
Junior Quest

"Shhhh shhhh, don't cry" - Heechul rocked a crying baby - "Please, stop..."

It continued like that for what it felt like hours. Heechul was just getting desperate as he couldn't calm down the baby.

"Please... just tell me what's wrong..." - Heechul sobbed - "Tell me, please... I don't know--"


"Heechul? Heechul?" - Leeteuk was shaking the sleepy uncle - "Wake up"

"T-Teuk? Where is the baby? Is he alright? Why can't I hear him?" - Heechul stood quickly but Leeteuk made him sit again

"The kids are still sleeping" - Leeteuk said softly - "You were having a nightmare "

"They are... sleeping?" - Heechul wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead - "Then... there is no baby crying?"

"No" - Leeteuk Heechul's arm - "I know it's hard for you since you are too worried but they will be fine"

"Oh... right" - Heechul shook his head - "I forgot... can't we delay that a bit? I don't feel good today"

"It's been three whole weeks" - Leeteuk twisted his lips - "You said you will wait a 'few' days and then send them to daycare"

"I don't think they are ready" - Heechul felt cold - "They still have accidents... Donghae can't sleep without me, Eunhyuk is too picky when eating and Sungmin is just--"

"Heechul" - Leeteuk pressed Heechul's hand to call his attention - "They are ready. The real question is... are YOU ready?"

"No" - Heechul shook his head - "I'm not"

"Great" - Leeteuk patted Heechul's back - "Get ready. We can't be late on their first day"

"But I'm not--"

"No one ever is" - Leeteuk smiled

Heechul turned to see the twins peacefully sleeping in their crib. Ryeowook and Kyuhyun seemed to have a deep sleep and didn't wake up with the fuss.

"I will wake those two later" - Heechul stretched - "Let's go for the triplets first"

It hadn't been easy to convince the triplets to sleep in their room. Heechul would usually put them to sleep by tricking them. He would read for them and stay there until their eyes were closed. At mornings, he would pretend he slept there the whole night. Leeteuk often complained that he practically did so, taking into account the several visits the man would pay at night.

"If you want to keep watching them that close, then just let them sleep at your room again" - Leeteuk whispered softly- "I don't see why would you kick them out"

"They were struggling to sleep the whole night" - Heechul yawned - "I had been... ehm... a little noisy at nights"

"You don't snore... I haven't heard you" - Leeteuk frowned - "It's ok you don't have to lie to me. If you don't want them--"

"I scream" - Heechul confessed sadly - "Lately I had been having nightmares and apparently I got so into it I started crying and shouting while asleep. Sungmin got really scared more than once"

"Oh" - Leeteuk felt pity for his friend - "Sorry, I didn't know"

"No problem" - Heechul rubbed his eyes - "I don't know why I keep having bad dreams"

Leeteuk was about to say something when they heard doors being slammed. They could hear Yesung and Kangin discussing. Again. Siwon was also awake.

"Boys boys boys" - Heechul scolded - "What have I told you about doors?"

Siwon raised his hand like answering at school:

"You can lose fingers if your hands gets trapped!"

"Good" - Heechul nodded as he ruffled Siwon's hair - "If you guys know that why on earth you keep slamming doors?"

"Kangin started it!" - Yesung accused - "It was MY turn to brush my teeth"

"Nuh uh! He is lying!" - Kangin folded his arms - "It was MY turn"

Heechul looked at the boys and sighed. He walked to the bathroom holding both boys.

"You see? Here you have plenty of room to fit all of you" - Heechul frowned - "I don't wanna hear you discussing about this again"

"Yeah..." - Both boys pouted

"Uncle, can you help me?" - Siwon showed his toothbrush to Heechul

Heechul knew the boy was good at brushing his own teeth. Perhaps, seeing how he would care for the other youngest members made Siwon a little clingy. He wanted to receive attention too and Heechul found it funny.

"Here we go" - Heechul brushed the boy's teeth carefully - "Now let's wash your face too"

Leeteuk knocked the door when Heechul was playing funny tricks using bubbles. He was entertaining his sons when Leeteuk cleared his throat.

"Right" - Heechul washed his hands - "Kids~ today, your little brothers are starting daycare. It's a very special day so... I need your help. Don't get in troubles today and try to be the sweet brats you are"

"Yeah" - The three older boys laughed - "Good luck, uncle"

Heechul smiled sweetly despite the 'uncle' word pierced him. He knew the elder boys still would acknowledge him as their uncle and even if he was once fine, now somehow, it hurt.

