Mina’s house

Junior Quest

She glanced at the clock. The ticking noise coming from it was something she somehow felt soothing. With the arm extended towards the cubic thing, she prepared to shut the alarm as soon as it went on. She took her phone and sent a text to her love.
And that’s how, she started another day. 

“Mommy?” - The four years old next to her, stretched and rubbed his eyes - “Are you awake?” 

“Yes, my love” - Mina kissed Zhoumi’s forehead - “Did you sleep well?” 

“Yes” - the kid yawned - “But I miss daddy” 

“Me too, baby” - Mina embraced her son - “But hey, we have talked about this before” 

“It’s for the best” - the kid said in a reassuring way 

“Well, it’s a good thing he is not here right now” - Another voice interrupted the sweet moment - “I mean, this bed it’s too crowded” 

“You are mean” - Zhoumi puffed his cheeks after his brother’s comment 

“Good morning, Kibum” - Mina sighed - “You shouldn’t go around saying things like that. People will misunderstand it” 

“Oh no, too late for warnings” - Hangeng entered the room - “Yesterday some moms were commenting how you and dad were probably getting a divorce cuz Kibum said you were not sharing bed” 

“Good morning, Hangeng” - Mina smiled softly- “Let them talk. We all know that’s not the reason why your dad is not here” 

“He is fighting his illness!” - Zhoumi did some moves - “To get better!” 

“And, he is staying with grandma and grandpa because we are filthy beings” - Kibum added

“The doctor didn’t say that, but yeah” - Mina pinched the boy’s arm - “Your dad can’t get any other disease right now” 


“She is awake” - Mina stretched and tried to stand 

“Don’t get up” - Hangeng made her stop - “I can bring her to you!” 

“Don’t drop her” - Kibum grunted - “If she turns stupid I’m blaming you” 

“I’m not you, I’m wouldn’t harm my siblings” - Hangeng scoffed as he carried the baby - “Also, I’m the oldest. I know how to do it, it’s not my first time” 

“Oh yeah, cuz I was your guinea pig” - Kibum laid back comfortably

“Boys, don’t fight” - Mina giggle - “You are going to make her nervous” 

“Don’t be scared Momo!” - Zhoumi was snuggling against her - “I will protect you!” 

“You can’t even protect yourself” - Kibum kicked him in a playful way - “You were so scared last night you asked mom to sleep here” 

“Says the one that crawled inside my bed this morning” - Mina smiled playfully 

“Guuuuh!” - the baby clapped excited 

“Momo is so pretty” - Zhoumi had his eyes fixed on her - “She is beautiful” 

“She is kind of cute now” - Kibum admitted - “I was worried when she was born cuz she looked like a prune” 

“Mom, can I hit him?” - Hangeng almost begged - “Please? Just once” 

“Didn’t you say you wouldn’t harm your siblings?” 

“Right” - Hangeng sat next to them and played with Momo feet 

“I’m gonna get ready for school” - Kibum left first - “I don’t want to be late today” 

“We are never late” - Mina chuckled and then worried - “any particular reason you don’t want to be late today?” 

“Not really!” - Kibum shouted from outside the room 

“He is hiding something” - Hangeng folded his arms and twisted his lips 

“Yeah!” - Zhoumi imitated his brother 

“Well, we should get going too” - Mina lifted the baby up in the air - “Right, my princess?” 

The baby stuck out her tongue. The boys laughed and Mina just rolled her eyes. 

“Uncle Hee will sure love that” - Mina shook her head

“Oh, speaking of uncle” - Hangeng used the opportunity- “Can I go play to their place? Yesung told me uncle bought him a new game!” 


“I don’t know” - Hangeng shrank shoulders - “He just said my dad bought me a new game” 

“No, sweetie. When is the play date?”

