My twin, my love, my heart

Junior Quest

“TAKE DIZ!” - Kyuhyun was pouring water on his twin - “BWAHAHAHAHA!” 

“NUUUUH! KYUNNIE BAD!” - Ryeowook cried after getting wet - “UWAAAAAH!”


“Cmon, Wook!” - Heechul was also splashing water on the boy - “It’s like taking a bath!” 

“NOOOO!” - Ryeowook protested as Heechul took him inside the kiddy pool - “Your twin is enjoying it! You promised Kyuhyun you would play with him!” 


“Ugh” - Ryeowook gasped. He did remembered promising that - “ung...” 


It was a sunny day. Heechul had set the kiddy pool in the backyard with Leeteuk’s help. They were celebrating that Kyuhyun was almost potty trained. Almost. There were still some accidents, but the boy managed to stay clean most of the time. Kyuhyun was enjoying his time in the water but Ryeowook obviously hated it. He was just enduring it because of his beloved brother. He didn’t want to ruin the fun. 


“BAM!” - Kyuhyun was splashing water again - “HAHAHHA!” 



That night, Heechul was getting the twins ready to sleep when he noticed Ryeowook’s red cheeks. 


“Hot” - Kyuhyun touched his twin - “Wookie hot...” 


“Ah~ Did you get sick, my baby?” - Heechul kissed the fussy boy - “You do feel hot... maybe we stayed too much time in the water” 


“Dada...” - Ryeowook climbed his dad - “Dada dada... Wookie sic’ “ 


Kyuhyun stared at his brother with a worried face. He felt guilty for his brother getting sick as it was his idea to play in the pool. He went to sleep alone his thump while Ryeowook cuddled with Heechul. 


Kyuhyun woke up thanks to the fuss. 


“It’s alright... it’s alright... Shhhh” - Heechul was rocking a crying Ryeowook- “I know it hurts, I know it hurts...” 


“Oh poor kid” - Leeteuk was also there - “Are you taking him to the ER?” 


(ER? Isn’t that the place where doctors are?) Kyuhyun worried. 


“Maybe... I can’t calm him” - Heechul sounded concerned- “I worry because he feels a little hot and keeps saying it ‘hurts’ ” 


Heechul sighed when Ryeowook coughed again. The boy was obviously affected as he kept whining. 


“I’m taking him to the hospital” - Heechul sighed - “Can you help me with his things?” 


“Sure” - Leeteuk rushed - “I’m packing a few toys and some spare clothes in case he throws up” 


“Thanks” - Heechul kissed the crying boy - “I will call a Taxi” 


“Be careful” - Leeteuk worried. 


(Hospital? My brother? Is he really that sick? Wookie...) Kyuhyun hugged his penguin plush tightly. He was scared. 


The toddler woke up only to find himself alone in their bed. 


(Ryeowook... he is not here...) 


“Dada” - Kyuhyun rubbed his eyes as he looked for his dad - “Dada? Uh...” 


“Honey, you are awake” - Leeteuk ran to the boy - “Oh my, I’m so sorry. I let you sleep a lot since you had a hard night as well” 


“Wookie?” - Kyuhyun pointed at his twin’s shoes. If his red shoes were still inside the house... then his twin must be home as well - “Twin” 


“He is not here, honey” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “He is at the hospital with Daddy. He got a fever but don’t worry, I’m sure he will be back soon” 


“Sic” - Kyuhyun sulked - “Wookie... sic...” 


“Yeah, he got sick” - Leeteuk pouted - “I’m sorry, Kyu. I know you feel sad because of it” 


“Ung” - Kyuhyun nodded. 


(My twin is sick... My Wookie. My poor Wookie. It was my fault...) 


Kyuhyun’s day wasn’t getting better. He was so immersed thinking about his twin he had forgot his potty breaks twice. Leeteuk ended asking him to wear a pull up and the boy just couldn’t refuse. He wasn’t in the mood for potty training. He wasn’t in the mood for eating. Nor playing. Nor Dancing. He wasn’t in the mood for anything. 


(Ryeowook... are you doing ok? Where are you?) 


“Oh, I See” - Leeteuk was on the phone - “I will be waiting~ Take care~” 


Kyuhyun inspected Leeteuk’s face. The babysitter was happy. 




Kyuhyun ran to the window. He understood Leeteuk’s face: his twin was coming back home. 


“Wookie~ Wookie~ Wookie~” - Kyuhyun was chanting his twin’s name while waiting - “My wookie~~~” 


“Woogieeee” - Henry was also waiting next to the window - “Woogieee~” 


Kyuhyun pushed Henry away. If his twin was coming home, he was going to meet him first. Not Henry. 


(Sorry baby, but he is MY twin) 


An unknown car parked in front of the mansion. Kyuhyun looked around. 


“TWIN!” - Kyuhyun jumped excited as he spotted Heechul carrying a boy - “WOOKIE HOME! WOOKIEEE! DOOW! DOOW!” 


