Trial begins!

Junior Quest

In about a few seconds, the mansion became the hell itself. The kids ran around screaming and wailing without getting tired. They were in a bad mood since Heechul left and Leeteuk was starting to believe that the uncle's biggest problem wasn't the number of kids but their clingy personalities.


"Even if you cry he is not coming back sooner" Leeteuk told the boys. He was sure the twins started to ignore him and everything he said as soon Heechul left.

Kyuhyun cried louder but Ryeowook was crying with all his heart. The smaller of the kids seemed to be really attached to Heechul. Leeteuk was sure the triplets cried mostly because they had found it worked before.

"If you keep crying like that uncle will be sad"

"Uhm?" The triplets turned to face Leeteuk.

"Stop crying, uncle gets hurt when you cry" Leeteuk explained

"Unkwe?" Donghae and Eunhyuk tilted their heads. Sungmin didnt separate from the window.

"Uncle don't like when you cry because he feels sad too"

Like if Leeteuk had casted a magic spell, the kids wiped away their tears.

"Eunhyukkie no cwiying" Eunhyuk showed Leeteuk

"Hae no cwiying" Donghae widened his eyes in a funny way

"What good boys! C’mon, let's play together while we wait for uncle to come back" Leeteuk smiled

"Pway ~" Eunhyuk cheered

"Baby cwiying" Donghae pointed at the twins

"That's right, that's because they are little" Leeteuk tried

Donghae pouted and shook his head.

"Hae liwwe too" it took a few seconds to Leeteuk to understand Donghae's baby talking.

"Sure, you are also little but they are even more little"

Donghae was clearly upset.

"Nuh uh! Hae iz baby too" the toddler complained

"Who is bigger, you or Ryeowook?"

"Hae" Donghae pointed at himself

"Then who is younger, you or Ryeowook?"

"Mmmm" Donghae wasn't happy. Leeteuk knew they boy understood but didn't like the answer.

"Are you sad because Ryeowook and Kyuhyun are younger than you?" Leeteuk asked while holding the toddler's hands

"Ung..." Donghae admitted it. Leeteuk knew it.

(It's normal for the older siblings to feel 'displaced' when the parents have another baby. Also, the triplets have more siblings than usual. They are hitting that age when they like to be the center of attention)

"Eunhyuk, does your uncle play with you a lot?" Leeteuk asked the other toddler

Eunhyuk frowned and shook his head.

"No? But I saw him playing with you"

"He pways twins mowe" Eunhyuk whined

"Oh...would you like to play with him without the twins around?"

The triplet’s eyes widened.

"Yes yes yes!" The kids jumped excited just thinking about it.

"Then when he comes back I will talk to him ok?" Leeteuk ruffled the kids’ hair. Leeteuk saw Sungmin paying attention to what he was saying.

(Oh... so you are also interested uhm?)

"I dwaw" Donghae showed Leeteuk a cute drawing he was making; lots of crayon lines around

"Wow! So good!"

Ryeowook and Kyuhyun got interested when they saw the triplets drawing. They started drawing too and copying what their siblings did.

Ryeowook walked to Leeteuk with a paper sheet full of crayon.

"Wow! You are so good at this!" Leeteuk praised.

"Ukwe" Ryeowook insisted with the drawing

"It's for uncle?" Leeteuk tried.

"Ung!" The toddler nodded proudly

"Fine, do you want me to save it for him?"

The toddler nodded again. Leeteuk started to laugh when he realized he was saving for Heechul what it looks like the whole paper sheet box.

"You are all so hard working" Leeteuk teased

All the boys had showed him at least ten drawings. Except one. Sungmin still haven't approached Leeteuk since the 'drawing contest' started.

"Did you draw something? Can I see it?" Leeteuk asked the shy toddler. Sungmin hid behind the couch.

"No? Well, I guess you don't want to show me" Leeteuk smiled sweetly.

(What a shy boy)

At the kindergarten, Heechul was being lectured. He was sitting next to the principal's desk hearing what it seemed like thousands of complains about Kangin. He felt bad for the boy.

