
Junior Quest

Leeteuk was heading to bed when he decided to the check on the twins again. He found the kids sleeping together as he expected. He wondered why Heechul wasn’t in the room but he was too tired to go around chasing after the parent. He went back to his own room and drifted to dreamland. 

Next morning, Leeteuk woke up earlier than the others. It was Saturday, so it made sense Heechul wasn’t awake yet. He got the chills when he realized the parent haven’t slept in his bed. Where was he? He wondered. 


“Heechul? Heechul~ where are you?” - Leeteuk was calling in a low voice. He worried the parent could have fallen asleep in his office. He felt guilty for not checking on him earlier - “Heechul? Hee— oh, there you are” 


“Uhmm” - Heechul was cuddling between some sheets on the triplets’s room floor - “Morning” 


“Good morning” - Leeteuk was amused by the scene - “What are you doing there?” 


“They couldn’t sleep” - Heechul yawned - “I came to stay with them until they fell asleep but I ended falling asleep myself” 


“Aww” - Leeteuk disliked the idea of Heechul sleeping on the cold floor even if it was funny - “I hope your back doesn’t hurt” 


“My neck is going to kill me” - Heechul stretched a bit - “This is the last time I listen to them and their demands” 


“That’s not true” - Leeteuk giggled - “You always say that. You have a soft spot for them~ you can’t say no~” 


“I hate you” - Heechul felt playful as he threw a dinosaur plush aiming for Leeteuk’s chest - “Go away~” 


“Today is Saturday” - Leeteuk started fixing the blankets - “Are you going to waste it like that?” 


“I waste my Saturday the way I want” - Heechul was mimicking the way his sons spoke when being upset - “Hphm!” 


“Papa” - Sungmin woke up thanks to the playful adults - “Papa~ Morning~” 


“Hi sweetie” - Heechul waved to the cute boy - “Did you have a good sleep? Yes? Oh that’s nice. What about the bunny?” 


“Bunny is still sleeping” - Sungmin whispered - “He is tired” 


“Oh~ but today is Saturday” - Heechul played along - “You should tell him to wake up so you can go play lots” 


“Ung” - Sungmin nodded - “Bunny~ wake up~” 


“Is the bunny still asleep?” - Eunhyuk asked from his bed - “Donghae is asleep too” 


“Not for too long” - Heechul was now kissing the sleeping boy - “Hey~ Haehae! Let’s play!” 


“Uhuuuuuu~ Daddy~ You funny” - Donghae giggled - “Hug me please” 


“Yeahhh!” - Heechul was in a good mood. He kept playing with the cute boys while Leeteuk checked on the other kids. His playtime ended when Eunhyuk cried suddenly. 




“Uh? Oh my” - Heechul rushed to help the boy whose nose bled - “Did you get hit?” 


“Nuh Uh” - Sungmin was trying to protect his bunny from getting dirty - “Feels cold” 


“MINNIE NO DIEEEE!” - Donghae was also crying while running in circles - “UNCLEEEEEEEEEEEE” 


“Whats wrong?” - Leeteuk ended running at full speed thanks to Donghae’s scream - “Ah~” 


“Nothing we cant handle” - Heechul found funny how Eunhyuk and Donghae overreacted- “Those two are just being dramatic” 


“Minnie is my brother” - Eunhyuk kept sobbing - “I just love him so much” 


“Me Too” - Donghae was a sea of tears - “Hae doesn’t want Minnie to be sick” 


“He is fine” - Heechul was inspecting Sungmin’s nose - “My nose used to bleed when I was young and nothing bad happened to me” 


“Uh ok” - Donghae’s sudden change of mood made Leeteuk laugh - “He is laughing~” 


“Yeah, because you guys are too noisy” - Heechul Carried Sungmin - “Sungminnie is the quietest out of you and he was the one bleeding” 


“It hurts Hyuk too” - Eunhyuk leaned on Heechul’s leg - “Hyukkie gets hurt when Minnie and Hae are hurt” 


“I wonder how does it feel” - Leeteuk rubbed Eunhyuk’s nose - “I mean, I have read that twins can feel the pain of their siblings thanks to that weird connection they have” 


“Yeah” - Heechul seemed to be daydreaming as he held the cute three year old that caused the fuss. 




“Isn’t it amazing? I heard you can share your liver with someone who needs it” - A young Gunhee was reading to a chubby toddler - “Science it’s amazing” 


“Ewwww” - The chubby toddler pointed at the pictures in the book Gunhee held - “No tasty” 


“Yeah, it doesn’t look tasty right?” - Gunhee was pleased as he was old enough to carry his little brother - “You have nothing to worry about, Donghee. I will lend you my liver if needed~ not only a piece of it~ if you ever need it I will give you all of it” 


“That’s stupid” - A young boy rolled his eyes - “You would die” 


“I would die for you as well, Heechul~” 


Heechul just stood and walked away. He was about slam his room’s door when he decided he would shout at his brother just once.




And then he slammed the door. He could hear his siblings having fun together. He wanted to join but his pride wouldn’t let him. 




“Heechul?” - Leeteuk was trying to get his attention 


“Ah~ you are right” - Heechul smiled- “Lets have breakfast” 


“And and and” - Kyuhyun kept talking non stop - “and Kyunnie and Wookie pwayed with Pway doh” 


“Really? Wow~ sounds really good” - Leeteuk found hilarious how Kyuhyun loved daycare after being the one who didn’t want to go there - “I heard you guys learned a new song” 


“Yay!” - Ryeowook bounced - “Kyu ‘n Wookie gonna Zing togwetwew” 


“Together” - Heechul tried - “Now repeat after me: together” 


“Twowether” - Ryeowook did his best 


“Together” - Kyuhyun was obviously better than his twin when it came to pronouncing words. 


