Heechul’s new problem

Junior Quest


“Thwee!” - Ryeowook stomped his small feet 


“Two” - Heechul insisted as he showed the number ‘two’ to the toddler - “Just two” 


“PWEAAAAAASE!” - Ryeowook rubbed his face against Heechul’s leg - “Thwee!” 


“It’s not going to work, Wookie” - Heechul ruffled the boy’s hair - “I will bring you here just twice a week. No more than that” 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook pouted sadly - “Kay” 


“So, he loved it” - Leeteuk smiled to the cute toddler - “He seems happy” 


“He was about to cry when I told him it was over” - Heechul scratched his head - “We agreed we would go there twice a week, right Wook?” 


“UNG” - Ryeowook bounced - “Fun! Fun! Fun!” 


“What about Kyu?” - Heechul asked in a low voice - “is he alright?” 


“He cried a river” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “Siwon tried his best to cheer him up but... he didn’t seem happy” 


“I feel guilty for taking a few hours of their time together” - Heechul sighed - “But Ryeowook needs this” 


“I know” - Leeteuk nodded - “We were told to help Ryeowook” 


“He loved it” - Heechul seemed a bit sad - “He truly did. He liked playing with more kids like... like him” 


“The other kids... do they, ehm you know...” 


“They are just like him” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “I actually hate to admit it, but I also enjoyed my time there. Talking to other parents who also have children like Ryeowook... It was cool” 


After Heechul got his cast removed, he had to take care of the promise he had made to his mother of taking Ryeowook to play dates with children like him. Gifted children. Lucky for him, he found out that the gatherings that took place in their city weren’t that far away from home. He decided to give it a try after he and Leeteuk found themselves clueless about Ryeowook’s new behaviours. They were scared of ruining the kid and decided they needed professional help. 


“He is the youngest one there” - Heechul was showing Leeteuk some pictures - “Ryeowook played a lot with this kid” 


“They look nice” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “I hope they get along well”


“Dada~ Hewp me, Pwease” - Ryeowook was pulling Heechul’s shirt - “Wookie mowaw idchy” 


“His molar” - Heechul translated - “He still struggles with teething” 


“He already got one, right?” - Leeteuk was checking the boy’s new tooth - “Only three more to go” 


“Two are almost out” - Heechul commented - “Ryeowook is teething first. I tried looking for Kyuhyun’s second molars but he haven’t started teething” 


“You know my biggest concern about Kyuhyun isn’t about teeth” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “I still can’t believe it” 


“He got a regression” - Heechul sighed - “Psychologist said it was normal and he would stop behaving like that once he felt ‘sure’ again. Problem is, I don’t understand why would he feel upset” 


“Oh, I do know that One” - Leeteuk made a funny expression as he looked at Ryeowook- “You have the answer right there” 


“Seriously?” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “I think we already had—“ 


“Kyuhyun is a toddler” - Leeteuk pouted - “He just doesn’t understand why are you taking his brother away from him. He feels bad because Ryeowook keeps separating from him... he was already done with daycare and then all of this ‘gifted’ thing started” 


“Potty” - Ryeowook interrupted the adults - “Wookie pee” 


“I will take him” - Leeteuk held the boy’s hand - “You must be tired~ you haven’t had time for yourself today” 


“I guess I will go rescue Henry” - Heechul teased - “Mom is probably torturing the child with those horrible baby songs” 


“HEY” - Leeteuk spotted the triplets and Kangin playing in the backyard. They were having a pee competition. Again. 


“Uh? Wookie Too~” - Ryeowook found funny how his brothers would relieve themselves in the backyard. He tried to do so but Leeteuk didn’t let him - “Wookie wanna pee” 


“Peeing here is a no no” - Leeteuk tried teaching the boy - “Good boys pee in the toilet. Do you understand?” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook pulled down his pants again - “Wookie bad!” 





“I cant believe you all got grounded” - Heechul was laughing - “What did you guys do? Even Ryeowook got grounded!” 


“Peed in the backyard?” - Kangin tried - “I cant believe Teuk went so far! It was just a game!” 


