Say it louder

Junior Quest

“I can’t live without him” 


Heechul nodded. He understood Mina’s heart the best. He understood the mother’s frustration as they could only wait outside. 


“I still don’t know what happened” - Mina held her chest - “I— I never thought... I was just... Zhoumi is so young! He doesn’t deserve this! Why is this happening?!” 


Heechul only gave her a sad look. He was in despair. He couldn’t get over the fact his youngest nephew had spent the last few hours in surgery and doctors refused to inform them about his condition. To make it worse, his brother haven’t fully recovered yet and couldn’t be there to support her wife. 



“Why are they staying with usssss?” - Eunhyuk asked a third time after getting ignored twice by his uncle and babysitter 


“Because” - Leeteuk took a deep sigh - “Their parents are busy” 


“Where is Mimi?” - Donghae tilted his head - “Is he in school?” 


“N-no” - Leeteuk felt his heart stopping - “He... why don’t you show Kibum your room? I’m sure your cousin will love playing with your toys” 


“Kibum doesn’t want to play” - Siwon yawned - “He keeps sulking because his mommy isn’t here” 


“I want Mimi to come” - Sungmin pulled Leeteuk’s shirt - “Lets go! Let’s go!”


“Minnie, is not like I don’t want him to come” - Leeteuk glanced at the older boys looking for help


“Come here” - Kangin rushed to gather the younger kids - “Lets play!”


Leeteuk sighed. He had been pretending everything was alright but he was dying inside. Last time Heechul called, he got some disturbing news about the boy’s condition. 


“He is not gonna die, right?” - Yesung took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes - “He is too young”


“I know” - Leeteuk wanted to cry - “But sometimes being young is not enough” 


“It was my fault” - Hangeng’s eyes were red from so much crying - “I was supposed to hold his hand but... but I let go and...” 


“It wasn’t your fault” - Leeteuk shook his head - “Hangeng, no one can blame you for it. Young kids are like that and accidents happen” 


“We always hold hands with dad” - Hangeng sulked - “But Since he is in the hospital and mom is busy... We started taking the scholar bus...” 


—————— [ a few hours before ] —————-


“Are you sleepy? We are almost there” - Hangeng ruffled his baby brother’s hair - “You are so cuteeeee!”


Zhoumi was so sleepy he was starting to doze off when suddenly he received a hit. 


“Hey!” - Hangeng scolded the other boy - “Why did you do that?”


“I don’t want him to drool over me” - Kibum folded his arms annoyed - “I don’t want him to lean on me” 


The youngest boy just pouted. Hangeng frowned. There was an awkward silence until the next stop. 


“Don’t forget your alpaca” - Hangeng smiled sweetly- “Mom said dad chose it for you~ He is gonna get sad if you lose it” 


“Ugh” - Kibum rolled his eyes 


Zhoumi hugged his stuffed friend. He was petting his plush when a teacher called their names. 


“That’s us” - Hangeng pinched Zhoumi’s cheeks - “We get off here~ Grandma is waiting for us~ Cmon!”


The kids were holding hands following their teacher. Zhoumi stumbled as he followed his older brother. He ended on the floor when Kibum pushed him to the side. 


“Move” - Kibum was obviously in a bad mood - “You are too slow” 


“That’s it! I’m telling mom!” - Hangeng raged - “You can’t just push my brother like that!” 


“IM YOUR BROTHER TOO!” - Kibum got rid of his older brother’s hold and ran across the street 


“HEY! COMEBACK HERE! DONT RUN! IS DANGEROUS!” - Hangeng followed him at full speed 


“KIDS!” - The teacher freaked out as she made sure Zhoumi was on the alley - “DONT RUN!”


“IM GONNA KILL YOU!” - Hangeng was chasing after Kibum at full speed - “YOU STUPID!” 


“YOU ARE THE STUPID ONE!” - Kibum was now on the ground trying to defend from his older brother’s fist 


“Kids kids kids!” - Their grandmother was trying to separate them - “Mimi hurry up and go inside the house!”


