Our first Christmas

Junior Quest

“D-Dad? So he is your f-father?!” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe it. Unlike Heechul and his mother, the man standing in front of them didn’t have an aura you could feel scared of. Otherwise, he seemed so gentle and well mannered that it was hard to believe it was Heechul’s relative. 

“Not that I have nothing against you” - Leeteuk whispered to Heechul - “But how did you turn out so rude having a father like him?” 


“I hate to admit it but I take after mom” - Heechul joked - “Nevermind, the kids are enjoying the visit. Maybe we should rescue him” 


“Grandpa are you Santa?!” - Eunhyuk asked the sweet old man that was arranging a few new gifts under the tree - “You bwought our gifts!” 


“These are for you and your brothers” - The old man smiled sweetly- “But you cant open it until everyone is awake. Perhaps, it would be better to open them after breakfast” 


“Yeah that’s way better” - Heechul agreed - “They won’t eat if they have new toys to get distracted with. Also, I want to avoid fights as much as possible” 


“Your mother is right” - The old man widened his eyes - “You sound like a father! Oh my goodness... I find it so funny!” 


Heechul turned red. Leeteuk hoped it was for blushing and not anger. The triplets were running around the living room as they were excited to have a guest. Before Leeteuk could even say something, Donghae and Sungmin ended crashing with each other. 


“WAAAAH! MINNIE’S HEAD!” - The cute three year old cried loudly - “Hurts!” 


“HAE HURT TOO!” - Donghae cried louder - “DADDY! DADDY!” 


“There, There” - Heechul carried both boys - “It wasn’t that bad~ it won’t hurt after a kiss or two” 


“Hug” - Sungmin pouted 


Leeteuk was about to say something when he spotted the old man staring at the scene with teary eyes. 


“Sorry, I’m just touched” - the old man smiled after he realized he was being observed - “I always dreamed that one day I could see my son being a father” 


“Where is mother?” - Heechul kept asking as he ignored his father’s tries for starting a conversation- “Why are you here all alone? Are you getting a divorce?”


“Why you sound so excited about it?” - The man laughed - “No, turns out your mother and I are better than ever. Our marriage will last until I die, son” 


“Still I haven’t heard a reason of why she isn’t here” - Heechul folded his arms in a spoiled way. Leeteuk then realized it: unlike the relation he had with his mother, Heechul behaved more like a child around his father, what it meant... 


“He spoiled you when you were a child, didn’t he?” - Leeteuk couldn’t stop himself from asking - “That’s why you turned out like this” 


“Excuse me?” - Heechul turned to the babysitter


“I’m afraid I did” - The old man agreed - “I’m guilty for his lack of manners” 


“Why are you siding with him?!” - Heechul complained - “I just want to know—“ 


“Where is your mom, I get it” - The old man giggled - “She couldn’t come. She is busy right now and I just happened to have some business around the neighbourhood and thought about paying you a visit. Also, we wanted the kids to have their Christmas presents before it was actually Christmas” 


“You two aren’t coming, are you?” - Heechul glared - “That’s why you are here. Mother sent you as an apology gift” 


“You got me” - the father teased - “We won’t come tomorrow. Not because we don’t—“ 


“Enough of excuses, I don’t wanna hear them” - Heechul turned cold - “Just enjoy your time here, I guess. Don’t feel obligated to stay. Thanks for the gifts” 


“Heechul” - Leeteuk scolded. Even if he was hurt, it didn’t change the fact he was being rude to his own father. 


“I bet the twins are awake” - Heechul ignored Leeteuk’s lecture and ran upstairs 


“Papa sad?” - Sungmin tilted his head 


“Probably” - The old man replied - “Heechul has never been good expressing his feelings. Even when he is sad you could think he is angry. I wouldn’t say he has a bad temper... it must be hard to be misunderstood most of the time” 


“You know him well” - Leeteuk felt relieved since that meant the parent wasn’t affected by Heechul’s cold treatment- “I know it’s not my business and I probably shouldn’t even ask but... why aren’t you coming tomorrow?” 


“Let’s say this year has been full of unexpected surprises. Some good, some terribly bad” - The old man sighed - “We can’t come tomorrow but my wife sure will come to pay you a visit as soon as she can. I just wanted to say ‘Hi’ to Heechul and the kids but I think he got upset. I hope you don’t mind me staying here a little longer” 


“Oh no, of course not” - Leeteuk rushed to clear the misunderstanding - “I think the kids will love to know their grandpa came to see them” 


“I hope so” - The old man smiled- “Last time I came Kangin wasn’t very fond of my presence” 


“Grandpa! You are here!” - Yesung rubbed his eyes as he walked downstairs- “I missed you!” 


“Oh look at you! You are so big!” - The sweet old man even carried the boy - “In a few months I won’t be able to carry you! You are getting bigger and bigger!” 


“Oh God, why is he here?” - Kangin asked - “Who invited him? Is that why Dad is in a bad mood?” 


“Dad?” - The old man repeated pleased - “Do you call Heechul your dad?” 


“Why you care?” - Kangin insolent response earned him an ear pull from Heechul - “What? OUCH!”


“Be nice to your grandpa, Kangin” - Heechul lectured - “He came all the way here to see you. You know I don’t like it when you are rude” 


“Sorry” - Kangin sighed - “Welcome, grandpa” 


“You really think of him like a parent, don’t you?” - The pleased old man pinched Kangin’s cheeks - “You have changed so much in the past months” 


“GRANDPA!” - Siwon rushed to hug the old man - “GRANDPA YOU ARE HERE!” 