“You know he dislikes that” - Heechul found hilarious what the boys did - “You shouldn’t teach that to your little brothers” 


“They love me” - Kangin stuck out his tongue - “Peeing in the backyard won’t hurt anyone” 


“What if one of them tried doing that outside? They are too young to understand the difference between doing this at home or outside” 


“Ugh... I guess you are right” - Kangin pouted - “I didn’t think of that” 




“He is such a sweet boy” - The grandmother laughed as she held a pleased Henry - “He helps me with the baby all the time” 


“Really? That’s nice” - Heechul was hugging Siwon - “I love when they are nice to each other” 


“Speaking of which...” - The old lady did a funny expression - “Kyuhyun wasn’t specially nice today. I knew he was going to be in a bad mood but I didn’t expect he would hurt his brother” 


“Henry?” - Heechul inspected the baby carefully 


“No, Yesung” 


Heechul knocked twice before entering the room. He found the boy lying on his bed with a sad face. 


“I don’t wanna talk about it” - Yesung had puffed eyes. It was obvious he had cried - “I want to be alone” 


“No, you don’t want to” - Heechul sat on the Bed’s edge - “Kyuhyun was just in a bad mood” 


“He hates me” - Yesung was upset - “He even bit me. Look” 


“Ouch” - Heechul inspected the finger - “It must have hurt” 


“You have no idea” - Yesung sulked - “I have loved Ryeowook and Kyuhyun even before they were born. I helped choosing their names! I helped mom feeding them! I-I even shared my toys with them!” 


“Well, I do have an idea of how it feels” - Heechul pouted - “I helped raising you all and still, sometimes you guys hurt me” 


“You have a point” - Yesung admitted - “Sorry” 


“But that doesn’t mean we don’t love each other” - Heechul continued - “Sometimes we hurt people when we are hurt” 


“Fine” - Yesung folded his arms - “I will forgive him” 


“You are such a good boy” - Heechul kissed his forehead - “I cant believe my angel is turning eight in a few days!” 


“Uhm... about that” - Yesung bit his lips - “Can I have a birthday party?” 


“Sure” - Heechul was confused - “All your brothers got birthday parties! Why wouldn’t you—“ 


“But not like those” - Yesung didn’t know how to say it - “I want my ‘own’ birthday party, ok? You know... me and my friends” 


“Oh... you mean without us” - Heechul felt like if an arrow pierced his heart - “Like no family” 


“No siblings actually” - Yesung looked down - “I don’t want them around. Please... just for a day” 


“But Yesung... they are going to get sad!” 


Yesung shrank his shoulders. The boy didn’t feel good asking for it, but he couldn’t get out of his head the idea of his younger siblings ruining his birthday. After all, having eight little siblings meant at least one would try to sabotage it. 


Leeteuk suspected something was wrong when he heard Heechul raising his voice. Yesung’s voice was also louder than usual. 


“Uh oh” - Leeteuk worried - “Those two are having an argument” 


“Thats weird” - Kangin was still writing the apology Leeteuk requested as punishment- “They usually get along” 



“You little selfish!” - Heechul seemed about to cry - “Do you know how I feel?” 


“YES! But you don’t know how I FEEL” - Yesung barked - “You are always paying attention to the little ones! I’m not saying you don’t love me, I’m saying that for the first time in a long time I want to have my own moment!” 


“They are your siblings!” - Heechul threw one of Yesung’s plush against the wall - “You guys are supposed to be together!” 


“But not all the time!” - Yesung was as upset as his dad squeezing his cushion - “I want my own space!” 


“HITTING PUBERTY TOO FAST, MY BOY!” - Heechul pulled his hair - “I WONT ALLOW IT!” 


“Hey Hey Hey” - Leeteuk was making sure Heechul wouldn’t get bald - “Whats going on?” 


“Nothing...” - Heechul realized he had gone too far - “Yesung and I were just planning for his birthday party” 


“That didn’t sound like—“ 


“I don’t want a stupid birthday party!” - Yesung was still mad - “Whats the point of having one if I can’t choose what I want?!” 


“See?” - Heechul pointed at the boy - “He is being mean! He is like a teenager” 


Leeteuk rolled his eyes and gestured Yesung to sit next to him on the bed. 


“Whats wrong?” 


“I want my own birthday party!” - Yesung sulked - “I want to choose everything myself! I’m not a baby anymore! I don’t see why I have to go with everything HE wants” 


“You are right” - Leeteuk agreed - “I guess you have a point. Heechul?” 


