuk panicked a bit. Heeyeon was clever dodging questions about awkward topics and Heechul was sometimes too blunt. He didn’t want to confront one of those without them. 

“Can we talk?” - Donghae asked full of mystery- “Just Hae and Uncle?”

“You mean in private… just the two of us” 

Donghae nodded. Leeteuk tried to play it cool. He gave his mom a ‘send help’ look and took Donghae to an spare room. 

“So? What do you want to talk about?” - Leeteuk was nervous. There were so many things. The triplets were at that age in which boys start making weird questions 


“Uh?” - Leeteuk lost it for a second. Then, he remembered Donghae was just four - “Like… soccer balls?”

“Yeah! I knew you would get me!” - Donghae chirped happily 

Leeteuk sighed. His blood pressure went back to normal.

“Like, uhm, soccer and that stuff” - Donghae blushed - “I… I had another soccer practice today” 

“Cool! How did it go?”

“Not cool! They hate me!” - Donghae protested - “They don’t want to play with me and coach won’t let me play that much either. It !” 

“Oh” - Leeteuk now understood why was the kid depressed - “Your teammates… they don’t play with you?”

“They don’t like me” - Donghae shook his head - “They say I’m a baby and that I know nothing!”


“They called me a…” - Donghae lowered his voice - “Wimp” 

Leeteuk only did a face. He wasn’t sure what was going on during those practices. 

“They made fun of me cuz I don’t know things” - Donghae was sad - “I don’t know soccer positions and that stuff. I just know how to kick the ball” 

“I see” - Leeteuk was sure Donghae knew more than him. Sports weren’t his thing - “Why don’t you ask your big brothers for help? Yesung likes soccer too” 

“He says I should pay him” - Donghae confessed 

“Yesung, did you tell your little brother to pay for advice?” - Leeteuk confronted the older boy 

“Yeah” - Yesung admitted right away. He was helping setting the table - “I won’t give them free advice” 

“They are your brothers!”

“Business are business” - Yesung shrank shoulders 

“Its fine! It’s not that much” - Kangin left out - “And it does help. I have improved a lot doing homework thanks to him” 

“You pay him?!” - Leeteuk was horrified with the idea - “How could you—-“

“It’s like hiring a private teacher” - Kangin was ok with it - “And I have gotten better and my grades are doing better so… I have no complains” 

“He should help you for free” - Leeteuk got stressed 

“Why are you so upset about it? I think being an older brother is sort of like a job you didn’t ask for” - Yesung explained - “So, I figured out that if was going to suffer the rest of my life… at least I should be paid for it” 

“That’s not—- Heechul and I don’t ask for money in exchange when taking care of you or your siblings” 

“Because you are grownups and you have real jobs!” - Yesung whined - “and we are your responsibility” 

“And little brothers aren’t yours?”

“No! I didn’t ask for them” - Yesung played with his eyelashes- “dad had them. It’s on him” 

“For real?” - Leeteuk got upset 

“Yeah” - Yesung folded his arms - “and I will also ask for a brother free birthday party again” 

Leeteuk got hurt just thinking about that. He still had nightmares with what happened last year. Heechul got deeply hurt when Yesung asked for it last time… this year wouldn’t be better. 

“Yesung, my boy” - Mrs Kim decided to meddle - “I heard you like running bets”

“Grandma, don’t” - Siwon warned her - “He is evil” 

“I do” - Yesung smirked - “Why? Do you want to run one against me?”

“Sure” - Mrs Kim agreed - “But we are not betting money” 


“No, that would be too easy” - Mrs Kim laughed - “If I win… I want you to have a normal birthday party. Those ‘brother free’ parties of yours hurt Heechul in so many levels… and he is my boy, you get it? I don’t specially like to watch him suffer. Not like that” 

“That’s a very high bet” - Yesung grunted - “Why would I ever take part on it? I lose too much If it goes wrong…” 

“If you win, you can ask for the birthday party you want and you get to keep the other turtle you bought without your parents permission” - Mrs smiled calmly - “In fact, I will say it was a gift from me so you don’t get in troubles” 

“How— I didn’t buy another turtle” - Yesung tried 

“Sweetie, Heechul may be blind and silly but I assure you, it doesn’t run in our family” - Mrs Kim glanced at a shocked Leeteuk- “I have good eyes and I saw two turtles in your room” 

Yesung paled. Someone finally noticed. So far, the only one that got that close was his mom… but she innocently thought Yesung already had two turtles from before and didn’t say a thing. 

“You bought  another turtle?” - Leeteuk asked annoyed - “How long have you been hiding that turtle?”

