My own family

Junior Quest

Leeteuk had started to wonder if Kim Heechul ever did something normal. When he was told Heechul was going to throw a birthday party for the twins at daycare he expected a normal one. He expected a few decorations in the classroom, Ryeowook’s classmates and a birthday cake. 

“Rich bastard” - Leeteuk sighed as he reached what it looked like an amusement park instead of a daycare - “You overdid it... again” 


Apparently, Heechul had a different way of seeing toddler’s parties at daycare. He not only invited all classes but took it to the next level hiring all kind of games and food trucks. Leeteuk found himself in the middle of what it felt like a piece of Disneyland. The babysitter spotted the older kids having a blast inside one of the inflatable castles. Kyuhyun kept holding his hand tightly as he was scared. 


“It’s alright” - Leeteuk sighed - “Lets go search for your twin. I bet he is waiting for you” 


Heechul had left earlier as he wanted to help setting things for the birthday party. Leeteuk thought he was talking about decorating the classroom. He never expected that kind of party. 


“We are here~~” - Leeteuk tried to sound really excited in a try to cheer up Kyuhyun- “Here is one of the birthday boys” 


“Uhmmm... Dada....” - Kyuhyun was too scared. He just wanted to go home. He hated that place and seeing a bunch of unknown kids running everywhere was making him nervous 


“Hi! Happy birthday, my baby!” - Heechul Carried the boy - “Come here, Ryeowook is already having fun~” 




Leeteuk’s thoughts about Heechul being crazy went away when he spotted the shortest twin running around excited. He had never seen Ryeowook so happy. The kid was already covered in sweat as he had been playing hard. 


“Ryeowook~ Kyuhyun is here” - Leeteuk tried calling the toddler - “Ryeowookkie” 


“YAYAYAYAY!” - Ryeowook was going crazy. He ran to the babysitter at full speed. The kid had really red cheeks and was having a hard time catching his breath


“I think you are running too much” - Leeteuk held the kid to prevent he got a heart attack - “Lets Try calming a bit ok? Also, Kyuhyun wants to play with you” 


“Kyu~” - Ryeowook said in a lovely way - “Ouw bidway” 


“Birthday” - Leeteuk kissed the kid - “are you having fun?” 




“Hey, you are missing your shoes” - Leeteuk spotted the dirty socks - “You are ruining those” 


“Dada no shoezzz jump” - Ryeowook tried to explain - “Cawtwe” 


“What?” - Leeteuk’s translations weren’t that advanced- “Ah, there are they” 


“Kyuhyun refuses to play” - Heechul sulked - “He keeps telling me he wants to go home” 


“You can’t blame him” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “This is... excessive?”


“Do you think so?” - Heechul pouted - “Anyway, I will put Ryeowook his shoes and gather the kids to cut the cake” 


“Oh, so you have Ryeowook’s shoes” - Leeteuk tried not to think in the fact he would have to stay an hour there - “He ruined his socks... and is dangerous to let a kid run around without shoes. He could injure his feet” 


“He wanted to jump inside the inflatable castle” - Heechul explained - “It’s just that he started running everywhere after he did so. He haven’t stopped since morning” 


Leeteuk’s nightmare ended a few minutes later thanks to Kyuhyun’s refusal of playing with other kids. He felt sorry for the other boys as he knew they would have liked to stay a lot of time more but he felt relieved they were back home.


“Happy birthday~~~ to youuuuuu~~~” - Heechul kept kissing non stop his birthday boys - “You are growing up! You even look taller today!” 


Leeteuk took a deep breath. Not even lunch time and his head was already hurting. It didn’t help knowing that night Heechul’s family would arrive and stay there for the twins’s family birthday party. He wondered if Heechul also planned something crazy for the night or the next day. He had just convinced Mina to bring her children to play and would feel horrible if Heechul tried anything dangerous. 


“You said you would grant me three wishes” - Leeteuk said calmly - “I’m ready to use the first one” 


“Sure” - Heechul got nervous. He wasn’t sure of what could Leeteuk ask him and he worried about it - “Tell me your wish” 


“No more surprises” - Leeteuk glared at the parent - “You will warn me in advance if you have any crazy plan of yours” 


“What do you mean? It’s not my fault you thought it was a classroom party” - Heechul pouted - “I said daycare” 


“Today, your family is coming over and I don’t want any of your surprises” - Leeteuk hissed - “You promised me that if I convinced Mina, you would grant me three wishes. I already told you one, please keep your word” 


“Killjoy” - Heechul scoffed - “I just wanted them to have fun!” 


