My fears

Junior Quest

“My psychologist asked me once what I feared the most. To be honest, I froze and couldn’t reply at that time. Later on I kept remembering that silly question and thought that if I had been asked that during my life, the entire answer would have changed over the years. For example, a three years old me would have said ‘monsters’ but then seven years later the rascal me would have said ‘mom’ . When a teenager, my fears remained basically the same until not long ago: disappointing someone. That only made me fear getting caught doing something that made me ‘less worthy’ on my family’s eyes. However, I realized all of those were kinda irrational compared to the real answer...” 


“NOOOOOO” - Heechul was crawling on the floor followed by a cute Henry that thought his dad was just playing - “THIS AINT HAPPENING TO ME” 


“Whats wrong?” - Leeteuk worried after listening to his friend’s frustration- “What happened?”


“His biggest fear came true” - Yesung was laughing 


Leeteuk looked at the TV and widened his eyes. 


“Isnt that... The boys’s daycare?” - Leeteuk gulped down. He now understood Heechul’s concern - “and they are...” 


“Closing down for a while” - Yesung sipped his juice box - “Apparently something happened and they need to close down for at least a week” 


“NOOOOO” - Heechul kneeled on the floor - “NOOOO NOO NOOOO!”


“Nuuuuuuuh!” - Henry copied happily. The baby still thought his dad was playing - “Nuh Nuh Nuh!”


“Zhut up~” - Kyuhyun smacked Henry’s head using his penguin plush - “Noizy” 


Henry just stretched and tried to get the doll for himself. Ryeowook hugged the boy.


“Awww Hewy baby” - Ryeowook nuzzled against the boy’s cheeks - “Zooooofff” 


“Kids, don’t hurt your baby brother” - Leeteuk tried to sabe Henry from the twins but the baby cried the very moment he held him - “Uh?”


“Put him down, he is upset because you stopped his fun” - Heechul was still recovering from - “Henry is a little bit masochistic” 


“Gyuuuuuu! Woogieeeee!” - Henry tried to chase after the fast twins that were now climbing the couch - “Hewyyyyy” 


“He truly likes those two” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “Even If they are a little violent, Henry still chases after them...” 


“The triplets were also kinda savage with the twins and they are very good friends” - Heechul teased - “It’s just that they have grown so much now...” 


“You know” - Leeteuk swayed his head - “Maybe is not a bad thing this that happened to daycare. I mean, the only difference is that some of your kids are staying home all day. How bad can it be?”




“How come they are not tired yet?” - Heechul was lying on the floor without energy - “Why they aren’t napping?”


“Because they usually play a lot at school but since they didnt go today...” - Leeteuk was also tired. The twins were mischievous enough to cause troubles every five minutes - “Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, get down”


“We pwayin!” - Ryeowook chirped as he jumped excited- “Fun!”


“Yeah! Fun!” - Kyuhyun jumped as well. 


“Kids, get down before you—“


“Too late” - Heechul stood up first when the boy cried 


“OUCHIE!” - Kyuhyun was on the floor crying out loud - “HUWWWWWTTTZZZ!”


“Kyu Kyu!” - Ryeowook was scared - “Kyu Kyu kay? Kyu? Dada! Dada!”


“Well, at least I don’t see blood” - Heechul inspected the boy - “He just fell, right? I bet he will be fine in a few minutes” 


“What happened to Kyu?” - Sungmin asked as he held some of his toys - “Is he ok?”


“He is fine” - Leeteuk stopped the boy before he tried anything - “Lets keep playing with those, ok? Jumping and running inside the house is not a good idea” 


“Uhum” - Donghae agreed as he followed his brother - “Hae will play with Minnie and Hyukkie” 


“That’s nice” - Leeteuk observed the sad Ryeowook sitting on the floor now that his twin was crying on his dad’s arms - “Kids, maybe you should play with Ryeowook too. He is a little bored” 


Actually, Leeteuk’s plan consisted on getting Ryeowook and Kyuhyun separated. He wanted Kyuhyun to take a rest after what happened and thought it wouldn’t be possible if his twin brother was around. 


“Wookie!” - Kyuhyun cried frightened when he saw his twin brother being dragged away - “Come hewe!”


“It’s ok buddy” - Heechul kissed his reckless son - “Let’s take a break. You and Ryeowook have been playing hard today” 


“Wookie!” - Kyuhyun tried again 


“Gyuuuu~” - Henry approached his brother - “Gyu gyu gyu” 


“See? Henry is here” - Heechul smiled - “Play with him~ be nice” 


Kyuhyun didn’t seem convinced but he remained quiet. He didn’t protest and just rolled a ball to make Henry happy. 


Twenty minutes later, Heechul found himself panicking over the fact the house was way too quiet. 


“No, no” - Heechul was heading downstairs- “If there is no noise that means they are getting in troubles!”


“Calm down” - Leeteuk giggled - “I already found Ryeowook. He is still playing with the triplets” 


“Can’t be” - Heechul sighed - “That kid barely stays quiet two minutes unless he is up to something” 


“He is just like you” 


“I’m not in the mood” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “Keep watching him. I bet he is up to something” 


“Actually... he is kinda quiet” - Leeteuk tilted his head - “maybe too much” 


“That’s weird” - Heechul grew suspicious- “Ryeowook~ come hereeeee~”


The toddler walked to his dad without lifting his face. He seemed sad. 


“Are you feeling sick? Did you get hurt too?” - Heechul inspected the boy - “Do you need to go potty? Are you thirsty?”