“Uh?” - Zhoumi looked around - “My friend...” 


The young kid spotted his stuffed friend lying in the middle of the street. It probably fell when his brother pushed him. Without thinking it twice, the young boy ran back to get hold of his fluffy companion. 


Suddenly, lights were too strong and then everything went dark for the boy. 


“OH MY GOD!” - A man apologized - “I didn’t see him coming! I tried to slow down but it was too late!”


“Zhoumi?” - Hangeng was still grabbing Kibum by his collar when he realized it - “Zhoumi?!”




“It was my fault” - Hangeng repeated - “I should had been looking after him... I promised mom I would take care of him” 


“Honey” - Leeteuk pitied the boy - “No one could have known” 


“He could d- die” - Hangeng held his chest - “What If he dies? Now I feel like that we shouldn’t have adopted him... he didn’t deserve this, he—“ 


“I wish they have never adopted him” - Kibum said coldly as he played on the floor with some of his cousins’s toys 


“What did you say?” - Hangeng shook his head - “This is all OUR fault. If you haven’t behaved like a baby, Mimi would be playing with us right now” 


“You were the one supposed to hold his hand” - Kibum grunted - “He is your baby brother” 


Leeteuk panicked. He could feel it: jealousy. Kibum’s middle child syndrome was getting out of control. 




“I should have never adopted him” - Mina said as Heechul offered her a sandwich - “Poor Baby. He is such a little angel... he doesn’t deserve—-“ 


“Mina” - Heechul made sure of stopping her - “Stop blaming yourself. This wasn’t your fault” 


“It is!” - The mother cried - “I was supposed to take care of him! To love him!” 


“Mina” - Heechul insisted - “You are a great mother. The kid is lucky to have you. I’m pretty much sure Zhoumi likes being your son” 


“And I love being his mother” - Mina bit her lips - “But Maybe I’m not that good. Maybe I’m not suited for the job” 


“You have three children” - Heechul sat next to her - “And this past weeks have been though for you and Donghee. You are under too much pressure. You should take a break” 


“I can’t” - Mina pulled her hair - “You said it yourself: three kids and a sick husband. I can’t just ‘take a break’. Also, Zhoumi will need me the most—-“ 


“Mina” - Heechul was already shivering- “Please” 


“Sorry... sometimes I forget you also get tired” - Mina apologized - “It’s just... Heechul, I will be honest with you: I’m scared of the future” 


“Me Too” - Heechul sighed - “But Right now, all we can do is to remain calm and wait. Let’s just talk ok? Maybe that way time will—“ 


“That day I did try to run away” 


“Excuse me?”


“You know... ‘that’ day” - Mina bit her lips - “I should have thanked you...” 


“W-why?” - Heechul shook his head - “Why are you telling me this?”





“Ding dong~ la la la la la~”  


It was pretty early in the morning and Kim Heechul was already humming an strange song as he waited next to the door. 


“Ding D—“ 


His third time ringing the bell didn’t end well. 


“I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME” - Mina raged - “Why are you here? Hangeng is at daycare you know! And Donghee isn’t here either! I don’t understand why—“


“I came to see you” - Heechul smiled in a silly way - “I brought you chocolates”


“Nice try” - Mina closed the door. Heechul sighed. 


“What on earth—-?”


“You are dealing with the master of tricks, young lady” - Heechul stuck out his tongue after he managed to unlock the door using a hair clip - “I used to get in so much troubles because of this~” 


“Heechul, honestly, I don’t think—“


“Oh? Were you packing?” - Heechul looked around the messy house - “I didn’t know you were going out. Donghee didn’t tell me about it” 


(He didn’t tell you because he doesn’t know about it) 


“Are you taking a plane?” - Heechul tilted his head innocently- “Do you need a ride? I can take you to the airport—“


“Heechul, I’m fine” - Mina tried to get rid of him again - “You should go back to whatever you were doing”


“Oh, I can’t” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “Gunhee and Hani are pissed and I think I should give them time for... you know... ‘cool down’ ?” 