“That brat said he wouldn’t invite his little brothers to the party!” - Heechul accused 


“Yesung? Is that right?” - Leeteuk was a little hurt to listen that, but he wasn’t surprised at all. Sibling rivalries were common when raising kids 


“Yes” - Yesung nodded - “but just the little little ones. Kangin and Siwon are invited” 


“Alright...” - Leeteuk took a deep sigh - “Why?” 


“Because the younger ones don’t know how to behave properly. They will ruin everything and I want my birthday to be perfect” - Yesung sighed - “I promise I will be good with them. I just... Its my birthday” 


Heechul seemed about to explode but he calmed down by himself. He sighed softly and then nodded. 


“Fine” - Heechul gulped down - “I will allow it. You will have your ‘perfect’ birthday party” 


“Really?” - Yesung and Leeteuk were equally shocked 


“Yeah...” - Heechul swayed his head - “That’s what you wanted right?” 


“Sure!” - Yesung was jumping around- “Thanks! I love you uncle!” 


“I love you too” - Heechul seemed sad - “Never forget that...” 



Yesung’s birthday day came. Explaining to the younger ones that they weren’t allowed to go with the other kids was as Heechul expected: a chaos. The triplets couldn’t understand why they weren’t invited to Yesung’s party. They wanted to go and have fun as well. 


“LETS GO LETS GO!” - Yesung was so excited - “We can’t be late! We can’t be late!” 


“Hang on, older bagel” - Heechul giggled - “Your carriage is here but you are missing your fairy” 


“Ah?” - Yesung tilted his head - “I don’t get it. Aren’t you taking me?” 


“I never said I would go” 


Leeteuk felt extremely uncomfortable when he heard it. He should have known Kim Heechul always did what he wanted. He never expected the parent to go so far, though. 


“What do you mean?” - Yesung wanted to believe it was a joke - “Why aren’t you coming?” 


“You never invited me, did you?” - Heechul’s strong gaze made Leeteuk truly upset- “I don’t recall getting invited” 


“T-thats Silly! You are my uncle! Of course you are invited!” - Yesung was getting nervous - “Cmon! You are invited! And If you weren’t, I’m inviting you now!” 


“Too late, I don’t wanna go” - Heechul looked away - “Have fun with your perfect birthday” 


“How can it be perfect if you—“ 


“Yesung” - Leeteuk urged - “Lets Stop here. He won’t listen now” 


“Teuk... you are coming to my party, right?” - Yesung hugged the babysitter - “I know I didn’t send you an invitation but... you are coming right?” 


Leeteuk hugged the kid tightly. 


“Sweetheart... I am the babysitter...” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “my job is to look after all of you and—“ 


“Forget that” - Heechul interrupted - “I will take care of the younger boys. You go to the perfect party and make sure those three return in one piece” 




“Mom And dad are going with you” - Heechul shuddered - “There is nothing to be scared of” 


“At least let me take Henry with us” - Leeteuk felt unsure leaving all those kids under Heechul’s supervision- “Please” 


“I don’t know if he is invited” - Heechul replied bitterly


“He is” - Yesung hurried to help - “I don’t care having Henry around” 


“Oh? So Henry is fine but the other five are not?” 


“Heechul stop” - Leeteuk warned - “I will take Henry with us and make sure these four have a great time. You make sure of taking care of the other boys” 


“Sure” - Heechul was obviously in a bad mood - “Bye ‘perfect’ team” 



“He is not going to forgive me, uhm?” - Yesung leaned on Leeteuk’s shoulder while the grandfather drove - “Uncle was clearly upset” 


“Try to ignore him” - Leeteuk sighed - “This is just a temper tantrum” 


“Are you sure?” - Kangin was also worried - “I wonder if he is going to be alright” 



“UWAAAAA! PARTY! “ - The triplets  kept crying after their brothers left - “UHUUUU! DADDY! DADDY!” 


“It’s alright~ we are going to have fun by ourselves” - Heechul kissed the three of them as they sat on his lap - “We dont need them” 


The twins were too young to understand why they were left out of the birthday party, but they didn’t care at all. They were in their own world playing with everything they could as their siblings weren’t around to stop them. 


