A new challenge

Junior Quest

Everything started during the triplets birthday. When Donghee and Mina appeared only with one of his sons, Heechul feared for the worst. 


“Why you punished them this time?” - Heechul sulked - “Today is their cousins’s birthday... Cant you make a exception?”


“They are not grounded~” - Mina giggled - “I’m so sorry but our kids aren’t home right now. Hangeng and Kibum went to a summer camp~ They will be out for two weeks” 


“TWO WEEKS?” - Heechul widened his eyes - “Isn’t That a lot of time? I mean, aren’t you worried?” 


“A lot” - Mina smiled - “I know they are safe and they are having fun but I can’t help it. But I won’t lie to you, these two weeks are such a relief somehow... Having all kids at home while being pregnant...” 


“Not to mention Zhoumi still need us more than ever” - Donghee added - “And I will have to undergo therapy in a few days” 


“Wow, That was fast” - Heechul scratched his head - “Therapy? You mean...” 


“Chemotherapy” - Donghee smiled sweetly- “There is nothing to worry about. People have it all time” 


“Of course I worry silly” - Heechul’s eyes turned watery 


“Hey, you are not supposed to get sad today” - Mina pinched Heechul in a playful way - “Its your kids birthday. Cheer up!”


“Auntie! uncle!” - Yesung hugged them - “Im glad you came” 


“Oh how sweet! But why are you covering your mouth?” - Mina worried - “Does it hurt?”


“Uh... no” 


“He is afraid you will laugh” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “He is missing all four front teeth. How? Don’t ask me. I’m not a dentist but aren’t the adult teeth supposed to grow now?” 


“Well, it doesn’t work like that all time” - Mina checked on the boy against his will - “See those white bumpy things? Those are his adult teeth trying to erupt. My guess is that they needed a lot of space to grow” 


“Are they going to take long?” - Yesung asked scared 


“I don’t know” - Mina sighed - “Hangeng had the complete opposite. He didn’t lose his baby teeth on time and the adult tooth erupted. As a result, we needed to take him to the dentist to pull out his baby teeth and make some room for the new tooth before it turned wrong ” 


“Sounds painful” - Yesung got scared 


“The condition is called ‘Shark Tooth’ “ - Donghee whispered to Heechul- “Hangeng cried a lot when the dentist pulled his teeth out. Don’t tell him I told you” 


“But it isn’t weird Yesung still has no adult teeth out?” - Heechul whispered back - “Not Even one?” 


“Maybe you should take him to the dentist as well” - Mina And Donghee said at the same time 



“Taking him to a dentist?” - Leeteuk asked nervously- “Why? Did he get hit or something?” 


“N-no, not right now” - Heechul shook his head - “I mean, I’m not taking right now. In the future. Maybe a couple days” 


“Ah, you scared me” - Leeteuk held his chest - “I thought that it was an accident or something. I’m kinda nervous. Having too many kids running everywhere...” 


“It cant be helped the triplets are hella popular” - Heechul looked around and sighed - “I think the whole daycare came” 


“DADA DADA! WOOKIE WON ‘GAIN!” - Ryeowook chirped as he showed Heechul a new stuffed doll - “WOOKIE WON!”


“Oh boy , you should stop” - Heechul  sighed as he saw another kid getting flustered - “If you keep participating I’m afraid no one else is going to win—” 


Ryeowook held his doll and went away in a bad mood. Heechul bit his lips. 


“He is upset now” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “What to do... how do I solve this? It’s unfair to the other kids since Ryeowook gets all questions right...” 


“Yes, Its unfair” - Leeteuk sulked - “I lost to him two minutes ago. Henry is still crying over that doll” 


“You... lost to him?” - Heechul wanted to laugh 


“Having Ryeowook compete against normal children is not fair” - Leeteuk sighed - “Yet, he has all rights to participate in the game. And he earned all those toys by himself without cheating. I don’t know what to do about him” 


“Should I talk to him?” - Heechul felt uneasy about the situation - “I thought he wouldn’t dare to get close to the clown. He is often afraid of those”


“Well, apparently his greed is bigger than his fears” - Leeteuk pouted 


“Ask the clown to make easy questions so every kid gets the toy they want” - Heechul whispered - “I will distract Ryeowook” 


“Hey~ Look Who is here~” - The old man was sitting next to the upset toddler - “Dada came to play with you” 


“Wookie no pwayin’ wi dada” - Ryeowook sulked. He tried to ignore Heechul- “Go way” 


“Sorry Dad” - Heechul sat on the bench - “Would you give us some time alone? I think we need to have a talk” 


“Good luck” - the old man whispered amused 


“Wook” - Heechul tried his best - “wook, come on, look at me please”


Ryeowook turned to his dad. His eyes were filled with tears. 