“One month?” - Yesung shrank shoulders - “and I didn’t ‘hide’ it. It’s right there in Donnie’s house! And I don’t see what is the problem! It’s in my room and I’m the one feeding it and taking care of it” 

“I’m telling Heechul”

“N-no! You are not telling Dad!” - Yesung squeaked out of fear - “Please” 

“Teuk, you are not going to call Heechul… yet” - Mrs Kim smiled - “We are having a game, right?”

“Fine” - Yesung agreed - “But I get to decide what’s the bet gonna be” 

“Not so fast” - Mrs Kim grinned - “I thought you liked games. I was thinking each of us should write a few challenges and then we blindly choose three”

“I see… to become the winner you will need to win at least two out of three” - Yesung was excited - “You do know how to play, grandma” 

“I sure do” - Mrs Kim smiled pleased - “I’m not going to be an easy opponent”

“They are too quiet, aren’t they?” - Heeyeon was a little concerned - “It’s past their lunchtime…”

“So?” - Heechul was having seconds at the hotel buffet - “they probably just forgot about us” 

“I thought they would give us a call” - Heeyeon pouted - “and also, Leeteuk stopped answering my messages”

“Were you texting him?” - Heechul was amused 

“Why? Are you jealous?” 

“Not really” - Heechul giggled - “I don’t like being nagged”

“I’m not nagging him” - Heeyeon defended herself - “I just… well, maybe a little” 

“Did you ask him to study? Did you ask him about a chore? Asked for the kids?”

“Yes, yes and of course I did”

Heechul laughed. Heeyeon couldn’t avoid blushing and giving him a silly smile. 


“Oh, my” - Heechul pretended being shocked - “That’s the ‘J’ word! Heeyeon said the ‘J’ word!”

“Shut up, dummy” - Heeyeon was happy seeing Heechul having fun - “I guess you were right. We needed this” 

“I know you are still worried about them” - Heechul held her hands - “But they are going to be ok! Mom is helping Teuk babysit today. I bet they are having fun right now”

The twins were trying to read the blackboard in the living room. It was from Heechul’s office. They had borrowed it to write down the selected bets. 

Yesung and his grandma worked hard writing things they knew weren’t easy to predict. To avoid possible tricks, the twins were asked to draw the little rolled papers . 

The three selected topics to bet on, were:

- Kangin’s math grades 
- Donghae’s partner for playing soccer 
- Heeyeon’s ring 

“Ladies first” - Yesung smiled at his grandma naughtily - “This is a piece of cake” 

“Oh really?” - Mrs Kim shrank shoulders - “For the first one… How are you graded in school? Percentages or the ABC thing?”

“Technically, they get both” - Leeteuk explained - “They score the test based on percentages and then assign a letter based on a chart” 

“Fine, I think we should go by percentages since we both could go for the same letter” - Yesung told them - “Like, the closest number wins” 

“I think Kangin will get a 70%” - Mrs Kim glanced at the boy - “No offence” 

“No offence taken” - Kangin whispered - “I think you are actually being generous…?” 

“75” - Yesung chose his first bet - “and for the second one… I think Siwon” 

“Cool. Then I bet it’s not Siwon” - the grandma smiled - “Do you agree with mine?”

“Yeah, you can have it that way” - Yesung teased - “I know my siblings very well. When it comes to sports… only the older ones inherited mom’s genes” 

“For the last one…” - Mrs Kim twisted her lips - “I say Heeyeon will be wearing her ring by the time she gets back from the trip” 

“I say she won’t” - Yesung smiled confidently - “She is too predictable” 

“Then, the winner will be decided by the time mom and dad come back” - Kangin inspected the blackboard - “My next math test is past tomorrow so…” 

“Do you get the score on the same day?”

“I can ask the teacher for it” - Kangin shrank shoulders - “I will pretend I’m very interested about my grades”

“And you are not?” - Leeteuk feared the answer 

“Not really” - Kangin admitted - “I have no plans for the future, so” 

“That’s awful” - Siwon chuckled - “I have plans. Big plans” 

“Oh that’s right” - Yesung called for them - “You two. Come to my room”

“He is going to cheat” - Leeteuk sighed - “I knew it was a bad idea”

“Do you think so? It looks like he is going to help Kangin studying and is worrying about Donghae getting a playmate” - Mrs Kim grinned - “For free” 

“Whoah” - Leeteuk was shocked - “so… all this game was a setup to make him help his siblings for free?”

“He does have a hidden pet turtle upstairs” 

“Yeah, but… being honest, Heechul and Heeyeon would probably let him keep it anyway. He is going to be grounded for a while…. But I don’t think they will send back the poor turtle to the store” 

Two hours later, the doorbell rang. It was the Ahn couple. They were there to take the boys to their activities. 