“My little gentleman! Oh my you are so tall!” 


“Who diz?” - Kyuhyun pointed at the old man while Leeteuk carried him - “Santa”


“No, not Santa” - Leeteuk laughed - “He is your grandpa” 


“Who?” - Kyuhyun seemed confused. He even refused to being hold by the old man. 


“I guess he doesn’t remember you” - Heechul found it hilarious- “You should come more often” 


“I will take that as an invitation” - the old man chuckled - “Be careful, I could be paying you visits very often if everything goes well” 


“What kind of business you have around this neighbourhood?” - Heechul got suspicious 


“Sharp as always” - The father praised - “We are getting a new house” 


Heechul almost choke with the coffee he was drinking. 


“Are you moving next to us?” - Yesung seemed excited - “Are we going to be neighbors?” 


“No way” - Kangin shook his head - “Does that mean grandma is also moving?” 


“Well, I cant give you the details right now but, in a few months we would be moving to the big house that is one street away—“ 


“Why?” - Heechul interrupted - “I thought you decided to move to a fancy apartment just this year. Are you returning to our old house?” 


“Old house?” - Leeteuk asked 


“The house I was raised in” - Heechul seemed confused - “We moved when I was a teenager. Why are you coming back now?” 


“Because you live here” - The old man’s answer didn’t feel quite right - “We want to be closer to you” 


“No... there is something else” - Heechul shook his head - “You guys are hiding something” 


“Isn’t it time for breakfast?” - the old man turned to Leeteuk - “I think the kids are hungry” 


“Ah Yeah” - Leeteuk agreed - “Come on kids” 


“Dad, this is—“ 


“Heechul, listen” - The old man patted Heechul’s back - “I assure you this is for your own good. We won’t get too involved into your private life but we do want to help you with the kids. Take it easy, we have no intentions to harm you or the children” 


“I know” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “Mother already explained it to me. I just... why now?” 


“Never doubt we love you” - the old man said as he grabbed Heechul’s face with care - “We love our family more than anything else in the world. When the time comes, I want you to remember it” 


“I don’t get it” - Heechul sighed - “But I will keep it in mind” 


“Let’s have breakfast. Parents need to have energy to run after the kids” 


“You dont say so” - Heechul agreed - “I will go and wake up Ryeowook. Kyuhyun won't eat in peace unless his twin is around” 


Ryeowook cried as soon as Heechul woke him up. The boy’s morning mood was a thing. 


“Dada!” - Ryeowook kept sulking - “Wookie...” 


“Sorry, buddy” - Heechul held the toddler dressed in a cute Christmas pajama - “But we need to have breakfast” 


“Uhuuu!!” - Ryeowook kept whining on Heechul’s arms - “Dada... Dada...” 


“I can’t believe he is so big” - The old man that had remained in silence spoke again - “Can I hold him?” 


“I don’t know if that is a good idea” - Heechul felt sorry for his dad - “I think you will have to wait until he eats something” 


“Hi Wookie~ do you remember me? We used to get along just well” - The lovely grandpa ignored Heechul’s warning and approached holding a stuffed doll - “Cute right? Do you like it?” 


“Scawy” - Ryeowook hid his face. The kid got frightened when the old man tried to touch him. 


“I guess no” - The grandparent pouted - “Hopefully you will like me after receiving your gift” 


“There is no need for that” - Heechul carried Ryeowook in a different position so he could have a better look of the old man - “Ryeowook, this is my dad. He is your grandpa” 


“Gapa” - Ryeowook repeated - “Gama?” 


“She couldn’t come” - Heechul explained - “But he is grandpa, he also loves you” 


“Dada’s dada” - Ryeowook pointed at the old man - “Gapa” 


“Yeah” - Heechul offered the shy toddler to the expecting grandpa- “Here” 


“You won’t cry, will you?” - The grandparent asked as he held the boy - “You are being so nice” 


“Wookie good” - The toddler his thump - “Hungwy” 


“Are you hungry? Let’s go and have breakfast” - The old man smiled pleased - “What you want to eat?” 


“Dada food” - Ryeowook laughed 


“Oh no, don’t you start with that again” - Heechul made a funny expression - “If you eat my food then what will I eat?” 


“Kyu food” - Ryeowook teased. The toddler had a good sense of humour despite his short age. 


“Did you change his...?” - Leeteuk didn’t want to say the word as he didn’t want Ryeowook to notice it 


“Not yet. He was still half asleep so I thought he could need it a little bit longer” - Heechul replied before taking a big bite of his toast - “Kyu stop. You shouldn’t do that to your poor grandpa” 


“It’s ok” - The old man laughed after another piece of Kyuhyun’s breakfast landed on his clothes - “I think he is mad at me because I’m holding his twin” 


“Are you jealous? Do you want grandpa to hold you ?” - Leeteuk tried 


“Kyu twin! Giwe bawk!” 


“He is asking you to give him back his twin” - Heechul couldn’t control his laughter. Kyuhyun often got jealous if someone got Ryeowook’s attention for too long. 


“Gapa~ Wookie ahh~” - Ryeowook was beyond pleased since he got to sit on his Grandpa’s lap and be fed instead of being in his high chair 


“Here comes the plane!” - The silly old man played with the toddler - “Boom!” 


Ryeowook laughed. He loved it. Kyuhyun threw at them another bunch of Cheerios. 


