Goodbye, friend

Junior Quest

Leeteuk’s heart was beating fast. He was sweating. He had dragged Heechul to a mall to buy some clothes for Henry but never expected the parent to get stuck at the girl’s section. 


“H-Heechul” - Leeteuk was terrified - “We have a baby boy. I mean, y-y-you have a son”


“Uhum” - Heechul kept staring at the cute dresses 


“We don’t need those” - Leeteuk was about to panic - “Unless, of course... there is something you haven’t told me yet”


“Like getting someone pregnant? Dude, I would have cried” - Heechul laughed- “It’s not that. It’s just... The triplets got invited to a birthday party and I was wondering what to buy for a girl. I only have boys so... I don’t really know what girls like” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk relaxed - “Well, you can always choose those ‘safe’ toys, you know? The ones everyone loves” 


“Yeah... You know I can’t do that” - Heechul bit his lips - “People would think I didn’t spend enough time looking for a gift. I mean, I’m the owner of a company that has a whole department dedicated— Henry is drooling all over your shirt” 


“Eck!” - Leeteuk realized the damage - “Henry!”


“Ukwee!” - Henry replied cheerful as usual - “Ukweee wuv uuuu”


“I love you too but...” - Leeteuk just smiled - “You shouldn’t my clothes like that”


“So yucky” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “What If you let your brother to buy you a new shirt so you can change?”


“Works for me” - Leeteuk giggled - “But I don’t really need it. I can stay like this. It won’t kill me” 


“It’s killing ME” - Heechul widened his eyes - “Lets go. I think I saw one of those stores that sell good stuff over there”


“I don’t need anything expensive”


“You will wear whatever I say” - Heechul pouted- “If not, I wont ever come shopping with you again” 




“Why is uncle Teuk wearing a Pokémon shirt?” - Siwon found it hilarious- “I didn’t know  he liked it!”


“Wrong” - Kangin chuckled - “Dad likes it. That’s why he is wearing one” 


Leeteuk smiled. Heechul was proud of his doing and kept singing in a good mood. That meant he was happy. 


“What is this? A turtle?” - Sungmin was fascinated with Leeteuk’s new shirt - “It’s blue!”


“That’s a squirtle” 


“Squirrel?” - Eunhyuk repeated confused - “Like the ones that eat nuts?” 


“No” - Heechul giggled - “Squirtle. It’s a Pokémon!”


“What’s a pokemooooooon?” - The triplets chanted amused 


Heechul’s eyes sparkled. It was time to introduce the kids to one of his favorite worlds. Leeteuk observed how the parent enjoyed his time with the kids. Even Henry seemed to have fun. The babysitter decided he would look after the only kid that haven’t been interested in the game. 


“Hi there” - Leeteuk knocked on Yesung’s door - “What are you doing?”


“Uhm... studying” - Yesung didn’t bother to lift his face from the book he was reading - “They are kinda noisy today. I don’t mind if you come inside but close the door” 


“Are you in a bad mood?” - Leeteuk did as requested - “I know you concentrate a lot when you study but— Hey... were you crying?”


“No” - Yesung wiped away some tears - “Its Nothing. Don’t worry”


“Why you cried?” - Leeteuk grew concerned. Usually, Yesung wasn’t the type of kid that would just cry - “Did something happen in school?”


“No... Its Donnie” - Yesung was clearly affected- “It’s shell is falling... I found pieces of it today” 


Leeteuk worried. He inspected the turtle that was now bigger thanks to Yesung’s love and cares. The boy was extremely responsible when it came to his pet, he even washed the tank very often and handled the animal better than the adults. 


“I want to take it to the vet but I’m scared” - Yesung sulked - “What If he tells me Donnie is going to d-die?” 


“Oh my” - Leeteuk was also scared - “Get ready. We are taking Donnie to the ER now” 


“Yes” - Yesung agreed 



“Ehm” - Heechul inspected the turtle after he caught the silly pair trying to leave the mansion in a hurry - “How do I explain this...? The turtle is just fine. It’s shedding his shell” 


“Shedding?” - Yesung seemed somehow better now - “So... is not dying?”