“Tomorrow… if you don’t have any problem” 

“Well, considering your uncle is out in a business trip… I don’t think it’s wise to send you to their place now” - Mina bit her lips - “I don’t want to give Teuk extra work. Plus, Heeyeon needs to rest” 

“I would be nice” - Hangeng pouted - “I won’t cause troubles” 

“If I let you go… your brothers will want to go as well” - Mina sighed - “Why don’t you invite Yesung over? The kid is always trying to run from his siblings” 

“Can I do that?“ 

“Of course, babe” - Mina found cute how Hangeng eyes sparkled - “They are your cousins. You can invite them over as much as you want” 

“Not fair”- Kibum protested - “Those two will lock themselves in Hangeng’s room and Mimi and I won’t have any chance to play!”

“Of course” - Hangeng wouldn’t even try denying the accusations- “You are a terrible loser” 

“Can I play with Minnie, Hyukkie and Hae?” - Zhoumi asked as he dropped another bacon strip on the floor for the dog to eat - “I behave!” 

“Sure you do” - Mina pursed her lips looking at the puppy enjoying her share of Mimi’s breakfast - “But like I said, I don’t want to give troubles to Teuk and—“

“Pleaseeeeeee?” - Zhoumi was so cute it was hard to say no 

“Mommy, you are playing favourites” - Kibum stuck out his tongue - “If you let Hangeng play with Yesung you should let us play with our cousins!” 

“I didn’t know you liked them that much” - Mina looked at the second son - “You often complain whenever you spend time together” 

“Don’t get me wrong, mother” - Kibum raised an eyebrow - “I don’t want to play with the triplets. I want to play with their things” 

“Can’t believe you are my son” - Mina used both hands to cover her forehead 

“Wanna know what’s worse? I’m your biological son” - Kibum remarked - “That means I do take after you!” 

“Jesus Christ” - Mina left out 

“Don’t listen to him” - Hangeng cleaned the table - “He likes to joke around” 

“I’m not joking” - Kibum chuckled 

“Bad boy!” - Zhoumi puffed his cheeks - “Kibum is a bad boy!” 

“Guuuuu!” - Momo did some cute sounds dragging the attention to her 

“She is so cute!” - Hangeng melted 

“Cute! Cute!” - Zhoumi repeated excited 

“She is just like Kibum when he was a baby” - Mina held the girl in a way all boys could see her 

“Do you think she resembles me?” - Kibum asked his mom with curiosity 

“She does” - Hangeng searched for some photos - “See? You were barely one here” 

“Momo is prettier” - Zhoumi shrank shoulders 

“We should get going” - Mina giggled and ruffled Kibum’s hair - “We don’t want to be late today, right?” 

“Exactly” - The boy smirked in a mischievous way 

“Do I need to worry?” - Mina had to ask despite knowing the answer wasn’t going to be honest 

“No” - Kibum played coy - “I’m a good boy” 

“Don’t get expelled” - Mina whispered - “Please” 

Morning went like usual. Mina finished her work quickly while Momo played with her feet. Mrs Jung helped with the chores and the kids were at school. That meant she had some time for herself. 

“You know, Momo” - Mina often talked to the baby girl like that - “Your cousins are turning three very soon” 


“I know. Time flies” - The woman sighed - “They are so big now” 

Momo did some gurgling noises.

“But you know what the hardest part is?” - Mina frowned - “Birthday presents! I have no idea what to get them!” 

The woman did some funny expressions and the baby laughed. The puppy approached them and started wailing her tail. 

“I can’t gift them a pet” - Heeyeon spoiled the puppy and fixed her pink ribbon - “I mean, they would love it… but I know it’s not fair for the parents” 


“You are a cutie” - Mina giggled- “I fell for you the very moment you crossed my door but don’t tell my husband” 

The puppy wailed her tail and jumped in a playful way. Momo squealed excited. 

“My, my” - Mina smiled pleased - “You are not helpful at all. I still don’t know what to gift the twins. I mean, it’s quite hard. Their father owns a toy factory and their new mother is a fashion designer… I can’t get them toys or clothes” 

“Boo?” - Momo tilted her head a bit. Mina fixed it and pinched her cheek. 

“What are we going to do? Should I call Teuk and ask him?” - Mina whispered to herself - “I guess I could use the chance and ask for the play dates” 

Mina started suspecting the babysitter got his hands full when the phone rang for a while. Then, the call got answered and there was a lot of background noise. 




