Daily love

Junior Quest

“But whyyyyyyyyyyy?!” - Heechul asked sadly as he held his iPad 


“Waaaaaaaaaaae~?” - Henry tried to imitate 


“Because I don’t want to~” - Yesung’s cheeky reply made Leeteuk laugh - “Can’t You just wait another day? Tomorrow we are going back home!”


“At least” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “But can’t you send me a picture? I haven’t looked at you for daaaaaaaays! I already miss you!”


“EW DONT COME CLOSER!” - Yesung shouted 


“What? I’m not doing any— hey, we are not even FaceTiming...?” - Heechul was confused 




“Hi dad! Ignore Yesung. He is just upset because we are going back home tomorrow” - Kangin giggled 


Leeteuk was knitting in peace while listening to the conversation. Occasionally, Henry would join as he tried to repeat words he listened. Robin also got excited listening to the missing boys’s names. Just like the baby, the bird couldn’t understand the absence of the elder duo. 


“We have to go! There is something we must do before leaving this place!”


“Alright~ play safely! Have a good day!” - Heechul even went kissed through the iPad 


“They already cut the call” - Leeteuk giggled amused 


“I know... those two...” - Heechul took a deep breath - “How come they don’t miss me at all? I hoped they would come back the first night!” 


“Speaking of which!” - Siwon jumped on his dad’s back - “Auntie Mina invited us to play with Zhoumi! She says he is bored since Hangeng and Kibum are still in—“


“And I already said ‘no’ a thousand times” - Heechul sulked - “Mina must be crazy if she thinks she can handle you” 


“But I will behave!” - Siwon pouted - “why not?” 


“Yeah, Heechul” - Leeteuk raised an eyebrow - “Why not?”


“Because she invited them all” - Heechul bit his lips - “including ‘those’ three” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk just realized it - “Yeah, it would be hard... I don’t think is a good idea” 



“Those three” was the way Heechul referred to his triplets. The silly trio that not long ago had started attending tennis classes as a way to get rid of them for a few hours. Lately, the mansion seemed to be too ‘small’ for holding those three... Leeteuk would spend all time chasing after them to check they weren’t getting in troubles. It wasn’t like the triplets were too naughty, but the fact they were three four years old. 


“Somebody help me...” - Heechul took a deep sigh when he spotted the triplets trying to use their rackets again - “They are cute but clumsy” 


“At least they didn’t get expelled” - Leeteuk glanced at the gloomy twins sitting next to him - “Can’t say the same for some of them” 


“Siwon is so good at tennis” - Heechul smiled seeing how Siwon joined the last minutes of the class and managed to win against the silly trio - “He has talent” 


“Kyu good too!” - Kyuhyun protested as he stomped his feet - “Pway too!”


“Buddy, you got expelled the first day” - Heechul ruffled the boy’s hair - “Hitting friends with your racket is definitely a no no” 


“According to him, they deserved it” - Leeteuk sighed - “He said they were making fun of Wookie” 


“Wookie no weiwd! Wookie Kyu twin!” - Kyuhyun continued to complain - “Wookie Pway too!”


“Kyu, Ryeowook didn’t want to play anyway” - Heechul smiled a bit seeing how the shortest twin cheered even if the triplets keep failing - “He just liked the tennis balls” 


Kyuhyun shook his head and sat defeated. He folded his arms and kept looking at his caretakers in a funny way. 


“He is ‘mad’ at us” - Leeteuk found it cute - “It’s ok, Kyu. We can play together back home” 


“We can play here after the lesson ends” - Heechul smiled - “I bet the triplets are still full of energy”


“Baw!” - Henry jumped from his Leeteuk’s lap to the ground as soon as he spotted a tennis ball going in his direction- “Hewy!”


“No, is not Henry’s” - Leeteuk tried to snatch it but the toddler was fast - “Give it back~ They need it” 


“Uncle! Henry has our ball!” - Donghae accused. The boy was drenched in sweat- “We need it back, please!”


“Oh... if Henry has it... then is gone” - Siwon teased - “He won’t let it go” 


Henry was already tasting the yellow ball. Heechul screamed horrified when he noticed the baby boy put in his mouth something that had been rolling on the ground before. 


“THATS DIRTY! NO!” - Heechul’s overreaction made the kids’s laugh - “DONT EAT THAT!”


Henry just laughed when his dad retrieved the now wet ball. 


“Ewwww” - Eunhyuk did a disgusted face - “He can keep it. We don’t wanna” 


“Lucky for you, I always bring more of these” - Heechul searched in a backpack and pulled out a new set of balls - “DONT Lose them” 


“Sure!” - Sungmin chirped as he got handled one of the yellow balls - “I won’t lose it, Papa!”


Heechul sighed again. That wasn’t something the kids could promise. After all, they always lost their balls after a single lesson. Why? Maybe because they weren’t responsible enough to take care of their stuff. Leeteuk often made jokes about how the triplets not only lost those but their school supplies all time. The babysitter even labeled all their stuff... and still, only half of it would make it back after a week in daycare. 


“Oh! Hae hea’ ba’ !” - Ryeowook pointed at his brother as soon as the lesson was over - “Gone!”


“What— OH NO YOU DIDNT” - Heechul pulled his hair and kneeled on the ground in a dramatic way - “I SPENT TWO ENTIRE HOURS SURFING ONLINE TO GET YOU THE PERFECT HEADBAND AND YOU LOST IT!”


“Sorry” - Donghae hid behind Leeteuk 


“We can buy another one” - Eunhyuk patted Heechul’s back - “Dont worry” 


That was it. Heechul was done. Leeteuk wasn’t expecting the parent to hit an awful tantrum over a headband but he decided to stay away from the conflict. 


“Kids... let’s sit down. We need to talk” - Heechul said half calmly- “This is getting out of control” 


“Are we in troubles?” - Sungmin worried - “Here is the tennis ball you gave me... Its here...” 


Heechul just smiled a bit and gestured the three kids to sit. The boys obeyed and stared at their dad with sad faces. 


“Boys... we cant keep losing our stuff like that” - Heechul explained - “If we weren’t rich, you would have ruined us long ago. Having money is not an excuse to not value things. You need to take better care of your stuff, ok?” 