“Uhmm” - Leeteuk was giving Heechul that look 


“What did I do now? I haven’t said anything” - Heechul worried


“I was thinking that those three are going to become ‘daughters’ if you don’t do something” - Leeteuk swayed his head - “I thought I was the hippie one” 


“NO HAIR CUT” - Donghae got the indirect - “NO NO NO NO NO” 


“AH” - Sungmin gasped when Heechul nodded - “NUHHHH” 


“My little Beatles” - Heechul sighed- “Teuk is Right. It’s time” 


Everyone in the neighbourhood knew where was Heechul taking the triplets to, since the boys were famous for the fuss they always did when going to get haircuts. 


Heechul was basically dragging three boys. He was doing his best to not lost the battle before time. 


“Alright! Here we are!” 


“NOOOOOOO!” - the triplets split in three different directions


“You are not going to make it easy, uhm?” - Heechul prepared - “I’m going to cat—“ 


“Uncle!” - Kibum was hugging his uncle - “Why are you Here?”


“Ehm” - Heechul didn’t expect to run into his family at the salon. Actually, he often forgot his nephews didn’t live that far away - “Hi?” 


“COUSINS” - Sungmin pointed at Hangeng - “OUR COUSINS!” 


“Hi cutie!” - Mina was already holding Donghae - “You are so handsome!” 


Heechul froze. Out of people... he didn’t want to meet Mina right now. Nor in a few days. Maybe not in weeks. He got so nervous all he could think of was faking he had committed a mistake and took his kids with him to another place as fast as he could.


Leeteuk wasn’t pleased to find out Heechul had decided to get away from his sister in law with silly excuses that were obviously fake. 


“What’s wrong with you?” - Leeteuk often found himself getting embarrassed for Heechul’s lack of social skills - “You like Mina! Why would you run away from her?” 


“I have my own reasons” - Heechul’s heart was still beating fast - “I cant face it right now” 


“Face What?” - Leeteuk turned to check on Henry - “HEY! DONT DARE TO RUN AWAY!” 


“Too bad” - Kangin commented as he ate Cheerios in a messy way - “He is gone” 


“Where are the triplets?” - Leeteuk looked around 



“How could you follow me?” - Heechul sighed - “I need time for me. I want to be alone” 


“What’s that?” - Donghae tilted his head - “alone” 


“Being alone means no one around” - Heechul explained - “Just yourself” 


“Boring” - Eunhyuk pouted 


“Sounds sad” - Donghae held his chest dramatically - “Hae doesn’t want to be alone” 


“Minnie is not alone” - Sungmin giggled - “Minnie has twins~” 


“Yeah” - Heechul agreed - “That’s right. Having twins is sure fun” 




“I guess you never feel lonely” - Heechul smiled a bit - “You guys are lucky” 


“Daddy~ do you have twins?” - Donghae’s random question made Heechul giggle 


“No, I don’t” - Heechul pouted - “I have brothers but not twins” 


“How?” - Eunhyuk didn’t understand at all 


“We weren’t born the same day. Not even the same year” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “Gunhee was older than me and Donghee is younger” 


“Gunhee~” - Donghae repeated - “Gunhee uncle is in heaven with mommy” 


“Yeah That’s right” - Heechul nodded 


“He was also our dad” - Eunhyuk added. Heechul had been trying to teach the boys about their family tree - “He was mawied to mommy” 


“Married” - Heechul found the kids cute - “They were happily married” 


“Papa~ are you going to marry too?” - Sungmin asked sweetly


“I don’t think so” - Heechul shook his head - “I think I have a lot to think of” 


“Cuz you wanna be alone” - Donghae tried - “Right?” 


“Maybe? I’m not sure if I really want that” - Heechul sat on a bench 


“Papa miss Gunhee uncle?” - Sungmin leaned on his dad 


“A lot” - Heechul kissed the boy - “I miss him a lot. You can’t imagine how painful it is for me. It’s like... like if one your twins disappeared”


“Uwaaaa” - Eunhyuk started crying - “Nuhhh... that’s too bad!” 


“Hae no Wanna live without twins” - Donghae folded his arms - “Hae is going to mawy them” 


“You can’t marry— Nevermind” - Heechul just laughed a bit - “Invite me to your wedding, ok?” 




“And get a haircut before” 


“Nuh Uh” 



Despite looking cute, Henry behaved similar to the kid raised with the wolves. Leeteuk’s fear was that the boy was too wild to be considered a baby. Or a human. He sometimes wondered when or how, one of Heechul’s son became so wild. It’s not like Henry was violent, it was just that the baby behaved oddly even for being Heechul’s descendant. The kid lacked all manners possible. He managed to turn the high chair into battlefield every time he ate not to mention how hard was it to bath him. For some odd reason, Henry had started hating water. And soap. And getting clean. 


“I think Batman is more civilized than him” - Yesung did a disgusted face when Henry ate half of his homework - “Teachers are not going to believe this” 


“I always wanted a dog” - Kangin was pleased with Henry’s weird behaviour- “Can I put him a collar?” 


“That’s quite rude, Kangin” - Leeteuk scolded - “Your Baby brother is just... different” 


“If by different you mean he is a savage” - Yesung had obviously spent too much time with Heechul - “The others never behaved like that” 


Leeteuk gulped down. He had met the family when Ryeowook and Kyuhyun were still babies and they did behaved like most babies did. Henry was an exemption. Heechul often teased that Henry’s quirkinesses were thanks to the fact he spent a lot of time in the incubator. 