“You know we have many dolls at home right? And that daddy has a big company that makes toys, right?” - Heechul knew he wasn’t going to win this time... but he had to try - “You know you can have all toys you want” 


“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded softly 


“I know you like to play that game” - Heechul bit his lips and made a pause - “and I know you like to win” 


“Wookie no cheat” - Ryeowook whined 


“I know, I know” - Heechul felt sad - “It’s just that you are too smart and you keep winning non stop~ The other kids are getting sad because they can’t win” 


“Wookie wanna pway too” - Ryeowook sulked- “Pwease” 


“Let’s make a deal. You can’t play all rounds, ok?” 


“Why?” - Ryeowook asked hurt 


“Because...” - Heechul’s heart broke. It was actually stupid. If Ryeowook wanted to play and win, he had all rights to do it. It wasn’t his fault the others weren’t as smart as him. 


Ryeowook stared at his dad with sad eyes: he understood why. He just wanted to make sure. 


“Ryeowook, Baby...” - Heechul had no words - “It’s ok” 


“Why Wookie diffewen’ ?” - Ryeowook sulked - “Fwiendz zai’d Wookie weiwd” 


Heechul’s heart broke again. It was true, lately, some kids at daycare had started to get flustered of having Ryeowook as a classmate. Older kids even went as far as calling him ‘weirdo’. 


“Ryeowook is not weird” - Heechul hugged the kid - “Ryeowook is my son. My cute baby” 


Ryeowook finally smiled. 


“I won diz” - Ryeowook showed Heechul the stuffed doll he was holding - “Ukwee lost” 


Heechul smiled a bit. Ryeowook was still too young to understand the world he lived in. 


“Do you want to help dada?” - Heechul Carried the toddler - “Birthday parties are so stressful...” 


“Nuh, fun” - Ryeowook leaned on his dad 




“Look at all gifts they gave us!” - Eunhyuk was having a great time unwrapping gifts - “We have so many new toys!” 


“I got another lego!” - Donghae chirped as he finished unwrapping one big box - “What did you get, Minnie?” 


“Uhm... this looks like a puzzle” - Sungmin smiled - “It’s huge” 


“Boys, boys, boys” - Heechul the lights - “Its midnight” 


The silly trio in cute pajamas stared at their dad. They were wide awake after such a fun birthday party. 


“What’s wrong?” - Leeteuk yawned - “Is someone sick? Does your tummy hurt?” 


“No” - the triplets pouted 


“They are just hyperactive” - Heechul sighed - “Its time to sleep, boys” 


“Ung~” - Donghae giggled softly 


“Dad, look” - Eunhyuk was holding a plastic lizard - “It sticks on the walls” 


“We got a new book” - Sungmin crawled on his bed - “Can you read it for us?” 


“If I read you one story you promise you will go to sleep?” - Heechul tried - “All of you” 


Eunhyuk and Donghae also got in their beds. Leeteuk laughed. 


“Then, I will go back to bed” - Leeteuk waved goodbye - “Wake me up if one of the kids is sick” 



Leeteuk woke up earlier than usual. He went to Heechul’s room to make sure the younger boys were doing fine only to find Heechul wasn’t there. 


“Is he in the toilet?” - Leeteuk sat on the bed. Ryeowook and Kyuhyun were curling together. Their toddler bed was full of plushies - “You sure did well yesterday” 


Leeteuk waited for a minutes before knowing on the restroom’s door. 


“Oh... he is not here either” - Leeteuk tilted his head - “could it be...?” 


Heechul fell asleep in the triplets room. Leeteuk found it cute. 


“Daddy fell asleep here” - Donghae whispered to the babysitter - “He is tired” 


“Ugh... my mouth feels weird...” - Eunhyuk whined - “It hurts” 


“Uh? Your mouth?” - Leeteuk worried - “Where?” 


“Here” - Eunhyuk touched one of his molars- “It hurts...” 