“I’m coming~” - Leeteuk held the two boys before opening the door - “Let’s not run, ok?” 


“TWIN TWIN TWIN TWIN” - Kyuhyun was desperate as he wanted to run but Leeteuk was holding him - “WOOOOOKIEEEEE” 


Heechul laughed seeing the fun welcoming. Ryeowook was sleeping with his face on his dad’s shoulder. He looked so peaceful. 


“He looks better now” - Leeteuk released the two naughty boys to help Heechul with the bag he carried - “Kyuhyun, Henry, let’s go inside. Don’t give us troubles” 


“YAY!” - Kyuhyun was in a good mood since his twin was back - “WOOKIE PWAY!” 


“Oh no, I’m afraid you can’t play with him now” - Heechul rushed to explain it - “Ryeowook got sick and he needs to rest. Don’t go around making it harder for him, ok?” 


Kyuhyun felt his heart was pierced by an arrow. Ryeowook was still sick after all. He thought he was fine but maybe he got the wrong idea. 


“Oh” - Heechul bit his lips when he felt something warm spreading in his shirt - “Teuk, the kid...” 


“Oh my” - Leeteuk giggled softly when he noticed Heechul’s wet shirt - “You got peed on” 


“Nothing new” - Heechul smiled - “Help me wash him please. I can’t let him like that” 


“He is going to wake up” - Leeteuk felt sorry for the boy - “And he won’t like it” 


“Well, he was going to wake up anyway” - Heechul teased - “Kyuhyun and Henry are noisy enough to wake up the whole neighbourhood” 


Kyuhyun got startled when he heard Ryeowook crying. He ran to the bathroom where his dad and the babysitter were. 


“Hey Hey, buddy” - Heechul was washing Ryeowook against his will - “I know, I know... but you needed a bath” 


“DADA DADA!” - Ryeowook sobbed - “ UHUUU” 


“Look, Wookie!” - Leeteuk was doing his best to cheer up the boy - “Bubbles!”


“Bubbwez~” - Ryeowook was now immersed looking at the bubbles - “Pwetty~” 


“Wookie” - Kyuhyun ran to his twin 


“Hi” - Ryeowook waved cutely to his brother - “Look! Bubbwez!” 


“Ung” - Kyuhyun felt better seeing his twin in a good mood - “Woo—“ 


Ryeowook sneezed. Heechul cleaned his nose. 


“Aish, little kid filled with boogers” - Heechul laughed - “Look at your red nose~” 


Ryeowook laughed. He was playful as Leeteuk tickled him. Kyuhyun was worried again. His twin seemed tired despite smiling. He didn’t seem well. 


“You kay?” - Kyuhyun asked again while Heechul dried Ryeowook with a towel - “Wookie sic” 


“Let’s dry your hair” - Heechul started searching for the hair dryer- “KIM RYEOWOOK” 


“CATCH ME!” - Ryeowook was running away still - “HEHEHE!” 


“WOOKIE NOOO!” - Kyuhyun chased after his twin - “NO RUN! YOU SIC!” 


Ryeowook ended coughing. He had a hard time recovering from his little run. Heechul caught him and took it back to the room where he succeeded drying his hair. 


“Pwetty” - Ryeowook liked the idea of getting his hair done - “Wookie cute~” 


“Really? Let’s try something” - Heechul tied a little bit of Ryeowook’s hair - “Apple hair!” 


“WOAAAH!” - Ryeowook found funny how he looked now - “KYU LOOOOOK!” 


“Pwetty” - Kyuhyun blushed. He liked seeing his twin brother being happy - “Wookie Pwetty” 


Ryeowook giggled. He was about to tell Kyuhyun something but he started coughing again. 


“You gotta rest” - Heechul carried the boy that wore cozy clothes - “Say ‘bye’ to Kyuhyun for a while. You need to rest”


“Nuh...” - Ryeowook pouted. He didn’t want to stay in bed all alone - “Boring” 


Kyuhyun sulked until lunchtime when he finally got to see Ryeowook again. He was truly happy to have his twin sitting next to him. 


“This is for Kyu” - Leeteuk was helping with the food - “And this is Ryeowook’s” 


(W-wait! This must be a mistake! Ryeowook’s...”) 


“Wookie food” - Kyuhyun pointed at Ryeowook’s table - “Whewe...?” 


Apparently, Kyuhyun couldn’t believe they were only feeding Ryeowook an small bowl of soup instead of a full meal. 


“He said he didn’t want to eat” - Heechul sat between the boys - “But we agreed he would at least eat soup” 


“Zouuup” - Ryeowook played with his spoon and drank a bit of the soup - “Done” 


“No, you are not done yet” - Leeteuk laughed as he helped feeding Henry - “You won’t go anywhere until you eat all of it” 


“Wookie...” - Kyuhyun worried when the boy refused to have another taste of his soup - “Pwease” 


Ryeowook stared at his twin. Kyuhyun seemed about to cry. The shortest twin sighed and offered his spoon to Heechul. 