“Whewe iz Kyu?” - Ryeowook asked sadly - “Wookie Sowy”


“Oh” - Heechul now understood why The boy was so quiet - “It wasn’t your fault! People fall all time~ Don’t worry Kyunnie is just fine” 


“Awe zuwe?” - Ryeowook’s eyes were filled with tears 


“I will check on him again” - Heechul felt guilty as the boy was hurt - “I bet he just fell asleep and forgot about your game that’s all”


Leeteuk was worriedly looking at Kyuhyun. The boy was utterly quiet. Henry had tried to call his attention several times but even if the baby was now drooling over Kyuhyun’s favourite penguin plush, the toddler seemed to not care at all. 


“Are you ok?” - Leeteuk tried - “Does it hurt?” 


“Ung” - Kyuhyun nodded softly- “Huwtz”


“Where?” - Heechul asked first. Ryeowook was hiding behind his dad’s legs - “Can you show us?”


“Hewe” - Kyuhyun stretched a bit and showed up his foot - “Huwtz” 


“I dont see anything” - Leeteuk whispered - “Maybe he got hurt when he fell. I will search for something for the pain” 


“Do you want me to take you to the doctor?” - Heechul tried 


Kyuhyun nodded. 


“He must be truly in pain” - Heechul worried - “Kids usually run as soon as I mention hospitals” 


“Kyu...” - Ryeowook was dressing himself - “Wookie go too” 


“He is even putting his shoes himself...” - Heechul sighed - “I bet I won’t be able to take Kyuhyun out without Ryeowook”


“Ryeowook, dont be naughty and listen to dada” - Leeteuk warned the boy - “You need to be a good boy for Kyu”


“Ung” - The boy nodded with a sad face - “Wookie pwomize” 


Leeteuk couldn’t avoid smiling when he saw Ryeowook holding Kyuhyun’s huge penguin plush and a blanket. Apparently, the boy was taking serious his role. 



“Kyu, you cowd?” - Ryeowook was asking his brother 


“Uhm... Ung?” - Kyuhyun nodded softly 


Ryeowook placed the soft blanket over his brother. They were sitting next to each other in their baby seats. Heechul was keeping an eye on them as he drove. He found cute how Ryeowook tried his best to make his brother comfortable. 


“Ryeowook, Can you check Kyuhyun’s temperature for me?” - Heechul was having fun - “Place a hand over his forehead and tell me if he feels hot”


“No hod” - Ryeowook smiled a bit - “Kyu no zic” 


“Kyu no zic~” - Kyuhyun smiled as well - “Kyu foo Huwt” 


Without warning, Ryeowook tried taking out his brother’s shoe only to make Kyuhyun scream like he had never done before. Heechul almost got a heart attack as he parked the car as fast as he could.


“What did you do?” - Heechul asked scared - “What happened?”


“Kyu Huwtz!” - Ryeowook was crying scared - “Wookie Sowy! Wookie... Kyu zhoe...”


“KYU HUWTZZZZ” - Kyuhyun kept crying non stop - “DADA DADA DADA!”


“Let me See...” - Heechul inspected the boy’s foot only to find out the real culprit of Kyuhyun’s pain - “Uh oh. It’s not your ‘foot’... it’s your ankle” 


“Awkwe?” - Ryeowook repeated confused 


“He must have sprained it” - Heechul checked the joint - “It looks a little bit swollen now. Don’t worry, I bet the doctor will solve it in no time” 


“Ung...” - Kyuhyun calmed down a bit as his twin hugged him - “Kyu fine” 




“Kangin get down of the scooter before you fall” - Leeteuk scolded the boy - “Your dad just left to the hospital with the twins. We don’t need more troubles” 


“Fine...” - Kangin obeyed - “But then let me play videogames” 


“Deal” - Leeteuk didn’t like the idea either, but it was better than the boy running around - “But you have to promise you won’t get into fights with your siblings”


“I don’t” - Kangin got offended - “It’s not my fault the triplets always lose” 


“Maybe you should let them win sometime” 


“Why? Because they are little?” - Kangin folded his arms - “Yesung doesn’t let me win just because I’m younger than him”


“That’s true” - Yesung replied from the couch - “And Uncle doesn’t go easy on us either” 


Leeteuk took a deep breath. When it came to games, Heechul’s children tended to be competitive. Not all of them of course. Sungmin and Ryeowook often didn’t care about losing. Ryeowook only cried when he felt he wasn’t good enough but it didn’t have anything to do with winning or losing. 


“I wonder if you are also the competitive type” - Leeteuk held Henry - “You are starting to look and behave like your brothers, aren’t you?”


“WHASGATATSFSGAHA!” - Henry replied excited 


“Cute” - Leeteuk giggled - “Lets change your diaper. I bet you are wet but haven’t said anything” 


“Teuk is out of sight” - Kangin peeked - “Can we do it now?”


“If Uncle finds out we took it, we are dead” - Yesung was also peeking - “Lets do it upstairs. With luck the babies won’t come closer” 


Leeteuk returned to the living room only to find the triplets complaining about his older brothers. 


“They said no play with us!” - Donghae stomped his feet 


“It’s not fair!” - Eunhyuk complained as well


“Minnie wants to play too” - Sungmin sulked 


“Those rascals” - Leeteuk sighed - “Kids... what did I said about not sharing? Let your brothers play with the video game or I am turning that off”


“But Teuk” - Kangin started 


“Teuk, I don’t think that’s a good idea” - Yesung shook his head - “There is plenty games there. Why don’t you take another one and give it to them?” 