"I'm so sorry" Heechul repeated. He had lost the count of how many times he had said it.

"The boy needs to be disciplined!"

"He is such a spoiled kid"

"He is reckless!"

(What's going on with these people? I don't have any clue of how to raise kids but shouldn't you show a little respect to those who try?)

"Mr. Kim, Kangin's wrong behaviors won't be tolerated in this school"

(There it is. He got expelled) Heechul cursed internally

"We will give him only three more chances to change"

(Dude, he is a kid) Heechul sighed again.

"I will talk to him" Heechul finally said

"Not only talk but take actions" A teacher said

(Is she insinuating I should spank the kid? I don't think I can do that)

"I will do what I can" Heechul nodded and went to look for the rascal that got him in troubles

Kangin was sitting alone in a spare room. The kid seemed to had been crying.

"Hey, Buddy" Heechul approached the kid while looking for the backpack.

"Hi" Kangin replied sadly. He seemed nervous.

"Let's go home, it's been a though day for you" Heechul held the boy's hand and walked with him to the parking lot. Unlike most of the time, Kangin didn't complain about holding hands.

"Let me fasten the seatbelt-- oh! You already did it! What a good boy!" Heechul praised

"I'm not a baby... and I'm not a good boy either" Kangin replied annoyed

(What's wrong with this kid hitting puberty so fast?!) Heechul was terrified. He never prepared to raise kids, hence, he wasn't the paternal figure the kid needed.

Kangin seemed to be expecting something else from Heechul. The kid stared at his uncle until Heechul sighed and returned to his seat.

"Won't you scold me?" Kangin asked from behind

"It would be worthless right?" Heechul drove without looking back. He didn't see the boy's reaction.

"I don't like you" Kangin said after a few minutes in silence

"Too bad" Heechul replied sarcastic

"I wish mom and dad were here"

"Me too" Heechul replied exhausted.

That was all the talk between Heechul and Kangin. They arrived at the mansion and Kangin ran before Heechul could stop him.

"Hey!" Heechul scolded

Kangin opened the main door and ran to the living room only to find his little brothers surrounding a strange man around his uncle’s age dressed with flamboyant flower path clothes and tied hair.

"What the--"

"Hi~~~~ you must be Kanginnie~~ nice to meet--"

"Uncle!! There's a weird hippie with my brothers!" Kangin pointed at the new babysitter not very politely

"Ouch!" Kangin complained when his uncle smacked his head.

"First never run out of the car like that, second don't speak like that to a person older than you and third! He is our new babysitter" Heechul corrected his nephew

"Why did you hire a hippie for the job?! Is he gay?!" Kangin showed disgust. Heechul wanted to kill the kid.

"No, I'm not~ but it's not very nice to speak like that" Leeteuk face seemed to have make up on it. Heechul, who also suffered the same attack several times before, knew it was just markers and some crayons.

"I must say I'm impressed. I thought 'they will still be crying when I come back' but they look happy " Heechul smiled to the cute babies that were trying to walk in his direction.

"Those two cried the most but it's normal" Leeteuk approached Heechul, while Kangin tried to run away again.

"Hey!" Kangin protested when he realized his uncle was grabbing his uniform

"You won't get away until you apologize" Heechul faked a smile. He didn't want to shout since the babies were next to him.

Ryeowook cried when Kyuhyun used his twin like a step tool to climb Heechul's leg. It was difficult to hold the twins with only one hand but to Leeteuk's surprise Heechul was skilled.

"Oh oh, Kyunnie stepped on you? Poor boy" Heechul held the twins with one arm

"You know, it's dangerous that way" Leeteuk said to Kangin. The kid sighed and turned to Heechul.

"I'm sorry"

"It's not me who I want you to apologize to" Heechul replied

Kangin grunted and turned to Leeteuk.


"Apology accepted" Leeteuk smiled and Heechul freed the kid having now another arm to carry the twins.

