Leeteuk's job

Junior Quest

Leeteuk was sure that breakfast probably drained half of Heechul's energy every day. Having a proper meal with kids was synonymous of chaos, fussy kids, spilled food, messiness and more. Breakfast was a war in all means. Heechul was still trying to win his last battle but it seemed almost impossible.


"Ahhhhh" Heechul tried to feed the baby again. Kyuhyun turned his face away and rejected the spoon again.

"I give up. Do you have any magic trick for this?" Heechul asked the amused babysitter

"Is he a wizard?" Siwon asked in a low voice to his uncle

"He is. And if you don't finish your breakfast he will turn you into a frog" Heechul whispered loud enough so the other kids would listen

"I wanna be a fwow" Donghae clapped his hands excited

Leeteuk gave Heechul a funny look since he found the uncle's answer pretty clever. With his personality, he was sure kids would never be bored.

"Do you have to go potty?" Leeteuk asked the triplets. He received three affirmative replies but he knew it wasn't that easy.

"They say yes but only sit there without actually doing it " Heechul sighed seeing the cute scene of three toddlers sitting in a row of potties

"If you have to go pee pee you need to ask for the potty ok?" Leeteuk decided to dress Eunhyuk again since the boy refused to stay still


"Same for you" Leeteuk helped Donghae to dress. As soon as he ended putting back the pajama he saw how the boy got the chills.

"Pee pee" Donghae said bitting his finger cutely

Heechul started laughing loudly. He expected the boys to fail but that was such an epic fail. Kyuhyun climbed Heechul's legs with a storybook.

"Again? I have read that s- thing a thousand times!" Heechul corrected the word before it actually came out.

"Uncle was going to say the S word!" Kangin clapped enjoying it

"Ewi?" Kyuhyun tried again offering the book to his uncle.

"Can we read something else today? It's kind of boring reading the same book everyday" Heechul complained again. Kyuhyun pouted sadly. Heechul grunted when the baby started sobbing.

"Fine fine! You win! I will read it again... let's see... once upon a time..." As soon as Heechul started reading, Kyuhyun stopped crying and all the kids ran and surrounded their uncle. Apparently they loved Heechul's storytelling.

When Heechul finished, Donghae grabbed the book and asked him to read again. Heechul sighed loudly.

"Thiz" Donghae touched the book again with his chubby hands

"Not this" Heechul teased trying to 'eat' the kid's hands. The uncle got free of his storytelling work when one of the babies pooped.

"Good timing! " Heechul kissed Kyuhyun's cheeks before heading to the nursery. Leeteuk laughed when he saw Ryeowook crawling to the book.

"Do you like it too? Want me to read it for you? I’m not half as good as your uncle but at least I know how to read" Leeteuk sat with the cute boy on his lap and started reading the story. Again, like if it was magic, all the kids payed attention. When Leeteuk reached the last page he recognized the small logo the book had.

(What's going on? I have seen this somewhere else) Leeteuk thought trying to remember where he saw it before

"Uncle! Uncle! Play with me!" Siwon hugged his uncle starting the domino effect Heechul loved and yet hated.

"Pway me!" Donghae asked too

"Me me me!" Eunhyuk jumped around him

"Kwe!" Kyuhyun ruffled his uncle hair.

"Uncle has work to do~ play by yourselves for a little while I talk with Leeteuk" Heechul placed the now unhappy baby on the floor. Lucky for him, Kyuhyun also got distracted with the same storybook Ryeowook was playing with.

"They really love that book" Leeteuk commented while Heechul searched for something

"Here. I went to sleep late but I finished it, don't just dare to sign before reading it all" Heechul warned the lazy boy before handing him a pen.

"This..." Leeteuk observed carefully

"What's wrong? Don't you like it?" Heechul worried

"I think you added two zeroes more ... it must be a mistake " Leeteuk pointed at the contract

"No, it's alright. It has all the zeroes I wanted" Heechul smiled

"That's a lot of money... I really don't need that much... you should save it for the kids's future or your own hobbies--"

"Teuk, I'm asking you to work a little longer than 12 hours per day, 6 days a week, babysitting EIGHT kids... it's kinda like slavery just that I will pay you enough for it" Heechul explained while he read the contract

"What happens if I don't sign it?" Leeteuk asked looking at the contract carefully

"Nothing bad, but you won't work for me"

"Can we negotiate about the money?" Leeteuk tried

"I can pay you more than that but not lesser" Heechul was firm.