“HYUKKIE WANNA PLAY WITH THAT ONE!” - Eunhyuk protested 




“Why don’t you let us join?” - Even Siwon complained now - “You want all the fun just for yourself” 


“Enough” - Leeteuk shook his head - “Put That game for them and take turns. I don’t want to hear more complains about the videogame”




“If you don’t, I will forbid those games” - Leeteuk warned - “Just share, ok?”



Heechul was carrying a pair of sleeping twins. 


“I should take them to car rides more often” - Heechul laughed as he rang the bell - “Oh Teuk! Look they fell asleep! By the way, Kyunnie just sprained his ankle and— what’s wrong with that face? You look pale”


“I swear I had no idea” - Leeteuk was about to cry - “I didn’t know you bought such a game” 


“What game? What happened?” - Heechul was placing the twins in a crib when he spotted some kids running to him at full speed - “Why are you crying?”


“SO SCARY!!”- The boys cried - “MONSTERS! MONSTERS!”


“What monsters?” - Heechul looked around - “Oh... those monsters” 


“I had no clue” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I thought it was a normal game... I didn’t know you bought that for Yesung and Kangin and I thought—“


“Because I didnt” - Heechul’s face was changing - “I BOUGHT IT FOR MYSELF” 


“We are screwed” - Kangin whispered to his brother


“It was Teuk’s fault” - Yesung covered his ears - “I told him that game wasn’t for babies” 



After calming down the frightened kids, Leeteuk found himself dumbfounded when he learned that Heechul gave the game back to the boys that originally, weren’t supposed to have it. 


“Why?” - Leeteuk asked confused - “Dont mind my opinion about it. I just want to know why”


“Because I was once their age and I would have done the same” - Heechul giggled - “Also, if they are playing the game, they won’t be running around the house” 


“What about the younger ones?” - Leeteuk whispered - “I think those monsters impacted them too much”


“They will get over it” - Heechul scoffed - “Maybe this will teach them a lesson and they will stop asking for things they shouldn’t” 


“Thats mean” 


“This is life” - Heechul teased 


“Dadaaaaaaaaaa~” - The twins were calling their dad 


“Whats wrong babies?” - Heechul approached the crib where he had put the twins. Ryeowook was standing and holding the edge - “Wookie~ Standing like that could be dangerous” 


“Kyu no waw’k!” - Ryeowook bounced a bit - “Hewp twin out!”


“Ah, you want me to help your brother” - Heechul found hilarious how Ryeowook asked for help - “I will hold him first but please don’t move until I place Kyuhyun on the floor. I know you know how to get out but it could be dangerous” 


“Danwewoo” - Ryeowook repeated. He had listened to that word often in the last few days - “Wookie zafe” 


“Good boy” - Heechul smiled as he placed a happy Kyuhyun out of the crib - “Now it’s your turn” 


“Wookie Huwy” - Kyuhyun sat on the floor waiting for his brother 


Heechul laughed again and placed the shortest twin next to his brother. 


“Are you playing quietly?” - Heechul asked as he sat next to his boys - “Can I join?”


“Kyu no wun” - Kyuhyun explained - “Kyu liwe diz” 


The boy stretched out his foot and raised his leg a bit. Ryeowook copied his brother and nodded. 


“Right. The doctor asked you to not run and to keep it high” - Heechul smiled as he saw how Kyuhyun showed his bandage to Leeteuk - “He said we should give him some ice” 


“I will place a cushion here so you can rest your foot” - Leeteuk fixed the cushion while Ryeowook inspected closely- “Lets not move it that much today, ok?”


“Kyu z’pwaine’d awkwe” - Ryeowook pointed at the bandage and pouted - “No wun. No jump. Ize n’ wezt”


“Ah? West?” - Leeteuk tried 


“Rest” - Heechul translated amused - “He knows a lot of words but he is still a toddler” 


“What are you looking for, Ryeowookkie?” - Leeteuk found cute how the shortest twin looked around and ran from side to side - “Did you lose your toy?”


“Ize!” - Ryeowook stomped his feet once - “Wookie nee’z Ize!” 


“Ice” - Leeteuk got it - “You want ice for Kyuhyun, don’t you?”


“YAY!” - Ryeowook cheered as he followed his uncle - “ Ukwee hewpz Wookie g’ Ize”


“Do you want to do it yourself? Look how fun” - Leeteuk Carried the boy and let him press the button - “Ta da~ We got Ice! Our fridge can make ice ~”


Ryeowook’s eyes grew bigger. He was now filled with curiosity. 


“Ize liwez inzide fwidge” - Ryeowook told Heechul who just seemed used to the boy’s ability to communicate his findings- “Pwezz button” 


“You just need to press a button” - Heechul couldn’t avoid kissing the boy several times - “How come you are so smart? Where did you come from?”


“Hmmmm” - Ryeowook thought - “Eggy! Wookie came fwom eggy!” 


“Ah, that’s right” - Heechul remembered how the twins thought they came from something similar to an Easter egg - “You and Kyunnie shared the same egg” 


“Ung!” - Kyuhyun giggled - “Same egg” 


“Kyunnie knows less words than his brother but his pronunciation is a lot better” - Leeteuk pointed out - “Maybe Ryeowook mispronounce words since he learns too many too fast” 


“Pfffttt” - Ryeowook stuck out his tongue - “Zilly” 


“And his personality is also different” - Heechul smiled - “Ryeowook is cheeky and is getting sassier everyday” 


“No twue!” - Ryeowook complained 


“You don’t even know what ‘sassy’ means” - Heechul teased - “Am I wrong?” 