Kangin ran to his room and closed the door.

" He is like a teenager trapped in the body of a five-year-old" Heechul commented

"Unkweeee! Hae made thiz!" Donghae showed Heechul one of the several drawings he made.

"Oh, that's nice! It looks cute!" Heechul praised not very sure if his nephew understood the concept of abstract art

"Me too!" Eunhyuk also took his masterpieces to Heechul

Ryeowook and Kyuhyun seemed to look for their own so Leeteuk helped them.

"Agiii!" Ryeowook made a weird sound and showed proudly his drawing

"For me? Wow I'm so happy" Heechul had to praise every single drawing that he received.

"I feel so loved" Heechul teased Leeteuk

"They really love you. All of them" Leeteuk made emphasis with one particular word

"All" Heechul repeated confused. Then he saw it.

Sungmin was also holding a paper sheet waiting patiently for Heechul to notice him.

"Did you make one too?" Heechul smiled with all his heart. He loved Sungmin just like all of his nephews but the boy sometimes worried him.

Sungmin approached and showed his drawing to Heechul. It wasn't very different from the ones his siblings made but Heechul made sure of having a big reaction.

Sungmin giggled and showed happiness.

"He didn't let me see it" Leeteuk teased

"He was saving it for me" Heechul replied in a very cocky way

"Apparently, Sungmin wasn't the only who saved something for you" Leeteuk laughed

"You have got to be kidding me" Heechul laughed too

"Unkweee" Eunhyuk walked with his legs really apart.

"Did you poop? Eunhyuk did you poop?" Heechul laughed. Heechul's laugh was contagious for the other kids who started laughing too.

"Yes~~" Eunhyuk smiled

Heechul was still laughing when he went to change Eunhyuk's diaper. Leeteuk stayed at the big living room with the other kids.

"Uhm?" Kyuhyun gave Leeteuk a hair brush

"This? This is a hair brush; you can use it to brush your hair like this" Leeteuk taught the little boy. Kyuhyun ran away and came back with other object.

The boy repeated it several times. He even asked for particular objects more than once.

"That's a diaper" Leeteuk laughed when the cute kid showed him one diaper that he probably took from the nursery

Ryeowook was busy playing with Sungmin and Donghae. Despite his young age, the baby was patient and waited for his turn to play with the blocks.

"All done, he is clean now" Heechul returned carrying a very pleased boy.

"You look happier than before" Leeteuk observed. Heechul blushed.

"Well, let's say it's easier since you are here... but don't get confused you are still on a trial!"

"Kwee~" Ryeowook crawled to his uncle.

"You should stop crawling, Ryeokkie. You already know how to walk" Heechul helped the boy to sit next to him. Leeteuk found it cute the way Ryeowook liked to lie down next to his uncle.

"He is really spoiled. He comes to me and cuddles around" Heechul explained to the babysitter

"He is like that because of you" Leeteuk replied

"Maybe. I can't stop thinking they are all cute babies" Heechul's bad intentions were zero. Leeteuk's face was unable to hold back surprise when he heard the uncle's words.

"You shouldn't do that" Leeteuk giggled now realizing why Donghae seemed disappointed when he learned the truth.

"Do what?"

"If you call all of them 'babies' they will behave like babies. The triplets are old enough to behave a little bit more mature... I wondered why they refused to grow. Are you the type of guy that always use 'cute' and 'baby' together?"

"Oh" Heechul noticed his own mistake. He never thought about it before.

"If you say that 'babies' are 'cute' then they still want to be babies" Leeteuk explained

"They are always competing for attention... sometimes I feel guilty because the younger siblings take a lot of time and I can't interact with the elders" Heechul sighed loudly. Sungmin climbed the couch and leaned on his uncle.

"You are very nice did you know that?" Heechul said to the boy before kissing him. Sungmin hugged him.

"Aweee!!" Ryeowook protested

"He is jealous" Leeteuk laughed while holding the now upset boy

Kyuhyun cried when he realized his twin brother was being carried and he isn’t. Kyuhyun stretched his arms to the babysitter.