Leeteuk doubted for a while but he ended signing the contract when he heard Kangin asking if he didn't like them.

"Good, now your soul belongs to me" Heechul joked while taking away the contract

(Somehow I do feel like I have just sold my soul) Leeteuk thought. The defeated young male started rolling the pen on the table as he was still nervous. His attention was dragged to something else in just seconds.

"Heechul, where did you buy this pen? " Leeteuk asked his new employer

"Actually, I don't 'buy' that things" Heechul replied while eating a cookie like if he was some kind of wild animal

Leeteuk raised an eyebrow. Heechul tried to speak but his mouth was full of his chocolate chip victim.

"It's our family's company" Yesung explained proudly. The kid showed Leeteuk a big catalogue with several products of different kinds.

"Stationary supplies, home decor, clothing... we have a wide variety of products. This is our logo" Heechul explained after finally swallowing the cookie

"When I grow up, I wanna be a lawyer!" Yesung chirped

"Really? You are so young and you already know what you want to do when you grow up?" Leeteuk was surprised a first grader like Yesung understood a complicated profession like that

"Ung! Uncle said that lawyers are vampires that people's blood! I wanna be a vampire too!" Yesung explained happily

Heechul almost choked with the cup of milk. The poor man was hungry since he couldn't eat properly at breakfast.

"Oh... that's cool" Leeteuk nodded understanding now the boy's fixation with lawyers

"Cookie! Cookie!" Eunhyuk and Donghae started asking his uncle for the cookies

"Oh! You can't eat this" Heechul said while eating the last cookie in one bite

Even the twins cried seeing how his uncle refused to give them something so precious like a chocolate chip cookie.

"If you give them one each, it won't be that much sugar" Leeteuk felt bad for the children

"They really can't eat this. They can't take very well things that have flour on it" Heechul explained feeling guilty for the crying kids

"Ohhh... are they celiacs?" Leeteuk widened his eyes really shocked by Heechul's statement

"I don't know... I only know that they can't take flour well. My brother once almost killed me because I fed one of them a cookie... I think it was Sungmin" Heechul tried to focus to remember what exactly was what his brother explained to him

"Wheat allergy, gluten allergy, gluten intolerance... ?" Leeteuk tried to help Heechul remember but the young uncle was clueless

"I don't remember" Heechul sighed

"Maybe you should call their pediatrician just to make sure"

"Oh, you mean the guy that had been calling me since a week ago, right? He said something like I had missed an appointment or so... but I don't remember making one" Heechul cleaned Siwon's nose.

"Maybe your brother did. It's normal to have an appointment every month when you have babies..." Leeteuk didn't know if Heechul faked his ignorance at that stuff. The guy seemed like a very educated person but clueless about children.

"Just one question... can we go and meet another doc or it has to be the same?" Heechu's voice trembled

"The same would be better" Leeteuk frowned at Heechul's weird question

"Yeah... I don't think the kids need to see a doctor now. They look healthy" Heechul changed his mind

"Siwonnie has a runny nose, Ryeokkie doesn't tolerate lactose, the triplets and the twins are allergic or intolerant to gluten... and you don't want to see their pediatrician" Leeteuk suspected the true reason behind it

"Uhum" Heechul replied. The uncle seemed about to cry instead of being mad.

"Heechul, it's ok" Leeteuk felt a bit guilty for scolding him. After all, Heechul tried his best all the time to fulfill the children needs.

"I'm a disaster... They are like that because of me ..." Heechul had watery eyes.

"No, Heechul. That just happens, it's not your fault the kids have some allergies! I bet all of them won't have those when they grow up" Leeteuk tried to cheer up the now sad uncle

"I wish you were right" Heechul tried to hold back his tears. Leeteuk was starting to believe that the uncle wasn’t just like that because of Leeteuk's comments.

"Are you ok?" Leeteuk worried

"Uncle?" Kangin worried when he saw his uncle getting sad

"I wish you could eat cookies like normal kids do" Heechul cried while hugging Sungmin and Donghae who looked confused.

"Uncle don't cry" Siwon approached his sad uncle almost crying

Heechul couldn't stop crying. The last five weeks were hard for him but he didn't have time to sit and cry. He felt stupid for crying in front of the kids but he couldn't help it.

