We need to talk about Wookie

Junior Quest

“Say that again and I will cry” - Heechul warned as he hugged Ryeowook tightly and covered his ears - “I dare you to—“

“I never said it was your fault” - Leeteuk sighed - “Just be open minded ok? This is not easy for me either... It’s just that—“


“I don’t want to listen to those crazy lies” - Heechul was really about to cry - “I beg you to stop. I don’t care”


“No, you do care” - Leeteuk said softly- “That’s why you are so affected. It’s ok, I promise nothing will change at all” 


“Why would you do this to me? I definitely didn’t need to know it” - Heechul was just being dramatic as always - “My Baby boy... my sweet cute baby—“


“I will leave the test results on your desk” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “I never thought it would bother you that much. I just did what I thought it was the best for him”


“N-no... wait” - Heechul pulled Leeteuk’s shirt - “Please explain it to me. I know I’m just in shock... I do want to know” 


Ryeowook yawned. Being held by Heechul always made him felt safe and relaxed. Most of the time, he ended falling asleep thanks to those feelings. He was ready to his thump when Leeteuk stopped him right away. 


The little toddler started to cry. Heechul got concerned. 


“He is got my temper” - Heechul teased - “Maybe we should let him-“


“No” - Leeteuk Warned - “He is old enough to stop doing that. He could ruin his teeth by his thump. He will get used to it”


“Awww” - Heechul was already in his own world - “Look at my poor baby crying”


“That’s exactly why Ryeowook’s development improves when you are not around”


Heechul’s expression changed quickly. Before Leeteuk could prevent it, the parent started to cry. Ryeowook got confused. 


“Stop, you will scare him” - Leeteuk tried to remain calm - “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to say it that way”


“But it makes sense” - Heechul held back his tears all he could - “Ryeowook behaves more like a baby when I am around”


“And still, he showed us he is not the common toddler” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly seeing how Ryeowook did his best for cuddling in Heechul’s arms - “The results are just... too much. We are not just facing a gifted toddler but a really gifted one” 


“It makes sense” - Heechul smiled softly to the boy that was now his thump again - “Ryeowook, Uncle told you to stop~”


Ryeowook obeyed. He then started to make his own weird sounds to call Heechul’s attention. 


“Alright” - Heechul carried the boy in a better position more suited to sleep - “better?” 


Ryeowook nuzzled his face against Heechul’s one. The parent smiled pleased. Leeteuk was just staring at them with a silly smile. 


“I know” - Heechul’s lip were easy to read - “I’m a fool for him” 


“Here” - Leeteuk gave his friends a few paper sheets - “The results. Read them carefully”


Heechul was reading at the same time he rocked the now sleeping toddler. He read over and over again. 


“Ryeowook is almost 27 months” - Heechul sighed - “How can he score like if he was Siwon’s age? He is smarter than we thought”


“That’s not the best of it” - Leeteuk sighed softly- “Keep reading”


“All scores are quite high but... this one...” - Heechul shook his head - “It is...”


“Terrible” - Leeteuk said it - “Even compared to his baby brother, Ryeowook physical abilities are... low”


“Does he lack that much?” - Heechul grew concerned - “I thought he was just lazy” 


“Well, it all started thanks to those tricycles...” 


:::::::::::::::::::::::: (2 days ago) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::



“Dadaaaaaaaa” - The twins kept crying non stop 


“Oh no, don’t be sad! Dada is with Siwon, remember? We just went to pay them a visit but we couldn’t stay” - Leeteuk explained again - “Please don’t cry...”


“UHUUUU” - Ryeowook cried louder 


“DADAAAA!” - Kyuhyun sobbed uncontrollably 


“Ohhhh~ look at this! What is it? Isn’t this Kyu’s tricycle?” - Leeteuk tried 


“Uh?” - Kyuhyun wiped away his tears - “UNG!”


“Twicykwe” - Ryeowook smiled a bit - “Wookie’s twicykwe?”


“Here. Your grandpa got you one as well” - Leeteuk felt better as the kids were in a better mood - “I know you are still a little sick, but I think that you can have fun if you do it carefully”



Leeteuk was forced to stop the game as he worried for Ryeowook’s well being. In just a couple of minutes, Kyuhyun had learned to ride his tricycle but his twin brother spent too much time kissing the ground. 


“Are you ok?” - Leeteuk worried as he helped Ryeowook to Stand again - “I think we should leave it here. Maybe it is because you are still sick and—“


“HMPH!” - Ryeowook tried pushing Leeteuk away. He refused to admit failure and kept trying hard - “Wookie too!”