“Thats Yesung’s puzzle” - Heechul warned the twins - “You are not supposed to touch that” 


“Yeye no hewe” - Ryeowook giggled - “Mine” 


“No, it’s not” - Heechul found funny how the little toddler had this fixation for Yesung’s puzzles - “Those aren’t suited for toddlers” 


“Wookie big” - Ryeowook sat on the floor as he scattered all the puzzle’s pieces - “No ‘om nom’ “ 


“I know you are not going to eat them, but still, I don’t think Yesung would like to know you touched his toys” - Heechul was now retrieving the pieces while Ryeowook puffed his cheeks - “What are you going to do if you lose one of these?” 


“Cwy” - Ryeowook replied cheeky


“That’s not a solution” - Heechul was about to laugh when one of the triplets pointed at Kyuhyun who was now having an accident - “But it could work...” 


As Heechul feared, many of the puzzle’s pieces got ruined thanks to Kyuhyun’s accident. He was tossing them away after cleaning most of the mess when he realized Yesung had a point. He always acknowledged that, but it hurt. He knew from the beginning Yesung was right when he said the younger boys often ruined stuff.


He was still daydreaming when he heard a crash. 


“Ouch!” - Donghae was crying as he held his head - “DADDY! HAE HURT!” 


“You bumped your head again” - Heechul smiled a bit - “You are always so clumsy” 


“Broke...” - Sungmin sulked as he pointed at the stuff his twin had broken - “No good” 


“Yeah...” - Heechul sighed - “This is one of the reasons of why you guys didn’t get invited to Yesung’s party” 


The triplets looked down. They all had gloomy faces. 


“And that’s why, we need to work harder” - Heechul smiled a bit - “Are you ready to become good little brothers?” 


“UNG!” - The triplets cheered 


“Yay!” - Kyuhyun was bouncing excited. If it was about ‘little’ then they must had been talking about him. 



“Yesung is having fun” - Leeteuk observed the cute boy playing with his friends - “He is having a great time. Sadly, Heechul isn’t here to see it” 


“Lets send him a video” - The old lady had been recording the party since the beginning- “He will love it” 


“Nah... he doesn’t deserve to enjoy it” - Leeteuk was still mad at the parent - “I still can’t believe he Can be so stubborn” 


“Are you upset, sweetheart?” - The old lady smiled sweetly- “Dont think so hard about it. Heechul is just hurt because Yesung didn’t want his little brothers to come” 


“Yeah but that’s normal” 


“I know” - The old lady nodded - “Its just that as a parent, it’s not easy to see your kids getting discriminated... especially by one of your own” 


“You have experienced this” - Leeteuk realized 


“You got me” - The old lady laughed - “Those three were nice but still, siblings are siblings. Gunhee and Heechul loved each other but that doesn’t mean they both didn’t do stuff that bothered the other. Not to mention how they treated Donghee for being the youngest” 


“I guess it must had been fun to see those three growing up” - Leeteuk smiled - “I bet Heechul was cute. The kids take after him and the kids are kinda cute so...” 


“He is still cute, don’t you think?” - The old lady teased- “ Maybe I’m blind because he is my son, but I think he is cutie” 


“Could be” - Leeteuk felt better as he chatted - “He is sweet and caring most of the time. I think I have never seem him like this... he was hurt by Yesung’s words and instead of being an adult, he behaved like a baby. He went as far as trying to hurt Yesung by not coming to his birthday” 


“Teaching his son a lesson in the wrong way” - The old lady nodded - “Kim Heechul’s parenting never stops amusing me. He is great at it most of the time, after all, it’s not like you get a book called ‘parenting 101’ when your kid is born” 


“I guess I judged him for what he did but I couldn’t understand the reason behind it” - Leeteuk admitted - “It’s not like I will forgive him easily, but at least I know he must be truly sorry right now” 



“ YEAAAAH ! I WON AGAIN!” - Heechul was doing his victory dance after getting a high score - “OH YEAH! OH YEAH!” 


He was in a crazy place he knew Leeteuk wouldn’t approve. One of those indoor playgrounds designed for kids of all ages. Heechul had just decided to build one of those after Christmas thinking of a place where he could take his kids to play during holidays. It wasn’t still inaugurated, but he thought it would be fun trying it out before it was open to the public. 