“Wookie no liwe diz” - Ryeowook folded his arms and shook his head annoyed 


Kyuhyun chuckled. The boy was now in a better mood even if his ankle was still swollen and getting red. Heechul was putting ice on the injury when he noticed Leeteuk staring at the youngest member of the family. 


“Something wrong?” - Heechul asked confused 


“N-No... I’m just wondering...” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “One year ago I wouldn’t have told Ryeowook and Kyuhyun would have turned this way. I was just thinking about Henry’ personality. I can’t wait to see it” 


“Mmmm” - Heechul covered his mouth - “Now that you mention it, all my kids are totally different from each other...” 


“I guess it can’t be helped” - Leeteuk laughed - “You have more sides than a pentagon” 


“Pentagon only have five sides” - Heechul observed how Ryeowook did number five using his tiny hand 


“Square” - Kyuhyun giggled - “Dada square” 


“Wow, he knows we are talking about shapes” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “If Dada is a square, what about me?”


“Uhmmm” - Kyuhyun doubted - “Twiangle” 


“You are less complicated than me” - Heechul joked - “Ryeowook, what do you think? What are you?”


“Ikozagon” - Ryeowook said proudly 


Both adults froze. 


“Whats that?” - Leeteuk asked in a low voice 


“One big polygon with 20 sides” - Heechul shook his head - “Where did he learn that from? I didn’t teach him that” 


“Neither did I” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I barely Can name polygons bigger than 5 sided ones” 



Leeteuk woke up thanks to the sound of Heechul’s frustration. He entered the room only to crash with a short boy that was trying to get away from his dad. 


“What did you do now?” - Leeteuk giggled as he held the guilty boy - “Is Dada mad?”


Ryeowook just swayed his head. The triplets were complaining about being ‘wet’ and Siwon seemed confused. 


“I didnt wet the bed” - Siwon stated before Heechul could say anything - “I swear I didn’t” 


“No, I know you didnt” - Heechul seemed confused - “This looks like water” 


“It’s cold!” - Eunhyuk shivered - “Too cold!”


“Fresh~” - Sungmin seemed to like it 


“Ice gone” - Kyuhyun scratched his head 


“Ice gone?” - Heechul repeated - “Wait. Are you telling me that was ice? It can’t be. I didn’t let you bring... RYEOWOOK” 


The shortest boy flinched and burrowed his face in Leeteuk’s chest. 


“You taught him how to get ice, didn’t you?” - Heechul was trying to calm down - “I bet that brat brought ice to our bed” 


“How? He can’t hold that much” - Leeteuk inspected the guilty toddler only to realize that indeed, he felt wet - “Also, he doesn’t reach that button” 


Heechul was holding up a colourful plastic bucket. The kids usually used it to play with water or sand. Ryeowook seemed to have found another way to play with it. 


Leeteuk freaked out when he realized that the toddler had pushed a chair to gain height and press the button by himself. His life span shortened just thinking about how the little Ryeowook sneaked out of the bed at night and climbed a chair by himself to fill a plastic bucket with ice. 


“Tonight, I will tie him to the bed” - Heechul never thought he would need yoga in his life until he started to take care of the boys - “If That doesn’t work, I will handcuff him” 


“I bet he was just trying to help Kyunnie” - Leeteuk knew Heechul wasn’t mad but worried - “Maybe if we talk to him...” 


“Do you think he is that reasonable?” - Heechul shook his head - “Ryeowook doesn’t do this because he wants to be naughty but because he thinks he is helping. He is still too small to understand what ‘danger’ means and won’t take it well if I tell him to stop ‘helping’ us” 



Heechul took the older boys to school as he wished for daycare to open again as soon as possible. He knew that the kids would start to get creative as the days passed and they got bored from being locked inside a house. 


“LETS GO OOOOOOOOUT” - Donghae was begging Leeteuk - “Please” 


“Honey, we can’t go out now” - Leeteuk was already tired and it wasn’t mid morning yet - “Just play—“


“UHUHUHU” - Eunhyuk cried on the floor - “IM BORED” 


“Me toooooo” - Sungmin copied his brother and laid on the floor - “UHUHUHU~” 


“We bored” - Donghae sulked - “Out, please. Ride our bikes...” 


“We can’t go out... not like this...” - Leeteuk felt sad as he couldn’t accomplish the boys’s wish - “Kyunnie is still hurt and I can’t watch over all of you by myself” 


“UHUHUHU” - The triplets kept their drama until Leeteuk agreed to take them out 



“Ukwee... Boring” - Kyuhyun rolled his eyes as he sat on his stroller next to Henry - “Kyu wanna Pway...” 


“But you cant, Honey” - Leeteuk feared for the boy’s injured ankle - “You need to rest, remember? No jump, no run...” 


The triplets were happy now that they were on their bikes. Leeteuk was surprised to discover that the boys finally learned how to ride those and falls weren’t usual anymore. The kids seemed energetic enough to spend the whole day there, but the babysitter knew they would have to go back soon as he found exhausting looking after so many boys at once. 


“Uncle! Catch me!” - Donghae was pedaling as fast as he could - “Run! Run! Run!”


“Donghae wait! I can’t run after you!” - Leeteuk almost got a heart attack when the boy started getting out of his sight - “HEY!”


“Hae! Come back!” - Sungmin and Eunhyuk chased their brother 


“Oh no” - Leeteuk freaked out as he pushed the stroller as fast possible while holding Ryeowook - “Kids?”


Leeteuk’s nightmare only got worse when he spotted the bikes alone without their owners. Donghae’s one was next to the pond where ducks lived. 


“Oh no no no no no” - Leeteuk’s fear showed up in just seconds - “Cmon, cmon” 


The poor man was devastated calling for three kids as the water reached his knees. 