"One thing at a time" - Leeteuk pinched Heechul's cheeks - "Let's focus on the triplets first"

Heechul yawned several times while he managed to wake up the triplets. Sungmin insisted on being held. He was clingy once again and even if Heechul often allowed it... that day he just became more nervous because of it.

"Wee wee" - Sungmin was doing his Potty dance - "Papa, wee wee"

"I know I know" - Heechul was still trying to dress Donghae who squirmed like a worm - "Go with Leeteuk, I'm busy right now"

Leeteuk was about to take Sungmin's hand when the boy refused.

"He doesn't want to come with me" - Leeteuk sighed - "He keeps rejecting me "

Heechul ended going with Sungmin while Leeteuk finished dressing Donghae. Eunhyuk managed to spill juice on his uniform and Heechul had to change him again.

"Siwon c'mon buddy, drink your milk" - Heechul hurried his son - "Please, please"

Leeteuk found amazing how Heechul had changed during the past months. He would make jokes despite being utterly tired and probably annoyed by some behaviors. He was getting better at daily routine. Leeteuk was proud of him.

"Ok, all done" - Heechul was placing the triplets on the strollers- "Let's go to daycare!"

"Yay!!" - The triplets chirped

Leeteuk helped Heechul with the strollers. Heechul was already an octopus holding three sets of hands thanks to Yesung, Kangin and Siwon. It became easier after leaving the two elder boys at school.

"Just four more to go" - Heechul said nervously. He used to take kids to school using his car and since they moved schools, it was easier to walk. He planned it to be like that after his mind gave up on thinking how to take 8 kids to school at once.

"Bye bye!" - Siwon waved goodbye to Heechul as soon as his classroom teacher showed up

The triplets were expecting. They kept trying to get out of the strollers.

"Hi..." - Heechul smiled nervously to the teachers that approached him - "I brought them today... finally"

"Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Donghae right? We have been waiting for you"

"Come with us, come on you two too" - Another teacher dragged Heechul with her

"We recommend parents to stay with them a little longer the first day"

"Yeah... I know that" - Heechul scratched his head - "I'm supposed to sit here and play with them and leave when I think it's convenient...?"

"Exactly" - The teachers smiled

Heechul did his role. He played with the triplets like he would always do. The kids seemed fine and he and Leeteuk had been trying to make them understand they would have to stay there since weeks ago.

"I think they are fine" - one teacher announced- "Maybe it's time for Daddy to say goodbye"

"Y-yeah..." - Heechul looked anxiously at Leeteuk who nodded softly

"Kids... Daddy is going ok? I will be back by lunch time" - Heechul hugged and kissed his boys that seemed to not understand what was going on

"Papa play" - Sungmin approached Heechul with a ball - "Play?"

"I have to go... ehm, we have to go" - Heechul corrected after glancing at Leeteuk- "But I promise I will be back"

"Bye bye?" - Sungmin waved cutely - "Papa bye?"

"Yeah, bye bye" - Heechul held back his tears - "Kids..."

Donghae and Eunhyuk just ignored him. He tried to make them kiss for goodbye but the boys continued to run away.

Heechul had a hard time leaving. Leeteuk had to push him out of the classroom. Heechul tried to run back as soon as he heard Donghae crying.

"He will be fine" - Leeteuk kept dragging the anxious father - "All of them are going to be alright"

"He is crying, he needs me" - Heechul tried to go back - "My boy--"

"Heechul" - Leeteuk sighed - "Please"

"It's just so hard" - Heechul cried - "I won't send them abroad for college... they won't be allowed to leave the city"

Leeteuk smiled. He found Heechul cute.

Back at the big house, the twins had woken up in a good mood and were already playing at the living room by the time Heechul crossed the door.

"Dada! " - Both boys rushed to meet Heechul again - "Daaaaadaaaaaa"

Heechul had cleaned away his tears before since Leeteuk told him it was a bad idea if the kids saw him crying.

"Papa~ Woogie bagel" - Ryeowook showed his tummy to Heechul in a proud way - "Loooooot"

The small toddler made a big circle using his short arms. Heechul laughed.

"You ate a lot of bagels for breakfast? Wow, Ryeowook is going to grow up sooooo muuuuuuch" - Heechul teased

"Dino" - Ryeowook jumped excited

"Dinosaur, as big as a dinosaaaaaurrrr" - Heechul carried the toddler. He wanted love to heal his broken heart.