“I am not saying you have bad intentions... it’s just that sometimes...” - Leeteuk didn’t know how to say it - “You dont think about consequences” 


“Dada... Wookie fee’...” - Ryeowook was sulking over his foot - “Huwtzzz” 


Heechul got hurt when Leeteuk removed the toddler’s socks and found out the kid had probably stepped on something pointy while walking without shoes. 


“Even the sock got a hole” - Leeteuk put his finger inside to show the parent - “This is what I meant” 


“I don’t care about the sock but Ryeowook’s poor foot...” - Heechul seemed about to cry while he inspected the toddler’s foot - “I’m so sorry my baby” 


Ryeowook pouted when Heechul started kissing his feet. 


“Eww, diwty” - Ryeowook tried to stop his apologetic father - “No no” 


“Let’s go wash” - Heechul Carried the boy with love - “I will bandage it and take care of it... and Teuk, I agree. No more surprises”


Heechul was walking away with the toddler when he stopped in his tracks and turned back. 


“Not even little ones?” 


“Excuse me?” - Leeteuk was confused 


“Ehm... there is one surprise I prepared for tonight and I was wondering if it was allowed or not” - Heechul seemed worried - “I will go take care of Ryeowook’s feet first and then we can discuss about all things I had prepared for today” 


Those minutes Heechul went to the bathroom to clean Ryeowook’s feet felt like an eternity. He had enough time to think about how to use the other two wishes. In fact, he had stayed awake all night thinking about it. He had a big list of things he would like Heechul to change. Starting with his way of cursing out loud, teaching the kids how to make weird noises (that often simulated farts), making gross jokes on the table... and a lot more. Heechul was good parent overall, but he was pretty immature sometimes. Only two wishes weren’t enough to take care of every single wrong behaviour Leeteuk had seen. 


“We are back” - Heechul was holding a cheerful Ryeowook that wore new padded socks - “Those are fat enough to prevent it hurts when walking” 


“Good” - Leeteuk was waiting for it - “Tell me about that surprise” 



“I used to think there were marbles inside your head but now I realize it’s just AIR” - Leeteuk kept knocking on Heechul’s head - “How you dare?” 


“Ouch! I— Ouch! I’m— Ouch! Sorry!” - Heechul tried covering his head - “I thought it was a great idea” 


“No, it’s not!” - Leeteuk pulled Heechul’s ear - “What were you thinking of?” 


When Heechul mentioned he had prepared a little surprise, he should have omitted the word ‘little’. 


“Again... I’m so sorry” - Heechul tried hiding behind the closest wall - “I never thought you would find it... dangerous?” 


Leeteuk felt his blood boiling. Apparently, Kim Heechul never payed attention to him when he spoke about dangerous games and so. The naughty parent had the great idea of turning the big backyard into a jungle or something similar to Jurassic park. 


“I thought the kids would like it” - Heechul was still covering his head - “We would play with mud and catch frogs” 


“I don’t care how or when did you turn this place into a jungle” - Leeteuk pulled Heechul’s ear - “But the fact you thought it would be funny to let the kids play here tonight!!” 


“I even set a tent so we could sleep— OUCH!” 


“Mina wouldn’t approve this ok? Not even I approve it and I am used to your crazy parenting ideas” - Leeteuk sighed out loudly- “Please, just for today... BEHAVE” 


“I will! I promise I will!” - Heechul felt his ear about to break - “I PROMISE I WONT DO ANYTHING STUPID TODAY” 


“Good” - Leeteuk released the poor man - “No frogs, no lizards, no mud” 


Heechul was about to sulk again when his phone rang. 


“MAYDAY MAYDAY” - Heechul ran in circles - “THIS IS AN EMERGENCY” 


“Uh?” - Leeteuk was ready for everything. He lived with Kim Heechul - “Did you ran out of toilet paper again?” 


“No! This one is serious! Mother called me to invite us to a restaurant and have lunch there!” - Heechul pulled his hair - “She said I couldn’t refuse and that I should take the kids with me! She even offered herself to pick Yesung and Kangin from school!” 