“YAYYYY!” - the twins were immersed playing in the huge ball pool 


“CATCH ME!” - Eunhyuk was driving at full speed in one kart followed by his twins 


“WOAH!” - Donghae crashed again with his red kart - “Sorry!” 


“Please~ be careful~” - Sungmin was driving fast but with care - “Dont get in the way~~~” 


Usually, karts would go inside a special designed place for them but Heechul had just decided to let the boys have fun around the whole place. After all, they were the only people there so they wouldn’t hurt anyone else. He had dressed the kids properly for the event: they were all wearing helmets. 


“Whatz diz?” - Kyuhyun was trying to carry a heavy bowling ball - “Heavy” 


“Yeah, That’s heavy” - Heechul giggled - “I Will show you how it’s done! Watch this!”


Kyuhyun was beyond amused when he found out Heechul was strong enough to throw that ball and hit all the pins at once. Heechul was skilled when it came to games. He loved those. 


Ryeowook’s curiosity knew no limits. The boy was exploring all the place calmly avoiding the crazy drivers all he could. He was mesmerized by the colourful tiles on the floor, the ones that made sounds when he stepped on them and a few things more. He tried to figure out by himself how most of the games worked. 


“Hey Kids! Wanna try sugar cotton?!” - Heechul shouted - “If you want to try it say yes!” 


“YEEEEEEEEES!” - all the kids chirped as they ran back to their dad. 



Heechul couldn’t avoid smiling seeing his kids with those big fluffy sugar clouds. They seemed happy. He decided to take several pictures as they looked so cute. He found funny how Ryeowook seemed so small compared to the big cotton candy. 


“Oh no!” - Eunhyuk cried when his candy fell - “No no no” 


“Here” - Sungmin offered his - “Take Mine” 


“You can take mine too!” - Donghae offered as well 


“Hewe!” - the twins also offered theirs 


“You are all so sweet” - Heechul smiled pleased - “You all know that family is always first, right?” 




“Dada~ you too” - Kyuhyun was giving Heechul a big piece of his cotton candy - “Ah~~” 



“Heechul must be truly bored at home” - Leeteuk stretched - “I Hope he is in a better mood” 


“He is going to miss this amazing cake” - Kangin folded his arms - “Its so tasty” 


“It would be nice if you stopped poking it” - Leeteuk giggled - “Yesung will get mad if he finds out about it” 


“Why would he? He also poked it” - Kangin was now stealing a few gummies from the decoration - “Its not like he doesn’t do that stuff” 


“Oh~ I haven’t realized it” - Leeteuk smiled - “I guess I’m used to chase the triplets when it comes to this” 


“If the triplets were here, they would have ruined the cake long ago” - Kangin scoffed - “Same goes for the twins! They don’t know how to behave because they are still little” 


“That’s not true at all” - Leeteuk pouted - “They always try their best. They are naughty but they behave when needed” 



“Lets have a bath and then a nap” - Heechul was getting playful again - “You are all sweaty and smell like monkeys” 


“Monkeys!” - Eunhyuk loved that idea - “Uh ee uuuh!” 


“Teuk can’t find out about our little secret ok?” - Heechul whispered to the kids - “If he learns we had fun, he is going to pester me about not going to Yesung’s birthday” 


“Why?” - Donghae tilted his head 


“Because... ehm... I was supposed to go, I guess” - Heechul didn’t think a toddler’s question would hit him so hard 


“You sad?” - Donghae pouted - “Yeye’s birthday... Daddy no go...” 


“I’m fine” - Heechul tried - “I didn’t go because I didn’t feel right” 


“Sick?” - Sungmin climbed his dad - “Papa, you ok?” 


“I guess my heart was hurt” - Heechul admitted - “I didn’t feel well so I decided I wouldn’t go” 


“Yeye sad?” - Sungmin puffed his cheeks softly- “Papa~ go party~” 


“I can’t” - Heechul hugged the boys - “Who will take care of you if I go now?” 


“Umm” - The boys seemed confused 


“Lets just have a bath, ok?” - Heechul smiled - “After that, I will read you all the books you want before nap time” 


Ryeowook was carrying a heavy encyclopedia. 


“Excepting that one” 



Yesung was blowing the candles. They had to sing and cut the cake early since Yesung’s friends had to leave. Leeteuk was thankful for the fact they boys showed up at the party but felt a little sad since he thought Yesung could be disappointed since his birthday party didn’t last too long. However, Yesung was utterly happy. He waved goodbye to his friends when their parents showed up to pick them and then returned to Leeteuk’s side. 