Kyuhyun laughed seeing his twin brother being teased. He joined the fun after Heechul decided to carry him.

Leeteuk observed the scene and shook his head.

"My my, he is full of energy" - Mrs Jung smiled sweetly as she knitted - "I thought Heechullie would come back crying"

"He did cry" - Leeteuk laughed - "You seem to know him well, ma'am"

"I have been around even before Heechul was born" - Mrs Jung smiled - "I remember his first day at daycare. He cried rivers when he was told his brother couldn't stay there with him"

"His brother? Gunhee?" - Leeteuk felt touched by the information shared - "Heechul cried?"

"A lot" - Mrs Jung giggled - "Heechul was one of those crying babies when young. He eventually became a naughty kid around his fifth birthday"

"I can't imagine Kim Heechul as a cute baby" - Leeteuk laughed - "That's way too hard"

"You don't have to. You can see it" - Mrs Jung stood and searched for something at Heechul's office - "Here"

Leeteuk opened the old photo album. He laughed at every single baby pic of Heechul.

"Yeah I have seen some of those but these are new" - Leeteuk smiled - "The kids really look like him"

Leeteuk left his guard down and before he could stop it, Kyuhyun had climbed his legs.

"Kyu" - The boy pointed at one picture - "Me"

"Mmm I think you are wrong, Kyunnie" - Leeteuk laughed - "That's Daddy"

"Dada?" - Kyuhyun repeated confused - "Kyu Kyu"

"Mmmmm you weren't around back then" - Leeteuk tried to explain - "This kid is Daddy, and this one is uncle Donghee... this--"

Leeteuk cut himself. He froze for a moment. He wasn't sure of how to address Gunhee who was once the guardian of the kids. Yesung, Kangin and Siwon still believed he was their father. He didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Diz'?" - Kyuhyun rubbed his finger on the picture - "Kyu?"

"Mm not Kyu... he is... Dada's brother" - Leeteuk thought quickly

"Twin?" - Kyuhyun asked amused

"Not twin but brother"

Kyuhyun laughed and smiled to the picture cutely. He observed the picture with attention and laughed again. Leeteuk wondered what could the young child be possibly thinking.

"Kuku" - Ryeowook climbed Leeteuk's legs to sit next to his brother - "What?"

Leeteuk laughed. The twins were getting better at talking. Ryeowook stared at the album.

"Woogie" - He pointed at Heechul again making Leeteuk laugh louder - "Me"

"That's Dada" - Leeteuk explained again. He found funny both twins confused themselves with Heechul

The morning felt longer than usual. Heechul had tried to skip Leeteuk's warning of going back to the daycare before time. He failed all the times as the twins would accuse him.

"Dada!" - Kyuhyun pointed at Heechul who cursed in a low voice - "Dada bye!"

"Bad boy" - Heechul hissed - "You aren't supposed to tattletale on me"

"Baaaaaad~" - Kyuhyun repeated cheerfully - "Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad~"

"They are talking better and better" - Leeteuk praised - "You need to be careful not to say any bad words next to them"

"Poop!" - Ryeowook chirped - "Poo~"

"I didn't teach him that, I swear" - Heechul defense only brought laughter - "He probably learned that from his siblings"

"He pooped" - Leeteuk carried the small toddler - "He knows he pooped! He is so smart!"

"Is that considered to be smart? He stinks, of course he 'pooped' " - Heechul scratched his head

Ryeowook cried. He seemed upset.

"Don't say he 'stinks' you, 'meanie' " - Leeteuk pouted - "He now understands more words"

"Sorry, sorry my baby" - Heechul hugged his son - "You just smell because of that dirty diaper, but you are cute baby"

Ryeowook turned possessive towards his dad. Heechul had to pay a high price for his careless comment as the boy kept smelling himself even after the diaper change.

"I broke my son" - Heechul lamented - "Look at him, he keeps trying to sniff his "

"It's not normal, though" - Leeteuk worried - "You have told him he smells before and never reacted like this"

"He probably needs a bath, I also think he smells weird today" - Heechul stretched

It was finally time to go to the daycare and take back the triplets. Heechul tried to cheer up his young sons by taking them out using their stroller. Leeteuk only pushed an empty stroller that belonged to the triplets.

Heechul awaited nervously in front of one of the small parks the daycare had. His eyes became big when the door opened and his children ran to him.