“Nope. These things are called ‘scutes’ and Turtles often shed those when growing up. Since Donnie is getting bigger, it makes sense he needs new ones” - Heechul smiled - “Remember when we studied reptiles that shed skin? It’s the same”


Yesung even laughed a bit. 


“Relax boy~ your turtle is not dying” - Heechul kissed the boy’s forehead - “You are an awesome caretaker” 


“Kiss Donnie Too” - Yesung demanded 


“Gross” - Heechul shook his head - “I won’t. Henry is the only pet I kiss” 


“Tuwtwe!” - The twins spotted the friend in Yesung’s hands - “PWAY TUWTWE” 


“No~ Donnie needs to rest” - Yesung hugged his turtle - “You guys will make him stressed and he could get sick” 


“Tuwtwe’s shew” - Ryeowook pointed at the shell and did a sad face - “Ouchie ouchie” 


“No, it’s not hurt” - Heechul Carried the boy - “Donnie is just shedding his shell to grow bigger” 


“Bwoken” - Kyuhyun seemed shocked - “Donnie fell” 


“Let’s go search for that ‘little’ encyclopedia your brother loves” - Heechul sighed - “This will take a bigger effort” 


Biology lessons were common in the house. Leeteuk had learned a lot thanks to those sessions even if the intention was to solve kids’s doubts or just homework. Even if biology was the favorite subject of the kids (involving animals, plants, flowers and the human body) Heechul also encouraged maths and reading. He had started to take seriously his role in the kids’s education. 


“I never learned that in school” - Leeteuk was still reading the encyclopedia even after sending the kids to bed - “I didn’t know those things were called ‘Scutes’ until you told us. I always thought it looked like little shields binding together but didn’t know they had a name” 


“I didn’t know you have gone to scho—“ - Heechul had to avoid the flying encyclopedia- “That’s not what I meant. I just thought you were home schooled since... you know” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk blushed - “Kind of. If you take into account the people in charge of the orphanage are also responsible of a school. It was planned so we could receive good education and the teachers could earn money for the orphanage” 


“Sounds like a great idea” - Heechul stretched - “It must had been fun” 


“Sometimes” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “I wasn’t good at studying. However, older kids of the orphanage were always in charge of the younger ones... and I did well there so... I realized it was ok if I wasn’t good at algebra” 


“I was good at studying” - Heechul smiled - “But still, I wasnt smart enough to see through people’s intentions and I got in troubles for that very often. I could understand all  books in libraries but not human beings. Gunhee said it was because I lacked empathy” 


“That’s... I don’t think you lack empathy” - Leeteuk felt somehow hurt learning that Heechul was told such a thing - “At least not now. I think you are someone worthy of being studied but I also think you are lovable” 


“It’s more like an acquired taste” - Heechul did a funny expression - “Not many people have the patience to let it grow. Maybe giving up before they start liking it. Of course, there is always the strange one that likes it since the beginning ” 


“Are you comparing yourself to sushi?” - Leeteuk giggled - “Also, why do you think is weird someone likes you? I like you!”


“Yeah... but you didn’t like me that much at first, did you?” - Heechul blushed - “Its not like I blame you for it. I was the living image of sadness and—“


“What was that?” - Leeteuk worried - “Did you hear it? ” 


“I think you are just trying to distract me” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “Like I was— Oh, I did listened something now” 




“The kids!” - Heechul freaked out when he listened the boys crying for help 


“What are you doing here? What happened?” - Leeteuk was scared to find the kids next to the backyard- “You are not supposed to come here at nights!”


“I know! But I heard something and I came to check!” - Kangin was upset - “I thought Batman was hungry but it wasn’t him and... That thing scared us!”


Siwon was paler than ever. He had climbed Heechul’s back and refused to be put on the floor 


“That weird rat must be the culprit” - Heechul seemed disgusted - “Probably came looking for food. I will call animal services and ask them to take care of that damn animal” 


“Alright, let’s go back to bed everybody” - Leeteuk was clapping his hands - “Lets go back to sleep and forget about the weird rat” 


“Uncle... where is Robin?” - Sungmin’s concerned voice dragged Heechul’s attention to something he haven’t realized before - “Robin’s cage fell...” 


