Getting on track

Junior Quest

“No one is judging you” 


“You can say whatever you want but this feels like a ing trial and believe me, I had been in the court more than once” - Heechul protested as he laid comfortably- “I want a lawyer” 


“I’m afraid we don’t call lawyers here in the department” - The doctor poured a glass of water - “Unless the patient becomes unable to handle and extreme measures are needed” 


“What about sedating me against my will? Can’t I just sue you because of it?” - Heechul looked at the band aid on his arm - “YOU DID IT WITHOUT ASKING ME FIRST” 


“You weren’t being reasonable” - The doctor offered the water to the young adult - “In fact, you even used the word ‘kill’. In the tribunal, they would side with me after listening to it” 


“I don’t remember saying such a thing” 


“You said, and I quote: ‘IM GOING TO KILL THAT BASTARD’ “ - The doctor sighed - “And I clearly remember you were talking about the babysitter” 


“Dont mention that traitor” - Heechul shook his head - “I TRUSTED HIM!” 


“Would you like to tell me what happened?” - The doctor tried - “I can’t help if I don’t know what caused that ‘crisis’ “ 


Heechul rolled his eyes. He took a deep breath and then spoke again: 


“Everything started two days before my youngest son’s birthday...” 



[48 hrs before Henry’s birthday] 


“Dude, you just added salt to your coffee” - Kangin pointed out at the breakfast table - “and you are drinking it like nothing” 


“Uh? What are you talking about?” - Heechul kept drinking his coffee with a blank expression - “Today is not going to rain” 


“Yeah We know that” - Yesung twisted his lips as he observed Heechul using a fork for spreading marmalade on his hand - “Are you sure you are fine?” 


“Totally” - Heechul blinked a few times before realizing his toast didn’t get any of the red stuff he wanted to eat - “I’m just a little bit tired” 


“Is he better now?” - Leeteuk asked calmly as he helped the twins sit on their chairs - “Oh God, look at your hand” 


“He keeps talking nonsense” - Kangin pouted - “And he is doing weird stuff” 


“Are you sure he is alright? I think we missed something” - Yesung stared at the half asleep parent - “Maybe we should call an ambulance” 


“He is just...” - Leeteuk saw the very moment Heechul bit his own hand by mistake - “Stressed” 


“DADA! WOOKIE!” - Ryeowook kept hitting his table trying to get Heechul’s attention - “DAAAADAAAA!” 


“Oh~ my bagel” - Heechul stood up quickly. Leeteuk worried when the parent carried the wrong boy - “Hi baby~” 


Kyuhyun looked at him with amusement. He didn’t understand why was his dad confusing him with his brother but he found it funny. 


“DADA!” - Ryeowook was getting annoyed - “WOOKIE HEWWWE!”


“Uh?” - Heechul seemed confused - “Why I am holding Kyuhyun if Ryeowook is the one fussing?” 


“Now you are back” - Leeteuk relaxed a bit - “You should stop taking those meds. I swear that you get out of your mind...” 


“What did I do now?” - Heechul tried to wake himself by slapping his face - “Why aren’t we going to school?” 


“Because today is Saturday” - Kangin rolled his eyes - “Maybe that man hit him harder than we thought” 


“Yeah... are you sure you are alright?” - Yesung worried - “I would like you to get a medical check up... just to make sure you are ok” 


“I’m—“ - Heechul stopped in his tracks for a few seconds and then ran away at full speed. 


“Where is he going?” 


“Maybe having salt and coffee wasn’t a good combination” - Kangin did a painful expression - “Teuk, our dad will die if you don’t do something” 


“Why me? Aren’t you going to help?” 


“We can’t” - Yesung shuddered - “This stuff is too complicated for us. We are kids, not adults” 


“Yeah...” - Kangin agreed - “Help us, please” 


“Pwease” - Ryeowook also joined his brothers - “Hewp” 


“Hewp!” - Kyuhyun cheered 


“DADADADADA!” - Henry chirped from his crib 



“Heechul, are you Alright?” - Leeteuk knocked on the restroom’s door - “Kim Heechul...” 


“Ugh... my stomach got upset!” - Heechul whined - “It hurts so much!” 


“It’s been an hour” - Leeteuk sighed - “How come you are still there?” 