Heechul spread his arms widely ready to receive his lovely boys... and they just ignored him and ran to the park. Leeteuk laughed so hard he thought a lung would come out.

"YOU BRATS" - Heechul almost cried - "You ignored me! You only have eyes for that st-- silly park! "

The triplets kept ignoring Heechul and played with their new friends. Leeteuk patted Heechul's back.

"Welcome to parenting"

"Shut up"

The teachers approached the heart broken parent to give the first day report.

"They did really well" - The teacher praised - "They are sweet and well behaved "

"Are you sure you are talking about my sons?" - Heechul sighed

"Donghae is a little bit shy and quiet but he will do fine" - The teacher kept going - "Sungmin is really talkative--"

"No, it must be a mistake. Donghae is talkative, Sungmin is quiet" - Heechul interrupted

"Isn't Sungmin the chubby cheeks one?" - The teacher pointed at Sungmin

"Yeah but he isn't talkative" - Heechul pouted - "He barely talks"

"Ummm" - The teachers exchanged looks - "He didn't stop talking today"

Heechul looked at Sungmin. The boy seemed to be playing cheerfully with other kids around his age. The confused parent glanced at Leeteuk asking for help, but the babysitter seemed equally impressed.

"I guess you don't have to worry anymore" - Leeteuk smiled

"No... Now I DO have to worry" - Heechul bit his lips - "Why is my beloved son ignoring me but talking to everyone else?"

Siwon finally came out. He was the only one that did ran to his dad. He hugged Heechul tightly and seemed genuinely happy for seeing him.

"Well, 1 of 4" - Heechul smiled pleased - "At least someone loves me"

He shouted the last part trying to get a reaction but the only thing he got was that Kyuhyun laughed.

"Brats" - Heechul scoffed

Convincing his sons to leave the park was a nightmare. Even the twins made a fuss and kicked him and Leeteuk when they tried to take them back.

"Tomorrow I will leave those two here" - Heechul said upset as Ryeowook refused to sit on the stroller and kept crying - "I think they are old enough to be here"

"If he doesn't want to sit on the stroller then just carry him" - Leeteuk smiled amused - "Anyway we just have four sits to five toddlers. Let's sit the triplets and Kyu"

Heechul protested a bit since Ryeowook drooled all over his shirt. The poor man had to carry a fussy toddler and push one stroller. Leeteuk pushed the other stroller while holding hands with Siwon. By the time they got home, Heechul's shirt was ruined. Not only Ryeowook had drooled but Kyuhyun threw up a bit when the tired dad tried to take him out of the stroller.

"Oh oh!" - Kyuhyun pointed at the stain he caused - "Baaaad"

"C'mon buddy" - Heechul carried his confused son - "Let's get cleaned. You seriously need to stop doing this"

Leeteuk watched the other kids while Heechul wasn't around. Ryeowook fussed when he noticed the absence of his dad. The triplets fell asleep everywhere. Leeteuk just carried them to a safe place where they could nap.

"Are they sleeping?" - Heechul seemed fascinated - "What kind of sorcery...?"

"They must be exhausted" - Leeteuk rocked Ryeowook carefully - "They played hard today"

"Good" - Heechul smiled - "That means I can rest a bit before Yesung and Kangin get out"

As soon as he said so, the twins started to demand being hold. Heechul resigned. He wouldn't have peace until all boys attended school. He sat on the couch with his fussy twins while Siwon talked non stop about his day.

"... and Yiahn fell from the park" - Siwon talked non stop - "Jiyon didn't go today..."

"Is she sick? It's been two days since she attended class" - Heechul interrupted

"Yes! Teacher said she had tummy ache!" - Siwon chirped

"Poor girl" - Heechul commented - "It was probably because she ate those flowers"

Leeteuk observed mesmerized. He always thought Heechul ignored Siwon's day reports but the fact he could remember kids's names and some stuff about them, make him realize his assumption was wrong.
Ryeowook kept sniffing his clothes and grabbing his face.

"Why Wookie is doin' that?" - Siwon pointed out

"Maybe he thinks he smells" - Heechul checked Ryeowook's diaper just in case but it was clean

"Poop" - Ryeowook whined - "Ewww"

"Not 'ewww' you didn't poop" - Heechul sniffed his son again - "You stinks but you didn't poop. Maybe you sweated too much"

Ryeowook wiggled uncomfortably. He kept shrinking his nose. Heechul ended bathing the twins while Leeteuk watched over Siwon and the triplets.