“Do you want to feed me?” - Heechul smiled sweetly - “Like a baaaaaaaby?” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook’s cheeky reply brought later - “Liwe Baby” 


Kyuhyun relaxed a bit after Ryeowook managed to drink half of the bowl. Leeteuk was busy cleaning the triplets’s mess when Ryeowook announced he was done. 


“No moweee” - Ryeowook whined as he rejected Heechul’s soup airplane - “Full” 


“How Can you be full?” - Yesung scolded - “You barely ate!” 


“Yeah Wook” - Kangin joined - “I think Batman Can eat more than you” 


“Ptfff” - Ryeowook folded his arms and shook his head - “No mowe! Wookie full!” 


“Is your tummy hurting ?” - Siwon worried 


Ryeowook blushed after Donghae suggested that maybe he just needed to poop. Heechul laughed and let the boy free. 


“He didn’t eat that much” - Leeteuk was checking the small amount Ryeowook ate - “I hope he gets hungry later. I don’t like it when they skip meals” 


“Maybe he is getting full easily since the meds make him feel weird” - Heechul wasn’t concerned about the lack of appetite- “I will feed him little by little” 


“Wookie... kay?” - Kyuhyun wasn’t even playing. He was just observing Ryeowook play with blocks - “You kay?” 


“Ung~” - Ryeowook was building something big - “Caztwe” 


“A castle?” - Leeteuk asked amused - “Wow, you guys are good at this! I’m always surprised you can build such pretty buildings just using blocks” 


Ryeowook was proud of his doing. Kyuhyun was still trying to figure out if his twin was still sick. 


“They are going to be architects like daddy” - Mrs Jung commented - “Ryeowook inherited his daddy’s drawing skills as well. He would do well” 


“Architect?” - Leeteuk looked around - “I didn’t know Heechul was an architect” 


“Fun story” - Heechul commented as he entered the living room - “I’m also a graphic designer” 


“Oh, so you have two degrees?” - Leeteuk was shocked - “You are awesome” 


“Three, actually” - Heechul sipped a juice pack he stole from the triplets- “And still, the first time I changed a diaper, it was a chaos” 


“Sadly, that was probably me” - Yesung giggled as he did his homework- “I will study to become a teacher” 


“Uh? Do you want to be a teacher?” - Leeteuk found cute how the boys already started showing some interest in their future 


“Yeah~ I will have my own classroom and I will teach my students very well” - Yesung smiled - “They will love me!” 


“Ugh” - Kangin made a disgusted face - “When I grow up, I want to be a zookeeper” 


“I Wanna be rich” - Eunhyuk’s eyes sparkled - “Lots of money~~~” 


“Eunhyuk is a whole new level” - Heechul teased - “What about you, guys? Sungmin?” 


“ALIEN!” - Sungmin chirped - “I want to have a rocket and go to planets!” 


“I really hope he works for NASA and doesn’t end being an alien” - Heechul raised an eyebrow - “Donghae?” 


“Ummm” - Donghae doubted for a moment - “A fish” 


“Honey, you cant be a fish” - Leeteuk giggled - “Do you want to work with fish?”


“Uhhhh” - Donghae bit his finger - “A Mermaid? ” 


“He is not against role genders” - Heechul teased - “He is going to be the prettiest mermaid” 


“Ryeowook, what do you want to be when you grow up?” - Leeteuk asked the small toddler - “Architect? Fire fighter? A teacher?” 


Ryeowook tilted his head and giggled. He approached Heechul and rubbed his face against him. 


“Asking to be spoiled” - Heechul got the hint - “You are such a baby. My baby” 


Ryeowook did cute sounds. The boy usually made those when Heechul was next to him. Leeteuk still found funny how Ryeowook would behave like a baby when his dad was around. He even went as far as his thump (action that Ryeowook avoided doing in front of the others) and let Heechul fed him. 


“Kyu doc” - Kyuhyun approached his dad - “Wospitaw” 


“Uh? Do you need a doctor?” - Heechul asked without understanding- “Wait! Where are you—“ 


Kyuhyun ran to the toybox he had in the living room. He searched for his cute medical kit and showed it to Heechul. 


“Ah! You want to be a doctor!” - Heechul now understood - “That’s nice. Are you going to take care of me when I get sick?” 


“Wookie” - Kyuhyun nodded - “Kyu hewps Wookie” 


Ryeowook was dozing off in Heechul’s arms. The boy was falling asleep when he suddenly woke up and whined. 


“Hehe” - Heechul carried the boy to the toilet without even asking - “I already got peed once today. I don’t have plans of a second golden shower” 


Kyuhyun followed them. He worried as Ryeowook whined all the time. 


“He is just sleepy” - Heechul ruffled Kyuhyun’s hair - “You don’t worry. He will be fine~” 


As Heechul expected, Ryeowook fell asleep as soon as he placed him on the bed. The toddler was now cuddling with his favourite plush while Heechul rested his leg. 