“Ok...” - The kids nodded 


“But I don’t see you are taking it seriously so... starting today, I will punish you for everything you lose” - Heechul sighed - “I’m not giving you an ear pull. If I need to replace one pencil before time, I’m buying with YOUR money. If you don’t have money, then I’m taking your candy share. And if you don’t have any of the other... I’m keeping your toys”


Eunhyuk raised his hand. Leeteuk feared for the kid’s question. 


“What happens if we run out of stuff you can take?” - Eunhyuk’s worried he didn’t have that many stuff his dad could take away considering how fast he was to lose stuff - “Are you taking our clothes?” 


“Maybe” - Heechul bit his lips. He didn’t expect that silly question - “Or, maybe I would send some of you to your aunt’s house” 


“WHAT” - Sungmin stood first - “N-no! We stay together!” 


“I won’t lose my stuff again! I promise!” - Donghae was already crying - “Pleaaaase!”


“Take everything you want but don’t take my brothers away” - Sungmin sulked 


“Why are you so mean?”  - Leeteuk pulled Heechul’s ear as soon as Eunhyuk started to cry too - “That went too far” 


“I know” - Heechul felt guilty - “It was a joke, brats! I would never sent you away!”


“Daddy...” - Donghae’s face was full of tears and snot - “H-hug m-me” 


It took a while and lot of effort the triplets stopped crying. Sungmin even refused to get hold at first since he was mad at Heechul. 


“Oh my... look at your face...” - Heechul was still trying to clean Eunhyuk’s face - “Your eyes got so puffy... Daddy is so sorry” 


“Hey” - Heechul was inspecting the handkerchief he used to clean the boy’s nose - “Your boogers...” 


“Uhm?” -Eunhyuk sniffed annoyed - “What?”


“Teuk! Have a look!”


“What are yo— OH THATS GROSS DONT PUT IT NEXT TO MY FACE!” - Leeteuk cringed when Heechul insisted in showing him Eunhyuk’s boogers - “That’s just disgusting!” 


“Aren’t these a little weird?” - Heechul tilted his head innocently- “I mean... if he just cried... then shouldn’t they be... Uhm... you know... not yellow?” 


“Maybe he also ate the tennis ball” - Siwon giggled - “And now has yellow boogers!”


“Gross” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I bet he has a little infection that’s all. Nothing to worry about. They caught a cold not long ago, remember?” 


“Ah... is that so?” - Heechul seemed concerned - “Do I have to worry? Do you think he could need antibiotics?”


“I don’t think so. He seems pretty fine to me” - Leeteuk smiled pleased as the triplets were now hugging Heechul in a sweet way - “Lets just buy something to wash his nose” 


“Fine” - Heechul was now busy trying to keep an eye on the naughty twins - “If we go to the pharmacy let’s buy something to sleep naughty brats” 


Heechul managed to catch a fast tennis ball before it hit Leeteuk’s head. The babysitter was still recovering when he spotted the two culprits. 


“Not nice boys” - Heechul put the ball in his pocket - “You could have hurt Teuk or Henry” 


“Sorry” - Kyuhyun shrank his shoulders. It wasn’t his intention to aim it at them. He just hit the ball using his racket 


Ryeowook wanted his ball back. He kept trying to convince Heechul but the parent was firm about it. After a few minutes, they were forced to leave the place with a very angry toddler that kept hitting a good tantrum all way back home. 


“Kim Ryeowook is getting grounded today” - Heechul teased - “I heard that there is an ugly goblin that takes away kids that misbehave” 


Ryeowook gasped. He wiped away his tears and went to bury himself under some cushions. Leeteuk gave Heechul another ear pull. 


Heechul was about to complain when the door bell rang. Ryeowook ran to his grandma as soon as the old lady crossed the door. 




“Uh? I bet your dad had something to do with it” - The old lady just laughed - “Were you being bad?” 


“Uh... yes” - Kyuhyun replied first - “We bad” 


“Apparently, I got it wrong” - Heechul smiled softly- “It wasn’t a goblin but a witch~”


“Heechul, couldn’t you say something nicer?” - Leeteuk sighed - “The kids look terrified” 


“Hi mom” - Heechul was ignoring Leeteuk - “It isn’t Halloween yet! What brings you here?”


“I came to take some of my beloved grandchildren with me~”  - The old lady whispered - “Please~ I beg you. Just for a day” 


“Why?” - Heechul was now worried - “No. You are not taking them away from me” 


“We are taking care of Zhoumi starting today... and we thought that he would feel better if he had playmates” - The old lady explained softly- “Chemotherapy is stronger than it looks and Donghee is having a hard time. Mina barely has time for herself and I worry since she is pregnant. So I offered myself to take care of Mimi for a few days” 


“Did Mina agree?” - Heechul found it strange. Usually, his sister in law was fierce when it came to her babies - “Donghee must be truly ill” 


“So~ can I take Siwon with me? He loves me. He won’t cause me troubles” - The old lady did puppy eyes - “and if you could give at least two triplets...” 


“They don’t want to be away from each other” - Heechul lamented- “So... either you want them all or None” 


“I can handle those three” 


“No, you can’t” - Heechul shook his head - “I already had this conversation with Mina. My boys aren’t that easy to take care of” 


“Maybe you are judging them too hard” - The old lady pitied the silly boys that hid behind the couch - “Its unfair to judge them like that. They are just boys” 


“Mmm... mom” - Leeteuk would usually agree with her but this time, he thought Heechul was right - “The triplets are hard to look after. They are full of energy and cause troubles all time. I’m just saying that maybe... Maybe Heechul is right this time” 


“See? Even Teuk thinks they are little monsters” - Heechul tried to dissuade his mom - “I will allow Siwon to go” 


“Yes!” - Siwon was already celebrating


“And tomorrow, we can go pay you a visit” - Heechul sighed - “If they behave, of course” 


Ryeowook did a squeaking sound. Kyuhyun shook his head. They already knew that meant they wouldn’t be going. There was no way they didn’t earn a scolding in that time. 


“Won’t you let me take care of them for one afternoon? Really?” - The old lady folded her arms - “I cant believe it. After all this time... you still don’t trust me?” 