“What did you do now?” - Mina couldn’t avoid asking. She was too curious and every single story related to his brother in law was pure gold - “Seriously, is not easy to upset Hani” 


“I have to disagree” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “Gunhee somehow manages to drive her crazy  everyday. I just hate when I get between couple arguments” 


“Do they fight?” - Mina asked full of curiosity 


“Sometimes?” - Heechul scratched his head - “I think is more like silly arguments and a few discussions based on differences” 


“What kind of differences?”


“You know... the same they have with me” - Heechul sat on the floor with his legs crossed - “We all have a different point of view when it comes to raising kids and... I should have stayed out when they asked me to...” 


Heechul grunted and shook his head. 


“I just can’t stand when Yesung cries and I hear them yelling. Today Hani got mad at him for not eating breakfast properly and I just thought that if I fed him something different I would help” - Heechul bit his lips - “Of course, I chose something he would like... and let’s say it turned out he wasn’t feeling that well but couldn’t reject something he liked that much” 


“And now the kid is sick and they are mad at you” - Mina scoffed - “You should have learned long ago that giving them what they want is not always the best for them”


“Yeah, I know” - Heechul sulked - “I just can’t help it. Hani called Gunhee and when I arrived at work, he was already mad at me” 


“So, basically, you got in troubles after trying to help and protect your nephew” - Mina couldn’t help but smile. He found Heechul cute despite being older than her - “And now you are here because you are running away from them” 


“That could be true but... At least I managed to reconcile those two! Now they both hate me~ but together! Like a couple!” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “I know raising kids is kinda stressful. Gunhee and Hani never fought that much until the kids were born... Yesung and Kangin are good kids, I swear, but they are young after all. They drive their parents crazy all day and that translates into arguments between those two” 


“I can relate” - Mina stared at the messy living room where she was packing minutes ago - “But you know? You don’t have to worry. Even if they fight, that doesn’t mean they don’t love each other anymore, it just means they are stressed. I think they are lucky to have you” 


“Really?” - Heechul scratched his head - “I didn’t expect hearing that from you” 


“Neither did I” - Mina giggled - “Cmon, help me unpack. I want to go grocery shopping before Hangeng comes out of daycare” 


“Unpack?” - Heechul was confused - “Weren’t you leaving?”


“No” - Mina shook her head - “I... I just realized I’m where I’m supposed to be. Cmon, let’s get going. If you don’t finish on time, I won’t cook for you” 


“Are you inviting me for lunch?” - Heechul raised both eyebrows - “For real?”


“Well, only if you want. I’m a great cook, you know? Your brother didn’t get chubby eating junk food” - Mina teased - “Also, you said those two were mad at you. I feel guilty sending you back home” 


“Is not like I have nowhere to go” - Heechul sulked - “It’s just... I don’t like being alone” 


“Hangeng needs a playmate” - Mina smiled - “I have been considering to get one but for the moment, you will be enough” 


“A puppy?” - Heechul tilted his head 


Mina laughed at Heechul’s innocence again. 




“You didn’t get that puppy” - Heechul pouted - “You got another child” 


“I never thanked you enough for it. I was about to leave that day” - Mina shook her head - “I was so done” 


“Why?” - Heechul worried - “It never crossed my mind you and Donghee could be having a rough time” 


“He and I got into an argument that day. It was something about Hangeng, can’t remember what exactly. But I got so upset...” - Mina recalled - “For a moment I thought we couldn’t handle it. We married too young and decided to start a family without enjoying that many time for us. Then, when you told me all couples had struggles, I realized I wasn’t alone and that we weren’t failing” 


“Oh” - Heechul widened his eyes - “Its good to know I did helped someone that day” 


“By the way, what happened later?” - Mina laughed - “You promised me you would call after getting home but you never did” 


“I texted you” 


“Yeah, but I really wanted to know if Gunhee and Hani were still mad at you” - Mina chuckled - “You were so scared back then” 