“That’s not bad...” - Leeteuk was happy as he would get a few minutes for himself - “I will help you get the kids ready” 


“This is madness...” - Heechul sulked on the couch - “I don’t wanna go” 


“Stop being so dramatic and help me dressing the kids” - Leeteuk pinched Heechul’s cheek - “If your mother finds her beloved children all sweaty in their daycare uniform, she will get mad” 


“Ugh...” - Heechul agreed. 


Leeteuk was done dressing the triplets, Siwon and Henry. He dressed five kids in the time Heechul only managed to dress both twins. Leeteuk was celebrating his own victory when Heechul’s mother crossed the door. 


“Sweetie, we are here” - the old lady said - “I already have Yesung and Kangin. I will take Henry with me as well ok?” 


“You can take them all if you want” - Heechul was in a bad mood - “Whats the point of having lunch outside?” 


“Shut up and hurry up” - The old lady just ignored Heechul’s complains - “Donghee And his family are already waiting for us” 


“Let’s go” - Heechul pulled Leeteuk’s sleeve - “Why aren’t you moving? I said—“ 


“I heard you, but I am not going” - Leeteuk rejected Heechul’s hand - “This is a familiar outing. I don’t think I should go” 


“Don’t be silly” - Heechul worried - “There is no way I will survive without you. Pleaseeeee”


“I’m not going” - Leeteuk’s strong refusal made Heechul get the chills - “I’m going to stay here”




“What are you—-“ 


“Oh sweetheart! It’s not like that! When I told Heechul everyone was invited, I really meant everyone!” - the old lady seemed flustered- “Oh, poor boy. You thought you were not invited... I’m so so so sorry”


(That’s not it... I just wanted to get rid of Heechul for a few minutes...) Leeteuk glared at Heechul. He would make sure he paid for this. 


Leeteuk ended going with the family against his will. He just wanted to have peace but he couldn’t say no to Heechul’s mother. 


Leeteuk had a lot of things to think about. Somehow, being in a car with several children and Heechul made him remember his past. There was a time when everything he wanted was that. 




Leeteuk’s first memory was a confusing one. He just remembered being cold and scared. 


“Its a boy” 


“He is so skinny... he must be starving” 


“Someone called and said there was a young kid alone in the streets but this is...” 


Leeteuk didn’t know his name. In fact, he wasn’t sure he had one before the people that rescued him gave him one. He could not remember his parents’s faces. He could not remember his house if he ever had one. 


“He must be around four” - One man said - “He is in a pretty bad shape, but I think he will make it” 


“Don’t worry boy” - a nice woman his hair - “You are safe now” 


“What is your name? Do you have a name?” 




“In that case, then we should give you one” 


“What about Leeteuk?” 




Leeteuk smiled. It was the first time he heard his own name. Something that was his. Something that he would have forever.


“He smiled! I think he likes it!” 


That was Leeteuk’s first encounter with the people that would raise him. It was the day he arrived at the orphanage. The day his life started. 




“Earth calling TEUK” - Heechul was tapping his head - “Heeeeey, we arrived. Did you fall asleep?” 


“Uh? Eh, maybe? I think I got lost in my own thoughts” - Leeteuk stretched - “Lets go. Your mother is probably waiting for us” 


“Uhum...” - Heechul sighed - “It haven’t started and I am already tired” 


“Don’t complain that much. Your family is nice” 


“If you say so” - Heechul wasn’t convinced at all - “I dislike eating outside. My kids will sure make a disaster and...” 


Leeteuk wasn’t paying attention at all. Right now , his mind was somewhere else. He was staring at Zhoumi. The boy he had met in the orphanage not long ago... now looked so different. No one could ever suspect he had no parents before. He was dressed like his siblings, with a good hair cut and holding hands with his mother. He seemed so happy. 




Seeing his friends getting adopted one by one only broke his heart. He couldn’t get too attached to his friends as they would eventually leave. 


“Are you crying again?” - One of the adults asked - “I know is hard, but she will be better with them. It’s a lovely family” 


“Everyone gets adopted” - Leeteuk sulked - “Everyone goes away” 


“One day, you are going to get adopted too” - The old man sat next to the boy - “If only you could stop running away every single time families come to—“ 


“I don’t want to get adopted” - Leeteuk held his chest - “I never want to leave this place. I’m fine here” 


“Leeteuk, you would do better if you could get adopted... this place... we don’t have all the money we need to give you a better life” 


“Then I will work and earn money. I will help you keep this place and take care of the other kids and and—“ 




“Stop misbehaving! If you keep doing that we will go home right now!” - Heechul was scolding the kids that got into a fight for bread - “You behave like if I don’t feed you enough!” 