“I made this” - Mrs Ahn was handing Leeteuk what it seemed like a big pie - “It’s apple pie… I know you guys must be tired of apples after this week but… I tried thinking in a pie they would all like” 

“NANA BROUGHT AN APPLE PIE?” - Kangin was bouncing around really excited - “CAN WE EAT IT NOW?” 

“Not now” - Leeteuk giggled - “You will throw up if you do so. You have baseball in about half an hour. That’s why your grandparents are here” 

“Oh right” - Kangin sulked - “Please put it in a safe place! I don’t want anything bad to happen to the pie” 

“Pie? Who made pie?” - Yesung eyes were sparkling - “Lemon pie?”

“Apple” - Mrs Ahn was amused to discover Yesung apparently loved lemon pie - “But I promise you this one is tasty too. Next time I will make lemon pie since you like it” 

“I bet it’s awesome” - Yesung hugged her 

“Donghae, hun” - Mrs Kim was calling for the kid - “are you ready? It’s about time for you to go” 

“Can I take Eunhyuk and Sungmin with me?” - Donghae asked in a low voice - “Please?”

“What’s wrong baby? Didn’t you want to play soccer?” 

“I do” - Donghae pouted - “but I’m not very popular with the other kids. What if they refuse to play with me?” 

“Send them to hell” - Kangin shrank shoulders like if had said something normal - “what? Some old ladies at our old school always said we were going to hell since mom and dad were sinners” 

Mrs Ahn blushed. Mr Ahn panicked. 

“Don’t worry” - Sungmin told his grandparents with a reassuring smile- “Papa already taught us what to say in those cases”

“If someone says ‘go to hell’ you say ‘I will see you there’ “ - Eunhyuk helped - “The old ladies were sooooooo annoyed” 

If Leeteuk could have buried himself right there at that moment… he would have done so. Heechul always found the way to embarrass him even from the distance. The kids repeated everything they heard or were taught… it wasn’t a surprise things like that kept happening. 

Also, he had other reasons to be nervous. He was standing right in front of Mrs Ahn… his biological mom twin sister. He couldn’t help but think his mother would have looked the same if she was given the chance to age and grow old. He wasn’t sure if Mrs Ahn would understand him without further explanation… hence he stopped in his track when his body almost betrayed him and acted instinctively as he thought of imaginary scenarios. 

He wanted to hug her. Tightly. The same way he did to Heeyeon right after learning they were siblings. Mrs Ahn was his aunt and the closest he would ever get to his ‘mom’. Last time they saw each other he was too sick and worried to think about it. Now, it could be his opportunity… but he couldn’t let his emotion show and he was sure he would be easily overflowed by them. 

“… and it’s not nice saying that to people” - Mrs Kim finished her long mild scolding - “Now, you are going to be late. Hurry up and don’t give troubles to your Pops”

“Yes, grandma” - The kids replied in chorus

A few minutes later Mina was there to pick up Siwon. She was taking him to tennis since he shared class with Kibum and Zhoumi. Only five kids remained at the big mansion. 

“Now boys” - Mrs Kim turned to them - “We need to work” 

“Work?” - Eunhyuk found the word amusing - “Are we going to do chores?”

“I already did mine” - Sungmin sighed - “And I did my homework at school so I didn’t have to do it here” 

“We need to practice soccer” - Mrs Kim showed them a ball - “All of you” 

“But I don’t like soccer” - Sungmin puffed his cheeks - “Why do I have to play it?” 

“Because Donghae needs a partner to practice and I made a bet with your brother, remember?”

“Just for making it clear” - Eunhyuk had that mischievous smile - “We don’t care about soccer… but messing with Yesung sounds like fun” 

“I’m in” - Sungmin ran to the backyard with a ball 

The twins shrank shoulders. They would have fun anyway. Henry was excited to play. He didn’t care about rules or anything else, kicking the ball like his brothers did seemed fun. 

“I can’t get inside” 

“I swear I double checked it with your doctor” - Heechul pouted. He was dripping wet from the pool - “You can do it” 

“Yeah but…” - Heeyeon glanced at her phone - “What if they call us and we can’t hear them?” 

“They haven’t called us” - Heechul complained - “And we tried to call Teuk and the voicemail came up” 

“Do you think something happened?” 