“Mom... Dont twist my words... I never said— Oh mom, please! Don’t cry!” - Heechul cursed internally - “I do trust you!”


Heechul ended negotiating with his mom. The parent was about to let go all triplets when Eunhyuk sneezed again. 


“Aha” - Heechul pointed at the kid - “he cant go. He has some sort of virus!” 


“So? Like if I haven’t took care of you when sick!” - The old lady protested as she cleaned the boy’s nose - “Stop looking for stupid excuses” 


“I mean, if he is the carrier of a strange disease you could be exposing Zhoumi to it” - Heechul’s eyes were fixed on his mom - “and we don’t want Zhoumi to become a risk for his own dad, right? I heard that Donghee should be away from getting sick as much as possible” 


“That’s... actually right” - The old woman agreed - “Donghee can’t get sick...” 


“So... if you take with you a kid that could be sick... you could expose Donghee to a virus” - Heechul nodded - “That’s why Eunhyuk can’t go with you” 


“But the other two can” - The old lady grinned softly- “That means I’m taking three of your kids”


“Yes, of course— wait, what? Oh no, mom! You can’t separate the triplets!” - Heechul protested - “I need you to understand—“


“They will survive” - The old lady waved goodbye - “Also, we are going to be just a few houses away. I will return them to you before bed time” 


“Bye daddy!” - Donghae was cheerful about going to play at his grandparents’s house - “Hae will be back soon!”


“Papa! Please take care of Hyuk while we are away!” - Sungmin also seemed happy 


“Bye dad!” - Siwon chased after his grandma 


“What the... THEY HAVE NO HEART” - Heechul was kneeling in the middle of the living room while Leeteuk just giggled - “WHATS SO FUNNY, AH? COME AND TELL ME” 


“Mom is a lot better than you when it comes to games” - Leeteuk chuckled again


“I DONT THINK IS FUNNY!” - Eunhyuk threw his backpack away - “WHY DO I HAVE TO STAY?”


“Oh... Thats because you are—“


Heechul didn’t have time to finish the sentence. Before he could try anything, the kid was already crying on the floor. 


“It’s your fault! Your f-fault!” - Eunhyuk refused to get hold when his dad approached - “Y- you told grandma I-I was s-sick!”


“Honey, That wasn’t a lie” - Leeteuk tried to meddle- “You guys were sick not long ago and—“


“ALL OF US! HAE AND MINNIE TOO!” - Eunhyuk raged - “Why? W-why is only me?”


“I didn’t do it to hurt you” - Heechul realized that the kid thought he tried to sabotage his fun - “I swear I had good intentions when I said that. I was just worrying since you could give Mimi a virus and he needs to be healthy for his dad’s sake. Your Uncle is having a hard time—“


“I DONT CARE!” - Eunhyuk ran upstairs- “I HATE YOU!” 


Leeteuk opened his mouth but closed it as soon as the boy slammed the door. 


“My my... Today is not my day” - Heechul sighed - “I’m guessing he is upset because he also wanted to go play...” 


“Don’t forget he also got separated from his twins” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “They hate that”


“The other two seemed to be ok” - Heechul raises an eyebrow - “So... maybe they are fine getting separated for a few hours...?”


“Eunhyuk didn’t seem like so” - Leeteuk pouted - “Maybe I should go check on him” 



“Hyuk, honey” - Leeteuk was knocking the door carefully- “Can I come in?”


“Yeah~” - Eunhyuk replied like he would usually do 


“Honey” - Leeteuk didn’t know what to say. The kid seemed to be ok as he was playing with a few action figures- “Are you alright?”


“Sure” - Eunhyuk wrinkled his nose - “boogers” 


“I will help you clean it~” - Leeteuk helped the kid to blow his nose - “better?”


“Uhum~ Uncle, can you help me taking that toy box down?” - Eunhyuk was clearly fine. He behaved like he usually did - “It’s too heavy and daddy said I could get hurt” 


“Sure... Eunhyukkie... are you truly alright?” - Leeteuk was helping the little boy - “I mean... arent you sad?”


“For what? Ah. The play date” - Eunhyuk scratched his head - “Yeah... a little. But it’s ok, I guess” 


“The play date” - Leeteuk repeated amused. Maybe Heechul was right and his kids were old enough to understand that they could survive being away for a few hours - “Well, We can have fun here too” 


“I know” - Eunhyuk shrank his shoulders - “But it to be the only one staying home” 


“That’s true” 


“I was mean to dad” - Eunhyuk sulked - “I was upset and I ended being mean” 


“It’s ok” - Leeteuk smiled - “I guess we can always apologize and become friends again” 


“I’m gonna say sorry to daddy” - Eunhyuk rushed outside the room. Leeteuk followed him amused by the kid’s character. 


The babysitter found the kid kissing Heechul several times. They seemed to be getting along just well. 


“You know brat” - Heechul was kissing him back - “Since your brothers aren’t around, you should use this opportunity to do stuff you would like to do but cant when they are around” 


“Uhm... there is nothing I would like to do alone” - Eunhyuk giggled - “It’s more fun when we are together” 


“Try to think again” - Heechul giggled - “There must be at least something you wanted to try” 


“Nope. I have tried everything I wanted to” - Eunhyuk stretched - “Minnie And Hae are my beloved brothers. It’s not like I get annoyed by them being with me all time” 


“I wasn’t saying that... I just...” - Heechul bit his lips - “I have an idea. What if we go out together? I have to buy some stuff and I think you would be an awesome partner” 


“Sounds fun!” - Eunhyuk bounced excited - “I will look for my bag!”


“Don’t forget to go potty!” - Heechul shouted amused - “I will get ready too!”


Leeteuk observed the scene and smiled. He liked it when Heechul and his kids got along just well. He was lost in his thoughts when something hit his back. 


“Ouch... What was that?” - Leeteuk looked around and found the culprit. A small bouncy yellow ball - “Oh” 


“Sorry, ukwee!” - Kyuhyun was already apologizing- “Kyu and Wookie Sorry” 


“It’s ok, I bet you didn’t do it on purpose” - Leeteuk smiled to the kid - “Here. Don’t throw it that hard again, ok?” 