“Honey” - Leeteuk felt guilty as Ryeowook fell again and cried - “It’s ok! You don’t need to do it! We can play something else!”


(It was only the start of it. I, somehow, couldn’t believe it ) 


“Ryeowook is going to drown” - Kangin pointed out - “He at swimming”


“AH!” - Leeteuk worried as he realized Kangin was right and Ryeowook wasn’t holding his breath like his brother - “Sweetheart! Are you alright?!”


Ryeowook coughed out the water he had swallowed by mistake. Unlike Kyuhyun who was a great swimmer, Ryeowook lacked the basic skills. The boy got scared after a few tries and again, Leeteuk decided to change the game. 


“I can’t believe he almost drowned in a kiddy Pool “ - Yesung worried - “Are you sure Ryeowook is alright? Maybe those meds are making him slow or something”


“I don’t think that’s the problem” - Kangin laughed - “I think he just ”


“Kangin!” - Leeteuk hissed - “Don’t say that to your little brother!”


“Sorry” - Kangin apologized - “It’s just that Ryeowook is also bad at some games that require physical abilities... for example, he is incredible bad at games with balls”


“He is... too young?” - Leeteuk tried. No, Kangin was right. Ryeowook was terrible at those. Kyuhyun already knew how to kick a ball and even if he was still a little clumsy, he was good at throwing the smaller ones. 


“Lets try this” - Yesung bounced his basketball ball - “Wookie you do this”


Not only Ryeowook couldn’t bounce it not even once, but the toddler ended completely tired. He started bawling when Kyuhyun managed to bounce the ball twice without troubles. 


“Mine” - Kyuhyun hugged the ball with care - “Kyu ball”


“Ehh...” - Leeteuk worried - “That’s not yours. It’s Yesung’s ball... give it back”


“Nuh” - Kyuhyun ran away with the ball - “MINE!”


“He can keep it” - Yesung laughed - “Uncle bought me lots of balls. Also, he seems to like it”


“Ryeowook is crying” - Donghae worried - “Does he want a ball too?”


“You can have Mine” - Eunhyuk offered - “No?”


“He is sad” - Sungmin pouted - “Why is he sad?”


The triplets looked at Leeteuk searching for an answer, but before the babysitter could speak, Ryeowook explained it himself. 


“Wookie wanna pway too” - The boy sobbed - “But Wookie cant” 


“Why not?” - Eunhyuk approached the toddler - “Its easy”


“Wookie can’t” - Ryeowook cried upset- “Difficult. Not good liwe Kyu... Wookie no good at wunnin’ nor pwayin’ ball” 


Leeteuk was in awe. Ryeowook could be lacking some physical abilities but he was having an almost normal conversation with his older siblings. He spoke like a four years old... but he wasn’t even three. 


“Boys...” - Leeteuk thought his mind was playing tricks - “Have you ever heard Ryeowook speak like that before?”


“All time?” - Kangin didn’t seem surprised - “He knows a lot of words. I would say he is better at talking that the triplets... maybe on the same level as Siwon”


“He still mispronounce some of them, but you can actually have a conversation with him” - Yesung agreed - “I think he is very smart”


“I have never heard him talk like that” - Leeteuk was mesmerized - “Wow”


“That’s because he is always playing ‘cute’ when dad is around” - Kangin chuckled - “He loves being babied”


“Yeah... he is pretty clever but still a baby” - Yesung smiled - “He loves cuddles, right Wook?”


Ryeowook blushed. The little toddler hid behind his big brother when the babysitter tried to touch him. 


“It’s ok~ your secret is safe with me” - Leeteuk whispered - “I won’t tell dada you like being babied” 


(He already knows that...) 


“Wookie’s secwet” - Ryeowook sulked - “Pwease... don’t tell”


(He is amazing) 


“Uncleeeeeeeeeee~” - Donghae was climbing Leeteuk’s back - “Please help Hae with homewowk”


“Homework” - Leeteuk kissed the boy - “Sure. Bring your book and your notebook” 


“Me too” - Eunhyuk was rolling on the floor while holding his notebook- “Please help me”


“I’m guessing you also got the same homework” - Leeteuk smiled as he spotted Sungmin pulling his backpack - “Come here. We will do it together. Kangin you too... if you have homework to do, please bring your things as well”


“Yeah~” - Kangin obeyed 




“I already did it” - Yesung smiled - “You can check it later but I think I did it well. I just wanted to help you with the kids”


“You are kid too” - Leeteuk found funny how Yesung would speak as if he wasn’t one of them - “But thanks”


“You’re welcome” - Yesung smiled - “If I want to be a teacher, I have to practice. I have been teaching the twins too”


“That’s cute” - Leeteuk was reading the triplets’s homework - “I bet they love listening to you”


“Ryeowook is a good student” - Yesung giggled - “I think he is going to learn how to read in no time”


“Silly” - Leeteuk tilted his head. Kids were so positive sometimes - “Anyway, this look easy. All we need to do is join the picture with the word that describe it”


“Ugh” - Donghae banged his head - “Hard”


“Too hard” - Eunhyuk complained - “Uncle, help...”