“Sweetie, we came here to relax not to stress ourselves” - Heechul offered her a hand - “Cmon. Let’s swim” 

“Why are you so calm about this?” - Heeyeon smiled softly 

“Because I trust Leeteuk and our parents more than I trust myself” - Heechul giggled - “Now, can I have my wife back? We only have a few hours” 

“You make it sound like if we didn’t have fun when we are with the kids” - Heeyeon was going inside the pool slowly - “I have fun. I’m really happy, for real” 

“I know” - Heechul helped her carefully - “But there are different types of fun” 

Heeyeon actually liked their time at the pool. She glanced at the phone on the sun loungers a few times. Nothing. Once they were done with the pool, they went upstairs to their room to shower and change into dry clothes. Heechul was a gentleman and offered to shower first. 

She was still untangling her hair when she started feeling lonely. Heechul was in the shower now… and the hotel room felt too quiet. She had gotten used to chaos in the mansion… 

“Guess TV could help” - she used the remote to turn on the tv - “That’s it. Background noise” 

Heechul was done showering. She heard him using the hair dryer. She wasn’t really paying attention to the TV… but then she had to grab something and looked directly at the screen . 

“Oh my God” - Heeyeon changed the channel with ninja skills as soon as a scene started in the movie - “That was close” 

“For what?” - Heechul was laughing - “such good reflexes you have, my love” 

Heeyeon was about to explain herself when she realized Heechul was right. There were no kids. No one to explain about what were those two doing or for what. 

“I forgot we were alone” - Heeyeon confessed - “Guess it won’t hurt anybody to leave it on” 

“Forget about the TV” - Heechul was wearing the clothes Heeyeon chose for him - “Let’s go out. There are many things we can do before dinner” 

“Oh, I saw a ping pong table down there” - Heeyeon chirped - “I wanted to play” 

“Can you do that in your condition?” - Heechul raised an eyebrow - “I will go easy on you since you are carrying my daughter” 

“Oh, it’s no need” - Heeyeon slapped his - “I’m gonna kick your ” 

“That mouth” - Heechul chuckled - “Leeteuk would panic if he heard you talk like that” 

“Are you going to play or not?” - Heeyeon asked in a teasing way - “Do you fear losing against a pregnant woman?”

“I think we are screwed” - Eunhyuk left out 

“Honey, that’s an ugly word” - Leeteuk scolded - “good boys don’t got around saying—“

“We are doomed” - Sungmin tried 

“That ain’t good either” - Leeteuk sighed - “And you don’t need to be so negative”

“Yeah boys” - Mrs Kim tried to console them - “It’s not the end of the world… We just started practicing” 

“We ” - Sungmin was firm about it - “there is no way we can master this sport in three days, so, it’s obvious Yeye is right and we have zero athletic abilities”

“I wouldn’t say zero” - Mrs Ahn was serving them homemade lemonade - “You guys are good at different things. It’s ok if you can’t learn soccer”

“But if we don’t play soccer with Donghae he will feel alone” - Eunhyuk sighed - “and Yeye will win the stupid bet” 

“Well, your grandma didn’t say who” - Mrs Ahn shrank shoulders - “Just because is not you, it doesn’t mean your siblings can’t do it” 

“Riiiiiiight” - Eunhyuk glanced at Ryeowook trying to hug the ball - “Ryeowook too. Henry is too small to understand the game… and Kyuhyun haven’t touched the ball in the whole afternoon” 

Kyuhyun was sitting across Ryeowook holding his penguin plush tightly. He was a little upset since he was sleepy. His twin was the same. They needed a nap after so much playing… but they refused to take one fearing their parents would call anytime. 

Leeteuk didn’t miss the signs when Ryeowook started dozing off and Kyuhyun cuddled with his penguin with that grumpy face. 

“You are sleepy” - Leeteuk took the boys inside - “Let’s go take a nap” 

“No” - Ryeowook rubbed his eyes - “Wookie no sweepy” 

“What about you?” - Leeteuk found funny the twins were in such denial when they there falling asleep on him - “Kyu, are you sleepy or not?” 


It happened. The tablet was ringing. Leeteuk saw how the kids woke up abruptly and searched for the device with a huge smile. 


“Why are you greeting her first?!” - Heechul’s voice echoed - “Also, where is your uncle?”

“I’m here” - Leeteuk tried getting close to the tablet and the twins whined - “I’m not taking it from you…”

“We have been trying to call you but the voicemail comes up every single time” - Heechul complained - “Did you forget to pay the bill or something ?”

“How could I? It goes directly to the card” - Leeteuk chuckled - “My phone broke. Long story, I will explain it to you later…” 

“Ah, I see” 

“Dada, mama” - Kyuhyun whined as he wanted attention - “Kyu n Wookie” 

“Mizz uuuuuu” - Ryeowook was kissing the screen

The twins talked non stop. Heechul and Heeyeon laughed with them and found hilarious the fact they were so tired their tongue twisted and their stories mixed. They finally fell asleep still talking with them. 