“I guess I was stupid” - Heechul blushed - “Those two could get mad at me but they always did what they considered the best for me. Thinking about it, I took long enough to grow up. Those two were like parents to me” 


“Thanks for being here for us, Heechul” - Mina held his hand - “I truly appreciate it. You are always here whenever we need you. I hope that someday you will find someone that will do the same for you all time” 


“I have Leeteuk” - Heechul teased - “Its not what I pictured when I thought of finding a wife but... I guess nothing can be perfect” 


“Are you still looking for one? It’s been a while since I heard from your love life” 


“Well, I have been busy and— Honestly, I haven’t been in the mood for a relationship” - Heechul sighed - “I guess my love life ended the very moment I decided to take care of the kids myself” 


“It’s never too late” - Mina swayed her head - “What If I arrange you a blind date after all this mess ends?” 


“Mina, that’s nice but—“ 


“Mrs Kim, come with us please” - A doctor interrupted them - “Your son is finally out of danger. He is still under anesthesia but you can see him” 


“Oh Thanks God!” 


Heechul rushed to follow Mina. The mother almost broke in tears again when she found her youngest child full of scars. 


“Most of them will disappear in a few days” - The doctor told Heechul- “He received a direct hit so it’s normal he has those marks all over. Also, surgery was successful and he will walk again. Of course, it will take sometime but... Kids heal quicker than adults” 


“Those are good news” - Heechul held his chest. He was a little overwhelmed- “I just want everything to be alright” 



“Those are great news, Heechul” - Leeteuk was on the phone trying to have a normal conversation with his brother while keeping an eye on the kids - “By the way, we need to talk. I think you will have more experience than I on this field” 




“You were the middle child as well, didnt you?” - Leeteuk was whispering - “I think some of your knowledge would come in handy” 


“Being the middle one ” - Heechul scoffed - “But Why you ask? Is Siwon up to something again?” 


“N-no. Not ‘yours’ “ - Leeteuk made emphasis on the last word - “When I Say ‘we’ have a problem, I mean the whole family. Do you get it?” 


“Kibum? What is that brat doing?” - Heechul chuckled - “He doesn’t look like the type that will wet his bed and—“ 


“That’s exactly what worries me” - Leeteuk gulped down anxiously as he observed the triplets fighting over a toy - “I think Mina and Donghee haven’t realized it yet” 


“Oh” - Heechul worried - “In that case... I guess I should help them. I’m heading back home~ See ya in a few minutes” 


“Uhum” - Leeteuk couldn’t hide his shock when he spotted Kibum pushing away one of the triplets - “Hey~ that’s not nice buddy” 


“He pushed me!” - Eunhyuk complained - “He bad!”


“Are you angry Bummie?” - Sungmin asked cutely as he hugged his bunny plush - “You Look sad~” 


“Why you care?” - Kibum grunted 


“Hey... Your cousin is just worrying” - Leeteuk was feeling uneasy- “He is being nice to you” 


Kibum ignored his uncle and went back to playing. Eunhyuk wasn’t happy with the fact his cousin took by force one of his toys. 


“Give it back! It’s mine!” - Eunhyuk tried to retrieve the toy - “I don’t want to share!”


“Eunhyuk, please” - Leeteuk wanted to avoid a fight - “Lets just play with something else, ok? He is our guest and—“ 


“But I want it!” - Eunhyuk cried as he stomped his feet - “Its Mine! And he was mean to me!”


“Honey” - Leeteuk knew a crisis was about to start 


“Bummie can you give it back please?” - Donghae asked full of sweetness- “You can take mine, if you want” 


“I want this one” - Kibum shook his head - “I will give it back after I play with it” 


Eunhyuk cried harder. Out of pure desperation, the twins ended acting. 


“Give ba’ Pwease” - Ryeowook tried to take the toy as he was used to do with his brothers - “Pwease Pwease Pwease” 


Leeteuk saw it coming. When Kibum pushed Ryeowook away he knew it was a fact Kyuhyun would try to get retaliation. 