“Where are you? Hae! Hyuk! Minnie!” - Leeteuk was about to cry. He knew for fact the kids had tried to get inside the pond in a few occasions but Heechul was firm about it. They feared the kids could drown if they were by themselves plus it wasn’t exactly hygienic


“Whats uncle doing there?” - Eunhyuk asked amused as he spotted Leeteuk inside the pond - “Play with duckies?”


“Uhmm ducks no like him” - Sungmin worried as he observed the ducks flew away when Leeteuk approached them - “Uncle! Get out! Papa gonna scold you!”


“Ah?” - Leeteuk’s heart jumped from joy. The kids were out of the water and were safe - “Stay there! Don’t move!”


“FWEE WOOKIE!” - Ryeowook was struggling as he got buckled against his will before. Unlike most of the time, he couldn’t undo this belt as Leeteuk made sure the boy couldn’t get free that easily - “UKWEE BAD BAD BAD!”


“Sorry, I had no choice” - Leeteuk apologized as he checked on all the boys - “I was afraid you would run away the very moment I got inside the water” 


“Uncle, were you playing with the ducks?” - Donghae asked cutely 


“They no like you” - Sungmin pouted - “They went bye bye” 


“I thought you guys had gone inside” - Leeteuk confessed- “I was so worried” 


“Uhm, sorry” - Eunhyuk scratched his head - “We naughty” 


“Yes” - Leeteuk agreed - “You just shortened my life span” 


The kids gasped. Henry copied his brothers. 



“Oh~ they are quiet today” - Heechul was back from work - “What did you do? Sorcery? “ 


“I almost die today” - Leeteuk was lying on the couch with an ice pack on his forehead - “I took the kids to the park and for a moment I thought the triplets could have gone inside the pond and—“


“Naughty brats” - Heechul glared at the guilty boys that sat nicely - “Giving troubles to your uncle” 


“We sorry” - The boys apologized right away 



“Can you stay home Today?” - Leeteuk asked weakly from the bed - “I don’t feel so well...” 


“You have a fever” - Heechul was checking Leeteuk’s temperature using a thermometer- “Maybe swimming with the ducks wasn’t a good idea” 


“They aren’t that clean, are they?” - Leeteuk smiled a bit - “I think this is just because I got too stressed” 


“Makes sense” - Heechul sighed - “Dont worry. Take the day, I will look after the kids” 


“Let’s call mom...” - Leeteuk said softly 


“Yes, you need to be spoiled” - Heechul winked 


“That’s not what I meant...” - Leeteuk sighed as he stared at the ceiling - “I don’t think you can handle them...” 


Heechul went out of the room before listening to the last part. Leeteuk closed his eyes only to feel something cold touching his forehead. 


“Wook” - Leeteuk glanced at the toddler - “Dada is going to get crazy if he knows you were playing with ice again” 


“Ice for feweeee!” - Kyuhyun replied excited 


“Ize hewpz fewe” - Ryeowook tried as well 


Leeteuk just smiled. He was too tired but the kids made him feel better despite giving him more work to do. 



“Daddy, is Uncle dying?” - Donghae asked confused 


“WHAT? NO” - Heechul got shocked - “Whats wrong with you? He just has a fever!”


“Uncle said we ‘showtened’ his life” - Eunhyuk tilted his head - “whats that?”


“It’s just an expression” - Heechul sighed - “What he tried to say was that he got really stressed for what happened but not that he is dying” 


“I love uncle” - Sungmin hugged his bunny plush - “Please don’t let him die” 


“No one is going to die, ok?” - Heechul reassured - “He just needs to rest” 


“Why uncle sick?” - Donghae asked sadly 


“Because he got too stressed?” - Heechul wasn’t sure of what answer should he have for that question - “It’s been too stressful for him since you guys aren’t attending daycare” 


“Why?” - The triplets wouldn’t give up just that easily 


(Because of this. I’m already tired) 


Heechul sighed. A long morning awaited. 



The long experience of home staying wasn’t nice for anybody. Even if his parents helped them during those days and the busy parent skipped his job, Leeteuk often found himself breathless. 


“Are you coughing again?” - The busy grandmother twisted her lips - “Sweetheart, maybe you should get checked” 


“It’s ok, it’s a dry cough” - Leeteuk held his chest - “I caught a cold a few days ago when I got into the ducks’s pond” 


“He had a fever” - Heechul explained - “But now he just has that weird... cough?. You know what? Mom is right! Maybe you should get checked” 


“No, I’m ok” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I’m just tired that’s all. I can’t wait for them to start daycare again” 


“Tomorrow is the day” - Heechul was already celebrating- “I promise that after we leave the kids for school, I will take you wherever you want and give you whatever you want” 


“That sounds cool” - Leeteuk smiled - “But I still have to take care of Henry”


“I will stay with him” - The old lady giggled- “You boys had a rough week” 


“Thanks Mom” - Heechul smiled pleased - “I will go put the kids to bed. Teuk, If you are awake by the time I finish reading that stupid book ten times... I will kiss you goodnight” 


“Oh no” - Leeteuk laughed - “I should go to bed then” 


“Goodnight boys. See you tomorrow” - The old lady waved goodbye - “Call me if you need anything else” 


“Sure” - Heechul was dragging several boys at once - “Say bye bye to Grandma!”


“Bye gamma!” - Ryeowook chirped excited - “Wookie go zchoo twomowow!”


“I think Dada is even happier than you” - The old lady teased before leaving the house 


“Sure I am” - Heechul smiled sweetly as he held Kyuhyun - “Lets go to bed!”