“Maybe you got a cavity” - Leeteuk sighed - “It makes sense after all that candy” 


“What? No...” - Sungmin covered his mouth - “We brushed our teeth” 


“Uhum, Daddy said that if we brushed our teeth cavities no appear” - Eunhyuk explained - “I brushed my teeth  and washed my mouth” 


“I’m not saying you didn’t” - Leeteuk rubbed Eunhyuk’s cheek - “But sometimes, even if we brush our teeth, cavities appear” 


“I’m scared” - Sungmin covered himself using his blanket - “No dentist please” 


“ARE WE GOING TO THE DENTIST?!” - Donghae squeaked 


Heechul woke up abruptly thanks to Donghae. He was confused at first. 


“Are you taking us to the dentist, daddy?” - Donghae kept asking non stop - “Hae was good. Hae brushed his teeth...” 


“Whats wrong with him?” - Heechul asked amused- “Why is suddenly so scared about it?” 


“Because Eunhyuk’s teeth is hurt” - Leeteuk explained - “And I said that maybe he had a cavity” 


“Really? Let me see” - Heechul tried - “Uhmmm... I don’t see it but a trip to the dentist won’t hurt—“


“WAAAAAH! NO WANNA GOOOO!” - Eunhyuk ran away scared 


“I don’t wanna go to the dentist...” - Donghae cried 


Sungmin just sulked. 


“They truly hate the dentist” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “I think they take after you” 


“You don’t say” - Heechul sighed - “Today is Sunday. I will take them tomorrow” 


“You should take them all” - Leeteuk stretched - “I will help you with them” 



Heechul found himself calm. His three older sons were used to the dentist and therefore, no crying was needed. 


“Yesung’s teeth are fine” - the dentist smiled pleased - “His permanent teeth are coming in soon. They probably just needed more space and that’s why he lost two—“


“wait wait wait” - Yesung interrupted - “Why would they need more space? I mean, I had already lost the ones they will replace” 


“But permanent teeth are wider and bigger than milk ones” - the doctor explained - “Maybe the space you had wasn’t enough for them” 


“So... my teeth are going to be big?” - Yesung worried - “I don’t want to look like a beaver!” 


“Beaver! Beaver!” - Kangin teased - “You are going to be a beaver!” 


“At least you won’t be Toothless anymore” - Heechul giggled 


“Heechul, he is really worried” - Leeteuk warned. Yesung was pale - “You should... you know” 


“80% of teeth is genetics” - The dentist explained - “Most of it takes after your father. If your father had good teeth there is high chance you also have good teeth” 


Yesung stared at Heechul. The man was clueless.


“We are so done” - Yesung shut his eyes and squeaked - “Grandma said you needed a good dentist” 


“Oh, But that was for a different reason” - Heechul smiled - “I was a naughty boy~ When I was five, I hit my mouth against the pool’s edge~ I lost my frontal teeth that day” 


Leeteuk and the dentist stared at Heechul horrified. They both seemed to be the thinking the same. Henry just laughed. 


“Oh~ Then the 80% thing must be real” - Kangin broke the silence - “I have lost many teeth when playing. I guess I do take after dad” 


It was truth. Three out of four teeth Kangin had lost, were thanks to the boy’s savage playing. Leeteuk often complained about it. Heechul seemed to be so used... now they knew why. 


Siwon did well this time. Even if he was afraid of the dentist’s check up he endured it well. Heechul thought he would have a hard time in a few hours but Henry made sure his dad didn’t leave that morning without blood pressure going up. 


“He... hates it” - Leeteuk was hugging the three older scared boys at the waiting room - “Poor of your dad” 


“Is Henry going to be ok?” - Siwon worried as Henry’s screaming was heard in the whole building- “He sounds in pain” 


“I’m so stressed” - Yesung was getting dizzy from nervousness- “Why do they have to check on Henry’s teeth now? I don’t like hearing him like that” 


“Cant we go home?” - Kangin was about to cry - “This is so scary” 


“Boys, you all have been scared of the dentist at some point” - Leeteuk tried - “It’s normal... I bet you all cried when you were Henry’s age”


“Actually... no” - Heechul was finally out. His hair was messy and his t shirt stained - “Yesung was calm. Kangin was a nuisance but he didn’t cry” 


“Did you come to our first dental appointment?” - Yesung’s eyes sparkled 


“Uhm... yeah, I did” - Heechul scratched his head - “Hani tricked me so I would come with her. Gunhee wasn’t different either. Those two often tricked me so I would help them with you” 


“Isn’t that nice?” - Yesung smiled pleased 


Heechul just sighed. Siwon tried to hug him but flinched. 