Indeed, the empty cage was on the ground. It seemed like if something tried to get it by force and ended crashing when losing balance. Pieces of the toys were scattered around the place and seeds spilled everywhere. However, there was no sign of the bird. Only several feathers. 


“Dad...? Where is Robin?” - Donghae asked this time. The boy had his eyes filled with tears - “Robin’s cage is broken” 


Leeteuk’s heart broke. He could understand what have possibly happened and he felt like crying as well. It wasn’t a good ending for the poor bird. Also, explaining it to the kids would be impossible and tears would come when they realized their lovely pet wasn’t coming back. 


“Let’s go back to bed, honey” - Leeteuk rushed the kids - “Lets discuss it tomorrow, ok?”


Heechul’s blood was boiling. He couldn’t hide his anger from showing as he cleaned the mess. 


“Are you ok?” - Leeteuk asked softly after putting the kids to bed 


“No” - Heechul was holding a shovel- “I’m going to kill that thing. Help me look for it. I think he hid behind the plants” 


“Heechul...” - Leeteuk knew his friend had enough reasons to behave that way 


“No, no I won’t change my mind” - Heechul hissed - “That thing will pay for what has done. Robin didn’t deserve this” 


“I’m going back to bed. Please don’t let it  bite you” - Leeteuk nodded - “and make sure of killing that stupid rat. I’m also mad”



Leeteuk woke up next morning feeling drained. Just getting reminded of what happened last night made him get the chills. He stopped by Heechul’s room and checked on the younger members of the family. 


“Oh Wook” - Leeteuk felt his heart shrank again - “You are going to be so sad” 


The sad man found his friend leaning on the kitchen’s counter wide awake. 


“You woke up early” - Leeteuk tried to start a conversation 


“I didn’t sleep” - Heechul’s face said it everything. He was in despair - “That thing sure ate Robin. It must have been a horrible way to die” 


Leeteuk’s eyes filled with tears. He didn’t want to cry since the kids would wake up any minute. 


“Its ok, I also cried” - Heechul nodded with a sad face - “I wanted it to be a nightmare” 


“The kids are going to get sad” - Leeteuk cried - “oh my poor Robin” 


“Speaking of which... we will only tell them half of the truth” - Heechul shook his head - “I cant tell Ryeowook nor any of them that our pet had such an horrible death. Let’s just say it flew away” 


“I agree” - Leeteuk wiped away his tears 


“By the way, it ran away” - Heechul cursed internally just remembering that - “I couldn’t kill that . I wanted to get revenge but that ty rat is sure fast”


“I don’t think is a rat” - Leeteuk got the chills - “It was way uglier than one. I couldn’t look at it properly but I’m sure it wasn’t something I knew”


“Nevermind. I don’t care what is it” - Heechul sighed - “Lets get ready for school. Today is going to be a long day” 


“Let’s just hope they don’t ask for Robin now” - Leeteuk closed his eyes - “If we tell them now, they will cry and won’t have a good day at school”



“Did you find Robin?” - Was Sungmin’s first question as soon as he woke up - “Papa, did you find Robin?”


“Goor morning my little bunny” - Heechul pretended he didn’t listen - “Lets go wash and get ready for school~ Go brush your teeth first ok?”


“Uhum” - Sungmin nodded softly and ran to the bathroom holding his bunny plush. 


“Daddy, Robin will need a new cage” - Donghae rubbed his eyes - “His cage broke” 


“Let’s get ready for school~ Lets not forget your homework ok? Your teacher is going to love those fish we painted” 


“Robin must be hungry” - Eunhyuk stretched - “His food spilled” 


Heechul had no energy to keep pretending. He just gave the boys a sad smile and rushed them with gestures. The triplets were almost fourth and therefore they understood most of Heechul’s instructions even if the parent remained silent. 