“Sorry” - Kangin and Siwon apologized 


Leeteuk sighed. Heechul had a hard time controlling his kids. The big table was a chaos as there were more children than adults. Henry was chewing tiny pieces of bread that his grandma gave him. The triplets were busy playing with some crayons the waitress gave them. Hangeng and Yesung were chatting happily. 


“Sweetheart, are you alright?” - Heechul’s mother interrupted his thoughts- “Are you still upset because you thought I haven’t invited you? I’m so sorry. I swear it was just a misun—“ 


“Oh no, it’s not that” - Leeteuk rushed to clarify - “I’m just a little distracted today. I didn’t have a good sleep last night and... well that’s it” 


“I will ask Heechul to give you a proper care. He sometimes forget people around him are human as well” - The woman sighed - “He tends to be a little careless but  I swear he is a good person” 


“I don’t doubt that” - Leeteuk smiled as he saw Heechul drawing with the kids’s crayons - “He is one of them” 


“I made a big dragon” - Heechul teased Siwon - “If you don’t finish your food, it will spit fire” 


“Cool” - Eunhyuk found it hilarious 


Surprisingly, lunch time wasn’t as chaotic as Leeteuk thought it would be. The kids actually behaved better than he expected despite Ryeowook fussing after finishing his meal. Apparently, he was so tired from playing hard before that nap time was needed earlier than usual. Heechul was still eating dessert while holding a sleeping boy. 


“You seem used to it” - Mina commented - “Maybe you should put him in his stroller. You won’t eat well with a child in your arms” 


“Nah, I’m fine” - Heechul had difficulties but he wouldn’t admit it - “He will cry if I put him there. They get clingy when we are out of the house” 


“I wanna go poop” - Donghae announced. Heechul almost choke 


“There are better ways of saying that” - the amused grandpa laughed - “I can take him with me. Don’t worry” 


“I wanna go too!” - Eunhyuk followed - “Grandpaaaa~” 


“My kids are such a rascals” - Heechul ate a big spoonful of his dessert - “That’s why I don’t usually take them out” 


“They are well behaved for being so young” - Donghee tried - “I think it must be hard to raise nine children at once” 


“Can we go play? Pleeeeeaseeee” - Yesung was trying to convince Heechul - “They have an aquarium right there. Can we go see the fish?”


“No” - Heechul ate another spoonful - “I don’t like you going away from me” 


“We promise we won’t get far!” - Hangeng was trying to convince his mom - “Please Mommy! Please!” 


“I will take the kids to see fish” - Donghee sighed - “It’s a lost battle. Don’t worry, I will take care of yours too” 


“Thanks” - Heechul kept eating - “Its been a while since I got to eat dessert. Oh hey, buddy” 


Kyuhyun was wobbling. He seemed pale. 


“Are you hav— Ugh” 


Leeteuk rushed to help Heechul as soon as the youngest twin emptied his stomach’s contents. Heechul was trying to prevent Ryeowook from getting dirty. 


“He probably ate too much” - Heechul was still trying to clean his shirt - “It got ruined” 


Back at the mansion, the kids were playing together while the adults just sat chatting. Leeteuk was trying to keep an eye on the boys but as Heechul said, it was impossible and a waste of time. 




“I don’t need a family” - A young Leeteuk giggled - “I’m really ok not being adopted” 


“Oh my boy, why you dislike the idea so much? If only you could give them a try...” 


“For what? To disappoint me? I already had parents once and they just... hated me” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “You said it yourself. They never wanted me” 


“It’s not like that... not all parents are the same” 


“Well, but I don’t need another family. I have you” - Leeteuk hugged the old man - “You are my family now. That’s all I need” 


“I’m too old for being your father... and I am afraid I will die in a few years” - The old man sighed - “What are you going to do then? Do you plan on living in this orphanage all your life?” 