“Me too! Me too!” - the triplets also wanted to play with the grandparent


Breakfast was cheerful. Leeteuk was happy not only because of the kids laughter but because Heechul seemed to be in a better mood. He could still deny it, but Heechul loved it when his parents played with his children. 


“Let’s open your presents now” - The old man carried Donghae - “Lets find out what you got” 


“But it’s not Christmas yet” - Kangin looked at the calendar - “Dad— Uncle said we couldn’t open them until Christmas” 


“You can call him Dad, Kangin” - The grandpa laughed - “And yeah, you will only open the one I brought for you. The others will have to wait” 


“Wookie zocks?” - Ryeowook asked the grandpa 


“Uh? What is he saying?” - The old man was confused but he gave the boy a big box - “This one is yours” 




“Socks? Oh no it’s not socks” - The old man now understood it - “You have to rip the paper and find out what is it” 


“Like this” - Donghae tried 


“Nuh!!” - Ryeowook got angry when Donghae tried to rip it for him - “Bweak! No bweak!” 


“He won’t ‘break’ it “ - Heechul smiled - “He is just teaching you how to take it off” 


“Kyuhyun already found out” - Leeteuk was having fun seeing how the young toddler used all his energy to rip off the wrap - “He has small hands but he is hard working” 


“DADA! DADA! KYU GWIF! LOO!” - Kyuhyun shouted as soon as he got a glimpse of the huge box with a picture of a zoo - “PWETTY!” 


“Oh~ that’s a zoo” - Heechul chirped - “You have cute animals in there” 


Kyuhyun struggled with the box. He was desperate to get his set of toys out but the box was sealed very well. Heechul had to help him as he worried for an upcoming tantrum once the boy realized he couldn’t take out the animals without removing a few things first. 


Ryeowook looked around. He got interested in how the others also got toys. He seemed clueless. 


“Diz” - Ryeowook tapped his gift - “Hewp” 


“You have to take it off by yourself” - Heechul got distracted helping Ryeowook- “Lets do it together, hold this and...” 


Ryeowook chirped excited as soon as he got to see the inside. He was so happy he couldn’t stop jumping around. 


“I guess he likes it” - The old man found him cute - “Do you know what is it?” 


“Eh...” - Ryeowook looked at the huge colourful box similar to Kyuhyun’s one - “Toyz” 


“Yeah, toys” - Heechul laughed - “So smart” 


“It's a farm” - Leeteuk explained as he helped Kyuhyun to set his zoo - “You guys love animals~ you should say thank you to your grandpa” 


“THANW YU” - Kyuhyun ran to the old man for the first time in the day - “love you” 


“Give him a kiss” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “And a big hug” 


Ryeowook and Kyuhyun showered their grandpa with love. Heechul was immersed in the scene when he heard the other kids fighting. 


“Hey Hey Hey” - Leeteuk tried to separate Siwon and the triplets - “Whats going on here? Santa won’t come if you guys misbehave” 


“This is Mine!” - Siwon complained as he held a fire truck 


“No! Hyuk’s!” - Eunhyuk pulled the toy while crying - “mine!” 


“Give back!” -Donghae  also helped Eunhyuk pulling 


Sungmin seemed just confused and tried to stop the fight offering his new toy to his siblings. 


“Who did you gifted the fire truck to?” - Heechul asked his father fearing for the answer 


“Donghae” - The old man sighed - “I had no clue Siwon loved cars that much, I’m sorry. I got him a helicopter” 


Leeteuk did a painful expression. Siwon loved cars the most and often got obsessed with everything that got wheels on it. He was now upset since Heechul took the toy and gave it back to the right owner. 


“No, I want boat” - Donghae pointed at the boat Eunhyuk got 


“I want that one!” - Eunhyuk cried as he pointed at the fire truck 


“Fine, If you guys want to exchange it's alright” - Heechul helped the boys - “This way Donghae has the boat and Eunhyuk gets the fire truck” 


“THANKS!” - the kids chirped as they got what they wanted 


“Everyone happy” - Heechul sighed 


“Not yet” - Leeteuk pointed at an upset Siwon - “He is still upset” 


“Wanna play with me?” - Sungmin offered his toy again. The babysitter couldn’t believe it when Siwon ran away frightened to hide behind Heechul’s legs. 


“He is got a shock” - Heechul wanted to laugh out loud - “Siwon that’s just a plastic alien~ it won’t hurt anyone” 


Sungmin got a space ship. Apparently his grandpa knew about his interest for the outer space and thought it would be cute to gift the boy a space ship that of course, included a few colourful aliens. Sungmin found the little creatures cute despite not understanding at all what they were. Siwon put them inside the ‘monster’ category. 


“Dad, look what I got!” - Kangin couldn’t hide his excitement- “It's a scooter!!” 


“You can’t ride that inside the house” - Heechul warned - “Also, I don’t wanna see you using that without a helmet” 


“It has one” - Kangin showed his dad the new helmet - “But don't worry I won’t fall” 


“I got a new puzzle” - Yesung smiled widely - “I love these. I bet I can finish it before Christmas” 


“Wow” - Leeteuk looked at the box - “Are you sure of that? It has a lot of pieces” 


“I am smart” - Yesung replied in a sassy way - “I can do it” 


Heechul was still worried by the fact two of the triplets refused to share their toys with Siwon. Also, the boy seemed to not care at all about the helicopter he got. The twins were having a blast playing with their new toys... even if they had no clue of what was the difference between a zoo and a farm. 