Heechul left with Eunhyuk. Leeteuk was reading a book while Henry watched tv when something landed next to him. 


“Kids” - Leeteuk took the yellow ball with him - “You promised me to be careful”


“Sorry” - Kyuhyun apologized again - “Kyu Pway tennis... teach Wookie” 


“Are you trying to teach your brother how to play? That’s nice” - Leeteuk tried to be patient - “Just don’t hit it too hard, ok? Playing inside the house is a little dangerous” 


Again, the babysitter was back to his reading. He got interrupted twice when Henry asked him to help him with the tv but his reading time was totally over once he heard something broke. He was about to ask when one the twins ran to him crying. 


“Are you hurt?” - Leeteuk inspected the kid - “Did you get hit?” 


“Sorry!” - Kyuhyun was crying his heart out - “Bwoke it... bwoke window!”


Leeteuk just took a deep sigh. He wasn’t that angry. He knew accidents happened all time. He was just worried the kids could get hurt. 


“Wait here, ok? Watch over Henry while I clean” - Leeteuk wondered if Kyuhyun would actually take care of Henry - “No more tennis inside the house” 


Leeteuk was heading to the broken window with a broom when he noticed the scared toddler hiding from him behind a curtain. 


“I know it was an accident~ Come on~ I’m not mad at you~” - Leeteuk opened his arms widely - “Give me Hug” 


Ryeowook shook his head. He kept trying to hold back his crying. Leeteuk did a few silly tricks but nothing worked the kid remained silent. 


“I’m going to clean this mess and then we can all play something fun together” - Leeteuk explained merrily- “Is there something you want to play?”


“Ukwee...”  - Ryeowook was gathering all his courage - “No angwy?”


“No” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “Come here, give me a hug~”


Ryeowook walked slowly. He approached the babysitter hiding both hands behind his back. Leeteuk started suspecting there was something else the toddler wanted to confess. 


“Wookie touwed it” - Ryeowook gulped down - “Gwazz” 


“Uh?” - Leeteuk didn’t understand the boy’s words. However, visual help was maybe too much - “OH MY GOD! RYEOWOOK! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE WE TOLD YOU TO NOT TOUCH— wait! I’m not mad! I just got scared!” 


Ryeowook was running away scared with his injured hand. Kyuhyun turned pale as soon as he saw Ryeowook dripping blood on the floor. 




Now Leeteuk feared Kyuhyun could die from a heart attack instead of worrying about the fact Ryeowook got cut. The toddlers were both in pain. Kyuhyun’s distress only grew bigger when Ryeowook finally gave up and started crying louder. 


“It’s alright, it’s alright” - Leeteuk was holding the now scared boys - “Everything is going to be alright. I’m here” 


“WOOKIE’S HAND HUWT!” - Kyuhyun cried full of worries - “BWOOD!”


Ryeowook felt worse when Henry also started crying scared. Leeteuk wanted to take care of the toddler’s injury right away but the other two were way too stressed. 


“Bad timing for Heechul to go out” - Leeteuk sighed - “Ehm... Ryeowook. It’s ok, I’m not mad. I was just shocked... We need to clean that cut, ok? It’s going to hurt a bit but I promise is for your own good. Wait here” 


Leeteuk felt like if time was going too fast. He only was away from the kids a few seconds but somehow it felt like a lot. He came back holding everything he could find to treat injuries. 


“Fine. First, we inspect it” - Leeteuk spoke softly hoping for soothing spell. He wanted the kids to feel they were safe - “Let’s see how bad it is~”


Ryeowook seemed to be a lot calmer now. He kept tearing a bit. Kyuhyun was holding his other hand tightly. 


“That’s right. Kyu, you hold your twin’s hand like that! I will take care of the wound” - Leeteuk smiled - “It’s not that deep~ but I’m gonna use this and is going to sting” 


Ryeowook widened his eyes when Leeteuk cleaned the wound. He did a squeaking sound and Henry gasped. 


“It’s ok~ Can we go on? Ryeowook, can you make it?” 


“U-ung!” - Ryeowook nodded. He wanted to be brave even if he just felt like crying - “Pwease!”


“That’s my boy!” - Leeteuk praised as he bandaged Ryeowook’s tiny hand- “woah... Ryeowook is so brave!” 


“Done?” - Kyuhyun didn’t want to look at it. He hated blood... but his love for twin was bigger than his fears - “Wookie kay?”


“He is going to be okay” - Leeteuk winked - “He just needs a kiss and lots of spoiling” 


“Kyu kiss” - Kyuhyun showered with love his brother - “Lotz of love!”


Henry was also trying to console his brother. Ryeowook seemed to be happy. 



“Just look at you! So handsome!” - Heechul was trying a few clothes on Eunhyuk - “We should buy this” 


“But... Dad, if you get me this... can we buy it for Minnie and Hae too?” - Eunhyuk’s sweetness made Heechul excited - “please?”


“Of course, little ball of fur!” - Heechul Carried the boy up in the air - “It makes me so happy you are always thinking about your brothers” 


“We were born together” - Eunhyuk explained as Heechul kissed him - “Isn’t it normal? I can’t imagine my life without them” 


“I guess so” - Heechul scratched his head - “but not all siblings are the same” 


“The twins also love each other a lot” - Eunhyuk giggled - “And they kinda love Henry too” 


“What about you? Do you like your siblings? I mean, besides Minnie and Hae?”