“RATATARARAFAGSSH!” - Henry was shouting once again his random blabbering- “SAXAZA”


“YAYYAYAYAYA!” - Ryeowook tried imitating his baby brother - “TATTAATAT!” 


Suddenly, Leeteuk found himself in the middle of what it sounded like a rap battle of just toddlers. It was unbearable. The babysitter did his best enduring it until it was already too loud to ignore. 


“Kids please be quiet” - Leeteuk was having a headache thanks to the younger boys - “KIDS” 


“RYAWGAHWHEHWB!” - Henry was screaming 


“YUYUYU!” - Ryeowook found it funny. Kyuhyun was starting to realize the babysitter’s mood. 


“Wookie... stop~ shhhh” - Kyuhyun worried they would get scolded - “No scweamin’ “


Since Kyuhyun started daycare way after than Ryeowook, the youngest twin had spent a lot of time with the babysitter and learned how to read him. In Kyuhyun’s mind there was no doubt Leeteuk was already in a bad mood despite his little smiles. 


“Wookie” - Kyuhyun insisted 


“YAYAYAYAA!” - Ryeowook’s shouting only got louder - “YAYA—-“ 


Ryeowook got scared the very moment Leeteuk covered his mouth. 


“Please” - Leeteuk’s head was about to explode - “Stop” 


“Uhuhuhuhu” - Ryeowook started crying as he got hurt by the way Leeteuk held him 


“Sorry, I didn’t want to be violent” - Leeteuk was deeply sorry - “You weren’t listening to me and gosh, my head is killing me” 


“Uh? Ouchie ouchie?” - Ryeowook was still tearing but he felt bad for the nanny - “Whewe?” 


“Here?” - Leeteuk tried 


Ryeowook started blowing Leeteuk’s head. The nanny just laughed. 


“I didn’t hit my head, baby” - Leeteuk found the toddler extremely cute - “Sometimes your head hurts when you are sick or tired” 


Ryeowook and Kyuhyun exchanged looks. They ran to the nursery room and returned holding a pillow and a blanket. 


“For me to sleep?” - Leeteuk smiled - “Thanks but I cant sleep”


“We wead fow you” - Kyuhyun looked for an storybook - “Ukwee sits hewe and sleeps” 


“Are you really going to read for me?” - Leeteuk was amused by the idea - “I guess I have no choice, then” 


Heechul returned home dragging three tired boys after playing a lot. The parent would have stayed outside longer if it wasn’t because the kids were exhausted and couldn’t walk anymore. The silly trio fell asleep as soon as their heads touched the bed. Heechul found the mansion strangely quiet. Usually, the younger three would be noisy enough to be heard from outside. 


“Oh” - Heechul’s questions were all solved once he spotted Henry sleeping in his crib and the twins cuddling with the babysitter 


“I’m not asleep” - Leeteuk whispered - “but they fell asleep and I am afraid of waking them up” 


“They look like angels when sleeping” - Heechul was touched by the scene - “Sometimes they even smile while sleeping” 


“How was it? Did the triplets give you troubles?” - Leeteuk did a discomfort expression 


“Uh hum” - Heechul shook his head - “You are hot” 


“Are you still hitting on me?” - Leeteuk got a shock when Heechul slid his hand into his shirt - “H-Heechul?” 


“Sorry” - Heechul apologized after his automatic action - “Its just than I am used to do so when I feel the kids have a fever”


“Ah~ Now that you mention it, I do feel a little hot but I thought it was because those two are lying on me” 


“I think you have a fever” - Heechul pouted - “Have you eaten something after breakfast?” 


“Not really” - Leeteuk sighed - “I skipped snack time. I was too busy with the kids” 


“I will make you a tea” - Heechul bit his lips - “Ehm... would you like camomile? Or maybe mint? I don’t know which one you like better” 


“I will let you choose” - Leeteuk smiled - “I want to test my future husband” 


“Silly” - Heechul grinned - “I will try my best” 


“Thank you” - Leeteuk felt better just knowing Heechul liked him enough to go inside the kitchen 


A few minutes later, Heechul returned holding a tray with a cup of tea and a few cookies. 


“I brought biscuits as well” - Heechul set the tray on the bed - “You need to eat something so you can take something for that fever” 


“Thanks” - Leeteuk felt sorry for troubling Heechul - “You don’t need to worry about me. I’m old enough to take care of myself. I don’t want to give you—” 


“It’s ok, you are my friend” - Heechul interrupted- “I’m not doing this because I feel obligated but because I want” 


Leeteuk was about to say something when he took the cup and realized the colour of the beverage. 


“It’s red” - Leeteuk did a funny expression - “Dont tell me it’s Hibiscus tea” 


“It is” - Heechul paled - “What happen? Don’t you like it?” 


“No... actually, this is my favourite” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “How did you know?” 


“I just thought of the most hippie tea I knew” - Heechul teased 




“Why is this tea so red?” - A young Heechul asked disgusted- “It smells weird” 


“That’s hibiscus tea” - Gunhee was fixing the boy’s blanket - “You should try it. It’s my favourite” 


“It’s too sweet” - Heechul placed the cup aside - “It’s alright, Gunhee. You don’t need to stay home taking care of me. It’s just a cold” 


“Next time, you should think twice before playing outside when raining” - Gunhee kissed the twelve years old - “You are my cute brother~ I just can’t go out knowing you will stay here suffering” 


“You promised Donghee you would go to his play” - Heechul was having a hard time thanks to the fever - “He was going to dance or something” 


“Like I said, I can’t go out if you are sick” - Gunhee Heechul’s hair - “Don’t worry, he is going to be fine” 





Heechul woke up thanks to the fuss. He was covered in cold sweat thanks to the fever. He sat quietly in his bed while listening to the discussion that was taking place outside his room. 