“Guys, you are good at reading” - Leeteuk encouraged the kids to do their homework without receiving too much help - “Cmon. What is this?”


“An apple” - The triplets replied 


“Where is word ‘apple’ ?” 


“Here” - The kids got it right. 


“Nice! Now we only need to do the others! See? Not difficult!”


The triplets were having fun with their homework when they came across words and things they didn’t know. 


“Uhmmm” - Eunhyuk was bitting his pencil - “What is this?”


“Don’t bite it” - Leeteuk scolded - “That’s gross”


“This is a Pokémon” - Sungmin teased - “Like pikachu!”


“Nice try” - Leeteuk smiled - “It looks like one Pokémon but is not. Cmon boys, we learned it’s name before! Remember?”


“The invisible lizard” - Donghae tried 




“It’s just a lizard that needs glasses” - Kangin joked 




Leeteuk froze. It was the correct answer... yet, the source of it...


(It cant be) 


“Chameleon” - Ryeowook repeated as he rubbed the picture - “Chameleon good pwaying hide ‘n seek” 


“Yeah because it’s invisible” - Donghae nodded 


“No inwizibwe” - Ryeowook shook his head - “Kamouflawe”


“Camouflage” - Leeteuk corrected as he felt his blood pressure dropping- “Where did you learn that?”


Ryeowook walked to the little corner where Heechul arranged a few books for the boys. He came back holding a heavy encyclopaedia about animals. 


“Dada wead diz” - Ryeowook smiled as he searched for the page where the chameleon was - “Hewe”


“I told you he is about to learn how to read” - Yesung whispered to the babysitter- “Did you see? He knew chameleon was under ‘C’ and searched there”


“I need to take a break” - Leeteuk felt his head spinning - “Yesung, can you watch over them for a minute?”


“Are you going potty?” - Donghae asked cutely 


“Uhm.. yeah” - Leeteuk lied. He just needed time to think - “I will be right back”


The babysitter washed his face with cold water. He rinsed several times before being ready to go out again. 


(Should I wait? This is not an emergency. To be honest, this is not a bad thing. Do I call Heechul? ... no, he is probably going to worry and right now he needs to be calm...)


::::::::::::::::::::: PRESENT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::



“I’m not surprised” - Heechul chuckled - “I already told you that brat does pay attention when we talk to him. He listens carefully and learns like that”


“Yeah, but most toddlers can’t do that”


“But this one does” - Heechul kissed the sleeping boy - “I’m not concerned about his learning skills but that ugly result at motor skills” 


“His motor skills aren’t ‘bad’ but low compared to most of his peers” 


“That’s actually B-A-D” - Heechul teased - “It’s alright. I will work on that. Also, it would be nice if you could spend some time with him while I am not around... I mean, he believes I know nothing and he wants to keep secret from me the fact he can actually make sentences instead of speaking word by word” 


“Yeah but... I cant handle it” - Leeteuk sulked - “I’m sorry but I just can’t. I get too anxious when Ryeowook acts like that... I have met several children these past years and I never never never met someone like him” 


“Oh? Are you scared of new challenges?” 


“N-no! It’s just—“


“Let’s make a deal” - Heechul smirked - “You will watch over Ryeowook for today’s afternoon and I will take care of the others” 


“What kind of deal is that?” - Leeteuk folded his arms - “I had rather take care of the other eight boys! It would be easier!”


“Then, I guess we will have to exchange and I will have to take care of Ryeowook while you—“


“Hey” - Leeteuk realized Heechul’s plans - “I know what you are trying to do. It won’t work! It’s not even fair!”


“Didn’t you say Ryeowook gave as much troubles as eight boys?”


“I never said that!”


“You basically admitted that” 


“No, I didn’t” 


“Yes, you did”




“I will be going”




“and take Ryeowook with me” 




Heechul and Leeteuk bickered like that until their noise made Ryeowook woke up. 