“Believe me, I am starting to consider putting a tv inside the restroom” - Heechul sulked - “I’m bored here...” 


It took Heechul another twenty minutes to recover... and when he finally came out of the restroom, Leeteuk almost died. 


“WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?” - Leeteuk started inspecting the weird pimples in Heechul’s face - “YOU GOT SICK! Oh God!” 


“What...?” - Heechul tilted his head before returning to the restroom and saw his face on the mirror - “Ah those red things” 


“Heechul, that’s not normal” 


“They are quite itchy” - Heechul sighed - “I got them all over my body. See?” 


“OH MY GOD” - Leeteuk was now inspecting Heechul’s back - “I didn’t see them this morning!” 


“Maybe I ate something bad” - Heechul pouted - “I hope they go away. I don’t want to look like a monster for Henry’s birthday” 


“Forget about that” - Leeteuk worried as he took Heechul’s temperature- “You have a fever” 


“No, I dont” - Heechul flinched when Leeteuk took his temperature again - “That thing is broken” 


“You have a fever” - Leeteuk sighed - “I will take you to the hospital... I don’t like this” 


“I’m fine” 




[present time] 


“... And he  took me to the hospital” - Heechul recalled - “and everything went down hill from there” 


“I got the medical report from the day” - The psychiatrist looked at some papers - “It says you got measles” 


“Well, I got nine kids man” - Heechul scoffed - “If someone is getting infected by a child disease is me” 




“Measles” - Leeteuk repeated - “You got measles” 


“so?” - Heechul folded his arms while the medical team at the ER looked at him - “Whats wrong?” 


“You have nine healthy kids at home” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “Heechul, I’m sorry but—“




“I’m so sorry” - Leeteuk apologized again after Heechul was taken to his new room - “Again, I’m truly—“ 


“I don’t want to miss his birthday! I don’t want to stay here! I— ITCHY!” - Heechul scratched himself like a wild animal - “OH GOD!” 


“I’m so sorry” - Leeteuk waved goodbye - “Your dad will come to bring you some of your stuff... I will help your mother with the kids while you get better” 


“DONT YOU DARE TO LEAVE ME HERE! TEUK! PLEASE! IM BEGGING YOU!” - Heechul cried - “Dont leave me here!!” 



[18 hrs before Henry’s birthday] 


“How is he doing?” - Leeteuk asked as Heechul’s Mom returned from the hospital - “Is he alright?” 


“He is getting better but... gosh, Heechul is going to die there” - The old lady sighed - “He hates being there. He keeps saying that he will come and see his boys not matter what” 


“The nurse even sedated him once” - Heechul’s dad shook his head - “We thought that maybe the best is to postpone Henry’s birthday celebrations. Heechul wants to be here for it but it looks like he will need some time to heal” 


[3 hrs before Henry’s birthday] 


“Just wait for me, Henry” - Heechul said to himself while he sneaked out of the hospital - “Daddy is going home~~~” 


He didn’t know how bad he was until he realized he was heading nowhere. He couldn’t remember in which moment he got confused and took the wrong way back home. Heechul found himself lost an hour later. 


“Where I am?” - Heechul wandered around outside in the cold night - “Its freezing here... I’m too cold...” 


He heard the sirens. He worried something bad could have happened. He was trying to keep his breath steady when he heard a familiar voice. 


“You don’t look good, little brother” - Gunhee stared at him - “Did you get lost again?” 


“Why are you Here?” - Heechul smiled - “Gunhee~ I missed you!” 


“Me too... but you shouldn’t be happy” - Gunhee sighed - “You are hallucinating” 


“Really? Oh, that’s cool” - Heechul chuckled - “It must be the fever” 


“But you don’t have fever anymore right?” - Gunhee approached him - “It must be something else” 


“Am I dying?” - Heechul asked softly 


“No, Honey” - Leeteuk pulled his ear. That felt way too real - “Not today” 



[present time] 


“... and then I woke in the hospital and...” - Heechul got teary eyes - “He was still there” 


“The babysitter, Leeteuk?” 


“No... my brother” - Heechul looked down as he sighed 




“Hey” - Gunhee smiled to him - “You are awake!” 


“Yeah, I guess so” - Heechul looked around - “How come you are still here? Am I dying?” 


“I don’t think so” - Gunhee smiled again - “I see you are doing well. You look healthier than before~ maybe a little more skinny?” 