“Thanks” - Yesung hugged the babysitter - “I had fun today” 


“It’s still quite early” - Leeteuk looked around - “Do you want to play here some more? I’m pretty much sure your uncle rented this place for the whole day” 


“THIS IS AMAZING!” - Siwon was having a blast 


“You won’t believe me” - Yesung smiled - “But I miss them” 




“The babies” - Yesung said as he pinched Henry’s cheeks - “They are my babies” 


“I’m not sure if Ryeowook would like to know that you call him ‘baby’ “ 


“He is my baby” - Yesung smiled widely - “He is always going to be a baby for me” 


“Even when he turns 18?” 





The babysitter opened the mansion’s door ready to find a sulky Heechul lying on the couch while five boys took over the place. He didn’t find that. Instead, he found what it looked like a birthday party.


“Whats This?” - Yesung asked amused - “I told you I—“


“You can say whatever you want, but I’m your D-A-D and I wanted you to have a family birthday party” - Heechul seemed exhausted. He probably worked hard for it - “Please... forgive me?” 


“I can’t” - Yesung tilted his head - “How I am supposed to forgive you if I never got mad at you? I missed you today, but I had a great day with my friends” 


“I guess I just...” - Heechul scratched his head. He wasn’t sure of what to do next - “Ehmmm” 


“Huuuuug!” - The triplets pushed Heechul next to Yesung - “Hug! Hug! Hug!”


Heechul looked at Yesung with nervousness. The boy smiled sweetly and opened his arms widely. 


“I love you, uncle” - Yesung hugged Heechul - “Thanks for everything! This had been a very good day!” 


“And it’s only going to get better” - Leeteuk smiled as the twins tried to carry a heavy gift - “I think those two need help” 


“Wookie big!” 


“Kyu ztwong! No help!” 


“Is that for me?” - Yesung clenched to be the same size that his silly brothers - “Did you buy me a present?” 




“They ruined one of your puzzles, so” - Heechul sighed - “We had to fix it” 


“Sowy” - the boys apologized cutely 


“It’s alright~ I’m guessing it was an accident~” - Yesung ruffled the boys’s hairs - “Lets have fun together, ok?” 




“Mmm ” - Yesung spotted the cute triplets hiding behind Heechul’s legs- “Come here~ I’m not angry, come here” 


The triplets doubted for a moment, but they smiled and ran to their brother as soon as they noticed the older boy was smiling. 


“It’s not like I don’t love you” - Yesung explained - “It’s just that sometimes I need time for myself. I need space” 


The happy trio was hugging Yesung really tight. Ryeowook was already trying to figure out a way of opening the puzzle’s box. Leeteuk ended taking away the box against the young boy’s will. 


“It’s not yours” - Leeteuk scolded - “Also, you already ruined one” 


“No my fauw’ !” - Ryeowook protested as he pointed at Kyuhyun - “Kyunnie!” 


Kyuhyun seemed about to cry.


“It’s ok” - Yesung approached Leeteuk - “Just let Ryeowook have it” 


“Pwease” - Ryeowook pulled Leeteuk’s shirt as he looked at the babysitter with sparkling eyes - “Wookie good. Pwomise” 


“You don’t have limits, do you?” 




All the family laughed. 



Leeteuk was pleased as the next few days were better for everyone. The kids were doing great at school, no one was sick, the pets were fine, Heechul was in a good mood, the grandparents finally moved  to the neighbourhood and were five minutes away from their crazy son and grandkids... Everything was going so well Leeteuk wasn’t surprised when his peace got disrupted again. A week without events wasn’t a normal one when you were raising 9 kids and Kim Heechul. 


“He asked me to go away” - Heechul pointed at Yesung - “HE TRULY DID SO” 


“He was taking too much pictures and I was getting distracted” - Yesung defended from the accusations- “I told him to be quiet but he was making a fuss in the public” 


“I was proud of my boy!” 


“You were annoying!” - Yesung hissed 


“Take that back!” - Heechul squeezed Yesung’s cheeks - “You know you love me!” 