Mina bit her lips. 

“Hewow …?” - A childish voice echoed through the phone 

“Hello…? Is this Leeteuk’s phone?” - Mina wasn’t sure which of the kids got to pick up the call - “It’s Auntie Mina” 

“Auntie Mina” - The toddler repeated - “Diz Unkwe phone, yes” 

Mina had to cover the phone as she laughed. 

“Ryeowook, is that you?”


“Hi cutie pie, how come you are not at school? Are you sick?” 

“Mmmmm” - Ryeowook took his time to answer while Kyuhyun and Henry screamed at the back - “No” 

“Is Kyuhyun sick?” 

“Nuh. He fighwin’ Henwy”

“Oh” - Mina was amused. She could hear Leeteuk and Heeyeon having a hard time with the boys - “Can you pass the phone to uncle?” 

Mina could hear the little toddler running with the phone as they got closer to the noise. 

“I SAID NO!” - Leeteuk shouted 

“GIVE MEEEEE!” - Henry was screeching 

“NO! NO! MAMA!” - Kyuhyun was crying out loud - “MAMA HELP!” 

“Don’t fight! That is not nice!” 



“Unkwee buzy” - Ryeowook sighed - “Vewy buzy” 

“I see” - Mina worried when she heard Heeyeon getting anxious - “I will call—“

“Whewe iz Momo?” 

“Momo? Ah, she is next to me right now” - Mina found cute Ryeowook asked for her - “Do you want to tell her something?”

“I saw Chewy on tv” - Ryeowook said excited - “Inside Mama tummy” 

“Oh” - Mina used her mother skills to decipher what the toddler meant - “You went to see the baby?” 


“Did you like it?” 

“Momo’s fwiend” - Ryeowook kept talking non stop - “Baby and Momo are goin’ to be Fwiendz”

“Sure” - Mina smiled softly - “You gotta protect them both, Wook. They are younger than you” 

“Liwe Henwy and Kyunnie” 

“Isn’t Kyuhyun the same age as you?” - Mina teased - “His birthday is on the same day” 

“We turnin’ three” - Even if Mina couldn’t see it, Ryeowook was doing the number with his fingers - “Next week” 

“Whoah, that’s amazing” - Mina thought it could be a good opportunity to find out what the boys wanted as birthday gifts- “What do you want for your birthday?”

“Mmmm” - Ryeowook got quiet



“Have you seen my phone?” 

“Uh oh”

“Ryeowook, is that my phone?!” - Mina bit her lips when she heard Leeteuk anxious - “What did you do now?” 

“Speaking with auntie” - Ryeowook sounded frustrated since Leeteuk took the phone from him 

“Teuk, it’s ok. It’s me, Mina” - The woman rushed to clarify - “I…” 

“Oh God, I’m so sorry” - Leeteuk apologized right away - “He just learned how to make calls and—“ 

“I was the one who called” - Mina laughed - “And even if it was otherwise, you don’t have to apologize” 

“Yesterday he called mother and spoke on the phone for over an hour” - Leeteuk sighed - “He is so naughty” 

“Baaaaaad boy” - Ryeowook was clearly imitating Heechul when he scolded him - “Dada got angwy n’ gwounded Kyu n’ Wookie” 


“That wasn’t what happened” - Leeteuk explained while Ryeowook sang a cheerful song - “Heechul did scold the twins for making randoms calls and using Heeyeon’s phone to order stuff but he didn’t ground them…”

“Come again?” 

(They used her phone for what…? Oh my Goodness)

“Today the kids at daycare had an excursion but we didn’t want them to go and now Ryeowook thinks they are being punished” 

“Oh” - Mina could relate. She was about to say something else when she heard screaming noises again. 

“Kyu and Henwy fighwin’ again” - Ryeowook complained 

“Did you need anything? If you need anything don’t hesitate” - Leeteuk spoked softly - “If you need help with the kids or Donghee just ask us, ok?” 