“Once I grow up, I will help you with the orphanage. We will help more kids just how you helped me” - Leeteuk chuckled - “That’s the life I want” 


“But you will never have a family if you stay here... even if you don’t want to get adopted, in a future, you could marry and have your own kids” 


“I don’t want that” - Leeteuk smiled widely - “My family is right here” 


“Then just promise me something, my boy” - The old man smiled sweetly- “After I die, you will go outside and explore the world. At least try. If you don’t find anything you like, you can always come back”




“I think Henry is pooping” - Heechul sighed - “Look at his face. He is doing the same face that Kyuhyun makes” 


“I will go change him” - Leeteuk tried to get away from the family meeting - “I will be right b—“ 


“Oh no, you are not taking that fun away from me” - Mina interrupted - “It’s been a while since I changed a diaper. Auntie will take care of it” 


“Why are you so desperate to get away from me?” - Heechul wouldn’t miss his chance to tease Leeteuk - “You have been acting weird today. Are you mad at me? Did I do something to anger you?” 


“N-no” - Leeteuk felt sorry for giving that impression- “I was just remembering an old friend. That’s it” 


“Now I’m jealous” - Heechul pouted - “I thought I was your friend” 


“You are my boss” - Leeteuk teased - “and the lucky father of nine cute kids”


“Only that?” - Heechul seemed hurt - “I guess I will go have a drink. It’s been a while since I had time for that” 


“Don’t Worry, he had always been dramatic” - Donghee patted Leeteuk’s back - “He used to act out whenever Gunhee ignored him or didn’t pay him enough attention. The kids being so clingy is his own karma” 


“Heechul is always complaining when we are around and yet he likes getting attention” - The old lady joined the conversation - “He is a complicated boy” 


“He is like the black sheep in our family” - Donghee giggled 


“Hey!” - the old man seemed disgusted by the term - “You shouldn’t call your brother like that!” 


“It’s not like being a black sheep is always a bad thing” - Donghee shuddered- “I’m just saying he is different” 


“Different or not, we love him” - the old lady smiled - “He is crazy but he is my son” 


Leeteuk smiled. Heechul was lucky for having such a good family. Maybe they weren’t perfect, but they were a good family. 




“I just have one last wish... and it is that you find happiness” - the old weak man smiled sweetly- “I have had a good life” 


“Don’t talk like that” - Leeteuk was still holding his hand - “You are going to get better. I’m sure you—“ 


“Teuk, I’m dying” - the old man sighed - “You knew this time would come. I always prepared you for this” 


“But im not ready!” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I still need you... I— I—“ 


“I never had children myself” - the old man smiled again - “but I got the luck of having you. I always considered you my own” 


“I know” - Leeteuk cried - “Please dont go. Don’t leave me alone” 


“You won’t be alone” - The old man was getting weaker - “You will find your own place in the world. You will find your own family... I know you will” 


“But... what if I can’t? Where do I go to? This orphanage is all I know” - Leeteuk was getting anxious - “You know, Maybe I should stay here and help with the orphans. If you are gone, they are going to need more help and—“ 


“Teuk, please grant me that wish” - The old man insisted - “Please promise me you will try to find them” 


“A family, I get it” - Leeteuk felt sorry as he wasn’t sure he could keep that promise - “I will try...” 


“Someday, you will find someone that will make you feel you are home” - The old man said with a peaceful smile 




“Dadaaaaa!” - Ryeowook kept crying - “UWAAAAAA!” 


“Someone woke up in a bad mood” - Mina was trying to console the boy - “I’m so sorry. I just tried to fix his blanket but he woke up” 


“And that’s a problem” - Donghee also tried carrying the fussy boy - “This one is really attached to Heechul. He won’t stop until he comes back” 


“Wookie, dear” - Even the old lady tried calming him - “Its Alright, Its Alright” 


“Noooo! DADAAA!” - Ryeowook kept crying non stop 


“He is going to get sick if he keeps crying like that” - Mina worried - “I cant find Heechul” 


“There there” - Heechul’s father was also trying hard - “Dont cry” 


“I will go get Hee—“ 


Leeteuk stopped the very moment Ryeowook pulled his sleeve. The boy was still sobbing but looked a bit calmer. The confused babysitter carried the boy while all family observed amazed. 


“Oh! He likes you too!” - Mina chirped - “That’s good” 


“He stopped crying” - the grandfather relaxed - “I guess he is used to you” 


“Ukweee...” - Ryeowook pulled Leeteuk’s shirt tightly - “Ukwee” 


“Let’s go and search daddy ok?” - Leeteuk was still trying to recover from his shock - “Mrs Jung have you seen Heechul?” 