“They are asleep” - Leeteuk lifted the tablet to provide a better view - “They were so tired but refused to sleep since they haven’t talked to you yet” 

“Awwww, my babies” - Heeyeon was taking screenshots at the other side - “I wish you were here” 

“MOMMY!” - Eunhyuk ran to the room when he recognized the voice - “Mommy! I’m here!”

“Hi Hyukkie!” 

“What about me, brat? HUH?” - Heechul pretended being hurt - “I’m here too” 

“Daddy goes away often” - Eunhyuk explained - “to work” 

“Ah” - Heechul knew it was right. Even if he didn’t travel that often… he did left the house for a few days during business trips. Maybe the kids were used to his absence. 

“Mama! Papa!” - Sungmin was saying hi too - “How are you? Did you eat tasty things?”


“And and and did you go to the beach?” - Eunhyuk asked 

“Not yet, baby” - Heechul giggled - “But we went to the pool and played a few games!”

“And I won” - Heeyeon teased - “All of them” 

“It was unfair” - Heechul defended himself - “It was two against one” 

“Cherry only cheers for me” - Heeyeon stuck out her tongue - “But I do all the hard work” 

The couple joked for a few minutes while the kids enjoyed the conversation. Time to say goodbye came and everyone returned to their activities. 

Leeteuk had to go out and buy himself a new phone (Heechul’s orders). He thought that it was best to go alone but the kids had other plans. He ended in the mall with Sungmin and Eunhyuk. 

“Can we see other stores?” 

“We came here to buy a phone, remember?” - Leeteuk sighed - “we can go to the toy store but we can’t take that long there. I left the twins and Henry with your grandmas and I fear for them” 

“For our brothers or grandma and nana?” - Eunhyuk asked amused - “They will be fine!” 

“Can I go take a look at the book shop?” - Sungmin was cheerfully spinning around Leeteuk- “I’m looking for a book” 

“You? For a book? Which one?” - Leeteuk couldn’t say no to them. They were so cute - “Let me guess it’s about outer space” 

“I would like it… but I want to look for a soccer one” - Sungmin shrank shoulders - “I think Donghae could need it” 

“That’s so sweet” - Leeteuk felt warm 

“Yeah, except for the part Donghae hates reading” - Eunhyuk shook his head - “He won’t read it even if it is about soccer” 

Leeteuk nudged the boy a bit. 

“It’s true! He says so all time” - Eunhyuk whined - “Hae is always complaining his head hurts whenever he reads two sentences”

“Teacher wasn’t happy this morning” - Sungmin agreed - “He asked Donghae to read but he kept messing up” 

“Oh, did he get scolded?”  - Leeteuk worried. Maybe Donghae’s bad mood wasn’t only about soccer 

“Not really” - Sungmin was being honest - “Teacher wasn’t happy but he faked a smile and said it was ‘fine’ “ 

“But then he asked someone else to continue” - Eunhyuk added - “and Donghae got upset” 

“We always tease Donghae saying he is ‘slow’ but he is not” - Sungmin sulked - “He knew teacher was disappointed and got sad” 

“Does this happen often?” - Leeteuk was starting to get really concerned. Heechul didn’t mention any of the kids had troubles recently. Wasn’t he aware of it? - “Like, today wasn’t the first time…?”

“All time?” - Sungmin was doubtful 

“I say almost everyday” - Eunhyuk did a face - “It happens with numbers too” 

(Does he needs glasses too? Maybe it’s his eyesight… after all, Yesung and Ryeowook need those…)

Leeteuk was having doubts. Should he take the kids now or wait until the parents came back? The second one seemed like a better option. It wasn’t a “live or die” situation. 

“I will get a new phone first and then we go look for the soccer book” - Leeteuk offered the kids a sweet smile - “but remember, we can’t take long. We need to go back home quickly since I’m worried” 

“It’s ok, uncle” - Sungmin said merrily - “I also need to go back soon” 

“If you want to use the toilet, I can take you” 

“Oh, thanks” - Sungmin giggled - “But it’s not that. I just have music class later” 

“You have music school today?” 



Leeteuk checked the time using his watch. If they hurried, he could drop Sungmin for his music class without being late. Donghae’s book would have to wait. 

The twins woke up with their energy replenished. They were, however, a little confused. 

“Dada?” - Ryeowook looked around. Nope. The call had ended - “No Dada” 

“ ‘n no Mama” - Kyuhyun pouted - “Whewe Ukwee?”

“Mmmmm” - Ryeowook tried looking for Leeteuk but he only found their grandmothers - “No hewe?”