“Keep it low! You are going to wake him up!” - Gunhee scolded 


“I don’t care if I wake him up! You promised me you would come!” - Donghee was clearly upset - “It’s not fault he was stupid and got sick!” 


“How can you be so selfish?” - Gunhee lectured - “Heechul is also your brother!” 


“Sometimes I wish we weren’t!” 


Heechul didn’t have time to react before the sound of the slap. Then, there was silence. The twelve years old just stayed in his bed. He glanced at the cold cup of red tea next to him. 





Sunday was horrible for the babysitter. Not because of the kids but thanks to the virus that took advantage of him. Leeteuk barely got sick, but when he did, he always felt useless. It was the first time in a while. It was actually the first time he got sick after moving to Heechul’s home and he felt like a burden for the family. 

Unlike him, Heechul seemed to not think he was a burden and liked taking care of his friend. In just a day, the man that often seemed clueless about social skills, earned Leeteuk’s respect. 


“You are too nice” - Leeteuk’s voice was odd thanks to his stuffed nose - “I feel terrible for taking away your Sunday” 


“Who said so?” - Heechul smiled as he massaged Leeteuk’s feet - “I’m having a blast” 


“Is this your kink or something?” - Leeteuk felt his head so hot he was sure someone could fry an egg with it - “If the answer is yes, I won’t marry you” 


“I would like to stay here chatting” - Heechul shuddered- “But Minnie is also feeling sick and I haven’t checked on him in a while”


“Oh? Is he sick?” - Leeteuk worried - “Maybe I should—“ 


“STAY IN BED” - Heechul warned - “Don’t dare to move~ I will be right back~” 


Somehow, Leeteuk didn’t feel strong enough to go against Heechul. He went back to bed and hoped for the best. 



“We taking care of Minnie!” - Donghae explained the reason why his poor twin was covered in band aids - “Hae is working hard!” 


“Sure you are” - Heechul feared that all those band aids would hurt when taking them out- “Ehm, but you know? Band aids aren’t used for fever” 


“Uh?” - Donghae was already putting another one - “Why?” 


“Those are for scratches and things like that” - Heechul tried - “Right now, all Minnie needs its love and to rest” 


“No sleepy~” - Sungmin folded his arms - “No going to bed!” 


“Sure” - Heechul thought for a moment - “Uhm, What about drinking juice? You love juice” 


“JUICE” - Sungmin’s eyes sparkled 


“I’m going to make one” - Heechul walked to the kitchen - “Just wait for a moment”


The busy parent started cutting some strawberries. Heechul often disliked cooking and anything related to it (except eating) but he liked taking care of the people he loved. Maybe because he hurried too much, he ended injured himself.


“” - Heechul was his finger 


“Daddy?” - Eunhyuk was in the kitchen trying to steal some strawberries- “You ok?” 


“It’s nothing” - Heechul was now washing the cut - “I just cut myself a little” 


Eunhyuk ran away. Heechul was sure the boy got scared. He disliked blood as much as the parent did. 


“Use this” - Eunhyuk showed Heechul a band aid 


“Thanks” - Heechul smiled - “That’s actually a good idea” 


The boy got sad when Heechul took the band aid. 


“Something wrong?” 


“Hyukkie wants to do it for you” - Eunhyuk pouted - “Hyukkie wants to help you” 


“Fine” - Heechul knew it would hurt him - “Alright, be careful” 


Eunhyuk did his best. Heechul was actually pleased since the boy was careful to not cause him pain. 


“Thanks a lot” - Heechul found cute how happy Eunhyuk was just for helping


“Does it hurt?” - Donghae asked him - “Daddy’s finger” 


“A little” - Heechul was making sure Sungmin drank all the juice - “But Nothing I cant handle. Oh? Don’t you want more?”


Sungmin placed the juice aside and kissed Heechul’s finger for a long time. 


“Now?” - The boy asked before returning to his duty of finishing the juice 


Heechul smiled widely. 


“It doesn’t hurt anymore” 




“You don’t need to do this” - An eight years old chubby boy sighed - “I know you hate blood. You are paler than me” 


“You are such a brave boy” - Heechul was indeed dizzy thanks to the blood in Donghee’s knee - “I would have fainted” 


“Why are you helping me?” - Donghee asked as Heechul cleaned his knee - “I fell from my bike. I’m not going to die” 


“Mom and Dad aren’t home. Gunhee isn’t home either” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “Its been a few days since Gunhee started university. From now on, it’s going to be just us” 


“Pffft” - Donghee scoffed - “Quit playing. We both know you don’t know how be a good brother” 


“That hurts” - Heechul sulked - “I actually try hard, you know” 


“Not hard enou— OUCH! YOU BASTARD!” 


“Sorry! Sorry!” - Heechul apologized after just worsening the bruise - “It wasn’t my intention!” 






Leeteuk overslept. He woke up when the kids were already at school. He cursed himself for not being helpful that morning. He was still sulking about it when he realized Henry wasn’t the only kid in the house. 


“What are you doing here?” - Leeteuk found the sobbing boy hiding behind a curtain - “Why are you crying? Oh sweetie” 


Sungmin was in sorrow. He kept crying non stop in a way Leeteuk haven’t seen before. 


“What happened are you hurt?” - Leeteuk was starting to worry a lot when Mrs Jung showed up - “He is so sad!” 