“I like Yesung” - Eunhyuk smirked - “Can’t wait for him to come home” 


“What about Kangin, don’t you miss him?” - Heechul knew the answer. He was sure Eunhyuk was cheeky enough to say it 


“I dont” - Eunhyuk stuck out his tongue - “I don’t like Kangin” 


“What’s wrong between you two, Uhm?” - Heechul was choosing another pair of T-shirts for the twins - “Kangin is your older brother... just like Yesung” 


“But he doesn’t like us” - Eunhyuk shook his head - “he says we are babies and and and... and he doesn’t like to share with us”


“Yesung was the one that didn’t invite you to his birthday party” - Heechul cursed Internally. He didn’t want to start a conflict between brothers he was just curious- “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that” 


“But Yesung is funny” - Eunhyuk chuckled - “He goes ‘WAAAH!’ and ‘NOOOO’ and ‘EHHH’ , all time” 


“So... you don’t care if Yesung is also mean to you since he is funny” 




“I dont understand” - Heechul smiled. He found his kids interesting- “But I guess it’s ok too” 


“Henry is our baby brother” - Eunhyuk kept chatting as he was in a good mood - “That’s why we take care of him” 




“And the twins... Ryeowook is cute but Kyuhyun is not” - Eunhyuk giggled - “Kyu is scary” 


“I would rather fear Ryeowook” - Again, Heechul forgot he was actually talking to a kid and left out that kind comment - “He is shorter but he is too smart and... naughty”


“Wookie is too cute!” - Eunhyuk made such a sweet expression Heechul’s heart melted - “I don’t want him to grow up” 


“What about Siwon?”


“He is cool” - Eunhyuk smiled pleased - “I wanna be like him” 


“Really? I think Siwon would like to hear that” 


“Why?” - Eunhyuk tilted his head 


Heechul just smiled again. His kids were damn cute. 



“You need to dry your hair very well!” - Donghae was trying to dry Zhoumi’s hair using a towel - “You can’t catch a cold!”


“If you catch a cold your ears will hurt! Your throat will hurt!” - Sungmin was putting socks on his cousin - “Everything hurts when you are sick...” 


“You need to get dressed too” - Siwon was now giving a mild scolding to the boys - “If not, YOU are the ones catching a cold” 


“But we didn’t bring our clothes” - Donghae pouted 


“Grandma said to wear the ones you left here last time” - Siwon sighed. Sometimes being the older one - “Didn’t you hear her? She put them here” 


“But... It can’t be” - Donghae insisted - “Those are no mine. Those are Hyukkie’s” 


“Yeah and if we wear that... we won’t match” - Sungmin giggled - “It must be a mistake” 


“How come you are still not dressed? I thought you knew how to dress yourselves” - The old lady teased as she helped the boy to get in their pajamas - “See? Zhoumi is already dressed”


“Grandma... this shirt isn’t mine” - Donghae shook his head as he glanced at the pattern on his shirt - “This one is Hyukkie’s”


“Oh... sorry... Do you want me to go look and see if I can find yours?” - The old lady offered - “Do you think Eunhyuk will get upset if you wear his shirt?”


“Uhm... no” - Donghae scratched his head. The boy was just confused 


“We don’t match” - Sungmin observed as his Pajama was totally different- “It’s funny” 


“Are you used to wear matching clothes?” - The old lady smiled. She knew it was right... even if they weren’t wearing the exact same shirt, they still wore similar models - “Do you want to change clothes? Maybe I can find something you can wear to match. Your dad often forgets your clothes here” 


The boys laughed. They knew it was right. Sometimes Heechul would take them to visit their grandparents but forgot to take stuff back home once they were done. That included clothes and sometimes toys. It was just that toys were often more important for the boys. 


“We can’t forget our stuff here today” - Donghae explained to his grandma- “Dad said he was going to ground us if we did” 


“Papa made a mean joke today” - Sungmin recalled the incident - “He said he would separate us” 


“Oh... that doesn’t sound nice” - the old lady agreed - “You guys like to be together, right?”


“Donghae can’t even poop alone” - Siwon teased - “It’s weird and disgusting”


“I cant sleep if Hyukkie and Hae aren’t next to me” - Sungmin hugged Donghae - “We were born together!”


“Yeah, I know” - The old lady nodded - “You guys are triplets. That’s very special” 


“Yes” - Donghae giggled - “Being triplets is the best” 


“What’s triplets?” - Zhoumi asked carefully 


“Triplets is being always three” - Donghae showed the number using his hand - “Like Minnie, Hyukkie and Hae. We were born three” 


“Always together” - Sungmin agreed - “We are twins too” 


“Twins” - Zhoumi repeated - “But you are not... same?”


“No” - Sungmin laughed - “Twins can be different! Like Wookie and Kyu” 


“Wookie and Kyu are twins...” - Zhoumi smiled sweetly- “Where is your twin?” 


“I don’t have one” - Siwon found funny Zhoumi’s question - “Not everyone is so lucky” 


“I don’t have one” - Zhoumi pouted for a moment. Then, his face enlightened- “B-but I have two brothers!” 


“Hangeng and Kibum” - Siwon giggled - “we know” 


“A-and and! Mimi is going to be an older brother s-soon!” - Zhoumi was obviously excited - “Mom has a baby in her tummy!”




“UNG!” - Zhoumi felt so blessed for it - “It’s a girl!”


“A GIRL?” - Sungmin and Donghae exchanged a funny expression- “SO LUCKY...” 


“Yeah, we only have Henry” - Siwon shrank his shoulders - “He is cute but is a boy after all” 


“A girl...” - Sungmin blushed softly 


“A new cousin~” - Donghae was also turning red 



“Why are we buying this?” - Eunhyuk asked amused as Heechul targeted the girl’s section - “Are we going to have a sister?” 


“Do you want one?” - Heechul asked back as he kept checking on pink dresses 


“Baby girls are cute” - Eunhyuk smiled shyly - “And their clothes are cute too” 


“You are not having a sister” - Heechul shook his head as he smiled- “But your new cousin is going to be a girl” 


“She is going to be Mimi’s little sister?” 




“I’m so jealous” 


“What if... What if I decided to have a girl in the future? I mean, a daughter” - Heechul bit his lips - “Would you be nice to her?”


“Why one? Have three so we don’t need to share” - Eunhyuk joked - “Triplets” 


“I don’t think I can survive to triplets again” 




“You guys gave us too much work when little” 


“Uhm...” - Eunhyuk didn’t seem convinced - “and now?” 


“You still do” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “But I have to admit is nothing compared to a few years ago” 


“Then just have one” - Eunhyuk giggled - “One sister for us” 


“I would like to, but I don’t think is a good idea” 


“She would be sooooo cute” 




“Henry stop your foot” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe Henry would still do that despite being a full toddler now - “That’s something babies do” 


“Hewy iz Baby” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks - “Wookie n Kyu babies too” 


“No, you guys aren’t babies anymore. You are big boys!” - Leeteuk said cheerfully- “It’s just that for us, you will always be our babies” 


Ryeowook did cute sounds and cuddled in Leeteuk’s arms. Henry got jealous and started climbing Teuk as well. 