“Chasing after brats sure makes you fit” - Heechul chuckled - “Now I understand why you were always on shape. I miss you” 


“Me too” - Gunhee sighed - “But you know this is not real” 


“You are death” - Heechul’s eyes got teary - “In a few hours... it’s going to be a year since it happened... I’m so sorry” 


“Me too” - Gunhee pouted - “I wanted to say goodbye to you but you weren’t here. You were also right: you are a better driver than me...” 


“It would have changed nothing. That drunk bastard—“ 


“But you cant blame him, do you?” - Gunhee’s eyes were now staring so deeply into Heechul’s head that he felt it hurt - “You don’t hate him” 


“How could I?” - Heechul closed his eyes in a painful way - “He is a kid” 


“He was almost an adult” - Gunhee hissed - “He robbed our lives. Don’t you care about me and Hani?” 


“It’s not like that” - Heechul shut his eyes all he could - “Of course I care! But ruining that boy’s life won’t bring you back... I just want to end this. Life must go on” 


“Is that why you let our kids call you dad?” - Gunhee scoffed - “That way they will forget about me, right?” 


“Gunhee... stop... I beg you...” - Heechul shook his head - “I don’t want to listen to this...” 


“You are enjoying this” - Gunhee continued - “You feel guilty because you are actually having fun now. It must be cool to have back your kids...” 


“Stop!” - Heechul covered his ears - “IM BEGGING YOU!” 


“You cant deny it” - Gunhee approached him all he could - “You are happy now. Without us. You have never been this happy” 




There was an alarm sound. One of the machines connected next to him was beeping hard and nurses seemed to be crazy about it. 


“What happened?” - Leeteuk asked as nurses pulled him away - “Is he alright?” 


“DAD?!” - He could hear Kangin shouting - “IS HE GOING TO DIE?” 


“UNCLE!” - Yesung’s voice was the last thing he heard before fainting. 




“Gunhee started attacking you” - The doctor wrote down - “He seemed upset” 


“I know I was hallucinating. Nurses told me it was one of the meds they gave me earlier but... “ - Heechul sighed - “It still hurt. I was so scared. I just needed to make sure...” 




“Hi... how are you feeling?” - Heechul’s mother was his hair - “Sweetheart, you have suffered so much...” 


“What happened?” - Heechul tried to sit but his mother stopped him - “am I dying?” 


“No, Honey” - The old lady shook her head - “You got too stressed and had an attack... doctors said your anxiety levels were too high and you started hyperventilating” 


“Gunhee...” - Heechul looked around. There was no one else in his room - “Mom, I— oh, nevermind” 


“Are you Alright? Why did you get so stressed?” 


“I... I don’t know” - Heechul lied - “It happened so suddenly...” 




“Why did you lie to your mom?” 


“Look” - Heechul sighed - “These ‘days’ has been a nightmare for all of us. I just didn’t want to worry her! Yeah, I know I am not the best son but still, I will protect her as much I can” 


“Do you believe that hiding things from her... it’s the same as protecting her?” 


“Don’t twist my words you bastard!” - Heechul raged - “She lost a son, you insensitive swine, and if I told her that I saw my dead brother scolding me she would have gone crazy!” 


The doctor just raised an eyebrow. 


“Gosh that felt good. I can’t call ‘swine’ a lawyer but you can’t send me to jail” 


“Mr— Heechul, please continue”




Heechul was sweating a lot and it wasn’t because of the fever. In just a few minutes his baby would turn one and he would miss it... but he wasn’t thinking about it. He was still upset after what happened with Gunhee. He knew it wasn’t real and yet... It hurt. He just wanted to make sure. He just needed to have another opportunity. 


“Thanks” - Heechul thanked the nurse that gave him another pill - “I know it’s silly but I really can’t sleep” 


“Sure” - The nurse smiled sweetly- “please let us know if you need anything else” 


He was sure his hallucinations were thanks to mixing meds. He haven’t told the nurse that he already had gotten another pill thanks to his mom. He had lied to her in a try to convince her he was fine but reality was very far from that. 


(This is my chance!) 


Heechul waited for Gunhee to appear again. Nothing. Maybe he was just crazy. The sleeping pill was starting to work and he felt so drowsy... 