“Oh there you are” - Mrs Jung approached the young child - “Your father told you to rest~ You know daddy loves you a lot and—“ 


“Minnie doesn’t want to be here” - Sungmin cried 


“But this is your home...” - Leeteuk hugged the boy


“No” - Sungmin sobbed - “Minnie wants twins. My twins” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk then realized it - “You are upset because Eunhyuk and Donghae went to daycare” 


“I’m alone” - Sungmin was in despair - “Minnie is alone” 


“Well, we have each other” - Leeteuk rocked the boy a little - “And there is also Henry and Mrs Jung ~” 


“Is he still crying?” - Heechul asked as soon as he crossed the door - “Gosh, I swear those two sure have good lungs. Donghae was crying his eyeballs out and Eunhyuk’s screams will forever be in my head” 


“Sungmin just fell asleep” - Leeteuk told the tired parent - “He slept himself crying” 


“Good lord” - Heechul took a deep sigh - “I don’t like watch them suffer like this. It’s just that I can’t send him to daycare knowing he isn’t healthy at all. I worry the fever could get worse there” 


“I know” - Leeteuk pouted - “But the triplets aren’t used to be away from each other” 


“I realized it” - Heechul swayed his head - “Uhm... by the way~ how are you feeling today? You look slightly better” 


“I’m a lot better” - Leeteuk made sure of making emphasis on it - “Thanks to you, of course” 


“I’m glad to know that” - Heechul smiled 


“What about you?” - Leeteuk asked back - “are you feeling sick?” 


“What? No! Why would you think that?” 


Leeteuk raised an eyebrow and pointed to Heechul’s arm where a little band aid was placed. 


“That would be the third one in less than two weeks” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “I also can tell you have been acting weird. I know your personal life shouldn’t be my concern but I cant stop wondering what are you hiding from us this time” 


“Nothing you should know” - Heechul hissed as he covered the band aid - “I just bruised myself by accident and—“ 


“Stop lying, it’s obvious you got your blood drained” - Leeteuk sighed - “Even Kangin told me you were acting weird. Kids aren’t stupid, Heechul” 


“Alright I did get my blood drained” - Heechul looked down unable to face Leeteuk - “But that doesn’t mean anything” 


“Unless you are dating a vampire, You will need proofs to convince me” 


“Right” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “Wait here” 


The man returned holding a lot of files with lab results. Leeteuk read them all but didn’t find anything out of place. 


“These are actually good” - Leeteuk was now confused - “You are better than ever! These are better than the ones from last year!” 


“See? Nothing you need to worry about” 


“Still” - Leeteuk glared at his friend - “That doesn’t explain why are you getting so many blood tests done in a short period of time. Specially, since you hate needles” 


“You got me” - Heechul started walking away slowly - “I’m dating a vampire!” 


“COME BACK HERE!” - Leeteuk was already feeling well enough to chase after the crazy parent - “You won’t get away with it this time!” 


“STOP NAGGING ME!” - Heechul covered his ears and shut his eyes the very moment Leeteuk caught him - “IM OLD ENOUGH TO MIND MY OWN BUSINESS!” 


“And I’m old enough to survive a virus without your help” - Leeteuk had teary eyes - “And still... you cared for me. You took care of me the whole weekend... Last night you even fell asleep in my room” 


“You make it sound like if it was a big deal” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “You are always taking care of me and the kids. We are family. Caring for each other is what families do” 


“I never had one before” - Leeteuk’s tears were falling on Heechul’s face - “All I had was grandpa and he died. I don’t want to lose my family again... I don’t want to lose you... I— I wanna know what is wrong with you” 


Heechul felt guilty. Leeteuk was crying and he didn’t know what to do. 


“Teuk” - Heechul tried wiping away some of the nanny’s tears - “I’m not dying” 


“Uh? You are not?” - Leeteuk had been holding his fears for a long time - “I thought something must have gone wrong with your blood tests and... You know” 


“There is no need of shedding tears for me” - Heechul’s voice cracked - “Its not about me” 




“Why?” - Heechul slammed the door of his brother’s room - “Why would you do that? Mom went nuts you know! She is even telling dad I would do better in a private institution away from home!” 


“You once told me siblings would do anything for each other” - Young Donghee stared at this teenage brother - “I’m doing what I consider the best for you. You have a problem. I just want you to overcome it” 


“What?” - Heechul felt his blood boiling - “You don’t understand the consequences of your actions! Mom is really pissed! This time she will send me away for sure!” 


“I do understand my actions” - Donghee was serious - “I’m saving your life” 


“Maybe you are Right” - Heechul was deeply hurt - “Maybe I will never be a stupid good brother to you. Maybe you will never love me... but guess what: like it or not, we are linked forever! You and I share the same blood!” 


“I promise I will call you and write letters” - Donghee only focused on his game - “I guess I could even miss you” 




“Heechul?” - Leeteuk was still trying to figure out Heechul’s last words before breaking down - “What’s going on?” 


“I did get bad news that day” - Big fat tears rolled down Heechul’s cheeks - “I was truly scared because I thought I was going to die. So I went to get another opinion and turned out everything was just a stupid mistake... those results weren’t mine. They had confused it with someone’s else”


Leeteuk got the feeling that there was more than just that. 