“Henwy go down” - Kyuhyun grabbed his brother’s and made him sit on the floor - “No doin’ that. Danwer!” 


“Danger” - Leeteuk smiled softly. He found funny how Kyuhyun had changed so much the past few weeks. He now took seriously his role as a big brother - “Henry, you should listen to Kyunnie, right? He is your big brother!”


“Pfffft. No” - Henry stuck out his tongue - “Kyu Baby” 


“YOU BABY” - Kyuhyun pinched Henry’s cheeks - “Kyu big boy! No diapey and go schoo’ !”


“Hewy too” - Henry said annoyed. Even if he still lacked a lot when it came to speech abilities, he wouldn’t lose an argument so easily. 


“No, you no schoo” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “Henwy baby” 


Feeling in a disadvantage as his brother was better than him at talking, Henry decided to express his frustration in another way that turned out being the wrong way. 


“hey!” - Leeteuk panicked when Henry hit Kyuhyun and the boy raised his hand back - “Kyu, dont! He is younger than you!” 


Leeteuk actually thought that Kyuhyun would hit Henry back. After all, he was still a toddler and it was normal for him to react that way. It was something that often happened in the mansion... However, there was no retaliation. 


“Kyu~ Hewy iz Baby” - Ryeowook yawned - “No huwt” 


“Uhum” - Kyuhyun nodded as he walked away. Henry was still in the mood for a fight. 


“Come here. You are not supposed to fight your brother” - Leeteuk held Henry carefully - “When you do something wrong, you should apologize” 




“Say sorry” - Kyuhyun instructed - “You bad” 


Henry just replied trying to kick his brother. 


“That’s it” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes - “Henry is grounded. He gets a time out for being a bad boy” 


“Nuuuuh!” - the youngest member of the family protested 


Leeteuk put the fussy boy inside his crib and rely to find Kyuhyun staring at his twin in a worrying way. 


“Is he ok? Did he say it hurt?” - Leeteuk asked the boy 


“No...” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “But... Wookie...” 


The toddler seemed to want to communicate something yet he was unable to. Leeteuk wondered what was on Kyuhyun’s mind. He stared at the shortest twin for a while but didn’t see anything wrong. Ryeowook had fallen asleep on the couch but that wasn’t unusual. 


Leeteuk Ryeowook’s head softly. He loved to so. It was addictive. The boys were so cute it was impossible to resist it. 


“Don’t” - Kyuhyun said sweetly- “Wookie gotta sweep” 


“He needs to sleep~ I know~” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “But I’m not waking him up, Kyunnie. I just like to him” 


“Ukwee...” - Kyuhyun seemed to be struggling with what he wanted to say - “Wookie weiwd?”


“Yeah, a little” - Leeteuk teased - “But we love him anyway” 


Kyuhyun’s eyes filled with tears as he nodded. 


“Kyu... oh, I was just joking come here” - Leeteuk felt guilty - “Why are you so sad? Ryeowook is fine, don’t worry” 


“Kyu loves Wookie... ev’n if weiwd” - Kyuhyun sobbed - “My twin... Kyu... huwtz”


“I dont understand at all what you say” - Leeteuk admitted - “But I know how much you love your brother. I’m sure Ryeowook is lucky to have you~ You love him so much that you even get hurt when someone says he is not ‘normal’ right?”


“Fwiendz said... Wookie never pway ‘temis’ cuz Wookie ztupid” - Kyuhyun was having a hard time. Unlike his twin, he still struggled to form full sentences - “Wookie ju’z... Zmile?” 


The toddler was obviously flustered. Leeteuk did his best for consoling the boy but he felt like if half of the information was missing since he couldn’t understand at all what Kyuhyun tried to say. He wondered if Heechul would know better. He hoped so. 


“Cmon” - Leeteuk wiped away the few tears that still rolled down Kyuhyun’s cheeks - “Dont cry. Wookie is going to get sad if he sees you that way” 


Kyuhyun was trying to say something else when a weird noise interrupted him. Automatically, he stopped crying as he helped Leeteuk to find the source. 


“Ah... I forgot you were here” - Leeteuk smiled amused when he found Henry hitting his crib’s gate - “Time out is over, right? That’s why you are angry” 


“OUTTTTT” - Henry demanded


“Uhmm” - Leeteuk raised his eyebrows 


“Pweaze?” - Henry tried again 


“That’s a lot better” - Leeteuk took the kid out carefully. The boy ran at full speed as soon as he could. He almost crashed with Kyuhyun. 


“Uh oh” - Henry was young but not stupid. He could tell Kyuhyun was crying not long ago. In his young mind, he thought it was because of their little fight - “Hewy... Sowy”


“Uh?” - Kyuhyun was utterly confused when Henry decided it was time for a hug - “Whatcha doi’ , Henwy?”


“I guess he is apologizing” - Leeteuk smiled and clapped his hands - “He loves you, Kyu. Isn’t it nice?” 


“Kyu loves Henwy too” - Kyuhyun smiled a bit as he patted Henry’s head - “Baby twin” 


“He is not... Nevermind, this is just too cute” - Leeteuk was beyond pleased to discover Kyuhyun loved Henry so much he considered him his ‘baby twin’ 



“Uh?” - Heechul was back at home with a happy Eunhyuk that tried to dress Kyuhyun by himself - “Ryeowook cut his hand? How?”


“They were playing tennis and broke a window” - Leeteuk explained - “It was an accident... they were truly sorry. I think Kyuhyun wants Ryeowook to learn how to play. For some reason, I believe I don’t know the full story of why Kyuhyun got expelled from their Tennis’s lessons” 


“I do” - Heechul scratched his head - “He hit some classmates using his racket. He says they were bullying Ryeowook but truth to be told, Wookie seemed to be fine. I do believe those kids made fun of him... Kyuhyun is a lot of things but not a liar. Also, I have no doubt he would hit others if they were messing with Ryeowook” 


“Do you know if it has happened before?” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure how to say it - “Have you ever caught someone telling the twins... you know...” 