“Huwtz?” - Kyuhyun felt guilty for not noticing it before. He was so immersed looking after his brother he forgot his dad was also in pain 


“A little” - Heechul lied. It was killing him after walking so much that day - “Thanks God I am close to freedom” 


Kyuhyun didn’t understand what he meant but he started massaging Heechul’s shoulders as Leeteuk had taught him. 


“There! There! Oh my!” - Heechul was so thankful - “You are going to be an awesome doctor!” 


“Wookie” - Kyuhyun sighed - “Wookie sic... Dada sic... “ 


“I’m not sick” - Heechul pouted cutely- “I’m... ehm... this is different” 


Kyuhyun stared at his dad’s cast and kissed it. He patted his back in a try to make him feel better. 


“You should go to play” - Heechul smiled - “You are going to get bored here. Ryeowook is only going to sleep” 


Kyuhyun laid next to his twin. If Ryeowook was just going to sleep then fine, he would look after him all the time no matter what. 


(I will take care of you) Kyuhyun just stared at his sleeping twin with a worried face. 


He did that for almost two hours. He would have stayed longer if it wasn’t because his bladder was killing him and wetting the bed where his brother was, didn’t seem like a good thing. 


“It’s ok, you only need to go potty” - Leeteuk was having a hard time convincing Kyuhyun to leave the room - “Lets go pee and then come back” 


Kyuhyun kept looking back. He didn’t feel right leaving Ryeowook alone. When he was done with his business, he ran back to the room as fast as he could; only to find an empty bed. 


“WOOKIE” - Kyuhyun called anxiously- “MY TWIN” 


“I’m sure he must be with dad” - Leeteuk hoped he was right 


“Wookie~” - Kyuhyun relaxed after his twin jumped on the bed - “Wookie hewe~” 


“He got up to pee” - Heechul yawned - “You weren’t the only one needing a potty break” 


“Wookie pee lotz” - Ryeowook informed as he rolled on the bed - “Ummm. Twiwsty” 


“I think he means ‘thirsty’ “ - Leeteuk chuckled as he searched for the boy’s water bottle - “Here, don’t drink too fast” 


“Thankz” - Ryeowook was happy now 


“He is in a better mood” - Heechul commented - “I think he feels better” 


Kyuhyun smiled. He loved that idea. 


(I hope you are getting better!) 


“Kyu Pway” - Ryeowook went down of the bed to search for his toys - “Diz” 


Kyuhyun got shocked when Ryeowook gave him part of his medical kit. Apparently, the boy did heard something about Kyuhyun wanting to be a doctor. He must have thought Kyuhyun wanted to role play that. 


“Wookie sic” - Ryeowook was good at acting. The boy laid on the floor and pretended he was almost dead. Kyuhyun got a shock but both adults laughed. 


“He is good at this” - Leeteuk was about to pee himself from laughing 


“How come he is so dramatic?” - Heechul couldn’t believe one of his two years old would go so far - “Look at him!” 


“Zave meeee” - Ryeowook pretended he was hurt - “hewwwwwp! Pweaseeee!” 


Kyuhyun was having a panic attack. He didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t sure if they were playing or if Ryeowook was truly ill. He ended crying out of pure frustration. 


“No no” - Ryeowook scolded - “You hewp. No cwy”


Ryeowook was a lot better than Kyuhyun at those games. He learned a lot playing with other kids at daycare but for the twin that stayed at home, role games were still hard to understand. 


“Ryeowook, you scared him” - Leeteuk was still trying to control his laughter- “You shouldn’t do that to him. He was really worried” 


“Awwww” - Ryeowook found it cute. He hugged his poor twin - “Wookie Sowy” 


(I’m fine. But don’t scare me that way) 


“I can’t believe Kyuhyun fell for Ryeowook’s silly acting” - Heechul found it even more funny now - “Maybe Ryeowook does have a future being an actor” 


“Ptffff” - Ryeowook shook his head - “Zilly”


“Good, he learned a new word” - Leeteuk praised - “I just hope you have in mind the fact that the boys do learn and repeat the words you use” 


“I don’t know what are you talking about” - Heechul scoffed - “Have you heard yourself? You are basically accusing me of teaching them bad words” 


“You did” 


“It was an accident” 


“Chitty” - Ryeowook chirped. He remembered all the words Leeteuk asked him to not repeat - “Fuuuuuuuk”


“I swear I didn’t teach him that” - Heechul defended himself - “He must have learned it somewhere else” 


“Kwap” - Ryeowook bounced excited - “Boochit” 


“I’m pretty much sure that last one it’s new” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “Lucky for us, he mispronounce most of them” 


Kyuhyun tilted his head. He didn’t know the words Ryeowook was saying. He wanted to participate in the game as well, so he decided to join with the word he learned from Heechul a few days before. He thought the game consisted in repeating words Heechul had said before. 