“Teuk... Where is Robin?” - Leeteuk cursed his fate when he caught the older kids trying to get a glimpse of Robin’s broken cage 


“Don’t you have school today?” - Leeteuk tried changing the topic 


“What happened ? Kangin told me a weird rat came and caused a disaster” - Yesung tilted his head - “Robin’s cage must have fallen and crashed to the ground, right? I hope the bird didn’t get hurt” 


“Robin is not here!” - The triplets were now also there losing their minds - “DADDY! ROBIN IS GONE!”


“I know I know” - Heechul realized their plan lacked strategy and the kids would have to learn about their pet lost before time - “Lets just go to the living room and talk ok? I have something to tell you”


Yesung’s face said it all. He understood what was next. Kangin seemed to have realized that something wasn’t fine and kept glancing at the babysitter for help. 


“Daddy, What’s wrong?” - Siwon was just coming back from brushing his teeth - “Did we do something bad?”


“Bweafaaaaaz!” - Kyuhyun couldn’t sit still as he tried to run to the kitchen - “Hungwy!”


“Wookie Hungwy Too” - Ryeowook complained - “Dada huwy!”


“Robin flew away” - Heechul gulped down anxiously- “ Last night when his cage fell, he must have gotten out” 


“Is R-Robin c-c-coming back?”  - Donghae hiccuped as he started crying - “Robin cant leave us...” 


“I want Robin back!” - Eunhyuk blurted out before starting to cry loudly - “Daddy bring it back!”


“I can’t” - Heechul said softly - “I know you are sad... I’m sad too” 


Before Leeteuk could stop them, the twins ran to the backyard to check on the new information they got. 


“Wobin?!” - Ryeowook was trying to call the bird - “Wobin Whewe youuuu?!”


“WOOBIIIN!” - Kyuhyun was also helping - “WOOBIIIN CO’ BA’ !!” 


“Wobin pwease” - Ryeowook was starting to get desperate as the bird didn’t show up - “Wobin... my Wobin...” 


“This is too painful” - Leeteuk couldn’t stay watching them suffer. He hugged the twins and took them back to the living room where Heechul was being surrounded by several kids crying 


“I know sweetheart, I know” - Heechul was hugging Sungmin that seemed to be the one crying harder - “I’m gonna miss him too...” 


“It’s not fair” - Siwon sobbed - “I liked Robin” 


Leeteuk left the twins next to their dad and went to take some air. He was as affected as the kids and watching them cry only made him feel worse. 


“Teuk? Did our bird die?” - Kangin asked sadly - “Dad told us he flew away but... that was a lie, right?”


“Kangin, I—“


“It died right? It won’t come back” - Kangin’s voice cracked - “Just tell me if Robin died”


“It’s cruel not telling us the truth” - Yesung sulked too - “I need to know if Robin is alive”


“It doesn’t change the fact is gone” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure of what to do 


“But... If Robin just flew away... I would wait for him” - Yesung shook his head - “And I would help you look for him as well! Maybe someone would find him and—“


“It’s not possible” - Leeteuk’s eyes filled with tears - “Dont wait for him, ok? Just don’t” 


Yesung and Kangin cried again. Somehow, they understood it right away but wanted it to be just a wrong assumption. 


Morning didn’t get better. Even after the kids left for school, Leeteuk remained sad. Heechul returned home meaning that he wasn’t going to the company. He understood his friend was probably sad as well and decided to not say anything about skipping responsibilities. 


“Chiwp chiwp!” - Henry was trying to drag Leeteuk to the backyard- “Chiwp Chiwp! Wobin!”


“Honey, Robin is not there” - Leeteuk sighed. Henry was still too young to understand the bird was gone - “let’s watch some tv” 


“Wobin!” - Henry kept trying to climb a chair to have a better look - “Wooooobiiiiiiin!”


“Henry” - Heechul found his youngest son giving Leeteuk a hard time - “Dont you want to play with daddy? Uncle needs to rest” 


“Dada~” - Henry giggled and stretched his arms towards Heechul- “Dada! Dada! Hewy!” 