“Zhut up” - Ryeowook rubbed his sleepy eyes - “Noizy”


“That’s quite rude, Ryeowook” - Leeteuk scolded - “You shouldn’t speak like that”


“This is your last chance~~~” - Heechul stared at Leeteuk with his big sparkling eyes 



And that’s how, despite refusing at first, Leeteuk ended walking to the park with an angry toddler. Apparently, Ryeowook wasn’t fond of the idea of spending a few hours just with Leeteuk. The babysitter had a hard time walking as Ryeowook was basically dragging his feet. 


“Do you want me to hold you?” - Leeteuk offered in a try to walk faster - “No? Then why you don’t walk properly? You could get hurt if you keep doing so”


Ryeowook tried to get rid of Leeteuk’s hold. It didn’t work. 


“I know you are in a bad mood” - Leeteuk sighed - “But this was your Dad’s idea and I couldn’t refuse”


“Dada” - Ryeowook’s eyes filled with tears - “Wookie wantz Dada!”


“I know, sweetheart” - Leeteuk tried calming the boy before the actual outburst- “Lets just have fun for a while and then go back home with Dad”


“Pwomize?” - Ryeowook tried 


“Yes” - Leeteuk nodded - “I promise. Now, what do you want to play?”


“Mmmm” - Ryeowook looked around - “Zlide”


“Do you want to go on the slide?” - Leeteuk tried 


“Yes, pwease” - Ryeowook ran to the slide - “Hewp me” 


“Alright” - Leeteuk smiled. That was it. He just needed to make Ryeowook feel comfortable and play with him for a few hours. 


Ryeowook changed his mind as soon as he got on the slide. The simple thought of just sliding down that distance made him dizzy. 


“Wanna go down” - Ryeowook pulled Leeteuk’s shirt - “Pwease” 


“Down?” - Leeteuk misunderstood Ryeowook’s intentions and thought the boy needed a push. An actual push. 


Ryeowook cried scared. The boy was so upset that started throwing sand at the babysitter. 


“MEANIE!” - Ryeowook sobbed - “UKWEE BAD!”


“You asked me to push you!” - Leeteuk defended himself - “I thought that was what you wanted!”


Ryeowook cried louder. He hated being misunderstood. 


“Ok, ok, I’m sorry” - Leeteuk felt guilty - “How can I make you happy? Uh? Let’s see... would you like some juice?”


Ryeowook stopped crying. He nodded. Juice sounded good.


“I want diz” - Ryeowook chose the one he liked. Leeteuk smiled pleased as the boy drank the juice calmly without making a fuss. Ryeowook seemed to be in a better mood. 


“Is the juice tasty?” - Leeteuk asked softly - “Do you like it?”


“Ukwee twy it too” - Ryeowook offered - “Tazty”


“It’s alright, I’m not thirsty” - Leeteuk smiled thanks to the offer - “I’m happy that you like it”


“Ung~” - Ryeowook sipped cheerfully. 


“What do you want to do next?” - Leeteuk tried - “We have a lot of time before going back home”


(I can’t lose to Kim Heechul...) 


“Uhmm” - Ryeowook squirmed a bit - “Pee”


“Uh?” - Leeteuk sighed - “Now?”


“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded - “Gotta pee”


“Alright... lets go to the restroom then” - Leeteuk smiled as Ryeowook held his hand tightly. Maybe they could understand each other, the babysitter thought. 



“MWAHAHAHAHA” - Heechul was sure enjoying the chaos he created - “THIS IS AWESOME!”


“Uncle will get sad” - Donghae kept worrying about Leeteuk - “Please don’t do it” 


“You are being mean, papa” - Sungmin lectured - “Not nice!”


“Pffffft~ stop complaining and bring me that box “ - Heechul stuck out his tongue as he folded Leeteuk’s clothes to fix in the box - “I’m doing something nice for him”


“We are getting rid of those horrible hippie shirts” - Yesung was having a blast. He loved the idea of pulling a prank for the babysitter - “Specially, the ones with flowers” 


“Why?” - Siwon asked as he helped folding a shirt - “Uncle Teuk loves flowers, right?”


“Yeah, but you just can’t live wearing these all the time” - Heechul smiled - “He is rich now~ he doesn’t need to wear this stuff”


“Ugh, I don’t think he wore those because he didn’t have enough money” - Yesung twisted his lips - “Its about taste. He likes these”


“Cmon” - Heechul shook his head - “Who would wear a pink shirt with orange flowers on it?” 