“Ryeowook is a brilliant boy” - Heechul’s eyes said it all - “But not everyone loves to know there is someone so smart around them. I have listened to some comments about my boy that I find kinda disturbing... yet I can’t fight every single of them. It would be too tiring and it won’t help the situation” 


“Like?” - Leeteuk widened his eyes - “What have you listened?” 


“That Ryeowook is weird” - Heechul closed his eyes - “That he is not normal. That he shouldn’t play with ‘normal’ kids” 


Leeteuk’s expression saddened. 


“That’s not all” - Heechul sighed - “Some people is obviously not happy with Ryeowook always being number one... and they kinda celebrate when he ‘fails’ and they make sure he knows he is ‘failing’. That includes kids that feel bad since Ryeowook is smarter and salty parents that are envious of my boy’s well development” 


“I had no idea...” - Leeteuk felt overwhelmed. He now could picture a young Kyuhyun trying to defend his brother from such people and his heart hurt.


“I’m going to be honest” - Heechul shook his head - “I dont know what to do. I just try my best to make sure Ryeowook understands that is not his fault and that he is very loved” 


“I guess we should not only focus on Wook’s feelings...” - Leeteuk left out sadly - “Kyuhyun is getting hurt as well. Today he told me he loved his twin even if he was weird” 


“So cute” - Heechul smiled - “Can you say the same? Do you love me even if you complain all time I’m reckless and don’t listen to you?”


“Of course I love you, silly” - Leeteuk couldn’t about chuckling - “And I love the kids like if they were mine. That’s why this ‘’ hurts a lot” 


“YOU SAID A BAD WORD!” - Heechul was jumping excited 


“I feel like if I want to kill someone” 


“Hopefully not me” - Heechul gasped 


“No, not you. Those stupid ones making fun of Ryeowook” - Leeteuk pouted - “They are your children so I guess you feel even worse” 


“Teuk~ They are OUR children” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “So Dont worry. We both feel awful about it. I know you feel the same as me” 


“Let’s change topic. My blood is boiling” - Leeteuk felt his blood pressure going up - “How was your time with Eunhyuk?” 


“Cool! I have to agree with mom... we don’t give them enough credit” - Heechul sighed - “They are so big now. Eunhyuk is such a prankster~ I guess he does take after me” 


“Nah, the triplets are too cute to take after you” - Leeteuk teased - “They must take after Hani” 


“Seriously? Do you think she was ‘cute’ ?” - Heechul faked surprise- “Well, I won’t deny it. She was super cute. But I was cuter!”


“I don’t believe you” 


“Anyway~ you know who is going to be suuuuuuuuper cute?” - Heechul pulled out a pink dress - “Our future niece!” 


“Man, that’s like the third one” - Leeteuk giggled - “How many dresses are you planning to buy?”


“I don’t know” - Heechul sulked - “I cant believe Donghee is having a daughter. Lucky bastard” 


“I bet the kids are going to love having a little sister to play with” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “I already can tell that kid is going to have a very spoiling uncle” 


“I will offer myself to babysit her” - Heechul daydreamed 


“And Mina won’t let you~” - Leeteuk nodded - “But Dont worry~ I want to take care of her too~ I have been knitting a few things for her” 


“That’s our door” - Heechul quickly ran to the entrance- “MY BOYS ARE BACK!”


“Oh~ those weren’t the clothes you were wearing” - Leeteuk observed - “Did you give troubles to grandma?”


“DAAAAAD! MIMI IS HAVING A SISTER!” - The kids chirped 


“I bathed them. They were all sweaty and I didn’t want you to complain about it” - The old lady giggled as Heechul hugged his kids - “They were so nice!”


“Can she come to play?” - Donghae asked sweetly 


“After she is born, yes” - Heechul laughed 


“Did you miss us?” - Sungmin ran to meet Eunhyuk - “Grandma said next time you can come with us” 


“I went shopping with Dad” - Eunhyuk showed off his new cap - “We bought one for you too” 


“HOW DID YOU KNOW I WANTED THIS ONE?!” - Donghae ran excited after he got his cap - “ITS MY FAVORITE” 


“your brother chose it” - Heechul covered his ears - “He helped me a lot” 





And that was it. The day ended soon after dinner since everyone was tired. At least for almost everyone. Leeteuk couldn’t sleep. He just couldn’t get over about Heechul’s confession and Kyuhyun’s feelings. 


The babysitter had actually a lot to think of. The older kids were finally returning home after ten long days, Mina had another appointment at the doctor’s, Heechul had an important meeting... and yet, his biggest worries were about the twins having troubles and not being able to tell them. 


Leeteuk knew toddlers were hard to decipher sometimes. That’s why he couldn’t get off his head the idea that the twins have gone through a lot and yet, they said nothing about it. Maybe Kyuhyun gathered all his courage to ask for help and he wasn’t being helpful at all. 


(I don’t know what to do... ) Leeteuk rolled in his bed one more time. 


That time when the triplets had a bully they only realized it by pure luck and were able to stop it by working hard. When Yesung got molested by his ex classmates, Heechul just changed schools. When Kangin got troubles with that annoying kid... Yesung beat him. This time however, there was no apparent solution. How would they solve this? They just couldn’t allow Kyuhyun to hit every kid that said something wrong about his brother. It could backfire. Also, not only kids but adults... how do you explain to toddlers not all grown ups are right? 


(I wish I had an answer for that...) 


Leeteuk was still trying to get some sleep when he heard footsteps that he knew belonged to a little kid. 


(Who is out of the bed?) 


“Wookie” - Leeteuk called softly - “Honey, it’s bed time~ What are you doing wandering all by yourself?” 


“Iz Wookie’s fauwt” - Ryeowook said sadly - “Kyunnie go’ Huwtz” 


“Did he fall?” - At first, Leeteuk thought it was something that happened right at the moment. Then, he realized the toddler was way too calm for that - “Are you talking about the broken window, maybe?” 