“You smell” - Siwon wrinkled his nose 


“Henry puked” - Heechul said disgusted - “on me” 


“Maybe he swallowed something he shouldn’t” - Leeteuk was holding the frightened toddler - “He looks so scared~ Poor Baby boy~” 


“Next time you are taking him” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “If for me, Henry won’t have any other dental check up until he is six and starts losing teeth” 


“Dont be mean” - Leeteuk pouted - “arent you glad to know they are all fine?” 



With the excuse of getting a shower, Heechul disappeared from Leeteuk’s sight for over an hour. The babysitter started to worry about his friend’s whereabouts when he remembered that Heechul often fell asleep at random places.


“Oh! You are awake” - Leeteuk smiled as he found Heechul on his computer - “I forgot you took the day for taking them to the appointment~ Don’t worry keep working, I just wanted to make sure you weren’t sleeping on the floor” 


“I’m not working” - Heechul scoffed - “I’m educating myself” 


“About what?” 


Heechul turned his computer. 


“Braces?” - Leeteuk tilted his head - “Are you planning on having those now? Your teeth look pretty good to me”


“Not for me, silly” - Heechul sighed - “Dentist told me Yesung could need those in the future. Apparently, his teeth are bigger than they should be considering his mouth’s size” 


“Uh oh” - Leeteuk worried - “is that bad?” 


“No big deal” - Heechul shook his head - “He will need orthodontic help but is not complicated” 


“Uh? What is that?” - Leeteuk pointed at the computer - “You were reading about...” 


“Summer camps? Maybe” - Heechul closed the laptop - “I just... Kangin mentioned he would like to go and... I have been considering it” 


“What made you change your mind?” - Leeteuk smiled amused - “I thought you didn’t like those” 


“I don’t know” - Heechul sighed - “When Mina said she sent her boys to one... I mean, she is not crazy” 


“Anyway...” - Leeteuk giggled - “Are you ready for this afternoon? You still have five to go~” 


“WE still have five to go” - Heechul glared - “You said you would help me, remember? Don’t think I will forget that” 




“Oh~ You are back” - The dentist teased as Heechul tried to cross the door with five scared boys that climbed his legs - “Hopefully these ones are calmer than Henry” 


“I don’t think I’m so lucky” - Heechul sulked


“Can you come with me?” - Leeteuk was trying to convince the twins - “Dada is busy~” 


“UWAAAAAAAH” - Kyuhyun cried loudly as soon as he realized Heechul went to other room - “DADA DADA!” 


Ryeowook was calmly singing a random song. Leeteuk wondered if they understood what Heechul meant when he explained to them about the dentist. 


At the other room, the triplets were refusing to lean on the high chair. Heechul tried bribing them with new toys (worked with Siwon) but the kids weren’t that easy to convince. 


“Who is going first?” - The dentist asked again. He found hilarious how the silly trio tried to hide behind their dad - “Who is a brave boy?” 


“Not me” - Eunhyuk sulked - “I’m coward” 


“I’m a coward too” - Donghae agreed 


“We are all cowards” - Sungmin gulped down - “We are not brave” 


Heechul rolled his eyes. He would have to decide. As expected, he chose Eunhyuk to go first. It was always like that when it came to medical appointments. Heechul preferred Eunhyuk going first since he was the one that got extremely frightened out of the three. 


Eunhyuk cried the whole time. He was completely annoyed by Heechul’s betrayal. Sungmin and Donghae, seemed in pain at first watching their brother suffer but soon realized it didn’t hurt. By the time Eunhyuk’s turn was over, Sungmin was raising his hand. 


“Are you the next one?” 


“Ung!” - Sungmin nodded - “My turn!” 


Donghae was still a little nervous but awaited calmly for his turn. Once Sungmin was done, Donghae climbed the chair by himself and opened his mouth. He had seen his siblings go for it, there was no reason for him to fear. 


“It doesn’t hurt” - Heechul whispered to the boy - “Relax” 


Eunhyuk was still wailing at the waiting room. He kept hitting his awful tantrum in front of his younger siblings. Kyuhyun was getting stressed. Ryeowook kept playing with his bee. 