“What did you say?” - Leeteuk felt his blood pressure dropping - “Honey, what did you say?” 


Heechul paled. He was sure Leeteuk was going to kill him. 


“” - Kyuhyun was sure he had won. He found a cool word after all. 


“Teuk... I swear I didn’t—“ 


“Run” - Leeteuk warned him 


Heechul would have liked to do so, but not even being good using his clutches, he would scape from this one. 


“Uh oh! Twoubwez” - Ryeowook did a funny expression when he saw Leeteuk’s face - “Ukwee angwy!” 


Heechul’s lecture ended before time thanks to Ryeowook asking for food. Leeteuk wasn’t done scolding the parent, but he didn’t want the kid to starve. Kyuhyun was happy as he got to help feeding his brother. 


“Where did he learn that word?” - Heechul asked himself - “It can’t be...” 


“How come his pronunciation is perfect at times like these?” - Leeteuk lamented - “I hope he never repeats that word again” 


“WOOKIE” - Kyuhyun was starting to get impatient as his brother would only play with his food - “EAT” 


“Nuh uh~” - Ryeowook was crushing a few piece of fruits using his tiny hands - “Full” 


“At least he ate a little more” - Leeteuk sighed - “Cmon, Stop playing with that. You shouldn’t play with food” 


Ryeowook whined the very moment Leeteuk tried to take the fruits away. 


“He is going to cry” - Heechul warned - “It’s alright, let him play with—“ 


“No” - Leeteuk turned to the parent - “Absolutely no. He needs to be taught even when he is sick. It won’t kill him” 


Ryeowook cried loudly when Leeteuk took the fruits from him. He was still hugging a banana while having the tantrum of the year. 


“Ryeowook” - Leeteuk tried - “Stop. Stop. Stop” 


Ryeowook got mad when the babysitter sighed and retrieved the poor banana to keep it safe from the toddler. Kyuhyun was having a hard time as he wanted Ryeowook to stop crying. 


“BAD!” - Kyuhyun complained to the babysitter - “UKWEE BAD!” 


“Me? Look at the mess he did” - Leeteuk pointed at the table where Ryeowook had fun smashing and crushing fruits - “He was naughty” 


“NUUUUUH! NUUUUUH!” - Ryeowook was still wailing on the floor - “ ‘NANA!!” 


“I’m not giving it back” - Leeteuk replied - “Bananas are food. Playing with food is not allowed” 


“NANA!” - Ryeowook tried to climb a chair but the nanny stopped him - “UHUUUU! WOOKIE ZAAAAD!” 


“Zad?” - Kyuhyun felt his heart aching - “Wookie...” 


(Is he really sad? Somehow I think he is right. He is sad. Not because of the banana... he was even sad before that) 


Kyuhyun hugged his brother. Leeteuk thought the upset boy would get angrier and hurt his twin. But it didn’t happen. Ryeowook just hugged him back and stopped crying. 


“Bettew?” - Kyuhyun asked softly as he Ryeowook’s head 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook was now calm - “Thankz” 


“Here” - Heechul was holding a sweater - “I brought you a cute comfy sweater~ wanna try it on?” 


“Ung~” - Ryeowook walked to his dad still holding hands with his twin - “Pwease” 


“Well mannered Uhm? - Leeteuk was still confused by the toddler’s change of attitude- “He was hitting an awful tantrum just seconds ago” 


“He is feeling sick” - Heechul pouted - “I can tell he is trying to endure it but that’s why he gets irritated so easily” 


“He got a slight cold” - Leeteuk hugged the toddler - “Nothing else, right? I keep thinking he is acting strangely. Ryeowook, stop putting your fingers inside your mouth” 


“Huwtz” - Ryeowook was drooling - “Wookie sic” 


“You drooled all over me” - Heechul was disgusted as he observed the wet spots in his clothes - “You are not different from Henry. Excepting that we do know why Henry drools a lot; he is growing teeth and—-“ 


“THATS IT” - Leeteuk seemed to have realized something - “Ryeowook honey, open your mouth” 


“Nuh!” - Ryeowook fought against the nanny - “NUUUUUH! DADA HEEWWWP!”


“What are you doing to my son?” - Heechul teased - “He is upset” 


“Help me making him opening his mouth” - Leeteuk laughed - “I think I got an idea of what is going on” 


“Ryeowook, come Here baby” - Heechul tried. He succeeded easily as the toddler was way more cooperative with him - “Say ahhhh~ OH!” 


“See? You see it right?” - Leeteuk was trying to get a peek - “Oh~ so cute! Ryeowook you are growing up!” 


“Uh?” - Kyuhyun was curious. He wanted to see what the adults found fascinating. 


“Do you want to see?”  - Heechul smiled to the curious boy - “Wookie is going to have new teeth. Look at those tiny white things at the back~ he is growing his molars!” 