“Wookie don’ wanna pway temis” - Ryeowook sighed - “No liwe it... Wookie ztupid fow zpotz” 


“Honey, just because you are not good at something it means you are not smart” - Leeteuk worried as he took the kid to his own room - “Come here. Let’s have a talk, ok? I couldn’t sleep anyway” 


“Wookie ztupid?” - Ryeowook asked carefully 


“No, honey” - Leeteuk shook his head - “You are very smart. You are just a little clumsy when it comes to sports” 


“No wanna twy dat ‘gain” - Ryeowook got the chills as he inspected his hand - “Huwtz” 


Leeteuk knew what Ryeowook meant. All times he tried to play a sport he ended hurt. That time at the park, that time with the bikes... and now tennis. Not to mention all times he got in troubles for swimming in the wrong way. 


“You don’t have to play those games if you don’t want to” - Leeteuk sat the kid on his lap - “And I bet there must be at least one you are good at~ You just haven’t found it yet” 


Ryeowook shook his head and sighed. Leeteuk decided it was now or never. 


“Ryeowook, have someone told you something bad?” - Leeteuk tried his best - “Was someone mean to you?” 


“Uhm... Nuh” - Ryeowook pouted 


“Really? Think again” - Leeteuk did his best to remain calm- “Did someone make fun of you?” 


Ryeowook shrank his shoulders. 


“Did you feel bad?” 


Ryeowook nodded. 


“What did you do?” 


Leeteuk’s heart broke when the toddler smiled in a silly way. At first, he thought the kid forgot about their conversation and got distracted but then, it clicked. Kyuhyun had mentioned it earlier that day. 


“You smiled?” - Leeteuk didn’t want to hurt the toddler by sounding upset so he did his best to cover his emotions - “Why would you smile if you were feeling bad?” 


“Don’t know... Wookie don’t know...” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks and looked down - “Jus’t pwayin’ wi fwiendz?” 


“You thought they were just playing?” - Leeteuk now worried over Ryeowook’s innocence - “You dont... Ryeowook, listen to me. If anyone says something that makes you feel sad or angry... you should tell us” 


“Uhum” - Ryeowook looked away 


“We are friends, right? And friends don’t lie” - Leeteuk tried a different approach - “You would tell me if you had troubles, right?” 


“Fwiendz zaid Wookie weiwd” - Ryeowook confessed - “ They laughz” 




Ryeowook listed so many people Leeteuk feared Heechul was right when he said people hated those who were smarter  than them. 


“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” - Leeteuk worried the answer would be the same that most of the time 


“Dada huwtz Wookie zad” - Ryeowook said softly- “Gamma huwtz. Ukwee huwtz. Kyu Kyu...” 


“Kyu noticed it” - Leeteuk nodded - “And he got hurt for it” 


“Yeah” - Ryeowook leaned on Leeteuk’s side - “Kyu angwy wi’ Wookie” 


“Oh, sweetheart” - Leeteuk kissed the boy - “He is not angry, he is just worried. He probably thought that if you got better at tennis, they wouldn’t make fun of you. He was trying to help you” 


“Wookie lovez Kyu lotz” - Ryeowook smiles cutely - “Wookie gonna wow’k hawd!”


“Let’s start with not smiling when feeling sad” - Leeteuk teased - “And not wetting my bed tonight” 


“Can’t pwomize” 


“Which one?” 


“Both” - Ryeowook giggled 


“Lets go potty first... and then I will put you back to sleep” - Leeteuk was about to lift the toddler when Ryeowook held his arm tightly - “what’s wrong?” 


“Wookie zweeps wi’ Ukwee?” 


“Don’t you want to sleep with Daddy?” 


Ryeowook stared at Leeteuk with big puppy eyes. 




“Hey, sleeping beauty” - Leeteuk felt something hitting his head - “Next time you kidnap one of my sons at least warn me” 


“Uh? Ah... Ryeowook woke up during the night and ended falling asleep here” - Leeteuk stretched - “Sorry for worrying you” 


“Fine” - Heechul stuck out his tongue. He was closing the door when he heard Leeteuk called him - “Yeah?” 


“He is not ‘your’ son” - Leeteuk returned the cushion hitting Heechul’s clueless face - “He is OUR son” 


Heechul said nothing and closed the door. He walked normally for a few minutes until he thought no one could see him. Then he started jumping and dancing like crazy. 


“What’s wrong with him?” - Siwon saw it all 



“Ukwee” - Ryeowook stretched - “Wookie awkcident”


“Did you wet my bed?” - Leeteuk sighed. His bed wasn’t protected for that unlike Heechul’s one - “Hey, it’s dry” 


Ryeowook laughed. 


“Were you tricking me? Bad boy” - Leeteuk tickled the boy - “Dont scare me like that” 


“Wookie happy” - Ryeowook jumped into Leeteuk’s arms - “Love you, ‘homey’ !” 


“I love you too, honey” - Leeteuk chuckled. 


“Hey lovebirds” - Heechul was leaning on the door’s frame - “We got a situation. The kids’s bus can’t make it all way and I have to go pick those two from a different place. I already asked Dad and he will cover me for the meeting—“


“It’s alright! Yesung and Kangin need you! I can take care of the others for a few hours!” - Leeteuk was actually pushing Heechul to the front’s door - “You have nothing to worry about! I will take the kids to daycare!”


“But Teuk” - Heechul whined - “At least let me have breakfast first!”


“For one day you don’t eat, you won’t die!” - Leeteuk pushed him outside - “Bye!”


“What’s wrong with him?” - Heechul scoffed 


(YES! This is my opportunity to fix their problems! Kyu... just wait for it. Uncle will solve all your worries!) 


“Dad’s craziness is contagious” - Siwon thought 






Long time no read! (See) I miss you all! 

I know this chapter is kinda messy (since it has too much information that doesn’t seem to be linked at all). 


Can someone guess Donghee and Mina daughter’s name? (Hint: they have Mimi) 


Next chapter: 


Heechul will meet his kids (Yesung & Kangin) after a long time


Leeteuk will focus on solving the twins’s issues 



PS: don’t you find cute Leeteuk finally admitted he thinks of the kids like his own? ^-^ 


I have two important test on Monday so... guess I won’t update this weekend u__u (at least not JQ) Wish me luck (?) 


Hope you are doing great! 

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it