“All done” - Heechul exited the room holding hands with Sungmin and Donghae - “Now those two” 


“Alright” - Leeteuk held Kyuhyun- “How old are you?” 


“Four!” - Sungmin chirped happily


“That means you are not babies anymore, right?” - Leeteuk tried - “That means you guys can play here while I go to help daddy and the twins, right?” 


“Yes, sir!” - Donghae did a funny expression - “We can play by ourselves!” 


“Eunhyuk, you promise me you won’t try anything stupid” - Heechul worried - “Please?” 


“I’m not gonna do anything stupid, daddy” - Eunhyuk wiped away his tears - “I will wait here with Minnie and Hae” 


“That’s my boy” - Heechul ruffled his hair - “I will buy you ice cream after this nightmare ends” 


“Strawberry ice cream” - Eunhyuk smiled 


Heechul feared that the twins were just like Henry. After all, their previous experience with the dentist was totally similar. 


“He has no clue” - Heechul sighed when Ryeowook climbed the high chair and laid down with his bee - “He thinks he came to take a nap” 


“Are you going to get a dental check up today?” - the dentist asked the cute toddler - “Are you going to show me your teeth?” 


Ryeowook doubted for a few seconds and then opened his mouth. Ryeowook allowed the dentist to check everything he wanted eventually making stops only to talk. Kyuhyun interrupted the procedure when he thought his twin was getting hurt. They only continued after the kid was sure his brother wasn’t in pain. 


“He is like a parrot” - Heechul found funny how Ryeowook made several questions to the dentist- “He never shuts up” 


“His teeth are all good~” - The dentist was helping Ryeowook to get down carefully - “He is such a good patient~” 


“Kyu, you are next” - Leeteuk whispered softly - “are you going to be a good patient too?” 


“Maybe” - Kyuhyun’s sassy response brought laughter 



Dental revision ended without a show. Leeteuk was sure Heechul was in a good mood since he took all kids to eat ice cream. Later that day, the babysitter went to pay a visit to his parents while Heechul stayed at home to rest. 


“Heechul sends his regards” - Leeteuk said as taught while holding a fruit basket- “He couldn’t come. He is exhausted” 


“I bet kids are draining him” - The old lady smiled pleased - “How did it go? Did they cry too much?” 


“Some of they did... sure” - Leeteuk giggled - “But everyone is alright so~ We are happy” 


“Oh, Teuk! You are here!” - the old man greeted him with a warm hug - “Did you come to chat? Is Heechul driving you crazy?” 


“All time” - Leeteuk teased - “But That’s not new” 


“So” - the old lady smiled widely - “Dont keep us waiting. Did it go well? Are they pretty?” 


“Uh?” - Leeteuk tilted his head - “Were you expecting something?” 


“The pictures” - The old man said amused - “We have been waiting for them since their birthday! We are so excited to see how they turned out” 


“The pictures” - Leeteuk repeated - “You mean the one the photographer took” 


“Uhum” - the old couple smiled full of excitement - “Heechul hired a photo studio for the triplets’s birthday, remember? He said he wanted better pictures this year” 


“Yeah, I remember that” - Leeteuk closed his eyes - “but I haven’t seen any pictures yet. In fact, I believe Heechul forgot to go look for them. Was it today?” 


“Yes” - the old man laughed a bit - “But coming from my son, It wouldn’t be weird if he forgot” 


“There is no big deal” - The old lady moved quickly- “We can go look for them. That way Heechul will feel obligated to come and pay me a visit” 


“Honey, you cant ‘kidnap’ the pictures” - The old man laughed - “But sounds like a good plan” 


“Why not?” - Leeteuk smiled as well. Heechul would kill him for sure, but it was worth the try. 



“THAT FREAKING TRAITOR” - Heechul pulled his hair - “He betrayed me!” 


“Teuk” - Yesung and Kangin laughed 


“Twaitow” - Ryeowook chirped. He loved that word 


“It’s us!” - the triplets chirped happily as they took Heechul’s phone away - “OUR BIRTHDAY!” 


“Hey Hey! Careful! That’s my phone!” - Heechul chased after the happy trio - “Don’t let it fall!” 


“Wow, Toothless sure came out well” - Kangin teased as he glanced at the phone 


“WHAT?! Let me see! Cmon! Please! I need to make sure it doesn’t look that bad!” 