It always worked. Henry was at that age when kids loved their parents’s attention. Even if Henry could be confused since Leeteuk was always around him, the fact he saw his brothers being clingy to Heechul helped him understand that Heechul was the one he should be calling for all time. 


“Henry is growing up just fine” - Leeteuk smiled a bit - “He is less talkative than the others but at least he is healthy” 


“It’s all that matters” - Heechul played with the baby - “It’s everything I ever wished for”


“DA DA DA!” - Henry kicked in the air excited as Heechul held him up high - “ZASSSSH!”


“I called animal services” - Heechul kissed Henry - “They will be Here anytime. I want them to check on the backyard... I can’t get out of my mind the fact that stupid rat could be around here. Until we make sure, I don’t want any kid coming closer” 


“Yes, I was thinking the same” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “I will ask Mrs Jung to lock the door with key and hide it afterwards. The kids are good at unlocking stuff” 


“I bet Ryeowook will try to look for Robin” - Heechul sighed - “I have no clue of what to do about it. I know they are sad but I can’t fix this” 


“It’s not your fault” 


“I’m not sure of that” - Heechul lamented- “Maybe it is. Maybe having the bird living outside was a bad idea” 


“Well, If that is the case... then I am the one to blame” - Leeteuk pouted - “I was the one that asked you to move Robin’s cage outside. I didn’t want the kids freeing the bird inside the house all time and... gosh I killed Robin” 


They didn’t have time to continue after bell rang and Mrs Jung announced animal services had arrived. After explaining the situation again, the men in uniform checked the backyard carefully. 


“We believe is gone” - One of them told Heechul- “Please call us if you suspect is back” 


“Sure” - Heechul frowned. He wasn’t happy knowing that the animal was free. 



Afternoon was a chaos. The sea of tears continued every few minutes when kids remembered that their pet was gone. Heechul ended taking out the triplets in a try to cheer them up. Leeteuk had no energy left after the twins spent the whole time trying to get to the backyard and call for Robin. They were too little to understand the situation. 


“My Wobin!” - Ryeowook was complaining again - “Wookie wanna wobin!”


“It’s gone” - Leeteuk was losing his patience- “Wook, please stop it. I’m hurt too”


“Bu’ Wobin...” - Ryeowook just wanted his bird back. He and Henry were the ones more attached to it thanks to the fact they enjoyed Robin’s ability to repeat words. 


“No” - Leeteuk pitied the kid. It must be hard to lose your pet at such young age, he thought. 


Despite the initial refusal, the triplets ended loving their outing with their Dad. Heechul also had fun even if he wasn’t used to take the triplets around for shopping. 


(This is amazing. I somehow feel like I’m walking with big kids and not babies... This is wonderful! They have grown up a lot...)


“Daddy our friend it’s gonna love it!” - Donghae chirped excited - “She is gonna be happy” 


“Papa, papa ! I wanna hug Minhee! “ - Sungmin giggled - “She is pretty!” 


“Is your friend called Minhee? Wasn’t she Minji?” - 


“Minhee is Minji’s little sister!” - the three boys chirped in chorus 


“Oh I See~ how young is she?” - Heechul smiled pleased. The triplets were so cute 


“She is small” - Eunhyuk replied amused 


“How small? I mean, is she younger than Henry?”


“Mmmmmm” - The triplets exchanged looks - “YES!” 


“Maybe we should buy something for Minhee too” - Heechul chuckled - “Think of something the baby would like to have” 


“A doll” - The three boys agreed 


“It cant be one that has pointy ends” - Heechul instructed - “Go search for something soft she can hug. You know, like Henry’s toys” 


The triplets were good at running errands. In just a few minutes, they returned with a cute little teddy bear with a pink ribbon. Heechul was holding hands with them when the kids got stuck at another store. 