"He wants to be carried too" Kangin said from behind. Leeteuk wondered how long the boy was waiting to be noticed.

"Thanks for telling me" Leeteuk praised

Kangin didn't reply.

"Kanwinnnn~~~ !!" Eunhyuk ran to the kindergartener

" 'wiiiinn~~~" Donghae ran to his brother too

Kangin refused to interact with the boys, instead using the height difference he climbed some furniture to get away from the triplets’ reach.

"They want to play with you" Leeteuk said while placing both twins on the floor

"I don't want to play with babies" Kangin replied looking disgusted

"Oh? Maybe not with the twins but what about the triplets? They can follow some instructions and play-"

"I don't like babies" Kangin's dry response dragged Heechul's attention

"They are not just 'babies' they are your brothers" Heechul corrected

"Who said I wanted them? I didn't ask for them" Kangin just seemed to give worse replies everytime he spoke

"Kangin..." Heechul warned

"Babies are stupid, they don't know anything. They smell like poop half of the time, they throw up, they are messy" Kangin listed too many reasons. Leeteuk suspected he could be leaving out the true reason of his hate towards younger kids.

"You can't speak like that to you---" Heechul was interrupted when Leeteuk covered his mouth.

"It's ok! I can play with you! Only you and I!! " Leeteuk offered

"I don't want to play with you either!" Kangin rejected the proposal

"Then, what about you playing with uncle while I play with the other kids?" Leeteuk asked again

Kangin doubted for a moment. Then he agreed.

"He said before he didn't li--- Ouch!" Heechul stopped when Leeteuk pinched him really hard

"Kangin, honey, get down and go play with uncle" Leeteuk instructed

"I don't like being called 'honey'... " Kangin complained.

Heechul followed the kid to his room. He was shocked since Kangin was going up the stairs with energy. He seemed excited.

(Is he happy now?) Heechul wondered

"Uncle you are so slow!" Kangin chirped from his room

"Going~~~ uncle is an old man already" Heechul teased

"C’mon! C’mon!"

Heechul could hear Kangin jumping on his bed. He rushed worrying that the boy could fall and hit his head.

"Uncle let's play together!" Kangin said again

"What are we going to play?" Heechul asked still confused by Kangin's sudden change of behavior towards him.

"Don't know!"

"Kangin, did you want to play with me before? Why didn't you tell me?" Heechul observed the way all Kangin's toys were placed around the big room. It didn't feel like something a kid would usually do.

"You are always busy" Kangin complained while giving Heechul a soft sword

"Uncle can make some spare time for you, you just have to ask for it" Heechul played swords with the boy

"That's not true. Daddy said the same"

Heechul froze. His brother was an amazing brother... he took for granted that he was the same kind of father to his kids... he took for granted nobody felt left out.

"Kangin, do you like playing with other kids?" Heechul started to worry


"What about sharing? Are you good at it?" Heechul asked while they played

"No. I hate sharing! If you share, then the others will break your toys!" Kangin explained.

(Kangin... I was such a fool) Heechul realized it now. Not being the eldest nor the youngest. Having too many siblings probably annoyed the boy.

(He is calling for attention... he wants attention so badly that he does things he knows will make people notice him) Heechul kept playing with the boy occasionally hearing the twins cry downstairs.

"Aren't you going to check on them?" Kangin suddenly stopped.

"They are under good supervision" Heechul smiled to the boy

Kangin relaxed and smiled to his uncle. He was happy to have his uncle’s full attention.

Downstairs, Leeteuk was trying to calm down a very upset Ryeowook that had been crying since Heechul left with Kangin.

"You can't be like that... Jeez, what a bad character" Leeteuk giggled. Kyuhyun wasn't crying but he was obviously in a bad mood as he kept rejecting everything the triplets offered him.

Leeteuk finally managed to lift the twins’ mood when he found a small toy piano. The kids liked hitting it to produce sounds.