"Teuk" - Heechul called with a nervous voice - "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Just one?" - Leeteuk teased

"Maybe more than one" - Heechul sighed - "Mm could you go to school and look for the other two? I don't want to go out"

"Why would you skip--?" - Leeteuk was about to protest when he saw the fear on Heechul's eyes. The man was pale and seemed to be fighting panic.

"Are you alright?" - Leeteuk approached his friend - "What happened?"

"The twins" - Heechul said sadly - "They are sick"

Leeteuk glanced at the two small toddlers playing happily with their plushies. To Leeteuk, the kids looked as usual.

"They look well to me"

"No... no, I'm sure" - Heechul insisted - "They are sick"

"Heechul... please, sit down and try to think--"

"Teuk" - Heechul had watery eyes - "Please... believe me"

"Alright" - Leeteuk sighed - "Here is the plan you go and take the twins to the ER while I look for the other two at school. Mrs Jung and the others can watch Siwon and the triplets while we are out"

"Thanks" - Heechul nodded - "I will try to be back for lunch"

Leeteuk wasn't convinced at all but somehow Heechul seemed extremely sure about it. On the other hand, the twins were excited as Heechul was taking them out again.

"Why isn't my uncle here?" - Kangin folded his arms annoyed - "Is he sleeping again?"

"He wanted to come but he couldn't" - Leeteuk tried. He wanted to believe Heechul wasn't playing a trick on him - "He went to the ER with the twins"

"Are they sick?" - Yesung worried - "Ryeowookkie and Kyuhyunnie?"

"I don't know"

Kangin seemed down. He pulled Leeteuk's shirt.

"Do you think my uncle is alright?" - Kangin asked sadly - "I think he is going crazy"

"He is always busy" - Leeteuk scratched his head - "but he is a healthy man... I think"

"I want him to live forever" - Yesung squeezed Leeteuk's hand - "I don't want anyone to die"

"I know" - Leeteuk kneeled to the boys's height - "Lucky for us, your uncle takes enough care of himself. He is also making sure your brothers and you are healthy"

Leeteuk found an upset Heechul calling what he interpreted was the kids's pediatrician.

"No! I already told you they don't have red spots nor rash nor anything else than that weird smell!" - Heechul was clearly upset about his short trip to the ER - "They look fine but they smell differently! "

Leeteuk looked confused at Mrs Jung who was welcoming the two older boys.

"The nurses said the boys are alright" - Mrs Jung explained - "The doctor at the ER said the same but... Heechul says they were wrong"

"... Don't you think I know how my sons smell?!!" - Heechul shouted

Leeteuk held Kyuhyun trying to see something different on him but the baby seemed cheerful as usual. The confused babysitter even trying sniffing the kid to see what Heechul meant. Nothing.

"...Tomorrow?! No no! I can't wait!" - Heechul pulled his hair - "Can't it be today? Do you know who are we talking about? My sons! I won't risk their lives just because someone doesn't believe me!"

Heechul threw the phone after the call ended. He was so frustrated.

"Heechul..." - Leeteuk tried to calm him down- "Maybe you should try to--"

"No" - Heechul shook his head - "You don't understand me, no one does!! This could be something bad and none of you believe me!"

"The twins look alright" - Leeteuk made the mad parent sit - "And you have had a hard week. The triplets just started daycare and it's normal for you to feel a little anxious"

"It's not that" - Heechul's glassy eyes stared at his twins - "I know they are sick... I know it... I just..."

Leeteuk glanced at Mrs Jung. She nodded.

"Well, if it makes you feels better... I can stay the night here and make sure nothing goes wrong" - Leeteuk offered sweetly- "I won't go out of this house until you feel better. You need to rest"

"I'm not crazy" - Heechul cried - "I'm... I would like you to stay"

The rest of the day went on smoothly. Heechul spent the whole time looking at the twins with those strange eyes Leeteuk worried about. Heechul was convinced the kids were sick but the kids seemed alright.

"You should change your clothes" - Leeteuk tried again - "If you go to bed with those, you are going to ruin them"

"I'm not going to sleep" - Heechul replied calmly - "I will just stay here all night watching over them"

Leeteuk knew everything he said would be useless. He offered taking turns and Heechul refused. He knew the man would end falling sleep at some point so he didn't worry that much.