“UWAAAA!” - Ryeowook went to hide behind Leeteuk’s legs - “Ukweeee!”


“YOU BAD!” - Kyuhyun was having a hard time fighting with the older kid - “NO HUWT TWIN!”


“Take him off!” - Kibum protested while Leeteuk separated both boys - “I don’t want him over me!”


“Kyunnie, Honey” - Leeteuk made sure of placing Kyuhyun far away - “Go play with Wook, ok? You shouldn’t hit your cousin” 


“HPMH!” - Kyuhyun folded his arms but obeyed. He went away and searched for his brother. 


“Kibum... Its not nice to push the others” - Leeteuk was now lecturing the other kid involved - “First, they are your cousins. Second, they are younger than—-“ 


“LIKE IF I CARE” - Kibum raged. Leeteuk wasn’t expecting that reaction - “I DONT LIKE BABIES” 


“You are an older brother now” - Leeteuk should have talked to himself. Saying it out loud just made the boy angrier 


“I wish I weren’t!” - Kibum cried out loud - “I don’t want ‘Mimi’ to come back home!” 


Leeteuk lost it. He was utterly done with the kid’s temper. He was under too much stress after all the situation and yet he never had a moment to rest. 


“Ouch!” - Kibum complained after receiving an slap - “You hit me!”


“Sorry” - Leeteuk apologized right away - “I didn’t want—“ 


“I don’t like you! Don’t touch me!” - Kibum ran upstairs and locked himself in a room 


“Don’t feel bad, he earned it” - Hangeng patted Leeteuk’s back - “Its been a while since he deserved one and yet mom and dad never did something” 


“I’m glad Kibum isn’t my brother” - Kangin left out. Leeteuk glared at him - “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that” 


“He has changed a lot during the past months” - Hangeng explained - “I think he is jealous of all the attention Zhoumi receives” 


“I think you are right” - Leeteuk agreed - “But I just worsened it all” 


“I think you are cool” - Hangeng hugged his uncle - “I like you” 


“Can’t believe you are happy since I slapped your brother” - Leeteuk cursed internally the very moment he heard Heechul entering the mansion - “He is going to kill me” 




“Uh? You slapped him?” - Heechul widened his eyes - “Why?”


“It was my fault, I lost it” - Leeteuk was at the verge of tears - “I swear I didn’t want to do it. Now the poor kid must be scared and... Gosh, I . I’m a terrible uncle” 


“He deserved it” - Yesung and Hangeng said in chorus 


“BUMMIE BAD!” - Kyuhyun kept tattle telling- “HIT WOOKIE” 


“I guess I should fix this situation” - Heechul stretched- “This is going too far” 


“How are you going to solve it?” - Hangeng asked curious- “Mom and Dad are clueless and grandma couldn’t—“ 


“I’m not them” - Heechul giggled - “I have my own methods” 


“Now I worry” - Leeteuk felt his head light.



“Can I come in?” - Heechul knocked the door 




“Perfect. I’m going in” - Heechul smiled as he spotted the boy sitting in the corner - “Why are you sitting there? Did you misbehave?”


“Maybe” - Kibum looked at him defiantly- “Why you care?”


“Oh, don’t get me wrong. I don’t” - Heechul got the reaction he wanted as the kid half smiled - “I didn’t come here to talk about your feelings. I came here because I was asked to come” 


“Who sent you?” - Kibum tilted his head. He was a little disappointed since his uncle seemed cool about his tantrum - “I’m not interes— is that for me?” 


Heechul nodded. He showed the boy the colourful gift he was holding. 


“Your dad asked me to bring it to you” - Heechul explained - “I forgot it in my car but I remembered when I saw you here” 


“Really?” - Kibum seemed expectant- “Can I open it?” 