“You?” - Kangin tried - “I’m pretty much sure of that answer”


“Out” - Eunhyuk was also helping to get rid of the clothes he considered ugly - “ bad bad bad”


Kyuhyun was good at delivering more clothes. He was having fun between the chaos as Heechul had emptied all drawers and half of Leeteuk’s closet. 


“Oh! I found a note inside this pocket!” - Kangin chirped - “Ah... It’s just a number”


“A phone number, actually” - Yesung inspected the paper - “Maybe a g—“


“Give me that” - Heechul took the paper by force - “We should respect his privacy”


“Sure” - Yesung looked around - “Which one?”


“Yeah dude” - Kangin pointed at the boxes - “You are the number one when it comes to invading privacy. You even hacked his email”


“Sssshhh” - Heechul shook his head - “We are not calling”


“What if he has a girlfriend?” - Yesung smirked. He knew his uncle could be as jealousy as he was - “You wouldn’t care, right?”


“N-no, I wouldn’t” - Heechul tried to resist - “Teuk can have a girlfriend if he wants. In fact, if they married, she would be my in law and your aunt”


“Are we going to have new cousins?” - Siwon asked happily 


Heechul did such a face all the boys laughed. 


“What? Haven’t you considered that maybe someday, he will have kids as well?” - Yesung’s remark was maybe too much 


“Let’s stop here” - Heechul took a deep breath - “I don’t like this conversation. Help me unpack” 


“EHHHHH?” - The boys complained - “After all this work...”



Ryeowook was following some older kids everywhere. At first, Leeteuk worried that he could get in troubles but it turned out the kids were actually nice and Ryeowook was having a blast. 


“Is he your son?” - a woman asked - “He is so lovely! How old is he?”


“He is almost 27months old” - Leeteuk smiled - “He is a kid I... I mean, he is my nephew”


“Wow! I thought he was just small! I can’t believe he is so young with that way of talking!” - The woman laughed - “I was confused since he had such a baby face... but I thought it was impossible for a young toddler to speak like that” 


“Well, he is gifted” - Leeteuk feelings towards the word were bittersweet- “He is smarter than most of his peers so he likes playing with older kids” 


“It must be difficult” 


“He has a twin” - Leeteuk shook his head - “And they are just fine when together. I just wish he was a little more...”


“He fell!” - the woman pulled Leeteuk’s sleeve - “Oh my, he is hurt!”


“Mom! The baby fell!” - an older kid approached the woman - “He is crying!”


Leeteuk ran at full speed to the crying toddler surrounded by older boys. 


“What happened? Ouchie ouchie, poor boy” - Leeteuk held the crying boy and inspected his knee - “It’s nothing ~ Just a scratch”


“WOOKIE WANNA GO HOME!” - Ryeowook cried - “PWEASE”


“Alright, I think it’s fair” - Leeteuk kissed the boy and thanked the kids before leaving - “Hang in there~ I will take you home” 


Leeteuk was still holding the toddler when he received a kick from him. 


“Hey” - Leeteuk warned - “That hurts...” 


“Sowy” - Ryeowook wiped some tears from his puffy eyes - “Wookie wanna go down”


“Do you want to walk?” - Leeteuk worried - “Arent you hurt?”


“Just a zcwatch” - Ryeowook seemed to be ok - “No Huwtz”


“Oh... ok” - Leeteuk placed the boy on the ground - “You ok? You were crying so hard I thought it hurt a lot”


“Wookie no cwy zcwatch” - Ryeowook looked down - “Wookie cwy cuz no goo’ pwaying” 


“Were the kids mean to you?” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure of what Ryeowook meant. The boy shook his head - “Ummmm... ah! You were not good at the game you were playing” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook sulked - “Wookie fell ‘gain” 


“Oh... Well, ehm... I guess you will get better at it” - Leeteuk tried - “You only need to practice. It’s like swimming or riding a bike~ you need to practice” 


“Wookie wanna pwactize too” - Ryeowook seemed frustrated - “But Scawy. Wookie... ZUCKS” 


When Ryeowook started crying again Leeteuk realized the big problem the boy faced. He was aware of his own limitations and therefore grew concerned about not being able to overcome them. Being incredibly smart also had its own risks. Ryeowook understood the concept of ‘failure’ and worried about it. 


“It’s ok” - Leeteuk consoled the boy - “One day, you will jump as well as the big kids” 


“When?” - Ryeowook asked between tears - “Why Wookie doezn gwow big?”


“Excuse me?” - Leeteuk felt his heart broke - “Oh Wookie! You have grown a lot! You just don’t notice but you are taller now!”


“Weally?” - Ryeowook seemed a little happy - “Wookie gwew?”