“YEAH!” - Donghae cheered 


“I’m so excited I can’t sleep” - Eunhyuk played with his feet on his dad’s bed 


“Oh no no no no” - Heechul shook his head - “You boys HAVE to sleep”


“Minnie is excited too!” - Sungmin rolled on the bed - “Can’t wait!”


Ryeowook bounced on the bed in a good mood. Kyuhyun laughed as he enjoyed watching his brother having fun. 


“In a few days, you will be bouncing again too” - Heechul kissed the boy - “Your ankle is pretty much healed by now~” 


“Kyu cant play in the park tomorrow, right?” - Sungmin asked worried - “Kyu’s ankwe is hurt” 


“Uh?” - Kyuhyun looked at his dad with sad eyes. He missed the park in daycare so badly 


“Nah, it’s ok” - Heechul shook his head - “Since Kyunnie was good these days, his ankle is a lot better. I don’t think there is any problem with it” 


“Wookie gonna Pway lotz” - Ryeowook was dragging his backpack to the bed - “Twomowow wi’ Kyu n teazhez” 


“Dont bring that here” - Heechul put the backpack away - “Thats not so clean. If you put it here, you will spread germs” 


“Cool” - Donghae laughed - “I’m not afraid of germs!”


“You are Not? Well, you should be” 


“Hae is only scared of big ugly monsters” - Donghae said cocky- “Germs Are small” 


“That’s a lie, you are also scared of needles and big dogs” - Heechul teased 


“Thats Hyukkie” 


“No true!”


“It is” - Heechul agreed - “You guys share everything! Even your fears! Right, Sungmin?” 


“Minnie’s biggest fear isn’t big monsters” - Sungmin was hugging his pink plush tightly - “Minnie’s fear is being alone” 


Heechul froze a few seconds. He didn’t expect such an answer coming from the sweet boy. 


“Why Honey? You are barely alone” - Heechul tried to get rid of the horrible thought his boy may have felt lonely before - “You are always together... WE are always together” 


“That’s why Minnie is not scared now” - Sungmin smiled sweetly


“Wookie scawed too...” - Ryeowook climbed his dad’s back - “Kyu huwtz...” 


Heechul found his boys’s amazing. At such a short age they were able to understand that the true things to fear weren’t monsters. The triplets obviously feared losing someone they loved. The twins were the same but often just mentioned each other’s names. He wondered if his older boys’s fears were also related to those ones. He was sure that having gone through a lot in the past year, his kids were forced to mature and understand how the world worked before reaching their first decade. 



“Cant sleep?” - Leeteuk found his friend wandering in the kitchen - “It’s too late for a snack”


“Teuk... when you were a kid... what was your biggest fear?” - Heechul asked from the counter where he was sitting - “I mean, I know it’s a weird question but—“


“Bugs” - Leeteuk giggled - “Actually, anything I found ‘filthy’. I was the type of boy that disliked worms” 


“Cant relate” - Heechul remembered how he used to play with the ones that lived in his garden - “Mom often complained about it” 


“I think that I was confused” - Leeteuk chuckled - “I couldn’t understand I was actually afraid of catching some weird disease and thought I was scared of the bugs I swore would make me sick” 


“Thats... cool, Actually” - Heechul swayed his head - “When I was young I feared thunderstorms the most. I remember I used to run to Gunhee’s room...” 


“Are you still afraid of those?” 


“Worse” - Heechul sighed - “I grew up. I miss the times when I only had to worry about not wetting the bed and getting caught sneaking cookies. Now my fears are real” 


“I think the ones in our childhood were pretty real too” - Leeteuk scoffed- “Filthy worms” 


“I think I had never been so scared in my life” - Heechul confessed - “I mean, yeah, we all have fears but... since I got the kids, I haven’t stopped creating new ones” 


“I developed a new fear the day I lost Ryeowook at the zoo” - Leeteuk admitted amused- “So, yeah. I understand” 


“When the kids get sick... when they are away from me... When they get lost...” - Heechul sighed - “I believe parents need to have strong hearts” 


“Mom and Dad sure did” - Leeteuk joked  - “Having you as a son...” 


“Thats also another of my fears” - Heechul shook his head - “A big one. Our parents are getting older and I just can’t stop thinking about their health. I want them to last forever but... life doesn’t work like that. There is also Donghee and Mina... and... Gosh, I have so much to worry about” 


“Please dont” - Leeteuk pouted - “I would be sad if you get sick” 


“Really? Aww” - Heechul held his chest - “Now I feel better. By the way, remember that we have a date tomorrow~” 


“Uhum” - Leeteuk nodded - “Where are you taking me to?”


“To a place I like to visit often” 



“THE ER? ARE YOU SERIOUS?” - Leeteuk got goosebumps when he spotted the lighted sign - “This wasn’t what I expected...” 


“If everything goes well, I swear I will drive you to wherever you want” - Heechul sulked - “But I just want to make sure... that cough of yours isn’t normal” 


“If you say so” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes - “I bet it’s nothing~ It’s just a cold” 




“MOM” - Heechul was paler than a ghost 


“Sweetheart, whats wrong? Why are you so pale?” 


“We have troubles” - Heechul was sweating - “It’s Teuk” 


“Oh my...” - The old lady glanced at the baby that stretched his arms towards his dad - “Is he sick?” 


“I’m fine” - Leeteuk was on the phone - “Mom, I swear I’m fine. Heechul just makes it sounds worse than it is. N-no, you don’t need to come... Heechul is going to need help with the kids and—“


“Oh my, oh my, oh my” - Heechul was walking in circles - “Oh no, oh no”


“Oh my!” - Henry chirped - “Uh Nuh!”