“The zebra doesn’t go in the farm” - Kangin tried - “It belongs to the zoo” 


“Nuh! Mine!” - Ryeowook snatched back the beloved toy - “Zewa hewe” 


“No” - Kangin chuckled - “It should be in the zoo... and that pig should be here” 


“Mine” - Kyuhyun retrieved the pig - “Oink oink hewe” 


“They dont understand” - Kangin laughed - “But at least they are having fun” 


“Whatz diz?” - Kyuhyun got interested in the animal he didn’t know - “Chirp chirp?” 


“It’s a penguin” - the grandpa tried - “Penguins are like big birds that like cold places” 


“Uhhh” - Ryeowook also got interested - “Chirp chirp? Coockiou~ Moo~~” 


“Well I don’t know what a penguin sounds like” - The grandpa found himself in a dilemma- “Heechul do you know what sounds penguin make?” 


“Sure” - Heechul replied confident - “they go...” 


The sound Heechul made couldn’t be described with words. Even the adults laughed so hard Leeteuk was afraid the old man could end up having a heart attack. As a result, Heechul’s little joke not only ended with Siwon’s sadness but also caused Kyuhyun to fall in love with the new animal he just discovered. 


“Uh oh! Wookie Wee!” - Ryeowook crossed his legs and did a weird face - “PWOTTY! PWOTTY!” 


Heechul ran at full speed to help the toddler with his needs. Heechul didnt hope for the boy to make it on time but surprisingly, he did. 


“Well done” - Heechul smiled pleased as Ryeowook emptied his bladder - “You did it” 


Ryeowook didn't look happy at all.


“Whats wrong?” - Heechul noticed the boy’s consternation- “What happened?” 


“Wet” - Ryeowook pointed at the diaper Heechul put aside - “Wookie awcident” 


“Oh Wookie, you wet this while you were asleep” - Heechul explained - “Ryeowook still goes pee pee when asleep because he is a ba—“ 


“No baby” - Ryeowook pouted annoyed - “Wookie pee pwotty” 


“Yeah but you don't when you are sleeping” - Heechul kissed the boy - “And it’s alright” 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook folded his arms. Heechul had a hard time convincing him it was alright to use a diaper sometimes. Ryeowook refused to wear a pull up much to Heechul’s disgust. 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook took it off again - “Big boy”


“Silly” - Heechul sighed - “What are you calling big boy undies?” 


“Hae, Min, Hyu” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks 


“The ones your brothers wear? Oh no, don’t you think I am letting you wear those yet” - Heechul shook his head - “No way” 



“He is too persuasive” - Heechul whined after Leeteuk lectured him about Ryeowook wearing underwear instead of a pull up - “He was sulky because he couldn’t wear those” 


“Oh, so you are potty training him” - The grandparent smiled - “Ryeowook must be very smart” 


“He is stubborn” - Heechul and Leeteuk said at the same time 


“He is almost two” - The old man laughed - “Oh Heechul, you are going to love the terrible two” 


“Terrible two? What is the terrible two?” - Heechul gulped down feeling his anxiety rising


“That age when boys start testing their power” - The old man nodded - “If you lose against them, you will regret it later. In a few Christmas you could be buying a new tree after they decided to burn it with fireworks” 


“What kind of kid burns a Christmas tree?” - Leeteuk asked out loud not thinking twice 


“I swear it was an accident” - Heechul folded his arms - “I didn’t mean to do that... but tell me more about that age. Is my lovely Ryeowook turning into a little monster? “ 


“Well, not a monster, but things will change” - The old man smiled - “They both will start being more independent and will tease your patience” 


“Kyuhyun already does that” - Heechul pointed at the innocent boy that played with his new zoo - “He throws fits whenever I don’t let him do what he wants. I hoped for Ryeowook to don’t do that but he is starting to rebel” 


“And you can’t say no to him” - Leeteuk pointed out - “You always do whatever he wants” 


“That’s something to worry about” - The old man made a funny face - “I used to be like that and God knows all you did when you were young” 


“Oh boy” - Heechul covered his face - “Ryeowook is going to end up being a rascal” 


“He is a sweet boy right now, if you discipline him on time he won’t cause you troubles later” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “It’s ok, they are all good kids” 


“I’m hungry” - Heechul pulled his hair - “All this talk gave me anxiety and now I am hungry” 


“I will make you a sandwich” - Leeteuk giggled - “You need to have energy, your kids just got new toys” 


“Well, I would like to stay longer but your mother will kill me if I don’t make it on time for lunch” - The old man chuckled - “It was a pleasure” 


“I’m sorry for everything my kids did to you” - Heechul teased - “Send mom our regards. I will be waiting for your next visit” 


“See you, son” - The old man ruffled Heechul’s hair - “Please be nice with Leeteuk” 


“Yeah” - Heechul was just returning to sending off his father when he spotted what it looked like half of his sandwich lying on the floor 


“Teuk, I know you don’t care about me at all but this is way too much” - Heechul teased - “Why did you put my sandwich on the floor?” 


“What?” - Leeteuk replied as he returned holding Donghae - “No, I swear I didn’t! I left it on the—“ 


Heechul stared at the toddler that was chewing something happily. He looked at Leeteuk after turning really pale. 


“Did you add cheese to it?” 


Leeteuk nodded. 