“You know the other one” - Leeteuk was sure of it 


“I was so happy celebrating my own victory that I didn’t think about it earlier” - Heechul sobbed - “I called the lab to complain about it and... I got the name of the other person by accident. They had switched our information and that’s why those results were sent to me” 




“I can’t do this” - Heechul hugged Leeteuk tightly- “Not again... I can’t endure it again” 




“When I grow up I wanna be like Gunhee” - Heechul was teasing as he mimicked Donghee’s voice - “I don’t wanna be like my stupid older brother Heechul” 


“Stop doing so” - Gunhee laughed - “We agreed to come in peace. Donghee wanted his family to attend and we will not ruin this important day” 


“What important day?” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “The kid just graduated from elementary school. No big deal” 


“You are still salty for the thing” - Gunhee pinched Heechul’s cheeks - “But you know? I’m grateful Donghee told mom about it. I would have done the same” 


“Well, you werent home” - Heechul tried - “So you couldn’t have known” 


“And you are still sulky because I left for university. After all this time...” 


“Oh! What a pair of cuties!” - An old lady greeted the boys - “You must be Donghee’s siblings!” You three look alike!” 


“I don’t look like a pi—“ - Heechul received a good pinch from his older brother 


“We are both really glad to be here” - Gunhee smiled - “We are so proud of him. Right Heechul?” 


“S-sure” - Heechul feared for another pinch 


“Heechul? You are Heechul?” - The old lady smiled sweetly- “Oh my! You are Heechul!” 


“So?” - Heechul wasn’t sure of what was going on - “Wait. That brat talked about me isn’t it? He probably went around saying about how much...” 


“He truly admires you!” - The teacher held Heechul’s hands- “Every single time we has a special class he would talk about you and how cool you are. He even chose you as his role model” 


“This is just a misunderstanding” - Heechul shook his head - “He likes Gunhee, not me. Trust me, no one would ever choose me as a role model” 


“Maybe you can ask himself for answers” - Gunhee patted Heechul’s back as he pointed to the happy young boy 


“You have to be kidding me” - Heechul felt overwhelmed- “Absolutely no! I don’t want to know!” 




Sungmin woke up and found himself in a room filled by sad aura. The three years old could smell sorrow. Everything was so quiet that it was scary. He got goosebumps when he heard footsteps. 


“Hyuk? Hae?” - Sungmin rushed to the door 


“Oh no... it’s just me” - Leeteuk tried to fake a smile - “How are you feeling? Do you have fever?” 


Sungmin was young but not stupid. He could tell his babysitter had been crying. 


“Why you cried?” - Sungmin couldn’t stop himself from asking 


“I’m just feeling a bit sick” - Leeteuk lied - “Maybe we can watch tv together. I’m pretty much sure there was another episode of that cartoon you like” 



Heechul was standing next to the grave of his brother. He was playing with the petals of the bunch of flowers he had got for him.


“Hi” - Heechul’s eyes were still puffy from the crying - “I know I come here often, but I can’t help it. I brought you flowers... for you and Hani. I bought those tulips she liked and... sorry, I forgot the name again. These are the ones you liked ” 


“Geraniums” - A familiar voice replied 


“I didn’t expect to meet you here” - Heechul sulked as he placed the flowers- “I came to find peace” 


“You are not the only one that comes here for talking” - Donghee sat next to Heechul - “It’s funny how sometimes we tell everything to those who aren’t here anymore” 


“I’m so sorry” - Heechul shivered - “Donghee, I—“ 


“It’s not your fault” - Donghee sighed - “There is no one to blame for this. It’s just... a little bad luck, I guess” 


“I think I’m cursed” - Heechul felt cold - “I keep losing the people I love” 


“Do you love me?” - Donghee teased


“For God’s sake, Donghee! Not now!” - Heechul hugged himself - “I just can’t!” 


“I’m not dying” - Donghee shuddered - “I won’t give up that easily. I have several reasons to live” 


“Please don’t leave me” - Heechul shook his head - “Little brothers are supposed to die after their big bros...” 


“I’m so sorry you learned about it by... mistake” - Donghee worried as Heechul started crying - “I was thinking in a way of telling you about it. I guess no option seemed good enough—“ 


“How do you tell someone his little brother is really sick and could die any moment?” - Heechul sobbed - “There is no way... When I learned those results were yours... I just... I just wished they would have rather be mine” 


“There are options” - Donghee started - “Treatments and so. Like I said, I will fight. Hopefully, I will win this battle and live a long life. Maybe long enough to choose the flowers at your funeral” 


“Creepy bastard” - Heechul smiled a bit and then went sad again - “I don’t even know which flowers you like...” 


“Daisies” - Donghee smiled - “make sure of choosing pretty ones if you ever need to do so” 


“I hope I don’t” - Heechul wiped his tears - “You better fight for your life. I won’t ever forgive you if you leave this world before me” 


“In That case, I will make sure of remembering you like sunflowers” 


“How did you...?” - Heechul was shocked- “I never thought you would know that” 


“When Gunhee died mom and I chose white roses but you showed up holding geraniums. You were the only one that remembered it...” - Donghee looked at his brother with teary eyes - “I couldn’t remember which flowers he liked. I never payed attention to it. I loved Gunhee but... I didn’t know him at all. You did” 


“I spent a lot of time chasing after him when we were kids” - Heechul giggled - “I just... Gunhee was my hero” 


“I love you, brother” - Donghee hugged Heechul - “I will always love you” 


“Me Too” - Heechul hugged him back - “That’s why there is favor I need to ask you” 


“Which one?” 