“Sure” - Heechul waited - “Oh~ it’s a plush~ It’s kinda cute but I think your dad still treats you as a baby” 


“I like it” - Kibum was now smiling as he inspected his new stuffed friend - “I guess he does, but I’m fine” 


Heechul inspected the boy’s face. Kibum seemed way calmer now. The boy stared at his new pig and smiled. 


“I know what you think” - Heechul whispered - “I also think it looks like your dad” 


Kibum giggled. He hugged his uncle. 


“Did you really forget my gift in your car?” - Kibum asked again half scared 


“Yes, I did” - Heechul pouted - “Your Dad asked me to take it to you but I was so busy I forgot. I’m so sorry” 


“Nah, Its ok” - Kibum shook his head - “Now everything is fine” 


“Your mom is sick worried about you” - Heechul patted the boy’s head - “Make sure of hugging your parents next time you see them” 


“I will hug Mimi as well” - Kibum pouted - “Can I tell you a secret?”


“Sure” - Heechul nodded - “But you have to promise you won’t tell anybody that I forgot about your gift” 


“I don’t hate Mimi” - Kibum said in a low voice - “Its just... Sometimes I feel sad when I see mom and dad with him” 


“You are jealous” - Heechul ruffled the boy’s hair - “I know how you feel. I was once in your place” 


“But you love my dad” - Kibum did a funny face - “You are always helping him” 


“When he was three, I once locked him inside the bathroom because he broke my game” - Heechul recalled - “Mom got so mad at me... I thought she would give me an ear pull but instead, she just asked me to not do it again. I just got angrier” 


“Why?” - Kibum asked interested 


“Because I was trying to call her attention, that’s why” - Heechul shook his head - “But she just... kind of ignored me. Later on, I realized I was being stupid because my mom loved me as much as my brothers” 


“When did you realize that?” 


“It took me a while” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “I just hope you are smarter than me” 


Kibum smiled. He hugged Heechul again. 


“You are my favourite uncle” - Kibum whispered softly 


“Don’t tell your brothers, but I think you are one of my favourite nephews” 


“Just one of them?” - Kibum hit Heechul playfully 




“I received an interesting phone call today” - Mina smiled playfully to his brother in law - “Kibum not only told me he loved us but apologized for his actions. He also was nice to Zhoumi... is strange, you know?” 


“I wonder what could have possibly changed” 


“He had his new plush with him” - Mina bit her lips - “You know, the one ‘you forgot in your van ‘ “ 


“I asked him to keep the secret” - Heechul made a funny expression 


“Thank you” - Mina hugged him - “I don’t know how you came with the idea but, thank you” 


“You are Welcome” - Heechul chuckled - “Next time just don’t forget your boy is still young” 


“I told Donghee we should buy something for them but, he told me Kibum wasn’t a baby anymore and... I just thought he was right” - Mina sighed - “I never thought a plush could make him so mad” 


“It’s not about the toy” - Heechul shuddered - “It’s about the message. He probably felt displaced when he saw how Zhoumi got attention while he didn’t. The plush thing just made it worse” 


“Still, I give you a lot of credit” - Mina scoffed - “It’s not easy to notice those things and come with such solutions” 


“I was once a kid too” - Heechul scratched his head embarrassed- “And I was the middle child as well” 




“I can’t believe you locked our baby brother in the bathroom” - Gunhee twisted his lips - “You are supposed to be nice to him!” 


Heechul just felt worse. His beloved brother was taking sides and he wasn’t on his one. The upset boy just ran to his room and locked the door. 


“Heechul, Cmon!” - Gunhee knocked the door - “Stop being such a baby! I just want to talk!” 


“It’s late we have school tomorrow” - Heechul hissed from the other side - “I just wanna go sleep, that’s all” 


Heechul covered himself with his blankets and pretended he was asleep when he heard someone going inside the room. He thought it was his brother but realized his assumptions were wrong the very moment someone fixed his blanket. 


“He must have been so tired” - He heard his mom commenting - “I swear he is so cute” 


“I can’t believe this sweet angel locked his baby brother in the bathroom” - His dad giggled - “He is so naughty” 


“He is just jealous” - His mother defended- “I think it’s normal” 


“Is that Why you barely scolded him?” 