“Uhum~ a lot. I remember the first time I saw you... you were so small” - Leeteuk smiled as he remembered the old times - “You were even smaller than Henry” 


Ryeowook giggled. He found that fact funny. He was in a better mood thanks to Leeteuk. 


“Wookie wanna gwow big... and... be liwe Dada” - Ryeowook told the babysitter as they walked - “Wook— ie... wanna be...”


“Don’t talk~ you are getting tired” - Leeteuk smiled to the boy - “I will hold you” 


Leeteuk got a little concerned when he realized the fast heartbeat the toddler had. He kept trying to forget about it but he couldn’t. Ryeowook looked at him curiously when the adult stopped walking. 


“Wookie, I’m sorry... but we can’t go back home now” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “I just remembered something I needed to do” 


“Uh?” - Ryeowook leaned on Leeteuk - “Whewe?”




The only mention of the word made the toddler flinch. Ryeowook was wary of Leeteuk’s intentions. 


“NOOOOOOO” - Ryeowook fussed while Leeteuk tried to hold him still - “WOOKIE NO GOOOOOO”


Before entering the hospital, Ryeowook hit such an awful tantrum Leeteuk even considered calling someone for help. However, Ryeowook calmed down as soon as he spotted his pediatrician. 


“Hi, I know we didn’t have an appointment” - Leeteuk was a little nervous as Ryeowook ran around the office - “But we were coming back from the park and he started breathing oddly and— Ryeowook dont run!”


“He seems fine” - The doctor teased as he caught the running toddler - “He is getting treatment for that infection he got~ He is still a little sick so it’s normal if his heart goes faster after exercising a bit”


“Oh” - Leeteuk relaxed - “I see. I just... Well, since one of his brothers was born with a heart disease, I always worry”


“You did well” - The doctor praised - “It’s ok to come when you think he is sick. Let’s not waste this opportunity, though. It’s kinda hard to examine Ryeowook when Kyu is around”


“Kyu is a little possessive towards his twin” - Leeteuk blushed. He still remembered what happened the last time - “I’m sorry”


“Wookie wanna pee” - Ryeowook got the chills when the doctor placed the stethoscope on him - “Pee! Pee!”


“I’m so sorry” - Leeteuk sighed - “He pees like every five seconds” 


“This is actually good” - The doctor laughed as he searched for something in a drawer - “Here. Take a sample. I will send it to the lab to see if the infection is dying”


“Alright” - Leeteuk took the toddler with him - “Lets behave ok? Promise me you won’t pee on the floor... we need to pee in this cup”


“Wookie no wanna pee” - Ryeowook refused to follow Leeteuk’s instructions- “Wookie wanna go home”


“But you told us you needed to pee” - Leeteuk sighed 


“Lied” - Ryeowook pouted annoyed 


“Don’t you have to pee? Not even a single drop?” - Leeteuk tried convincing the boy - “You always have to pee... cmon~ let’s just try~”


“Don’t wanna!” 


After what it felt like ages battling with the toddler, Leeteuk admitted defeat and went back to the office with an empty sample. 


“He didn’t pee” - Leeteuk was exhausted. Ryeowook was smiling victorious- “He is just cheeky. I believe this one does take after Heechul”


After the examination ended, Leeteuk asked the toddler for the sample again. Another refusal. 


“Are you sure?” - Leeteuk knew the boy just didn’t want to cooperate- “We are going to walk back home. It’s a loooooooooong way for you if you need to pee” 


“Wookie no pee” 


“If you need to use potty, now—“


“NUH” - Ryeowook shook his head annoyed - “Wookie no baby” 


“Fine” - Leeteuk sighed. He was tired after spending time with Ryeowook- “But if you tell me you want to pee later, I will get angry ok?”




Leeteuk rolled his eyes. Ryeowook was definitely Kim Heechul’s son. 



“Teuk is going to kill you” - Yesung shared his point of view after he saw the mess his dad did playing with paint- “He said those were hard to clean” 


“Can’t you just enjoy?” - Heechul painted Yesung’s face using his finger - “What do you think?”


The younger boys laughed hysterically. Yesung smiled. 


“Have fun” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “I don’t let you ruin the living room all time”


Yesung joined the game. He painted on the big paper sheets Heechul had put on the floor while his brothers had fun covering themselves with paint. 


“I will paint my ” - Eunhyuk told his dad - “Watch this”


Heechul lost it when Eunhyuk decided to sit on the paint and then ‘stamp’ his signature on the paper. Kyuhyun decided to imitate his brother as well. In just a few minutes the boys were competing to see who had the biggest one. Chaos was served when Donghae announced he wanted to poop and ran to the toilet without cleaning himself first. 