Leeteuk woke up with the fuss. He haven't stood up by the moment Yesung entered the room crying hysterically.


Leeteuk could hear the triplets cries coming from the other room but Yesung pointed at Heechul. He didn't have enough time to think as Yesung pulled him. He calmed down a bit when he heard Heechul's voice but then... he just got scared.

"Please... please, you have to breath" - Heechul repeated all over again - "Breath breath breath!!"

Leeteuk wished it wasn't true. He entered the room to find Heechul trying to wake up a toddler. He wanted it to be a nightmare, but it was too real. The crib, still had a young toddler that cried holding the edge of it. It seemed like if one of the children had threw up. Kyuhyun's clothes were stained but at least the boy was breathing as he cried.

Heechul was pressing Ryeowook's chest trying to make him react. The shortest twin had a bluish tone that made Leeteuk's tears fell.

It was just a minute that felt like an hour. Even after Ryeowook finally cried, Heechul made sure of patting his back hard enough to help him cough. Ryeowook threw up a lot. Leeteuk approached to help Heechul instantly but the parent seemed to be sure of what he was doing.

"It's alright, go ahead, you can do it" - Heechul kept patting Ryeowook - "It's alright, it's alright, it needs to come out"

It took a few minutes for the boy to stop but then he just cried. At least, his face seemed to have more color than before. Leeteuk grabbed a few wipes and started cleaning Kyuhyun a bit as he tried to recover from shock.

"Let's go to the hospital" - Heechul said tiredly - "They are sick... I knew they were sick"

Leeteuk only nodded. He followed Heechul to the entrance while the busy parent avoided the other children.

"Yesung listen to me" - Heechul said before leaving - "Listen to Mrs Jung and don't cause her troubles. I promise we will be back in a while but right now... I need your help"

Leeteuk only tried to console the twins while Heechul drove to the hospital. The children were fussing as they probably felt unwell. It didn't help it was also night time and they seemed scared to be out at those hours.

Almost automatically, Heechul ran across the ER holding Ryeowook. The nurses probably understood Heechul's face because they ran to meet him and check on the baby he was holding. Leeteuk followed as he held a crying Kyuhyun.

"He was choking" - Heechul explained- "It was my fault, I was so tired I felt asleep and... I don't know when he must have puked and..when he stopped breathing I..."

"He is going to be fine" - The doctor inspected the exhausted boy - "He is a baby with a lot of luck"

"Can you check his twin too?" - Heechul took Kyuhyun's from Leeteuk's arms - "He also spat that weird thing"

"Mucus" - The doctor explained - "They are full of mucus. Their poor heads are filled with that thing and when it gets down they just throw it up"

"They smelled weird..." - Leeteuk looked at Heechul with sad eyes - "You could smell it... No one else could but you..."

"This a sinusitis. A strong one" - The doctor patted Kyuhyun's back as the kid kept coughing - "Babies have small sinus spaces so they get filled easily. This quite of disease aren't that bad usually but the friend over there must have choked with mucus"

Ryeowook rolled on the small examination bed. He seemed to be calmer now and kept trying to explore his surroundings. Kyuhyun whined as he was still being held by the doctor.

"For being sick these two look strong" - The doctor praised - "You must be a good parent. You could even notice your babies smelled differently"

Due to the previous choking episode and the twins short age, doctors decided it was the best for them to be under observation. They got even stricter after Heechul confirmed they had been born before time as well. Even if Leeteuk worried at first, the twins were pretty well behaved. They didn't protest when Heechul cleaned them and changed them to hospital gowns.

"They even look cute with those" - Heechul smiled tiredly seeing the twins cuddling on the bed - "I swear I almost died from fear"

"Me too" - Leeteuk ruffled Ryeowook's hair who got happy for the action - "I thought he was..."

"Dying" - Heechul pressed Ryeowook's cheeks - "I was truly scared..."

Kyuhyun protested as Ryeowook got all attention. He kicked Heechul making his dad laugh despite the exhaustion.

"Dada Kyu! " - Kyuhyun whined - "Ouch Ouch"

Heechul rolled his eyes amused. He understood the boys would get clingy now so he would allow it. Specially after being so scared to lose them.

"Come here brats" - Heechul held both boys close to him - "Let's be healthy ok?"

The kids chirped something in what Heechul called alien language. Leeteuk smiled after seeing them one last time before leaving the hospital. He returned to the big house to help Mrs Jung and the assistants. He left knowing that the twins were in the best hands possible.