“I want to be your donor” - Heechul wiped his tears using his sleeve - “I’m compatible. I already checked for that. Doctors said that a bone marrow transplant could cure you” 


“I appreciate your concern but—“


“No buts” - Heechul shook his head - “I will endure it all times you need. I have plenty bone marrow for both of us. Also, it’s not dangerous. Only painful” 


“Then for our sake, please stop crying” - Donghee teased - “Your bone marrow needs to be in a perfect shape” 


“I was the one that abused from all kinds of substances and my bone marrow it’s better than yours” - Heechul smiled - “I told you was good” 


“I should have listened” 



“Uncle dont unwerstand me cuz uncle has no twins” - Sungmin folded his arms - “Minnie sad cuz Minnie alone” 


“I give up” - Leeteuk was so flustered by the whole situation - “You are right. I don’t even have siblings. I can’t understand how it feels” 


“What are you saying to Teuk, brat?” - Heechul returned just in time to flick Sungmin’s forehead - “Dont be mean” 


“Sorry” - Sungmin pouted annoyed 


“He is starting to look like you” - Donghee was also there - “Come with uncle!” 


“Minnie doesn’t wanna hug” - Sungmin refused - “Minnie sad cuz triplets aren’t together” 


“He is so funny” - Donghee laughed 


“Cmon, your uncle just came to pay you a visit” - Heechul sighed - “He only agreed when I told him you were home” 


“Ung...” - Sungmin was still in a bad mood - “I want my twins” 


“They will be back by lunch time” 




“If you dare to start a tantrum I will make sure you regret it” - Heechul hissed - “I’m running out of patience, boy. Today is not a good day to test it” 


Sungmin flinched. He sulked and ran to his room. 


“He is upset” - Leeteuk worried 


“Maybe I overdid it” - Heechul felt guilty - “I will talk to him and—“ 


“Nah, you will only make him cry” - Donghee patted his brother’s back - “Let me do this for you. I also have kids. I know how tiring it can be” 


As soon as Donghee was out of sight. Leeteuk looked at Heechul with worrying eyes. 


“He explained it to me” - Heechul understood Leeteuk’s look - “And we agreed I would donate bone marrow for him. We are going to try everything if needed” 


“That Sounds good actually” - Leeteuk relaxed a bit - “So, do you think he...?” 


“I won’t lose another brother” - Heechul took a deep breath- “I will fight for it... and this time, I’m not gonna lose” 


“I want to help too” - Leeteuk stood quickly - “I... If you and the kids are my family, then that means Donghee is also part of it, right?” 


“You know” - Heechul smiled - “There was something I wanted to ask you before. Right now it’s not the best moment for it so you will have to wait a little but you can expect it” 


“Uh?” - Leeteuk tilted his head 


“It was actually Dad’s idea so make sure of not getting mad at me” - Heechul giggled 


“What are you talking about?” 



“Hi there” - Donghee greeted the silent kid - “Are you having fun being a gloomy boy?” 


“No” - Sungmin puffed his cheeks annoyed. He wasn’t in the mood for teasing. 


“I heard that you are sad because you got sick and you couldn’t go to daycare” - Donghee approached carefully - “When I was your age, I loved staying home”


“Hyuk and Hae aren’t here” - Sungmin shook his head - “Minnie... I don’t wanna be here” 


“I bet that right now you aren’t the one suffering the most” - Donghee ruffled the boy’s hair - “Those two are probably having a hard time because they know you are sick” 


Sungmin got interested in Donghee’s words. He stared  at his uncle with a sad face. 


“But you already know that, isn’t it? That’s why you are worried” - Donghee continued - “You feel bad because you know you made your brothers sad” 


Sungmin nodded. 


“I will tell you something” - Donghee smiled - “If you promise me you will not cry and take your meds on time, I will talk to your dad and make him listen” 


“Papa doesn’t  listen” - Sungmin chuckled - “Not even Uncle” 


“I’m his brother” - Donghee pinched Sungmin’s cheek - “He will listen to me” 


Sungmin smiled widely and hugged his uncle. 


“Remember our deal” - Donghee kissed the boy - “No more tears” 


“Ung~!” - Sungmin agreed. 



“To daycare?” - Heechul glanced  at the clock - “But is not time yet...?”


“Cmon~ do it for me” - Donghee was trying his best. Leeteuk was giggling. He knew Heechul couldn’t refuse. 


“Would you be happy if we go?” - Heechul asked Sungmin 






Leeteuk and Donghee laughed. 


In just a few minutes later, they have arrived daycare with two boys. One was drooling all over his uncle and another one was about to break his dad’s arm by pulling it too hard. 


“How come you have so much energy now? Minutes ago you were dying” - Heechul complained as Sungmin insisted in walking faster 


“He is crazy because he wants to see them as soon as possible” - Leeteuk chuckled - “I’m so envious~ I would like having a brother like him” 


Sungmin broke free the very moment he spotted one of his twins. 


“HYUK!” - Sungmin was hugging Eunhyuk in a way that almost looked like one of those dramatic movies 


“MINNIE!” - Eunhyuk was crying from joy 


“Hey~ Where is Donghae?” - Heechul looked around the classroom until he spotted him - “What are those two doing here?” 


“Ah Mr Kim!” - A teacher greeted them - “The kids were so sad since Sungmin wasn’t here. So we thought they would be better having more of their siblings around...” 


“Ah~ I See” - Heechul found it cute - “I bet Ryeowook is having a blast since he got to play with older kids” 


“DADA! LOOOOOOOK!” - Kyuhyun was also cheerful - “WOOKIE AND KYU PWAYED WITH BWOCKS!” 


“Wow~ Kyuhyun has grown a lot” - Donghee widened his eyes - “I barely could recognize him” 


“He is even potty trained now” - Leeteuk was like a proud mother- “He started attending daycare not long ago~” 


“This fella haven’t changed that much, uhm?” - Donghee was holding Ryeowook against his will - “How come he is so small?” 