“Open your mouth, brat” - Heechul kept trying to get Ryeowook to open his mouth but the toddler refused - “Oh c'mon! You can’t eat cheese! You know that!” 


Ryeowook swallowed, much to Heechul’s disgust. The kid seemed happy. 


“Tasty” - Ryeowook giggled - “Wookie liwe z’wich’ “ 


“But you weren’t supposed to eat MY sandwich” - Heechul scolded - “Now your tummy will hurts!” 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook shook his head - “Z’wich goo” 


“Come here” - Heechul carried the toddler to the nursery room - “Don’t cry! You caused this!” 


Ryeowook protested when Heechul diapered him against his will. The toddler got in a bad mood as soon as the parent made sure he couldn’t take his pants off. 


“Dada... dada...” - Ryeowook cried annoyed on the floor - “Offf!” 


“No” - Heechul was angry and Leeteuk knew it was because of the fact Ryeowook ate something that could hurt him. 


Heechul ended locking himself in his office after Ryeowook hit an awful tantrum that lasted until the parent went away. The boy was clearly upset by the way Heechul treated him. 


“It was just a sandwich” - Kangin seemed scared - “I have seen the triplets eat his food before but he never got mad because of it” 


“Ryeowook ate cheese” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “He is not supposed to eat cheese nor any dairy unless the doctor says so” 


“But he can drink yoghurt now” - Yesung also worried since Ryeowook seemed irritated- “Uncle said he was getting some tolerance” 


“Yeah... yoghurt and cheese aren’t exactly the same” - Leeteuk sighed - “Just like milk, cheese is maybe too strong for him at the moment” 


Kyuhyun cried as he got nervous since Ryeowook just wouldn’t stop. Leeteuk started to worry the boy had a tummy ache or something they weren’t aware of. 


“Does it hurts? Here?” - Leeteuk rubbed the boy’s belly. He didn’t care if Ryeowook threw up or pooped but he wanted the boy to feel better. He often got better after any of those two happened - “Wanna go potty? Do you want to sit here with me?” 


Leeteuk was at the verge of tears since he couldn’t help the boy. Ryeowook only cried like if his life depended on it. 


“Heechul, maybe we should take him to the ER” - Leeteuk knocked the door - “I’m afraid the cheese caused him something. He looks in pain” 


“Leave him alone” - Heechul grunted - “He is just hitting a tantrum” 




“He is fine” - Heechul shook his head - “He is like that because I scolded him and I am not willing to give him what he wants” 


Leeteuk was so scared of Ryeowook being sick he ended taking the boy to the ER despite Heechul’s opinions. He just wanted to make sure everything was alright. 


“He is... fine” - The doctor shuddered - “I think he is just upset” 


“He ate a big amount of cheese by accident” - Leeteuk explained again - “He is just starting to tolerate little bits of it but he was fully intolerant not long ago” 


“Well some kids are born with some intolerance but it gets better as they grow” - The doctor checked the boy again - “His tummy isn’t bloated and I can’t hear anything wrong” 


“DADAAAA!” - Ryeowook cried loudly when the doctor held him again - “WOOKIE DADAAAA!” 


“Sorry, he is scared” - Leeteuk tried to calm the boy - “He doesn’t like going out without his dad...” 


Leeteuk sighed. He was filling some papers when he spotted a familiar person walking around. 


“She looks like...” 



Heechul was waiting for them. Leeteuk got a little bit anxious since he would have to face the parent now that they were back. 


“So?” - Heechul raised both eyebrows. At least he didn’t seem mad. 


“Nothing” - Leeteuk looked down - “He is just spoiled” 


“I told you” - Heechul smiled - “I’m not angry at you so stop looking down like if you did something wrong. I like to know you love the kid so much you will go against my criteria if needed” 


“I didn’t want to disobey” - Leeteuk sighed - “I really couldn’t believe Ryeowook could cry for so long just because of a scolding” 


“But he stopped now” - Heechul teased - “Are you still upset, Wook?” 


Ryeowook was exhausted. He never had cried for so long. Tantrums drained him a lot. He was just sulking in his stroller quietly. 


“Do you want to come with Dad?” - Heechul stretched his arms towards the boy


Ryeowook nodded. He just kept looking at Heechul with glassy eyes while the parent took off his belt. 


“Oh~ you are so sad~” - Heechul carried the boy that started to cry again - “You look tired. Maybe you should take a nap” 


Leeteuk observed how the little boy held Heechul’s shirt tightly. It was a sign he understood very well: he didn’t want to get separated from him. 


“Alright, Alright” - Heechul rocked the boy - “Ryeowook is going to take a nap and feel better. After that, we could play with that cute farm you got and draw something” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook rubbed his eyes - “No sweep” 


“Don’t you want to take a nap?” 


Ryeowook shook his head. Heechul found it hard to look at the boy’s face since he had cried too much. He even felt sorry for it. 


“What you want to do? Play?” - Heechul tried to lift the boy’s mood making cute animal sounds - “What do you think? Do you want to play?” 


Ryeowook didn’t reply. He just leaned on Heechul’s chest without moving that much. He was too exhausted for playing but he refused to take a nap since that meant Heechul would put him in his crib. 


“Ryeowookieeee” - Heechul pinched the boy’s cheeks - “Tell me what you want~” 


Heechul gave up since the boy wouldn’t reply to him. He decided to just play with the triplets while Ryeowook sat on his lap quietly. 