“ZTOOOOP” - Ryeowook Shut his mouth and refused to open it again. He covered his ears as well. 


“Does toddler teething hurt?” - Heechul asked - “I remember babies cried a lot when teething but I don’t have a clue when it comes to this. I don’t recall any of the triplets fussing when they got their molars” 


“It can hurt” - Leeteuk explained calmly while Ryeowook refused to get near him again - “It can also cause a slight fever and ear pain. Maybe he is fussy because of the teething and not just the cold~ that’s why he isn’t eating that much. It probably bothers him” 


“Aw” - Heechul was now rubbing the boy’s cheeks - “My poor baby~” 


“Ugh” - Ryeowook did a funny expression when Heechul rubbed his cheeks again. He drooled a little bit more - “Sowy” 


“Not ‘sorry’, it’s normal” - Leeteuk cleaned the boy’s face with a damp cloth - “You are getting new teeth, Wookie~” 


“Huwtz” - Ryeowook complained - “Idchy” 


“Mmmm” - Leeteuk thought for a minute - “Wait here” 


The babysitter returned holding something Heechul recognized right away. 


“ah! That’s a good idea!” - Heechul praised - “That’s the same we use for Henry!” 


“Yeah” - Leeteuk was trying to convince Ryeowook to open his mouth - “It won’t hurt~ I promise~” 


“Hphm!” - Ryeowook turned away. He didn’t trust Leeteuk. After all, he still held a grudge because of the banana thing 


“Wookie~ Cmon” - Heechul was also trying - “That’s for pain relief~ We are just going to rub that in your gums and you will feel better” 


“UGHHHH!” - Ryeowook kept fussing. He wasn’t going to open his mouth for that. He was sure it was one of those horrible meds Heechul and Leeteuk often fed him when he got sick 


“Your gums are sore” - Heechul tried reasoning with him - “We need to soothe them with this so you can feel better” 


(Oh? His gums? That’s inside his mouth right?) 


“Wookie Huwt” - Kyuhyun approached his dad - “Sic” 


“Yeah, something like that” - Heechul sighed - “Since he is growing big teeth, it hurts him” 


“Uhm” - Kyuhyun seemed worried. He stared at the little med Heechul had in his hand - “Diz?” 


“This is an special medicine for teething” - Heechul explained - “It could help him but we can’t give it to him because he refuses to open his mouth” 


Kyuhyun doubted for a second and then ran away. He returned holding his toy medical kit. He was even holding the little lab coat that came with the kit. 


“Kyu doc” - Kyuhyun was now putting on his costume with Leeteuk’s help - “Kyu help” 


“Help” - Heechul liked how Kyuhyun was improving his verbal skills- “Our Kyunnie is so good when it comes to speaking!”


“Pway together” - Kyuhyun approached Ryeowook- “Wookie sic, Kyu doc” 


Heechul understood Kyuhyun’s intentions when the boy managed to convince his twin to open his mouth. 


“ah~” - Ryeowook was letting Kyuhyun to check on his new teeth 


“That’s it” - Heechul gestured Leeteuk to help the little doctor - “Use this opportunity” 


Ryeowook glared at Leeteuk as soon as he approached but Kyuhyun thought fast. 


“Nuwze” - Kyuhyun explained - “Ukwee Pwayz too” 


Ryeowook seemed to understand the concept. If Kyuhyun told him Leeteuk was playing with them and pretending he was a nurse, then, he wasn’t going to complain. In Ryeowook’s mind it made sense since doctors and nurses worked together. 


“All done” - Leeteuk was happy as he got to apply the meds on Ryeowook’s gum - “I hope it helps you” 


Kyuhyun also seemed happy. He felt better knowing that he had helped his brother. Ryeowook didn’t notice any change at first but a few minutes later, the boy announced he was feeling better. 


“No huwtz!” - Ryeowook was jumping around excited - “Wookie fine!” 


“Come here, jumping bagel” - Heechul smiled - “You are feeling better, don’t you?” 




“Do you know why?” - Heechul smirked - “Its Because those two helped you. Leeteuk and Kyuhyun did such a great job... don’t you think they deserve a prize?” 


“UNG!” - Ryeowook ran to Leeteuk and hugged him tightly - “WOOKIE BEWEW. THANKZ. LOVE YOU” 


“Really? I thought you didn’t like me at all” - Leeteuk teased - “You kept running away from me” 


Ryeowook felt guilty. He blushed a little bit and pretended he didn’t understand at all. He hugged Leeteuk for a long time. 


“Its Alright~ uncle is not mad at you~” - Leeteuk carried the boy that had teary eyes - “I already forgave you. I love you even when you crush blueberries in the table” 


Ryeowook smiled a bit. 


“Give me a kiss~ That would make me feel better” 


Ryeowook kissed Leeteuk several times. Leeteuk kissed him back and wiped his nose. 