(Crap)  Heechul bit his lips 


“Daddy, Robin’s cage broke” - Eunhyuk recalled as he entered the pet store - “He needs another one”


“Buddy, Robin—“


“Robin’s food spilled” - Donghae was holding a heavy package of seeds - “He likes these” 


“Robin liked his mirror” - Sungmin was holding one toy - “He played a lot” 


“We can’t buy that” - Heechul tried 


“No money?” - Eunhyuk asked sadly as he rummaged inside his little side bag - “Here. Give you mine for Robin” 


“Me Too” - Donghae did the same 


“Papa! Minnie has lots too!” - Sungmin was holding out his new cute wallet. A gift from his grandma. 


“I cant... it’s not about money is just...” - Heechul couldn’t fight against the cute boys staring at him - “Lets choose one that he would like” 


Leeteuk was not in the mood to pick on an argument with Heechul. Not even if he considered his actions stupid. 


“You bought a cage for a deceased pet” - Leeteuk stared at their shopping bags - “You are giving them hopes” 


“Maybe we could have another bird in the future” - Heechul pouted - “after mourning Robin for a long time and when our hearts are ready... Henry was doing better at talking thanks to the bird...” 


“I saved this for you” - Leeteuk handed over a bunch of paper sheets to the parent - “They have been working hard all day” 


“What is this?” - Heechul felt his heart broke when he realized his kids only drew Robin over and over again - “Why are they doing this? Is this a way to express their sadness?” 


“I have no clue” - Leeteuk was sad himself - “Ryeowook asked me for a picture of Robin and then started making those. Kyuhyun followed after him and haven’t stopped since then” 


“Kyunnie doesn’t like drawing” - Heechul worried 


“No, he doesn’t” - Leeteuk sighed - “Ryeowook went to take a nap not long ago but Kyuhyun refuses to slee— what was that?”


Heechul almost fainted when he spotted the youngest twin holding a bag of bird feed in the backyard. He was sure they have locked door. 


“It was my fault I wanted to feed Batman” - Kangin apologized- “I didn’t know he would come” 


“Kyuhyun, what are you doing?” - Heechul held the kid that seemed expecting something - “That’s not Batman’s food” 


“Wobin food!” - Kyuhyun pointed at the mess he did with the bird feed - “Chirp chirp comes!”


“Robin won’t come back just because you— Nevermind, let’s go inside. It’s nap time” 


“Wobin?” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “Wookie sweep! Kyu waitz!”


“I will wait for Robin” - Heechul understood that the boy wanted to make sure someone was watching in case the bird returned - “You go to sleep, ok?”


“Uh... kay!” - Kyuhyun smiled. He followed Leeteuk without protesting. Heechul pulled his hair. 



Next day wasn’t better. The twins woke up asking for Robin and seemed impatient as their bird wasn’t back. Henry kept asking for the bird all morning. Heechul tried to separate the twins from the backyard’s window taking them to the park. 


“You love swings” - Heechul was pleased as the boys kept asking him to push them higher - “You are both having so much fun!” 


“Dada! Kyunnie wee wee!” - Kyuhyun interrupted the game for a potty break - “Huwy! Huwy!”


“Potty break” - Heechul took both boys to the restroom - “You guys have good kidneys” 


“Oh my, are those the twins?” - One old man approached them - “I feel like I saw you not long ago but you are so big now!”


Heechul greeted the man. It was one of their neighbors. He was always kind with the kids. 


“Last time I saw them was during Easter hunting” - The old man was pinching Ryeowook’s cheeks - “But this friend has gotten taller!”


“Wookie big liwe dino” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks proudly 


“You speak so well!” 


“Do you know who is he? He is our neighbor remember?” - Heechul was trying to convince Kyuhyun to say hi - “You should greet him too” 


“Wookie haz favow to as’k “ - Ryeowook approached the old man shyly - “Pwease hewp uz” 


The toddler took out one of the drawings he and his brother did. He gave it to the old man and explained. 


“Wobin mizzin’ ... Pwease hewp uz fin’d it” - Ryeowook tried. 


Before Heechul could react, Kyuhyun was also asking the same. 