Leeteuk observed the cute scene since all the boys were crying and hugging Heechul. The uncle took a few minutes to recover himself.

"You are right... I should take them to their checkup" Heechul tried to wipe away his tears but Sungmin did it first.

"Uncle" Sungmin seemed worried

"Don't worry, Minnie! Uncle is fine!" Heechul carried the boy and played with him for a bit to make him feel better

"So, what are you...?" Leeteuk doubted Heechul was being reasonable

"Going to their checkup! I will do everything I can to raise cute and strong boys!" Heechul was running to change the kids when Leeteuk shouted

"You just can't go without a previous appointment! If you want, we can make one for next week!" Leeteuk tried to follow the crazy guy holding two babies

"Eh? Ahhhhhh!!! " Heechul cursed his own stupidity

"You seriously don't have a clue" Leeteuk giggled

Ryeowook was drooling on Heechul's shirt, Kyuhyun was pulling his uncle's hair. Heechul sighed.

"Not today, then" Heechul went down the stairs with the two naughty twins

"Let's take it easy today ok? I will help you change the kids and we can go and take a stroll with them around the park" Leeteuk proposed seeing how the boys reacted when they heard the word 'park'

"That's a good idea... I will change the twins you have fun with the others" Heechul smiled

"I bet I can change them all before you manage to get the twins ready" Leeteuk teased

"Just try!" Heechul ran with the twins to the nursery

"Hey! That's cheating!" Leeteuk laughed

"Hurry! Hurry! Let's win!" Siwon pulled the babysitter's sleeve

"I can change myself" Yesung said before running to his room

"Me too!" Kangin ran to his room too

"Then, I only have to dress four of you" Leeteuk went to the triplets’ room with the four kids

Leeteuk changed the kids’ clothes with skill. He even managed to dress Siwon and help Kangin with his pants before Heechul finished with the twins.

"Heechul, we are waiting for you~~" Leeteuk started teasing since the other six kids were ready

"Uncleeeeeee!!" Siwon and Kangin started calling Heechul

"Maybe I should check on them" Leeteuk went to the nursery while the kids played at the living room

"I can't believe you did this to me" Heechul was talking to Ryeowook who was lying on the changing table

"Ahh, poor you. That's why you lost" Leeteuk laughed while holding the already dressed Kyuhyun

"I dressed him first but after I finished with the other, he decided to poop" Heechul giggled while diapering Ryeowook again

"Poo~~" Ryeowook repeated one of the only words he knew right

"Poo~~" Heechul kissed the boy's diapered making him laugh.

Heechul got surprised when Ryeowook stretched and tried to stuff his foot inside his mouth.

"So flexible! " Heechul laughed while stopping the cute boy

"Wa dizh?" Ryeowook showed his foot to his uncle

"That's Ryeowookkie's foot" Heechul taught

"Dizh?" Ryeowook tried again taking off his sock

"This is Ryeowook's sock and this is Ryeowook's foot" Heechul was being patient with the boy despite he was the reason he took longer changing them.

"Can we go now?" An impatient Kangin interrupted

"Yes, we are ready! Sorry!" Heechul rushed to carry the baby. He searched for their strollers

"Are you going to take all the strollers?" Leeteuk asked when he saw Heechul pulling two double strollers and one separated

"One for the twins, one for Sungmin and Eunhyuk and one for Donghae" Heechul made a funny expression making the twins laugh

"You realize that you have lots of kids at times like this" Leeteuk laughed

"I know I have too many children when I see the diaper packages invading the house everywhere" Heechul joked while he observed how the triplets got inside the strollers without problem.

"They already do it themselves" Leeteuk smiled proudly

"Yeah, they love going to the park. It's been a while since we left the house for something else other than school" Heechul packed diapers, snacks, water bottles and more inside the strollers.

"You don't go shopping?"

"Not really. I order online since it’s easier than going out with them"

"That's true" Leeteuk felt bad since Heechul seemed to need more help than he thought

"Minnie don't take your shoes off" Heechul scolded the cute toddler trying to get rid of his shoes. He realized minutes later than Donghae not only managed to take off his shoes but his socks.

"Hey! Bad boys! If you keep doing that there won't be any park!" Heechul scolded

The trip to the park was pure fun for the older boys but Ryeowook and Kyuhyun fell asleep thanks to the stroller's comfortable seat and Heechul's blankets over them. After one hour, the triplets were fussy as they got tired from running around.