“Now go kiss Kyuhyun as well” - Leeteuk patted Ryeowook’s - “Your twin had a hard time today” 


Kyuhyun was in heaven now that his twin wouldn’t stop kissing him. The twins enjoyed a lot more since Ryeowook was now feeling better. The little boy even managed to eat dinner properly. 


Heechul was getting the boys ready for bed after a long day. 


“Hewe” - Ryeowook was moving his twin’s pillow next to his - “Kyu sweeps hewe” 


“Hey Hey Hey” - Heechul protested - “Why are you boys moving all your stuff to my bed?” 


“Wookie sweeps here” - Ryeowook pointed at the spot in the bed where he always cuddled with Heechul 


“Yeah Well, one thing is you sleeping some nights with me” - Heechul felt guilty  - “and another one is you two sleeping here” 


“Wookie Wanna sweep Kyu” - Ryeowook sulked


“You Can do that in your bed” - Heechul pointed at the toddler bed - “You guys sleep together there. That’s your bed” 


“Hewe” - Ryeowook pouted - “Dada”


“If you want to sleep with me fine” - Heechul sighed - “But sweetheart, Kyuhyun is getting potty trained remember? He stills wet the bed too often and...” 


Kyuhyun was fine with that but Ryeowook seemed about to cry. Heechul decided that no mattress in the world, was more important that his boy’s feelings. 


“Just for tonight” - Heechul helped the boys setting the bed - “Don’t get used to this ok? After Ryeowook gets better you both are back to your bed. That includes you little bagel” 


“Ung~” - Ryeowook was now cuddling next to his dad. He was lying between his dad and his beloved twin. He couldn’t ask for anything else. 


“Who do you love more?” - Heechul asked the little boy - “I suspect you have troubles deciding” 


“Wookie loves both” - Ryeowook was his thump again - “Dada ‘n Kyu” 


“Uh~ is that why you wanted us both with you? You couldn’t decide?” - Heechul teased - “I love you too, Wookie. I also love Kyunnie” 


Heechul smiled seeing how his boy fell asleep. He was expecting Kyuhyun to do the same but the boy seemed immersed in looking at his twin. 


“You love him a lot, don’t you?” - Heechul smiled sweetly - “Who do you love the most?” 


“Wookie” - Kyuhyun didn’t doubt - “Dada... Uhm...” 


“You love me too, but Ryeowook is number one” - Heechul translated 


“Ung” - Kyuhyun felt guilty for it - “Wookie first” 


“That’s fine” - Heechul giggled - “But I hope I get the second place in your heart” 


“Uhmmm~ UNG! wi’ Ukwee” - Kyuhyun replied 


“EEEEHHHH? I refuse to share that place with Leeteuk!” - Heechul teased - “I’m your dad, silly brat! I should be first !” 


“Fowget id” - Kyuhyun joked - “Wookie first” 


“I get it, I get it” - Heechul fixed their blanket and kissed the boy - “Goodnight, big bagel” 


“Night~” - Kyuhyun cuddled next to Ryeowook- “Love youuu~” 



Kyuhyun wake up in an empty bed. His bladder was killing him so the first thing he did was going out of the bed in a try to protect the mattress. He called for help and lucky for him, Leeteuk heard him. 


“Good boy! You didn’t wet the bed!” - Leeteuk praised as he helped the toddler with his needs - “Now let’s stay dry all day, ok?” 




(Lets Say I will try my best. I shouldn’t promise that hehe) 


“Wookie?” - Kyuhyun looked around. Everything was too quiet - “zchoo’?” 


“No school yet” - Leeteuk found funny Kyuhyun’s idea - “It’s still too early. Your brothers are still sleeping and Ryeowook went out with Daddy” 


(With dad? At this hour? OH MY! HE IS PROBABLY SICK AGAIN! OH NO!) 


“Whewe?” - Kyuhyun asked anxiously 


“Uhmm hospital?” - Leeteuk tried 




Kyuhyun started crying. Leeteuk was still clueless as he was half asleep. 


“There there ~” - Leeteuk was carrying the boy - “You are going to wake up the others~” 


“Kyu?” - Ryeowook’s voice echoed - “Kyu? Kyu cwy?” 


“WOOKIE” - Kyuhyun’s heart jumped - “WOOKIE WHEWE YOUUU” 


“Wookie hewe~” - Ryeowook entered the room calmly - “Kyu zad... Kyu cwy...” 


Leeteuk placed the younger twin on the floor so he could run and hug his brother. 


“Whewe you?” - Kyuhyun asked as he hugged his twin 


“Mmm hozpitaw” - Ryeowook replied - “Wi’ Dada” 


“MWAHAHAHAHAHA” - Heechul was having a blast - “IM FINALLY FREEEEEEEE!” 