“How do we explain Teuk our toilet is now a rainbow?” - Kangin laughed 



“Why are you so quiet?” - Leeteuk grew suspicious- “Are you tired? Do you want me to hold you?”


Ryeowook was just walking slowly with his head down. He kept sighing. 


“Are you feeling ill?” - Leeteuk placed one hand on the boy’s belly - “Does your tummy hurts?”


“Nuh” - Ryeowook shook his head 


“Are you thirsty?” - Leeteuk offered water to the boy and got a strange reaction - “Oh. You have to pee, don’t you?”


Ryeowook seemed anxious. He kept staring at the ground with his legs crossed. Leeteuk took a deep breath. 


“I will hold you and ran to the house” - Leeteuk Carried the boy - “You won’t make it on time unless we go faster”


Ryeowook was too scared to speak. He knew it had been his fault since Leeteuk warned him about it. The boy cried silently when he realized it was already too late and leaked a bit. 


“Uh oh” - Leeteuk was actually taking it well - “You leaked a bit~ It’s alright~ I guess you can’t hold it, do you?”


Ryeowook cried scared when Leeteuk placed him down. He was about to lose control in the middle of nowhere. There was no biggest humiliation for the toddler that wetting himself uncontrollably while Leeteuk just stared at him with a silly smile. 


“Are you feeling better?” - Leeteuk ruffled the boy’s hair - “Next time, you should go potty before leaving right? It’s ok. Accidents happen”


Ryeowook couldn’t help it but felt better since his bladder wasn’t killing him. He was embarrassed for what happened and feared Leeteuk could be mad at him. 


“When I was a little older than you, I also wet my pants a couple of times because I refused to listen” - Leeteuk smiled - “Your brothers also do it all time and I’m pretty much sure Dada was the same as well”


“Wookie pwomize goo’ nexd ‘Ime ” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks - “Sowy. No miswehave”


“Misbehave” - Leeteuk corrected - “Don’t worry, I know that’s impossible. You can be all smart you want but you are still a toddler” 


“Baby...” - Ryeowook seemed frustrated - “Wookie iz a baby. No pway goo, no twicykwe, no potty... zmall...”


“Yeah” - Leeteuk giggled - “But I love Ryeowook the way he is”


“Uh?” - Ryeowook looked at Leeteuk with big eyes 


“You are stubborn, cheeky, clumsy and sometimes a little rude” - Leeteuk clenched - “But you are also cute and well behaved most of the time. You are pretty, smart and funny. You are also a nice brother and good son. It doesn’t matter if you are not perfect, Wookie~ We love you the way you are~” 


“Ukwee lwyin’ ?” - Ryeowook asked with teary eyes 


“No” - Leeteuk shook his head - “That’s the truth. We all love you” 


“Ukwee... too?” - Ryeowook Hoped for the best. He was holding his chest unable to content his emotions. 


“Yeah, of course” - Leeteuk spread his arms - “Give me a hug”


“Nuh” - Ryeowook giggled - “Wookie no liwes Ukwee” 


“What?” - Leeteuk worried - “Why?”


Ryeowook laughed and kissed Leeteuk’s cheek softly. 


“Wookie lovez Dada” - Ryeowook teased - “Dada lovez Wookie” 


“But I love you too” - Leeteuk realized Ryeowook was just teasing him - “It’s not fair you only love him”


“Wookie likez Gamma n’ Gappa” - Ryeowook kept teasing the adult - “N Wobin”


“Wow” - Leeteuk pretended getting hurt - “I lost to a bird”


“Zilly” - Ryeowook shook his head as he laughed - “Wookie lovez Ukwee Too”


“Really? Wow! I didn’t know!” - Leeteuk followed the game - “Ryeowook you are getting so good at speaking that I’m starting to get scared”


“Uh?” - Ryeowook tilted his head cutely- “Wookie No Scawy” 


“Only when you get mad” - Leeteuk widened his eyes - “Your tantrums are definitely a thing” 


Ryeowook thought for a moment and left out a big sigh. Leeteuk wasn’t sure of what it meant until the boy spoke again. 


“Wookie pwomize no zuck thump ‘gain” - Ryeowook showed Leeteuk his thump - “Wookie pwomize go potty no wet pantz” 


“Alright” - Leeteuk felt Ryeowook wasn’t done yet 


“Bu’ Ukwee hewpz Wookie pwactize” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks - “Kay?”