“Oh, you are awake” - Mrs Kim hugged them - “Did you sleep well?”

Both kids nodded. 

“Are you hungry? I think is time for a snack” - Mrs Kim held hands with them - “Oh, Kyu… be careful of not falling ok?”

Kyuhyun was using his other hand to hug his penguin plush. Therefore, Mrs Kim feared the boy would not react on time if he tripped. 
There was a moment of confusion when he suddenly benched unable to move forward. Mrs Kim first instinct was to hold him better to prevent a fall… but Kyuhyun flinched and his awkward move brought troubles. 

There was a ripping sound. Mrs Kim thought it had been the boy clothes… but those were fine. Turned out that what got stuck and made the toddler unable to move freely before… was his beloved penguin plush. And of course, the sound wasn’t specially good. 


Mrs Ahn ran from the kitchen followed by a scared Henry. Kyuhyun was crying loudly. 

“Is he hurt?” - Mrs Ahn was concerned - “What happened?”

“He is fine… the penguin is not” - Mrs Kim showed her the plush - “I’m so sorry, Kyu”


Kyuhyun was crying non stop. Henry was trying to console him. Ryeowook was blank. He loved that penguin too even if it wasn’t his plush. He was grieving inside. 

“Maybe we can fix it” - Mrs Ahn tried - “We just need to buy some filler and sew it back, right? I think even I can do that” 

Kyuhyun hiccuped. He looked at her like asking ‘really?’. 

“I’m not as good as Heeyeon… but I will do my best” - Mrs Ahn sighed softly - “I’m actually better at knitting. I just hope the arrangement will last until your mom comes back” 

“K-Kay” - Kyuhyun nodded in understanding

“Nana hewps Wewi” - Ryeowook patted Kyuhyun’s back - “Iz Kay, iz Kay” 

“Ow, Kyunnie” - Mrs Kim felt sorry - “What if we go take a bath first? We can have those snacks later” 

“A bath” - Kyuhyun smiled a bit. He loved those - “Bubbles?” 

“Sure” - Mrs Kim winked at her the other amused grandma - “I guess we are taking a bubble bath” 

“Hewy too” - Henry tagged along with the twins and his grandma. He disliked baths… but playing with water and wetting the whole bathroom was his special ability. 

Leeteuk returned to the mansion… exhausted. It was just their first day without the couple and the kids were definitely trying to drive them crazy. His luck didn’t get better when Mrs Ahn informed him of the hurt penguin plush.

After dinner, Yesung, Kangin and Siwon went to Yesung’s room to plan an strategy. Yesung was sure he would win the bets. He had to. He wasn’t going to let go of his new pet turtle or get punished for it. 

“How is this one called?” - Kangin asked amused as he held the new turtle - “Raphael?” 

“Close” - Yesung smiled - “Michelangelo”

“Dude” - Kangin laughed - “It’s a good thing you are not naming our sister” 

“Anyway, you have to score more than 70% for me to win the bet” - Yesung put the turtle back where it belonged - “Preferably, 73% or more” 

“Do you realize it would have been easier to bet on a lower score? Like, why would you go higher?”

“Because I trust you” - Yesung was confident - “and you have been working hard”

“Yeah… but I’m not smart like you or Siwon” 

“You are not stupid either” - Siwon tried to help - “I think you are just lazy”

“Is he attacking me or…?” 

“Tomorrow, I will help you practice maths again” - Yesung was relaxed - “I will help you review the exercises and more” 

Nighttime was a little upsetting for the younger boys. Their night routine was disrupted and they were tired. It was a bad combination. 


The twins kept wailing on the bed. Leeteuk was doing his best trying to soothe them but nothing seemed to work. They got like that after receiving a short goodnight call from the parents and realizing they were not sleeping there with them. Apparently, the boys thought they would be back every night just to sleep with them… 

It was already hard to survive a day without them, but the night? Toddlers were totally against it. They wanted their parents back. They loved Leeteuk and their grandparents… but they weren’t mom and dad. 

The Kim couple was staying over to help Leeteuk. They slept in the guest room and moved Henry’s crib with them to allow the uncle focus on the twins. 

“Please… I beg you” - Leeteuk was at the verge of tears - “Just stop” 

The twins stopped crying loudly and stared at Leeteuk with teary eyes. 

“I know you are upset… and you have all rights to be” - The tired uncle spoke softly - “But crying to the point of hurting yourselves won’t bring them here” 

“Kyu miss’ Mama” - Kyuhyun sulked 

“Dada” - Ryeowook pouted 
“I know, I know, I know” - Leeteuk consoled them - “Let’s try sleeping together. The faster you go to sleep another day will come and they will be here in no time” 

Leeteuk felt a little sad when the kids slept cuddling in a way that told him they were scared. 