“Henry” - Heechul grabbed the boy by his arms - “Uncle Teuk is sick. He got a strange disease and I just...” 


“Ukwee!” - Henry clapped excited. He liked Leeteuk and reacted to the word ‘uncle’ every single time he listened to it. 


“Your brother sounds good to me” - Heechul’s mother inspected Heechul’s face - “But you don’t look so good” 


“How can I? Teuk is sick!” - Heechul pulled his hair - “And he needs to stay there until they make sure is nothing bad” 


“I’m going to make some tea” - The old lady sighed - “Camomile, of course” 


Heechul’s nightmare started that day. Not only his best friend and brother was in the hospital but what it came next didn’t make it better. 


“I don’t get why they need to check our house if Teuk is just crazy” - Kangin was in a terrible mood as he saw the uniformed men inspecting his belongings - “Isn’t psychosis a psychological disease?”


“Uhm... you got it wrong” - Yesung threw one dirty sock at his brother - “Maybe if you cleaned your ears often, you would know that Teuk has ‘psittacosis’ “


“How you spell that?” - Kangin complained as he tried to google it - “Nevermind, I found it” 


“Cant believe they are doing this to us” - Yesung fed his turtle - “My poor Donnie got stressed as well” 


“Yesung” - Kangin seemed to realize something - “What if they decide to check on our pets?”


“Dont be silly turtles don’t carry that-“


“Neither do raccoons” - Kangin interrupted - “But Robin is a bird” 


“Teuk didn’t catch it because of Robin!” - Yesung got the chills - “It was because of those stupid ducks!”


“WAIT! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HIM?” - Heechul was chasing after the uniformed men that held a cage - “ROBIN IS INNOCENT!”


“Sir, we asked you to remain calm. If you try to interfere with the procedure we will call the authorities in order to—“


“SHUT UP! Our bird is not going with you!” - Heechul freaked out when he spotted Robin fighting as he got inside the carrier - “He is gonna get stressed and he could die! Stop! We almost lost him not long ago!”


“Heechul, please” - The old lady tried - “I’m

Sure they will give it back as soon as they realize Robin is clean. Don’t make it worse” 


“But Mom! Robin—“




Heechul stopped when he realized his kids were paler than ever. They were obviously terrified. 


“Are you taking my dad?” - Donghae asked with tears to one of the uniformed men - “Please don’t take our dad away” 


“We dont have a mom” - Eunhyuk was pulling the man’s shirt - “And uncle is not here anymore...” 


“I’m not going anywhere” - Heechul clenched to be the same height that the triplets - “I’m sorry. Daddy is just stressed” 


“Are you taking Robing with you, mr?” - Sungmin was asking the man that held the carrier - “He is our family too. You are bringing him back, right?”


“I hope so, kid” - the man ruffled Sungmin’s head - “I promise we will take good care of him. We will bring him back as soon as we make sure the bird is not sick” 


“Wobin zick?” - Ryeowook was worried - “Pwease hewp ouw Wobin!”


“I told you” - Kangin hissed - “They Are taking poor Robin” 


“Thats stupid” - Yesung frowned - “Robin is innocent. I bet Teuk caught that thing from the stupid ducks” 




“How is your day going?” - Leeteuk was resting in the hospital bed - “Mine is not that different from yesterday. They come here and give me antibiotics and then bring me food~” 


“You look better today” - Heechul took a deep breath - “Henry hit an awful tantrum this morning. Apparently, he wanted to come with me”


“Oh” - Leeteuk smiled - “I’m so sorry for causing troubles~ Doctors said that I can go back to the house once they make sure I can’t infect anybody. They are making a cell culture just to make sure it is that strange thing” 


“Cool” - Heechul smiled back - “How long will it take?”


“They said that maybe tomorrow” - Leeteuk shrank his shoulders - “I still would need to take antibiotics for a week but... not bad. I think they are just taking many precautions because they know I work with kids and live with them” 


“You should have told them you had caught worse things thanks to children” - Heechul teased - “I once got measles, remember? And that stupid bacteria that made me sick for days” 


“Not to mention that you live under stress” - Leeteuk giggled - “I’m really thankful our kids are well behaved” 


“Our?” - Heechul smirked - “Now you finally recognize me as your partner?” 


“Not in that way” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes - “Geez, Heechul. Can’t you stop teasing me not even when I’m in the hospital?”


“Oh honeeeeeey” 




“Just give me a kiss” 




“Just one!”






“Bless you” - Kangin chuckled - “Are you cold in there?”


“Shut up, Kangin” - Yesung replied. Both boys were wearing their raincoats and water proof boots - “I’m trying my best” 


“Just thinking that maybe a bug nest isn’t the best idea to catch a duck” 


“If you have any better idea, I listen” - Yesung folded his arms - “It’s not my fault they move so much!”


“We are running out of time” - Kangin looked around - “I bet that our teachers already realized we are not back to the classroom” 


“And they will call uncle” - Yesung sulked - “I knoooooooow. I know I will end grounded for my entire life but if we caught one of this silly ducks we could prove Robin’s innocence” 


“And help Teuk” - Kangin pointed out- “Maybe if they have the source, they can make a better cure” 


“You are watching too much tv” - Yesung shook his head - “” 


“Whats wrong?” - Kangin asked worried 


“I swear I listened  something” - Yesung was trying to get a better look - “Wait there. Don’t move” 




“If we both get wet Uncle is gonna kill me” - Yesung shouted - “I’m taking a risk being inside the water. As your older brother I won’t let you—“


“And me, as your freaking dad, will stop you and ask you... WHAT THE HELL BUDDY?” - Heechul carried the boy with skill - “SKIPPING SCHOOL TO CATCH FROGS IS A NO NO” 


“Put me down!” - Yesung fought in the air - “We didn’t come to catch frogs! We came here to get one of those!”