“I’m still framing that picture” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “Even If you don’t like it” 


“You are mean” - Yesung suffered when he realized he had smiled for the picture Heechul mentioned - “Everyone is going to laugh...” 


“You are just missing some teeth, get over it” - Heechul scoffed - “I don’t get what’s the big deal” 


“Uh? Dad, you were checking for summer camps?” - Kangin smiled - “Look Yesung! He even took screenshot! He thought about it!” 


“Why?” - Yesung forgot about his teeth - “Are you going to send us to one?” 


“I was... ehm...” - Heechul bit his lips - “I was considering it, yeah” 


“HE SAID HE WAS CONSIDERING IT!” - Kangin jumped excited 


“OH MY GOD! WE ARE GOING TO A SUMMER CAMP!” - Yesung jumped too. 


Seeing Kangin excited over it was something. But the fact the quiet Yesung was also jumping around the living room made Heechul wonder if he should make up his mind. 


“Would you like going to a summer camp? Even if you are going to be away from me?” - Heechul asked carefully - “I wouldn’t be able to ‘rescue’ you from there. I mean, you would be in your own—“ 


“WE ARE GOING TO A SUMMER CAMP!” - the kids ran upstairs before Heechul could say anything else 


The parent was still thinking about his words when he spotted the triplets holding a suitcase. 


“What’s that for?” 


“We are going too!”


“Not in your wildest dreams” - Heechul took away the suitcase - “And dont go around messing with my stuff. Teuk will blame me for the mess if you leave my things everywhere” 


“We are ready!” - Yesung and Kangin had changed clothes and apparently, packed some of their stuff.


“You are not going anywhere” - Heechul rolled his eyes 


Mrs Jung laughed. 


“Awwww” - the kids complained 


“At least not today” - Heechul smiled a bit - “And I said I would consider it. I never said yes” 


“Fine” - the boys admitted defeat 


“But don’t unpack” - Heechul shouted after the kids reached their rooms - “Unless you are going to do it in a better way” 




“Make sure you have enough undies for a week!” - Heechul exclaimed - “I will go check on your suitcases in an hour~ Make sure to pack everything you need” 



“Why can’t we go?” 


The triplets were unamused with Heechul’s decision of sending their big brothers away while they had to stay home. 


“We are four now” - Eunhyuk showed the number using his fingers - “We are big boys too!” 


“Who said that being four meant you were big?” - Heechul scoffed 


“Uhm... you” - Sungmin folded his arms - “Papa said so” 


“Twue” - Ryeowook agreed 


“Ryeowook, stay out of this conversation” - Heechul warned the boy - “And dont side with them! You are supposed to help me!” 




“I promise we are going to be good” - Donghae was begging - “Hae will brush his teeth, go to bed, eat lunch...” 


“Kids, this is not... look, you are older now but you are not old enough for leaving this house like that” - Heechul felt his head hurt - “Do you understand?” 


The triplets exchanged looks and folded their arms. Heechul sighed. 




Leeteuk returned to the mansion right on time for dinner. For his surprise, kids were all in a good mood but Heechul kept sulking and muttering stuff he didn’t understand. 


“Are you still upset about the photos?” - Leeteuk felt guilty - “I brought some. Mom was just kidding, you know” 


“I lost...” - Heechul said in a low voice 


“What did you lose this time?” - Leeteuk looked around - “Keys, phone, papers...” 


“I Have lost” - Heechul’s eyes seemed empty - “I lost an argument” 


“Well, I guess it happens to all of us” - Leeteuk found funny how Heechul seemed so heartbroken- “Who did you this?” 


“I lost to the triplets...” - Heechul shook his head - “Eunhyuk that brat... he could be a lawyer” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk smiled - “That’s new. You often lose against Ryeowook” 


“Yeah but Ryeowook... Nevermind. I lost to the triplets and we made a deal” - Heechul shut his eyes - “I promised them that I would take them to work with me” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk seemed amused - “I think it would be good. They will see how hard working you are and maybe that would influence them!” 


“Teuk” - Heechul shook his head - “I’m not a good role model... I don’t want them to take after me at all...” 