“I love you but sometimes...!” - Yesung took some air - “Sometimes you suffocate me” 


“What does that mean?” - Heechul tilted his head - “I’m your dad! I’m supposed to be like that!” 


“Yeah I know” - Yesung sighed and looked at Leeteuk for help - “But I also would like to have some freedom. I mean, there is no need for you to keep taking me to school. I’m already eight” 


“We discussed this earlier” - Heechul tilted his head - “I won’t let you go by yourself until you are ten” 


“What about practices? There is no need for you to stay there the whole time” - Yesung tried again - “Lately, you have been looking for any excuse to stay there” 


“That’s just because I love you” 


Yesung rolled his eyes. He didn’t want to discuss anymore so he just smiled and went to his room. 




“I know, I know!” - Heechul pouted - “Anyway, I took this cute pic—“ 


“This is not about Yesung, right?” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “You have been extremely quiet the past few days” 


“I feel lonely” - Heechul admitted - “I don’t know why but Yesung resembles Gunhee the most out of them. He is starting to look more like him nowadays. He even shares some of his traits and... that’s just...” 


“He is not Gunhee” - Leeteuk smiled softly - “I understand you want to spend more time around him since he makes you feel better but... He is getting annoyed” 


“Siwon is the perfect mix between Gunhee and Hani. Its exactly what you would  expect from a kid of those two” - Heechul sat on the couch with a happy face - “Donghae... that brat looks like Hani” 


“I believe Sungmin and Ryeowook resembles you the most” - Leeteuk pinched Heechul’s cheek - “I just can’t decide about Kyuhyun” 


“Gunhee” - Heechul giggled - “He is like Gunhee and me getting mixed” 


Leeteuk was still laughing when the twins ran to them with troubled faces. 


“What’s wrong?” - Heechul asked first - “You look worried” 


“GO PWAY T’DAY!” - Ryeowook pulled Heechul’s sleeve as he showed him the small plastic clock Leeteuk was using for teaching him the time - “IZ TIME” 


“Today? Aw sweetie! I forgot” - Heechul scratched his head - “I went to Yesung’s game and forgot I promised you I would take you to your special class” 


“Pwomise” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks sadly - “Dada pwomise” 


“I know” 


“T’day Wookie pways w’ fwiends” - Ryeowook sulked - “Wookie zad” 


“Wookie home” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “Pwease, dada” 


“So, one of them wants to leave the house and the other one wants to stop it” - Leeteuk worried as Kyuhyun was begging Heechul to not take his brother away - “Maybe we should listen Kyuhyun” 


“Pweaaaaaase” - Ryeowook rubbed his face against Heechul’s leg 


“Dada... Kyuuuu~ Pweaaaaase” - Kyuhyun was kissing Heechul’s cheeks. 


Both twins were using their best tricks to get what they wanted. 


In the end, Heechul ended asking his mom to take care of the other children while he and Leeteuk went out with the twins. Ryeowook often got bored inside the house so Heechul knew the boy wouldn’t protest about going out even if it wasn’t for his special meetings with other children like him. Kyuhyun just wanted Ryeowook to stay next to him. 


“Problem solved” - Heechul teased as He and Leeteuk watched over the boys - “They look so cute together” 


“Sure” - Leeteuk smiled seeing the twins having a conversation- “You did a great job, Solomon” 


“I’m a king now” - Heechul laughed full of naughtiness- “And those are—“ 


“Two little rascals” - Leeteuk stood up quickly as he went to scold the two happy kids that just had a great (not so great) idea - “HEY” 


“Kyu poop” - Ryeowook pointed at the grass still amused by his twin’s idea 


“That’s a no no!” - Leeteuk wanted to cry and laugh at the same time - “Come here, I need to wipe you” 


“What did you do now?” - Heechul pulled Ryeowook’s ear while Leeteuk cleaned Kyuhyun- “You are not supposed to poop or relieve yourself here in the park. You will upset the ducks! You love ducks!” 


“No Wookie” - Ryeowook giggled - “Kyu” 


“Yeah I know your brother did it, but I’m pretty much sure you didn’t oppose” - Heechul wanted to laugh so badly... but Leeteuk would scold him - “Next time, you should ‘teach’ Kyuhyun and tell him it’s not a good idea. You are the big brother remember? You are in charge of helping Kyu” 


Ryeowook’s eyes sparkled. He truly liked getting called big brother. 