“BWAHAHAHAH” - Robin tried imitating Heechul’s evil laugh - “FREEEEE” 


“You could have waited two hours until the kids left for school” - Leeteuk was amused by Heechul’s childish personality- “Kyuhyun got nervous because you and Ryeowook weren’t here when he woke up” 


“Look at how skinny it is” - Heechul wasn’t paying that much attention to Leeteuk’s complains - “My poor leg... I can’t believe I will need rehab for this sh— for this” 


“I’m glad you got your cast removed” - Leeteuk sighed - “But that doesn’t mean you can go back to normal. You need to do all the therapy and finish the treatment” 


“Dada bewew” - Ryeowook chirped as he pointed at Heechul’s leg - “zee?” 


“Ung~” - Kyuhyun now understood that they weren’t in the hospital because of Ryeowook but his dad’s leg - “Nice” 


“Nice” - Ryeowook repeated - “Happy” 


“Ryeowook wanted to go with me” - Heechul apologized to Kyuhyun- “He woke up earlier because his gum hurt but we already gave him the meds. You don’t have to worry anymore~ your twin is strong!” 


“WOOKIE STWONNNN!” - Ryeowook was trying to show off his non existent muscles - “Kyu! No wowy!” 


(What are you saying? I will always worry. You are my beloved twin after all...) 


“Uh? UH?” - Ryeowook worried when Kyuhyun cried a bit - “NUUUUH! KYU CWY! KYU ZAAAAD!”


“Zilly” - Kyuhyun wiped away his tears - “Kyu happy” 


(I’m just overwhelmed. I’m so happy you are fine) 


“Wookie big bowthew!” - Ryeowook hugged Kyuhyun - “No wowy! Wookie pwotectz Kyu! “ 


“Aren’t they cute?” - Leeteuk was touched by the scene - “Ryeowook is always protecting and teaching Kyu but Kyuhyun takes care of Ryeowook when he gets sick. Ryeowook trusts Kyuhyun The most and—” 


“Stop it...” - Heechul was also shedding tears - “This is too much for my poor heart...” 


“Awww” - Leeteuk giggled - “Do you need a hug?” 


“Maybe” - Heechul was trying his best to stop crying 


“Kids, daddy is crying~” - Leeteuk pouted - “Lets shower him with love” 


The twins jumped on Heechul. They hugged him tightly until Kyuhyun had an accident. 


“ ‘shower him with love’ hum?” - Heechul was mimicking Leeteuk while he got inside the bathtub with the twins - “I didn’t expect that kind of ‘love’ “ 


“Sowy” - Kyuhyun blushed 


“Uhm Uhm” - Ryeowook shook his head - “Fine. Awkcident” 


“If one of you pees inside the bathtub, I’m gifting you to grandma” - Heechul teased 


“Uh oh~~~” - Ryeowook bit his finger and pretended he had an accident 


“KIM RYEOWOOK” - Heechul freaked out - “You didnt do it! R-right? You are just pretending you did to freak me!” 


“Don’ know” - Ryeowook did a funny face - “Ah~~” 




“TWAITOW!” - Ryeowook cried out loud after his dad accused him with the nanny - “Wookie no pee bat’ub!” 


“You three are driving me crazy” - Leeteuk sighed - “We are going to be late for school if you keep wasting my time with— HEY! Don’t run around the house while !” 


Ryeowook and Kyuhyun were running away from the babysitter. They were caught by Heechul who only wore his towel around his waist. 


“You brats” - Heechul was scolding the twins when he felt his towel falling - “HEY! DONGHAE STOP IT” 


“WOW” - Yesung covered his eyes - “Uncle...” 


“When I grow up, I want to have a big willy like uncle” - Siwon told Leeteuk 


The triplets were comparing their willy’s sizes with each other. Kangin was trying to convince Heechul to measure ‘it’. 


“Congratulations” - Leeteuk was pulling Heechul’s ear softly - “You just managed to teach them something weird before 9am”


“Papa~ Minnie wants this” - Sungmin was holding a story book - “Please” 


“Not now, sweetie” - Heechul sighed - “We are going to be late for school... but I promise I will read it to you when you come back, ok?”


“Kay~” - Sungmin seemed happy - “I love it” 


“Which book is that?” - Leeteuk felt warm - “He seems to like it a lot” 


“Puss in boots” - Heechul smiled softly


“ BUTTS!” - Kyuhyun chirped from his high chair 






“At least we know where he ‘listened’ to it” - Heechul gulped down - “I think we need to clean his ears” 


“What we should clean its his mouth” - Leeteuk face palmed himself - “I cant believe it...” 


“Whats ‘’ ?” - Siwon asked - “Can I ask grandma—“ 


“NO!” - Both adults rushed to shout 




Author comments: 


Aren’t they cute? Twins have an special bond. If you haven’t met twins in real life, let’s say that they are often ‘strange’ when compared to other siblings. They behave like normal siblings would do but they have a different type of connection between them. 


I hope you keep enjoying this story! ^^ If you have any request or idea, feel free to share it! This chapter was based on someone’s idea. Thanks for it! I loved it! Wish more of you will share your desires as well! <3 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it