“Thanks Teuk” - Mina felt her heart warm - “I just wanted to talk to you and schedule a playdate for the kids. Hangeng wanted Yesung to come over and Mimi and Bummie wanted to go to your place” 

“Do you mind if I send Siwon as well?” - Leeteuk asked - “He is been asking non stop for the dog…” 

“I have no problem” - Mina was beyond pleased - “I bet they will love it” 

“Well, I should get going. Too much silence” - Leeteuk giggled - “See you later” 

“Bye~ good luck with that” 

“Bye auntie” - Ryeowook chirped 

“Bye cutie!” 

And that’s how the call ended. 


“So? How what’s your day?” - Mina asked her boys as soon as they got in the car 

“If the principal calls, I had nothing to do with it” - Hangeng teased 

“He won’t call” - Kibum scoffed - “But if he does, don’t answer the phone” 

“I painted a butterfly!” - Zhoumi clapped his hands - “A blue one!” 

“Just like usual” - Mina muttered to herself 

“Did you ask Uncle? Is Yesung coming over?” - Hangeng inquired 

“Yes, I did. He said yes” 


“Be nice and please behave” - Mina was nagging Kibum as they waited outside the door 

“They are here! They are here!” - Mina heard several kids running and shouting excited 

“Don’t open the door! You are not allowed to do so!” - Leeteuk’s voice echoed 

“Rough day?” - Mina teased as she saw Leeteuk’s aspect - “maybe I should be the one helping” 

“Auntie look!” - Sungmin was holding up what it seemed like a picture - “It’s Cherry!” 

“Ohhh~ how cute” - Mina was touched 

“Is this Momo?!” - Donghae was making a big expression - “She changed again!” 

“Babies grow up fast” - Leeteuk chuckled - “She is getting prettier and prettier” 

“She takes after her mom” - Mina joked 

“So… You are leaving Kibum and Mimi here and you are taking Yesung and Siwon with you” - Leeteuk did the math 

“Oh my God, look at you” - Mina lost focus the very moment a cute toddler approached her in a shy way - “You are wearing your glasses!” 

“He looks nerdy” - Kibum laughed a bit. Hangeng hit his head - “Ouch!” 

“Wookie is not havin’ a good day” - the toddler announced dramatically 

“He is in a bad mood because his twin brother left with Heeyeon” - Leeteuk sighed - “They are at Kangin’s soccer match” 


“I dunno like socce’ “ - Ryeowook folded his arms and twisted his lips in a very Kim Heechul way - “So borrrrin’ “ 

“He doesn’t like any sport, actually” - Yesung shrank shoulders - “He even went as far as saying he preferred to do homework instead of attending my basketball game” 

“Way bette’ “ - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks 

“I like tennis” - Zhoumi raised his hand 

“Oh! Oh! Hae knows how to play!” - Donghae got really excited - “We could play!” 

“I didn’t bring my racket” - Zhoumi pouted sadly 

“It’s ok, we have extra” - Eunhyuk patted his shoulder - “Kibum can play too” 

“Pass” - Kibum shook his head - “I’d rather watch” 

Mina rolled her eyes. Leeteuk found it funny. 

“Let’s split into two teams! I play with Hyukkie and you play with Minnie!” 

“Don’t worry” - Sungmin whispered to Zhoumi - “They . We gonna win this” 

“Are you sure you don’t need help?” - Mina asked once again before leaving - “I don’t mind staying around” 

“We are fine” - Leeteuk waved goodbye - “Thanks again. See you in a few hours! Be nice to your aunt, boys!” 

“Yeah” - Yesung and Siwon replied at the same time 

Mina really didn’t have a hard time looking out for the kids. She was sitting on the couch with her eyes fixed on the little boy that played with the puppy. She wondered if Leeteuk would complain if Siwon returned to the house covered in dog hair. 
She smiled pleased whenever she heard the older boys having fun upstairs in Hangeng’s room. 

“Siwon” - She called for the boy’s attention - “Can I ask you about your brothers?” 

“Which one?” - Siwon asked sweetly 

“The twins. Do you know what they like?” 

“They sure love each other” - Siwon did a funny expression - “Ryeowook is not happy because Kyuhyun left without him. Dad says they fight like an old marriage” 

(That is truly something Heechul would say) 

“Aside from that… anything else?” 