“P-Pwease help uz” 


It was unusual Kyuhyun spoke to random people. Unlike Ryeowook who barely shut up, Kyuhyun often remained quiet around strangers. Losing his fear was a big deal. 


Heechul returned home feeling even worse than before. His kids were obviously affected by the lost of their pet. 



“What are you doing?” - Yesung caught his brother wandering around - “Did you lost something?” 


“Uhmm... is nothing” - Kangin pouted - “Where could it be...?”


“If you are looking for the keys, Uncle took them after what happened yesterday” - Yesung smirked - “You were going outside, didn’t you?”


“Ugh... you got me” - Kangin seemed sad - “I was going to feed Batman and look if that stupid rat was around. I worry that thing can hurt Batman too” 


“I never said those were the only keys” - Yesung grinned - “Uncle forgets copies exist” 


“You... how did you?” - Kangin loved the fact Yesung was smart - “Does That mean I can use them?”


“Not now” - Yesung shook his head - “I was planning on going there this night. I believe that stupid rat is coming back”


“Why you say so?” - Kangin tilted his head 


“Remember what happened yesterday? Kyunnie spilled bird feed on the ground and today when I went to check this morning, it was gone” - Yesung fixed his glasses - “I thought one of the adults must have cleaned it but... seeds were empty. Something ate the inside and left—“


“I Get it, I get it” - Kangin whispered - “But if that thing is coming back... how are we going to fight? Are we going to rely on Batman? Raccoons can fight against that weird rat right?”


“I don’t think so” - Yesung frowned - “Batman even loses to cats” 


“Hey, it wasn’t any cat!” - Kangin protested - “That cat weights like Henry” 


“Or Kyuhyun” - Yesung laughed 



That night, the older kids followed their plan and went to the backyard. Yesung spilled some bird feed on the ground and waited. Kangin was still hugging Batman when they listened to a weird sound. 


“That’s it” - Kangin got scared - “That’s the weird rat” 


“Excepting That is not a r-rat” - Yesung gulped down - “This is an opossum” 


“And that means...?” - Kangin got nervous 


“That it probably attacked Robin because wanted to eat it!” - Yesung squeaked - “Those things even like to eat chickens!”


“Oh my... what are we going to go? Is coming!” - Kangin climbed a chair - “Yesung come here! We can’t fight against that thing!”


“I know!” - Yesung climbed as well - “We are trapped...” 


The opossum glared at them. The weird animal seemed to be annoyed by their presence. 


“I think is going to eat us too” - Kangin hugged his brother


“I don’t know how you fight one of those” - Yesung lamented 



Heechul woke up thanks to the noise. He almost crashed with Leeteuk at the stairs as both were rushing. 


“The kids got the keys” - Leeteuk observed- “THAT THING IS THERE! HEECHUL! THAT STUPID RAT IS BACK!”


“This time I will kill it for sure!” - Heechul did his best trying to unlock the door as quick as he could - “Damn brats, why would they come out?” 


“Hurry hurry” - Leeteuk pushed his friend when the door opened 


“YOU GO BATMAN” - The kids were cheering for the small raccoon that was biting the wild opossum - “THATS IT! THATS IT!” 


Heechul knew that getting in the middle of two animals fighting like that was dangerous so he decided that the best was to take the kids to a safe place first and hope for Batman to win. 


“Wait here. Don’t do anything stupid” - Heechul carried both boys inside the house and left them next to Leeteuk - “Listen to him and don’t cause troubles. Daddy will make sure that rat doesn’t come back”


“Its an opossum” - Yesung corrected 


“Rat, opossum, i don’t care” - Heechul was ready for action - “I will kill that bastard”


“Well, I think is late for that” - Yesung smiled - “He won” 




Batman was victorious. The raccoon managed to win somehow. 


“Our hero” - Kangin clapped his hands 


“Teuk...?” - Heechul worried when his friend walked to the animal. He feared Leeteuk considered the raccoon dangerous after watching him fight fiercely.


“Thanks” - Leeteuk kissed the animal to Heechul’s surprises - “Thank you so much” 


Batman just did the usual weird sounds he always did when being held. He behaved like a cat. 