“Deal” - Leeteuk gave the boy his pinky - “Lets make a pinky promise”


“Pinwy pwomize” - Ryeowook repeated 


“Ryeowook will behave and Uncle will help him practice ” - Leeteuk smiled 


“Kay” - Ryeowook smiled widely 


“Are you ready? We are almost there” - Leeteuk winked to the boy - “Lets pretend nothing happened. I will help you change and no one will notice you had an accident”


“Uh hum” - Ryeowook shook his head - “Iz ‘kay”


“It’s ok?” - Leeteuk tried to translate 


“Wookie no zhy ” - Ryeowook smiled sweetly


“You mean ‘embarrassed’ “ - Leeteuk scratched his head - “Being shy is different but I get what you mean”


Leeteuk opened the door hoping Ryeowook wouldn’t cry if he got teased or Heechul did a silly comment about his wet pants. However, what the babysitter found inside the mansion couldn’t be described with words.


“Oh Teuk hi” - Heechul smiled nervously as he knew he would get lectured - “I was thinking in redecorating the living room, you know? This furniture is too old fashioned and—“


“Twoubwez” - Ryeowook did a funny expression as he realized Leeteuk was getting angry 


“Uh oh! Bye bye!” - Kyuhyun decided to hide as well 




“Just wait until he sees the toilet” - Kangin whispered to Siwon - “I bet Dad is a dead man” 


“I wonder what will grandma say about this” - Yesung looked around - “She is coming back tomorrow, right?”


“I forgot about that” - Heechul seemed about cry 


“Oh God” - Leeteuk paled - “We are so done” 


“Iz kay” - Ryeowook patted Heechul’s head after the parent laid on the floor defeated - “Gamma lovez Dada”


“I guess you are right” - Heechul sighed as he sat - “Lets believe she won’t kill her son because of this”


“If she tries to kill you tell her to get in line” - Leeteuk seemed to have found out about the restroom’s redecoration - “I don’t even want to know what happened in there but you are cleaning that NOW”


Even at dinner, Leeteuk remained angry at the parent. He couldn’t blame the kids for it as they were just kids so all his bad mood was directed towards Heechul. 


“I always thought Dad was the scariest one” - Kangin whispered to Yesung - “I guess I was wrong” 


“Kangin stop talking and eat your soup” - Leeteuk said coldly- “Yesung sit up straight. Siwon don’t play with your food”


“Yes, uncle” - Siwon was the only one that dared to reply - “I will eat well”


“Good boy” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “At least someone listens to me” 


“Kiss ” - Kangin blurted out of nowhere 


“Kizz ?” - Ryeowook and Kyuhyun repeated 


Leeteuk glared at Heechul. The parent realized this time he had earned a good ear pull. 


“Tomorrow, after dropping the kids at school... you and I will have long morning” - Leeteuk warned as he left the table - “Good night”


“I’m scared” - Heechul took a big sip of water 


“Does he know we were in his room?” - Yesung asked scared 






“I guess he ‘didnt’ “ - Yesung bit his lips - “I wish you luck”


“Are you getting a time out?” - Donghae asked curiously - “How long?” 


“All eternity?” - Heechul lowered his head when Leeteuk returned and frowned to him before taking Henry 




Author notes 


Heechul & Siwon 


They started with the wrong foot. Heechul never considered Siwon as one of his elder sons but didn’t consider him a baby either. This created a gap between them but got solved little by little during the past months. Siwon started to admire Heechul and sees him as a role model. Heechul always thought Siwon didn’t take that much after him and is happy to discover they have more in common than they knew. Heechul loves teasing Siwon. 


Leeteuk & Ryeowook 


Leeteuk loves Ryeowook just how he loves all the kids. However, ever since Ryeowook started showing traits of his intelligence, the babysitter grew concerned and worried about him not being enough to handle the boy. Ryeowook loves Leeteuk but gets frustrated easily and tends to hit tantrums when the babysitter can’t understand him. Leeteuk is often sulky since Ryeowook seems to listen well to every adult but him... apparently, the toddler likes to overpower him. 


Heechul, Yesung & Kangin 


Leeteuk believe they are the evil axis of the house. When together, those three are unstoppable and often end testing Leeteuk’s patience. Maybe because they are the elder boys, Heechul considers Yesung and Kangin as his partners for pranks. Their favourite victims are Leeteuk and Siwon. 



Author comments: 


If there is some interaction you would like to read but it haven’t been portrayed, feel free to comment it below~!! 


I’m hoping for this chapter to make your week better ^^ 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it