“He is so drowsy” - Leeteuk found cute how hard Ryeowook tried to not fall asleep - “He is like that because he doesn’t want you to stop holding him” 


“Yeah I know” - Heechul laughed - “We won’t survive. I feel like the worst just for telling him ‘no’ “ 


“You will find a way to endure it” - Leeteuk giggled - “He is almost fall asleep” 


Ryeowook shook his head. He wasn’t going to allow falling asleep despite being so tired. Heechul thought the boy was going to lose the battle when the toddler spoke. 




“Do you have to pee?” - Heechul checked the boy’s diaper thinking that the boy probably would have had an accident - “He is still dry. He wants to pee” 


“I can't believe he is so stubborn” - Leeteuk found hilarious how Ryeowook being so sleepy still tried to remain dry - “The triplets would have just wet themselves. I have to admit that Ryeowook has accomplished more in a week than they did in a month” 


“Maybe being stubborn has its advantages” - Heechul kissed the sleepy boy sitting on the potty - “Are you done?” 


Ryeowook nodded. 


“Are you going to take that nap now?” 


“No” - Ryeowook frowned - “No sweepy” 


“That’s a lie” - Heechul started pacing around with the boy in arms - “I bet that you will fall asleep in just seconds” 


As Heechul predicted, Ryeowook couldn’t keep himself awake for too long. The boy ended falling asleep just minutes later. 


“I think I saw your mom at the hospital” - Leeteuk confessed - “I must be going crazy” 


“Who knows” - Heechul seemed suspicious- “They both had been acting weird lately” 


Kyuhyun interrupted their conversation. 


“Dada~ Kyu’s wewi” - Kyuhyun showed Heechul’s the new favourite penguin toy - “Love” 


“Do you love the penguin?” - Heechul smiled pleased- “Do you know where penguins live?” 


“Hewe” - Kyuhyun pointed at the zoo 


“Sure, but they also like the snow” - Heechul searched for a book - “Here. Take a look” 


“WOAAAAAW” - Kyuhyun was excited as Heechul showed him a picture full of penguins - “WEWIIIIS!”


“Lots of penguins” - Heechul giggled - “Penguins can’t fly but they like to swim. They eat fish” 


“Zwim” - Kyuhyun still remembered the swimming lesson he attended to. He still remembered what he learned watching the older kids. 


“Do you like to swim?” - Heechul asked his boy - “You seemed to love it” 


“Kyu loves zwim’ing” - Kyuhyun smiled - “Wid Dada, Wookie, Ukwe, twipetz” 


“Uncle Teuk” - Heechul chuckled - “You need to say it. I’m pretty much sure Leeteuk will love it” 


“Ukwe Teu’ “ - Kyuhyun tried cutely - “Mewi Kwitzmazzzzz! “ 


“Exactly. Just like that” - Heechul praised - “Lets have a great time together, Uhm?” 


“Ung” - Kyuhyun nodded. 


Maybe it was because the twins kept him awake until late but Leeteuk couldn’t wake up on time next day. He woke up thanks to the best alarm clock in the world: Heechul shouting. 




That, followed by the kids’s crying, made sure Leeteuk started the day full of energy. 


“What are you doing?” - Leeteuk rushed to the place where he found the triplets crying - “What did they... oh God” 


“THIS IS A TOTAL MESS!” - Heechul pulled his hair - “How come we leave them just five minutes without supervision and ended flooding the bathroom?!” 


“We... boat...” - Donghae sobbed - “Hae... sorry...” 


“They just wanted to try their boat” - Leeteuk sighed - “I will clean it, don’t worry” 


“AISH!” - Heechul stormed out as soon as he heard the twins’s crying 


“He is in a terrible bad mood today” - Yesung pouted at breakfast after Heechul refused to eat and went to hide in his office with the pretext that he had work to do - “I suppose it’s because today is Christmas eve” 


“Maybe we should skip the dinner and so” - Kangin proposed - “Maybe he feels pressured since we need to dress for it “ 


“Don’t be silly, he is just stressed” - Leeteuk tried - “I’m sure he will be better after having some food” 


“Dada...” - Ryeowook kept sulking - “Wookie Dada...” 


“Kyu Dada! “ - Kyuhyun also called - “DADAAAAA” 


“Today is going to be hard” - Leeteuk realized 


Afternoon wasn’t different from the morning. Heechul was barely seen during the day and he just made an appearance when it was time to dress the kids for their special dinner. Leeteuk knew the reason of Heechul’s bad mood but decided to just give him space rather than pestering him about it. 


“Let me fix your tie” - Heechul offered as he saw Leeteuk struggling - “Gunhee taught me how to do it” 


“Thanks” - Leeteuk blushed since Heechul also fixed his shirt - “I’m not good at these” 


“It doesn’t matter. Nothing can be perfect, right?” - Heechul gave Leeteuk a look that worried him - “There is no such a thing like perfection” 


“I don’t know why I feel this is not about a shirt or the fact I can’t make a bowtie on my own” - Leeteuk couldn’t avoid that one - “Are you nervous?” 


Heechul stared at Leeteuk for a few seconds before sighing. 