Morning came. The older kids were cheerful as always… the younger ones even started refusing to eat properly. Henry was the exemption since Mr Kim placed him on his lap and fed him carefully. Henry enjoyed being spoiled by his grandpa. 

The twins basically dragged their feet to daycare. They were surrounded by an aura of infinite sadness. The triplets were completely annoyed even if they feigned ignorance each time someone asked if they were upset. 

“Aren’t you hungry?” - Zhoumi asked cutely worried as the triplets only stared at their lunchboxes - “are ya feeling sick again? Tummy hurts?”

“I’m not hungry” - Eunhyuk shrank shoulders 

“This is… uhm” 

Sungmin inspected the food inside. It was the same type of snacks they were used to… but it was completely different. It was probably tasty, but it made him sad knowing his mom didn’t make it. 

“Boys, are you ok?” - Their homeroom teacher got concerned - “Why aren’t you eating?”

“I’m sad” - Donghae confessed right away - “Mom and Dad are not home” 


“They left us” - Eunhyuk mumbled - “They went to the beach without us…” 

“Are you upset because of that?” - The teacher tried being extra nice to them after such confessions- “Do you want to talk about it?”

“I wanna cry” - Eunhyuk was the first to admit it 

Sungmin was too prideful to cry at school with all the classmates staring at them. He got teary but that was it. Eunhyuk and Donghae on the other hand…

They cried while hugging their teacher. Sungmin was a bit envious… not because of the hug but the fact they were able to freely express themselves like that. 

“It’s ok, Minnie” - Zhoumi was holding his hand - “I’m here” 

“Thanks” - Sungmin said softly. He was thankful Zhoumi was his cousin. 

Siwon was eating his meal like usual when Kibum landed a look on it and commented how it seemed different from other days. 

“Because today, Grandma and uncle Teuk did it” - Siwon explained - “usually, mommy does it” 

“So that’s why grandma isn’t with us now” - Kibum sounded annoyed - “why isn’t your mom home? Did she give up?”

“Don’t be silly. She is just on a vacation with Dad” - Siwon found actually cute he could sense a note of relief on Kibum’s face when he said so - “She loves us. She wouldn’t go anywhere without an explanation” 

“That’s good” - Kibum smiled a bit - “I mean, I like her. Auntie is fun. And she is pretty. And my mom would be sad if she left” 

Siwon gave him a silly smile. 


“It’s weird” - Siwon teased - “You are being nice” 

“Ugh, I guess so?” - Kibum smirked - “Im kinda jealous our grandparents are staying with you but it’s not your fault. It’s actually fair since your parents aren’t home” 

“Maybe you are not that bad” 

“Oh well, tell that to the psychologist” - Kibum glanced at the clock on the wall - “I have an appointment today with the school’s one” 

“What did you do now?” 

“ they didn’t take very well my answer to the math problem the other day” - Kibum shrank shoulders - “They have no sense of humour” 

“And you are not sad?” - Hangeng asked Yesung as he drank his usual soda in a calm way - “Man, if my parents weren’t home for that long… I think I would cry” 

“It’s just three days” - Yesung shrank shoulders - “Two now” 

“Yeah but… At least for me…” - Hangeng got sad just thinking about it - “I’m a mommy’s boy. Whenever we go to camps I call her everyday” 

“Yeah, dad was like that” - Yesung remembered what happened last summer - “He would video all us all days” 

“And he doesn’t now?” 

“He does but… We have to share with the little ones and they are having a harder time” - Yesung explained - “I mean, I’m almost nine. Henry is two. The twins are three. Triplets are not even five yet…” 

“I get it, I get it” 

“It’s quite annoying though” - Yesung mumbled - “Having to share the call with them…” 

Heeyeon was following Heechul around the beach. The man seemed to be looking for something. She was just happy to be there with him. She was… too happy. She was starting to feel her heartbeat getting faster and faster, not like anxiety or a panic attack but more like being overexcited. It had been a while since she felt like that. She could feel herself blushing and wondered if she could trick Heechul into thinking it was the heat. 

“Heeyeon” - Heechul suddenly bursted her bubble - “Look at me” 

“I’m fine!” - She squealed - “I- I’m fine. For real”

Heechul squinted his eyes at her and then chuckled. 