"I wonder if he is alright" - Mrs Jung commented as she made coffee

"The twins? Babies can heal really quick and I know Heechul will take good care of them" - Leeteuk smiled despite the dark circles under his eyes - "He is amazing"

"I wasn't talking about the babies" - Mrs Jung took out a trail full of recently baked cookies - "I think Heechul's heart must be truly hurt right now"

"Is there something I don't know?" - Leeteuk asked carefully

"Today was Gunhee's birthday" - Mrs Jung replied with a sad face - "I thought he was anxious because of it"

--------------- ONE YEAR AGO ----------------

Heechul sighed loudly as he stared at the bar. He shook his head and pinched his cheeks.

"Something wrong, little brother?" - Gunhee hit his back - "You look stressed! Maybe a drink would help with that!"

"You know I shouldn't drink" - Heechul smiled - "Not now"

"Not even one cup? I'm sure they let you drink more than that" - Gunhee teased - "You had been such a good person I don't even recognize you. You even eat carrots now"

"Don't remind me that" - Heechul twisted his lips amused - "I'm doing this for us... for him"

"Him? Are you serious? Are you planning to make me have another son?" - Gunhee faked disgust - "We are looking for a girl! Tell your balls we need a girl!"

Heechul blushed as he laughed. He bit his lips softly when Gunhee patted his back gently.

"You don't need to do this if you don't want to" - Gunhee said with a serious tone - "You have done a lot for us and I feel this time you are burdened by it"

"It's not like that" - Heechul rushed to reply - "I just want this one to be perfect"

"All of them are perfect" - Gunhee pinched Heechul's cheeks - "They all look like you"

"After I give you my precious seed again...I was thinking of making a trip overseas to help the company expand" - Heechul played with a small plate full of food - "I would be doing it after the twins first birthday and I wouldn't take longer than one month. I want to be here for the time he or she is born"

"Wow" - Gunhee smiled - "A whole month. How are we supposed to live without you for a whole month? "

"I don't even want to think about it" - Heechul picked an olive - "You know I can't live without all of you. I still like to be here even if the kids pee on me all the time"

"That's because you don't know how to change diapers quickly"

Both brothers laughed. Heechul went back to playing with the olives and Gunhee smiled.

"We will miss you" - Gunhee nodded - "But we will survive. Hopefully, next year we will be celebrating a new baby"

Heechul made a funny expression using his eyebrows and finally put an olive inside his mouth.

"I heard eating olives can damage your "

Heechul spat the olive quickly. He looked pale. Gunhee just laughed.

"It was a jokeeee!"

"Don't joke with that!" - Heechul protested - "Ugh! Let's go home already!"

"Are you upset?" - Gunhee teased

"Give me the car keys" - Heechul extended his hand - "I'm a better driver than you"

"Can't argue with that" - Gunhee handled the keys to his brother - "But you know... since it was me the one who taught you... it's like my own victory"

"Whatever" - Heechul rolled his eyes - "I hope it's a B-O-Y"

"I would hit you in the nuts but my future child is probably in there" - Gunhee chuckled

"What are you guys going to do if it turns out to be a boy again?" - Heechul fastened his seatbelt- "Are you planning to have a whole football team?"

"I guess we would try again" - Gunhee couldn't avoid smiling - "Having Ten children sounds better than nine"

"I hope it's a girl" - Heechul panicked- "Seriously"

"We will probably find out around the Twins's birthday"

"Don't make me suffer and just choose an XX embryo" - Heechul scoffed - "You can choose, you know?"

"It's not funny like that" - Gunhee pouted - "You know what? Let's make it interesting. I will let you choose the name if it's a boy. I'm running out of ideas"


Heechul looked at his twins sleeping deeply at the hospital's bed. He took a card from his wallet and inspected it with care.

A nurse entered the room to check on the children. Heechul smiled shyly to her. Her eyes went to the card he left on the desk.

"Are you expecting another baby?" - The nurse smiled as she pointed at the colorful card

"N-no" - Heechul tried to look calm - "It was from a friend's baby shower"

"Oh" - The nurse giggled - "I think it would had been fun having three sons"

"I... I actually have 8 sons" - Heechul smiled as tears fell - "and I love them all so much"

Heechul cried as he glanced at the card.

"Congratulations! It's a boy!

From Gunhee
To Heechul"



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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it