“You are” - Leeteuk patted Heechul’s shoulder - “Don't be. Kids don’t care if everything is perfect... they just want to have a good time” 


“This is my first time” - Heechul kept grabbing his chest - “I still don’t know if it was something I ate or it’s because I am anxious but I feel sick since this morning” 


“I’m sure the kids won’t care if the dinner isn’t perfect but they will care if you are unhappy” - Leeteuk warned - “Try to endure it just for two days and it will be over” 


“Just tonight and tomorrow” - Heechul nodded - “I think I can do it” 


Heechul did his best for not losing it before Christmas. The dinner was a total chaos as the kids were too young to behave at all. They kept messing with the food and breaking stuff. The twins even went as far as bathing themselves with mashed potatoes. By the end of the dinner, Leeteuk and Heechul were as tired as if they had fought in a war... but they regained strength after seeing the kids laugh. 


“At least they are happy” - Heechul was still trying to clean his suit with a napkin - “My shirt is ruined but... worth it” 


“Are you happy?” - Leeteuk wondered - “I enjoyed it despite all the mess. I think it was funny” 


“Ryeowook and Kyuhyun will need a bath again” - Heechul laughed - “Even their hairs are full of potatoes” 


“Uncle look! Look!” - Yesung was laughing a lot 


“Oh my...” - Kangin was also laughing 


Leeteuk thought Heechul would die after seeing the triplets covered in chocolate. Apparently, they ate cake in a very different way from any other human being. He was about to say something when he spotted Heechul tearing. The parent wiped his tears really quick and smiled. 


“Santa sure will skip this house for years” - Heechul teased - “Can I have some?” 


“Ung!” - Sungmin offered a big piece of cake to Heechul - “Tasty!” 


“I really like it” - Heechul accepted the offering- “Yesung come here” 


“Yes, unc—- HAHA” 


Yesung and Kangin had lots of fun after Heechul started caking everyone. Not even Leeteuk was safe. He ended full of cake before he could even understand what was going on. 


After an intense clean up, all kids were in their pajamas watching tv until Heechul decided they would open their Christmas gifts. 


“But today isn’t Christmas” - Yesung tilted his head - “It’s Christmas Eve” 


“Yeah but who cares? Tomorrow you will have Santa’s gifts as well” - Heechul shuddered - “This way is more fun” 


“YES! “ - Kangin jumped excited - “LETS OPEN THEM” 


“GIFTSSSSS” - The triplets ran in circles - “Pleaaaaaase” 


“Let’s start from the younger ones “ - Heechul giggled - “Come here little babies” 


“No baby!” - Ryeowook protested - “Wookie big!” 


“Who is the youngest?” - Heechul teased 


Ryeowook pointed at Kyuhyun really quick. Kyuhyun just looked around and then pointed at himself. 


“Kyu?” - Kyuhyun tried 


“These are for you” - Heechul helped the kid to know which ones were his as the kid couldn’t read - “you practiced yesterday how to rip the wrapping right?” 


Leeteuk lost count of how many gifts each kid received. He only knew Heechul tried his best to please all of them and they seemed more than pleased. Heechul laughed a lot after he opened the twins’s gifts and found his new colourful socks. He ended wearing one of each pair just to please his sons. 


Leeteuk received many gifts as Heechul apparently asked all the kids to choose one for him. He laughed as he also received socks from the twins. It called his attention the triplets gifted him bee related stuff. 


“Why bee? Do you like bees?” - Leeteuk wondered as he got another t shirt with a bee on it - “You guys bought every single bee related thing” 


“Honey” - The triplets said - “Oh~ Honey~~~” 


“Bees makes honey” - Siwon explained 


It took him a while to realize that the kids thought he liked bees since he always says ‘honey’. Leeteuk found it so cute he told the kids that bees were his favorite. 


It was a crazy day but Leeteuk enjoyed it. He was still awake when he heard Heechul cursing a bit. 


“Sorry, I just crashed with one of the new toys” - Heechul was holding his foot - “I also think I stepped on a lego” 


“You should go back to bed the kids could wake up at any moment” - Leeteuk smiled - “You must be exhausted” 


“Yeah but my Job is not done yet” - Heechul whispered - “Santa comeeees tonight” 


“Ah I get it “ - Leeteuk chuckled - “Do you need help?” 


“Yeah, help me arrange those so they look like a fat old man dressed in red put them under the tree” - Heechul teased - “Last year my only job was eating the cookies the kids left for Santa” 


“Oh~ Yesung told me Santa disliked oatmeal cookies” - Leeteuk now understood it - “And that he ate all chocolate cookies. He made sure all the cookies had chocolate” 


“What a smart boy” - Heechul smiled - “I’m sure Santa loves him” 


“You did a nice job” - Leeteuk observed the tree pleased - “I bet all of them are going to love it” 


“Yeah... about that” - Heechul scratched his head - “I hope I won’t let them down. I’m afraid I couldn’t find all they wrote in the letters” 


Christmas Day was full of happiness. The kids loved their gifts and spend the whole day playing around with the new toys. Heechul ended helping Kangin to set the new console he got from him to play some of the games Santa gave him. 


“How did Santa know you were going to gift me a new console?” - Kangin asked 


“He spies us all year and you doubt he can’t know something so simple like this?” - Heechul tried 


“BIG WEWIIIIIII” - Kyuhyun kept hugging the huge penguin plush he got - “WEWIIIIIII” 


Ryeowook was trying to fix a ribbon on Leeteuk’s head. 


“Pwetty” - Ryeowook giggled - “Ukwe gwit” 


“I’m a gift” - Leeteuk followed the game - “Are you happy?” 


Leeteuk was happily playing with the toddler until it happened. Heechul was the first to react. 