“Maybe. I don’t know” - The mother sighed - “I feel guilty for it” 


Heechul woke up next morning a little confused. He wasn’t sure if he had dreamed about that conversation or he had really listened to it.  


He was about to have breakfast when he noticed the silly doll with a ribbon. 


“Is that for Donghee?” - Heechul asked amused as he ate cereal - “Its kinda cute” 


“Well, turns out is not for him” - Gunhee laughed as he read the label - “It says it belongs to you” 


“Me?” - Heechul tilted his head - “Who would gift me a dinosaur plush ?” 


“Mom” - Gunhee giggled - “And Dad” 


“Really?” - Heechul got interested - “That’s so nice~” 


“It says it talks” - Gunhee was reading the small booklet that came with the plush - “Press his foot” 


Gunhee did as instructed and pressed the plush’s foot while Heechul awaited with his eyes fixed on the toy. 


“Please don’t lock your brother in the bathroom. Love, Mom” 


Heechul ended spitting half of cereal out much to his brother’s disgust. 


“Heechul!” - Gunhee complained after getting covered in milk 


“I love it!” - Heechul laughed - “It’s amazing!”




“Don’t forget to brush your teeth” 


The kids laughed  and pressed the dinosaur’s foot again. 


“Don’t forget your homework” 


This time Leeteuk also laughed. 


“How do you get this ideas?” - Leeteuk stared at the cute dinosaur - “Recording toys are funny but this is way too much” 


“Well, I used to have one when I was young” - Heechul observed his kids playing with the new toy - “Sadly, it wasn’t made like this one and broke easily. But I had fun while it lasted” 


“Really? You never told me” - Leeteuk smiled seeing the twins getting confused with the talking friend 


“I kinda forgot about it until I saw Kibum struggling” - Heechul smiled shyly- “I guess I gave my mom a hard time as Well. I think I will add it to the list of things I have to apologize for” 


“I bet that list is so long that you won’t be able to write it even using a toilet paper roll” - Yesung teased - “Not even the extra large one” 


“Maybe you should be the one writing it” - Heechul stuck out his tongue 


“I will look for a crayon to start”


“Maybe you should just call her and apologize rather than just writing it on a paper” - Leeteuk folded his arms 


“Speaking of the devil” - Heechul heard his phone ringing - “I swear that she is truly a wi— oh, Nevermind. It’s not her” 


“Who was it?” - Leeteuk asked softly while Heechul finished the call 


“Mina” - Heechul yawned - “She said she would settle me for a blind date and apparently, she kept her word” 


“A blind date?” - Leeteuk repeated. 


Yesung broke the crayon he was holding. Suddenly, all the boys were looking at Heechul with confused eyes. 


“What?” - Heechul turned to Leeteuk who seemed confused as well. 


“You can’t date” - Kangin shook his head 


“Why not?” - Heechul couldn’t understand what the boy was trying to say 


“Because you cant have a girlfriend” - Siwon continued 


“You can’t just bring a girl over” - Yesung folded his arms


“Who said I was bringing her here? I wouldn’t date her here, boys” - Heechul smirked - “She would run away just minutes later” 


The older boys exchanged looks and then made a shocked expression. 


“What?” - Heechul couldn’t avoid laughing - “Why are you so shocked?”


“Because... we don’t want you to date” - Yesung said it first - “I think I feel jealous just thinking about it” 


“Ah?” - Heechul tilted his head innocently. 



— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 


Hi~ it’s been a while! The important test/exams are almost over! Only one left on 17 and I will be officially free! 


I have studied so much that my sight worsened as I developed tired eye syndrome. It’s not that bad but it seems I can’t really focus on writing now since it keeps bothering me whenever I read too much. 


Hope you are all fine and did well on this scholar year/ semester~ 


Thanks for all the support you always show me! >< Love you guys! 



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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it