“Uh?” - Heechul was trying to adjust to the light - “Did I fall asleep? Teuk? Are you there? Mom?” 


“Tsk tsk tsk” 


“No way” - Heechul held his breath 


“Did you forget my face already?” - Hani pouted - “I thought we were friends...” 


“HANI” - Heechul felt his chest weird - “Hani you are here” 


“I’m so disappointed” - Hani shook her head - “and mad. I don’t even know if I want to see you” 




“My boys are suffering because of you. Gunhee was such a great dad but you...” - Hani folded her arms - “I always thought you could be a great dad as well. Guess I was wrong” 


“Thats... cruel” - Heechul looked down as he searched for help - “No... you are not real. That’s it. You guys aren’t real” 


“Does this feel real?” - Hani smacked his head 


“OUCH! It hurts!” - Heechul got scared - “Stop! You aren’t real! You are not supposed to do that!” 


“Of course I am not real. IM DEAD. I DIED” - Hani twisted her lips - “And you weren’t here for us... you were busy sulking in your room” 


“Stop it” - Heechul covered his ears - “It hurts!” 


“The truth hurts!” - Hani was also mad. First Gunhee, now Hani - “You have always been a selfish bastard putting everything after your own desires!” 


“NURSE!” - Heechul cried out loud - “NUR—“ 


There was a black out in Heechul’s memories. He couldn’t remember at all what happened but he woke up thanks to the nurse talking to his parents. 


“We think he could have something else... measles doesn’t cause those symptoms” - the nurse sounded worried 


“Is he going to be alright? He was bleeding a lot when I found him” - Heechul recognized his father’s voice - “The doctor told us there was a high chance that...” 


“He probably hurt himself” - The nurse sighed 


Heechul heard his mom doing that sound. The sound she made when she held her crying. It was similar to the sound he himself did when he didn’t want to cry. 




“It says you hurt yourself hitting your own head against the wall” - The psychiatrist read - “Apparently, you kept shouting ‘GET OUT’ while doing so” 


“Hani was so mad at me” - Heechul sulked - “I guess I just couldn’t handle it. First Gunhee and then Hani... I had a hard time ” 


“And still...” 


Heechul did a painful expression. 




(They don’t hate me, they don’t hate me, they don’t hate me) 


“You haven’t touched your food” - Leeteuk said calmly as he helped Heechul to cut his chicken in little pieces - “Don’t you like it? Want me to get you something else?” 


“I’m not hungry” 


“Dont you want to get better soon? Your kids keep asking me to help you” - Leeteuk sighed - “But I confess I am clueless” 


Heechul used his fork to pick one of the little pieces. He stared at it for a few seconds before finally putting it inside his mouth. 




“Do you think they are mad at me?” - Heechul asked quietly - “Gunhee and Hani” 


“Why would they be?” 


“Maybe I did something to anger them” - Heechul had glassy eyes - “Maybe they don’t like the way I am raising their kids...” 


“I think you are doing a great job” - Leeteuk patted his arm - “Cmon. Let’s get better and return to their side” 


“They were mad at me” - Heechul teared a bit - “I know they weren’t real but they were mad at me” 


“Did you see them?” - Leeteuk raised both eyebrows - “Did you see your brother?” 


Heechul nodded. He left out a big sigh and then touched the bandage around his head. 


“I also saw Hani later” - Heechul confessed - “I was trying to solve the things between me and Gunhee’s fake ghost but instead, she the was one that came and...” 


“You did what?” 


“Teuk, I know it sounds crazy but... I just need to make sure” - Heechul was shivering - “Just one more time and I promise I won’t do it again” 


“Heechul... we are friends, arent We?” - Leeteuk held his hand - “I promised your kids that I would do whatever I could to help you” 


Heechul felt warm. He was sure Leeteuk would get him another of those pills but he got it wrong. 




“... And that’s why he is a traitor” - Heechul sulked - “He brought me here. I trusted him and he went and told the nurses EVERYTHING!” 


“Are you upset because you got scolded or because he did something behind your back?” 




“If one of your kids asked you to keep one secret that could cost his life... would you do it?” 


“No...” - Heechul realized it now - “I would rather prefer they hating me than watching them die” 


“Don’t you think Leeteuk thinks in the same way?” 