“I never thought Leeteuk would kiss the raccoon” - Heechul giggled - “He must be really thankful” 


“At least it’s over now” - Yesung smiled 


“Not for you, you both are grounded” - Heechul smiled back 


“But daaaaaaaad” - Kangin folded his arms - “It’s not fair!”


“And you will take a shower before going to bed again” - Heechul instructed - “There is no way you are going back there with those muddy feet” 


Leeteuk was busy giving Batman a little reward. He was feeding the raccoon his favorite snacks. 


“You are our hero” - Leeteuk told him before going back - “We are lucky to have you” 



The rest of the week was normal. At least until Sunday’s morning when the door’s bell rang maybe too early. 


“Today is Sunday...” - Heechul stretched - “Mrs Jung doesn’t come today” 


“Were you waiting for someone?” - Leeteuk asked curiously 


“Nope” - Heechul yawned - “I will get the door. I hope it’s not a pretty girl... My hair is such a mess...”


“It looks like a nest” - Leeteuk giggled - “And your Pokémon pajama are on point” 


“This is not Pokémon, you uncultured swine” - Heechul complained - “This is Digimon” 


“Whats the difference?”


“Really dude?” - Heechul asked before opening the door - “Good morning, what Can I do for—- OH MY GOODNESS”


“Heechul? Is everything alright?”


“Hi there!” - a pretty young woman waved to Leeteuk - “I think your friend got a shock! I was told it belonged here and I think he was right! Just look how happy it is!”


“ROBIN” - Leeteuk ran to the entrance where Heechul was holding the precious friend - “N-no wait, it can’t be”


“It’s him!” - Heechul jumped excited as he scared the bird - “I know it is!”


“But... how...? Are you sure it’s not someone else’s bird?” - Leeteuk worried 


“I don’t know” - The young woman smiled - “I found it in my garden and one neighbor told me it was from this house and gave me this” 


“This is...” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly seeing one of Ryeowook’s drawings 


“I’m sure this is Robin” - Heechul kissed the bird - “I’m very sure” 


“I guess we could take it to the vet so they can tell us—“




“You know what? That’s definitely our bird” - Leeteuk nodded - “Thanks God he is back. We missed him a lot” 


“SWINE SWINE SWINE!” - Robin was having a great time flying around the living room - “TEUK SWINE~” 


“As you can see, he haven’t lost his manners” - Heechul teased - “Thanks a lot, I owe you a big one” 


“You are welcome” - The young woman laughed - “I think the bird looks happier now. Take good care of it, ok?”


“WOBIN!” - Ryeowook was running downstairs at full speed - “WOBIN MY WOBIN! WOBIN!”


“WOOK WOOK WOOK” - Robin chirped happily as he landed on the toddler’s head and pecked him nicely - “PWAY PWAY PWAY” 


“WOBIN BA’K!” - Kyuhyun jumped excited - “YOU HEWE!”


Leeteuk found lovely how Kyuhyun seemed to have lost his fears and approached the bird. Apparently, he had missed the bird so much his fears could wait for later. 




“I’m so happy... I thought I wouldn’t see him again...” - Yesung cried from joy - “Thanks... thanks...” 


“ROBIN YOU HEREEEEEE!” - the triplets also welcomed the bird 


“Where is Robin going to live now?” - Siwon asked amused 


“In the new cage the triplets bought” - Leeteuk recalled - “Let me see... I will go look for it” 


“Arent you going to set it at the backyard?” - The kids asked 


“NO” - both adults replied 


“Starting today, Robin lives inside and only inside the house, ok?” - Heechul explained - “Don’t take him outside unless you are going to keep an eye on him all time” 


“Hello~~~” - Robin kept talking non stop. Leeteuk realized that the bird probably missed the chaos. 


“Wobin wobin! ~” - Henry clapped his hands happily. His playful friend was back. 




Hi there! How are you? Summer is sure trying to kill me :) Heat wave here in Europe 


Im still sad but I think I feel better than before (?) thank you so much! I have received so much love T-T 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it