"There we go. Peace again" Leeteuk stretched seeing how the five children were playing nicely again.

Sungmin walked to Leeteuk holding a diaper.

"Oh? Do you need a diaper change? Let's see..." Leeteuk touched Sungmin's diaper but it felt dry. The kid however seemed a bit desperate trying to take off his clothes.

"Wanna take it off? Are you uncomfortable?" Leeteuk started undressing the boy.

Sungmin was now only wearing his diaper and socks. He still seemed a bit uncomfortable. The kid only stopped fidgeting after he made a strange sound that Leeteuk misunderstood as pain.

"Does something hurt? " Leeteuk patted the boy until he noticed the diaper.

"Oh, you are peeing! Did you have to pee? You came to tell me? What a good boy!" Leeteuk praised.

(This is weird. He seemed to have some idea of what he had to do, tell the adult, undress... he also brought a clean diaper to get changed later) Leeteuk now suspected that someone explained the toddler what he had to do.

"Minnie, do you know when you have to pee?" Leeteuk asked the toddler while he changed him

Sungmin shrank his shoulders and made cute confused face.

"Right" Leeteuk laughed.

"Minnie peed" Eunhyuk pointed at the wet diaper Leeteuk took off from the other brother

"Yes, he did"

"When baby pee diapey gews wet" Donghae explained

"Who taught you that?" Leeteuk laughed at the boys’ wide knowledge about it

"Ehm... Mama?" Eunhyuk doubted

"Were you learning to use the potty?" Leeteuk tried to get information from the triplets that talked more.

"Powy!" Donghae chirped and clapped his hands

"Pee potty" Eunhyuk said

Sungmin held Leeteuk's hand and started dragging him to the nursery room.

"Minnie I can't go now, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun are still over there" Leeteuk pointed at the immersed twins playing with a ball they found.

Sungmin stared at the adult and then nodded in understanding. He went by himself and returned with difficulty pushing something that Leeteuk knew what it was.

"Oh! There it is! Woooow what a smart boy!" Leeteuk praised Sungmin for searching the potty.

"You zit here like thiz" Eunhyuk demonstrated sitting on the potty

Leeteuk laughed at how the triplets acted like how they had to pee and then sat on the potty. He was sure now that someone started potty training them before. The twins got interested in what it looked like a game to them and started copying the triplets.

When Heechul returned from his playing session with Kangin he found Leeteuk laughing loudly while the kids kept faking the popular scene.

"What's going on? Who brought out the weird seat again? I thought I have put it inside" Heechul laughed too even if he didn't understand what was happening

"That's not a 'weird seat' that's a potty" Leeteuk corrected the confused uncle

"Oh my... I'm such an ignorant"

"Kangin, do you know if someone tried to potty train the triplets?" Leeteuk asked a sleepy kindergarten

"Yes... mommy tried but they only peed everywhere" Kangin recalled

"Are you tired? Was uncle too much for you?" Leeteuk teased

"He is a cheater" Kangin smiled while falling asleep on the couch

"It's not true; I won in a fair way" Heechul told the amused Leeteuk

"Cheaaaaaawerrrrr" Donghae sang

"Cheater Cheater Cheater!" Eunhyuk danced around

"That's not true!" Heechul chased after the kids in a playful way.

The kids started calling Heechul to play with them, even the twins with their mispronounced words called him over and over again.

"Kwee! Ukwee!" Kyuhyun called

Heechul was immersed in his game of chasing naughty kids when his world felt like it had stopped. Leeteuk froze too.

"Uncle!" A happy kid called too. Heechul thought he was imagining things when Sungmin called him again.

"Uncle!!" Sungmin laughed

"He can talk" Heechul said falling on his knees with a surprised expression

"Such a sweet voice" Leeteuk smiled pleased.

"Ung?" Sungmin approached the shocked uncle

"You just made my day!" Heechul carried the toddler and hugged him tightly.

Ryeowook and Kyuhyun cried again from jealousy.


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it