“Ryeowook likes to draw, read and test the adults patience” - Siwon shook his head - “Kyuhyun likes to swim, play soccer and test everyone patience” 

Mina wondered if Yesung could provide better intel considering that he was the oldest son. However, the kid was so immersed playing with his cousin that it didn’t feel right to interrupt him. 

“They also like music” - Siwon suddenly snapped - “They sing a lot nowadays” 

“Really? I had no idea” 

“Yeah, well” - the kid frowned - “sometimes it’s just too much” 

“Did you have fun playing with your cousins?” - Mina received a big hug from her youngest boy while the other just widened his eyes like asking for help 

“Zhoumi sure did” - Leeteuk giggled a bit - “Kibum was a little overwhelmed” 

“See you at the birthday party!” - the triplets were waving goodbye to their cousins 

“Do I have to attend?!” - Kibum asked his mom with fear

“They are your cousins!” - Mina hissed back 

“I don’t blame Kibum” - Yesung chuckled - “I mean, I know my brothers can be a handful” 

“You will love it Bummie! We are going to the zoo!” - one of the triplets left out. Mina wasn’t sure which one did it because she was busy trying to decipher Leeteuk’s expression


“The zoo…” - The former babysitter trailed off 

“He is having war flashbacks” - Yesung teased - “He once lost Ryeowook there” 

“He is older now” - Leeteuk calmed himself for only a few minutes until realization hit him - “But Henry is around the same age…?” 

“Alright, why don’t you take a sit?” - Mina was forced to stay longer as Leeteuk didn’t look healthy at all 

“Dun worry, unkwe!” - Ryeowook was patting his back - “I got diz! Wookie iz bigger now! Won’t get lost ‘gain!” 

“I really hope you dont” - Leeteuk hugged him - “I would miss you so much” 

“Even my zingin’ ?” - Ryeowook joked 

“Yeah, specially that. The house would be too quiet” 

“Ryeowook, do you like to sing ?” - Mina asked amused 

The toddler nodded. He hid behind Leeteuk and started playing coy. 

“He gets shy whenever he gets attention” - Leeteuk explained - “He sings the whole daycare repertoire until someone claps and makes him aware we are listening” 

“Mommy, I’m hungry” - Zhoumi interrupted- “Let’s go home” 

“Oh God” - Leeteuk felt terrible - “I gave them a snack but it wasn’t enough…” 

“he is not starving” - Mina laughed - “He is just calling my attention. But yeah, I probably should go feed them dinner” 

“Don’t you want to stay?” - Leeteuk scratched his head still apologetic - “you could join us for dinner…” 

“Nah, it’s ok” - Mina was giving Zhoumi a piggyback - “They look tired. I bet they will fall asleep on the table” 

“I’m so envious” - Leeteuk glanced at the short toddler running around in circles - “it seems like I will have troubles putting them to sleep” 

Mina got to prepare dinner while her boys rested in the couch. Zhoumi had fallen asleep and Hangeng and Kibum kept bickering like usual. 

The night was calm. Even if her bed was crowded with three sleeping boys and a baby in a crib next to them… it felt like heaven. 

“… did they really fall asleep?” - Her husband laughed on the phone - “My, my… they are little troublemakers” 

“I’m sure they found your voice soothing” - Mina said softly - “They really miss you”

“I miss you too. All of you” - Donghee sighed - “but it had to be done. If I wanted to be in full shape for the twins birthday, this was the best option” 

“Yeah, receiving treatment earlier so you could recover on time” 

“We need to survive to whatever my crazy brother has in mind” 

“According to the triplets, they are taking the kids to the zoo” 

“Well, coming from Heechul that’s actually pretty normal” - Donghee joked - “I wonder if he is going to let Kyu swim with the penguins or something” 

“Teuk wouldn’t allow it” - Mina yawned - “by the way, I already know what to gift the kids” 

“You do?” - Donghee sounded surprised

“They like music” - Mina had her eyes closed - “so I’m gonna give them more music” 

“Oh, babe. That’s a great idea” - Donghee laughed a bit - “maybe we can gift them something really loud like a set of drums. I would like to see my brother’s face”

“Heeyeon and Teuk don’t deserve that” - Mina laughed too 

“Fine” - Donghee chuckled - “Hey, do you mind waiting a little longer?” 