"Let's have a nap~~~" Heechul put the kids to sleep in the strollers. He only needed to convince the other three to return home.

"Siwon, get out of the grass! You know you are allergic to ants!" Heechul scolded taking the three years old out of the grass

"Sorry, uncle" Siwon apologized

"Are you allergic to ants?" Leeteuk asked the little boy

"To ants, bees, flowers..." Siwon repeated as taught

(These kids have too many allergies...) Leeteuk wondered why could that be possible if Heechul, looked just fine. If they were sons of Heechul's brother their genes shouldn't be that different.

"Can I ask you something? Can you tell me about the kids’ parents?" Leeteuk asked on their way back home

"My brother was a very nice person. He was the one that liked to study, the 'healthy' one, the one you could call at 3am after you got caught by the police and more" Heechul admired his brother

"Uhm? Caught by the police?" Leeteuk raised an eyebrow

"Too many beers, a weak bladder and a long way back home" Heechul recalled with a naughty smile

"I can't believe it. I never thought you were the kind of guy that liked getting drunk" Leeteuk laughed

"Getting drunk was the healthiest thing I did back then. I used to smoke and try some... ehm... drugs. I'm not proud about it" Heechul whispered to the babysitter

"Drugs? Smoking? Drinking? What were you thinking of?" Leeteuk didn't know if he was supposed to laugh at Heechul's rebellious past

"Nothing good. If I ever have known the consequences, I wouldn't have tried. My brother, however was Mr. Healthy man; exercise, green food, no drinking, no smoking... " Heechul explained

Leeteuk froze for a second. Something didn't make sense.

(What's going on? How can it be the healthy brother had kids with so many troubles if he had a healthy life style?) Leeteuk was going crazy.

"Awww! They are so cute!" A young couple approached to see the sleeping kids in their strollers

Heechul was proud of the kids cuteness but his wide smiled disappeared after the girl said
"They really look like their daddy!" While looking at Heechul

After the couple left, Leeteuk patted Heechul's back.

"At least she wasn't like the woman who thought we were a gay couple with lots of sons" Leeteuk teased

"She is the third one today. 'They look like daddy' " Heechul mimicked

"They do look like you" Leeteuk agreed with the passerby

"So? Kids resemble our side of the family! Big deal!" Heechul was mad. He pushed the stroller and walked faster than before. Leeteuk followed him with the other two strollers and the older kids walking along.

"Why is uncle in a bad mood?" Kangin asked

"He is just... tired" Leeteuk tried to protect Heechul's image for the kids

"Is he tired because of us?" Yesung suddenly asked from behind

Leeteuk didn't know what to say. He limited himself to only smile. Once inside the mansion again, he helped Heechul with the sleeping kids. He almost crashed with Yesung who was following him with a big photo album.

"Oh! Photos~~~ do you want to see it?" Leeteuk took the big album and sat on a small couch the triplets had in their room

"He is my dad and she is my mom... they loved taking pictures" Yesung explained sadly while passing the pages slowly

Leeteuk could see it was something like a collection that gathered all the big moments of their life. It started with several pictures of the mother while pregnant, then Yesung's birth, his first tooth, the first time he stood and more. It repeated with every single kid, including those that were multiples. He saw the Christmas photos, birthdays, anniversaries and more. Heechul appeared in all of them with no exception.

"Mom always said Uncle didn't visit us enough but to be honest he never missed a special occasion" Yesung said as he looked at the pictures

"He never missed one..." Leeteuk repeated feeling that the uncle was really attached to the family

"Daddy always said Uncle was his best friend... mom said it too. Mommy told us that Uncle gave them the best gift on earth and that she was so grateful she promised to cook for him every time he came to visit" Yesung's voice cracked.

"It's ok, honey, it's ok" Leeteuk consoled the sad kid.

Heechul was standing outside the room listening to Yesung's crying.
He sighed and walked across the hall to enter his office; once inside he locked the door and searched for a big diary inside a security box.
He shook it until a letter with a cute envelope fell on the floor. He stared at it for a while but, unable to read it, he placed it once again where it was.

The mysterious uncle went back to the room where Leeteuk was consoling Yesung and faked.

"Why are you crying? " Heechul hugged the kid tightly

Leeteuk observed Heechul's eyes. Something was bothering the young man more than he could ever imagine.


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it