“WOOKIE NO ZMALL! WOOKIE BIG!” - Ryeowook kicked in the air while his uncle held him easily - “PUT DOWN!” 


“He really takes after Heechul” - Donghee teased - “He inherited his bad temper” 


While the adults laughed of Ryeowook’s tries to get rid of his uncle, the triplets’s so awaited reunion continued. The boys were hugging each other. Donghae was Sungmin’s hair and telling him to get better soon while the oldest triplet promised to be good and listen to their dad. 



The day ended when the kids were finally asleep. Heechul was getting ready to bed when Leeteuk knocked the door. 


“Heechul?” - Leeteuk sounded concerned - “Do you have a few minutes?” 


“Sure” - Heechul yawned - “Something wrong?” 


“N-No” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I was just... Donghee told me your birthday is in a few days” 


“Oh yeah” - Heechul rubbed his eyes - “Friday, I think” 


“Your birthday... is this Friday?” - Leeteuk repeated nervously 


“Yeah” - Heechul couldn’t understand Leeteuk’s voice change - “Whats wrong?”


“My birthday... is also this Friday” - Leeteuk smiled shyly- “So... does that mean... we are...?” 


“WE ARE TWINS” - Heechul bounced excited- “WE SHARE THE SAME BIRTHDAY!” 


“I was going to say the same age” - Leeteuk blushed - “ But yeah, I guess it could work” 


“I ALWAYS WANTED A TWIN MYSELF!” - Heechul was hugging his friend - “IM GOING TO TELL EVERYBODY!”


“Whats going on?” - Yesung yawned 


“Nothing they are just being weird again” - Kangin giggled 


“UWAAAAA!” - Ryeowook woke up in a bad mood thanks to the noise - “DADAAAAA!” 


“Dont cry my baby! We just found out something really good!”  - Heechul was too excited to care for night time 


“Zhut up” - Kyuhyun threw him a cushion from the toddler bed - “So noizy” 


“YWYAHAAHAHHAA!” - Henry was wide awake now - “YUAUWISDBDB!” 


“Oh my... I had a hard time putting him to sleep” - Leeteuk sulked - “It’s going to be a long night...” 


“Teuk! Teuk! Let’s have a great birthday party! - Heechul kept talking non stop - “Lets blow the candles together ok?” 




The triplets had woken up thanks to the noise. They were still in their beds when Donghae pointed at Sungmin. 


“Minnie sick!” - The boy squeaked 


“Oh no!” - Eunhyuk worried


Sungmin cleaned the blood using his sleeve. He couldn’t hide the fact he was scared. But not for the blood... but The fact he could get separated from his siblings again. 


“Dont tell papa” - Sungmin shook his head when Donghae asked if he should go look for help - “Please” 


Eunhyuk and Donghae exchanged looks. They didn’t want their brother to be away from them. They agreed in not telling the adults. 




Young Donghee woke up thanks to the sound of someone being in his room. At first he thought it would be one of his parents but he found strange the real culprit. 


(What is he doing here?) - the boy pretended he was still asleep 


“You are so careless” - Heechul said softly - “You are going to get cold if you sleep like that” 


Donghee found hard to not move when Heechul started to fix his blanket. He wondered why was his silly brother there considering they just had a huge fight that ended with the boy calling his brother ‘stupid’ and ‘Useless’. 


“I know you didn’t mean it” - Heechul the boy’s head- “and even if you did, I don’t care. You will always be my baby brother, Donghee. I know I’m stupid and I don’t know how to take care of you... but I swear I’m trying” 


“Heechul~ its time to go to bed” - he heard his mom calling - “It’s pretty late already” 


The boy left after kissing his brother’s forehead. 


“But moooooom! Gunhee is coming tonight! I wanted to welcome him!” 


“For God’s sake Kim Heechul, if you don’t go to bed right now...” 



Next morning Donghee found Gunhee having breakfast. 


“Oh! You are here!” - Donghee chirped - “You really came!” 


“Yeah” - Gunhee smiled - “How are you? I heard that you fell from your bike” 


“Ugh... Who told you that?” 


“Heechul, obviously” - Gunhee chuckled - “the poor boy waited for me all night. I will have that in mind next time I decide to book an airplane ticket” 


“Heechul is a nuisance” - Donghee twisted his lips - “He keeps following me everywhere... ‘trying to help’ “ 


“He is a good brother” - Gunhee giggled - “He loves you”


“I love him too” - Donghee smiled - “Just dont tell him” 




“Because it’s funny he thinks I don’t” - Donghee smirked playfully 


“You guys deserve each other” - Gunhee shook his head. 






Heechul heard one of his sons calling for him. He was too tired but still, he did his best for smiling. 


“Did you have a nightmare, Donghae?” - Heechul rubbed his eyes - “Do you want to sleep here with me?” 


“Minnie is sick” - Donghae sulked - “Minnie’s nose...” 


“It’s alright~ he is just going to be fine” - Heechul hugged the boy - “I promise I will take care of him. Now go back to sleep, we don’t want you to get sick as well” 


“It was a secret” - Donghae said sadly - “Please don’t tell Minnie”


“I get it” - Heechul found utterly funny the way Donghae sounded flustered for it - “Now go back to bed” 


“Uhum” - Donghae obeyed. He went back to his bed and did his best for falling asleep again. 


Heechul went back to sleep with a wide smile in his face. After all, being a parent made him realize some things about his past. He now understood why Donghee told his mom about the weed and how the boy must have felt. He also understood his parents feelings better. His relationship with his family had only improved since he became a parent. Heechul couldn’t be happier. 





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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it