“Well, I guess that our little outing is over thanks to our new ecologist” - Heechul pulled Kyuhyun’s ear - “You two sure love to give me troubles” 


Heechul was utterly confused when he found himself surrounded by angry children that looked at him with cold eyes. 


“How could you” - Yesung folded his arms and shook his head - “I didn’t expect that” 


“You are a traitor” - Kangin pouted - “I thought you loved us” 


“Uncle... is that true? Do you have a girlfriend too?” - Siwon asked with watery eyes - “Are you going to marry?” 


“What are you... saying...?” - Heechul felt his head spinning - “I-I don’t have...”  


“Aaaah?” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “Kids, I’m pretty much sure this is a misunderstanding” 


“Yeah it is” - Heechul sighed - “I don’t have a girlfriend at the moment” 


“AT THE MOMENT?!” - Yesung and Kangin repeated scared - “What does that mean?”


“Well, that maybe in the future... I could have one, I guess” - Heechul was just being honest. Maybe too honest. 


“Why?” - Kangin made a disgusted face - “We dont need a mom, ya know. We are fine with you and Teuk” 


“I...” - Heechul wasn’t sure of how to explain to the kids that having a girlfriend was more than just finding a mom for them - “I guess we should have this discussion when I actually find one” 


“Are you looking for one?” - Yesung asked bitterly - “Seriously?”


“It’s not like I want to get married right now, Yesung” - Heechul pouted - “But sometimes, you find love when you less expect it” 


“That’s it” - Yesung shook his head and walked away - “I want a divorce” 


“From who?” - Leeteuk asked amused 


“From uncle” - Yesung replied before running away 


“You cant divorce your father!” - Heechul protested - “IM YOUR FATHER” 


“I DONT CARE!” - Yesung slammed the door 


“Geez, he inherited your bad temper” - Leeteuk teased - “Anyway, why would they think you had a girlfriend?” 


“He got those stupid chocolates” - Kangin folded his arms - “They came with a letter asking him to be his boyfriend” 


“Ah” - Heechul laughed - “Those are not mine, silly. Those Are Ryeowook’s” 


“UH?” - Kyuhyun looked at his twin shocked 


“An older girl fell in love with him” - Heechul giggled - “She is around Siwon’s age but she finds Ryeowook cute and says she wants to marry him in the future” 


Kyuhyun was getting jealous of the unknown girl. Ryeowook seemed to not care about the issue. He found the girl nice and he liked the idea of playing with an older kid , but he was too young to be interested in being a couple. 


“Oh my ” - Leeteuk found funny the whole situation- “It looks like Ryeowook’s love life is better than ours” 


“You don’t say” - Heechul sat on the floor defeated as the triplets asked him for marriage - “I just learned my kids want me to be single forever” 


“Kyu mawy Wookie” - Kyuhyun was holding hands with Ryeowook in a possessive way - “Love you~” 


“You cant marry your brother” - Heechul warned - “That’s just... ew” 


“KISS!” - The triplets wanted to force a kiss between the twins 


“KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS” - Robin got excited repeating the word 


Kyuhyun was willing to kiss Ryeowook but the boy wiped his mouth disgusted. 


“NUH!” - Ryeowook ran to hide using Heechul as a shield - “No kiss!” 


“He is saving himself for his girlfriend, Kyu” - Heechul teased 


Kyuhyun sat on the floor and cried. 


“You are not helpful~” - Leeteuk pulled Heechul’s ear - “He is having a hard time and you are making it worse” 


“Teuk” - Heechul looked at the babysitter with big eyes - “Would you marry me?” 


“Ah?” - Leeteuk blushed thanks to the random question 


“I would approve that” - Kangin nodded - “Teuk can be our new mom” 


“But he is not girl” - Siwon was confused 


Leeteuk was chasing after Heechul. 




“You don’t look nice!” - Heechul was now scared - “You just want to kill me!” 


“Grandma, is uncle marrying?” - Siwon asked the old lady - “He asked Uncle Teuk for marriage” 


“Oh sweetheart” - The old lady found it amusing - “I’m sure he was just joking, but if they did, I would pity Teuk” 




Hi~ love you all! I had been busy with homework >_< I hope everyone is having a great time.

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it