“Nonsense! You are one of the smartest people I have met” - Leeteuk looked at Heechul with dreamy eyes - “and you are certainly a good person. I think that the kids learning from you at the company is perfect” 


“What if they don’t like my work?” - Heechul covered his face - “They think I spend all time playing with toys at the company. They are going to get bored when they see that I actually pass half of the time signing papers” 


“In That case, Eunhyuk can be a lawyer and Donghae... a mermaid” - Leeteuk shrank his shoulders - “Oh cmon! It’s going to be fun!” 


“If you say so...” - Heechul didn’t sound convinced at all 


“By the way, how come they won so easily against you?” - Leeteuk suspected the story had another part 


“I... I gave something to their brothers” - Heechul shuddered - “Something they couldn’t have. Eunhyuk told me I was being unfair and that I needed to ‘give’ them something in exchange” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk tilted his head - “What did you give the other boys?” 


“Freedom?” - Heechul doubted the answer - “I agreed to sending them to a summer camp” 


“WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?” - Leeteuk exclaimed 


“Teuk, please don’t get mad” - Heechul prepared for the worst. He even covered his head using a cushion.


“Oh no! No no no” - Leeteuk rushed upstairs- “I just... you should have told me earlier! There is so much to do! They are going to need help packing and... Gosh, I don’t think I’m ready! I’m gonna miss them so much... and Mom! I should call mom too!” 


Leeteuk ran upstairs at full speed. Heechul stayed on the same spot for a few seconds without reaction. Then he felt someone pulling his sleeve. 


“Yeah?” - Heechul stared at Siwon. He worried the kid would ask for something impossible - “Let me guess: you also want to go that summer camp... or maybe just going to the office...?” 


“Can I go to Jun’s place for a play date?” - Siwon asked cutely - “My friends from kinder are going to be there... His house is not far away” 


“I know what house is” - Heechul was actually surprised the boy’s request was so simple - “Are you sure that’s what you wanted to ask?” 


“Yeah...? Can I go? Pleeeeeeeaaaaaase” - Siwon pouted - “I promise I won’t give troubles to Jun’s mom!” 


“Sure” - Heechul ruffled the boy’s hair - “Just make sure of being nice to everyone” 


The kid hugged him tightly and then went away at full speed. Heechul sat on the couch dumbfounded. He found the folder where Leeteuk had put some of the birthday pictures. 


“They are so cute...” - Heechul smiled sweetly - “No wonder they get away with everything” 


“I don’t think they have done so much effort to convince you” - Heechul heard his mother - “I know for experience that your own children tend to be REALLY persuasive”


“Oh no these ones aren’t normal” - Heechul tried 


The old couple exchanged looks before laughing. The old man approached his son and whispered to his ear: 




Heechul placed a hand on his forehead when he heard Kyuhyun asking him for the pool. The toddler even changed his clothes himself. 


“Karma is such a ” - Heechul grinned his teeth as he observed the other twin running in his direction. 


Ryeowook bumped his head against Heechul’s chest and started nuzzling his face. The parent just sighed. 


“What do you want?” - Heechul pouted. He was sure his dad was right and that his kids were some kind of payback for all things he did to his parents - “I’m not taking you anywhe—“


“I luv you, dada~” - Ryeowook left out in such an innocent way Heechul’s heart melted 


“I love you too, my son” - Heechul’s stress disappeared thanks to Ryeowook’s words - “Lets get ready for din— OUCH YOU FREAKING—- Are you a crocodile? Look at my finger! I think even blood came out!”


“Wookie iz dino! Rawwwr!” - Ryeowook did weird sounds that in his mind, was the way a dinosaur sounded like 


“Get away from me, weirdo” - Heechul used his height to put some distance from the boy - “You truly bit me hard” 


“Nuh~ Kiss” - Ryeowook played cutely - “Wookie kizze’d dada” 


“That’s not a kiss” - Heechul hissed 


“Dino kiss” - Ryeowook explained 


“Dad! do we have a spare toothbrush?” - Yesung was running downstairs followed by his grandpa - “What happened to your finger?” 


“Don’t ask” - Heechul glared at Ryeowook who was now imitating a T. Rex


“Payback” - The old man whispered again 


“Karma... bwitch!” - Ryeowook chirped. He had learned that just minutes ago. 


“Who is a ?!” - Heechul heard his mother asking. The man just bit his lips and tried to think of a excuse for that. 




Did you miss me? I missed you~ How are you doing? ^^ Hope Everyone is having fun!

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it