“I understand...” - Heechul shuddered - “I just... My life is chaos ok? This is not what I pictured in my graduation when people asked me ‘where do you see yourself in ten years?’ “ 


“I know” - The doctor stared at Heechul - “That’s why we need to take some new measures” 


“Measures?” - Heechul gulped down - “Gunhee and Hani were mad at me—“ 


“They are dead” - The doctor shook his head - “You know they can’t be mad at you. What you saw, was a product of your own. Subconsciously, you scolded yourself for things you have been doing” 




“I need you to be honest” - The doctor’s eyes were piercing Heechul’s head - “Do you understand why they said those things?” 


Heechul’s eyes filled with tears. He did his best to hold his crying. He nodded softly. 


“I... I have been thinking a lot about it” - Heechul sniffed - “I always worry I am not good enough for this of being a parent and... I feel guilty when I start enjoying it too much because then I remember this wouldn’t be happening if they were alive” 


“Dont you think you deserve to be happy?” 


“Not like this...? I feel like if I have took away their perfect lives just for me” - Heechul wiped his tears - “Even If I wasn’t the one that caused the accident... I am the one that goes to sleep feeling happy when those brats surround me” 


“Heechul, it’s alright” - The doctor smiled - “I bet they would have loved to know you are happy with your life like this. Maybe the way you got it was a not good but the thing is: you got it. This is your life. Feeling happy for it, doesn’t make you a bad person” 


“I love being a dad” - Heechul had dreamy eyes - “Maybe I at it, but I love it. I never imagined I could love someone else more than I loved my brother or myself” 




[Two days later] 


“Are you sure?” - Heechul kept asking his mom several times - “I really don’t think—“ 


“Honey, I love them as much as I love you” - Heechul’s mother was cheerful as always - “I don’t mind helping Leeteuk with them” 


“I’m glad you are doing well now” - Leeteuk hugged his friend - “You are not mad at me now... right?” 


“N-No... I’m actually thankful” - Heechul blushed - “I’m sorry for the things I told you when I was mad” 


“Don’t worry, I cant remember half of those” - Leeteuk teased - “I got a new haircut. I hope this one doesn’t make me look like ‘a hippie that ate the wrong flowers’ “


“Again, I’m sorry” - Heechul Did a painful expression - “I like your new hair” 


“Kangin said that I don’t look that gay anymore” - Leeteuk grinned - “He is definitely your son” 


“Dont walk too fast, sweetheart” - Heechul’s mother held her boy’s arm - “Doctors asked you to rest and don’t push yourself for a while” 


“I know, sorry” - Heechul sighed - “I’m just excited to come back home. I miss my kids so much...” 


“Welcome b—“ 


Leeteuk and Heechul’s mother froze the very moment Heechul opened the mansion’s door and instead of finding a cute birthday party for Henry, they found the leftovers of what it was once a baby party. 


“I’m going to kill them” - Leeteuk muttered 


“This is...” - Heechul looked around as he saw the scattered decorations on the floor 


“I swear I tried to control them” - Heechul’s father lamented - “But they are too naughty and—“ 


“Cute” - Heechul smiled as he held one of the remaining balloons - “This is going to be amazing” 


“Maybe he is blind” - Leeteuk worried - “Heechul, this is a disaster. The kids ruined everything” 


“DADDY!” - The naughty triplets tackled their dad - “YOU BACK!” 


“UNCLE! CATCH ME!” - Siwon jumped on him 


“Kids!” - Heechul’s father worried as Heechul laid on the floor as his kids sat on him - “Stop! You could hurt him!” 


“DADAAAAA!” - The twins were covered in something Heechul realized it must had been Henry’s cake 


When Heechul started laughing, Yesung worried. 


“I think his head is still hurt” - The boy lamented - “Is he going back to the hospital?” 


“Nah, he is just happy to be back home” - Heechul’s mother reassured - “He is stronger than he looks” 


“Oh my dear” - Mrs Jung was holding Henry - “What a chaos” 


“DADADADADA!!” - Henry was stretching his arms towards Heechul - “PFFFTT!” 


“Come here, Henry” - Heechul held his baby boy - “Happy birthday~”


Heechul kissed his boy and in return, the baby threw up and stained his clothes. Leeteuk took a deep sigh. 


“I’m so sorry” - Leeteuk lamented - “We thought you would like having Henry’s birthday celebration as a welcoming surprise but handling these mischievous kids...” 