“I think he was in the backyard” - Mrs Jung said innocently - “He said he was going to take care of it” 


“Oh God” - Leeteuk sighed - “Wookie you better wait here ok? Your dad is probably doing something wrong”


“ Kay” - Ryeowook his thump and sat on the floor calmly - “Wookie waitz” 




Ever since his best friend and caregiver died, Leeteuk had tried to keep his promise. He went out of the orphanage searching for a new life. He started living alone and working as babysitter since he considered he was only good taking care of children. 


“Maybe a daycare would be more fun” - Leeteuk yawned. He was getting bored of That life - “I promised grandpa I would find happiness but... is that even possible? I think I was better at the orphanage...” 


Leeteuk sighed out loud when he was told people preferred women to be room teachers. They told him he wasn’t what they were looking for. He was about to give up in his search for a new job when he felt something landing next to his feet. 


“Ryeowook!” - he heard a young man complaining 


And that’s how everything started. 




“You are going crazy, aren’t you?” - Leeteuk observed the young man that was now his boss - “You are covered in dirt. How I am supposed to explain this behaviour of yours Uhm? I think I asked you to not give more surprises and beha—“ 


“I know why you are acting so weird today” - Heechul rushed to interrupt - “I had forgotten and I am sorry. I should have told you earlier” 


“What are you talking about?” - Leeteuk was utterly confused while Heechul kept looking for something between the big plants - “What are you—“ 


“Found them!” - Heechul chirped excited - “You probably thought I had killed them right?” 


Heechul was holding a big pot with beautiful flowers. Leeteuk wasn’t sure of what he meant.


“You got upset with me because you thought I had killed them” - Heechul explained his theory - “But I didn’t! I saved them. I made sure that they didn’t get hurt while fixing this place” 


“What are you talking about?” 


“The flowers! You did it with the kids right? You planted them and took care of them until they bloomed” - Heechul seemed happy - “You thought I had killed them and you got upset with me because of it” 


“Heechul... that’s not it...” - Leeteuk couldn’t avoid laughing. Somehow, he found funny how crazy that theory was and the fact Heechul was full of mud while holding a pot of flowers - “I wasn’t upset, you silly. I am not even mad you today” 


“Ah? You are not?” - Heechul tilted his head - “I thought you were trying to avoid me...” 


“I wasn’t~ I was just a little distracted” - Leeteuk found cute Heechul worried for him - “I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. You ruined your clothes” 


“Nah, it doesn’t matter” - Heechul smiled relieved as Leeteuk wasn’t mad at him - “I’m happy to know you are not upset” 


“You know? Ryeowook stopped crying when I held him” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “He even called me uncle” 


“Well, you are basically his uncle” - Heechul was trying to clean his shoes without success- “That means you are like my brother right?” 


Leeteuk wasn’t expecting that. He just stared at Heechul with confused eyes. 


“I mean, we are like a family right?” - Heechul scratched his head - “I don’t know how to explain it but I got hurt when you called me your boss earlier. I didn’t like that. I don’t see you like my employee... for me you are like more than that” 


“Are you declaring your love for me?” - Leeteuk teased 


“Sort of” - Heechul laughed - “but I don’t want you like a wife, it’s more like a bromance” 


“Still gay” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I refuse to accept it” 


“Maybe I could ask mom to adopt you” - Heechul tried again - “It’s never too late” 


“No, I’m fine” - Leeteuk giggled - “You dont have to worry about that” 


“Why? You don’t want to be part of this weird family?” - Heechul folded his arms - “Well, I will tell you something. Even if you like it or not, you are already part of it! Are you listening? You are our family too! You can’t run away!”


“I think you were drinking” - Leeteuk joked - “You are talking nonsense” 


“Hey! Wait for me! Don’t leave me alone!” 


“Stop that! You are going to ruin the floor! You are full of mud!” 


“I did it because of you!” - Heechul stomped his feet - “I’m goi— what are you doing?” 


“I’m helping you clean, silly” - Leeteuk giggled - “I will prepare you a bath~ you can’t play with the kids like this~ Let’s go” 


“Ugh... sure” - Heechul pouted - “We still have a birthday going on” 



Heechul was bathing with Kyuhyun and Ryeowook. The boys somehow ended convincing him of doing so and Heechul just couldn’t say no. Leeteuk was busy choosing clothes for the twins when he realized he wasn’t alone. 