“For what?” - Mina yawned and closed her eyes 

“I know you are going to run to the mall tomorrow and will buy the gifts for the kids” 


“Can we do it together? Like… if you wait a couple days until I’m fine… we could go shopping together” 

“That’s a good idea” - Mina agreed - “I was planning on taking the boys with me so they helped me carrying stuff but… I prefer this plan” 

“Well, we could still take them to the mall” - Donghee found funny his wife was ready to get rid of the kids so fast 

“No, no” - Mina giggled - “Let’s go during school time. That way they won’t get to complain if we don’t get them a toy” 

“Speaking of new toys” - Donghee sounded worried - “Did Kibum mention anything weird to you?” 

“Weirder than usual?” - Mina didn’t even bother opening her eyes - “I don’t think so” 

“Today I got a call from the principal” 

“What?” - Mina sat straight and took the phone with both hands before running to the living room - “Why would he call you?” 

“Apparently, our son is a pyromaniac”

“I don’t understand” 

“He likes to play with fire… He—“

“I know what a pyromaniac is, Donghee” - Mina complained - “I just don’t know why the principal would call YOU instead of me” 

“Is that what worries you? Seriously? Our son set his homework on fire!” 


“It sounds terrible if you describe it that way” - Kibum complained as he played with his breakfast, still half asleep - “Teacher is so dramatic” 

“According to your teacher, you set on fire your history project in the classroom” - Mina was doing her best to not yell - “and even worse, you said I gave you the idea” 

“And you did! You told me to be creative!” - Kibum snapped - “I told you I found history boring and you said it was about having imagination! It’s not my fault my teacher and the school principal are so short minded!” 

“Kibum” - Mina bit her lips - “I don’t get what fire had to do with your project—“

“It was about the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria” - Kibum interrupted 

“Right” - Mina continued as she asked her son to remain quiet using her hand - “I’m not mad because you got in troubles at school” 

“Yes, you are” 

“I’m mad because you could have hurt yourself” - Mina pointed at the boy - “There is a reason why we don’t let you lit candles by yourselves” 

“I didn’t get hurt” - Kibum shrank shoulders - “I was careful. And you always say we should be learning to do stuff by ourselves” 

“Why are you so stubborn?” - Mina hugged him in a playful way - “so eristic” 

“That’s a word I don’t know what it means” - Kibum giggled - “is it a bad word?” 

“No, it just means you like to argue and create more conflict” 

“Sounds like me” - Kibum agreed 

“Don’t do it again” - Mina kissed his forehead - “And for making sure, I will be supervising your next project” 


“What’s your new project about?” - Mina inquired 

“I was thinking Pompeii or Sumatra” 

“Dear Lord” - Mina scrunched her nose and closed her eyes - “why are you like this?” 

“I’m your son” - Kibum said provocatively

“You know, at times like these, I really appreciate the fact we are not blood related” - Hangeng rolled his eyes 

“But we are brothers!” - Zhoumi chirped excited - “I really like being mommy’s son!” 

“Awww” - for a moment, Mina forgot about Kibum being a mess and enjoyed the cute part of being a mother - “I love you too. I’m glad you are my sons” 

“BUUUUH!” - the baby complained from her crib 

“Oh! Sorry Momo! I’m also happy to be your mother!” - Mina got shocked when the baby pouted - “I’m happy you all are my children” 


The kids laughed. Mina sighed with a smile and patted the puppy. 

“Yeah, yeah” - the woman shook her head in a funny way - “you too!” 

“Hug!” - Zhoumi ran to her with his arms extended

“Wait! Me too!” - Hangeng squeezed between them 

“Fine” - Kibum approached them slowly to take part in the big hug- “But don’t get used to it!” 


Happy new year! ^-^ 
Hoping you are all doing fine. 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it