“I love it” - Heechul smiled widely - “I’m going to get clean and when I come back, let’s have that party” 


Henry’s first birthday party wasn’t like Leeteuk expected it to be. He and Heechul’s parents had worked really hard the previous days decorating the house only to end in a chaos after the boys had a naughty time playing around when they went to pick Heechul from the hospital. Still, Heechul seemed utterly happy and kept taking pictures of the baby that was now fussy as his dad had insisted in making him wear a birthday hat. 


(Gunhee, Hani~ Henry e. He and all of our kids are just fine. Me? I’m happy. I have never felt his happy before. I finally understand what I have to do and... I couldn’t be more excited) 


“NO!” - Henry shouted at Heechul after the parent fooled him with cake 


“He learned a new word!” - Heechul cheered 



The next few days were just like always: chaos. Having nine kids meant you could never be bored. Heechul was surprisingly patient those days and Leeteuk spent most of the checking the poor parent was feeling good. Finally, on Sunday, Heechul made the announcement. 


“As you May know, I got a few recommendations from the doctor that ‘healed’ my head” - Heechul knew it wasn’t totally right, but kids wouldn’t understand at all the concept of psychology - “And I made some agreements to help me improve faster. One of those consists in me going to work again” 


“Weren’t you working before?” - Yesung asked - “You haven’t stopped working” 


“I mean, like Actually ‘going’ to work” - Heechul tried to explain it calmly - “I would be going to the company instead of working from my office” 


“Oh” - Kangin pouted - “Does that mean we won’t see you that much?” 


“I will work half time only” - Heechul scratched his head - “I would be in the company during the time you guys are in school, so it doesn’t change that much for you” 


“Nice!” - Siwon chirped - “We Can play like We always do!” 


“Oh~ that’s good” - Yesung seemed happy - “I hope you feel better doing so” 


Actually, most of the kids would be unaffected by that measure. There was only one problem and it’s name started with K. 


“NOOOO!” - Kyuhyun had started to hate seeing Heechul dress in clothes that weren’t cartoon t shirts and shorts - “NO GOOO!” 


“I’m going to work” - Heechul fixed his hair while the toddler kept holding his leg tightly - “Stop being silly, you know I will be back by lunch time like always” 


“WAAAAAAH!” - Kyuhyun was still pulling Heechul’s shirt by the time Leeteuk tried to separate them - “NOOO!” 


“Bye~~~ be good~” - Heechul waved goodbye before leaving the house 


“DADAAAAAA!” - Kyuhyun’s screaming could be heard in all the mansion - “NUUUUH! DADAAAAA!”


Maybe it was because Henry spent the first months of his life alone in an incubator but the boy was totally unaffected by the fact Heechul left the mansion for a few hours. He was just fine as long as he has his toys and someone to take care of him. He didn’t care if that person was his grandma, Leeteuk or just Mrs Jung. Kyuhyun, was living a nightmare. Not only he had to spend mornings without his siblings and beloved twin, but also without his dad. He was completely against that new activity called ‘work’ and started doing what every toddler did when feeling upset: misbehaving and acting out. 


Heechul arrived at his office. It was his second day at work and he had to admit he felt better. Going out to a place where he wasn’t just a dad, gave him the free time his mind needed to clear up some misunderstandings. 


“Just look at that mountain of papers” - Heechul self - “I have been slacking off! Ah~ I was too lazy!” 


Heechul was focusing on his job more than ever. He had a lot of ideas... he had gotten a lot of inspiration from his kids and now that his heart was at ease; everything just flowed well. 


(Gunhee~ I won’t get caught by deadline! I promise I will work hard. Hani~ I promise I won’t eat that much candy while doing so. Leeteuk~ I promise I will be back by lunch time. Just hang in there!) 



“YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!” - Leeteuk was about to pass out due to exhaustion - “Kyuhyun please!” 


“NO!” - Kyuhyun replied as he smashed one of the lamps in the triplets’s room 


“My my... he is truly mad, isn’t he?” - Mrs Jung widened her eyes as Henry clapped his hands excited - “I guess we underestimated him” 


“I guess I own Ryeowook an apologize” - Leeteuk said as he tried to hold the boy that tried to break something else - “Kyuhyun is the one with bad temper!” 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it