“I’m not” - He confessed - “I feel like I’m going to die” 

“Are you feeling unwell?” - Heeyeon worried 

“Wrong choice of words, my bad” - Heechul scratched his head - “Heeyeon, uhm… please pay attention, ok? There is something I need to tell you” 

“Uh hum” - Heeyeon nodded slowly. What was wrong with Heechul? Was he nervous? - “I listen” 

“I know we both have been through a lot and things didn’t turn the way we planned” - Heechul started - “And I know I didn’t do it right.. so, allow me to have another chance” 

“Heechul, what are you—“

“Heeyeon” - Heechul kneeled down with a little box containing a ring - “Would you marry me?” 

“I do” - Heeyeon was sure this time she was indeed too red to hide it - “I already did!”

“Would you marry me… AGAIN?” - Heechul tried with a huge smile. 

“Always”  - Heeyeon jumped on him and hugged him tightly 

“Oh ” - Heechul suddenly left out after a few giggles 

“What’s wrong?”

“I dropped the ring!” - Heechul panicked - “HEEYEON! I DROPPED THE RING!”

“Oh” - Heeyeon kissed him - “It’s ok” 

“Don’t say that !” - Heechul was about to cry - “You didn’t even try it!” 

“Wait, this wasn’t my ring?” - Heeyeon tilted her head - “I thought it was the same you gave me before”

“I know I’m a crappy boyfriend but this…” - Heechul looked around the sand. The waves kept washing it… - “No, I had this one made just for the occasion. I wanted you to have a ring you could wear all time… since you said that you didn’t want to lose the other”


“And then I lost it” - Heechul looked at the waves - “Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to propose next to the sea”

“I don’t need a ring to be happy” - Heeyeon leaned on him - “I feel sad for you because I know you worked hard. But, it wasn’t worthless, you know? I’m really touched” 

“I love you” - Heechul kissed her - “and once we get back home… I will have another ring made”

Heeyeon laughed. 



“Just say it” - Heechul covered his face 

“Maybe we should give up on rings” - Heeyeon teased - “I mean… Those are obviously not for us” 

“And what are we going to do? Get matching tattoos?” - Heechul shook his head while smiling - “I don’t think I could handle that… I’m afraid of needles and—“

“We will think of something” - Heeyeon was cuddling - “Just enjoy the moment. The view is beautiful”

“Sure it is” 

“Stop staring at my s” 

“They are bigger now” 

“Because of pregnancy” - Heeyeon splashed water on him playfully - “ert” 

“Ohhhhh, do you want to play like that?” - Heechul was splashing water back - “Here you go!”

“You are so childish!” - Heeyeon was also splashing him 

“You started it!”

They were chasing each other around the seashore fooling around. 

“OUCH!” - Heechul was limping on one leg - “ ” 

“What happened? Did you get hurt?” 

“I stepped on something” - Heechul looked around - “Ouch” 

“Oh! It’s a big seashell!” - Heeyeon was about to hold it but Heechul stopped her - “I was thinking we could take it for the kids” 

“Sure… that’s a conch” - Heechul was using a stick to turn it around - “We need to make sure it’s original owner isn’t inside. I don’t want a sea snail getting into their ears” 

“Can you get sea snails in your ears?!” - Heeyeon grew scared 

“It looks empty” - Heechul finally grabbed it with his hands - “I’m going to wash it to make sure. I can’t have a proper look with so much sand” 

Heeyeon hid behind his back expectant. She feared a big bug would jump on them or something. Instead, once the sea water rinsed the shell… something sparkled. 

“No way” - Heechul used his finger to take the ring - “Here is your ring” 

“Did you plan this?” - Heeyeon was amused - “how did you do it?” 

“It’s pure luck” - Heechul shook his head - “I swear I didn’t think we would find it again” 

“It’s destiny” - Heeyeon was extending her hand - “Aren’t you going to help me try it?”

“Here” - Heechul did as told - “do you like it?”

“It’s perfect” - Heeyeon looked at it - “and we can take the snail house with us too” 

“Snail house” - Heechul laughed - “Don’t tell the kids or they will have nightmares” 

“Don’t worry, I bet Yesung will make sure of telling the little ones about it”

“He probably knows some really disgusting facts about seashells” 

Yesung sneezed. 

“Are you alright?” - Hangeng asked amused 

“My ears are so itchy” - Yesung puffed his cheeks - “I bet someone is talking about me!”

“Sure” - Hangeng laughed 

“Speaking of ears… did you know the triplets asked mom and dad for seashells?” - Yesung started - “Haven’t they heard of the deadly cone snail? It is said it’s venom could kill a full grown man” 

“Are you going tell them?”

“Of course I will” - Yesung smiled mischievously


Author comments 

Hi there! How is your summer going? ^-^

Can you predict the results of the three bets?
Who do you think will win: Yesung or grandma Kim? 

Next chapter will mostly focus on one of the boys. Can you guess which one? 

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it