“A duck?” - Heechul raised his eyebrows- “Why?” 


“What if Teuk caught the disease from one of them?” - Kangin tried 


“Then why the would you get inside that filthy water?!” - Heechul was about to lose it - “We are going back home. Your grandma is hella worried and I swear that I would have killed you if it wasn’t for her” 


“Your phone is ringing” 


“Don’t try to distract me” - Heechul raged 


“No, for real” - Kangin pointed at Heechul’s pocket - “Yesung is right. Your phone is ringing” 


Heechul took the call. The kids observed how their dad’s face turned a lot softer after. 


“Kids” - Heechul even smiled a bit - “Good news! Robin is clean. They we can take him home” 


“Yes!” - Yesung and Kangin hi fived - “Told you Robin was innocent!” 


“Well, I guess you can’t go back to school looking like that” - Heechul swayed his head - “Lets go get Robin back” 


“Cool” - Kangin was in a good mood 



“He is fine” - The veterinarian was giving them back their happy bird - “He seems happy to see you” 


“HIIIIIII” - Robin kept chirping merrily - “ off~” 


“Oh great” - Kangin giggled - “He still remembers” 


“Not funny, Kangin” - Heechul was holding his laughter. After all, Robin learned it from him - “Lets just say thanks to the vet and take Robin home” 


“What happened to you? A though day at school?” - The vet teased as he saw Yesung’s drenched clothes and muddy boots 


“Not really. I was trying to prove Robin’s innocence” - Yesung folded his arms - “I’m pretty sure those dirty ducks from the park are carriers of a bad disease” 


“Oh hohoho” - The vet laughed - “I’m afraid that can’t be true~ We check on those frequently. It would be irresponsible if we let sick animals around people” 




“See?” - Heechul pulled Yesung’s ear - “It wasnt Because of the ducks” 


“But, how...? Our uncle got sick after swimming with those dirty ducks” - Yesung got rid of Heechul’s ear pull - “He must have caught it somewhere!”


“Yes, but not in the park” - Heechul sighed - “If it was in the park, all our neighbors would be sick” 


“You don’t know that yet” - Yesung kept defending his theory even in the car - “and it’s dangerous! Because you don’t know who is going to be next! Also, we have a bird as a pet and we need to have—“


“Yesung Yesung Yesung” - Heechul shook his head as he drove - “Stop it. I have enough to worry about” 


Yesung remained quiet until Heechul hit the brakes. 


“HEY” - Yesung protested - “are you insane?” 


“That’s an ambulance!” - Kangin looked outside the window 


“Wait inside the house” - Heechul gestured the kids to go inside - “Excuse me. what’s wrong? Did something happen?”


“It’s Mr Jang” - One of the neighbors replied - “He complained about chest pain and then couldn’t breath properly. They are taking him to the hospital” 


“Oh” - Heechul tried to remain calm - “I hope he recovers soon” 


“This is too weird” - another neighbor commented - “Two days ago they took that kid from the other block” 


“Yeah! And yesterday Mrs Lee went to the hospital and didn’t return!” 


Heechul entered the house and closed the door as he bit his lips. 


“Everything Alright?” - His Mom asked 


“Where is Yesung?” 


“Taking a bath. I told him he couldn’t stay wet like that and— Heechul, honey! Where are you going?” 


“HEY” - Yesung complained when his dad opened the bathroom’s door - “I’m !”


“What If is not the ducks?” - Heechul asked as he tried to regain his breath - “What If is something else?” 


“Why you ask?” - Yesung covered using the bathtub’s curtain - “Is Teuk alright?”


“You were right: our neighbors are sick too” 


“That’s not good” - Yesung worried - “is this an epidemic?” 


“I hope it’s not... oh, I got a text” - Heechul shuffled around “It’s from Teuk” 


“What Does it say?” - Yesung asked as he dried himself with a towel - “Uncle”


“” - Heechul ran at full speed - “MOM! MOOOOM, Come on! Moooom!”


“what is it now?” - Heechul’s mother seemed scared as he held Henry violently - “Poor Henry! Don’t hold him like—“


“Mom, listen” - Heechul gave the boy to her - “You need to get out of here. Now. Take Henry with you and go to Donghee’s place” 


“Heechul, what on—“


“Mom, please” - Heechul rushed - “I will explain it to you later. We have no time”




“Please” Heechul urged 


Yesung was still drying his hair when spotted his uncle’s phone on the bed. 


“I wonder what did the text said...” - Yesung unlocked the phone easily and decided to be curious- “There is it. This one is from Teuk” 





“Not psittacosis. Quarantine. Run” 


Yesung dropped the fun on the floor. 


“Dad is going to kill you” - Kangin laughed as he picked it up - “Yesung?”


“They are locking us in here” - Yesung’s heart beat fast - “It’s not the birds” 





Suspense! Next chapter: quarantine. 


Feeling a little guilty for such a cliffhanger after so long~ 


Hoping you have had a great time! Wishing for you to receive good news in the upcoming days ^-^ / 


See ya! 


Disclaimer: everything in this story is totally fictional. In real life, quarantines would be handled differently than the one portrayed here. Sanitary procedures may have variations depending on the country as well! 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it