“Hi, there~” - Leeteuk smiled to the young boy - “Are you having fun?” 


“I... love... my... family” - Zhoumi said shyly as he played with the ribbon his mother put around his neck - “I’m happy. Thanks” 


“You’re welcome” - Leeteuk ruffled the boy’s hair - “I told you they were nice” 


“Where is yours?” - Zhoumi looked down - “Your family” 


“I...” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure of what to say 


“Right here” - Heechul shouted from behind - “We are his family~” 


“Ung!” - The twins agreed 


Leeteuk felt overwhelmed. He didn’t know if Heechul was just being nice to him but still, he found it cute. 


“I chose these ones” - Leeteuk went back to his duty as babysitter - “I think they will look cute in the pictures if they wear these” 


“Oh here they are!” - Heechul’s family was making a fuss as Heechul went downstairs with the twins - “Lets take a picture!” 


“Ah sure~” - Heechul smiled a bit 


“I will take it” - Leeteuk offered as he held the camera - “Everyone get ready” 


“But If you take it, how are you going to appear on it?” - Yesung complained 


“Yeah, Teuk! Not funny!” - Kangin folded his arms - “You are just trying to avoid taking a picture with us!”


“Come here dear! That camera can take the picture itself!” - the old couple also gestured him to go 


“It has a timer, you uncultured swine” - Heechul teased as he set the camera - “NOW EVERYBODY GET READY!” 


Leeteuk didn’t have time to complain when Heechul pulled him to his side in a violent way. Last thing he knew, was that he ended taking several pictures with Heechul’s family. 


“Hey Teuk! You look like suffering here!” - Heechul teased - “Were you scared of me?” 


“Anyone with brain cells would be scared of you” - Donghee teased his brother 


“Poor Teuk got a shock because you were too violent!” - Mina scolded 


“Did I?” - Heechul bit his finger - “Hey Teuk, what do you think? My family keeps pestering me about you feeling awkward around me! How do I make you feel?” 


(You make me feel... like I’m home) Leeteuk thought. 


“You drive me crazy, but you are not my type ” - Leeteuk told him. There was no way he was letting Heechul know how much he and the kids meant to him. 


All the family laughed. Heechul puffed his cheeks as he blushed and shook his head. 


“Red~~” - Ryeowook laughed as he pointed at Heechul - “Dada red!” 


“Uncle won this round!” - Kangin laughed too - “You lost against him!” 


“What are you saying? There is no way I’m letting him win this” - Heechul pointed at Leeteuk - “Just wait for it! You will regret that comment!”


“Really? I still have two wishes to use” - Leeteuk raised his eyebrows - “I’m still trying to decide how to use them wisely” 


“Eck!” - Heechul flinched 


“By the way... we should set some rules” - Leeteuk grimaced - “What happens if you dare to break your promises?” 


“Hic!” - Heechul started hiccuping. He was nervous 


“Maybe we should punish him” - Yesung raised his hand - “He is always saying that bad actions get—“ 


Heechul covered his mouth. He didn’t want Leeteuk to get any ideas. But it was too late. 


“Then, I have decided what I want to do with my second wish” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “For every single wrong behaviour or bad thing you do, you will get punished. The kids can participate choosing the way you will get punished” 


“I bet you are scared now!” - Kangin jumped excited 


“Bull” - Heechul scoffed - “I’m not—“ 


“HE SAID A BAD WORD!” - Siwon pointed at him - “HE DID SOMETHING BAD!”




“Time for your first punishment” - Leeteuk nodded - “Rules Are rules” 


“Oh my, I’m going to enjoy this game so much” - Mina giggled - “Can I suggest something?” 


“Me too! Me too! I have been waiting for this for ages!” - Donghee joined 


“It was time for someone to tame him” - Heechul’s mother seemed happy 


Heechul was covering his mouth. He didn’t want any other bad word to come out. His nightmare was just about to begin. 


(I’m sorry~ but this is for your own good. I think it’s time you learn how to behave) - Leeteuk smiled sweetly as he saw the fear in Heechul’s eyes. 


“Leeteuk you ...” - Heechul refrained from saying the words he was thinking of - “You are enjoying this !” 


“Sure, I am” - Leeteuk smiled in a provocative way - “honey~” 


(Thanks, Heechul. I finally understand what the old man wanted for me... thanks to you, I finally know what is like having a family) 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it