“He threw up” - Leeteuk seemed confused - “Siwon seemed just fine minutes ago... maybe he ate too much yesterday” 


“Eating a lot wouldn’t give you a rash, right?” - Heechul worried - “What is going on? He also feels hot”


“He has a fever” - Leeteuk started worrying as well - “He got sick” 


“Oh no” - Heechul was starting to feel dizzy - “This can’t be happening... today is Christmas” 


“Kids can get sick all year” - Leeteuk sighed. He also felt sorry for it - “Lets just take it easy ok? If he doesn’t get better in the next hour we will think about it” 


“No... this is my fault” - Heechul pulled his hair - “I FORGOT HE IS ALSO ALLERGIC TO CINNAMON!” 


“Heechul calm down” - Leeteuk tried as now all the kids were looking at them - “It’s probably nothing. Let’s calm down and try to relax” 


It didn’t work. Leeteuk felt chaos coming when he realized he couldn’t calm down the nervous parent. Heechul kept crying as he held Siwon. Leeteuk cursed his luck as Mrs Jung wasn’t there for helping. 


“It's all my fault” - Heechul kept telling him - “I did this to him... I did this to him” 


“Heechul, let’s just give him something and stop being crazy...” - Leeteuk tried - “Your heart is beating too fast you are to collapse if you don’t relax” 


“I can’t” - Heechul started hyperventilating- “I cant breath...” 


“Calm down” - Leeteuk coaxed - “You need to calm down” 


“My chest... it hurts... I can’t...” 


Everything turned black. Heechul lost consciousness and Leeteuk ended calling an ambulance while several kids freaked out. 


“Is he going to die?” - Yesung cried - “Is he going to die...?” 


“No, I’m sure he just got too stressed” - Leeteuk tried to remain calm for the kids’s sake - “Doctors will take care of him” 


“Dada!” - Ryeowook kept crying scared 


Kyuhyun only cried. The boy was too nervous to speak. 


“He will be back soon, I promise” - Leeteuk reassured 


“I don’t need new toys” - Kangin sobbed - “Santa can take them all and bring me Dad instead” 


“It’s ok, honey” - Leeteuk hugged the kid - “Your Dad will come back anytime, please don’t cry” 



Heechul woke up under bright lights he remembered well. 


“I’m going to become a VIP customer” - Heechul teased - “Where do I sign for a membership card?” 


“You almost had an heart attack” - Heechul’s mother spoke softly  - “I worried so much. Thanks God we are moving next to you because I can’t keep flying that fast... even witches get tired you know?” 


Heechul laughed a bit. 


“How are you feeling?” - The mother sat next to the bed - “Do you want something?” 


“I want to go back in time and avoid having this crisis. I just ruined their Christmas” - Heechul bit his lips - “And I almost killed Siwon by accident” 


“I also forget sometimes all things he is allergic to” - The old woman tried - “He is fine. Leeteuk took care of him” 


“Leeteuk is a saint” - Heechul laid back in the bed - “I don’t deserve such a good friend” 


“You need to rest” - Heechul’s mother ruffled his hair - “You were under too much pressure” 


“I can’t stop lying” - Heechul twisted his lips - “I know the reason of why you are here. I know why dad came to see me. I know why you are moving next to us. I know why you rejected my invitation to spend Christmas with us” 


“The world of business—“ 


“Enough of that crap” - Heechul shook his head - “I had been suspicious for a while but yesterday I got tired of it after dad payed us that strange visit. He also said something I considered strange and curiosity was killing me. It didn’t help that Teuk mentioned he saw you here. I made a few calls and bam” 


“Sometimes, it’s better not to know” - The old lady sighed - “I know you are mad. You have all the right to be mad at us, but please, don’t try anything stupid” 


“It’s different” - Heechul bit his lips - “when I first learned about it I got upset but... I’m also a parent now. I understood why you did it and even if it sounds weird to you, I’m actually thankful for it” 


“I caused you this attack” - The old woman seemed sad - “If just I had handled it differently...” 


“Things wouldn’t be different. I would have fainted anyway” - Heechul giggled a bit - “It’s... it’s something you just can’t expect it won’t send me to the hospital. I can’t believe you managed to hide it from me for so long” 


“What do you want to do now?” - The old woman folded her arms - “I swear I will support any decision you take” 


“I want to meet him” - Heechul smiled - “Just for a moment... if I am allowed of course. I don’t want to cause troubles” 


“You won’t. I’m sure it will be good for him” - The old woman kissed Heechul’s forehead - “Come on” 


Heechul followed his mother to the NICU. He seemed afraid of crossing the door but she held his hand tightly. 


“Eight months its a long time” - Heechul rubbed his teary eyes - “I’m just so glad you are here” 


The tiny baby just squirmed a bit. He seemed happy to see Heechul’s mother. 


“He is happy” - The old lady carried him - “Do you want to hold him?” 


Heechul just nodded. He held the boy with skill and started tearing up. 


“Hi boy” - Heechul said between tears - “You still don’t know me but I’m your dad” 


The baby giggled a bit. He liked Heechul’s voice. 


“It was their last desire” - the old woman cried - “I promised them I would do all I could do. I named him just like you wanted” 


Heechul nodded. He kept staring at the curious boy that his sleeve. 


“Merry Christmas, Henry” - Heechul hugged the baby carefully. 




Cliffhanger as a Christmas gift. You love me right? 💕 I promise I will update as soon as I can. I still owe you one chapter from the row I promised 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it